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22 Nov 22:41


by videotime
Thanks for this intense awkward 4 minutes Zac.
27 Oct 18:38

ultrafacts: Source Follow Ultrafacts for more facts



Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

27 Oct 17:26

Source Follow Ultrafacts for more facts


Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

27 Oct 17:24

witsradio: Good morning.


Good morning.

27 Oct 17:24

This is where art is made: Jeff Lemire - Joe Kubert - Travis...


jack kirby's office is amazing

This is where art is made:

Jeff Lemire - Joe Kubert - Travis Charest - Alex Maleev - Esad Ribic - Daniel Clowes- George Perez -Jack Kirby -  Alex Ross

24 Oct 18:23

crossconnectmag: Davit Yukhanyanborn 1988 is an architect and...

by mdt


Davit Yukhanyanborn 1988 is an architect and illustraor based Yerevan, Armenia. He graduated by Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction in 2011and is the member of Union of Architects of Armenia. 

In these drawings Yukhanyan merges small illustrations together to perfectly form the whole image.


We want to make sure you stay in touch with CCmag, are you following us on Facebook ? 

22 Oct 21:55

cinephiliabeyond: The legendary David Milch—acclaimed...


The legendary David Milch—acclaimed writer-producer of Hill Street Blues, Brooklyn South, NYPD Blue, Deadwood, John from Cincinnati, Luck—gave a series of lectures at the Writers Guild Foundation in 2007. Courtesy of Marc Ostrick, in this five volume lecture series recorded at the Writer’s Guild Theatre, Milch uncovers the consciousness behind the act of storytelling. Dissecting it in psychological, socio-cultural, anthropological and spiritual terms, Milch leads the writer through a journey of self-discovery as he reveals the thought processes behind creative writing. Milch dispels fears of blocks and other self-imposed obstructions the writer faces with his own brand of gritty, forthright and blunt insight. Like a sermon being delivered by a master shaman, he approaches the act of storytelling with a point of view that interweaves a sentient psychological analysis with an understanding of man’s historical impulse to communicate. With this video lecture series, Milch delivers an unprecedented, unique approach to dramatic writing sure to enlighten and inspire.

These lectures have taught me more than anything I’ve yet come across in my life

22 Oct 14:58

Source Follow Ultrafacts for more facts!


this blog is great


Follow Ultrafacts for more facts!

22 Oct 14:48

00kinana00: dangerhamster: ultrafacts: Source For more posts...




Source For more posts like this, follow the Ultrafacts Blog!

this story always fascinates/terrifies me

imagine noticing your food going missing, setting up a webcam expecting to see like a cat or a raccoon or something, only to see a grown ass woman crawl out of your closet like something from the Ring and then crawl straight back in again

that closet which, as you view the footage on your laptop, stands about a foot away from you at this moment

Id be having a heart attack

21 Oct 15:43

kellysue: freaoscanlin: fordlibrarymuseum: Perk up your...




Perk up your Monday with a memo about coffee.

Staff Secretary Jim Connor’s note on this memo from Deputy Chief of Staff Dick Cheney from October 20, 1975, succinctly sums up why the coffee bill for Donald Rumsfeld’s office was over $100: "They are drinking too much coffee and have too many people drinking it!"

The Mess records showed that the bill covered 200 pots of coffee, meaning that the Chief of Staff and his eight staff members would have consumed about 10 pots per day during a five-day work week.

Too much coffee: do you agree or disagree?

I don’t know, from what I understand from the comics and Tumblr, this is probably the equivalent amount of coffee required to sustain the kellysue and mattfractionblog household. Maybe a little less.


Y’know that’s $449.03 in 1975 dollars.

20 Oct 20:48

It Is You I Who Has I Chosen What Who by Judie Brown

It Is You I Who Has I Chosen What Who by Judie Brown

15 Oct 15:19

52 Fear Street: David Foster Wallace's rewrite of Beach House

Val recovers a DFW rewrite of R.L. Stine from deep in the Wallace archive, and it’s discovery so good she deserves at least a Toblerone or two.


Welcome to 52 Fear Street, McNally Jackson’s month-long celebration of R.L. Stine. Join us on October 30th for an evening with Mr. Stine himself and his Fear Street editor Kat Brzozowski, and follow the #52FearSt tags on tumblr and Twitter to hear what authors, booksellers, and editors have to say about Fear Street and Goosebumps. 

Today’s post was recently discovered in David Foster Wallace’s archives by McNally Jackson Bookseller Valerie. 

David Foster Wallace’s rewrite of Fear Street: Beach House

written in 1999


Summer of 1956

Maria was coming to regret her decision to go swimming alone with Buddy in the late afternoon. She felt ambiguously uneasy now that the shoreline was obscured by the haze of the swirling/grey/cloak of fog and Buddy, who had been uncharacteristically(1) eager w/r/t getting into water and away from shore, had begun swimming in subtle but malevolent-seeming concentric circles of increasing proximity to her.

It was unnerving, she had to admit, that they were already so far from shore, even though it seemed (to Maria) like it was only a second ago that Buddy had grabbed her by the arm and lead her through the dark/encroaching fog, and into the water, which was, she had remarked to Buddy in an effort to emphasize the sacrifice inherent in her concession to this late afternoon/early evening swim, exceptionally cold and calm.(2)

There was no reason to panic,(3) she reasoned. Buddy, despite being Very Serious and Not That Fun, was proving to be a disarmingly good swimmer and also extremely forgiving of her failure to go on a date him (Buddy) the night before, Maria having been succumbed to Stuart’s(4) suggestion that she to go to instead to the drive-in movies in his (Stuart’s) dad’s pink convertible Thunderbird with grey leather seats. She was sure that even if she been complicit in The Incident that involved stealing Buddy’s swim trunks and leaving him naked in the ocean while she went to the drive-in movies with Stu-”Mr. Real Cool Cat”-art in his dad’s pink convertible, he (Buddy) benevolently bared her no ill will, and she was therefore kind of obligated to keep swimming with him in this heavy/shroud-like fog.

Maria, now disoriented, still lacking confidence in her swimming, accosted by increasingly chilly currents and the tantalizing memory of Stuart’s dad’s convertible, was feeling particularly dejected. Buddy, she noticed, had stopped swimming in concentric circles growing ever closer to her and disappeared, and she was being circled now only by the heavy/unseasonable/churning fog. Feeling confused and frightened particularly w/r/t whether or not she should feel confused and frightened, Maria decided that she would like to leave this situation A.S.A.P.

When Buddy appeared suddenly behind her, Maria expressed that one reason she was coming to regret her decision to go swimming alone with Buddy in the late afternoon cum early evening was because there had been myriad horrific shark attacks as of late.

Although Buddy assured her that the sharks would not bother her unless they smelled blood, Maria was not comforted, mainly because Buddy continued thereafter to inform her that despite his earlier acceptance of her apology that lead to this increasingly uncomfortable swim excursion, his feelings were still hurt from 1) when she took park in The Incident and 2) when she stood him up for Stuart and his (Stuart’s) dad’s convertible the evening before.(5)

Maria although apologetic, felt a little misled now that she was out in what could only be called the literal center of the Atlantic ocean surrounded by a dark/ominous fog, a particular position she did think she would have found herself in if she had not been attempting to compensate for her earlier faux-pas in the face of Buddy’s benevolence. She was now beginning suspect that perhaps the unfortunate conditions of their swim (i.e. the time of day, the fog, the temperature of the water, her own athletic shortcomings) were not simply circumstances of fate but rather orchestrated by a higher a power and/or Buddy.

Dark shapes. Skimming rapidly along the surface of the water. Like submarines.(6) Dark triangles moving silently toward them, cutting through the solid fog.

“Sharks,” said Buddy.


1. Buddy has been described as a sourpuss/not a million laughs/very serious&not that fun

2. Not unlike Buddy himself. 

3. Maria was not necessarily a good swimmer, although she reminder herself while bobbing in the water, that her experience, even if limited to a few months of Red Cross lessons at the Y/family vacations in Dunhampton, was probably enough to make her a good swimmer after all what she really lacked was confidence. 

4. Stuart has been described as Mr. Rock n’ Roll/ Mr. Real Cool Cat

5. And when during the course of the conversation in which she had been persuaded by Stuart to stand up Buddy, she had agreed with Stuart’s suggestion that Buddy shared certain characteristics with That Puppet Howdy Doody when he smiled because smiling was not the natural state of his face, which was Very Serious. 

6. Although this simile seems unlikely, the Discovery Channel documentary “Shark of Darkness: The Wrath of Submarine” shows that sharks do sometimes resemble submersible watercrafts. 

11 Oct 21:38

The Rescuers (1977) | animation by Milt Kahl and Ollie Johnston...


so lovely

The Rescuers (1977) | animation by Milt Kahl and Ollie Johnston (x)

26 Sep 21:31

Phoebe Wahl Art

by Chris

i love this stuff, def worth clicking through

Phoebe Wahl Art

Phoebe Wahl Art

Phoebe Wahl Art

Phoebe Wahl Art

Phoebe Wahl Art

Dig into this Phoebe Wahl work on her Tumblr and portfolio where you can see sketchbooks, illustrations and multimedia dioramas.

23 Sep 14:54

Front and back cover to Frank Gorshin’s album, A & M...

Front and back cover to Frank Gorshin’s album, A & M Records, 1966.

16 Sep 19:53

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress

by Christopher Jobson

Starting this month Verizon FiOS customers can get upload speeds every bit as fast as their download speeds. Since that means faster, easier sharing of high-res illustrations, designs, and photos, FiOS is sponsoring a series of posts on Colossal to help us commission and share these super hi-res animated GIFs from some of the most amazing artists we could find.

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress history gifs black and white animation

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress history gifs black and white animation

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress history gifs black and white animation

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress history gifs black and white animation

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress history gifs black and white animation

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress history gifs black and white animation

Art director and designer Kevin Weir uses historical black and white photographs forgotten to time as the basis for his quirky—and slightly disturbing—animated GIFs. His path to online GIF superstardom began when he was in high school. He tells us that “my parents’ boss bought me a copy of Photoshop and I decided I wanted to be some kind of designer.” Having mastered the software, he found himself five years later “making black and white GIFs as a way to occupy myself during the downtime of an internship I had during grad school.” He shared the images on his Tumblr, Flux Machine where they quickly went viral.

Weir makes use of photographs he finds in the Library of Congress online archive, and is deeply drawn to what he calls “unknowable places and persons,” images with little connection to present day that he can use as blank canvas for his weird ideas. Perhaps it’s the nature of his imagination, or maybe a result of the medium’s limited frames of animation to communicate anything too serious, but despite the creepiness factor, it’s hard to not to smile at the absurdity of his ideas.

Weir is now an art director at Droga5 in NYC, he also also animates music videos and sassy birds.

Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress history gifs black and white animation Artist Kevin Weir Creates Ghostly Animated GIFs Using Archival Photos from the Library of Congress history gifs black and white animation

10 Sep 04:14

Sleep eating Kangaroo.

Sleep eating Kangaroo.

04 Sep 08:02

SOLID GOLD eternal thanks AO i want more conspiracy rock

by boepple


eternal thanks AO

i want more conspiracy rock

04 Sep 07:43

superpunch2: Lords of Gravity.


oh man click through. i was in the worst mood and now i'm in a better mood. listened to this while watching

04 Sep 07:35

Tapirs are primitive animals that have remained unchanged for...

Tapirs are primitive animals that have remained unchanged for millions of years. Fossils of tapir ancestors have been found on every continent except Antarctica. Closest relatives of tapirs are horses and rhinos.

Its nose and upper lip are combined into a flexible snout that the animal uses to reach and pull food into its mouth. Tapirs are nocturnal animals that like to spend a lot of time in the water. They can stay under the water for several minutes. In fact, when frightened, tapirs hide in the water and breathe with their snout poked above the surface like a snorkel!

02 Sep 19:22


31 Aug 23:55

Billy Corgan Alternate Choices 1



Billy Corgan Alternate Choices 1

28 Aug 20:19

Splitsider on this clip from Crossballs(the bit starting at...


haven't watched this yet, i hope it's as good as it sounds

Splitsider on this clip from Crossballs(the bit starting at 6:57):

The premise is that it’s a debate show between four experts on opposite sides of an issue like “should drugs be legal” or “should women be allowed to drive.” However, two of the four panelists are comedians, and the actual experts are being Punk’d. Occasionally the guests catch on that it’s a sham, but usually they’re antagonized to the point of outright hostility toward the comics. They’re egged on by host Chris Tallman (who will later appear as the token white correspondent on Chocolate News), who takes the guests’ reasonable position against the comics spouting offensive nonsense. This creates moments like a frat guy defending Greek life by mentioning that his frat does blood drives telling Besser’s anti-frat activist “I wouldn’t give you my blood, I’d let you die.” It’s insane. The show could be used in psychology classes to demonstrate how far normal people will go when a supposedly impartial authority figure is on their side.

27 Aug 19:05

omgponiez: I never thought I could love a website as much as...


I never thought I could love a website as much as Cuddly Cavies.

But I didn’t know about yet.

what a perfect gift

26 Aug 17:58

Can’t dance? Well, you’re not getting laid! A female Peacock...

Can’t dance? Well, you’re not getting laid! A female Peacock Spider intensely judges males dancing ability before she accepts him for sex, once his dancing and tapping convinces the female, he will delicately move past her pointy fangs and reach around to fertilize her. 

22 Aug 16:30

Welcome to Microbe Week, because sharks are actually kind of...


def making this

Welcome to Microbe Week, because sharks are actually kind of boring.

Today: Tufts University professor of microbiology Dr. Ben Wolfe of MicrobialFoods.Org shares his recipe for Miso Sourdough Bread.

I’ve made a very simple (but incredibly transformative!) modification to Jim Lahey’s basic no-knead bread recipe that makes a really funky loaf of bread. I call it miso sourdough. It’s not a sourdough in the classic sense of having a fussy sourdough starter culture that you have to feed and tend. The sourness and other funky flavors come from the overnight fermentation with the miso. Unpasteurized, naturally-produced misos have many bacteria and yeasts in them that are similar to the bacteria and yeast found in established sourdough starters. The boost of activity from the miso microbes adds a sour flavor from the lactic acid bacteria and also helps create a very beautiful chewy texture. The funky miso flavors transform into something that ends up tasting like a cross between dark chocolate and pumpernickel in the final baked loaf.

I absolutely love South River Miso and use their miso in this recipe. They are based in western Massachusetts and make really beautiful miso using traditional processes. Their 3 year old "Hearty Brown Rice Miso" is the best miso for this bread, but I am sure other brands of miso could provide the same microbial funk that makes this bread so intriguing. —Ben Wolfe

Miso Sourdough Bread

Makes 1 loaf

3 cups bread flour
1 teaspoon table salt
1/4 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 1/4 cup cool spring water (@ 65°F)
2 tablespoons South River Hearty Brown Rice Miso (available online and at some Whole Foods)
Whole wheat flour for dusting

1. Mix the flour, salt and yeast together in a large bowl. In a separate, smaller bowl, mix together the water and the miso to make a miso slurry. Slowly pour the miso slurry into the dry ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon to get a very wet dough. As Jim Lahey says, the dough should be really sticky.

[You can adjust the miso intensity of the dough as you make different batches of this bread. I find 2 tablespoons of miso is enough to impart quite a bit of funk, but I think more or less miso could be added to suit your funk preferences.]

2. Move the dough ball to another large bowl coated with olive oil. Use plastic wrap to seal up the bowl and place it in a warm place for 24 hours. This is where the microbial magic happens. Your basic dry yeast will do some of the work of helping the dough rise. But a lot of the dough rising happens because of the miso microbes. I’ve done side-by-side comparisons of this bread recipe with and without miso and the difference in dough rising rate is incredible.

If you live a really cold and drafty house like I do, this incubation step can be challenging because it will happen pretty slowly at low temps. To overcome this, I place my bowl of dough on an inverted metal cookie sheet and then place that on a seedling heat mat (a fermenters best friend, available at Amazon) with a thermostat set to 75°F.

3. After 18-20 hours, open up the plastic and stick your nose in there. It will smell like microbe heaven. Flour a work area with whole wheat flour. Scrape the dough out of the bowl and place it on the floured work area. Identify four points around the perimeter of the blob and pull the edges of the dough toward the center to form a nice round pile of dough. Loosely wrap this with a cloth napkin that has been coated with whole wheat flour and let it sit for 2 hours. The dough will rise again.

4. About 1 1/2 hours into the second fermentation, pre-heat your oven to 475°F. Preheat a heavy pot (4.5-5.5 quart) with a lid (see Lahey’s My Bread for specific details on this pot-in-oven approach) in the oven.

5. When the second fermentation has finished, carefully place the dough in the preheated pot. Place the dough into the pot so that edges that have been folded inward are on top. Cover the pot with a lid and bake for 30 minutes.

6. Remove the lid from the pot and bake for another 15-30 minutes. Exact cooking time will vary from one oven configuration to the next. After 15 minutes, check that the bottom of the loaf isn’t burning by sliding a knife a long the edge of the loaf to lift it up. 

7. Let bread cool on a rack for 1 hour.

21 Aug 15:38

lexrhetoricae: mercuryacejones: Latest positive news out of...



Latest positive news out of Ferguson. Community coming together.

Teachers: Heroes.

21 Aug 15:32

coffees-and-cats: delcat: unexplained-events: Mine Kafon by...




Mine Kafon by Massoud Hassani

Hassani, a product designer from Afganistan, build (by hand) a wind-powered device that trips land mines as it rolls across the ground. It is made using bamboo and biodegradable products.

Many of these mines are active and near populated areas in countries like Afganistan and are hard to remove. The UN says that one mine clearance specialist is killed, and two injured, for every 5,000 mines cleared.

Hassani’s cheap and easy to make method has been achieving great results.


The Video this links to is really interesting. 

13 Aug 21:31

Video of a fish cannon, an experimental cannon designed to shoot...

Video of a fish cannon, an experimental cannon designed to shoot fish past man-made obstacles like dams:

One company is using fish cannons to safely get migrating fish through man-made obstacles. Originally designed for fruit, Whooshh turned its technology into a tool to help safely send fish over dams blocking the course on the Columbia river in Washington state. […] A test this past summer showed that fish will voluntarily enter the tube. When they swim into the entrance, the vacuum sucks them in and gives them initial boost; after that, elevated pressure behind the fish keeps them moving at about 15 to 22 miles per hour till they go flying out the other end.

So far Whooshh has tested tubes going 100 vertical feet, but they could go far higher reaching as far as 500 feet.

11 Aug 16:26

The bat-eared fox is named for its huge ears, which can grow to...

The bat-eared fox is named for its huge ears, which can grow to be more than five inches long and stand out much like the ears on a bat. These foxes live in family units and typically eat insects to survive. 

This amazing animal can eat more than a million termites per year and can actually help control the termite population. They rarely drink water because they are able to hydrate with all the bugs they eat.