Shared posts

17 Apr 18:06

Finally finished my cross stitching!!

17 Apr 18:03

I´ve had so much fun with this


Thou gorbellied rump-fed flax-wench!

17 Apr 17:57

Teacher or Pedophile?

17 Apr 17:49

It was the end that got me...

17 Apr 17:42

New Zealand Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage; 13th Country to Do So

by Neetzan Zimmerman
Click here to read New Zealand Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage; 13th Country to Do So More »

17 Apr 17:23

Smoke from Mexico brings hazy sky

by Newsroom

Slash and burn time, kids.

It is that time of year again when farmers in Mexico begin clearing land for agricultural purposes by burning brush and trees.

When a persistent southerly wind blows into Texas, that smoky air is carried all the way to the Austin area, creating hazy conditions and decreasing air quality; sometimes the smoke is so thick you can smell it.


17 Apr 00:12

'Go the Fuck to Sleep' Is About to Become a Goddamn Movie

by Caity Weaver

"The book is being adapted by Ken Marino and his wife Erica Oyama Marino"

Click here to read 'Go the Fuck to Sleep' Is About to Become a Goddamn Movie Remember that children's book "Go the Fuck to Sleep" that came out a couple years ago? Samuel L. Jackson did a reading of it and Werner Herzog did a reading of it and it was so hot that it literally burned down all the bookshelves and Borders had to declare bankruptcy the company could not afford to rebuild its stores from the smoldering ashes wrought by this instant classic? More »

16 Apr 23:01

Sister bought some slap bracelets. She opened one up to see what they were made out of

16 Apr 23:00

How I met your mother.

16 Apr 23:00

The Invasion has begun. Weapons are useless against furry armor.

16 Apr 22:49

16 Apr 22:46

Nobody warned him

16 Apr 22:44

Impatient Austinite Wants to Bomb North Korea Now, Now, Now!

by Max Rivlin-Nadler
Click here to read Impatient Austinite Wants to Bomb North Korea Now, Now, Now! In his New York Times op-ed yesterday, University of Texas professor Jeremi Suri writes that the United States's best course of action during this whole North Korean affair would be to bomb North Korea and knock out their weapons capabilities. Probably slighting from North Korea's devious plans to wipe his home, Austin, off the map, Suri believes that, "the Korean crisis has now become a strategic threat to America's core national interests. The best option is to destroy the North Korean missile on the ground before it is launched. The United States should use a precise airstrike to render the missile and its mobile launcher inoperable." More »

16 Apr 22:43

Sex Workers are Using Square for Tech Clients and Business is Soaring

by Max Rivlin-Nadler
Click here to read Sex Workers are Using Square for Tech Clients and Business is Soaring Sex workers in Silicon Valley have begun catering to their tech-savvy, incredibly wealthy clients by accepting payments through "Square" (those little boxes that attach to iPads that your favorite coffee shop uses), taking to Twitter, and playing out a nerd's fantasies (including, but not limited to, simply talking to a girl). More »

14 Apr 17:13

The Secret Audio In BioShock Infinite Sure Is Creepy

by Patricia Hernandez

At one point during BioShock Infinite, you gain a vigor called Possession. The scene where this occurs is evocative and eerie, and the audio that plays at the time is partially to blame. If you play that eerie audio backwards, it becomes even creepier: you can understand what's being said. And this audio found by EveryClickCounts isn't the only secret audio in BioShock Infinite, either.



12 Apr 22:31

Accurate function description

12 Apr 21:50

BioShock Infinite Players Will Know

BioShock Infinite Players Will Know

Get Over Here and Play a Video Game

Submitted by: makche

Tagged: bioshock infinite , comics Share on Facebook
12 Apr 19:47

I'm Here for Our 12:30 Appointment... I am a Bit Early


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: offices , gifs , costume , scared , wolfs
12 Apr 19:40

I hope the mods think of something clever to put here.

12 Apr 19:35


'It seems like it's still alive, Professor.' 'Yeah, a big one like this can keep running around for a few billion years after you remove the head."
12 Apr 19:32

Chinese Man Pickpockets an iPhone By Using... Chopsticks

by Brian Ashcraft


And if that wasn't enough, the man used chopsticks to pickpocket from a woman riding a bicycle. And she apparently didn't even notice and continued pedaling!



12 Apr 19:05

27 crazy inventions from the past

12 Apr 19:02

ABC Family clearly has no idea what Batman is

by Rob Bricken

LOL! "He fights for family and lives for love!"

It's hard to imagine, given Batman's popularity and ubiquity over the last 80 years, that someone would not know the basic concept behind the caped crusader. And yet, not only do some people not know what Batman is all about, those people apparently all work in ABC Family's promo department, which made the above commercial for their premiere of Batman Begins.



12 Apr 18:26

GTA radio brings its broadcasts to iTunes and Spotify

by Mat Smith

GTA radio brings its broadcasts on iTunes and Spotify

From Vice to San Andreas and on to Liberty City, Rockstar Games has digitally boxed up playlists for eight of its Grand Theft Auto titles which are now available on Spotify and iTunes. "As a service for all GTA fans" -- and to keep them chomping at the bit for the incoming sequel -- Rockstar has curated over 70 playlists from notable faux stations like Radio Espantoso, The Vibe 98.8 and K-Jah. The games studio was limited by the songs that were currently available, so there's a few omissions from both the streaming service and Apple's music store. Once you've got over that initial disappointment, head to Rockstar's site to sample the last ten years of GTA's drive-time listening.

Filed under: Gaming, Internet



Source: Rockstar

12 Apr 18:23

Brvtal Kat

12 Apr 18:09

Cats are glorious.

12 Apr 18:06

Security Guards at Honolulu Court Find Live Duck, 80 Ounces of Beer in Man's Bag

by Taylor Berman
Click here to read Security Guards at Honolulu Court Find Live Duck, 80 Ounces of Beer in Man's Bag Security screeners at a court in Honolulu were having a regular, run-of-the-mill day earlier this week when they noticed something unusual as they X-rayed a man's bag – an object appeared to be moving inside. When the guards asked the man, Michael Hubbard, to open his bag, he initially refused. The screeners insisted. More »

12 Apr 18:01

French Senate Votes for Legalizing Le Gay Marriage

by Maggie Lange

I just really wanted to make this joke:
Stupid frogs, dicks are for chicks.

Click here to read French Senate Votes for Legalizing Le Gay Marriage Today, the French senate voted to legalize gay marriage after a week of heated debate. The bill, which won a 179-157 majority vote, will now return to the National Assembly for a second reading before expected approval in May. The second reading is seen as a technicality as the members of the National Assembly approved the move on February 12. More »

11 Apr 20:01




11 Apr 18:35

The only cat gif I care about