Shared posts

18 Mar 00:58

One Crucial Tip For Surviving GTA Online's Heists

by Kirk Hamilton

Last week, GTA Online added 4-player cooperative heists. If you've been waiting until now to hop in and start playing, I've got a tip that'll make it much easier to survive your first big score: Pack lots of snacks.


17 Mar 15:02

the-creepatorium: Art by Santiago Caruso

17 Mar 07:43

Horseback riding is awesome, but there are all sorts of reasons...

Horseback riding is awesome, but there are all sorts of reasons why many of us might not be able to have a horse of our own. But then the Department of Breathtaking Bicycles informed us about “Horsey,” a fantastic bicycle design created by Korean designer Eungi Kim for the seoul design foundation and designboom’s Seoul Cycle Design Competition 2010.

Here’s how Kim described his clever creation:

‘Horsey’ is an attachable bicycle ornament/accessory which makes one’s bicycle look horsey! The ‘Horsey’ package includes wooden ornaments (horsey shape body), metal parts, and screws. The manual is very simple so that anyone can easily arrange it according to one’s needs. Through this ‘Horsey’ project I wanted to give a special look to bicycles so that people would care about cycling not only as transportation but also as a lovely pet.

Here’s hoping that Kim has plans to create a second unicorn version so that when people ask how we get to work in in the morning we can say, “In the most awesome way possible, by riding my unicorn!”

[via Design Taxi and designboom]

17 Mar 00:55

‘Hot Dudes With Dogs’ Instagram Brings Two Of Your Favorite Things In One Place

by Julija K.

Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


Hot Dude With A Dog

Hot Dude With A Dog


17 Mar 00:50



mostly because i find the idea of comparing a person to a trebuchet delightful even though the lists are kinda shit

17 Mar 00:43



16 Mar 10:05

aseaofquotes: Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebeard


Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebeard

16 Mar 06:18

NASA: California Has One Year of Water Left

by hellabeautiful

YAY!!! we're fucking the entire country in the process!

16 Mar 06:18

Don't Panic, but We May Be On the Verge of a Bourbon Shortage

by (Sophie Kleeman)

Bourbon lovers, you may want to put down your tumbler before reading this.

A recent story in Nautilus brought a truly distressing bit of information to our attention: A bourbon shortage may be upon us. The explosive popularity of the amber liquid — exports topped $1 billion for the first time ever in 2013, according to data from the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States — combined with its lengthy aging process has proven to be a dangerous combination.

"The bourbon boom is real," Bill Newlands, then-North American president of Beam Inc., said during the 2013 World Whiskies Conference. "Today, bourbon is the fastest growing category in this country ... When did you think you would hear that comment?"

By law, bourbon — a corn-heavy type of whiskey — must be distilled in the United States and aged in new, charred oak barrels. Read More
16 Mar 06:17


16 Mar 06:16

Happy Birthday Greg Nicotero

Happy Birthday Greg Nicotero

16 Mar 06:15

Overkill's The Walking Dead will be like Payday, but in a bigger world

by Brian Crecente

The upcoming Walking Dead game in development from the studio behind Payday: The Heist will include cooperative online gameplay and be "Payday-esque," said The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman at a SXSW panel today.

Continue reading…

16 Mar 06:04

Are you ready for your weekend Photogasm? Visit the...

Are you ready for your weekend Photogasm? Visit the ‪#‎beautifulbizarre‬ website for this week’s favorite photography finds!

16 Mar 05:56


16 Mar 05:55

Boston Breaks All-Time Winter Snowfall Record with 108.6 Inches of Snow

by Dennis Mersereau

A burst of heavy snow this afternoon nudged Boston over the threshold the city needed to break its all-time snowfall record. The airport reported 2.9 inches of snow at 7:00 PM EDT, bringing the seasonal total to 108.6 inches, or one inch above the previous all-time record set in 1995-1996. Snowfall records in Boston date back to 1936.


16 Mar 05:55

Day two @sideshowgallerychicago ! Starlings today!...



Day two @sideshowgallerychicago ! Starlings today! #sideshowgallery #chicago #taxidermy #taxidermyclasses #taxidermyclass #taxidermyworkshop #taxidermyteacher #taxidermyinstruction #learntaxidermy #zoology #biology #preservation #katieinnamorato #afterlifeanatomy #dissection #oddities #taxidermyinstructor #taxidermist #taxidermyinstruction #taxidermyworkshops afterlifeanatomy(at) (at Sideshow Gallery)

16 Mar 05:53

Ellen Jewett

Ellen Jewett

16 Mar 03:36

imagesofwar:“War is Hell”


“War is Hell”

16 Mar 02:03

Fake Paparazzi Photos of a Fake Celebrity… and Real Star-Struck Tourists

by Michael Zhang


This past Valentines day, photographer Kendrick Brinson was tasked with what she calls “the strangest assignment” of her career thus far. She was asked by OZY magazine with shooting as a fake paparazzi photographer, chasing after editor Sanjena Sathian as she walked the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard through crowds of tourists. Sathian later published an account of the experience in a story titled “Almost Famous.”

Sathian’s celebrity image was reinforced by an actor that was hired to play her bodyguard and a swarm of hired extras with cameras that were jostling to catch a glimpse of Sathian on camera.

“It was especially strange for me because I was in the crowd of fake paparazzi photographing the fake celebrity and I was the only real one in that mix, though watching the scene you’d never know that,” the photographer writes on her blog.

“I’ve never laughed more or ran backwards more on a shoot.”

As you can see from the photographs she captured that day, many people bought into the “con” and tried to capture photos of (and with) Sathian themselves.




















“Without my face landing in a dentist’s office, my fame is brief, wondrous, fragile,” Sathian writes in her OZY piece. “I take solace in the knowledge that I’ll be preserved, forever, nostalgically, in the iPhones of some 30 teenagers in Beijing.”

(via Kendrick Brinson via The Photo Brigade)

Image credits: Photographs by Kendrick Brinson and used with permission

16 Mar 01:47

arjuna-vallabha: Flooded ruins at Angkor


Flooded ruins at Angkor

16 Mar 01:45

Calvin and Hobbes

15 Mar 21:47

tenderprey:tumblr text post Nick Cave edition


tumblr text post Nick Cave edition

15 Mar 21:20

vikingofficial:These are their stories.


These are their stories.

15 Mar 21:16

Man crowdfunds trip to Miami to save relationship from spring break

by Jordan Freiman

Love can make you do crazy things. As can jealousy and blatant mistrust. Such is the case for Azel Prather Jr. who is very concerned that his 22-year-old girlfriend will make some terrible mistakes while on spring break in Miami. As such, the 25-year-old has taken to the crowdfunding site GoFundMe to finance his own trip to South Beach.

Prather explains his reasoning on the GoFundMe page:

Greetings people! As you know, spring break is fastly approaching and my youngin (pictured above) and her friends are going to Miami. If you know anything about Miami, you know that she shouldn’t go without a chaperone. I need to get there to be with her and share this joyous time but my funds have been exhausted. We have a great thing going and I would hate to see it go down the drain for a little sand and sun. If you can find it in your heart to donate ANYTHING to help save my relationship I would greatly appreciate it. I just need a round trip flight. I will be staying wherever she lays her head, eating whatever she eats, and overseeing all parties and fun activitiy for the duration of the trip. I thank you in advance. Please fellas, I love her.

It’s weird that he would consider himself a chaperon in this situation, as opposed to, say, a person who would also be going on vacation, but I suppose that’s the least of his problems. His incredible lack of trust and terrifying insecurity seem like more important issues to tackle.

Prather’s goal was $300, and it looked like the trip was going to be be tragically underfunded until a Washington Post piece was published making fun of the campaign. After getting the wide exposure such a publication has to offer, the campaign very quickly surpassed it’s target.

Hopefully Prather provides constant updates about how happy his girl is that she now has a watchful protector following her every move during her break.

[h/t Washington Post]

14 Mar 23:29

Zapping Deadly Blood Clots Just Got a Thousand Times Faster

by Caroline Weinberg
Zapping Deadly Blood Clots Just Got a Thousand Times Faster
14 Mar 23:23


14 Mar 23:22

arabellesicardi:It’s the year of the goat!!! 新年快樂.


It’s the year of the goat!!! 新年快樂.

14 Mar 09:52


by hellabeautiful

14 Mar 06:41


14 Mar 06:10

zonicyouth:these are their stories


these are their stories