Shared posts

15 Jan 08:31

Always Hot? Cool Down With This Wearable AC on Kickstarter

by Kenya Foy
Ivy Esquero


If you're the kind of person who hates being hot, you might be sold on blö, a new product that claims to be the world's first wearable cooling device and diffuser.


10 Jan 21:37

This IKEA Ad Is a Coupon And a Pregnancy Test

by Nora Taylor
Ivy Esquero

ok this is strange...even for Ikea...

Welcome to dystopia. Here, magazine ads contain both coupons and pregnancy tests. Yes, you can now pee on an IKEA ad to see if a) you qualify for a discount, and b) you're pregnant. This very real ad will tell you if you're with child and if you are (mazel tov, by the way), you'll receive a coupon for cribs.


20 Dec 17:42

4 Questions We Have Now That Mindhunter is Getting a Second Season

by Meryl Williams
Ivy Esquero

Anyone seen this? Any good?

True crime fans will be glad to hear that Mindhunter, the 10-episode drama from David Fincher that held everyone's attention on Netflix this fall, has been renewed for a second season. Even though it wasn't my favorite thing in 2017, literally everyone else I talked to about it was obsessed with Mindhunter. And even though the ending scene stressed me out way too much, I can see how the entire first season built a pretty clear path to season two. Here are some questions and predictions I have for a sophomore season of the show (spoilers below):


19 Dec 21:26

National Geographic’s 2017 Nature Photographer of the Year Winners

by Kala
Ivy Esquero

Need a background photo for 2018? Here you go.

National Geographic rend hommage au meilleur photographe de la nature lors d’un concours annuel, et les recompenses de cette année pour les quatre categories (Wildlife, Landscapes, Aerials et Underwater) sont tout simplement sublimes. L’image de Jayaprakash Joghee Bohan d’un orang-outan à Borneo a remporté le Grand Prix, et de façon méritée. Voir tous les gagnants des categories ci-dessous.
Images via

Grand Prize. © Jayaprakash Joghee Bohan

2nd Place, Wildlife. © Alejandro Prieto

3rd Place, Wildlife. © Bence Mate

People’s Choice, Wildlife. © Harry Collins

1st Place, Landscapes. © Karim Iliya

2nd Place, Landscapes. © Yuhan Liao

3rd Place, Landscapes. © Mike Olbinski

People’s Choice, Landscapes. © Wojciech Kruczynski

1st Place, Aerials. © Todd Kennedy

2nd Place, Aerials. © Takahiro Bessho

3rd Place, Aerials. © Greg C.

People’s Choice, Aerials. © David Swindler

1st Place, Underwater. © Jim Obester

2nd Place, Underwater. © Shane Gross

3rd Place, Underwater. © Michael O’Neill

People’s Choice Awards, Underwater. © Matthew Smith

18 Dec 12:59

3 Friends Buy a Cozy Mountain Cabin Together in the Catskills — House Tour

by Carina Romano
Ivy Esquero

@phil @none - this could be you! (note - clickthrough is not worth it)

Name: Amanda Jaffe, Kate McCann, Carina Romano
Location: Fleischmanns, New York
Size: 1,400 square feet
Years lived in: Less than a year, owned

Sometimes friends get together and profess their love of the same tall mountains and winding roads. For Amanda, Kate and Carina (me!), these confessions and conversations resulted in buying a dream getaway together in the ever-inspiring Catskill Mountains. Buying a home with ample land was at the top of our list, because we wanted to create a secluded retreat from Philadelphia — where we all live and work.

After three months of driving Upstate, seeing over 30 mountain homes with our adventurous realtor, and getting to know all of the best lunch spots along Route 28, the three of us settled on a perfect four-bedroom home in Fleischmanns, New York. Though the home needed some major cosmetic updating and TLC, it was easy to see the potential with five+ acres of mountaintop land laid before it.


14 Dec 08:27

Netflix Is Rebooting Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, And Here's the New Cast

by Nora Taylor
Ivy Esquero

I used to love this show. ha.

from the click through: The men were selected after hundreds auditioned from around the world. You may recognize Bobby Berk from his furniture line or Jonathan Van Ness from Gay of Thrones (the only recaps you need, IMO). The format of the show has changed a little—they'll still be making over one hapless straight guy, but this time around they'll be heading outside of New York City and into more conservative parts of the country. As series creator David Collins told Entertainment Weekly, "If the original round was about tolerance, this time it is about acceptance."

Remember the mid-2000s? The internet was mostly just LiveJournal, 50 Cent ruled the radio waves, and Bravo was an arts channel. All that changed (well just the last thing, actually) with the debut of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, Bravo's big tentpole makeover show. Now the internet is basically everything, 50 Cent is an actor and Queer Eye For the Straight Guy is getting the Netflix revival treatment (Netflix is such a Carson).


13 Dec 17:29

Amusing Shots of Cats in Ninja Poses

by Kala
Ivy Esquero

Too early for hump day, but oh well...

Le photographe japonaise Hisakata Hiroyuki s’amuse à capturer les gestes des chats ressemblant à des exercices d’arts martiaux dans la série « Ninja Cats ». Depuis un an et demi, armé d’un appareil photo Olympus M1, Hisakata utilise des jouets en plumes pour que les chats sautent et s’étirent, capturant leurs meilleures poses de ninja. « Le chat a été illustré dans tous les arts à travers l’animation et les illustrations en plein dynamisme » explique le photographe. « Néanmoins, il est difficile de rendre compte de leur gestuelle à travers des photographies. En jouant avec des chats, j’ai peaufiné des techniques. Je pense aussi à faire des videos d’eux.” Vous pouvez commander ses livres de chat Ninja ici et ici.

Suivez son travail sur Twitter, Facebook et Instagram.

06 Dec 19:16

This Huge Mattress Is Literally Twelve Feet Wide — And You Can Buy It

by Nora Taylor
Ivy Esquero

@andrew we need this for our house

Are you part of a co-sleeping family, but things are getting a little too snug? There's a mattress for that. Are you and your partner both over 6'5'' and sleep in starfish position? Yep, there's a mattress for that. Are you single and just want an endless expanse of bed all to yourself? There's also a mattress for that.


06 Dec 19:16

Recent Study Finds Millennials Are Bad Neighbors But I'm Not Buying It

by Taryn Williford
Ivy Esquero

I hope 2018 is the year we stop talking about Millennials...jesus...

Millennials get a bad rap. We killed chain restaurants, doorbells and, if you take this recent study at face value, we're killing neighborly love.

But not according to me.


06 Dec 02:28

American Airlines Accidentally Let Every Pilot Take a Christmas Vacation, But They're Trying to Fix It

by Nora Taylor

On Wednesday afternoon, it was reported that due to a glitch in the system, too many American Airlines pilots were able to schedule Christmas vacation. Which is great news for those pilots! Less great news for those planes that need someone to fly them. Luckily for those booked onto holiday flights, American Airlines is working diligently to make sure nothing gets cancelled.


29 Nov 20:52

Here's Where Newly Engaged Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Will Live

by Tara Bellucci
Ivy Esquero

How do we feel about this? I have no idea who she is?

It's official: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged. Clarence House (aka Prince Charles) announced the news Monday morning, saying that the royal and the American actress will be wed in Spring 2018.


27 Nov 06:43

The Plaza Hotel Is Offering Home Alone 2 Inspired Packages

by Nora Taylor
Ivy Esquero

One of the few sequels that topped the original IMO. Would totally do this.

First Eloise, now Kevin McAllister leaves his mark on the iconic Plaza hotel. The famed hotel is now offering Home Alone 2: Lost in New York inspired packages for the wealthy and nostalgic.


21 Nov 11:56

“I just moved to New York, so it’s been a little tough meeting...

Ivy Esquero

Hmm - i don't know why she thinks it's tough. NY is the ultimate place to meet new people.

“I just moved to New York, so it’s been a little tough meeting people. It seems like everyone already has their own group of friends. So I’m trying to become more of a ‘yes’ person and do things I normally wouldn’t do. Like I came to the park today instead of sitting at home. And I went to my first hockey game yesterday. And I joined a dodge ball team on Thursday nights. Dodge ball is a lot more pressure than I thought it would be. I try to hang back and not throw the ball, but then usually I’m the last one and everyone is aiming at me. The only consolation is knowing that it’s going to be over in two seconds. And after the game we all go to the bar. Our team name is ‘We Throw Things and Drink.’”

21 Nov 05:49

Celebrity Look-Alikes You Won't Believe Are From Other Countries

by Zeon Santos
Ivy Esquero

Definitely worth a click through

(Image Link)

The people in these pics are lucky they don't live in the U.S., because if they did they'd probably get mobbed by adoring fans wherever they go!

Lucky for them George Clooney isn't a household name in Turkey, and while Hugh Laurie is huge in the U.S. and merry old England people are all like "Hugh who?" in Russia.

(Image Link)

But people all around the world know the name and face of former U.S. President Barack Obama, so this guy from Indonesia must get hit up for autographs and selfies wherever he goes!

(Image Link)

Sorry buddy, Barack has got you beat by a mile in the looks department, but Britney Spears' Macedonian doppleganger looks like she just stepped out of a cloning chamber- and may soon start touring in place of the pop singer. They can call it the Twice As Crazy tour!

See 10+ Celebrity Lookalikes You Won't Believe Are From Different Countries here

21 Nov 00:46

Creative Photo Project Between Mom and Daughter

by Kala
Ivy Esquero

I like these a lot

« Crazy Mummy » est un projet créatif entre la photographe canadienne-française Coco Amardeil et sa fille Zhansaya, dont le sourire scintillant fait fondre nos coeurs ! Dans le but de capturer des moments joyeux, Amardeil et Zhan se consultent sur leurs idées avant de créer chaque image. Cet effort collaboratif montre le lien pur et simple entre la mère et la fille, et nous avons hate de savoir comment cette merveilleuse série évoluera dans le futur. Plus sur le travail d’Amardeil ici, et suivez-la sur Instagram.

20 Nov 18:48

Everyone Loves to Hate the Backwards Books Trend—Do You?

by Tess Wilson
Ivy Esquero

I can't even...

We recently reposted this image of Carrie Waller of Dream Green DIY's bookshelf on the Apartment Therapy Instagram feed with the following caption, and the result was DRAMA: "Books don't match your decor? Don't fret. The incredibly easy solution? Flip them for a perfectly coordinated look." While our post garnered over 14,000 likes, it also received 49 how do you find your books, 41 dumbs, 38 thumbs-down emojis, 33 NOs, 29 stupids, 10 April Fool's Day mentions, 7 is this a joke inquiries, 5 unfollows, 2 delete your accounts, 1 demand for a retraction (that one really made me laugh), 1 spot-on baleen whale comparison, and 1 absolutely perfect Kriss Kross reference. Let's discuss further.


20 Nov 18:24

Tiffany & Co Turn Everyday Objects into Luxury Goods

by Kala
Ivy Esquero

Here are the photos from that Tiffany's everyday objects line...

Tiffany & Co présente Everyday Objects, une collection d’objets communs élevés au rang de produits de luxe en utilisant des matériaux nobles. Estimant que « les belles choses ne devraient pas se limiter à des occasions spéciales », les emblématiques joailliers new-yorkais ont récré une pelote de laine en argent sterling, une paille en argent, un jeu de ping-pong en bois et cuir, une boite de conserve en argent et en or, ou une paire de gobelets en porcelaine. Voir toute la collection ici.

20 Nov 18:22

The Horrifying Easter Egg Everyone Missed In Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade

by Zeon Santos

The Indiana Jones movies are full of Easter eggs and small background details many people missed until they were pointed out online, but in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade there's a moment that we all saw but didn't quite register.

It has to do with the scene where Indy avoids a saw blade trap by falling to his knees then rolls out of the way of a second blade like an archaeological ninja.

So why is this scene so horrifying? I'll let Cracked's Jordan Breeding explain:

In one section of the cave, Indy is told "Only the penitent man will pass." Knowing this is some sort of Biblical riddle (and that apparently faith makes you better at solving riddles), Indy struggles for an answer before, at the last possible second, he realizes he must literally kneel down "before God" and ... do a kickass forward somersault?

Why would a penitent man also be a skilled tumbler with lightning-fast reflexes? Is the 11th Commandment that one must become an expert in P90X so you may answer the call? And how the heck did Indy even know that would happen? The answer, it appears, is that he would have been fine if he'd just knelt -- the second blade would whip in front of him, though close enough to graze his knees. So what's the point of it?

Let's put it this way: If your idea of being penitent before God looks like this ...

... you'll be fine. But if it looks like this:

That blade will lop your f$%#ng head off. It makes perfect sense if you notice the title of the film, and the fact that the ancient knights protecting the grail (including the one who'd been magically kept alive by it for centuries) were from the First Crusade -- that is, a war to retake the Holy Land from the Muslims who'd captured it more than four centuries earlier. So our Crusaders were forward-thinking enough to ensure that only true Christians would get through, and that intruding Muslims would be killed on the spot even if they figured out the riddle.

-Via Cracked

20 Nov 12:56

15 Machine-Washable (Yes Washable!) Area Rugs

by Arlyn Hernandez
Ivy Esquero

I'm a fan of rugs to define spaces and keep looking for these for the dining room.

Earlier this week, I wrote about real rugs in the bathroom and how much I love the look. While many readers were totally onboard, others were seriously concerned with cleanliness, moisture and beyond. Look, I totally get it. I don't agree with putting priceless Persian rugs at the foot of your tub; I'm not about aesthetics for the sake of aesthetics. But there's another way. Let me introduce you to the machine-washable area rug.


14 Nov 06:38

Study Says Too Much Christmas Music Might Turn You Into a Grinch

by Nora Taylor
Ivy Esquero

3 more weeks!

Sleigh bells ring, are you potentially too much Christmas music? While the debate has been raging for years as to when it is seasonally appropriate to start playing holiday music, there's been less public attention paid to the quantity of Christmas music one should consume.


13 Nov 17:03

MUJI Is Now Selling Those Prefab Tiny Homes

by Tara Bellucci
Ivy Esquero

More tiny houses. I love Muji.

Do you like your tiny homes with a minimalist flair? Well, good news: MUJI is finally selling those prefab "huts" that the first debuted back in 2015.


13 Nov 02:07

Why You Should Shop for Houses Outside Your Budget (Really!)

by Taryn Williford
Ivy Esquero

TLDR: so you can get a fresh perspective and realize out of budget homes are not that great.
Although in Singapore this is true, because the final price is sometimes much lower (not always, but so much more wacky than the states).

Shopping for a home — even if you're just at the "looking at Zillow listings" stage — can be psychological warfare. It's all too easy to get discouraged about what you can't afford. And for Glamour's editor-in-chief, Cindi Leive, a reality check is exactly what she needed.


11 Nov 15:09

You Should Probably Give Your House a Name — Here Are a Few Lovely Suggestions

by Taryn Williford
Ivy Esquero

@andrew let's name our new apartment!

If you're a homeowner, a great name for your home might even help you sell it. READ MORE...
10 Nov 12:13

Chip Gaines on One Mistake Many Home Buyers Make

by Megan Johnson
Ivy Esquero

sharing for the photo - he does not carry a beard well

Fixer-Upper star Chip Gaines knows a thing or two about buying homes. As one half of the dynamic duo behind the HGTV mega-hit, Chip has gutted and transformed boatloads of homes with his wife/partner Joanna. Now, the home reno regular is sharing the most common mistake he sees from prospective home buyers.


10 Nov 08:23

Tiffany & Co.'s Take on 'Everyday Objects' Includes a $1,500 Coffee Can

by Tara Bellucci
Ivy Esquero

Rose Gold Crazy Straw, $350
Building Blocks set of 10, $1,500
Protractor, $425
Party Hat, $1,000
Paper Cups, $95 for 2
Coffee Can, $1,500
Ball of Yarn, $9,000

Already scooped up Balenciaga's $2,000 version of a 99-cent IKEA bag? Don't worry, Tiffany & Co. has you covered for the holidays. The jeweler's latest collection includes some luxury versions of everyday objects that are basically bordering on absurd. If you've ever wondered if you could get your hands on a coffee can that costs about the same as 1,000 cups of coffee, well, today's your lucky day.


09 Nov 16:46

Here's What Julia Roberts DIYed As Holiday Gifts One Year — InStyle

by Tyra Wilkes
Ivy Esquero

she still looks so good

The holidays are a special time. Dedicated to hugs from family, great food, and gifts. Lots of gifts. As the festive season approaches, Julia Roberts gave some insight to InStyle into why she loves Thanksgiving, her gift giving style, and even a few fun ideas for those who experience gift-block during the holiday season.


09 Nov 12:19

On the Street…Le Marais, Paris

by The Sartorialist
Ivy Esquero



09 Nov 08:08

“You know how when you see a group of geese in a field, and...

Ivy Esquero

@parents i'm really scared of scarring my child. boo hoo

“You know how when you see a group of geese in a field, and there’s always one with its head up, looking around? That’s me. I was always afraid. Just anxious. It’s like my mind was a heat-seeking missile, always honing in on what could possibly go wrong. My first daughter got the brunt of it. I was so worried about everything. Her first plane ride. Her first day of school. Her first sleepover. I thought if I anticipated every little thing that might go wrong, then maybe I could fend things off. But that’s never possible. Things will always go wrong. The best you can do is give your kids self-confidence. But I’m afraid I passed on my anxiety instead. Because when Mom is always afraid of the world, the world becomes something to fear.”

19 Oct 05:54

Never Wait for the Subway Again With This At-Home Arrival Clock

by Nora Taylor
Ivy Esquero

Seems a bit excessive...

(Image credit: Instagram:NYC Train Sign)

Spending time underground is generally un-fun. Waiting around is also pretty un-fun. Spending time underground on a crowded, overheated platform while you wait for what feels like an eternity is exceedingly un-fun. New Brooklyn based startup, NYC Train Signs, is here to cut down on your platform wait, giving you real time arrival info from the comfort of your own home.


13 Oct 02:41

83 Percent of Renters Want Out of New York City

by Brittney Morgan
Ivy Esquero

Seems odd - though i would imagine people who read AT and are all about wanting the nice digs there do want to move out

(Image credit: Natalie Jeffcott)

It's not surprising to learn that there are a lot of people who want to leave their expensive cities for a lower cost of living. But what is a little surprising? The concentration of people who want to move out of the Big Apple—a whopping 83.2 percent of renters in New York City want to settle elsewhere, according to a Apartment List's annual survey.