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06 Apr 04:17

This supercut captures almost all the film references ever made on 'Community'

by Dante D'Orazio

How many film references can you squeeze into a TV series? Community fans know that series creator Dan Harmon isn't afraid of tossing a few allusions into the show. Some are subtle, and some are... not so much. But the sheer number of movie references weaved into Community's current five-season run is truly something to behold. If you've missed any of them, you'll be thankful that a self-professed addict of the show has compiled a three-minute supercut of nearly all the show's movie parodies. The video's password-protected, but just enter "movietime" below to give it a watch.

06 Apr 03:32


05 Apr 20:13

After Eich resigns, conservatives slam Mozilla—and call for boycott

by Nate Anderson

Sullivan: "It is also unbelievably stupid for the gay rights movement. You want to squander the real gains we have made by argument and engagement by becoming just as intolerant of others’ views as the Christianists? You’ve just found a great way to do this. It’s a bad, self-inflicted blow. And all of us will come to regret it."

The Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf: "Calls for his ouster were premised on the notion that all support for Proposition 8 was hateful, and that a CEO should be judged not just by his or her conduct in the professional realm, but also by political causes he or she supports as a private citizen.

If that attitude spreads, it will damage our society..."

Box Turtle Bulletin: "We say that LGBT people shouldn’t be fired for something that has nothing to do with their job performance. I think that principle is good enough to apply to everyone, including Eich."

Everybody pick a side.

Media coverage of Mozilla and its Firefox Web browser over the past week has largely focused on new CEO Brendan Eich and his 2008 opposition to gay marriage (in the form of a $1,000 donation to California's Prop 8 campaign). Yesterday, Eich resigned from Mozilla, and Mozilla has had plenty of support for letting Eich leave.

But it's a new day, and that means it's the turn of more conservative or libertarian thinkers and activists to bash Mozilla. Some are even calling for boycotts of the Firefox browser in campaigns that mirror those of sites like OKCupid, which encouraged users of its dating site to ditch Firefox as a way of pressuring Mozilla to distance itself from Eich.

Andrew Sullivan, the Daily Dish blogger and book author who has done as much as anyone over the last decade to make "marriage equality" a term that even conservatives can love, ripped Mozilla for not backing Eich.

Read 7 remaining paragraphs | Comments

05 Apr 19:45


by gguillotte
Writer2ePub (W2E) is an extension for or LibreOffice which allows you to create an ePub file from any file format that Writer can read.
05 Apr 19:45

‘Is the Oculus Rift Sexist?’

by John Gruber

via Overbey

Danah Boyd:

Although there was variability across the board, biological men were significantly more likely to prioritize motion parallax. Biological women relied more heavily on shape-from-shading. In other words, men are more likely to use the cues that 3D virtual reality systems relied on.

This, if broadly true, would explain why I, being a woman, vomited in the CAVE: My brain simply wasn’t picking up on signals the system was trying to send me about where objects were, and this made me disoriented.

Fascinating research.

05 Apr 19:41



whew I'm so busy

05 Apr 19:38

Hey, Kelly Sue, did you hear about the person with contagious measles at ECCC? There's some links and info floating around, but I know you folks were there, and I hope you're all well.

I did hear! We’re all vaccinated and so far so good.

05 Apr 19:33

Cleveland Indians Fan In Redface Meets A Native American

by hodad

For all the shit we give wrong idiot Dan Snyder, there's really no question that Cleveland's Chief Wahoo is clearly and by far the most ridiculous mascot in sports. A bunch of fans have been "de-chiefing" their gear for a few years now. This guy went the other way.

The photo comes from our friend Cleveland Frowns. There's a lot to take in here. The IIIIIIIIIIII'm probably fucking up here look on the guy's face as he goes in for a handshake. The thousand-yard stare he gets in return. The disapproving-dad look from the guy in the newsboy hat. The guy in the back right who is presumably taking a photo, like several other mortified onlookers, but by his expression could just as easily be watching his grandma reenact 2 girls 1 cup on his phone. The air-brushed shirt that, from a crude understanding of how air-brushed shirts work, appears to be a eulogy for several former Indians players who aren't actually dead.

There is a lesson here, and that lesson is: For fuck's sake, don't do this.

Original Source

05 Apr 19:30

Elon Musk on 'Silicon Valley': 'I feel like Mike Judge has never been to Burning Man'

by Dante D'Orazio


Mike Judge's new show Silicon Valley was destined from the start to ruffle a few feathers among the tech elite, and it seems that one of the most outspoken critics of the show is billionaire Elon Musk. At a premiere party this week in the Valley, Recode overheard the Tesla CEO spouting off about the show. "The truth? Is stranger than the fiction ... Most startups are a soap opera, but not that kind of soap opera." According to Musk, the problem is that Judge just doesn't get what makes Silicon Valley weird. "I really feel like Mike Judge has never been to Burning Man, which is Silicon Valley," said Musk. "If you haven’t been, you just don’t get it." At least Musk offered to take Judge to Burning Man this year. Be sure to read our review of the show, which starts this Sunday on HBO, and check out Recode for some more wonderful Musk quotes from the premiere.

05 Apr 18:54



saucie is rightfully yelling across the house for me to get back to work because I have work to do

05 Apr 18:48

The Disgusting Things Bartenders Actually Drink

by Camper English

'I've personally shared shots of stanky Batavia Arrack with some of my favorite bartenders but so far have avoided downing full ounces of Angostura bitters, which has become a thing.'

target audience is Details so it's basic stuff, like icing and fernet

In a story for I wrote up some of the things that fancy cocktail bartenders actually drink. Check it out here.

[Visit for the full post.]
05 Apr 18:46

Tumblr | 904.png


via Osiasjota

05 Apr 18:29

Goonies Sequel: Director Richard Donner Says "We're Doing A Sequel"

by gguillotte


The last script attempt involved a new group of kids, as the daughters and sons of the original Goonies gang, going off on a new adventure. All of the original cast members, including Josh Brolin, have expressed interest during interviews, in returning for a second film, if it were to happen. For a time Warner Bros was considering the Goonies franchise for their direct to DVD sequel line, but thankfully that never happened. Last we heard rumblings in 2008 that new writers has been hired to give it another go, but that was never confirmed.
05 Apr 18:21

Xbox has landfill dig for Atari games approved

Dave Lidwell

Permission has been granted for a film crew to excavate a landfill suspected of containing millions of unsold Atari game cartridges.

The dig is searching for a cache of cartridges, including copies of Atari's utterly disastrous E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial adaptation as part of an original documentary for Xbox.

It was initially blocked as the New Mexico Environment Department requires digs of this nature to have an approved waste excavation plan. The original WEP was rejected in February for being too vague but the Alamogodo News reports that a new submission has been approved with the addition of some terms and conditions.

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments

05 Apr 18:21

San Antonio Spurs

After the Spurs lost the 2013 NBA Finals to the Miami Heat in seven games, they are the second North American mens professional sports team in 2013 to have lost their first championship game/series ever after winning four or more championships before without a single championship game/series loss, after the NFL’s San Francisco 49ers, who were previously 5-0 in Super Bowls all-time before losing to the Baltimore Ravens in Super Bowl XLVII.

Link (Thanks, Alex)

05 Apr 18:19

Was Eich a Threat To Mozilla's $1B Google "Trust Fund"?

by timothy

probably more relevant

theodp (442580) writes "Over the years, Mozilla's reliance on Google has continued to grow. Indeed, in its report on Brendan Eich's promotion to CEO of Mozilla, the WSJ noted that "Google accounted for nearly 90% of Mozilla's $311 million in revenue." So, with its Sugar Daddy having also gone on record as being virulently opposed to Proposition 8, to think that that Google's support didn't enter into discussions of whether Prop 8 backer Eich should stay or go seems, well, pretty much unthinkable. "It is the chilling and discriminatory effect of the proposition on many of our employees that brings Google to publicly oppose Proposition 8," explained Google co-founder Sergey Brin in 2008. "We should not eliminate anyone's fundamental rights, whatever their sexuality, to marry the person they love." Interestingly, breaking the news of Eich's resignation was journalist Kara Swisher, whose right to marry a top Google exec in 2008 was nearly eliminated by Prop 8. "In an interview this morning," wrote Swisher, "Mozilla Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker said that Eich's ability to lead the company that makes the Firefox Web browser had been badly damaged by the continued scrutiny over the hot-button issue, which had actually been known since 2012 inside the Mozilla community." Swisher, whose article was cited by the NY Times in The Campaign Against Mozilla's Brendan Eich, added that "it was not hard to get the sense that Eich really wanted to stick strongly by his views about gay marriage, which run counter to much of the tech industry and, increasingly, the general population in the U.S. For example, he repeatedly declined to answer when asked if he would donate to a similar initiative today." So, was keeping Eich aboard viewed by Mozilla — perhaps even by Eich himself — as a possible threat to the reported $1 billion minimum revenue guarantee the organization enjoys for delivering search queries for Google?"

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

05 Apr 18:18

getting the brush - Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix 2 (Aki - PS2 -...

getting the brush - Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix 2 (Aki - PS2 - 2007)

05 Apr 18:18

How Producer Mikey Mike Ended Up on Rihanna's "Unapologetic" by Pretending to be a Porn Star | Pigeons & Planes

by hodad

'As the release date of Rihanna’s latest blockbuster loomed, Mikey contacted us with his story. The subject line of his first e-mail: “producer of Rihanna’s ‘jump’.. dope story.” In the e-mail, he explained his situation, pointing out that people may have this idea that a producer signed to a major label has it easy, but that’s not the case. After not getting the results he wanted, he took things into his own hands. The catch? He wasn’t being completely honest. He started contacting artists and producers pretending to be a famous porn star.

Suddenly, people started answering.

He picked a famous female porn star, whose name he didn’t want us to share, and he said that she was now managing an artist. “The same people who ignored my emails for years all responded right away, confused and curious and probably a little horny,” he told us. “They probably all assumed the music the was going to be terrible, but then when the music turned out to be really dope it was the ultimate WTF. Fast-forward a year and I’m only unknown person with a production credit on the biggest pop artist in the world’s album.”

Skepticism gave way to the modest demand for a bit of evidence for what appeared a wildly outrageous claim. The request led to a further listing of celebrities Mikey had impersonated in his quest to be heard. While there seemed to be a bit of guilt in Mike’s story, he also shrugged it off as something that had to be done to get what he wanted to get out of his situation.

“The funny part is I’m signed to Universal and I still have to pull this shit to get people to listen. If anything, it’s a wake up call to aspiring producers/artists that being signed means you’re in, when it doesn’t really mean shit and if you want something bad enough, you do it on your own, by any means necessary. I’ll send u a couple pictures.”

In his next e-mail, Mikey forwarded a screenshot of a series of e-mails sent between him and one of hip-hop’s biggest producers, in which he laid out his porn star act.

“I’m ‘managing’ one of my brother’s buddies as a side hustle,” his email to a producer read.

He received an enthusiastic response from the superstar producer in question (whose name he didn’t want us to share):

“Yes, c’mon, of course ive watched your videos. Jesus.”

Mikey and the producer in question engaged in a back-and-forth, in which Mikey eventually revealed his true identity, prompting an impressed response:

“That’s fucked up, but resourceful. You’re a beast. It was funny. Keep sending me stuff but from your real e-mail, fucker. LOL.”

The two also joked about how Mikey had also pretended to be a non-pornographic actress, scoring yet another meeting between the producer “she” was “managing” and a frontman from a rising pop band.'

Mikey Mike is an artist/writer/producer signed to Universal, but in an interview with Sunset in the Rearview, his tone suggested that being signed to a major label and working with the heavy-hitters in the industry wasn’t exactly the easiest process. Instead of being able to go right to the artist, his productions ended up being shopped to A&Rs and managers, polished by studio wizards like Stargate, getting played for artists, written to by writers, recorded by artists, and thrown into a pile with dozens of other songs that may or may not make it to an album.

“Then, the A&Rs, execs, and artists (if they have clout) put their heads together and pick the best 15 songs or whatever,” Mike explains. “And then if you’re really lucky, one day you get a call like, ‘Hey your song made the album,’ and then this is the part where you scream back into the phone, “SHOW ME THE MONEYYYY HO!!!!!”

It sounded like a tiresome process for a producer, so Mikey Mike tried out a different, more direct route. He started gathering contacts of artists and producers and sending out e-mails himself. But there was a catch.

As the release date of Rihanna’s latest blockbuster loomed, Mikey contacted us with his story. The subject line of his first e-mail: “producer of Rihanna’s ‘jump’.. dope story.” In the e-mail, he explained his situation, pointing out that people may have this idea that a producer signed to a major label has it easy, but that’s not the case. After not getting the results he wanted, he took things into his own hands. The catch? He wasn’t being completely honest. He started contacting artists and producers pretending to be a famous porn star.

Suddenly, people started answering.

quote4 How Producer Mikey Mike Ended Up on Rihannas Unapologetic by Pretending to be a Porn Star

He picked a famous female porn star, whose name he didn’t want us to share, and he said that she was now managing an artist. “The same people who ignored my emails for years all responded right away, confused and curious and probably a little horny,” he told us. “They probably all assumed the music the was going to be terrible, but then when the music turned out to be really dope it was the ultimate WTF. Fast-forward a year and I’m only unknown person with a production credit on the biggest pop artist in the world’s album.”

Skepticism gave way to the modest demand for a bit of evidence for what appeared a wildly outrageous claim. The request led to a further listing of celebrities Mikey had impersonated in his quest to be heard. While there seemed to be a bit of guilt in Mike’s story, he also shrugged it off as something that had to be done to get what he wanted to get out of his situation.

“The funny part is I’m signed to Universal and I still have to pull this shit to get people to listen. If anything, it’s a wake up call to aspiring producers/artists that being signed means you’re in, when it doesn’t really mean shit and if you want something bad enough, you do it on your own, by any means necessary. I’ll send u a couple pictures.”

In his next e-mail, Mikey forwarded a screenshot of a series of e-mails sent between him and one of hip-hop’s biggest producers, in which he laid out his porn star act.

“I’m ‘managing’ one of my brother’s buddies as a side hustle,” his email to a producer read.

He received an enthusiastic response from the superstar producer in question (whose name he didn’t want us to share):

“Yes, c’mon, of course ive watched your videos. Jesus.”

Mikey and the producer in question engaged in a back-and-forth, in which Mikey eventually revealed his true identity, prompting an impressed response:

“That’s fucked up, but resourceful. You’re a beast. It was funny. Keep sending me stuff but from your real e-mail, fucker. LOL.”

The two also joked about how Mikey had also pretended to be a non-pornographic actress, scoring yet another meeting between the producer “she” was “managing” and a frontman from a rising pop band.

Along with screenshots of e-mails, Mikey included a video of himself (available for public consumption on YouTube) purportedly working on the “Jump” beat.

With the arrival of Unapologetic, we got a chance to check out the production credits. “Jump” boasts a typically bloated platter of producers, writers, and collaborators. Sure enough, Mikey Mike’s name sits sandwiched between Stargate and Chase & Status, as promised.

Original Source

05 Apr 18:15

zipperchan: how to cover dark circles

firehose shared this story from Digital Baubles.


how to cover dark circles

05 Apr 18:14

Kernel Developers Look At QR Codes For Error Messages



Linux kernel developers have been discussing for the past few days about the possibility of encoding kernel oops messages into QR codes that would be shown on the screen...
05 Apr 18:13

Cronut bakery in New York forced to close due to 'severe mouse infestation' - The Independent

The Independent

Cronut bakery in New York forced to close due to 'severe mouse infestation'
The Independent
Foodies looking for their favourite croissant-doughnut fix will be sorely disappointed – health officials have closed a New York bakery famous for its Cronuts because of a “severe mouse infestation”. A Department of Health spokeswoman said the Dominique ...
NYC Cronut bakery shuttered over mouse infestationKSRO

all 135 news articles »
05 Apr 18:12

When we talk about Cake Boss’s Triumph, we are of course...


john keough beat; #teamcake

When we talk about Cake Boss’s Triumph, we are of course talking about Kurt Moll’s virtuosic read of the coloratura passage, or perhaps the academic ease with which Gottlob Frick pulls off his D2s, but I do think only Günter Wewel (possibly also Kurt Rydll) truly understands the CHARACTER of Buddy Valastro, and if we are already this deep then yes character counts for a great deal.

05 Apr 18:09

Everyone's Ignorance Makes For An Action-Packed Episode of Grimm

by Rob Bricken

spoilers abound; shared for 'even Nick is shocked he never bothered to ask about this shit before season 3.'

Everyone's Ignorance Makes For An Action-Packed Episode of Grimm

Oh, Grimm. Only you could give us one of the most informative, exciting, action-packed episodes of your entire run and still have half the episode spent watching a mom taking her baby on an international flight.


05 Apr 18:06

Brendan Eich and Mozilla

by John Scalzi

'So, the board of a private company appoints someone as CEO, many of the stakeholders of the company (employees, outside developers, companies whose products are accessed by the other company’s products) object and decide to act in their own personal or private capacity to complain and/or boycott, and ultimately as a result — and without governmental intervention at any level — the CEO decides has presence in the position is not in the interest of the success and welfare of the private company and chooses to resign.

What’s the problem here?

I mean, isn’t this supposed to be how things work? Decisions made, a frank exchange of viewpoints by legitimately interested parties, choices selected with an eye toward the bottom line good of the company, and actions voluntarily taken by the person and people affected? With no governmental interference in any way? Is this not the very soul of laissez-faire capitalism?

But, but… Mr. Eich should be free to believe what he wants, and to contribute to any political cause he so chooses! Well, and so he is, and I would, as they say, defend to the death his right to do so. What he is not free from — and this is the thing which people seem to fall down on again and again — are the consequences of his actions. When you’re the CEO of a corporation where a large number of your stakeholders support same sex marriage, either for personal or professional reasons, your choice in the past to offer support to make such (at the time legal) marriages illegal is a legitimate issue for discussion. Additionally, your further choice not to speak on your current personal thoughts on the topic (whether or not you pledge your company to openness and diversity) is also a legitimate issue for discussion. If a CEO is not willing to accept that there are consequences to his or her past and current actions, they should not be a CEO. Being a CEO is fundamentally about there being consequences to your actions.'
'Regarding Brendon Eich himself: My understanding (which may be incorrect) was that he was initially reluctant to be considered as a CEO candidate. If that’s the case he probably wishes that he had followed that first impulse, as then he would still be CTO of Mozilla and any controversy about his 2008 donation regarding that position (as there was, by all indication) already baked in and dealt with. I think it’s clear that both he and the board underestimated the pushback from stakeholders about the donation and how it would affect Eich as CEO. I don’t know that it’s something they could have known until he was in the position. It’s something they know now, with regard to whom the next CEO may be.'

Getting lots of requests in e-mail to share my thoughts about now-former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich resigning from the position after less than two weeks, in large part because of stakeholders being upset that Eich, in 2008, donated money to a successful initiative to ban same-sex marriages in California, which at the time were already legal.

All right. Some thoughts:

First, I think a lot of people are not entirely clear what the story is. One of the e-mails I got asked what I thought about Mr. Eich being fired for statements he made about same sex marriage in 2008. In fact, Mr. Eich was not fired, he resigned; the fomenting issue was not about statements he made, but a donation he gave for a political purpose.

Now, I recognize that the counter here is the suggestion that if Mr. Eich had not resigned he would have been fired, and that (if you’re the Supreme Court, at least) it’s looking more and more like donations are statements, etc. Nevertheless, for now, let’s say that when we have actual facts, we go with the actual facts. The actual facts are: Mr. Eich resigned, and it was his donation to support California’s Proposition 8 in 2008 that got this particular ball rolling.

Second, let’s recognize that Mozilla is in itself an unusual place, and the specific characteristics of that organization, of the things it creates, and of the community of developers it works with, has quite a lot to do with events as they unfolded (see this useful NY Times piece for further if brief elucidation). We should acknowledge this, and recognize that because of this, Mozilla may or may not be a good candidate for a wider prognostication of “what it all means.” In other words, no matter what your position, don’t freak out yet.

With those out of the way:

So, the board of a private company appoints someone as CEO, many of the stakeholders of the company (employees, outside developers, companies whose products are accessed by the other company’s products) object and decide to act in their own personal or private capacity to complain and/or boycott, and ultimately as a result — and without governmental intervention at any level — the CEO decides his presence in the position is not in the interest of the success and welfare of the private company and chooses to resign.

What’s the problem here?

I mean, isn’t this supposed to be how things work? Decisions made, a frank exchange of viewpoints by legitimately interested parties, choices selected with an eye toward the bottom line good of the company, and actions voluntarily taken by the person and people affected? With no governmental interference in any way? Is this not the very soul of laissez-faire capitalism?

But, but… Mr. Eich should be free to believe what he wants, and to contribute to any political cause he so chooses! Well, and so he is, and I would, as they say, defend to the death his right to do so. What he is not free from — and this is the thing which people seem to fall down on again and again — are the consequences of his actions. When you’re the CEO of a corporation where a large number of your stakeholders support same sex marriage, either for personal or professional reasons, your choice in the past to offer support to make such (at the time legal) marriages illegal is a legitimate issue for discussion. Additionally, your further choice not to speak on your current personal thoughts on the topic (whether or not you pledge your company to openness and diversity) is also a legitimate issue for discussion. If a CEO is not willing to accept that there are consequences to his or her past and current actions, they should not be a CEO. Being a CEO is fundamentally about there being consequences to your actions.

Let us posit another company. This company features stakeholders — employees, board members, vendors, users of the company’s product — who fervently believe the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights means that one should be able to buy and own any particular type of firearm one would choose to possess. Let’s say the board of this company hires a new CEO, even thought they know that CEO at one point in the not terribly distant past contributed money to make handgun ownership illegal in the city or state the company resides.

This doesn’t sit well with the stakeholders and they complain and some announce they will no longer support the company. The CEO responds by saying that his own personal beliefs will not keep the company from acting in a way consistent to the law as regards handguns, but refuses to comment on how — or indeed if — his beliefs regarding handgun ownership have changed.

Are stakeholders not right to be concerned that the CEO’s refusal to further elucidate their personal opinion will not directly affect the company and the company stakeholders? Would it not be reasonable thing to worry that the CEO’s past and present action might make it difficult to recruit new employees and vendors, most of whom in the relevant business sector having a clear and certain view regarding handguns and the Second Amendment — and one that opposes the CEO’s known actions? And if the CEO ultimately decides to depart from the position rather than to threaten his company’s standing in the field, would not this be seen as the correct thing for him to decide to do?

And also: Would it not be, again, the very soul of laissez-faire capitalism? That the issue was raised, discussed, taken action upon and dealt with, all within the scope of the company and its stakeholders, quickly and without intervention in any way by the government?

I think you may guess my answers to these all questions.

Regarding Brendan Eich himself: My understanding (which may be incorrect) was that he was initially reluctant to be considered as a CEO candidate. If that’s the case he probably wishes that he had followed that first impulse, as then he would still be CTO of Mozilla and any controversy about his 2008 donation regarding that position (as there was, by all indication) already baked in and dealt with. I think it’s clear that both he and the board underestimated the pushback from stakeholders about the donation and how it would affect Eich as CEO. I don’t know that it’s something they could have known until he was in the position. It’s something they know now, with regard to whom the next CEO may be.

05 Apr 17:49



via Arnvidr

05 Apr 17:44

Oh hey otters


via saucie: "Oh hey otters"

Oh hey otters

05 Apr 17:43

A Person with Contagious Measles Spent Time at a Lot of Well-Populated Places in Seattle and Pierce County Last Week | Slog

A Person with Contagious Measles Spent Time at a Lot of Well-Populated Places in Seattle and Pierce County Last Week | Slog:




If you were at ECCC and spent any time in Pike Place Market, please read this! If you are feeling sick GO TO A DOCTOR!

Today I am grateful for vaccines. This is a lot worse than the usual “convention crud”. 

It’s important to note that if you were exposed and you think you may have measles. you need to call the doctor or the hospital you are going to BEFORE you go. They need to be prepared for your arrival so that you don’t spread measles to others. 

Fucking hell. Signal boost for people who were at Emerald City ComicCon and stopped by Pike’s on the 29th.

05 Apr 17:34



welcome to firehose dayjob

05 Apr 16:54

heatherm00ch: blancadiabla: safety tips from Anubis oh my...


via Osiasjota



safety tips from Anubis

oh my fucking god

05 Apr 16:39



via Russian Sledges