Shared posts

06 Feb 18:32

Castle In The Darkness: RELEASE DAY!!!

by Matt Kap
Taylor Swift

Windows-only right now, but this is a steal for $5.

Hello! Matt Kap here again, posting on the day some of you have been waiting for…


For those who are just seeing this, I am Matt Kap, a pixel artist at Nicalis. I’ve worked on 1001 Spikes, Legend Of Raven, and was the lead artist on The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth. All throughout the dev cycle of those projects and the last 3 years I’ve been working on my own project, called Castle In The Darkness! I’m proud to finally have it complete and released on Steam!

For the price of a McCombo you can enjoy several hours of retro goodness, so please give it a try :). Also, I should mention that the soundtrack can also be purchased as a download here for $3, or 50 cents per track! I will be putting the profits from the soundtrack back into making music for future games and other soundtracks, so please support it if you like what you hear :).

Finally, I should mention that some people cannot start the game because they are missing DLL files. I will fix this as soon as I can in the next update, but in the meantime you can fix this problem by updating DirectX, and also installing the DLLs that you can get from this installer.

Anyway, thanks for reading, check out the game, and come back soon! There will be more blog posts and announcements about this game :D! Bye!

05 Feb 22:00

Jonathan Chait, casualty of political correctness

by humanizingthevacuum

Jonathan Chait is a professional Democrat writing for New York magazine. This means he makes a decent living excoriating, often well, Republican attacks on the president. It also means he’s obtuse, often horrifyingly so. In his defense, it’s often more irksome fending off attacks from people ostensibly on one’s own side than from the enemy; but there’s no reason why this quarrel with Ta-Nehisi Coates turned into the Battle of the Somme.

Internecine squabbles have the effect of airing pieties, exposing jargon behind which we hide specious or non-existent arguments, and forcing us to clarify positions. Alex Pareene exposes the mendacity of Chait’s bleating about the malevolence of political correctness. To me the term means an acknowledgment of thoughtlessness, a questioning of assumptions. I’m not blameless. It’s taken years to accept tremors in the canon. To study slave narratives alongside Mansfield Park isn’t to create an equivalence between them; it’s to suggest how a story meant for a handful of readers written by people responsible for the comforts of Austen’s characters can offer an additional gloss on the novel. While my experiences and education define me, there are many things in heaven and earth undreamt of in my philosophy. I need strangers to attack me. So long as they don’t succumb to jargon and doublespeak themselves, I don’t accuse them of bad faith.

Thanks to social media, men like Chait can no longer take for granted the assumptions undergirding their beliefs. This is hard for a man over thirty. Check out this passage:

If a person who is accused of bias attempts to defend his intentions, he merely compounds his own guilt. (Here one might find oneself accused of man/white/straightsplaining.) It is likewise taboo to request that the accusation be rendered in a less hostile manner. This is called “tone policing.” If you are accused of bias, or “called out,” reflection and apology are the only acceptable response — to dispute a call-out only makes it worse. There is no allowance in p.c. culture for the possibility that the accusation may be erroneous. A white person or a man can achieve the status of “ally,” however, if he follows the rules of p.c. dialogue. A community, virtual or real, that adheres to the rules is deemed “safe.” The extensive terminology plays a crucial role, locking in shared ideological assumptions that make meaningful disagreement impossible.

The clammy tone, reminiscent of All About Eve‘s Addison DeWitt explaining the difference between a theater producer making a buck versus taking a risk, is the first thing I noticed. The other oddity is the abjuring of responsibility for his words. Chait doesn’t have to explain why he was accused of bias — he’s Jonathan Chait, he’s liberal, he’s on their side. That’s the most pathetic inference I drew from this excerpt. Chait:

As we get to the end of Chait’s essay, we can tally up the casualties of political correctness. One anti-abortion protester was shoved and had her sign vandalized. A few millionaires were disinvited from college campuses, and performances of two plays were canceled. Various people feel disinclined to engage in online debates. Participants in a Facebook group had to deal with a Bad Thread. And a college student was fired from his school newspaper. That’s one person whose life was in any meaningful way made materially worse by the scourge of political correctness, in nearly 5,000 words of dire warnings about the philosophical threat posed by left-wing speech policing.

Jonathan Chait, fan of The New Republic of the nineties (a venal sin), supporter of the Iraq War (mortal sin), has himself made blinkered decisions, decisions of stupefying banality, stemming in part from membership in a claque of pre-Internet polemicists. In 2015 he’s asked to explain them. And he can’t handle it.

05 Feb 18:43

Google's upcoming paid streaming service

by jwz
Zoe Keating made a blog post about what Google told her about the upcoming Youtube music streaming service. Her post is a little confusing, so I'll try to summarize.

How it worked before:

  • She's her own label, and owns the copyright / publishing rights on her own songs.
  • She registered her songs with Youtube, saying "these are mine". (That's different than posting the songs publicly.)
  • Because of that, when someone else uploads a Youtube video that uses her music as the soundtrack, she's the one who receives the Content-ID notification.
  • She then gets the choice to block that video, or to run ads on it.
  • She generally chooses the latter, which means she gets 1/3 of the revenue generated by the ads on the video that has her music in it, and gets her name on the page.

So now Youtube is about to launch a new paid streaming service. If I'm understanding her post correctly, it goes like this:

  • Participation in the new service requires that your entire catalog be available for streaming, at high resolution.
  • Participation requires that you not release your music elsewhere earlier, e.g., no early releases for fans or backers.
  • You no longer get a choice of whether to do nothing, block a video, or run ads. Ads are mandatory.
  • Five year contract.
  • If you don't participate in the new service, then the option to obtain Content-ID ad revenue from the free version of Youtube no longer exists.
  • If you had previously been getting Content-ID ad revenue and choose not to participate in the new service, your channel will be deleted and all videos using your music will be blocked.

This means that, for all of those people who were making a little money off of their music by letting Google run ads on it, the options now on the table are:

  1. Agree to all the terms of the new service, including publishing your entire catalog on it, and continue making money on ads;
  2. Block all the videos using your music (and have your channel deleted);
  3. Allow those videos to use your music for free (and have your channel deleted).

It's another bait-and-switch: "We had been paying you for your work for years, under these terms. But now we have altered the agreement. Pray we do not alter it further."

This sounds like Google using the same strategy they used with Google Plus: instead of creating a new service and letting it compete on its own merits, they're going to artificially prop it up by giving people no choice but to sign up for it. Except in this case the people being strong-armed are the copyright holders instead of the end users. (So far, that is! Wait for it.)

I think you can expect to see a lot of old videos on Youtube getting blocked in the near future because of this.

"The music terms are outdated and the content that you uploaded will be blocked. But anything that we can scan and match from other users will be matched in content ID and you can track it but won't be able to participate in revenue sharing."

"All music content has to be licensed under this new agreement. We can't have music in the free version that is not in the paid version"

I had them explain it again to be sure.

"Wow, that's a bit harsh," I said.

"Yeah, I know," they said.

Previously, previously, previously, previously, previously.

05 Feb 18:26

Kill the Poor

by Erik Loomis

If I wrote an op-ed that said my ideology created policy preferences that might lead to the execution of the rich but, hey, we have to make trade-offs, I would not only not get that op-ed published, but I’d probably be reported to the FBI.

If I wrote an op-ed that said my ideology created policy preferences that might lead to the death of the poor, but, hey, we have to make trade-offs, I’d be Fred Hiatt’s new best friend. Such as Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute:

Say conservatives have their way with Obamacare, and the Supreme Court deals it a death blow or a Republican president repeals it in 2017. Some people who got health insurance as a result of the Affordable Care Act may lose it. In which case, liberals like to say, some of Obamacare’s beneficiaries may die.

During the health-care debates of 2009, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) brought a poster on the House floor: “The Republican Health Care Plan: Die Quickly.” In the summer of 2012, when Obamacare was threatened by a presidential election, writer Jonathan Alter argued that “repeal equals death. People will die in the United States if Obamacare is repealed.” Columnist Jonathan Chait wrote recently that those who may die are victims of ideology — “collateral damage” incurred in conservatives’ pursuit “of a larger goal.” If these are the stakes, many liberals argue, then ending Obamacare is immoral.

Except, it’s not.

In a world of scarce resources, a slightly higher mortality rate is an acceptable price to pay for certain goals — including more cash for other programs, such as those that help the poor; less government coercion and more individual liberty; more health-care choice for consumers, allowing them to find plans that better fit their needs; more money for taxpayers to spend themselves; and less federal health-care spending. This opinion is not immoral. Such choices are inevitable. They are made all the time.

Saying of the ending of Obamacare, even if it leads to the deaths of thousands of poor, “it clearly would not be immoral,” Strain goes on into absurd comparison country, throwing out the type of arguments by brother did when he was 10. It swings from “we let people drive cars and sometimes people die in them so why bother with a good healthcare system” to “oh yeah libs, well what would you say to spending 3/4 of our GDP on health care,” i.e., arguments no one is making except in American Enterprise Institute drinking parties.

I mean, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that “kill the poor” is now something you can say in the op-ed section of the Washington Post. I look forward to this argument becoming a central tenet of the 2016 Republican primaries.

[SL] Shorter:

@edroso @jesseltaylor @elongreen Comedy is when people die for lack of health coverage. Tragedy is when billionaires go to bed with less $.

— I.F. Thunder (@IFThunder) January 25, 2015

05 Feb 18:25

The Big Corn and Pea Man

by Erik Loomis
Taylor Swift


05 Feb 18:00

Tom & Jerry Go to Court

by Kevin

Randy spencerRandy Spencer is an attorney who bills himself as "the only stand-up comic to specialize in insurance," and—oh, well, here he is performing at Caroline's, Mr. Skeptic. You don't think that's possible and yet here you are reading a "legal-humor blog." For shame.

Anyway, while Randy's newsletter, Coverage Opinions, is mostly about insurance and is aimed at other attorneys, he also includes humor essays that should not go unread by human beings. I liked "Tom and Jerry Go to Court," in which he noted that there are cases involving the classic "slip on banana peel" fact pattern, and wondered if other cartoonish injuries have also happened in real-life cases.

Of course they have, and Randy has done excellent work compiling the following list. All but one are real. Award yourself 100 bonus points if you can guess which one it is.

Dow Drug Co. v. Nieman, 13 N.E.2d 130 (Ohio. Ct. App. 1936) (plaintiff purchased a cigar at a drug store, took it home, proceeded to smoke it and it exploded)

Allstate Ins. Co. v. Furman, 445 N.Y.S.2d 236 (N.Y. App. Div. 1981) (involving coverage for injuries sustained by a child when an anvil fell on his hand)

Perotti v. Seiter, 869 F.2d 1492 (6th Cir. 1992) (plaintiff slipped and fell on a bar of soap while showering and injured his back)

Crovetto v. New Orleans City Park Imp. Ass’n, 653 So. 2d 752 (La. Ct. App. 1995) (plaintiff struck in the head by a golf club that flew from the hands of another golfer who was receiving a golf lesson)

Cerrato v. Carapella, 804 N.Y.S.2d 402 (N.Y. App. Div. 2005) (child injured at a bowling alley when a bowling ball fell from a rack to the floor, and then bounced up and hit him in the face) (Come on, how can that happen?)

Dunn v. Bilger, 1995 WL 230961 (Conn. Super. Ct. Apr. 11, 1995) (defendant attempted to put his bowling ball into a locker, it slipped from his hand and landed on the head of a person putting his own ball into a lower locker).

Jimenez v. Omni Royal Orleans Hotel, 2007 WL 808662 (E.D. La. Mar. 14, 2007) (plaintiff fell into an open manhole while walking down the street)

Faulhaber v. Roberts Dairy Co., 24 N.W.2d 571 (Neb. 1946) (workers compensation claim involving an employee who hit his thumb with a hammer)

Wringer v. U.S., 790 F. Supp. 210 (D. Ariz. 1992) (plaintiff fell through thin ice on a lake)

Parra v. Rieth-Riley Const. Co., 2001 WL 310414 (Tenn. Workers Comp. Panel 2001) (workers compensation claim involving an employee that struck his foot while operating a jack hammer)

Kearns v. Smith, 131 P.2d 36 (Cal. Ct. App. 1942) (landlord not liable for injuries suffered by a tenant who inserted a finger into an electrical socket)

Meehan v. McCloy, 40 N.Y.S.2d 207 (N.Y. App. Div. 1943) (plaintiff injured when a Murphy bed in a room she rented collapsed and struck her)

Johnson v. Outdoor Installations, LLC, 979 N.Y.S.2d 523 (N.Y. App. Div. 2014) (police officer ran into a pole during the lawful pursuit of a fleeing suspect)

Reed v. Western Union Telegraph Co., 141 P. 161 (Or. 1914) (a pail of paint fell from the top of a telegraph pole and struck the plaintiff)

Shaggy, as Guardian for Scooby v. The Cairo Museum, 26 P.3d 434 (Cal. Ct. App. 1975) (dog injured when all four of its legs landed in buckets while being chased by a mummy)

Here are just a few from my own archives—these aren't quite as targeted to cartoon-style injuries but are in the ballpark.

Ricks v. Associated Indem. Corp., 242 So. 2d 346 (La. Ct. App. 1970) (finding no contributory negligence by prison guard who fell off doghouse in back of truck after an "unannounced right-angle turn" at high speed)

State Farm Gen. Ins. Co. v. Frake, 197 Cal. App. 4th 568 (2011) (holding injury did not result from a covered "accident" when defendant punched plaintiff in the groin as part of a years-long "cycle of horseplay" they called "testicular tagging")

Helmburg v. Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Inc., No. 12-C-57 (Cabell County, W. Va., filed Jan. 23, 2012) (alleging plaintiff fell off a deck after being startled by co-defendant's attempt to fire a bottle rocket out of his anus)

Darlene B___ v. Jerusalem Temple Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, No. 2014-07176 G (New Orleans Parish, filed 7/22/2014) (alleging plaintiff injured her shoulder when she fell into the camel cage at defendants' circus after clown backed into her)

Isle J_____ v. Rotary Club of Simi Sunrise, No. 56-2012-00416828 (Ventura County Super. Ct., filed May 4, 2012) (alleging plaintiff holding onto tent at outdoor music festival was carried 10 feet into the air when tent was uprooted by a strong gust of wind).

Be careful out there.

05 Feb 17:42

Jamaica Plain having a bit of a power problem

by adamg
Taylor Swift

Ahhh, maybe this is why my lights were flickering this weekend.

Reports are coming in from Jamaica Plain of a power failure along Washington Street from Green south towards Forest Hills. Power is out at Green and Amory and Sumner Hill. The traffic lights at Green and Washington are out.

NStar, um, Eversource Energy, reports 877 customers without power in Boston.

05 Feb 16:18

Fred Durst Co-Conspirator : PLEASE KILL ME

by GC

If a recent Instagram post is to be taken at face value, Limp Bizkit guitarist Wes Borland is somewhat ambivalent about his band’s legacy and space in the current cultural climate (AND WHO CAN BLAME HIM?).  As Metal Injection reports, Borland would seemingly rather schedule root canal than participate in the ShipRocked cruise alongside other iconic düde-metal purveyors :

Getting all packed up this week for Broatchella 2015. It’s the same as Brochella but it’s off land. Can’t wait to see me some roided out tribal tattooed spray tanned Jell-O shot filled bohunks do their best drunk MMA impressions in the top deck mosh pit. Whenever we aren’t on stage, I’ll be curled up fetal position in my cabin, palms up, while I desperately cling to the last week of my thirties as it slips through my hooked fingers. So, I’d like to give a shout out now to all the other over-the-hill late nineties/early 2000s bands going on the cruise: Let’s give these people the raging alcohol fueled nostalgia fest they’re paying for guys! I know we can do it if we tune down low enough!”

04 Feb 19:10

AdVenture Capitalist

Taylor Swift

If you installed the Unity Web Player to play that Skeleton Selfies game then check this out next

got hooked on this minimalist incremental game thanks to Notch [via
03 Feb 17:41

How to build a mini, portable indie foley sound stage

"Well, if you only need to do minimal things like record footsteps or trinkets, then you could use something that is compact, effective, and also portable... for about $60.00 - $70.00." ...

03 Feb 16:08

Leather Sleeve Stadium Jacket, Prada Bag & Ankle Boots in Harajuku

by Street Snaps
Taylor Swift

Where do I get this jacket

Meet Rino, a cutely styled 19-year-old student with a bangs hairstyle who we recently spotted in Harajuku.

Rino is wearing a leather sleeve “Sparkle Worlds” stadium jacket with shorts and a blue sweatshirt over a red shirt. She accessorized with a Prada backpack, sheer tights and heeled platform ankle boots with buckles.

Harajuku Girl in Shorts & Stadium Jacket Leather Sleeve Stadium Jacket Small Prada Backpack, Harajuku Patent Platform Ankle Boots

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

03 Feb 00:15

Listen: 8-Bit Ninja Gaiden Composer Keiji Yamagishi's New Album

The 8-bit maestro makes his return with a chiptune-inspired album, and we have the whole thing.
02 Feb 01:11

Don't Miss: The making of Elite

Elite co-creator David Braben shares the motivation behind and genesis of the genre-defining space flight sim, which stood against industry demands for another arcade-patterned game. ...

28 Jan 15:14

fuckyeahanimesubs: from Brave Express Might Gaine

Taylor Swift

This storm is scarier than I thought


from Brave Express Might Gaine

26 Jan 21:34

Elevator Saga

the elevator programming game  
23 Jan 22:19

Estimating Google+ activity

reading the tea leaves from Google Profiles sitemaps  
18 Jan 02:09

Tetrageddon Games

the last, best reason to install Flash [via
15 Jan 20:19

Santa Robs Bank During SantaCon, Blends Into SantaCrowd

by Kevin
Taylor Swift

Well, that's brilliant.

Santa has committed numerous crimes over the years, but usually he's either acted alone or conspired with others posing as Santa. It seems doubtful that everyone participating in SantaCon was in on this bank robbery, but you never know.

kringleAccording to multiple reports (thanks, Mark), on December 13 this ill-bearded Kringle robbed a Wells Fargo bank on Sutter Street in San Francisco, coincidentally about a block from Lowering the Bar headquarters (and yes, that is a coincidence). He told the teller he had a gun, gave her a demand note, got some cash and left the bank.

Ordinarily, he might not have been too hard to track down in his Santa suit, but because that day was SantaCon in San Francisco (you can see one other Santa through the window behind him), this posed a slightly greater challenge. 

Crowd of Santas

Whether or not he actually merged with a crowd of Santas like this one isn't clear, but there were a lot of Santas roaming around downtown SF that day, according to reports (I, again, was not in the area). The scheme seems to have worked at least temporarily; as of today, the culprit has still not been located.

Be on the lookout.

Previously, for example, and in no particular order:

15 Jan 19:54

Don't Miss: Learning level design from The Legend of Zelda

Can the original Zelda game still have things to teach designers? Mike Stout (Skylanders) dives back into the 1986 classic to see how Miyamoto handled pathing, challenge ramping, and more. ...

14 Jan 19:09

‘My hair and my ass fake, but so what?’

by humanizingthevacuum

One of the first good albums I’ve heard this year, released next Tuesday. The Singles Jukebox reviews this single too. What a symbiotic match of song, artist, and performance. Some of us have waited twenty-eight years for the response to Alexander O’Neal’s “Fake.”

10 Jan 04:20

rewatching s1 for like the 100th time--at what point does all the brilliant animal sight gag stuff (eg the croc wearing crocs) get added? is it like, we need to have a croc wearing crocs, where can we fit this in? or do you start out by needing someone to guard the food and say let's do a crocodile--hey, he should wear crocs? or some kind of total afterthought, or something else entirely? thanks. love the show, my favorite of all time.

Hello! I am going to answer your question, and then I am going to talk a little bit about GENDER IN COMEDY, because this is my tumblr and I can talk about whatever I want!

The vast vast vast majority of the animal jokes on BoJack Horseman (specifically the visual gags) come from our brilliant supervising director Mike Hollingsworth (stufffedanimals on tumblr) and his team. Occasionally, we’ll write a joke like that into the script but I can promise you that your top ten favorite animal gags of the season came from the art and animation side of the show, not the writers room. Usually it happens more the second way you described— to take a couple examples from season 2, “Okay, we need to fill this hospital waiting room, what kind of animals would be in here?” or “Okay, we need some extras for this studio backlot, what would they be wearing?”

I don’t know for sure, but I would guess that the croc wearing crocs came from our head designer lisahanawalt. Lisa is in charge of all the character designs, so most of the clothing you see on the show comes straight from her brain. (One of the many things I love about working with Lisa is that T-Shirts With Dumb Things Written On Them sits squarely in the center of our Venn diagram of interests.)

NOW, it struck me that you referred to the craft services crocodile as a “he” in your question. The character, voiced by kulap Vilaysack, is a woman.


It’s possible that that was just a typo on your part, but I’m going to assume that it wasn’t because it helps me pivot into something I’ve been thinking about a lot over the last year, which is the tendency for comedy writers, and audiences, and writers, and audiences (because it’s a cycle) to view comedy characters as inherently male, unless there is something specifically female about them. (I would guess this is mostly a problem for male comedy writers and audiences, but not exclusively.)

Here’s an example from my own life: In one of the episodes from the first season (I think it’s 109), our storyboard artists drew a gag where a big droopy dog is standing on a street corner next to a businessman and the wind from a passing car blows the dog’s tongue and slobber onto the man’s face. When Lisa designed the characters she made both the dog and the businessperson women.

My first gut reaction to the designs was, “This feels weird.” I said to Lisa, “I feel like these characters should be guys.” She said, “Why?” I thought about it for a little bit, realized I didn’t have a good reason, and went back to her and said, “You’re right, let’s make them ladies.”

I am embarrassed to admit this conversation has happened between Lisa and me multiple times, about multiple characters.

The thinking comes from a place that the cleanest version of a joke has as few pieces as possible. For the dog joke, you have the thing where the tongue slobbers all over the businessperson, but if you also have a thing where both of them ladies, then that’s an additional thing and it muddies up the joke. The audience will think, “Why are those characters female? Is that part of the joke?” The underlying assumption there is that the default mode for any character is male, so to make the characters female is an additional detail on top of that. In case I’m not being a hundred percent clear, this thinking is stupid and wrong and self-perpetuating unless you actively work against it, and I’m proud to say I mostly don’t think this way anymore. Sometimes I still do, because this kind of stuff is baked into us by years of consuming media, but usually I’m able (with some help) to take a step back and not think this way, and one of the things I love about working with Lisa is she challenges these instincts in me.

I feel like I can confidently say that this isn’t just a me problem though— this kind of thing is everywhere. The LEGO Movie was my favorite movie of 2014, but it strikes me that the main character was male, because I feel like in our current culture, he HAD to be. The whole point of Emmett is that he’s the most boring average person in the world. It’s impossible to imagine a female character playing that role, because according to our pop culture, if she’s female she’s already SOMEthing, because she’s not male. The baseline is male. The average person is male.

You can see this all over but it’s weirdly prevalent in children’s entertainment. Why are almost all of the muppets dudes, except for Miss Piggy, who’s a parody of femininity? Why do all of the Despicable Me minions, genderless blobs, have boy names? I love the story (which I read on Wikipedia) that when the director of The Brave Little Toaster cast a woman to play the toaster, one of the guys on the crew was so mad he stormed out of the room. Because he thought the toaster was a man. A TOASTER. The character is a toaster.

I try to think about that when writing new characters— is there anything inherently gendered about what this character is doing? Or is it a toaster?


09 Jan 17:04

The dynamic game music system 15 years in the making

"As each ship is built from components, so too is the music. There are currently close to 200 components in the game and each component has its own musical motif." ...

09 Jan 15:26

Harajuku Girls in Pikachu, Akira, Spinns, Jeremy Scott & YRU Fashion

by tokyo
Taylor Swift

So, I joined a gang

Thichan and Murakami are two cool girls who we met on Cat Street in Harajuku after dark. Their colorful outfits – one featuring Pokemon, the other Akira – easily caught our eye!

Thichan – on the left with dip dye twintails and lots of Pikachu – is wearing a Pikachu cap, a Pokemon hoodie dress from Spinns, white tights, Pikachu socks, and Spinns flats. Accessories – some of which came from Park Harajuku – include a Pikachu earring, a face mask, a leather choker, and a Pokemon backpack from Village Vanguard. Thichan’s favorite shop is Gunifuni Koenji and her favorite band is Hachi Ju Hachi-Kasho Junrei. For more info, follow Thichan on Twitter!

Murakami – on the right with the bob hairstyle – is wearing a distressed Akira t-shirt that she bought resale under a Nylon bomber jacket from Spinns, a sheer skirt over stockings that she ripped herself, and black YRU platform shoes. Accessories include a choker, a Manhattan Portage backpack decorated with various buttons/charms, a spike bracelet, and a Jeremy Scott x Swatch wristwatch. Her favorite place to shop is at vintage and resale shops including Chicago and Kinji. She also likes the music of Tokyo Incidents. For more info, find Murakami on Twitter.

Pikachu x Akira Fashion in Harajuku Dip Dye Twintails & Face Mask Pikachu Cap in Harajuku Park Harajuku Pikachu Earring Pokemon Hoodie Dress Pokemon Backpack Harajuku Pikachu Socks in Harajuku Akira T-Shirt & Bob Hairstyle Manhattan Portage Backpack on Cat Street Managa Pins on Harajuku Backpack Cute Charms Accessories in Harajuku Jeremy Scott x Swatch Frame Watch Ripped Tights & YRU Platforms

Click on any photo to enlarge it.

09 Jan 02:51



08 Jan 20:44

Trope Tank Writer in Residence, Spring 2015

by Nick Montfort
Taylor Swift


Andrew Plotkin, Writer in Residence at the Trope Tank for Spring 2015

This Spring, Andrew Plotkin (a.k.a. Zarf) is the Trope Tank’s writer in residence. Andy will be at the Trope Tank weekly to work on one or more of his inestimable projects — as a game-maker, programmer, and platform developer, he has been working furiously for many years. (His home page is modest in this respect; See also his latest game, Hadean Lands.)

06 Jan 21:12

The Internet Archive adds 2,300+ MS-DOS games

stunning work, all playable in the browser; Jason Scott wrote about the project  
06 Jan 16:36

On Optimism

I consider myself less an optimist and more a magical realist  
06 Jan 15:26

The Official LGM Signature New Year’s Eve Meal

by Erik Loomis
06 Jan 15:19

The First (But Not The Last) Chapter In Rob Gronkowski-Related Erotica

by GC

The New York Post’s Jonathan Letham describes Lacey Noonan’s e-book, “A Gronking To Remember” as “a sequence of punishingly graphic fantasy female masturbation scenes based on watching the muscular and excitable New England Patriots tight end.”  Hey, you had me at “sequence”!  The sales pitch for Ms. Noonan’s literary debut (?) takes a slightly less cynical approach to what should be a great gift for every Patriots fan in your life :

Leigh has a serious problem. And it’s driving a “spike” between her and her husband Dan.

When Leigh wanders into the room where her husband and his friends are watching a football game, her life changes forever, because at that exact moment, NFL’s one-man wrecking ball, Rob Gronkowski of the New England Patriots, scores a touchdown and does his patented “Gronk Spike”—his notorious monster smashing of a football. When the ball shoots into the stratosphere, Leigh’s heart goes apitter-patter and she becomes seriously turned on.

Now normally-sheepish Leigh can’t stop thinking about it. She’d never given a second thought to football, but now the primal power of the Gronk Spike, and this raw monster of a man, Rob Gronkowski, is all that she wants, and she’ll stop at nothing until the romance of a lifetime is hers!

Find out the lengths people will go to fulfill their fantasies in this super-sexy, sex-filled story of wanton lust with a super-sexy, sex-filled happy ending.

If you read one book about Rob Gronkowski this year, make it “Growing Up Gronk.” But if you read two books about Rob Gronkowski this year, make the second one “A Gronking to Remember!”

Warning: Contains some sexually graphic scenes as well as the misuse of American footballs that will leave you wet, hard and everything in between. Sports!

06 Jan 15:13

Charles Addams ~ 1912-1988 ~ Homebodies 1954

by (Mr. Door Tree)
Taylor Swift

Some of these are MAD RACIST in retrospect but boy was Addams untouchable in his prime