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18 Aug 22:07

Behold The Real Photo Nick Frost Took While Shooting Shaun Of The Dead

by Meredith Woerner

Behold The Real Photo Nick Frost Took While Shooting Shaun Of The Dead

Remember the garden scene from the greatest zombie film ever made, Shaun of the Dead? The one where Shaun (Simon Pegg) and Ed (Nick Frost) discover a zombie in their backyard and mistake her for a drunk girl, and take a pic? Well, it turns out Frost really did snap a real picture, and this is it.


18 Aug 21:11

This girl is on fire.

18 Aug 21:03

"3 second shutter exposure at night shows how crazy our atmosphere really is" - Reid Wiseman

18 Aug 18:42

Ohio Morgue Attendant Admits to Fucking 100 Corpses

by Aleksander Chan

"Douglas' wife testified in a deposition that he reeked of sex when she picked him up from work."
He must have been seriously going at those corpses for the sex smell to out-stink the corpse smell...

Ohio Morgue Attendant Admits to Fucking 100 Corpses

Kenneth Douglas admitted in court to having had sex with at least 100 corpses during his time as a night shift employee at a morgue in Hamilton County, Ohio, where he worked from 1976 to 1992. "I would just get on top of them and pull my pants down," he said.


18 Aug 18:38

"Penis Collector" Arrested for Keeping Jars Full of Dead Men's Dicks

by Jay Hathaway

I find this sentence entirely too funny: "Amass a large collection of human dicks."

"Penis Collector" Arrested for Keeping Jars Full of Dead Men's Dicks

A Croatian man known as "the Penis Collector" has been arrested for allegedly abusing his position as a hospital nurse to amass a large collection of human dicks, taken from the bodies of dead patients.


16 Aug 19:06

Woman Caught Filming Porn in Church After Viewer Recognizes Her Boobs

by Andy Cush

"I know dem titties!"

Woman Caught Filming Porn in Church After Viewer Recognizes Her Boobs

A woman who filmed at least two sexually explicit videos inside a Catholic church in Hoersching, Austria, was apprehended by police after one porn viewer recognized the church and a second recognized her breasts.


15 Aug 19:37

Chris Tucker Voices All Stormtroopers In Next Star Wars Special Edition

by Rob Bricken

No? This is actually just a mash-up of Star Wars and the cult classic 1995 stoner comedy Friday starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker? And is one of the few sources of pure joy this exceedingly shitty week has to offer? Well, I still wish it was going to be an official release, but this is okay too, I guess.


15 Aug 15:28

The part in ninja turtles where you can see the actor's mouth.

14 Aug 22:16

Farrah Abraham Now Working as a Stripper for "Research"

by Jay Hathaway

"an Austin, TX strip club..."

Farrah Abraham Now Working as a Stripper for "Research"

Backdoor Teen Mom Farrah Abraham is reportedly working as a dancer at an Austin, Tex. strip club, but she swears it's not what it looks like. She took the gig for "research" purposes, "in the same way Jennifer Aniston researched her role as a stripper."


14 Aug 18:51

Giant Chinese Bitcoin Mines Are the Foundation of the Next Economy

by Annalee Newitz

Holy shit.

Giant Chinese Bitcoin Mines Are the Foundation of the Next Economy

The digital currency Bitcoin has fluctuated in value, but it seems unlikely to go away in the immediate future. And part of its ongoing strength depends on Bitcoin farms, where virtual value is mined in enormous factories


14 Aug 18:48

This Walking Dead S4 Deleted Scene Is Both Insane And Disgusting

by Rob Bricken

Sometimes the reason deleted scenes get deleted is mysterious; sometimes it isn't. I'd say the reason this scene from The Walking Dead episode "Too Far Gone" — in which the Governor's minion Kirk Acevedo talks to the captured Herschel and Michonne — got cut is pretty obvious. It's gross.


14 Aug 18:44

Two-Headed Dolphin Washes Ashore In Turkey, Current Whereabouts Unknown

by Robbie Gonzalez

It says the thing was a year old. Amazing that it lasted so long in the wild.

Two-Headed Dolphin Washes Ashore In Turkey, Current Whereabouts Unknown

A rare, two-headed dolphin calf was discovered on a beach in Dikili, Turkey last week – now local marine biologists are trying to track it down.


14 Aug 18:30

Tiger Sniff


I don't know if I'd just wake up a sleeping tiger. Seems kinda dangerous.

13 Aug 21:48

Dave Chappelle called it back in 2003

13 Aug 21:40

Croc tail killer shot

13 Aug 20:54

Robin Williams Once Bought Conan O'Brien a Bicycle to Cheer Him Up

by Gabrielle Bluestone

Tonight Conan took a few minutes to remember Robin Williams, "the best talk show guest in the world," who once went out of his way to cheer Conan up during that whole Tonight Show debacle.


13 Aug 20:25

Trolls Drive Robin Williams' Grieving Daughter Off Twitter, Instagram

by Taylor Berman

Fucking trolls...

Trolls Drive Robin Williams' Grieving Daughter Off Twitter, Instagram

Hours after posting heartbreaking tribute to her father, Robin Williams' daughter Zelda announced that she was deleting Twitter and Instragram because of "cruel and unnecessary" comments left by internet trolls.


13 Aug 20:24

Anna Kendrick Betrays House Stark, Dates Theon Greyjoy

by Jay Hathaway

But..but..I love her...

Anna Kendrick Betrays House Stark, Dates Theon Greyjoy

Anna Kendrick, formerly the internet's girlfriend, is now reportedly dating an actual human man who plays a despised character on Game of Thrones.


13 Aug 18:38

Jimmy Fallon Tears Up During Tonight Show's Robin Williams Tribute

by Jay Hathaway

A teacher once told me that intelligence and humor go hand in hand. And it's a sad fact that some of the most brilliant people are also the most depressed..

Say what you will about Jimmy Fallon—his schticks are repetitive, he's an adult child—but there are human emotions underlying that cynical viral video factory. Fallon cries at the things that make other humans cry, including the death of Robin Williams, "the Muhammad Ali of comedy."


13 Aug 18:11

New USB Design Includes a Reversible Plug

by Rollin Bishop


USB Redesign

The USB 3.0 Promoter Group has revealed a finalized design for the USB Type-C specification. The redesigned specification will serve as the basis for next-gen USB connectors going forward. Though the specification is designed to provide for future needs, perhaps the most important change is the inclusion of a reversible plug to solve the problem of constantly having to flip it around to correctly plug it in. It will, however, be incompatible with existing USB ports — meaning that new USB Type-C ports will be required. More technical details are covered in the USB 3.0 Promoter Group’s press release.

image via CNET

via CNET

12 Aug 20:43

This Is The Last Journey For ESA's Cargo-Carrying Space Tugs

by Mika McKinnon on Space, shared by Lauren Davis to io9

Beautiful pictures.

This Is The Last Journey For ESA's Cargo-Carrying Space Tugs

The last of the Automated Transfer Vehicle missions is currently underway, bringing supplies to the International Space Station with fabulous style. Due to dock tomorrow, ATV-5 sneaking up on the station looks more like a watercolour than a photograph taken by an astronaut.


12 Aug 20:12

Dog the Bounty Hunter Hunts MMA Fighter Accused of Beating Girlfriend

by Jay Hathaway

Dog the Bounty Hunter is still a thing?

Dog the Bounty Hunter Hunts MMA Fighter Accused of Beating Girlfriend

In a gross play for publicity, Duane Chapman, better known as Dog the Bounty Hunter, announced he would hunt down a mixed martial arts fighter accused of beating his girlfriend this weekend. In other news, a Dog the Bounty Hunter show is apparently still on TV.


12 Aug 20:00

Playing with your cat: expectation vs reality

12 Aug 18:49

This is an actual thing now.

11 Aug 22:22

The only games I could never bring myself to sell. Now they have a purpose.


That's pretty cool.

11 Aug 22:20

This Secret Treasure Room May Be The Best Birthday Present Of All Time

by Sarah Goer – Things I Make

This Secret Treasure Room May Be The Best Birthday Present Of All Time

When Sarah Goer and her husband discovered a disused storage space attached to their son's room, they decided to convert it into a Secret Treasure Room. For years, they concealed the room's entrance with a dresser, waiting for the perfect moment – their son's fourth birthday – to reveal its existence. Here, Sarah describes how the Secret Treasure Room came to be.


11 Aug 20:35

Cel shaded comic jeans ~ inspired by Borderlands Telltale Games


Also, give me new Borderlands!

11 Aug 20:34

What if..


Gimme new Fallout!!!

11 Aug 20:29

Ballistic Log Technology


For Eric.
I love the crazy shit people do in BF4, but I can't stand to play it. Spawn, die, spawn, die, ad infinitum...

11 Aug 20:21

