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07 Apr 14:30


animals,web comics

Submitted by: (via Poorly Drawn Lines)

Tagged: animals , web comics
07 Apr 14:26

Dad Photoshops Baby Into Unsafe Situations

by james
Dad Photoshops Baby Into Unsafe Situations - Awkward Galleries

A good sense of humor can get you through anything, even parenthood. Steven Crowley is a Dublin, Ireland-based designer who puts his particularly dark sensibility to use in a series of photos depicting his daughter in a variety of white-knuckle-inducing dangerous scenarios, like climbing a ladder or using kitchen knives. As he wrote on Reddit,  his goal is to depict “marginally dangerous” situations. “Nothing unbelievable, but enough to make people think ‘Wait, did he..?'”

Well, his Photoshop game is so strong, you’d be forgiven for thinking the photos are real. Check out the gallery below:

1. Fun with knives

2. Bannister climbing

3. Chilling out on the railing

4. A day at the lake

5. What’s in the attic?

6. Baby launcher

7. Bringing down the lights

06 Apr 19:25

How To Clean Your Kitchen (and Keep It Clean) in 20 Minutes a Day for 30 Days

by Sarah Rae Smith

The kitchen is the heart and center of the home, but it gets dirty fast. (Cleaning up is the downside to cooking at home!) If neglected, aside from basic washing up and wiping down, the kitchen can get out of hand very quickly. But forget weekend cleaning marathons — you can deep-clean the kitchen from top to bottom (and keep it clean!) in only 20 minutes a day.

Here is a 30-day plan that will help you clean your kitchen in manageable chunks of time — and keep it gleaming clean without those hours of toil on the weekend. (We even have a handy PDF you can print out and tack on the fridge to remind you!)


06 Apr 14:48

Time-Restricted Eating: The One Simple Trick That Might Help You Lose Weight

by Laurel Leicht

Losing weight might be about when, not what, you eat.

05 Apr 19:22

What Color Are This Girl's Eyes?

by Alex Santoso

Image: @Akiyoshi Kitaoka

We've featured Akiyoshi Kitaoka's optical illusions before on Neatorama (like this predecessor to today's image), but the Japanese psychology professor has a neat new one.

In this image above, Kitaoka noted "The right eye appears to be light blue and the left eye to be yellow, though they are the same gray."

Don't believe it?

Here are the eyes up close:

Let's compare them side-by-side (Enhance!!)

Pretty freaky, huh?

04 Apr 14:18

Start or Expand Your Studio Ghibli Blu-ray Collection For $13 Each

by Shep McAllister on Deals, shared by Shep McAllister to Kotaku

Even if your personal Miyazaki collection is comprehensive, I bet you have some friends and family members who would appreciate his films. Several of his best are down to $13 on Blu-ray on Amazon right now, which is just about as cheap as they ever get.


04 Apr 14:12

The Bittersweet Story of Vanilla

by Miss Cellania

Vanilla beans are a lot harder to grow than you'd think. Did you know that the vanilla vine only blooms one day a year? If a vanilla farmer isn't there on the spot to pollinate them by hand (a tricky process), he won't see any vanilla beans. And even if he does, there's a lot of processing to go through before the flavoring is usable. But vanilla is one of the most popular spices in the world, found in at least 18,000 different products. You might be surprised to learn that the majority of the vanilla we consume today doesn't even come from vanilla beans.

In the late 19th century, scientists figured out how to derive vanillin—the dominant compound that gives vanilla its signature aroma—from less expensive sources. These included eugenol (a chemical compound found in clove oil) and lignin, which is found in plants, wood pulp and even cow feces. Today, about 85 percent of vanillin comes from guaiacol that’s synthesized from petrochemicals. This isn’t something many of us realize, because labeling can be confusing.

In short, vanilla is the plant. Vanillin is one of up to 250 chemical compounds that make up the flavor we know as vanilla. The Food and Drug Administration broadly defines “natural flavors” as those derived from “a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material … whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional.” Artificial flavoring, on the other hand, is defined as being derived from substances outside of those parameters—even if the chemical composition of the two products are similar.

So a product containing "natural" vanilla might come from something other than vanilla beans. However, producing vanilla beans is still a lucrative business. Read about the history and the process of producing vanilla at Smithsonian.

(Image credit: tirados joselito)

03 Apr 21:22

Orange's Joke

bananas,fruit,orange,puns,web comics

Submitted by: (via Bacon Asylum)

Tagged: bananas , fruit , orange , puns , web comics
30 Mar 18:55

You Can Never Move Again, But Why Would You Want To?

29 Mar 14:52

It's Impossible to Contain the Cuteness That is 23 Baby Pandas

by Alex Santoso

Image: Weibo via @Samchong

Last year, Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding unveiled their latest batch of cuteness: 23 baby pandas making their public debut at the center. Workers tried to arrange the baby pandas according to their sizes on top of a large green podium, but that task proved to be futile.

One baby panda was particularly adventurous and decided to go off stage ...


But don't worry, folks. Fushun, the baby panda that fell off became quite famous. Apparently, he fell off the stage straight into the people's hearts.

There's a YouTube video clip by CCTV of the event:

And if you can't get enough of the Chengdu pandas, the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding has a live cam.

24 Mar 21:39

Class Action Over The Meaning Of ‘Sale’ Means Harbor Freight Customers Get Refunds

by Laura Northrup

Have you shopped at any of discount tool chain Harbor Freight’s 750 U.S. stores recently? A recent class action settlement over the chain’s understanding of how a “sale” works means that customers can get refunds that range from 10% to 30% of whatever they spent at the store, or a $10 gift card.

The lawsuit alleged that Harbor Freight slapped “Sale” and “Compare at” tags on items that weren’t actually sold at that price for long enough. For an item to be considered on sale, the item must have had that original price for at least 28 of the preceding 90 days.

While the lawsuit was filed at the Court of Common Pleas in Ohio, if the settlement is approved, it will apply to all Harbor Freight customers in the United States who bought items with alleged fake sale price tags between April 8, 2011 and Dec. 15, 2016.

The settlement has preliminary approval from the judge, and the hearing for final approval will be held in July. The deadline to file a claim if you’re eligible is Aug. 7, 2017.

There are three groups in this suit, depending on what type of documentation you have.

Customers who save their receipts: Customers with itemized receipts that have a “You Saved…” amount printed on them from the covered period will receive 20% of the amount they spent in cash, or 30% as a Harbor Freight gift card.

Customers who have credit or debit card statements: If you can at least prove that you shopped at Harbor Freight during the covered period because the store appears on your payment card statement, you can receive 10% in cash or 12% as a gift card.

Customers who can’t prove anything: If you declare on penalty of perjury that you really bought an item during the covered period with a fake sale price on it, you can receive a $10 Harbor Freight gift card.

Remember that class actions can take a while to make their way through the system: Just ask our readers who are still waiting for their tuna coupons.
[via KARE – auto-play video at that link]

22 Mar 21:41

Make It Easier to Medicate Your Dog with DIY Pill Pockets

by Heather Yamada-Hosley

Getting your dog to take pills can be tough since they’re often not so tasty, and while pill pockets help, the store-bought treats designed for such a purpose can get expensive fast. Make these three-ingredient pill pockets to cut down on costs and make medicating your dog easier.


22 Mar 17:28

Giphy Collects Together Thousands of Animated GIFs to Help You Learn Sign Language

by Thorin Klosowski

Knowing at least a few phrases in American Sign Language is always useful and there are few videos that are a more popular means of learning it than the Sign with Robert series. Giphy has teamed up with Sign with Robert to put together a ton of animated GIFs to help you learn a variety of phrases.


22 Mar 17:12

Use Bacon Instead of Breading for No-Carb Onion Rings

by Claire Lower on Skillet, shared by Andy Orin to Lifehacker

It’s hard to improve on an onion ring, but I dare say the folks at Tastemade have done just that. Instead of dipping the allium loops in a batter and then frying them, they’ve gone low-carb (and high-taste) by wrapping them in strips of tasty bacon and baking them.


20 Mar 22:00

You Can Travel Across The U.S. By Train For Just Over $200

by Zeon Santos

Gas is still pretty expensive in most places, and air travel is full of ridiculous TSA delays, so train travel is starting to look pretty good to travelers who want to go places without hassles or headaches.

Riding the rails can be a relaxing and romantic way to see the country, as you travel down routes well over 100 years ago, and you can take an Amtrak train across the country for a mere $213.

Travel blogger Derek Low loves to travel by train, so he figured out a way to make the 3,400 mile long trip without breaking the bank via Amtrak's California Zephyr and Lake Shore Limited routes.

The trip takes 4 days without stopovers and takes you through Denver, Salt Lake City and Chicago, but if you want to see it all you can buy a 15 day pass for around $429 and stop all you like.

And if you can, Derek recommends riding in the Sightseer Lounge car, which features floor to ceiling windows and super comfy seating.

-Via Popular Mechanics

20 Mar 21:55

Skull Firelogs

by Alex Santoso

Now this is a backyard firepit fit for Conan the Barbarian! Forget firelogs - keep yourself warm with fires fueled by burning the skulls of your enemies. But there's no need to vanquish Thulsa Doom and his armies - you can buy these skull "logs" over at Amazon - via The Awesomer and Valhalla's Chosen.

20 Mar 01:43

Happy Sunday!

11 Mar 00:54

Dogs only want to fight when there's a gate between them

by biotv
A group of quarreling dogs demonstrate how tough they really are.
We're all tough... until the gate is open.

10 Mar 21:24

The Awkward Yeti

09 Mar 18:38

Recipe: Braised Coconut Spinach & Chickpeas with Lemon — Recipes from The Kitchn

by Faith Durand
(Image credit: Faith Durand)

Are you in the mood for some comfort food? Of course you are; it's February. But in the interest of lingering New Year's resolutions, you might, however, be leaning towards something with vegetables — perhaps even a vegetarian dish?

I have a proposal for you: fresh baby spinach and chickpeas, slow-cooked with ginger, garlic, and onion in a creamy coconut milk sauce, finished off with a healthy dash of lemon. But it doesn't stop there. No — this spicy, tangy dish of greens was designed to be served over a sweet potato. See? Both comforting and your daily dose of vegetables, all in one dish.


06 Mar 17:09

Profi Cheese Slicer

by mark

I may own every cheese slicer ever made. I prefer a wire type cheese cutter so I can cut slices that melt easily and that work well on a piece of bread and sandwich.

This cheese slicer is great for both tasks. It even has adjustable tension on the two cutting wires. A point of information: I did break a wire cutting a very hard piece of pecorino cheese with cracked black pepper. Good news, the wire is replaceable, and I was able to purchase new wires to fix it. Maybe best to use on softer cheeses. Lessons learned. But, highly recommended for every other use except for those extremely hard cheeses.

-- Kent Barnes

WMF Profi Plus Stainless-Steel Cheese Slicer ($16)

International Amazon link

Available from Amazon

20 Feb 01:50

Easy Overnight Oats

by Emma Christensen
Overnight oats are the easiest breakfast ever. Just combine oats and water in a jar, then microwave the next day. Make a whole week of breakfast in about five minutes.

Continue reading "Easy Overnight Oats" »

16 Feb 22:45

Jumping Around Can Help Kids Learn Math

by Kate Horowitz

A Danish study found that integrating physical activity into math lessons boosted kids’ test scores.

16 Feb 21:29

Play To Win

by james
Play To Win - Kids

“Well, don’t say you want a Lego tower-building tournament if you can’t handle losing.”

(via source)

15 Feb 23:25


by Ryan
09 Feb 15:57

Space Ship!

parenting,space,web comics

Submitted by: (via lunarbaboon)

Tagged: parenting , space , web comics
08 Feb 18:12

Use the Oven to Make the Plumpest, Tastiest Homemade Raisins

by Daniel Gritzer

It may seem ridiculous to dry your own grapes in the oven, but doing so gives you much more control over the result and opens up a range of flavor and texture possibilities. The homemade kind can come out plumper and juicier, with a flavor that's truer to that of a fresh grape, only more intense. Toss them into baked goods like muffins, serve them on a cheese board at a party, or make them a regular addition to salads. Read More
07 Feb 19:19

Cartoonist Hilariously Illustrates The Unglamorous Side Of Parenting

by james
Cartoonist Hilariously Illustrates The Unglamorous Side Of Parenting - Awkward Galleries

When Lucy Scott, an illustrator based in Edinburgh, Scotland, gave birth to a son in 2012, she found the experience to be an unending source of creative inspiration. She began drawing cartoons that spoke honestly about how exhausting and challenging parenting is for the moms (and dads). She soon had so many that the collection was published in the 2015 book, Doodle Diary of a New Mom: An Illustrated Journey Through Mommy’s First Year. If you’ve got kids of any age, check out this gallery, preferably with the accompaniment of a stiff drink.

1. Just out of reach.

2. Victory!

3. Disaster area.

4. It’s starting already.

5. Separation anxiety

06 Feb 18:28

Moroccan-Spiced Sweet Potato and Chickpea Stew

by Sabrina Modelle
Moroccan-Spiced Sweet Potato and Chickpea Stew

It doesn’t get much healthier than this vegan vegetable and chickpea stew!

Humble veggies like carrot, sweet potato, and parsnips shine when paired with the intoxicating Moroccan seasoning known as ras el hanout.

Have you ever tried this spice mix? The main components are cumin, coriander, ginger, and cinnamon — they make a warming blend that’s perfect for perking up a hearty vegetable stew and serving on a cold day.

Continue reading "Moroccan-Spiced Sweet Potato and Chickpea Stew" »

05 Feb 21:00

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Formality


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Finally, someone brave enough to tell the truth about our hypocrisy as to the topic of formality in language.

New comic!
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