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10 Feb 15:43

Some good ideas

Here is a fun holiday game where one person gives you a caption, and you draw a picture for it. Many thanks to Rachel for the words. 

04 Feb 18:36

Vinyl Collage by Christian Marclay

by Morrison Conway

Christian Marclay is a contemporary Swiss American artist and composer.  Below he has created a humorous arrangement of music album covers.  Marclay’s work has been said to explore the connections between sound, noise, photography, video, and film.

Click here to view some of his work that has been on display at the MoMA.














24 Jan 17:16

new-aesthetic: Beijing Citizens, Shrouded In Pollution, Flock...

24 Jan 06:26

oxane: incertitumbre  hazehazehazehaze




22 Jan 00:19

c. 1975 : c. 1975: Notorious B.I.G. as a child

by Chris Wild
Notorious B.I.G. as a child

20 Jan 16:47

mcconville: daveshumka: Bane - I Whupped Batman’s Ass Me, 10...



Bane - I Whupped Batman’s Ass

Me, 10 seconds ago: “Hey, I wonder if anyone ever bothered to make this.”


16 Jan 20:33

1960s : Twilley’s health vest cotton

by Amanda Uren

Horse used to be not so cool.

Twilleys Health Vest Cotton  1

Twilleys Health Vest Cotton  2

Twilleys Health Vest Cotton  3

16 Jan 15:12

cinephilearchive: This is beyond fantastic! A treasure trove...


holy shiiiiiiit


This is beyond fantastic! A treasure trove called CineFiles contains scanned images of reviews, press kits, festival and showcase program notes, newspaper articles, interviews, and other documents from the PFA Library’s extensive collection covering world cinema, past and present. CineFiles currently includes documents on the films of more than 150 major international directors, materials describing silent Soviet cinema, and PFA’s unique collection of exhibitor manuals, among other documents.

Directors whose films have been indexed in CineFiles:


15 Jan 15:25

seanhowe: Larry Hama, 1985. The shirt says: UZI DOES IT.


Larry Hama, 1985. The shirt says:


14 Jan 19:44

azertip: Sergio Toppi

14 Jan 16:29

ryanpanos: | Via, by Josh Begley, is a...

ryanpanos: | Via, by Josh Begley, is a haunting site that plots the United States’ known military bases around the globe, then shows you their photographs (courtesy of Google and Bing image search).

“I’m not really interested in exposing secret bases,” Begley tells us. “I suppose I’m just trying to sketch the broad contours of our military footprint: what does it look like from above? How does it appear on a map? And in a fashion similar to the project I made about American prisons last year, how might we see this landscape as one continuous scroll?”

Not everything is visible. Bing and Google both censor satellite imagery not only by limiting our zoom, but by creating other interventions to separate the public from sensitive information (and not always in tandem). Volkel Air Base in the Netherlands, for instance, has been obfuscated at the request of their government. On Google, it’s a wash of green polygons, while on Bing, it’s a black blob. Meanwhile, a secret drone base that Wired’s Danger Room uncovered in Saudi Arabia appears fairly clearly on Bing, whereas Google provides a simple gray box that reads, “Sorry, we have no imagery here.”

13 Jan 22:41

wahnwitzig: A study of former Kronprinz Wilhelm trying to chop...


A study of former Kronprinz Wilhelm trying to chop wood, in the background

It’s true, the wood chopping

11 Jan 23:51

Double page spread from Detective Comics 27 Written by Peter...

Double page spread from Detective Comics 27

Written by Peter Tomasi

Drawn by Ian Bertram

Colors by Dave Stewart

11 Jan 23:16

unfortunateface: acrylic on super nintendo


acrylic on super nintendo

11 Jan 18:56

Drinkenstein - GM

Drinkenstein - GM

11 Jan 16:55


10 Jan 18:40

deantrippe: More Remi Noel

10 Jan 17:26

Genius poster designer Waldemar Świerzy has passed away.

Genius poster designer Waldemar Świerzy has passed away.

10 Jan 00:50

alexsegura: Chester Gould’s Classic Characters 200 Dick Tracy...

by mdt

i heard a story that whenever Chester Gould killed one of his characters he would put a headstone for them in his yard.


Chester Gould’s Classic Characters
200 Dick Tracy characters from 1931-1977 
Designed by Matt Masterson

06 Jan 04:09

fyspringfield: Someone should sketch that scene out and share...


Someone should sketch that scene out and share it with FYS…

02 Jan 23:08

ryanpanos: The Library of Babel | Rice+Lipka Architects |...

by mdt


The Library of Babel | Rice+Lipka Architects | Via

“The Library of Babel” is a terrifying and beautiful story by prophetic Argentine author Jorge Luis Borges, written when he was employed shelving books in the city library. 

First published in a shorter version as “The Total Library,” this dense, nine-page story concerns a library that houses all of the books ever written and yet to be written. The Library is arranged non-hierarchically; all of the volumes — from the most rudimentary to the most inscrutable — are equally important in this infinite space. Its rooms are hexagons. Its staircases are broken. 

The Library’s many visitors — elated, dogmatic and anguished types are all represented — strangle one another in the corridors. They fall down air shafts and perish. They weep, or go mad. Desperate characters hide in the bathrooms, “rattling metal disks inside dice cups,” hoping to mind-read the call number for a missing canonical text. Others, overcome with “hygienic, ascetic rage,” stand before entire walls of books, denouncing the volumes, raising their fists. 

02 Jan 22:49

vimeo: Wallflowers by The Line Truth be told, I’ve totally been...

by mdt

i really like the third one


Wallflowers by The Line

Truth be told, I’ve totally been the guy with the glasses on New Year’s Eve. (Not going to say which guy with the glasses.)

02 Jan 15:36

daveshumka: My friend Steve goes to the Gap and puts on the...


My friend Steve goes to the Gap and puts on the same outfits as the mannequins, then takes pictures with them. gapmannequinproject. You should follow.

23 Dec 00:07

putthison: Peter Bogdanovich and Orson Welles, grocery shopping...


Peter Bogdanovich and Orson Welles, grocery shopping in Los Angeles. 1970.

19 Dec 13:40

Original Mike Ploog concept art for John Carpenter’s The...

17 Dec 00:05


16 Dec 15:14

phantommothers: No caption necessary.


No caption necessary.

11 Dec 22:43

tumifromjoburg: Lu Yang is one of the more progressive artists...


would watch


Lu Yang is one of the more progressive artists in Shanghai, and her latest work explores gender, DNA and gene malfunction, using a Japanese anime action hero, Uterusman. I’m totally excited for this!

11 Dec 19:18

Initial thoughts on the Godzilla trailer:  1) They made a...


haha i have also had the #6 idea

Initial thoughts on the Godzilla trailer:  1) They made a Godzilla movie I can’t show my nephews until they’re old. Capital idea!  My nephews are weirdly into watching Bryan Cranston cry, though.  They just sit in total silence and watch youtube clips of him crying, and then just sort of nod, mutter “This is good."   Is that normal?  Help me, mommy-blogs, you’re my only hope.  

2) Is Godzilla going to fight another monster or what?  These trailers are all super-dramatic but I’m not a super-dramatic person.  I want to see the X-Men fight Sentinels; I want to see Godzilla fight Ghidorah.  It’s not rocket science.  I’m a one-issue voter on most movies.  Is Meryl Streep going to put some people in their place by being withering?  Does Amy Adams bake a cake?  Does anyone get Jackass’ed, in either their face or chest regions?  If Meryl Streep ever said something sarcastic about a pastry-product to Johnny Knoxville, I wouldn’t have to go see movies anymore.  Close enough.  (I would accept a Bam Margera, but not Bam’s parents).

3)  I bet this trailer is a hit on those movie websites where people write in all-caps.  That’s not about anyone who enjoyed this trailer— bless you, if you did— I just want to make fun of those sites more, in general. 

4) I have this memory when the last Godzilla came out, and I think about this all the time, of being in a movie theater for… some other big special effects movie and as that trailer winding down, looking over and seeing this bigger dude going physically apeshit…?  He had his arms to his sides and he was pumping them back and forth in a, like, a chugga-chugga move.  His body-train was coming into station— he was like a porcine Thomas the Tank Engine (porcine Thomas the tank Engine was my favorite Miyazaki character). I don’t imagine that story ended well for that guy, or at least it doesn’t when I write my guy-I-saw-once fan-fiction (he makes out with Spock).

5) “None of us have faced a situation quite like this one before"— that’s about when I checked out. Nope.  I like Godzilla movies, though.  I hope this is a good one.  Looks really dark, though— why not just turn on a lamp? Did Godzilla kill all the lamps?  I don’t know— it’s not a well-timed trailer; the new Scorcese’s supposed to be a good one finally, and dirty; they’re calling it his Caligula; I don’t have any mental energy to be excited about anything else.  

6)  But the thing I like about Godzilla movies is actually how they make those miniature versions of Tokyo (which is never going to be in any American version).  I’ve always wanted to go to a party where they serve wines and cheeses, and you hang out in a model version of Tokyo, and then at the end of the party, when everyone is drunk, everybody destroys Tokyo, but like in a fun charming Gatsby-party way and not an aggro limp bizkity-y Woodstock ‘99 way.  ”Be your own Godzilla"— that’s how i want to live my life…

11 Dec 17:40

joemoc: twentypercentcooler: bigredrobot: fantagraphics: edpi...

by mdt

attn mike ender, here is a photo of rob liefeld and eazy e






"like" or "retumbl" if you agree that @robertliefeld should do an Eazy E pinup for Hip Hop Family Tree. (arm-chair cartoonists, save your anti-Liefeld comments and go getcha shinebox).

Signal boost

This is what we want.

This is literally EVERYTHING I want.

This would be amazing.

Let’s change the world together people. Think of all the amazing pockets and pouches that would be on E’s hoodie!