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30 Jan 20:13

Lawrence Lessig on how Congress should behave when the president breaks the law

by Cory Doctorow

Lessig compares the current constitutional crisis -- a lawless, reckless president; law enforcement officers flouting federal court orders -- with previous crises, such as the impeachment of Nixon, and says the major difference between then and now: then, Congress had a bipartisan consensus that "they were engaged in the most serious job a member of Congress could have — because they knew that in a critical sense, the very stability of the Republic depended on them behaving as adults." (more…)

30 Jan 20:05

Facebook CSO Alex Stamos is a human warrant-canary for the Trump era

by Cory Doctorow

worth a twitter follow.

Even before he took the job of Chief Security Officer of Yahoo, Alex Stamos had a reputation for being a badass: a thoughtful security ethicist who served as an expert witness in defense of Aaron Swartz, Stamos cemented his reputation by publicly humiliating the director of the NSA over mass surveillance. (more…)

25 Jan 22:52

Found by Inspirationde
25 Jan 20:21

Why Trump and his staff lie

by Jason Kottke


Over at Bloomberg, Tyler Cowen provides an explanation as to why Donald Trump and his staff are lying.

By requiring subordinates to speak untruths, a leader can undercut their independent standing, including their standing with the public, with the media and with other members of the administration. That makes those individuals grow more dependent on the leader and less likely to mount independent rebellions against the structure of command. Promoting such chains of lies is a classic tactic when a leader distrusts his subordinates and expects to continue to distrust them in the future.

Another reason for promoting lying is what economists sometimes call loyalty filters. If you want to ascertain if someone is truly loyal to you, ask them to do something outrageous or stupid. If they balk, then you know right away they aren’t fully with you. That too is a sign of incipient mistrust within the ruling clique, and it is part of the same worldview that leads Trump to rely so heavily on family members.

This is interesting throughout, particularly the bit about “higher-status mistruths and lower-status mistruths”.

Note that these tactics do not require a strategic masterplan.1 We know Trump acts mostly on instinct, so all the lying is just how he’s found success doing business in the past. I’ve been listening to The Power Broker on audiobook for the past few months and the similarities between how Robert Moses operated (particularly in NYC at the height of his powers) and Trump’s tactics are downright eerie, right down to the outright lies, ignoring outside counsel, and favoring short-term results over deeper long-term consequences.2 Both men had so much power and (especially in Moses’ case) capability that they could have really helped people and made a difference in the lives of millions but instead used it mainly to get their own way.

  1. Deeeep breath. Ok. In a weird way, I feel like I understand this aspect of Trump…and it makes me uncomfortable to identify with him in this way. I don’t really make plans or set goals. My about page states “I don’t have a plan.” I approach life tactically, not strategically. And I think Trump does too. (Part of my discomfort here is the realization that a tactical approach to life may require privilege. Maybe Trump doesn’t have to think long-term because he was born two steps from home plate. I don’t know, I’ve never really thought about it…another privilege.) Of course, where I use knowledge to spread the power of good ideas around to the widest possible audience (I hope!), Trump uses lies to consolidate and wield his own personal power.

  2. Moses was brilliant and certainly capable of deep strategic thought, but according to Caro, as his responsibilities, power, and self-confidence increased, he relied on what had worked for him previously with little regard for the circumstances of particular situations. It was literally “we’re doing it my way or (no) highway”.

Tags: books   Donald Trump   politics   Robert Caro   Robert Moses   The Power Broker   Tyler Cowen
24 Jan 18:31

"I read zines to escape surveillance and clickbait."

by Mark Frauenfelder

direct link: (gist: zines are more important than ever in a a time of increased surveillance, fake news, and lack of self-expression...AWESOME)

Zine publisher Jonno Revanche says he likes zines because they are not connected to a network infected with crap: clickbait, tracking, trolls, etc.

From his piece in The Guardian:

There’s a liberty to creating, or witnessing subversive material knowing that it won’t be monitored, that the information is contained only within the pages of the zine. The trustworthiness of a physical object in our current age is strangely compelling. Links shared via Facebook or messenger apps can be intercepted, logged, or dispersed otherwise into the ether. Especially for teenagers, zines counter the anxiety and subsequent frantic deletion of browser history so that your family can’t see it. Hide it under your bed instead, or in a zipped inner sanctum within your school bag.

(Thanks, Kathi!)

23 Jan 21:42

Honor and Respect: how to address President Obama and Donald Trump

by Jason Kottke

footnote for the win. also honorifics are such a strange part of linguistics.

Robert Hickey is the deputy director of The Protocol School of Washington, which provides etiquette and protocol training. In his book Honor & Respect, he covers the “correct written and oral forms of address for everyone from local officials to foreign heads of state”. For The President of the United States, the proper forms of address are:

Letter salutation: Dear Mr. President:
Complimentary close: Most respectfully,
Announced: The President of the United States
Introduction: Mr. President, may I present …
Conversation: Mr. President

And contrary to how many media outlets refer to former US Presidents, they should not be referred to as “President” (e.g. “President Bush”):

“While it is common practice in the media and elsewhere to address and identify former presidents as ‘President (Name),’ this is a mistake,” said Hickey. “Serving as President of the United States does not grant one the personal rank of ‘President’ for life. The office of President is a one-person-at-a-time role that a specific individual holds and then hands off to the next person.”

“Courtesies, honors, and special forms of address are symbols of the power of the office. They belong to the office and to the citizens, not former office holders.”

Hickey recommends “The Honorable” as an official title (e.g. “The Honorable Jimmy Carter”) and “Mr./Ms.” for conversation or salutation (e.g. “Mr. Clinton”).

While Donald Trump was officially sworn in as the President on Friday, this site will continue to refer to Trump as “Trump” or “Donald Trump”1 and not as “President Trump”. Again and again, almost to a pathological degree, Trump has demonstrated, in word and deed, that he has not earned and does not deserve our respect and the title of his office. It’s a small protest by a small “media outlet”, perhaps petty, but as long as the First Amendment still applies, I will publish what I like on my own damn website.

And since I am all for the “one-person-at-a-time” rule, this site will also continue to refer to Barack Obama as “President Obama”. He’s earned it many times over.

  1. Or even “Fuckface Von Clownstick”. We don’t stand on ceremony here. But I won’t call him just “Donald”…that would be disrespectful to greater Donalds like Sutherland, Glover, and Duck.

Tags: Barack Obama   Donald Trump   language   politics   Robert Hickey
23 Jan 21:37

Is Tumblr the inheritor of the Dada movement?

by Caroline Siede

this is awesome. if you think of weird twitter (and weird facebook) or almost anything on knowyourmeme, i think this theory holds water. in addition to the visual, the style of "internet humor" is so absurdist. i've never really thought about it, but do other media have a specific sense of humor or style? tv humor vs radio humor for example? maybe it's apples and oranges b/c of their limits, but it's still a fun brainthought to mull over.


I came across this fascinating discussion on Tumblr, comparing the oft-irreverent blogging platform to the avant-garde Dada art movement of the post-WWI era:
23 Jan 18:39

Help this half-onion in a plastic bag beat Trump's Twitter-follower count

by Cory Doctorow

lotta layers to this one.

@HalfOnionInABag has one goal in life: to exceed Trump's follower-count, proving that such numbers are a plebiscite on precisely nothing. (more…)

22 Jan 22:18

Architecture of Surveillance: NSA Spy Outpost in Brutalist NYC Building

by Kurt

looks like a level from goldeneye

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]


Like some ancient megalith, an imposing windowless structure in Manhattan may be even more sinister than it appears. The AT&T Long Lines Building at 33 Thomas Street was built for machines, designed to house long-distance phone lines in the 1970s, but reports now suggest it has been used by the National Security Agency as a listening post in the heart of America’s financial capital. Welcome to the home of Project X, both a supposed name of the place (also known as Titanpointe) and title of a short film about it by Henrik Moltke and Laura Poitras.

Aside from its everyday functions, the 29-story, bunker-like building was constructed to house over 1,000 people in a nuclear attack (with its own food, water and generators) — what better place, really, to conceal government agents for indefinite periods of time? The building is located toward the southern tip of Manhattan, just a few blocks from the World Trade Center site. Its proximity to offices and meeting places of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund and World Bank also make it an ideal location from which to spy on such organizations.


According to reports, NSA and FBI employees and contractors working in the building were given tips on how to avoid standing out when entering and exiting the structure. They were told what clothes to wear and cars to rent to remain inconspicuous.


Edward Snowden was a major source for the associated links now bringing this all to light. Apparently, there is no direct evidence that government agencies used the actual AT&T equipment on site — it may have just been an ideal staging space for their own technologies and operations. There is, however, a major “gateway switch” on site (routing international calls) which has led some to suspect there may be more to the story. So far, of course, the NSA has declined to comment.


“This is yet more proof that our communications service providers have become, whether willingly or unwillingly, an arm of the surveillance state,” says Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the liberty and national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice. “The NSA is presumably operating under authorities that enable it to target foreigners, but the fact that it is so deeply embedded in our domestic communications infrastructure should tip people off that the effects of this kind of surveillance cannot be neatly limited to non-Americans.”

Is This 3D-Printed Robot The Future of Surveillance?

Mobile robotic surveillance devices are nothing new - you can purchase remote-controlled ones online, and the government has been developing spy gadgets that get smaller, faster and harder to spot ...

Brutalist Wonders or Blunders? Architecture by Marcel Breuer

A master of Modernism whose architectural legacy includes a range of monumental concrete structures around the world, Marcel Breuer remains divisive among Brutalism’s admirers and detractors ...

Ghost Architecture: Building Demolition Photo Composites

Philadelphia native Andrew Evans takes pictures that give a new perspective on the processes of urban deconstruction, showing before, during and after images of once-proud civic ...

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22 Jan 17:57

Trinity River Park: Huge New 10,000 Acre Urban Nature District for Dallas

by Kurt

a phrase i look forward to uttering more often: fuck yeah, texas.

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]


Designed to restore and augment the city’s floodplain, this new green recreation space features thousands of acres of forest as well as playgrounds, lawns and trails. Upon completion, it will be one of the biggest urban green spaces in the country (more than 10 times the size of Central Park in NYC).


In a state not exactly known for its greenery (or environmentalism), this project in Texas by Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates is designed in part to address a critical and ongoing issue: flooding damage during severe weather events.”I believe we can create the most value and the greatest benefit to our citizens when we complete projects around nature,” said mayor Mike Rawlings  of the project.



The park aims to serve both recreational and engineering purposes, shoring up the city against future floods while creating a great green asset for citizens and visitors. Developed in collaboration with government engineers, it will be part community resource but also (and critically) part infrastructural insurance against the effects of climate change.



The development is part of a larger series of projects along the flood plain and will link into over seventy miles of regional trails. At an estimated cost of $50 million, the park is not cheap but surprisingly inexpensive given its scope and aims. So far, a private donor has stepped forward offering $20 million of the funds needed, leaving a smaller bill for the city and state governments as well.

Pier 55 Park: Undulating Landscape to Hover Over Hudson River in NYC

Following the success of the hovering High Line, an elevated park set on re-purposed rail tracks, New York City aims to pull off another park space in an unused space, this time at Pier 55 ...

The Dryline: BIG Plan Fights NYC Floods with Waterfront Park

A huge infrastructure project designed to prevent future Hurricane Sandy-style devastation, the Dryline is a perfectly-named solution for a city already sporting a successful High Line and an ...

Disused 15-Mile Railway to Become Country-Wide Park in Singapore

An ambitious infrastructure conversion project in Singapore will turn 15 miles of a abandoned rail corridor into a continuous mixed-use trail-and-park system stretching from one end of the ...

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19 Jan 19:48

The 8 richest men are now as wealthy as half the world’s population

by Jason Kottke


According to a report by Oxfam, the world’s 8 richest men are as wealthy as the poorest half of the world’s population. That’s 8 men with the same combined wealth of 3.6 billion people.

As decision makers and many of the super-rich gather for this week’s World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, the charity’s report suggests the wealth gap is wider than ever, with new data for China and India indicating that the poorest half of the world owns less than previously estimated.

Oxfam, which described the gap as “obscene,” said if the new data had been available before, it would have shown that in 2016 nine people owned the same as the 3.6 billion who make up the poorest half of humanity, rather than 62 estimated at the time.

The gap between the super-rich and poor is widening: in 2010, it would have taken 43 of the richest people to equal the bottom 50%. The eight men in question are Bill Gates, Amancio Ortega, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, and Michael Bloomberg.

Five of the men on this list — Gates, Buffett, Ellison, Bloomberg, and Zuckerberg (all Americans) — have signed the Giving Pledge, a public promise to give away the majority of their fortunes while still alive (or upon their deaths). They are essentially agreeing with Oxfam that their wealth should be redistributed. When five men who control, say, as much wealth as 25-30% of the world’s poorest are saying, by their actions, that the wealth inequality gap needs to be narrowed, shouldn’t the government take that as a sign that something needs to be done about it?

Update: The way Oxfam is calculating wealth here takes debt into account:

If you look at the numbers that the statistic is based on, from Forbes and Credit Suisse, you’ll see that the equality here is that the eight richest people in the world have a combined net worth of roughly $426 billion, or 0.16% of all the world’s wealth.

Is it really true that the bottom 50% of the world’s population accounts for only 0.16% of the wealth on the planet? Well, not really. The bottom 50% comprises five different deciles. Of those deciles, the fourth has 0.17% of the world’s wealth, and the fifth has 0.32%. Those are both very small numbers — but they’re both bigger than 0.16%.

So something funny is going on here — and that something funny is debt. When Oxfam looks at net worth, it adds up your assets, and then subtracts your liabilities. And when your liabilities are bigger than your assets, that means you have negative net worth. According to Oxfam’s methodology, the bottom 10% of the world’s population has a net worth of one trillion negative dollars — an almost inconceivably large sum.

The inequality is there, and growing, but Oxfam’s formulation is misleading without the proper context. (thx, everyone)

Tags: economics   lists
19 Jan 19:41

North Dakota May Make It Legal to Run Over Protesters

by Angie Schmitt

oh, cool.

North Dakota state rep Keith Kempenich has had enough of people exercising their right to assembly and free expression.

North Dakota State Rep. Keith Kempenich. Photo:
North Dakota state rep Keith Kempenich. Photo:

In response to the protests at Standing Rock, Kempenich has introduced legislation [PDF] to shield drivers from penalty who unintentionally strike a pedestrian “obstructing vehicular traffic.”

The bill asserts that pedestrians are not allowed to use the roadbed unless there are no sidewalks, and even in that case, they have to stick to the shoulder. It appears to make no accommodation for people who actually have to cross a street.

The bill has been making the rounds, compelling Kempenich to defend himself. He says it wouldn’t apply to a driver who deliberately mows someone down, nor would it protect distracted drivers.

“If you stay off the roadway, this would never be an issue,” Kempenich told the Star Tribune.

But it’s hard to explain Kempenich’s bill except as an attempt to encourage aggression toward protestors and bully people out of the street. After all, drivers already get away with the type of behavior Kempenich wants to shield from accountability.

A man who intentionally ran into a crowd during Ferguson protests in Minneapolis, running over the leg of a 16-year-old girl and then fleeing the scene, was charged only with minor traffic offenses.

19 Jan 01:52

Wrestlers of Inner Mongolia


we've all got work to do. let's get to it.

Gorgeous, from photographer Ken Hermann and art director Gem Fletcher, Wrestlers of Inner Mongolia.
18 Jan 23:35

Feminist cybersecurity 101

by Cory Doctorow

be a badass: share this with friends.

The DIY Feminist Guide to Cybersecurity, available in Spanish and English, is designed to be a quickstart for "gendered, racialized, queerphobic, transphobic, ableist, and classist" threats to digital autonomy, created because "companies and developers frequently ignore or underestimate the digital threats to these spaces and their users."

13 Jan 05:29

What are we but a fire?

by Jason Kottke

too many good lines to pick a favorite. read this and be a better person.

An excerpt from Elisa Chavez’s poem “Revenge” in the Seattle Review of Books:

Since you mention it, I think I will start that race war.

I could’ve swung either way? But now I’m definitely spending
the next 4 years converting your daughters to lesbianism;
I’m gonna eat all your guns. Swallow them lock stock and barrel
and spit bullet casings onto the dinner table;

I’ll give birth to an army of mixed-race babies.
With fathers from every continent and genders to outnumber the stars,
my legion of multiracial babies will be intersectional as fuck
and your swastikas will not be enough to save you,

This is a powerful poem, and I laughed out loud so hard to the “This is a taco truck rally and all you have is cole slaw” line.

Tags: Elisa Chavez   poetry
11 Jan 18:20

Mad Feet brilliantly combines George Miller's Mad Max and Happy Feet

by Andrea James

you don't know how much you needed to watch this until you watch this.

Many people are surprised to learn that George Miller directed both Mad Max and the animated penguin film Happy Feet. Maybe that's why they work so well combined in this trailer mashup by Nico Bellamy. (more…)

09 Jan 06:02

Rogue One UI


these details. love 'em.

09 Jan 06:01

2017: the year we become ungovernable

by Cory Doctorow

“A core component of resistance is to get the class of civil servants, particularly on the federal but also the state level, to not comply with arbitrary laws and policies that are going to be created,” said Akuno. “To not recognize the laws we know are coming that will discriminate against Black people, Latinos, immigrants and queer people. There is no need for anyone to comply. Let’s not give it legitimacy just because it’s the law. We need to be prepared to disobey and engage in civil disobedience. We need to get ready for that now.”

Kali Akuno, an organizer with Cooperation Jackson and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement talks to Alternet about the first stirrings of the mass-scale civil disobedience we must practice to resist trumpism. (more…)

05 Jan 19:03

Wall Street Journal's top editor says they won't call Trump a liar when Trump lies

by Cory Doctorow

how does this help anyone, wsj? in doing this doesn't the paper ascribe "moral intent" to the rest of us? also wtf is a challengeable/questionable truth?


On this weekend's Meet the Press, WSJ editor in chief Gerard Baker said that even when he was clear that Trump had uttered a falsehood, his paper would not call that falsehood a lie, because to do so would ascribe "moral intent" to Trump; instead, the WSJ will call Trump's lies "challengeable" and "questionable." (more…)

04 Jan 21:34

Searching for Lost Knowledge in the Age of Intelligent Machines


"The infrastructure of the web, built to link one resource to the next, was the beginning. The next wave of information systems promises to more deeply establish links between people, ideas, and artifacts that have, so far, remained out of reach—by drawing connections between information and objects that have come unmoored from context and history."

We are the next wave.

Searching for Lost Knowledge in the Age of Intelligent Machines:

Old is new, new is old. The more we know the less we know. Hivemind is our mind. No one is an individual. We all read the same things. Information is enmeshed in the tangled threads of history. It’s raining outside and we have to sort this tangled web. Happy new year TOR!

26 Dec 15:29

Here’s a kitten wearing a top hat

by Caroline Siede


Lookin’ classy.

[via Tumblr]

25 Dec 17:19

Most popular search queries for each state, 2016

by Mark Frauenfelder

#realnews #gogole

Drew Toothpaste tweeted: "Thank you to Google for helping me compile the most popular search queries for each state in the US this year!"

Finally, some real news for a change.

23 Dec 16:58

Lil Buck dances with icons of modern art

by Jason Kottke

movement is so fucking cool. this is a gorgeous video.

Watch as dancer Lil Buck gracefully moves through an exhibit at Foundation Louis Vuitton in Paris. Icons Of Modern Art: The Shchukin Collection, which includes work from Picasso, Matisse, Gauguin, and Monet, is on view there through Feb 20, 2017. Lil Buck is on view at YouTube indefinitely.

Tags: art   dance   Lil Buck   video
22 Dec 19:49

Merry Christmas Lil' Mama


instantly wonderful.

Merry Christmas Lil' Mama, a mixtape gift from Jeremih & Chance the Rapper. Boom!
22 Dec 18:13

The amazing, endless battle between rural Eastern European partisan fighters, demons, mecha, and werewolves

by Cory Doctorow



Jakub "Mr Werewolf" Rozalski is a prolific Polish painter whose longrunning series of painters depict rural Eastern European folk fighting against mecha warriors, werewolves, and demons. (more…)

21 Dec 19:09

What every website knows about you

by Mark Frauenfelder

for yr records.


This website shows you all the data any website you visit can find out about you: your location, operating system, browser plugins, previously visited web page, local and public IP, service provider, social media networks you are logged into, devices on your local network, and more. The site also shows you how to hide any of this information that you don't want to reveal.

21 Dec 18:02

The definitive guide to Elvis' 1990 "Home Alone" cameo

by Jason Weisberger

we need this now.


Dan Ozzi, over at Vice, took the fan theory that Elvis made a cameo in near forgotten holiday classic Home Alone and ran with it. Ran and ran.

Seems a fan spotted someone who looks like an older Elvis in the background of one of the scenes in Home Alone. A lot of theorizing has since taken place...

So why do people think this uncredited background extra with only a minute of screen time and no speaking lines is Elvis? Well, strap on your blue suede shoes, mama, because we are about to dig in deep here, and we don't plan on coming out until we have answers or have LOST OUR FUCKING MINDS.

For starters, appearance. Were Elvis alive in 1990 when the movie was filmed, he would have been 55, making him age appropriate to be the man in this scene, roughly. There is some resemblance between the two around the eyes, for sure. The man also has a full head of brown hair that, from the looks of it, has likely felt the touch of a bottle of Just for Men. "But Elvis had jet black hair," you're saying, very naively. WRONG. Elvis had dirty blond hair which he dyed black.

This is a fun read. Whenever I think of Elvis, however, I think of my old friend Jay Leggett.

20 Dec 17:47

Freedom of the Press releases an automated, self-updating report card grading news-sites on HTTPS

by Cory Doctorow

theintercept knows their shit.


Secure the News periodically checks in with news-sites to see how many of them implement HTTPS -- the secure protocol that stops your ISP and people snooping on it from knowing which pages you're looking at and from tampering with them -- and what proportion of them default to HTTPS. (more…)

20 Dec 17:42

Podcasts, positivism and "explainerism"

by Cory Doctorow

AN INTERESTING READ. i can't agree with everything this guy says (biggest bone to pick is that it's science vs feeling - the world is far more complex)...however i do agree with his point that there's a nomralization among podcasts (and reporting in general) that we need to address. i also hate podcaster cadence.


David A Banks argues that the boom in NPR explainer podcasts -- Radiolab, Note to Self, Hidden Brain, Freakonomics Radio and others -- are ideologically bankrupt, presenting individual, often neurological explanations for social phenomena -- rather than turning to the traditional social science accounts of these issues, so that the weird, broken, messed up things in our world are the result of our human "hardwiring" rather than the outgrowth of policies and ideology. (more…)

14 Dec 16:14

'Saturday Night Live' calls out Trump in Pizzagate sketch

by Tricia Gilbride

this was EXTRAORDINARY. she was so fiery.

When people are bursting into pizza parlor with guns because of fake news stories, it must be addressed at Saturday Night Live's fake news desk. 

Cecily Strong, in character Cathy Anne, stopped by the Weekend Update desk to try to wrap her head around Pizzagate and white supremacists. 

"People like me do not need to be encouraged on Fortune and Redding," explains strong. "4Chan and Reddit," corrects Michael Che. 

Her prescription for the country? "Everyone needs to get off the internet for a few days. Including Donald Trump. I know he's watching."

Trump has not yet tweeted his thoughts on last night's episode, but it's probably only a matter of time.  Read more...

More about Michael Che, Cecily Strong, Saturday Night Live, Politics, and Fake News