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04 Mar 00:07

back Stöckli to handstand

by coach Rick

Cool variation by Naoto Hayasaka.

Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.


04 Nov 12:41

FIG YouTube channel

by coach Rick

thanksDuring the 44th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp (BEL), the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has surpassed 20 million views on its YouTube channel, a figure that is rising rapidly on a daily basis. On 30 September alone, the channel attracted 233,844 viewers, their interest sparked largely by the extraordinary Floor routine performed by Japan’s Kenzo Shirai in Antwerp.

As spectacular as these figures are, they do need to be put into some context. While 20 million views is considerably higher than the numbers achieved by the federations of many other Olympic sports, it still represents less than half of the level generated by USA Gymnastics (55 million!).

Gymnastics on YouTube

Both organizations are doing an excellent job of online video. As is GBR.

13 Oct 07:46




Points to anyone who hacks the Flickr devs' computers to make their text editors do this when you click on anything.
02 Jul 01:33

Realistic Criteria

I'm leaning toward fifteen. There are a lot of them.