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21 Jan 21:13

Chimamanda Adichie - The Danger of a Single Story (TED Talks...

02 Sep 14:03

Bee Orchid

In sixty million years aliens will know humans only by a fuzzy clip of a woman in an Axe commercial.
25 Aug 19:59

[ Tutorial do Dia! ] Como emular SNES/GBA no seu iOS sem jailbreak!

by Izzy Nobre

[ UPDATE ] A Apple tentou bloquear o truque abaixo, mas pra resolver é fácil. Se seu emulador não abre mais, vá em AJUSTES > GERAL > DATA E HORA, desligue a função de ajuste automático de data e hora, e coloque uma data anterior a 16 de julho de 2013. Abra o emulador, ele funcionará normalmente. Depois, é só consertar o relógio do seu iPhone/iPod/iPad.

Olá lindos amigos. Eis o que passarei o dia fazendo hoje:

Invejou? Calma que vou ensinar como é

E não, meu iPhone 5 não é jailbroken. Tá rodando iOS originalzim, e junto com ele este estupendo emulador de GBA — dica do meu broder @mullerjones, através do tuíter. Enquanto seus amigos te convidam pra TelexFree, os meus me mandam essas dicas absurdamente sensacionais.


Como funciona a parada?

Simples: um maluco pegou os emuladores opensource, “converteu” pra iOS, assinou-os usando sua conta de desenvolvedor da Apple, e hospedou num site. Assim, o app roda como se fosse algo próprio de iOS, sem necessidade de gambiarras no sistema operacional pra que ele permita códigos não-autorizados a rodarem. O sujeito vai em breve perder a conta? É provável. A Apple vai fazer algo pra tirar o site do ar? Também. Então corre enquanto dá tempo.

Primeiro passo:

Pegue seu celular eletrônico i-Phone e leve-o a este site: A página te apresenta uma listinha com aplicativos desenvolvidos pelo malandro. Eu dei preferência ao do GBA, porque historicamente emulador de GBA roda melhor do que os de SNES em praticamente toda plataforma que eu testei. Pelo pouco que já testei, este axioma prova-se verdadeiro também no iPhone.

“Mas por que não instalar os dois, Izzy?”

Por que não dá. Uma das limitações dessa semi-gambiarra é que só pode instalar um app de cada vez. Então, vou de GBA. Vai lá, entra no site que eu linkei. Tu verás isto:

Photo 2013-07-02 9 47 19 AM

Segundo passo:

Clique no INSTALL, o teu celular vai perguntar se você tem certeza, responda que sim, é claro, quero jogar Pokemon no celular. O app aparecerá no seu celular com esse iconezim aí.

Terceiro passo:

Quando terminar de instalar, clique nele. Tá vendo essa lista vazia de ROMs? Você preencherá-la com seus joguinhos favoritos. Clique na lupinha que você vê aí no canto superior direito. Ela abre uma busca no Google por ROMS de GBA; vai no primeiro resultado que tá de boa (aqui aparece o

Não sei os outros sites, mas o CoolROM tá todo formatadinho pra funfar beleza no navegador do iPhone (outros sites podem oferecer algumas barreiras pro download que de repente complicam de você pegar o jogo direto pelo iPhone). Aliás, essa é a vantagem do GBA4iOS: já vi outras soluções pra emular sem jailbreak mas eles requeriam outros níveis de gambiarra — ir pro computador, acessar o conteúdo do seu iPhone usando aplicativos meio duvidosos, essas coisas. No GBA4iOS tu faz tudo no próprio celular.

Photo 2013-07-02 9 39 59 AM

Quarto passo:

Pronto, meu broder. É basicamente isso aí. Achou o jogo que você quer, dá um scrollzim na página, clica em DOWNLOAD. Vai demorar um cadim, dependendo do tamanho da ROM. Vá dar uma mijadinha que você já tava com vontade mesmo.

Quinto passo:

Quando o arquivo termina de baixar, tu verás uma tela assim:

Photo 2013-07-02 9 41 15 AM

O navegador já facilita sua vida oferecendo que tu abra a ROM com o próprio GBA4iOS (ali no canto superior direito, mah). Clique nisto e seja feliz.

UM DISCLAIMER: Eu sou geralmente muito paranóico com qualquer tipo de gambiarra (vai que é tudo uma trama de um hacker russo de 11 anos de idade pra roubar meus cartões de crédito?). Por isso fiz algumas pesquisas pra descobrir a idoneidade desse sisteminha e não achei nada que o desabonasse. Tendo dito isto, saiba que o processo acima é por sua conta e risco.

OUTRO DISCLAIMER: Sei que a tentação é grande mas não insista nos joguinhos de plataforma que te exigem apertar mais de um botão ao mesmo tempo. Não presta, tu vai se decepcionar, vai por mim. O melhor tipo de jogo pra jogar no touchscreen são RPGs táticos e coisas turn based do tipo. Confie em mim.


Não sei. Testei só no meu iPhone 5. Descubra aí, porra!

01 Aug 17:12

jtotheizzoe: Alan Turing the legendary father of computer...


Alan Turing the legendary father of computer science, codebreaker, and tragic victim of sexual intolerance, is set to be pardoned by the British government 59 years after his suicide and prosecution for being gay.

Here’s a fantastic Radiolab segment on Alan Turing.

As Steve Silberman wonders

How much smarter would our tech be now if Turing had been celebrating his marriage at 41, instead of harassed into suicide as a gay man?

At Smithsonian’s Smart News, Rose Eveleth notes that pardoning Turing doesn’t make him less wronged, and doesn’t diminish the tragedy of persecuting this genius for being who he was. I like the idea she mentions: Teach Turing’s complete story in schools, and help eradicate bullying.

While we can’t take back the wrongs of the past, we can work to make sure they are never repeated. Especially in science.

05 Jul 19:43

bradofarrell: This year at E3 during the Xbox panel during a...


This year at E3 during the Xbox panel during a scripted “trash talk" bit someone made a scripted rape joke (male gamer to girl gamer who sucks at a game: “just wait, it’ll all be over soon.") and then they acted like it wasn’t a big deal and then they released an expensive, anti-consumer (DRM on physical games) piece of hardware. And then Sony just released the PS4 which is just the PS3 but better graphics and $100 cheaper than the Xbox. So THAT happened.

But then Nintendo just quietly released a bunch of great looking sequels for all of it’s major franchises (Mario, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, and Smash Bros.) and every single one of those games interestingly features playable female characters who haven’t been seen in decades like Dixie Kong and Princess Peach - and Pikmin now has a new female hero.

One of my favorite things about Peach in the new Mario game is that one of the power ups is a literal “cat suit" and Peach’s “cat suit" doesn’t sexualize her at ALL. You can’t even see her boobs. She just looks like she’s wearing over-sized footie pajamas it’s so cute. Also they added a pink letter to the Mario logo just to accommodate Peach’s re-inclusion into the franchise as a character with actual agency!

So at the end of the presentation they tell you to go to the Smash Bros website to find out about new characters. And then they announced this character, Wii Fit Trainer, on the site. And in an interview the director said he gets thousands of requests for almost every video game character under the sun and he’s gotten absolutely zero requests for this character and he put her in the game to be funny and defy fan expectation. This character is literally “hey fuck you we’re the ones making the games around here, and we’ll be goofy and funny if we want to and also check it out another female character in Smash."

Also the inclusion of the Animal Crossing villager is interesting because Animal Crossing is VERY popular with girls and even though the villager is male I’m 100% certain his alternate costumes will include the girl default villager character. So that’s neat. The three Smash characters they announced were two girl(ish) characters from two girl(ish) games and then Mega Man.

Also in the new Animal Crossing game boys are allowed to cross dress and all of the animals are explicitly genderqueer in the dialog. Characters say stuff like “Boys can ware make up if they want to, I mean, it’s 2013, who cares?" and just today a jock rhino was looking deeply into my eyes and asking me to hike a football and I asked him if he loved me (which was one of the option out of other options about sports) and he was like “Oh I guess a lot can happen when you look into someone else’s eyes like that, huh?" He didn’t even care that we’re both guys. Also in the new Pokemon game you can be black.

Basically what I’m saying is Nintendo is quietly and systematically making their games more socially progressive and Microsoft made a rape joke and then said “what? it was a joke."

(Bolded for emphasis)

10 Jun 14:33

June 02, 2013

Have I mentioned recently that we have a facebook group? Only badasses are allowed in. Good luck.
05 Jun 16:52

LARP de Battlestar Galactica pode chegar aos EUA

by Carlos Cardoso


O termo “LARP” causou mais dano ao teatro interativo e aos RPGs do que a NAMBLA à National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes. A idéia que vem à mente de todo mundo são nerds losers em último grau vestindo toalhas e fantasias feitas pelas mães, correndo em um bosque achando que são Gandalf, gritando “Lightning bolt1”.

Não é uma visão de toda errada. A vergonha alheia causada por este vídeo atinge níveis épicos em uma pessoa normal.

Só que nem sempre é assim. Uma boa partida de RPG já é um exercício de interpretação. Uma chance de criar, reagir, viver uma realidade diferente. É fantasia? Com certeza, mas muito mais gratificante do que o ato passivo de assistir um filme.

Na Europa esse tipo de diversão é levada a sério. Na Suécia e na Finlândia há casos de LARPs que foram filmados e comprados por emissoras de TV, e transmitidos como séries normais.

Um dos mais ambiciosos se The Monitor Celestra, é passado no Universo de Battlestar Galactica e reuniu 140 participantes durante três finais de semana. O projeto custou US$160 mil, quase tudo bancado pelos fãs. Roteiristas criaram situações, engenheiros projetaram hardwares para simular a tecnologia de uma nave espacial, e tudo aconteceu dentro de um destroyer aposentado da marinha sueca.

Veja o nível da coisa:

Agora os idealizadores do projeto querem levar a idéia para os EUA, mas estão esbarrando no enorme preconceito que todo mundo tem contra LARPs. Pensam inclusive em mudar o nome e evitar qualquer associação.

Quando crianças brincamos e fingimos ser astronautas, caubóis, soldados. Nos nossos videogames fingimos ser de encanadores a déspotas. A única diferença aqui é que não há tela separando as pessoas.

Tomara que a moda pegue. Seria incrivelmente divertido um final de semana fugindo de uma invasão alienígena, zumbis ou vampiros.

Fonte: TV

27 May 14:35



21 May 20:26

Whoa Bro, Slow Down: Avatar Tattoo Guy Is Still At It

avatar-tattoo-guy.jpg NOTE: I didn't post the pics after the jump because I don't want anybody falling in love too quickly but you can see the uncensored shot of the pic above HERE, frontal shot with g-string HERE and 3/4 rear view with tattered cat tree HERE. Remember Avatar tattoo guy? How could you forget? It's been almost two years since we've checked in with Avatar superfan Iggy, and not a day goes by that I don't try to drink myself into a coma to forget about him. Yet here he is, trying to burn my retinas out with all the unbridled sexual energy that comes with tattooing the shit out of yourself with fictional cat-people from a movie. And now he has stripes all the way down his legs. Plus a camo print g-string. Do they sell those at military surplus stores? I'm asking for a friend. You know what, no, I'm asking for myself. I'm tired of living this lie -- I want to be an outdoorsman. I want to camp and fish and hike and holy shit it's hot out here, I'm going back inside. Thanks to Ferrous, who agrees the only thing that's left for dude to do is color the rest of himself in with powder blue, post the pics to OK Cupid, and brace himself for a flooded inbox.
17 May 19:29

mikelaughead: From Anthony Holden! anthonyholden: What are...


From Anthony Holden!


What are studios looking for? How can I get into a good animation school? What should I be studying?

I get a lot of these types of questions now and again, and I never know how to answer them. I can’t be sure of what studios are looking for, I don’t control admissions policies to schools, and I have little idea what makes for a current and relevant curriculum. There are a lot of variables in your bid for a career in animation, and it’s kind of impossible to control most of them. You must be crazy to want this job!

I find it helpful to focus on the things I can control. Among those things are your study habits and how you spend your personal time. It’s good to work hard and have goals—without them we would get nowhere. Study hard and make decisive strides towards achieving your art goals. But in the heat of that pursuit, don’t forget to go out and live your life!

If you spend any amount of time looking at artists online, you’ve probably figured out by now that there are about a million dudes and dudettes in internetville who draw better than you (I relive this realization daily). Once your have done your best to rise to their level, the only tool you have to compete with these crazy talents is your background, your personal character—is you!

Consider developing your whole self with the same raw focus and intensity that you develop a particular skill set. Get focused. Go out, have adventures. Run, jump, skin your knee, fall in love, root loudly for the away team at a baseball game, barely escape a crash of stampeding rhinos, live to see another day. Experience things big and small. Go for a walk. The world is full of wonders.

I know this advice is not particularly animation-specific, but maybe that’s for the best. At any rate, it is something I feel strongly about. Animation is great, and there are few things that I enjoy doing more than drawing and storytelling. But in order to have stories to tell, first you have to live them.

Be good, and see you soon!

PS, if you were looking for advice on draftsmanship you should probably be reading this.

This is the best advice for any student or hopeful student. Having lived your life watching cartoons and drawing in your room won’t help you to make stories that involve doing much. I’m a total homebody, but doing things that force you to experience life in different ways is key. So just go to a new place, talk to the weird guy on the street, try a new food, whatever. It will enrich your life and the stories you tell.

17 May 19:27


17 May 19:23

Wii U owners don't know how to play Super Metroid

by Jim Sterling

If you're a jaded hardcore gamer, and if you've ever complained that the new generation of "dumbed down" console gamers are the bane of life, prepare to feel justified. The arrival of Super Metroid on Wii U demonstrates the depths of mental degradation humanity's suffered since you were a child.

The Super Metroid Miiverse community is currently littered with people asking why Samus can't crawl through a small gap. They've all taken screenshots, they're all stuck at the same place, and they all seem fully unaware of how to play Super Metroid.

Some of them think this is a glitch. It's quite possible they all think this game was released for the first time yesterday ... just imagine that. Imagine it long and hard.

You hate it, don't you? But also, you love the sense of superiority. You are at once disgusted with the simple-minded idiocy on display, and thrilled that you're better at videogames than these people. You're furious Call of Duty literally murdered the brain cells of these goons, and yet you feel so validated by what you see as proof of everything you believe.

Today is your best and worst moment. Enjoy it. Loathe it.

"y cant metroid crawl?" [NeoGAF]

Wii U owners don't know how to play Super Metroid screenshot

16 May 13:46


16 May 13:45

Zach Galifianakis in a wig Totally Looks Like Zakk Wylde

15 May 13:55

May 15, 2013

This may be my opus.
13 May 20:17

The original 151 Pokemon as imagined by 151 artists

by Darren Nakamura

Peter Le and Amy Kim thought it would be cool if they got 151 different artists to each take on one of the first-generation Pokémon, and present the collection in an art gallery called Rare Candy. Then they decided to sell the pieces to benefit charity.

Each artist tapped for this project was randomly assigned a Pokémon and given the freedom to choose a medium. The results range from ink drawings to full sculptures. Bidding has begun, and fan favorites like Gengar and Gyarados have already broken triple digit bids. My favorite? Rapidash.

Any who would like to see the gallery in person can do so until May 17 at 225 West Santa Clara Umpqua Bank in San Jose. All profits from the sales go to the charity Canines for Disabled Children, which gives physically disabled children their very own Pokémon service dogs.

151 Pokémon Recreated by 151 Awesome Artists. For Charity. [Kotaku]

The original 151 Pokemon as imagined by 151 artists screenshot

07 May 13:14

Lessons from a Dog

Patrick Moberg

Patrick Moberg

Patrick Moberg

Patrick Moberg

Patrick Moberg

Patrick Moberg

Patrick Moberg

Lessons from a Dog