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03 Sep 14:07

19 Songs That Will Make You Feel Like You're Outdoors

If you’re trapped inside on a beautiful day, this is the next best thing to being in the great outdoors.

Bon Iver, "Holocene"

Bon Iver, "Holocene"


Iron & Wine, "Naked As We Came"

Iron & Wine, "Naked As We Came"


View Entire List ›

21 Aug 18:22

GIFtime: finge de morto!

by Janara Lopes

20 Aug 17:20


20 Aug 14:41

Bad Luck Butterfly

Bad Luck Butterfly

Submitted by: Unknown (via Tastefully Offensive)

Tagged: butterfly , funny , comic sans
20 Aug 01:47

Personagens de Super Mario Bros em suas versões hipster

by Evandro Roque / Tito Finzetto / Otávio Araujo / Mariana Vinha / Alana Ávila / Thiago Rizan / Roberto Honorato / Alaor Rocha / Miguel Lima

"Ai, pára, trabalhar como encanador e ficar rudupiando por aí em cima de um dinossauro verde is SOOOOOO LAAAST SUMMER, honey!"
Engole o choro, pessegóide, afinal os tão amados personagens da franquia Mario Bros passaram por uma, hmmm - como dizer sem partir os coraçõezinhos nostálgicos? - bela hypada nas mãos do ilustrador Sam Milham.
Em suas versões hispsters, Mario, Luigi, Toad, Bowser e Peach (nossa eterna diva e musa inspiradora!) mudaram drasticamente seus guarda-roupas com peças bem ~whatever~ e descoléx, que incluem suspensórios, lenços, óculos de aro espesso, além é claro, de estarem sempre munidos do bom e velho sarcasmo, que acompanha a polaroide-não-digital-que-todo-ser-pensante-deve-ter.


20 Aug 00:38

Explore London's Tube In 3D With This Hypnotic Real-Time Map

by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

Explore London's Tube In 3D With This Hypnotic Real-Time Map

Back in June, London’s transit corporation decided to release all of its information about bus and train departures to the public. That way, administrators probably figured, eager developers could use that data to build better transit apps. But the move has also resulted in some pretty interesting creative projects, too—like this one, which lets users navigate through a 3D model of the Tube.



19 Aug 20:47


15 Aug 17:46


by Mariana Inbar

É compreensível que quando você tenha começado a acompanhar “Girls” tenha sentido um certo pânico do namorado sujinho da Hannah. Mas é mais compreensível também que, com o passar dos capítulos – culminando no último da segunda temporada -, você tenha se visto praticamente tarada pelo não-mais-sujinho-agora-apenas-delícia Adam. Saiba que você não é a única. Adam Driver já caiu no gosto geral da nação substituindo o Mr. Big de “Sex and the City” (já que vivem dizendo que “Girls” substituiu o quarteto de amigas do seriado da Carrie) como galã de seriados. Quer ver só? Ele foi parar num editorial lindo da Annie Leibovitz para a Vogue America de setembro, ao lado da modelo Daria Werbowy:

Quer mais? Ele também é o garoto propaganda da nova campanha da Gap:

E já que estamos falando em “esquisitinhos” que viraram sonho de consumo, a mesma Vogue America traz uma matéria com Benedict Cumberbatch (também fotografado pela Annie Leibovitz), que dizem ser o novo namorado da Liv Tyler. O ator britânico ficou famoso em sua terra natal ao interpretar o detetive Sherlock Holmes na série inglesa “Sherlock”, mas já tem no currículo filmes como “Star Trek: into darkness”, embora realmente deva estourar agora na pele de Julian Assange no filme “The fifth estate”. Tá aprovado!

O editorial na íntegra do Adam Driver (e sua campanha da Gap) e do Benedict Cumberbatch na Vogue America está na nossa galeria, para suspirinhos incontroláveis no horário de trabalho:

+ zoom Adam Driver para Gap.

Adam Driver para Gap.

+ zoom Adam Driver para Gap.

Adam Driver para Gap.

+ zoom Adam Driver para Gap

Adam Driver para Gap

+ zoom Adam Driver na Vogue US

Adam Driver na Vogue US

+ zoom Adam Driver na Vogue US

Adam Driver na Vogue US

+ zoom Adam Driver na Vogue US

Adam Driver na Vogue US

+ zoom Adam Driver na Vogue US

Adam Driver na Vogue US

+ zoom Adam Driver na Vogue US

Adam Driver na Vogue US

+ zoom Adam Driver na Vogue US

Adam Driver na Vogue US

+ zoom Adam Driver na Vogue US

Adam Driver na Vogue US

+ zoom Adam Driver na Vogue US

Adam Driver na Vogue US

+ zoom Benedict Cumberbatch na Vogue US

Benedict Cumberbatch na Vogue US

+ zoom Benedict Cumberbatch na Vogue US

Benedict Cumberbatch na Vogue US

Fotos: Fashionspot/ GQ

14 Aug 19:28

A casa de janelas

by Eloise Martins

Vídeo do Half Cut Tea mostra a história do casal Nick Olson e Lilah Horwitz, que largaram seus empregos para construir e morar em uma casa feita de janelas.



No primeiro encontro do fotógrafo Nick e da designer Lilah, os dois conversaram sobre como seria viver em uma casa na qual a fachada fosse inteiramente feita de janelas, para que pudessem ver o pôr-do-sol de qualquer lugar da casa. Um ano depois, o casal começava a concretizar a ideia, deixando a vida na cidade e embarcando em uma viagem pela Pensilvânia para coletar dezenas de janelas que formariam a fachada de sua cabana nas montanhas da Virgínia.




Confira abaixo o vídeo que mostra a adorável cabana de janelas e as visões artísticas do casal:

| via

14 Aug 17:35

Why Do We Want Better Cameras If We Keep Making the Photos Look Worse?

by Allen Murabayashi

Why Do We Want Better Cameras If We Keep Making the Photos Look Worse? cameras

There was a time in the mid to late 90s when Nirvana was all the rage, people wore too much flannel, and the design world was pre-occupied with “grunge.” Ironically, the proliferation of digital design via Aldus Pagemaker led to a decidedly analog look that was epitomized by David Carson’s Ray Gun magazine – a vehement statement against clarity, cleanliness and legibility. Carson even went so far as to lay out an entire magazine piece in Zapf Dingbats because it was “just a really boring article.”

Why Do We Want Better Cameras If We Keep Making the Photos Look Worse? raygun carson dingbats

Design aethestics ebb and flow, and we are now in an era of “flat” design. The buzzword of the day, “skeuomorphism,” has left the building, and ultra clean type and layout is in.

In photography, however, we’re seeing somewhat of an opposite trend. Despite an ever increasing resolution and fidelity of camera sensors and lenses, a large subset of people seem hellbent on making photographs look grungier.

The most obvious manifestation of this phenomena is the enormous popularity of Instagram and its nearly requisite filters. It’s almost not an “insta” if you don’t apply a filter. This trend is so incredibly pervasive, that it gave rise to the #nofilter hashtag. As if one couldn’t believe a sunset could be so fantastic as to not require the use of a filter!

Why Do We Want Better Cameras If We Keep Making the Photos Look Worse? a3 sunset

Photo by allen3

Google’s Snapseed application offers a similar “one button” effect for photography, and not only will it alter the tonal curves and saturations, but you can also apply dust and scratches to the image. Yes, the very things that we worked for hours to eliminate in the analog age, can be reapplied in fractions of a second in the digital age.

And as big a fan of lomography as I am, I’m still scratching my head at the runaway success of its Petzval lens Kickstarter campaign. When it was invented in the 19th century, the Petzval lens was popular because it allowed a super fast f/3.5, which was a significant technological development since film speeds were so slow. The unintended optical design of the lens featured a crisp center focus, but suffered from heavy vignetting and edge distortion. But now, those defects are being marketed as a plus for portrait photography.

Lomography writes, “Photos shot with a Petzval lens are immediately recognizable for their sharpness and crispness, strong color saturation, wonderful swirly bokeh effect, artful vignettes and narrow depth of field. The totally distinctive look of Petzval photos is all about the fantastic lens design that gives you the satisfaction of the instant optic experience that goes far beyond using photo editing software and filters.”

Why Do We Want Better Cameras If We Keep Making the Photos Look Worse? petzval1

Photo by Lomography

This all sounds wonderful, but the sample images simply don’t match the description. Yet, nearly 3,000 backers believe that this will be a welcome addition to compliment their $3500, 22.3 MP Canon 5D. I definitely don’t need another 2 lbs of glass and brass. This might be yet another manifestation of Gear Acquisition Syndrome, or perhaps it’s something else.

Perhaps it’s all about self-expression. Perhaps we want to induce the instant nostalgia that faux analog seems to afford us. Or maybe tailoring the output of our images allows us to personally embellish the literal medium. “Worse” to me might be “better” to you, and I can accept that without reservations. But then why on earth do we continue to pine for the latest and greatest technology? The faster lens with more megapixels and the Mark 38 designation.

For me, nostalgia is induced by the subjects of my photography – what they were doing and wearing, and how they are situated in the environment – not some gimmick to make photos look old. True faded photographs will die off like the dinosaurs, which makes me wonder how our children will feel when they view a digital photo taken 50 years earlier with perfect fidelity. But I’m going to wait 50 years to tackle that issue, and in the meantime, you can find me taking some tack sharp photos in the corner while wearing my flannel shirt.

About the author: Allen Murabayashi is the Chairman and Co-founder of PhotoShelter. Allen is a graduate of Yale University, and flosses daily. This article originally appeared here.

Image credit: Camera LCDs by Hamed Saber

14 Aug 17:30

Photographer Cabbie Captures the Magic of New York City from His Taxi

by DL Cade

Davis Brandford became a cab driver in 1990, and immediately picked up a camera when he realized he now had a front-row seat to life in New York City. Since then, he’s not been able to stop taking pictures and capturing the city he loves.

Most recently, New gave Bradford his own New York Moment, offering us a small glimpse into the life of the successful photographer cabbie.

In truth, Bradford has been many things over the course of his life. In chronological order, he’s gone from dancer and trombone player, to artist, to art director, to freelance illustrator, to cabbie, and finally photographer.

After being an art director at Saks Fifth Avenue for 10 years, he took the job as a cabbie in hopes of finding more freedom to pursue independent projects. Instead, he became inspired to pick up a camera, and in 1993 he began creating what he calls “his personal portrait of the city.”

Photographer Cabbie Captures the Magic of New York City from His Taxi bradford

Over the past 20 years, he’s created two books — Drive-by Shootings and Back Seat Book — which captured life both outside and inside his taxi. The first of those sold out of its initial 50,000-book print run in only 3 months.

If you’d like to learn more about Bradford and his passion for New York City, or you’re interested in seeing more of his work, be sure to watch his New York Moment above and head over to his website by clicking here.

(via Imaging Insider)

14 Aug 17:29

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

by DL Cade

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

Over the years, photojournalist Anthony S. Karen has gained access to some of the most secretive groups in the world. From Skinheads, to the Westboro Baptist Church, to the Vodou societies of NYC and Haiti, he prides himself on earning his elusive subjects’ trust, and a candid look into their lives along with it.

One of his longest running projects involves photographing the modern-day Ku Klux Klan, resulting in photos that give us an intimate glance inside a world few ever get to see.

The series began in 2005, when Karen was allowed to attend and photograph a Klan event. The trust he gained at that and subsequent events eventually earned him unrestricted access. When asked in an interview with FotoEvidence how he managed to achieve this, he explained that in photojournalism, you get what you give:

I think a lot of the credibility I’ve earned stems from my basic philosophy that you need to give some of yourself in order to receive anything back. I spend time with people, I listen to what they have to say, and I treat each person as an individual. I don’t have to believe what they believe, but whenever I’m in someone’s space, I feel I’m obliged to observe without judgment.

Here are just a few of the many photographs he’s taken over the many-year-long project:

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan kkk11

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan

A Candid Look Inside the Secretive World of the Ku Klux Klan kkk10

So far, his work documenting the KKK has led to two books — The Invisible Empire: Ku Klux Klan released in 2009 and White Pride released earlier this year — as well as the chance to work with the Discovery Channel on a documentary called KKK: Beneath The Hood.

To see more of Karen’s series on the Ku Klux Klan or browse through some of his other award-winning photojournalistic work, be sure to visit his website by clicking here.

(via Slate)

Image credits: Photographs by Anthony S. Karen and used with permission.

14 Aug 17:15

majinbabe: porkour



13 Aug 11:52


12 Aug 20:25

This Dog Needs Some Bongos

This Dog Needs Some Bongos

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: dogs , gifs , pools , funny
12 Aug 20:23

Crispy Quesadilla Burger at Brisco County Wood Grill in Menomonee Falls, WI

by Lacey Muszynski

From A Hamburger Today


[Photographs: Lacey Muszynski]

Brisco County Wood Grill

N96 W16865 Cumberland Court, Menomonee Falls WI 53051 (map); 262-251-8444;
Cooking Method: Grilled
Short Order: Western-themed, jack-of-all-trades restaurant serving up super juicy burgers with lots of seasoning
Want Fries With That? If fries coated in a thin batter are your thing, you'll like them here
Price: Aztec burger, $8.95; quesadilla burger, $9.95; jalapeño poppers, $7.45

There's a distinct lack of decent restaurants in the Menomonee Falls area, a suburb northwest of Milwaukee. Not much stands out, and it's all relatively mediocre. I haven't done a burger in that area though, so decided it was time.

I settled on Brisco County Wood Grill. Judging by the fact that the website (and menu) touts a "Best Burgers in Milwaukee" award from the local paper, I figured it was a good bet. I had my reservations though because I've done quite a lot of burger research in the area and this place doesn't come up much, even though it supposedly won that award.

Well, in Googling after my visit, I can't find any evidence that they did in fact win any burger awards from the Journal Sentinel. And based on my experience, they definitely should not win for "best burger in Milwaukee" anyway, so I'm not surprised.


Aztec Burger.

That's not to say the burger was bad, but it was definitely not the best in Milwaukee—Menomonee Falls, maybe, though I'm not at liberty to say since I haven't tried many there. What stood out most was the beef, which was extremely juicy for being cooked past the requested medium. It was heavily seasoned too, so much so that you could see the seasoning, and taste it distinctly, if you happened to get a seed of fennel. It had big, bold flavors, reminding me of those chunky steak seasonings in the spice aisle.

Juices ran out of the burger with every bite, especially the first one, like you had just wrung out a sponge. It was a little bit disconcerting, really, and it reminded me of other burgers I've had that inject beef broth into the patty.


The patty's flavor was good though, spurred on by the heavy seasoning and wood fire grilling that created some great grill marks and char. The beef's flavor meshed well with the slightly smoky chipotle mayo sauce on the Aztec Burger ($8.95). The spicy sauce melted into the beef since it was located under the thick layer of cheddar cheese.


A Quesadilla Burger ($9.95) is the restaurant's answer to a patty melt. It's their standard half-pound burger patty sandwiched between two tortillas with bacon, cheese, and pico, then crisped up on a flat top. It was better than I was expecting it to be, mostly because it was nicely browned and crunchy on the outside. The bacon's smokiness complemented the char on the burger, but I wish the pico had been fresher. More cheese would've kept the whole thing together better, too. It's an interesting option, though, and probably appreciated by those who don't like pillowy buns.

The fries were coated in a thin batter. Think Burger King fries, only thicker and with a slightly less homogenous coating. I'm not a fan of battered fries, so there were not a favorite. I imagine people who enjoy Burger King's fries would enjoy this upgrade too.


Definitely skip the Jalapeño Poppers from the appetizer menu. Six poppers for $7.45 was ridiculous and the peppers were tough.


If you can overlook the weird possibly enhanced-with-broth thing, the burgers are good. The place was jumping on a late Saturday afternoon by the time we left, so I suspect area residents think so too.

About the author: Lacey Muszynski is an editor, freelance writer and restaurant reviewer from Milwaukee, WI. When she's not burgerblogging on AHT, she might be updating her food blog, making fun of the Food Network, or wondering what her art degree has to do with all of this. Her idols growing up included Martin Yan, Chairman Kaga, and whoever was on Great Chefs, Great Cities that day.

Love hamburgers? Then you'll Like AHT on Facebook! And go follow us on Twitter and Pinterest while you're at it!

12 Aug 20:14


by Fernanda Pires

Sean Penn deu mais que uma rasteira em qualquer mocinho! Aos 52 aninhos o ator surgiu de só calça jeans pela Ibiza. Essa nem o Christian Grey do “Cinquenta tons de cinza” seguraria, isso é certeza! Tem mais fotos pra babar lá na galeria:

+ zoom sean-penn-shirtless11
+ zoom sean-penn-shirtless10
+ zoom sean-penn-shirtless15
+ zoom sean-penn-shirtless10-1
+ zoom sean-penn-shirtless3
+ zoom sean-penn-shirtless4
+ zoom sean-penn

Fotos: Faded Youth Blog.

12 Aug 16:22

9 Receitas Low Carb

by (Tati - Panelaterapia)

Com essa onda de Dieta Dukan as receitas com pouco ou sem nenhum carboidrato estão em alta. Dietas pobres em carboidratos são indicadas para perder gordura e manter a massa muscular. Lembrando que é sempre bom procurar um médico e/ou um nutricionista antes de começar uma dieta.

Também quero deixar claro que não apoio nenhuma dieta restritiva. Para mim a melhor dieta é a moderação e o equilíbrio, não que eu consiga colocar em prática, mas enfim... espero que a seleção lhes seja útil.

1. Torre de Berinjela
2. Talharim de Abobrinha
3. Purê Verde
4. Pizza de Carne Moída
5. Fundos de Alcachofra Recheados
6. Frago à Pizzaiolo
7. Salada com Tangerina e Gorgonzola
8. Creme de Abóbora Oriental
9. Peixe ao Vinagrete

***Este é um conteúdo do blog Por gentileza não responda este e-mail, pois não será replicado.
12 Aug 13:29


12 Aug 03:13

Just to Be Sure

Just to Be Sure

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: fetch , funny , sticks
12 Aug 03:12


11 Aug 23:31

Homemade Infused Olive Oil

by elsiecake

Homemade infused olive oil www.abeautifulmess.comI like eating out. I think everybody does, right? I (obviously) also liked cooking at home but going out always feels special. It's all the little things, mini dishes to hold sauces (even simple things like ketchup), garnishes, cloth napkins, a sometimes unexpected starters like crusty bread with infused oils. None of this is rocket science, and yet I somehow don't manage to recreate it all at home often enough. I secretly wish every meal started with warm bread. If you, like me, have aspirations to make your tiny dining room feel like a restaurant here's something easy to try this week: homemade infused olive oil.How to make infused olive oil www.abeautifulmess.comYou can change out any ingredients you like to make infused olive oil. What I've listed below are just suggestions/jumping off points for your own creative ideas. This also makes a really fun hostess gift the next time you are invited over to someones house for dinner and want to make a homemade gift.How to make infused olive oil  Infused Olive Oil, makes 8 ounces.

8 oz. olive oil
3-4 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon whole peppercorns
3-5 sprigs of fresh thyme

Other ideas: red pepper flakes, other herbs (like rosemary), zest peels (like the rind from an orange) or hot peppers. 

In a small pot combine all ingredients and heat over medium/high heat (below the smoking point). Heat for 6-8 minutes. Strain out the infused ingredients from the oil. Store the oil in a an airtight container (you can add in a few fresh ingredients to make it more fancy looking*).Homemade infused olive oil Serve the oil along side balsamic vinegar with warm bread. Do it. Enjoy! xo. Emma

*Note: Never add fresh garlic to olive oil you do not plan to refrigerate. Fresh garlic cloves added to unrefrigerated olive oil can cause botulism poisoning.

04 Aug 21:46

shaddad: da série feita no rio de janeiro, jane la nuit tombe,...


da série feita no rio de janeiro, jane la nuit tombe, de vincent catala

04 Aug 14:01

At Home With Anna Dorfman

by elsiecake

Love the bold walls in this living roomToday, we are happy to welcome Anna Dorfman to the blog to share her lovely home!
Adorable dining room set upLove this mantle"My husband Evan and I (and our dogs, Bruno and Fritz) divide our time between two homes — a rental apartment in Brooklyn, and an 1891 Victorian house in the historic City of Newburgh. Newburgh is about 60 miles north of NYC in the Hudson Valley region of upstate New York. We go back and forth between the two places depending on what our work schedules are like (Evan is a technologist and musician, and I'm a book cover designer), but the house is really our home. We're on a loose, multiple-decade plan with renovations, the pace of which is determined by urgency, time and money. We have no deadlines. And we don't think about resale value, so we try to make sure that everything we put into the house is what we really want. As as result, our house has really turned into a sort of dream space for us. It's not in what you'd call 'the country,' but it sits on a bluff overlooking the Hudson River and is surrounded by beauty—both natural and man-made. Size-wise, our house is about 1,800 square feet. It's a classic rowhouse floor plan on a city lot, with windows at the front and back of the building. We have four bedrooms (one for us, one for guests, one for clothes, one for work) and two bathrooms, plus a small garden in back." The white floors in here are beautifulAdorable bedroom Gorgeous bathroom"I don't like to get to precious about objects, so I'll just say that my favorite find is the house itself. The City of Newburgh has one of the largest historic districts in the country, but it's also a city that has seen some terribly rough times in the past half century. A lot of houses have fallen victim to serious neglect and abandonment. A decade ago, our house was vacant and had plywood nailed over the windows. Somehow, miraculously, our house managed to stay mostly intact as far as original details are concerned. Even most of the original wavy-glass windows are still there! We still have the original plaster walls, all of the fireplaces, the woodwork, the massive front doors. We're very lucky. We feel very much like the house has been entrusted to us. We're here not only to fix what was broken and respect the construction of the past, but to think about the house's future when doing renovations. It's very humbling to live in a house that's almost 125 years old—it was there long before us, and it'll be there long after we're gone. Beyond the house's function as a dwelling, it's also a part of a greater community whose recovery we care a great deal about." Beautiful kitchen At Home With Anna Dorfman"Most of the time it's just us there, but lately we've been trying to be better about inviting friends up from NYC. I love to cook for guests, and now that the kitchen is finally being renovated for real, it's such a pleasant room to be in. We also recently finished our very, very gradual garden renovation, and once mosquito season is over we might actually get to spend some time out there relaxing! Evan has space for recording music, too, which is amazing. The dogs are always so happy and content in Newburgh—they use the entire house for lounging! Above everything, though, I use the house as an outlet for my need to transform and make better that which surrounds me."Darling dressing roomGorgeous light and pops of color"We bought the house in early 2006. And for four years, we lived there full-time and commuted via ferry and train to and from NYC every day. For the past three years we've also rented an apartment in Brooklyn, but we always go back to Newburgh. With the exception of moving walls (something we've deliberately chosen not to do), just about everything inside and outside of the house has evolved to some degree. Bathrooms have been gutted, cast iron radiators and tubs have been sandblasted, bricks have been repointed, walls have been replastered, electric and plumbing work has been re-done. You name it, it's probably happened in our house! The house was a mess when we bought it—a true fixer-upper. I still marvel over 'before' and 'during' photos. We've done almost all of the renovation work ourselves, which is incredibly rewarding. Neither Evan nor I knew anything about renovation and repair work seven years years ago, but these days we're pretty fearless. If we don't know how to do something, we figure it out. We make mistakes and learn from them. We take our time. Right now I'm working on renovating the kitchen, which has been in a sort of 'temporary' (hah!) holding pattern for years. So far I've finished tiling two of the walls, and once we remove the radiators for repair and refinishing, I'll take care of the other two. It's really a wonder to see how far the house has come. I can't wait to see what it'll look like in another seven years!" Anna Dorfmans beautiful homeAt Home With Anna Dorfman via A Beautiful MessThank you so much, Anna, for sharing your gorgeous home with us! You can find more of Anna over at her blog Door Sixteen or over at her design site. xo.

29 Jul 14:53


by "miss" james
it was so good to be back in chicago. i love this city so much! we are lucky to have sweet friends and family up there and to live close enough to jump in the car early morning and be there by lunch time. we stayed with my cousin lizzie who lives right on north lake shore and has the most incredible view of the water and rooftop deck. we felt so fancy.






we spent most of our time out and about, exploring new areas and visiting old favorites. we visited with our friends matt and stevie and finally got to meet baby rhodes. sailor and rhodes were so cute together! i think it's funny and also very special that we both used the name rhodes in our baby son's names without knowing.






we went to our favorite coffee and bike shop called heritage general store and spotted the cutest little pop-up shop outside with handmade baby and children clothes. i picked up an adorable little skirt for birdie.






millennium park was a first for us. we saw the bean and birdie splashed in the water area and chased pigeons.











look sailor can stand on his own now!!! ::clap clap::



every saturday night they set off fireworks at navy pier. we watched from my cousin's rooftop. it was sprinkling but didn't bother us one bit.




we went to big star in wicker park after many recommendations. it did not disappoint. they were some of the best tacos i have ever had.





we stopped and took a photo in front of this big black door. i took the same photo of birdie last year when we were in town. it's crazy to see how much she has grown in just a year.




we had hotdogs from the haute and the dog. what you see here is their green chiles mac and cheese dog, the bacon wrapped dog, the chicago dog and the german shepherd which has sour kraut and kale. so good you guys!


my long time friend michael was in town from new york because his wife frankie was playing the pitchfork music festival. i haven't seen him in years, so it was an extra special treat getting to hug him and to introduce him to the two littlest kids.




on our last night there we ordered some deep dish pizza from lou malnati's, which was amazing, and hung out on the roof while playing with the kids and watching a storm roll in. it was SUCH a wonderful trip. we are already planning our return with julian and milla plum in tow.

it's good to be back home, but boy did these past two weeks of travel have me miss living in the city. luckily we live close and can visit often. we are already planning our next trip to chicago for the fall.

whew... that was a lot of photos. thanks for looking! and thanks stevie for snapping a few of these photos for us.

18 Jul 19:37

Capas do Nine Inch Nails

by Paula Moizes

Prestes a lançar “Hesitation Marks” em setembro, Nine Inch Nails divulgou as quatro diferentes capas para o álbum. Cada formato do disco terá uma arte diferente, todas feitas por Russell Mills, artista que também fez a capa de “The Downward Spiral”.

Confere abaixo todas as artes e como foram tituladas:

Capa do vinil, “Other Murmurs”:


Capa do formato digital, “Turn and Burn”:

digital cover[2]

Capa do CD, “Time and Again”:

standard cd cover[2]

Capa do CD deluxe, “Cargo in the Blood”:

deluxe cd cover[1]

18 Jul 18:48

[Single] “Supersoaker”, Kings of Leon

by Denis Pedroso

E que tal a nova dos Kings of Leon? “Supersoaker” vai agradar aos fãs, tenho certeza ;)


Posts relacionados:

  1. Sex on fire – Kings of Leon
  2. [Single] “Radioactive”, Kings of Leon
  3. Only by the night, Kings of Leon
18 Jul 18:42

Erupções vistas do espaço

by Janara Lopes


“Não há consenso entre os vulcanólogos sobre como definir um vulcão “ativo”. A vida útil de um vulcão pode variar de meses até vários milhões de anos, tornando tal distinção por vezes sem sentido quando comparado com os tempo de vida de seres humanos ou das civilizações.”

Essa é uma série de fotos da NASA, mostrando erupções, diretamente do espaço.

Photograph by NASA








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18 Jul 18:41

O barulho mágico da chuva

by Janara Lopes


Sabe aquele barulhinho gostoso de chuva que te deixa mais calmo? Bem, pelo menos sempre funciona pra mim. Dê o play em um som – deixo aqui embaixo uma sugestão. Mantenha a página aberta em seu navegador e aproveite o clima.

18 Jul 18:35

Atoms for Peace para ver de casa

by Paula Moizes

Na próxima semana, o Atoms for Peace estará se apresentando em Londres e os shows poderão ser vistos em tempo real e em alta qualidade de som e vídeo pelo programa Soundhalo. Nigel Godrich disse que o aplicativo é interessante como uma saída para os vídeos tremidos e com péssima sonoridade disponíveis no Youtube no dia seguinte dos shows.

A notícia veio após da retirada do álbum “Amok” da plataforma de streaming Spotify, assim como os trabalhos paralelos de Thom Yorke e Godrich.

Vai dar pra assistir e baixar o setlist completo ou as músicas individualmente dos shows dos dias 25 e 26 de julho. Dá uma olhada no vídeo de divulgação e vê se não dá vontade de baixar a apresentação inteira do Atoms for Peace pelo programa (já que não estamos em Londres para ver ao vivo):