Shared posts

11 Aug 21:01

This Year, Call of Duty Might Actually Shake Things Up

by Patricia Hernandez on Kotaku, shared by Charlie Jane Anders to io9

This Year, Call of Duty Might Actually Shake Things Up

For a few years now, new Call of Duty games have been met with cynical weariness. There's this feeling that, despite yearly iterations, the franchise hasn't actually changed much.


11 Aug 19:54

I would like to see lightsaber floating in Episode VII


So would I.

11 Aug 19:48

Was looking up LEGO sets when I saw this review of the LEGO Star Wars Death Star on Amazon.


I laughed entirely too hard at this.

11 Aug 19:47

This is pretty cool

11 Aug 19:47

Well I know where I'm getting murdered...


That is terrifying...

11 Aug 19:46

The ocean is inside of this opal.

11 Aug 19:23

Mein Canoe


lol wut?

11 Aug 18:45

Very Old Swedish Eel Dies to the Dismay of Everyone In Sweden

by Dayna Evans

Very Old Swedish Eel Dies to the Dismay of Everyone In Sweden

The world's oldest European eel died on Friday, according to the BBC, causing an uproar among Swedes who loved that old eel. The eel was born in 1859 and lived in a well.


11 Aug 18:16

Ex-Pussy Riot Members To Appear on House of Cards For Whatever Reason

by Jordan Sargent on Defamer, shared by Taylor Berman to Gawker


Ex-Pussy Riot Members To Appear on House of Cards For Whatever Reason

Hollywood eventually consumes everything important. Next up are Nadya Tolokonnikova and Masha Alyokhina–formerly of Pussy Riot but still the most visible faces of the Russian feminist punk collective—who, according to Baltimore City Paper, will appear on the third season of House of Cards.


08 Aug 22:27

When my friends want to meet up for a Star Trek Convention at 10:00 and I'm the only one there on time.


I kinda like this meme!

08 Aug 22:26

'Merica fuck yeah!


Great Doctor Who moment.

08 Aug 22:17

I think I found my favorite stock photo

08 Aug 22:15

In a video game, there would definitely be something hidden behind this wall!



08 Aug 22:14

Steve Buscemi's elementary school picture

08 Aug 22:04

Ridiculous Argument On Xbox Live Takes A Suddenly Civil Turn

by Tina Amini on Kotaku, shared by Lacey Donohue to Gawker

Ridiculous Argument On Xbox Live Takes A Suddenly Civil Turn

You often hear of people (and children) bickering on Xbox Live, especially within the communities of shooter games like Call of Duty: Ghosts in this example. But you rarely hear about them making peace just shortly after calling each other bunches of **** with **** who should go **** with **** in the ****.


07 Aug 22:49

Disney Is Really Building A Star Wars Theme Park

by Meredith Woerner

Disney Is Really Building A Star Wars Theme Park

Disney has finally woken up to the massive demand for Star Wars experiences, and is massively expanding the Star Wars presence in their theme park universe. It's going to be exponentially bigger than just one measly Star Tours ride.


07 Aug 22:39

Seems legit

07 Aug 21:56

British Man Arrested for Pretending to Be a Ghost In a Cemetery

by Allie Jones

British Man Arrested for Pretending to Be a Ghost In a Cemetery

The Daily Mail reports that a British man was arrested for pretending to be a ghost in a cemetery by making "wooooooh" noises and flapping his arms at mourners. The offender, Anthony Stallard, 24, was fined about $125 for the stunt.


07 Aug 19:50

All you need to know about Gaza in one clear animated map

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Lacey Donohue to Gawker

The more you know...

All you need to know about Gaza in one clear animated map

Everyone talks about Gaza, but few people really know what the hell is going on and how did it all get to this point. French newspaper Le Monde created this easy to follow animated map that clearly explains all you need to know. Just the pure facts laid out in a clear way. A must watch.


06 Aug 21:56

What Every Serious Mario Kart 8 Player Needs

by Yannick LeJacq

Downloading the app now.

What Every Serious Mario Kart 8 Player Needs

There are 179,712 possible vehicle combinations in Mario Kart 8. That's enough to drive even the most serious gamer insane. Thankfully, one player who's not scared of number-crunching has compiled all this raw data into a handy mobile app that's worth its weight in gold stars.


06 Aug 21:56

Look at This Bear Walking Around New Jersey Like He's a Human

by Taylor Berman

My god! It's BigFace!

In the video above, a black bear wanders a quiet suburban New Jersey neighborhood on his two hind legs, pausing only to peak into a trash can just like a New Jersey person would. "No good trash in there!" the bear probably said to himself before walking off into the woods. Great job, bear.


06 Aug 21:45

Nintendo announced some good stuff that's coming to Mario Kart 8 in a new update alongside the...con

by Yannick LeJacq

Nintendo announced some good stuff that's coming to Mario Kart 8 in a new update alongside the...controversial Mercedez Benz DLC pack . They're incremental tweaks, but they sound like welcome improvements all the same. Here are the ones I'm looking forward to:


06 Aug 21:42

Scientists Recover Speech From Silent Video Of A Vibrating Bag of Chips

by Robert T. Gonzalez


So this is incredible. Researchers led by MIT computer scientist Abe Davis have developed an algorithm that can reconstruct intelligible music and speech from video footage of things like plants and potato chip bags by analyzing the patterns of their otherwise imperceptible vibrations.


06 Aug 21:30

Study: Some Gamers Hallucinate Game Sounds After Playing

by Phil Owen


Study: Some Gamers Hallucinate Game Sounds After Playing

A new study from researchers at Nottingham Trent University says that playing games in long sessions may have some surprising side effects, like causing you to hallucinate sounds from that game you played even when you're doing other, non-gaming stuff.


06 Aug 21:14

New Shooter Wants To Be The Anti-Call of Duty

by Nathan Grayson

I'd play that!

It's strange to live in a time where people can make a feature list out of things their game doesn't have, but here we are. Exceedingly Unreal-Tournament-esque shooter Toxikk touts no leveling, no regenerating health, no perks, no cover systems, no classes, no configurable weapons, and no iron sight aiming. And yet, it actually looks quite good.


06 Aug 21:08

Potato Salad Kickstarter Finally Concludes at $55k

by Phil Owen

I hate these guys.

Potato Salad Kickstarter Finally Concludes at $55k

The infamous Kickstarter campaign to fund the creation of a bowl of potato salad wrapped up this morning with $55,492 raised from 6,911 backers for that purpose. And with that money, campaign architect Zach Danger Brown plans to hold a music festival.


06 Aug 19:16

Adolf Kitler

06 Aug 19:07

You don't want to give everything away too quickly

06 Aug 19:06

Creepy black bear walking on two legs


It's Bigfeets!

06 Aug 18:18

Wikipedia Won't Take Down Macaque Selfie Because the "Monkey Owns It"

by Andy Cush

This guy is just mad because he's not getting laid as much as he thought he would being a photographer.

Wikipedia Won't Take Down Macaque Selfie Because the "Monkey Owns It"

David Slater, the British nature photographer whose camera equipment was stolen by a selfie-mad macaque in 2011, has made repeated attempts to remove the famous photos that resulted from Wikimedia Commons, a database of royalty-free media from the organization behind Wikipedia. Wikimedia refused, claiming that the monkey—not Slater—owns the copyright.