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09 Jun 00:01

Wilt Chamberlain, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Andre the Giant

by ThisIsNotPorn

Wilt Chamberlain Arnold Schwarzenegger and Andre the Giant on the on the set of Conan the Destroyer | Rare and beautiful celebrity photosWilt Chamberlain, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Andre the Giant on the on the set of Conan the Destroyer.

30 May 02:50

The Science Behind the One Inch Punch

The Science Behind the One Inch Punch
"Muscle fibers do not dictate coordination," Rose says, "and coordination and timing are essential factors behind movements like this one-inch punch."

Because the punch happens over such a short amount of time, Lee has to synchronize each segment of the jab—his twisting hip, extending knees, and thrusting shoulder, elbow, and wrist—with incredible accuracy. Furthermore, each joint in Lee's body has a single moment of peak acceleration, and to get maximum juice out of the move, Lee must layer his movements so that each period of peak acceleration follows the last one instantly.

Submitted by: (via Popular Mechanics)

10 May 20:13

Ray Charles, Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi and John Landis

by ThisIsNotPorn

Ray Charles Dan Aykroyd John Belushi and John Landis on the set of The Blues Brothers | Rare and beautiful celebrity photosRay Charles, Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi and John Landis on the set of The Blues Brothers.

12 Oct 18:38

Realistic Fighting Game

12 Oct 18:33

Bendy Kitty


Submitted by: _C_A_T_ (via

Tagged: bendy , Cats , Caturday , cute , gifs , sleepy
12 Oct 18:31

Glock Fired Under Water Slow Motion


Submitted by: _C_A_T_

Tagged: gifs , glock , guns , underwater , mindwarp