Shared posts

19 Dec 21:17

Ellen Page Nails Han Solo's Most Important Line At Star Wars Live Read

by Lauren Davis

Damn, this sounds cool as hell. Wish the video was still up.
Just watch this instead:

19 Dec 21:14

The "Madness" Of King George III Shines Through In This Crazy Plan

by George Dvorsky

"A grand central courtyard with no obvious means of access, surrounded by no fewer than four monumental staircases. Meanwhile, some of the rooms have no doors at all, and there is no way of getting from one room to the next."

The "Madness" Of King George III Shines Through In This Crazy Plan

Researchers at the British Library have inadvertently stumbled upon what appears to be an "eccentric" architectural plan drawn by King George III. Drawn during his period of madness, it offers a bizarre glimpse into the long-reigning monarch's deteriorating state of mind.


19 Dec 19:25

When I begin to leave hair ties and bobby pins at a guy's place


Punching the alien in the face lol

19 Dec 19:23

Cat sees blow for the first time.

19 Dec 19:23

And that's why you keep your chocolates away from your pets, especially during the holidays.


I can't stop laughing at this!!!

19 Dec 19:22

When a glitch kicks in during a boss fight

19 Dec 19:17

"Forget everything about slipcovers"

19 Dec 19:11

Unnecessarily Risky Jenga Move Finally Pays Off for Once

by Jay Hathaway

In Jenga, as in life, there are no rewards without risks. There were easy pickings at the top of the tower, but our hero wasn't content with winning the game according to the boring rules or the fusty old laws of physics.


19 Dec 19:06

Why Stephen Colbert Closed His Final Show With "Holland, 1945"

by Jay Hathaway

Why Stephen Colbert Closed His Final Show With "Holland, 1945"

After the star-studded "We'll Meet Again" singalong and the sleigh ride into eternity with Santa, the Colbert Report rolled credits for the final time with Neutral Milk Hotel's "Holland, 1945" playing in the background. It may have seemed a strange choice, but it's one with personal significance to Stephen Colbert.


18 Dec 22:56

Evolve's Wraith monster steals the show

by Ludwig Kietzmann
Fear is meant to follow in the wake of most monsters, but I've never found Evolve to be scary. It's a hunting game that puts you on edge, though leaning forward - as if to stick your head through the foliage just to glimpse the cloaked creature - is ...
18 Dec 22:43

Evolve's open beta will be running between January 15-19 on the Xbox One, accessible to Xbox Live Go

by AndrĂ¡s Neltz

Evolve's open beta will be running between January 15-19 on the Xbox One, accessible to Xbox Live Gold subscribers. Two monsters, the Goliath and the Kraken, and eight hunters will be available to play across 12 maps. There will also be smaller, invite-only closed tests on the PC and PS4 around that time.


18 Dec 22:31

Now U.S. Theaters Can't Even Show Team America: World Police

by Jay Hathaway

So we're taking threats from North Korea seriously now? I'm sorry, I thought this was America...

Now U.S. Theaters Can't Even Show Team America: World Police

In response to Sony's decision to cancel the theatrical release of the The Interview due to vague 9/11-ish threats from a group the FBI says is linked to the North Korean government, a handful of theaters planned to show a substitute North Korea comedy: Team America: World Police (2004). Now they won't even be able to do that.


18 Dec 21:19

Now THIS is a Murican movie theater!

18 Dec 02:47

"Unedited Footage of a Bear" Is the Weirdest Adult Swim Infomercial Yet

by Andy Cush


In its goofiness and free-association, Adult Swim's 4 a.m. Infomercials series feels tailor-made to late nights spent with too much weed. "Unedited Footage of a Bear," the latest installment of the series that "Too Many Cooks" made famous, feels more akin to bath salts.


17 Dec 19:55

Saw this on CafeMom, Archer comes to mind.

17 Dec 19:49

Making a screw flush with the surface is like creating invisibility



17 Dec 19:39

Bells Ring in Havana as U.S. and Cuba Plan to Finally End the Cold War

by Taylor Berman

That took way too long.

Bells Ring in Havana as U.S. and Cuba Plan to Finally End the Cold War

President Obama announced today the United States is establishing full diplomatic relations with Cuba, ending more than a half-century of official hostility. "To the Cuban people, America extends a hand of friendship," Obama said during a nationally televised press conference this afternoon.


17 Dec 19:34

Look at This Crazy Ass Vladimir Putin Ad

by Hamilton Nolan

dafuq did i just watch?

Russia's economy continues to collapse today, just like yesterday and the day before. You don't think Vladimir Putin is gonna do some crazy shit soon ? Take a look at this TV ad.


17 Dec 19:32

Texas Plumber's Old Work Truck Ends Up With Islamic Terrorists In Syria

by Patrick George


Texas Plumber's Old Work Truck Ends Up With Islamic Terrorists In Syria

How can you ever really know what happens to your car after you sell it? Unless you unload it to a friend or someone in your town, it could go anywhere in the world for all you know. Like, say, Syria, where it ends up as an anti-aircraft firing weapon used by Islamic militants fighting in the civil war.


17 Dec 18:52

Firefly Meets Alien In This Webcomic About A Spacefaring Service Rig

by Lauren Davis

Just started reading this...

Firefly Meets Alien In This Webcomic About A Spacefaring Service Rig

You've heard it before: a ragtag spaceship crew lives on the fringes of civilization, making enough money to just keep flying. But when the mechanics in this webcomic take a shady government job, they may have to work with their enemies against a mysterious and sinister force.


16 Dec 23:55

Rick Grimes: Season 1 vs. Season 5 vs. The Future [Pic]

by Geeks are Sexy


[Via FG]

16 Dec 22:51

An $8 million Monet painting after a man punched it


"It's too blurry! Learn to paint!" *PUNCH*

16 Dec 19:36

Is There Any Environment On Earth That Spiders Can't Live In?

by Ria Misra

Just look at that creepy-ass monster.

Is There Any Environment On Earth That Spiders Can't Live In?

They can cartwheel their way through the desert, snag themselves a live fish twice their size, and trick prey by carefully constructed giant spider effigies (made out of leaves, dead bugs, and nightmares). Is there anywhere spiders can't thrive?


16 Dec 19:33

A New British Show Will Feature a Space Ark Piloted by an Android Bear

by Katharine Trendacosta


A New British Show Will Feature a Space Ark Piloted by an Android Bear

Britain's Channel 4 has ordered a pilot for a half-hour science fiction comedy that follows 200 hundred humans on a mission to find a new home after the destruction of Earth. So far, that's a pretty standard sci fi set up. And then there's the ship's pilot, which is described as an android bear. Suddenly, this became awesome.


16 Dec 18:59

I don't even care anymore

16 Dec 18:50

Opened my first Hanukkah gift from my brother

16 Dec 01:28

30,000 Idiots Bought Boxes of Actual Shit for $6 on Black Friday

by Andy Cush

Are you one of the 30,000 thirsty rubes who were lucky enough to score the Cards Against Humanity Bullshit Box before it sold out on Black Friday? Congratulations: you are a reprehensible human being, and you got exactly what you deserved.


15 Dec 21:32

The Xbox Dashboard Has Come A Long Way Since 2001

by Mike Fahey

The Xbox Dashboard Has Come A Long Way Since 2001

Oh for the days before Microsoft's torrid love affair with stacked rectangles, back when curves were the order of the day, and orange seemed like a great idea.


15 Dec 17:54

This McDonald's by my house is only used for commercials



15 Dec 17:26

Butthole Eaten At Lions Tailgate

by Samer Kalaf on Deadspin, shared by Lacey Donohue to Gawker

Butthole Eaten At Lions Tailgate

The reader who sent this photo along says he saw this butthole-eating in the parking lot of Nemo's, a bar near Ford Field. Kickoff's at 4:25, so these fans have plenty of time.