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04 Nov 13:39

Starbuck Anyone

by Amy Fashion Blog

Starbuck = high fashion obvs

Gold Sweater Hand Me Down From L
Brown Puffer Vest From Target
 Rockstar Super Skinny Jeans From Old Navy~29.33
Flower Earring From Forever 21~.49 Cents
Pink Coach Purse~ Wedding Anniversary(2012
Brown Boots From DSW~ 41.97 

Hello Everyone. Last Saturday we had a daylight saving. Which is nice but it getting darker soon. So today you are getting night time pictures. Which we took on are way home from Starbuck. People must have thought I was crazy walking in the cold with an ice coffee but it was super yummy.

I have been wanting to wear this sweater for a long time. When L gave it to me it was right before I moved. So it was to warm to wear it. Plus it has a hood on it. So that made it hard to wear it to work. I knew that I wanted to wear my brown boots with it and then I remember I had the puffer vest. Which worked out prefect. I didn't have to wear a coat. 

27 Oct 21:26

BBCA DAY 26&27~ Pink Lady

by Amy Fashion Blog


Saturday 26, 2013
Neon Pink Heaven Steve Madden From DSW~27.96

Hello Everyone, This is the outfit I wore before going to the Halloween party last night. Which  I had a blast at the party. Also drank way to much and ended up burning my elbow on an outdoor fireplace. Which at the time I had no idea it happen. I didn't find out until the end of the night. When Hubby asked me what had happen. It didn't even hurt when he touch it. Well today on the other day it does hurt.  So I put some neosporin and a bandage on it. I hope that it won't try in to a scar. 

Zombie Nurse

So today we are just being lazy and relaxing.

Day 27~ My slipper sock. I got from the Famliia Center.(6 years ago)
Today Breast Caner Item Is Make a Mammogram Promise. You an do it HERE


27 Oct 20:21

This SNL Wes Anderson Horror Movie Parody Isn't Real But It Should Be

by Gabrielle Bluestone

this is so good

This SNL Wes Anderson Horror Movie Parody Isn't Real But It Should Be

Edward Norton quietly killed it on last night's SNL, demonstrating a twisted wit (pun of the night, directed towards a couple dressed up as deviled eggs — "Maybe they need an eggsercism"), and a pretty good handle on impersonations of Ian McKellan, Woody (Allen and Harrelson), William Hurt, and Owen Wilson.



21 Oct 21:14


by Amy Fashion Blog


Saturday October 19, 2013
Black Mesh Dress From The Px~19.99(Brought in August)
Pink Earring From H&M 
Neon Pink Heaven Steve Madden From DSW~27.96

Pink Peace Slipper From Meijer
Hello Everyone, Both Friday and Saturday Hubby went out with friends. We ended up staying out to 4am both day. So therefor today we are having a lazy day. To caught up on are sleep. So I'm just wearing yoga pants and a lions hoodie with my pink slipper. 

Last night we went out on a date night. Which we had a lot of fun. We went to a italian restaurants here in town. Which the food are super yummy. When the food come to the table it was so hot. It was boiling. Hubby burnt his tongue on his food. 

Over all we have a fun weekend. Next weekend should be fun to since we are going to a halloween party.

Today Breast Cancer Item is Delta. They have a pink airplane that they fly for breast cancer awareness.

08 Oct 23:40

Why Do You Animals Flush The Toilet With Your Feet?

by Matthew J.X. Malady

wait this is a real thing??? why aren't people falling down all the time or busting the stall doors open trying to lean against something to balance while doing this? What about the ones that are just a button on top of the tank? This is just a joke, right?

by Matthew J.X. Malady

People are always saying things on the Internet all the time. But they are such teases. We like details. So we have to ask.

This cannot be true. RT @1bobcohn: Poll: Two-thirds of Americans flush public toilets with their feet.

— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) September 24, 2013

Kevin Roose! So what happened here?

Well, someone posted this survey that was claiming that two-thirds of Americans flush public toilets with their feet. And that just did not seem correct to me. I had never foot-flushed in a public bathroom, nor had I heard of anyone else foot-flushing. So reading that story was like being told that two-thirds of Americans were obsessed with some sci-fi series I’d never known existed. One third? Maybe that could fly under my radar. But two-thirds is a lot of people. So I’m thinking, okay, maybe two-thirds of Americans have foot-flushed at some point in their lives. That seems possible. But no, the survey didn’t say “once flushed a toilet with their feet.” It was a generalist claim. Two-thirds of people flush with their feet habitually. And so I called bullshit.

And I guess I was expecting some “LOL, no way” sympathizer tweets or something? But that did not happen at all. Apparently, a lot of people who follow me on Twitter do flush with their feet! So I got some, “Ew, really?” tweets, and some “Hope I never shake your hand!” tweets, and the whole thing was so disorienting—again, the sci-fi series—that I just had to make sure I wasn’t being made the subject of a mass prank.

Wait, you guys *actually* flush public toilets with your feet? Like, on a regular basis?

— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) September 24, 2013

Does the realization that lots and lots of people flush public toilets with their feet make you think less of those people, and will it influence the way you flush going forward?

Yes! It makes me think less of anyone who even considers doing this. I understand germaphobia (even though I think it has given us all weak little immune systems compared to our dirt-eating grandparents). I get that public restrooms are gross. And I often will do stuff when I’m in one like reaching for the bathroom doorknob with a paper towel, or turning the handle with my pinky so as not to dirty the rest of my hand. I’m not a monster. But the practice of foot-flushing seems totally impractical in every way. For starters, you press the toilet handle before you wash your hands. (Or at least I do. Maybe two-thirds of Americans don’t!) Anyway, if you’re washing your hands immediately after you exit the stall, what does it matter whether you touch the handle or not? Are people not as thorough at hand-washing as I am? Do people, like, lick their fingers on the way to the sink? I don’t get it. And I will not bow to this insane, nonsensical practice unless someone gives me a good reason. We are a nation of proud and resilient people—not a nation so afraid of a few (soon-to-be-killed!) germs that we’re reduced to karate-kicking little metal bars every day.

Lesson learned (if any)?

Bathroom habits are one of the last great social dark spots. Basically everything else in life is a learned behavior. Even if you’ve never had sex, for example, you know what it’s supposed to look like, thanks to movies and whatnot. But nobody teaches you how to go to the bathroom. And so we all have our routines, and we don’t know any differently, and we all persist in our ignorance until someone (the Bradley Corporation, in this case) takes a survey and tells us who the freaks are. I imagine there are a few other social phenomena like this, but not many.

Just one more thing.
I will never again look at the bottom of a shoe the same way.

Do you guys who contort yourselves to karate-kick toilet flushers Purell=wipe the subway poles, too? LIVE A LITTLE.

— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) September 24, 2013

Matthew J. X. Malady is a writer and editor in New York.

01 Oct 20:08




26 Sep 15:38

When you learn something about your best friend that you never knew before



13 Sep 20:01


by Amy Fashion Blog

Just a really good post all around.

Using the Swiffer container to separated Hubby toe sock and regular socks
For the container holding the Q-tips I left the lid on it. For the other ones I cut the lids off.
Hello Everyone. I'm back with another linking up with H&K Style Journey Pin it and Did It. This weeks Pins are super easy to do. Also they are great with organizing.  First we have a swiffer container box that the wet wipes come in. Hubby was complaining to me that he want his toe sock and his regular sock separated. Once I was done with the wet swiffer I didn't want to throw the container out. So I let it air dry and clean it out. Then I put it in hubby sock drawer. Which I was happy the swiffer container was a prefect first. Then I just throw his toe sock in the swiffer container. Now he doesn't have to go digging for his toe sock. I know you all are problay wondering why my hubby wear toe sock. Well It is because he wears Vibram Five Finger shoe everyday and they help with not making the shoe smell. 

For my second project is reusing Charmin wipe container. Before our stuff arrived from the states we were buying charmin wipes. So we ended up having a good amount of the container. Seen the container where so pretty decorated I end want to get rid of them. So I decide I needed to find a use for them because I also didn't want them sitting around. So as I was putting stuff away in the bathroom it hit me. Why not put q-tips in one.  So thats what I did. Now I don't have the huge ugly q-tip box sitting in the medicine cabinet. Then I took another and put all my nail tools and small stuff in it. Then for the last one I use it to hold my hair brush. I took the label maker and label them that way we know what is in them. 

Now that we have all are stuff from the states I just re-fill the charmin wipe boxs up with cottenale wipes. That we already had. 

09 Sep 19:29

When I found out Ja’mie King was coming back



23 Aug 19:17

Ben Stiller Is Making Reality Bites Into an NBC Sitcom

by Taylor Berman

Ben Stiller Is Making Reality Bites Into an NBC Sitcom

Ben Stiller is working to turn Reality Bites, the 1994 cult comedy that he directed, into a sitcom on NBC. Stiller and the film's writer, Helen Childless, have partnered to produce the show, which will focus on recent college grad Lelaina Pierce, played by Winona Ryder in the film.



20 Aug 05:50

This Is What a Swamp Booger Looks Like

by Emma Carmichael


by Emma Carmichael

Hello, hi there. This is a swamp booger. What is a swamp booger? Oh, just a deer hide that someone has stitched a face onto for decoration. Sometimes they go on the mantelpiece. From Hairpin pal Seth Rosenthal, who excerpts from Dave Madden's The Authentic Animal:

The swamp booger is the answer to the question, What are we supposed to do with all these posterior deer hides? You take the ass skin of a deer, turn it upside down so the tail hangs to the floor, secure some glass eyes near the top, and fix an artificial bobcat jaw right where the anus used to be. Et voila!

Basically, people so regularly mount the foreparts of deer that there is a surplus of orphaned deer hind parts. Sick, inventive taxidermists realized they could convince collectors that they oughta have deer asses on their walls by fashioning said deer asses into spooky faces.

Ha ha ha ha ha hawhat in the hell. has a different story:

These animals are very shy and only move in the cover of darkness. Sightings are so rare that most people have never seen one and actually regard them as a myth. In in 2003 a team of scientist stumbled into a small colony of them  in the middle of the Sumter National Forest. They are now protected by Federal Law.

I'm not sure who to believe. These are, apparently, in high demand, and probably best used for terrifying sisters around the world. If anyone out there has ever come across a swamp booger before, please tell us why.

10 Aug 15:50

MTV Released an Alternate Ending to The Hills

by Anonymous on Defamer, shared by Leah Beckmann to Gawker

MTV Released an Alternate Ending to The Hills

When The Hills ended its six-year-run in 2010, pulling the camera back to reveal Kristen's limo slowly pulling away from Brody only to drive in circles around an MTV soundstage, it came as no surprise that the reality show was about as real as Justin Bobby's name.



31 Jul 21:08

Parking Jerk Taught a Valuable Lesson About Not Taking Up Two Spots

by Neetzan Zimmerman

This is so satisfying. Sometimes I wish my car was bigger for shit like this.

In parking, as in life, there really is only one basic rule of thumb: Don't be a jerk.



17 Jul 12:52

Mazzy Star will release Seasons Of Your Day, their first album since 1996's Among My Swan, in Septem

by Rich Juzwiak


Mazzy Star will release Seasons Of Your Day, their first album since 1996's Among My Swan, in September. Its first single is "California." This one goes out to all whose lives continue to be so-called.



28 Jun 19:46

Erotic Photo Hunt Photoshopper Advises, "Don't Go for the Breasts First"

by Jia Tolentino

titty hunt!!

At the Philadelphia City Paper, Emily Guendelsberger interviews the head Photoshopper for Erotic Photo Hunt, absurdist and resolutely non-erotic bar pastime of legend. Jim Hartman's been at it for 13 years, even though he was "hired as a writer... I didn’t even know what Photoshop was when I started here; I had a really quick training thing on it. So my Photoshop skills are not the best — which I think is one of the attractions of the game, how goofy the changes are?" A few excerpts from the Q&A:

CP: [...] The Chippendales version is noticeably easier. Why is that?

JH: Well, there were very limited content choices; they just don’t have a gigantic library of pictures. We were sort of stuck with whatever they had at the time. And with the women, they’ve usually got a bra or jewelry or something on; if a guy doesn’t have anything on, it’s really tough to find five things to change. The women’s photos we have thousands to look through; with the men, the last batch we bought has about 200 photos, of which we could use about 120. It’s just very hard to find, uh, quality male erotic content.

CP: What’s the funniest Photoshop job you remember?

JH: One of the people who used to work here, she was a little more advanced at Photoshop than the rest of us — at one point she put a cat in the picture shooting lasers out of its eyes.

Recent changes at Megatouch, the company that produces these countertop bar games, also reflect the rise of the gig economy:

CP: How many people do the Photoshopping?

JH: At one point there were five of us; now we work with freelancers, aside from me, there’s three other people doing it.


See more posts by Jia Tolentino


29 May 13:59

Today We Are All This Sleep-Driving Baby

by Kelly Conaboy

We know that the long weekend is over, but will someone please remove us from this vehicle and put us back in bed? Just for a few more minutes? You can make us coffee while we’re sleeping. Come on, please, this is dangerous! (Via SayOMG.)

27 May 19:54

Secret Style Icon: Jerri Blank

by Pixie


I was just about to graduate from high school when Strangers With Candy premiered on Comedy Central in 1999. I’d never seen anything like it: The series, which was co-created by and starred Amy Sedaris and a pre-Report Stephen Colbert, was an absurd, over-the-top satire of after-school specials, PSAs, and Degrassi High. And, like most shows that are oddball and ahead of their time, it was not long for this world (only 30 episodes ever aired). Yet Strangers remains a fan favorite due to its sheer weirdness and Amy Sedaris’s all-in portrayal of Jerri Blank, one of the most disturbed, gross, and hilarious protagonists in the history of half-hour comedy.

Jerri is a 46-year-old freshman, a former high-school dropout who’s now the new kid at Flatpoint High. She desperately yearns to belong, but can’t help while standing out in every possible way, from her tacky makeup to her fanny pack. In the opening credits she identifies herself as “a boozer, a user, and a loser.” The character was inspired by a real woman named Florrie Fisher, the star of a PSA called “The Trip Back” in which she speaks to a group of high school kids, trying to set them straight with her hard-luck story. Fisher’s blunt delivery, outrageous quips, and purposeful style are all very much alive in Jerri, just taken to an extreme and tied up with a demented bow.

The thing that really makes Jerri Blank iconic, is Sedaris’s willingness to take the character as far as she can, unafraid to come across as reprehensible and downright ugly. She commits HARD, frowning and smiling with a rubbery expressiveness while sticking her teeth both out and sometimes slightly to the side at the same time. The clothes just add to the character, a creation both hysterical and horrific, a monster in mom jeans who is impossible not to love.

jerri (3)

Clockwise from top left:

Clockwise from top left: Levi’s denim vest, $78, Macy’s; bomber jacket, $20, Target; Make Up For Ever Technicolor Palette, $36, Sephora; earrings, $18, Macy’s

At first, I thought I would point out how wonderfully out of place Jerri’s outfits were: the crocheted tops, satin bomber jackets, ’80s costume jewelry, and turtleneck sweaters. Then I realized that, 13 years later, her penchant for high-waisted pants, floral patterns, and all things neon is totally “on trend,” which just adds another layer of genius to the series. Jerri would fit right in these days!

Or not. But she is always the first to go for any fad, whether it’s reclaiming her virginity, breaking into a store for a pair of Flairs (the sneakers with the extra-long laces that rich kids wear), or going back to her drug-addict ways in order to attract friends. And what I love most about Strangers is that she always seems to learn some kind of twisted lesson—even after she recognizes right from wrong, and then shamelessly exploits wrong to her advantage, Jerri lands on the vaguely moral side of things (mostly because she gets caught and has to own up to what she’s done). In the series finale, she gets a makeover from the coolest girl in school, played by Winona Ryder, and is forced to choose between being popular or being herself, and in the end, she makes the right decision, sort of. “I’d rather be unhappy and plain with average friends than be happy and beautiful with friends that are better than my old ones. I’m sorry, but that’s just the way I feel!”

jerriblank2 (1)

Clockwise from top left:

Clockwise from top left: floral trousers, $50, Topshop; military jacket, $46, Target; fanny pack, $50, Topshop ; turtleneck, $229,J.Crew

No matter how far she runs from her identity, Jerri always returns, frosted hair/lips and all. And you can, too, with just a few basics: turtlenecks, colorful makeup, ill-fitting denim, and anything with fringe. So tuck your shirt into your pants, grab a stolen TV, and you’ll be all set to channel the most stylish mess at Flatpoint High, knowing that in fashion, as in life, there are many second chances. ♦

05 Apr 03:32

Sound Of Stereo – Unicorn (2013)


Artist: Sound Of Stereo

Album: Unicorn

Released: 2013

Style: Electronic

Format: MP3 320Kbps

Size: 40 Mb

01 – Unicorn (Original Mix)
02 – Rhino (Original Mix)
03 – Narwhal (Original Mix)
04 – Unicorn (Vocal Version)


08 Mar 23:44

iamsosorry: The Knife :: A Tooth For An Eye [Released on...


what do the sparklers represent tho?


The Knife :: A Tooth For An Eye

[Released on International Women’s Day 2013]

‘A Tooth For An Eye’ deconstructs images of maleness, power and leadership. Who are the people we trust as our leaders and why? What do we have to learn from those we consider inferior? In a sport setting where one would traditionally consider a group of men as powerful and in charge, an unexpected leader emerges. A child enters and allows the men to let go of their hierarchies, machismo and fear of intimacy, as they follow her into a dance. Their lack of expertise and vulnerability shines through as they perform the choreography. Amateurs and skilled dancers alike express joy and a sense of freedom; There is no prestige in their performance. The child is powerful, tough and sweet all at once, roaring “I’m telling you stories, trust me”. There is no shame in her girliness, rather she possesses knowledge that the men lost a long time ago.