Shared posts

05 Jun 03:26

Them Dog Gone Bluegrass Guitarists

Them Dog Gone Bluegrass Guitarists

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: bluegrass , dogs , gifs , guitars
27 May 02:55

A Joke Years in the Making

23 May 03:13

Take That, Health Movement!

Take That, Health Movement!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: bacon , food , gluten , salad , failbook , g rated
23 May 03:02

Garfield - 2014-05-21

21 May 04:10

This is What Happens When a Spider Joins Your Selfie

19 May 03:16

Garfield - 2014-05-18

16 May 03:28

May 13, 2014

Picture of a lightning storm in West Java, Indonesia

Beach Lightning

Photograph by Rudi Gunawan, National Geographic Your Shot

"Im very passionate about landscape photography," says Your Shot member Rudi Gunawan. "For me, nature always reflects the power of the sublime, and as a human, Im very grateful to be part of the experience. This shot was taken while I was on vacation with my family at Tanjung Lesung, West Java, Indonesia. I was looking for the sunset moment, which unfortunately never came because the sky was so cloudy and covered the sun."

But Gunawan could see lightning strikes in the distance. "Quickly, I set up my tripod, changed my camera settings, and let the camera adjust the shutter speed automatically. I made a couple shots and angles to capture the moment, and after around 15 minutes this is the shot that really described what I felt about the sublime qualities of nature."

This photo was recently featured in the final story of our Nature in Black and Whiteassignment.

This photo was submitted to Your Shot. Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

16 May 03:28

Why Pizza Tastes So Good


Why Pizza Tastes So Good

Each generation should be wiser than the last.

13 May 03:08

There's No Healing Factor Strong Enough for This

There's No Healing Factor Strong Enough for This

Submitted by:

13 May 02:42

Use Multiple Forks for Maximum Efficiency

Use Multiple Forks for Maximum Efficiency

Submitted by: (via Zackattackk47)

Tagged: bad idea , tumblr , trolling
12 May 23:08

This is What They Teach You in Doggy Medical School?

This is What They Teach You in Doggy Medical School?

Submitted by: (via Daily Picks and Flicks)

Tagged: dogs , poop , gross , doctor
12 May 22:49

That Was Really... Cunning of You

That Was Really... Cunning of You

Submitted by: (via Acid Cow)

Tagged: breakup , puns , texting , g rated
12 May 02:35

Shut Up and Take My Money

10 May 21:25

May 10, 2014

Picture of an aerial view of a mountainous village in Wadi Doan, Yemen

Sunrise at Wadi Doan

Photograph by Paul Nevin, National Geographic Your Shot

"With my police escort I had arrived at my lodgings at dusk, perched on the edge of a massive escarpment in Yemen's Wadi Doan," says Your Shot contributor Paul Nevin. "In the fading light and on the valley floor I could see this fortresslike village. Having imagined how it might present under a rising sun, I was up at first light. Below me, shepherds and their goats made the only sounds. The sun rose, bathing the escarpment in golden light. It seemed like an eternity before it finally gilded the top of the villagemagic."

This photo was submitted to Your Shot. Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

10 May 16:50

Yep, It's Going to be One of Those Days

Yep, It's Going to be One of Those Days

Submitted by: (via Brown Cardigan)

Tagged: ouch , sports , gifs , track , fail nation , g rated
10 May 16:49

Classic: A Hot, Steaming River of "Worth it"

Classic: A Hot, Steaming River of "Worth it"

Submitted by: (via Joe Santagato)

Tagged: food , taco bell , twitter , failbook
06 May 22:42

Garfield - 2014-05-05

03 May 23:50

A New Way to Scratch Your Back

A New Way to Scratch Your Back

Submitted by: (via world-of-leathercraft)

Tagged: dogs , gifs , funny , slide , scratch
03 May 23:39

What a Shame

What a Shame

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: bewbs , dudes , funny , dating
02 May 02:50

Egg in a Basket is Clearly Out of the Question

Egg in a Basket is Clearly Out of the Question

Submitted by: (via iQTester)

28 Apr 19:06

Go For It


A/C: Wilerson Oliveira

27 Apr 15:22

This Kid Knows How to Get Hyped for the Game

This Kid Knows How to Get Hyped for the Game

Submitted by: (via The Chive)

Tagged: gifs , hockey , sports , g rated , win
27 Apr 15:21

That's Solid Advice

That's Solid Advice

Submitted by:

Tagged: ducks , sexy times , funny , dating
26 Apr 03:30

You Can't Outrun the Law. Especially This One.

You Can't Outrun the Law. Especially This One.

Submitted by: (via Nodnarb4242)

Tagged: gifs , BAMF , police , g rated , win
25 Apr 01:36

Garfield - 2014-04-24

24 Apr 00:45

1361 – O que acontece no céu quando chega a sua hora?

by Carlos Ruas


Maio 1999 – Esta mulher azarada foi encontrada morta em um parque em Yorkshire, Inglaterra. Acredita-se que ela foi perfurada por uma barra de urina congelada que teria caído de um vazamento em um banheiro de avião.
19 Apr 02:43

You've Been Marked!

You've Been Marked!

Submitted by: (via Bro My God)

18 Apr 17:32

Priorities, Bae!

15 Apr 23:59

April 15, 2014

Picture of a man inside a boat and a boys reflection on the deck, Istanbul

Two Different Lives

Photograph by Merve Ates, National Geographic Your Shot

"I was traveling between the European and Asian sides of Istanbul, Turkey, by ferry," says Your Shot contributor Merve Ates. "I was sitting on seats outside, accompanied on my journey by seagulls. The boy on the right was sitting next to me. I was listening to the screaming of the seagulls and smelling the sea air and taking several shots but also waiting for a particularly interesting moment, and suddenly I noticed the window reflection. It seemed like the man and the boy were sitting side by side. In reality, the old man was reading the Koran, while the young boy had a worried look on his face (maybe about his futurewho knows?). Two separate lives, together in the same frame."

This photo was submitted to Your Shot. Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

14 Apr 23:56

April 14, 2014

Picture of boats on a river in Serbia

In a Fog

Photograph by Antic Zlatko, National Geographic Your Shot

I always say that the best things happen unexpectedly and spontaneously, says Antic Zlatko, a member of our Your Shot community who captured this scene on the Tami River near his home in Panevo, Serbia. It was taken on a cold winter day, but the ambience was magicthe cold afternoon with the fog and the sun [shining] over it. I saw this through the window and had afterward gone on a walk with my kids. I made a few shots but I think this one shows the true ambience.

Zlatkos picture was featured in the Your Shot Daily Dozen.

This photo was submitted to Your Shot. Check out the new and improved website, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.