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19 Nov 00:25


Submitted by: solar_nebula
Posted at: 2012-11-17 00:43:12
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19 Nov 00:07

Heroes of Science Action Figures



19 Nov 00:02


taco bell,sand,silicon dioxide

SAND no longer is silicon dioxide, according to taco bell

Submitted by: lolcatfan1973

18 Nov 13:31

Smartest Wish Form A Genie

Submitted by: webertrlz
Posted at: 2012-11-17 17:24:22
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18 Nov 13:21

Yes, you can cry now.

Submitted by: tzucbk01
Posted at: 2012-11-16 15:30:33
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18 Nov 12:58

Nirvana looking fabulous!

Submitted by: ineccas
Posted at: 2012-09-12 00:25:25
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18 Nov 12:57

Leonard and Amy dating on 'Blossom' (90's series)

Submitted by: karrossa
Posted at: 2012-11-17 01:59:58
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17 Nov 22:39

Dont' Be an iDiot...wait

Submitted by: acu91
Posted at: 2012-11-17 00:44:05
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17 Nov 22:37

So I get bored

Submitted by: motherofmmmm
Posted at: 2012-11-16 18:19:46
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17 Nov 13:10

Every time I browse Netflix.

Submitted by: tubocool
Posted at: 2012-11-15 19:28:37
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17 Nov 13:10

Faith in humanity restored!

Submitted by: kalanbai
Posted at: 2012-11-15 14:35:22
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17 Nov 13:09

Best Selling Science Fiction Books of All Time

by Brody

Are you a science fiction fan (not that space fantasy Star Wars baloney) like I am? Then maybe you will like this super awesome infographic of the best selling Sci Fi books of all time! Ender's Game is possibly my favorite childhood book and it is both gratifying and disturbing to see it on this list. One million copies sold since 1985 sounds like a lot, but is it? A post I wrote earlier shows thatTwilight already has sold a sickening 43 million, and Harry Potter is at a staggering 400 million. Yet Ender's Game can only get 1 million. People don't get out of bed for a Youtube clip with less than 1 million views. Fahrenheit 451 -one of the fathers of modern Sci Fi- a paltry 10 mil. I am a little soul crushed at the moment but I will get over it. Enjoy the list and enjoy the rest of your day. I will go sulk in a corner for a while. Stupid Twilight and it's 43 million.

-Via Flavorwire

17 Nov 13:06

Colours of TV

Submitted by: 9gagv12
Posted at: 2012-11-16 00:04:36
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17 Nov 13:02

Old railway

Submitted by: haampus
Posted at: 2012-11-16 11:35:08
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17 Nov 13:01

Hubble May Have Spotted Most Distant Galaxy Ever

by Miss Cellania


Light detected by the Hubble telescope and NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope is believed to have come from the most distant galaxy yet. The galaxy is called MACS0647-JD, and from our perspective, is seen between the Big and Little Dippers.

Scientists combined data from the Hubble space telescope with NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope to make the discovery. MACS0647-JD would have existed about 13.3 billion years ago, or roughly 420 million years after the Big Bang. This would place it around 200 million years earlier than previous candidates for most distance object ever spotted.

The galaxy cluster in front of MACS0647-JD helped scientists to see it, since the gargantuan gravitational pull of the cluster bends light around it. This creates a gravitational lens that makes distant objects appear much brighter than they otherwise would. If the existence of MACS0647-JD is confirmed, it would help scientists understand how the universe appeared when the first stars and galaxies formed.  

Astronomers will have to crunch some serious numbers before the distance is confirmed. Read more about the findings at Wired. Link -via Geekologie

See a video of the zoom at the Hubble site. Link

(Image credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Postman and D. Coe (Space Telescope Science Institute), and the CLASH team)

17 Nov 02:00

Replacing the Ground

by Alex Dent

Diller Scofidio + Renfro Lincoln Center New York

Diller Scofidio + Renfro Lincoln Center New York

Diller Scofidio + Renfro Lincoln Center New York

Next week, while Bobby and Kyle are wandering around Portland, I will be wandering around New York City, a place I haven’t really visited since living there… has it really been that many… six years ago.  Of the countless things to see and do there, I am most excited about stalking a number of projects by Diller, Scofidio + Renfro that have been completed over the past half-decade. Two of the firm’s most visible projects in the city are the High Line and the renovations to the Lincoln Center, and both projects challenge traditional notions of the ground.

The images above are of the illumination lawn, one of the many additions to the Lincoln Center realized by DS+R. The complex curving lawn hides a restaurant below, allowing the firm to add public green space and a fancy restaurant in one steel swoop. The pavilion along with the High Line are exciting and novel ways of introducing green space into densely urban areas. So while it may be cold and windy, I will be shivering all over these projects and pretending it’s still early September.

Maybe because of the digital tools that architects use to develop and present projects, it’s easy to stop thinking of space as something tangible. But it’s very real. Even though I’ve re-visited New York many times through pictures or remembering what it was like to walk around its streets, it’s much more exciting to actually be going back and putting my feet on the ground. The ground in these projects is atypical, green in a city that is mostly concrete and weird fragments of nature in completely unnatural presentations.

17 Nov 02:00

‘Fuck It’, A New Print by Steady Print Shop Co.

by Bobby Solomon
'Fuck It', A New Print by Steady Print Shop Co.

Today is one of those days when I don’t really feel like writing, and this print by Steady Print Shop Co. matches my mood pretty well. Simply titled Fuck It, paired with an old Snoopy drawing by Charles Schultz, this is the print for the old curmudgeon (or 30 year old, in my case) in your life. You can snag one for yourself for only $15 by clicking here.

17 Nov 01:12

Tenth Doctor costume tee

by Cory Doctorow


ThinkGeek's done a Tenth Doctor "costume tee" that's pretty great. I'm assuming that all that detail is silk-screened with fool-the-eye shadows, and not actual additional material sewn onto the shirt's front (though that would be megaboss and someone should totally make it).

10th Doctor Costume Tee (via OhGizmo)

17 Nov 01:11

My whole life is a lie

Submitted by: tom6622
Posted at: 2012-11-15 21:29:32
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16 Nov 20:56

Awesome Turkey-Shaped Pretzel!

Submitted by: shameonloo
Posted at: 2012-11-15 16:38:34
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16 Nov 18:07

Why Coke Cost A Nickel For 70 Years

by Miss Cellania


Coca-Cola began to be sold in glass bottles in the last years of the 19th century -for five cents, the same price the fountain servings had been for years. Those bottled Cokes sold for a nickel until 1959! Oh, it wasn't because the company just wanted to keep the price all that time, but circumstances made raising the price difficult.

The Coca-Cola vending machines were built to take a single coin: a nickel.

Levy says the folks at Coca-Cola thought about converting the vending machines to take a dime. But doubling the price was too much. They wanted something in between.

So they asked the U.S. Treasury to issue a 7.5-cent coin. At one point, the head of Coca-Cola asked President Eisenhower for help. (They were hunting buddies.) No luck.  

There were other factors involved, which you can read about at WEKU. Link -via Metafilter

16 Nov 18:01

Google Earth Probably Didn’t Just Find New Pyramids

14 Nov 22:32

Belly button samples reveal wonderland of fluffy fauna

by Joanna Carver

Joanna Carver, reporter


(Image: Belly Button Biodiversity)

If you were told you had an ecosystem living in your belly button, it might come as a bit of shock. Well, you probably do. These are just a few of the samples that Belly Button Biodiversity (BBB), a group of scientists from North Carolina University in Raleigh and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, have taken from themselves as well as students, science bloggers and others.

BBB want to strike down the "bad bacteria" stereotype and teach the world that many bacteria are harmless, helpful and a lot of times just hanging around, mooching off your body. The navel is an ideal place for bacteria to thrive because it's isolated and most people don't bother to wash it. But what BBB wondered was, do the bacteria change from person to person?

BBB grew the bacteria from hundreds of swab samples and found that most people's belly button ecosystems are pretty unique. They found a total of 2368 types of bacteria, with 2188 present on fewer than 10 per cent of the samples.

Several of BBB's samples are posted online. The top left is a bacillus that produces antibiotic compounds that can kill other bacteria as well as foot fungi. The bottom right is a type of clostridial bacterium, whose diverse family includes botulism and gangrene bacteria, though many of them are harmless.

14 Nov 22:31

Would you eat the saddest Cyberman (if he was a cake)?

by Jamie Frevele

What has a shiny exterior, is three feet tall, devoid of human emotions... and also edible? That would be this Cyberman cake, designed and available to buy (in the UK) from Truly Scrumptious Designer Cakes. Look at this thing. It's adorable. You would never guess, by looking at this cake-face, that this is a creature born from evil alien takeovers and the extermination of the human race. This Cyberman looks like a sweetie pie to me. Sorry -- sweetie cake. As cute as it is, it doesn't come cheap (£790, about $1,260). But it does come in a variety of flavors: sponge, toffee, chocolate, and lemon. I dare you to find a dalek cake with a face this cute. I triple-dog dare you. (via That's Nerdalicious)

Photo credit: Truly Scrumptious Designer Cakes

14 Nov 22:23

Visualizing 100,000 Stars In Chrome

by Soulskill

An anonymous reader writes "Google has rolled out a new web experiment for Chrome. This one is a visualization of the locations of over 100,000 nearby stars. It pulls data from astrometric databases and catalogs to show accurate relative locations of the stars. You can zoom and pan around the cluster, zoom all the way in to the solar system, or zoom all the way out to see how even this huge number of stars is dwarfed by the rest of the Milky Way. It also has data on a number individual stars in our stellar neighborhood. This web app works best in Chrome (much like their previous one, Jam With Chrome), but I was able to try it in Firefox as well."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

14 Nov 20:26

Find Balance: Know Your Brain Chemistry

by HealthCentral

Many of our moods are dependent on our brain chemistry. Here is a breakdown of the essential neurotransmitters responsible for moods.
14 Nov 16:14

DATA VENIA - Autor(Allan Sieber)

13 Nov 17:07

November 13, 2012

13 Nov 17:02

A SSD in Your Pocket

I woke up a few days ago and realized I was still carrying the same 32 GB USB flash drive on my keychain that I purchased in 2010. I thought to myself, this is an unacceptable state of affairs. Totally. Unacceptable.

It's been few years since I seriously looked at USB drive performance. Premium USB flash drives typically eke out about 10-20 MB per second, strongly favoring reads, but I've recently purchased a number of inexpensive 4 GB USB drives that barely got to 4 MB per second. That's OK, since they were only intended as cheap floppy drive CD and DVD replacements. Based on that experience, I wasn't expecting much improvement in the status quo.

USB 3.0 is finally becoming somewhat prevalent on PCs and Macs, so I figured I'd:

  • Switch to a current-generation USB 3.0 flash drive.
  • Bump up to 64 GB storage this generation, one step over the 32 GB model I currently carry.
  • Optimistically hope against hope that they've gotten fast enough by now to get anywhere near USB 2.0 throughput limits.

I checked around and the Patriot Supersonic Magnum got good reviews. The price seemed about right at $75 for a 64 GB device. So I bought one. I plugged it in to one of the USB 3.0 ports on my PC and …



Holy. Crap.

237 MB/s reads and 143 MB/s writes? Yes please!

Needless to say, this thing handily saturates a USB 2.0 connection at around 27 - 30 MB/sec but plug it into one of those blue USB 3.0 ports on newer Macs or PCs and prepare to feel like the "blown away" guy in the Maxell ad.

I haven't run a full set of benchmarks on this guy, but the only downside I've noticed so far is that it is a bit chunkier in width than my previous USB flash drive. It might be a bit more to carry, and might not fit some USB ports depending on what's adjacent.


Now I feel like a total dork for continuing to carry around a 2010 era flash drive that I thought had decent performance at 20 MB/sec. Forget that noise. Now we can darn near carry pocket solid state hard drives on our keychains! Nobody told me, man!

So now I'm telling you. Enjoy.

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13 Nov 14:52

Filme do MacGyver ganha diretor

by Mau Faccio

Depois de quase dois anos sem notícias, o filme do MacGyver finalmente volta para a internerd com algumas novidades. A mais recente diz que a New Line já está pensando no diretor para a adaptação da série de TV.

James Wan, seria o escolhido para comandar o longa MacGyver. Wan já trabalhou no primeiro Jogos Mortais e recentemente teve um bom sucesso comercial com Insidious ano passado.

Segundo a Variety, a New Line está tentando segurar Wan, que irá lançar mais um filme em julho do ano que vem, chamado The Conjuring, para que ele dirija a adaptação de MacGyver.

O projeto do filme baseado na série clássica dos anos 80 vem sendo trabalhado desde 2009, e também desde que a paródia MacGruber foi lançada. Devido até ao sucesso da paródia a New Line está certa de que MacGyver tem pique para atrair muita gente para o cinema.

A última notícia sobre o roteiro de MacGyver, é que ele havia sido escrito por Brian e Mark Gunn, que escreveram recentemente o roteiro de Viagem 2: A Ilha Misteriosa.

Via Cinema Blend

MauMau espera que o filme se chame: “Profissão: Perigo”
