Shared posts

14 Dec 17:22

There are still a few days left for holiday sale going on in my...

12 Dec 18:35



A veces pasa...

12 Dec 18:25

by blueviolet

Submitted by blueviolet
12 Dec 18:10

Falling Stars

by Adam


12 Dec 17:58

Calendario de monstruos eróticos

by La Gusa

Nuestro Life Calendar es ciertamente algo novedoso en lo que a calendarios se refiere, pero si sois más clásicos y os gusta tener una imagen que acompañe al mes vigente, Erika Deoudes tiene una solución que seguro os gustará.

Su Calendar of Sexy Monsters es algo subido de tono y puede escandalizar a cualquiera. Combate muy dignamente contra los calendarios de los talleres mecánicos y con los de los camioneros, aunque quizás los que regalan en Semana Santa les hagan sombra.

En cualquier caso, los monstruos posan tal y como vinieron al mundo y usan objetos obscenos para provocar (el uso que hace Godzilla -o Mayo- de la red eléctrica es simplemente escalofriante).

Predator, Nosferatu,… todos se han prestado a ser inmortalizados mostrando su faceta más sexy. Podéis verlos en la página de la propia Erika o en vuestros mejores sueños o probablemente en ambos.

Visto en Laughing Squid

Ver más: alien, calendarios, Godzilla, monstruos
Seguir @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan


10 Dec 16:38

Dangerous Game

10 Dec 16:31

December 10, 2013

10 Dec 04:39

The Sequential Art Gallery, here in Portland, is currently...

08 Dec 05:06

A Christmas Card

by Dan Long

A Christmas Card

Hey Everyone, instead of using a flimsy pretext to work this into the comic, I wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with a printable 5″x7″ Christmas card to send everyone straight up. Just print the first page, flip the paper, and print the second page. Cut at the dotted lines. Hooray festivities!



07 Dec 16:53


02 Dec 04:50


30 Nov 17:53

Un imprescindible en tu vida

by lepipehd

Un imprescindible en tu vida

29 Nov 16:10

Vhils Leaves His Imprint Around The World

We just got a terrific update from the talented Vhils.  Check out some of his latest works around the world in 2013:

Paris, France

Rabo de Peixe, São Miguel island, Azores, Portugal

Rio de Janeiro, Morro da Providência – the city’s oldest favela

Tudela, Spain


Own a Vhils original! The following two pieces were celebrated in our 10 Years of Wooster Collective exhibition this past summer.  Click on the image to be redirected to Jonathan Levine Gallery's website for more info on availability and purchasing.


29 Nov 06:27

Gif Friday- Dain Fagerholm

Seattle based artist/illustrator Dain Fagerholm, creates these totally amazing and mesmerizing stereographic gif drawings!  

27 Nov 16:43

November 27, 2013

10 points to anyone who tells this joke out load at parties.
27 Nov 16:35

Vinchen’s Playground Sculpture

Some playground renovations didn't stop this kid...

For more, visit Vinchen's site.

26 Nov 15:24

Máquina expendedora de retratos

by La Gusa

El Face-O-Mat es la ingeniosa máquina expendedora de retratos creada por Tobias Gutmann. La máquina funciona mediante un complejo sistema de cartones, sentido del humor y el propio Tobias haciendo de las suyas. Los retratos son escupidos por la máquina en un tiempo máximo de tres minutos y todo cliente hasta ahora ha salido satisfecho.

Además, la máquina tiene sonidos imitando el proceso de secado del retrato, así como el de absorber el dinero o tarjeta por la ranura adecuada. El Face-O-Mat lleva ya un tiempo girando por el mundo (de momento ha estado en Europa, Asia y África) y ha producido más de 700 retratos, todos igual de hilarantes. Podéis echar un ojo al vídeo para ver el funcionamiento o, mejor, dar un paseo por la página del propio Tobias.

Visto en Design TAXI

Ver más: arte, máquinas expendedoras, pintura, retratos
Seguir @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan


23 Nov 15:58

Star Fighter, el autobús estelar

by La Gusa

El Star Fighter es el autobús japonés que conecta Shinjuku con el Tsukuba Space Center, y está hecho para preparar a los viajeros ante lo que van a contemplar cuando lleguen a su destino. Tiene todo lo que uno puede esperar de una nave espacial: mandos para disparar naves enemigas, uniformes, luces de neón,… estoy prácticamente seguro de que también hay algún cylon, pero eso ya sabemos que hay que investigarlo un poco antes de acusar.

Lo de los autobuses temáticos es algo que debería estar instaurado en todas las regiones. Haría más fácil la forma de saber cuál es tu autobús (el que tiene forma de gato es el que lleva al cine) y crearía un paisaje urbano más pintoresco, lleno de gente que disfruta del viaje tanto como del destino.

Excepto en el caso de los hospitales, los cementerios y Benidorm; no estoy seguro de que la gente vaya allí por voluntad propia.

Visto en Nerd Approved

Ver más: autobuses, Japoneses, naves
Seguir @NoPuedoCreer - @QueLoVendan


22 Nov 17:56

November 22, 2013

Thanks to the lovely geeklings at Columbia, Yale, and Harvard, for a lovely nerdtastic voyage.
21 Nov 21:09

In the science lab

13 Nov 15:28


09 Nov 03:54


07 Nov 03:49


28 Oct 20:18


28 Oct 20:16

How Do Animals Sound In Different Languages?

by Lina

After Norwegian comedy singer duo Ylvis ignited the world’s interest in sounds that animals make with “What Does The Fox Say?,” other artists have begun exploring these questions more in-depth. English artist James Chapman has created a series of comics comparing how different languages around the world write down the sounds that some of our favorite animals make.

The panels are a delight to see, with bright colors and cute animals. The comparisons between languages are also interesting, no matter what your native language is. Depending on what language you speak, some of these can seem pretty wacky. As an English speaker, the Dutch horse sounds pretty funny to me (Vrinsk?), but I also admit that, with a lame showing like “oink,” we can use some work on our pig impressions. Mice, cats and bees, however, seem to have inspired international consensus on the sounds they make.

Chapman is a PhD physics student and illustrator from Manchester who runs a great Tumblr featuring more of his illustrations, as well as one just for animal sounds. Check them out to see some more great work!

What other languages do you know that have cool- or weird-sounding animal sounds?


How Do Animals Sound In Different Languages? originally appeared on Bored Panda on October 25, 2013.

  1. miniature-crocheted-animals-suami-thumb45 Cute Miniature Crocheted Animals by Su Ami
  2. abandoned-house-animals-kai-fagerstrom-thumb45 Abandoned House in the Woods Taken Over by Wild Animals
  3. cute-baby-animals-thumb45 30 Baby Animals That Will Make You Go ‘Aww’
  4. animal-photography-affinity-Brad-Wilson-thumb45 Incredible Studio Portraits of Wild Animals by Brad Wilson
28 Oct 17:54

10/18/13 PHD comic: 'Believe it or Don't!'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Believe it or Don't!" - originally published 10/18/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

24 Oct 16:27

October 24, 2013

22 Oct 18:39


22 Oct 16:56

Cutting Edge Land Art Project: WISH

Amazing! Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada really pushed the boundaries on this one.

"For the 2013 Ulster Bank Belfast International Festival at Queen's, Cuban-American Artist, Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada, has created WISH, a portrait of an anonymous local girl photographed by the artist in the process of making a pure and simple wish for the future. Spanning an 11 acre site in Belfast's Titanic Quarter, the photographic image of this girl - made of topsoil, sand, grass and stones - can be seen from various locations around Belfast. This innovative public artwork pushes boundaries and uses cutting edge technologies, making it one of the most ambitious land art projects in the world." (Taken from YouTube.)



22 Oct 16:56

You’re Invited: Opening Reception for Nick Georgiou

We're excited to check out these new works by Nick Georgiou.  If you're in NYC, definitely check out the exhibition at Opera Gallery!