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12 Nov 17:25

25 People That Might Be The Biggest Hipsters Ever

by Dovilas

According to some, all it takes to be a hipster is to wear plaid shirts and Rayban sunglasses and drink Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. For others, it means gentrification, cultural elitism or insincerity and the over-use of irony. But here is something that most of us can probably agree upon – these are some of the most hipster images ever.

Some may even argue that hipsters are a paradox – what happens to a group of people who hate all things mainstream when they themselves become mainstream?

For all the different ways that people see or define hipsters, we’re sure that you’ll all find some sort of common ground among these images. Inspired by Buzzfeed’s list that they compiled largely from Imgur, we collected some more images that we thought were intensely hipsterish.


1. This guy riding a camel down city streets (against traffic)

Image credits:

2. Whoever parked their penny-farthing bicycle at the Apple store

Image credits:

3. This guy who brought a portable record player to a bar in London

Image credits:

4. This lady using a spinning wheel at a BMW service center

Image credits:

5. The owner of this cat (and probably the cat too)

Image credits: Meagan

6. This guy taking a selfie with an antique phone

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7. This pet crab owner who thinks dogs are too mainstream

Image credits: unknown

8. This guy who has a seeing-eye person so he can text more

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9. This guy who’s checking out the view with an antique spyglass

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10. The guy whose bicycle is actually a fence

Image credits: unknown

11. This guy who brought his typewriter to his local cafe

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12. The guy with a bunch of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans in his beard

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13. This guy who has beanie hats for his ears

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14. Whoever owns this USB shovel

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15. This guy typing poems about anything in the street on his typewriter

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16. This guy riding the most attention-grabbing bicycle he could find

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17. Whoever’s wearing this mini grandfather clock on their wrist

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18. This guy who goes to parties and hangs out on the fridge

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19. The guy riding this 2×4 skateboard

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20. The owner of this typewriter interface for their touch-screen device

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21. The owner of this plank bicycle

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22. The guy who went shopping here

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23. This guy with a llama who thinks pet crabs are too mainstream

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24. This guy using over $1k of technology to emulate a $20 instrument

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25. …and this guy.

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25 People That Might Be The Biggest Hipsters Ever originally appeared on Bored Panda on November 8, 2013.

20 Oct 10:27

13 Stunning Pictures Celebrating The Beautiful Colors Of Fall

by Lina

For a large part of the Northern Hemisphere, fall is officially here. The falling leaves are turning brilliant shades of red, orange, brown, gold and yellow, farmers’ markets are beginning to sell seasonal pumpkins and gourds, coffee shops are selling spiced coffee, and there’s a nip in the air.

To celebrate this wonderful and colorful season, we’ve got a beautiful collection of photos of autumn landscapes that highlight the last explosion of rich, vivid color before the coming winter. Whether you’re sitting at your computer with warm socks and some coffee or sitting outside with your laptop enjoying the weather, these fall pictures will help give you a double dose of this beautiful season.

The browning of leaves, perhaps the most noticeable sign of fall, occurs when the air starts to cool and daylight hours start to shorten. During the summer, chlorophyll pigments help absorb energy from the sun and keep leaves green. All the other colors we see in the fall are always present in leaves (even in the summer), but it is only when the leaves’ green pigments break down that they are revealed. The leaves are shed to help the trees survive the winter – shedding them reduces trees’ water needs and reduces their susceptibility to the winter’s harsh conditions.

Other signs of fall, like pumpkin and gourd dishes are soups, are due to these foods’ harvest times. In any case, the swirl of colors and smells come together to make fall a magical season. Whether you’re enjoying a warm cup of coffee or tea, jumping in the biggest pile of leaves you can find, or making pumpkin pie, enjoy the season!

Image credits: Tom Schwabel

Image credits: Eric “Kala” Forey

Image credits: nipomen2

Source: Kacper Kowalski

Image credits: Kristjan Rems

Image credits: Javier de la Torre

Image credits: free_for_commercial_use

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Image credits: unknown

Image credits: nucu

Image credits: unknown

Image credits: ™ Pacheco

Image credits: Kyle Young

13 Stunning Pictures Celebrating The Beautiful Colors Of Fall originally appeared on Bored Panda on October 16, 2013.

  1. cherry-blossoms-sakura-spring-thumb45 The Most Beautiful Cherry Blossoms Around the World
  2. historic-photos-colorized-thumb45 20 Historic Black and White Pictures Restored in Color
  3. highspeed-photo-thumb 20 Stunning High Speed Photography Shots
  4. halloween-pumpkin-carvings-villafane-studios-thumb45 More Amazing Pumpkin Carvings by Ray Villafane
12 Oct 13:58

“You know what? If everything’s going bad,...

“You know what? If everything’s going bad, we’re going bad as well.”

Sedmikrásky (1966)

12 May 12:12

Churchtanks: Sculptures of Churches Turned Into Tanks

by Tomas

Religion and war have always been mixing and closely related throughout history. Missouri-born artist Kris Kuksi took notice of this connection, repeating itself throughout history, and decided to unveil it in his Churchtanks sculpture series. By creating the juxtaposition between the classical world and the modern war gear, Kuksi transforms churches into tanks, blending the two structures smoothly and seamlessly.

As explained in his statement, creation of the sculptures is a “process that requires countless hours to assemble, collect, manipulate, cut, and re-shape thousands of individual parts, finally uniting them into an orchestral-like seamless cohesion that defines the historical rise and fall of civilization and envisions the possible future(s) of humanity.” Churchtanks thus represent the ability of art to fascinate and at the same time to raise awareness. Tell us your impressions in the comments!

Website: Kris Kuksi via: laughingsquid, booooooom

Churchtanks: Sculptures of Churches Turned Into Tanks originally appeared on Bored Panda on May 3, 2013.

  1. flexible-paper-sculptures-li-hongbo-thumb45 Flexible Paper Sculptures by Li Hongbo
  2. pencil-carvings-cerkahegyzo-thumb45 Incredible Pencil Sculptures by Cerkahegyzo
  3. 50-Extraordinary-Churches-thumb 50 Most Extraordinary Churches of the World
  4. church-converted-into-residence-thumb45 Churches Converted Into Modern Family Homes
27 Apr 20:38


Before you say anything, no, I know not to leave my computer sitting out logged in to all my accounts. I have it set up so after a few minutes of inactivity it automatically switches to my brother's.
27 Apr 20:34

Snatch, 2000 (dir. Guy Ritchie)

by solidair

Snatch, 2000 (dir. Guy Ritchie)

27 Apr 16:18

Las ilustraciones amables de Liz Climo

by begolumbreras

Liz Climo (8)

Hoy necesito alegrarme la vista con algo amable, como las ilustraciones de Liz Climo.

Liz Climo (9)

Sus protagonistas son animales con mucho sentido del humor, bondadosos y entrañables.

Liz Climo (5)

Liz Climo (2)

Me los imagino en una gran colección de cuentos infantiles, seguro que serían un gran éxito.

Liz Climo (12)

Liz Climo (4)

Podéis ver su extenso trabajo en su web, donde además, podéis adquirir las láminas, a muy buen precio.

Liz Climo (7)

(Pinchad sobre las imágenes para ampliarlas.)

Liz Climo (6)

¡Ah! Se me olvidaba contaros el dato más curioso sobre Liz y es que actualmente trabaja como ilustradora en Los Simpsons… ¡Casi nada!

Liz Climo (3)

“I like robots, drawing on napkins, falling asleep at parties, making up songs for my dogs, and Cheez-Its. I’m an animator currently working on The Simpsons.”

Liz Climo (1)

Images © Liz Climo.

07 Apr 14:33

“The Way of the Samurai is found in death. Meditation on...

“The Way of the Samurai is found in death. Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily.”

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai (1999)

07 Apr 14:28

Mind-Blowing Architectural Density in Hong Kong

by Lina

With seven million people, Hong Kong is the 4th most densely populated places in the world. However, plain numbers never tell the full story. In his ‘Architecture of Density’ photo series, German photographer Michael Wolf explores the jaw-dropping urban landscapes of Hong Kong. He rids his pictures of any context, such above or the earth below, and rarely includes people, either. The images are large scale flat captions of buildings which appear to be infinite and haunting.

First prize winner in the World Press Photo competition in 2005 and 2010, Michael moved from Germany to Hong Kong back in 1994 and spent 8 years working for Stern Magazine as a contracted photographer. As he started working on his own projects since 2001, many of them proved to be successful enough to be released as books. His Architecture of Density, also available for purchase, is one out of 13 to date.

Michael’s main focus has always been life in mega cities, capturing the urban beauty of the “architecture and the vernacular culture of metropolises,” as explained in his statement. The distinctive feature of Michael’s work is said to be his ability to “find the symbolic value in those seemingly insignificant details that so often go unnoticed”.

Be sure to visit Michael’s website for more!

Website: via: twistedsifter

See the rest of Mind-Blowing Architectural Density in Hong Kong