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31 Oct 22:44

At last, science explains the physics in "Call of Cthulhu"

by io9emergencybackup

By Annalee Newitz

Benjamin K. Tippett has a theory. The University of New Brunswick mathematician believes that he’s figured out what, exactly, those insane sailors saw that night in 1928 when they encountered Cthulhu on a lost island in the Pacific. And so Tippett has written a hilariously deadpan paper explaining “non-Euclidean geometry” once and for all. I cannot tell you how much joy and dread I am experiencing right now. Here’s what he has to say.

In 1928, the late Francis Wayland Thurston published a scandalous manuscript in purport of warning the world of a global conspiracy of occultists. Among the documents he gathered to support his thesis was the personal account of a sailor by the name of Gustaf Johansen, describing an encounter with an extraordinary island. Johansen’s descriptions of his adventures upon the island are fantastic, and are often considered the most enigmatic (and therefore the highlight) of Thurston’s collection of documents.

We contend that all of the credible phenomena which Johansen described may be explained as being the observable consequences of a localized bubble of spacetime curvature. Many of his most incomprehensible statements (involving the geometry of the architecture, and variability of the location of the horizon) can therefore be said to have a unified underlying cause.

We propose a simplified example of such a geometry, and show using numerical computation that Johansen’s descriptions were, for the most part, not simply the ravings of a lunatic. Rather, they are the nontechnical observations of an intelligent man who did not understand how to describe what he was seeing. Conversely, it seems to us improbable that Johansen should have unwittingly given such a precise description of the consequences of spacetime curvature, if the details of this story were merely the dregs of some half remembered fever dream.

We calculate the type of matter which would be required to generate such exotic spacetime curvature. Unfortunately, we determine that the required matter is quite unphysical, and possess a nature which is entirely alien to all of the experiences of human science. Indeed, any civilization with mastery over such matter would be able to construct warp drives, cloaking devices, and other exotic geometries required to conveniently travel through the cosmos.

Read the entire amazing scientific paper:  “Possible Bubbles of Spacetime Curvature in the South Pacific” [PDF]

[via Metafilter]

27 Oct 12:02

Behold, the divine baby walker of Jesus Christ

by Cyriaque Lamar
Click here to read Behold, the divine baby walker of Jesus Christ Here's a new relic for all you amateur Indiana Joneses to instigate Nepalese bar brawls over. Explains the University of California of this odd 1440 tableau, it's "from the Book of Hours of Catherine of Clèves, containing the prayers and litanies of the Mass in Latin, decorated with 157 lavishly colored and gilded illuminations by the Dutch artist, the Clèves Master." More »

22 Oct 20:07

"açougada, acracia, adevão, alarma, alarme, alteração, alvoroço, alvoroto, anarquia, angu,..."

“açougada, acracia, adevão, alarma, alarme, alteração, alvoroço, alvoroto, anarquia, angu, angu-de-caroço, anguzada, aperta-chico, aranzel, argel, arregaço, atabalhoação, atrapalhação, auê, bababi, babel, babilônia, bacafuzada, bachinche, badanal, baderna, bafa, bafafá, bagaço, bagunça, bagunçada, balborda, balbórdia, balbúrdia, bambá, bambaquerê, bananosa, bandoria, banguelê, banzé, banzé-de-cuia, banzeiro, barafunda, baralha, baralhada, barrilada, bereré, berzabum, bilbode, bochinche, bochincho, bode, bolo, bololô, brenha, briga, bronca, bruega, bulha, burundanga, cambulhada, caos, chinfrim, chinfrineira, chinfrinice, choldra, choldraboldra, cinza, cocoré, coisa-feita, coluvião, complicação, confa, confusa, cu-de-boi, cu-de-mãe-joana, danação, dédalo, desalinho, desarranjo, desarrumação, desgoverno, desmancho, desmanho, desmaranho, desordem, desorganização, desorientação, destempero, deus-nos-acuda, dificuldade, distúrbio, emaranhamento, embananamento, embaralhação, embrulhada, embrulhamento, embrulho, encrenca, enrolação, entuviada, envolta, esbregue, escangalho, esculhambação, esparrame, esparramo, estalada, estrago, estralada, estripulia, estropelia, estrupício, fandango, fecha, fecha-fecha, felga, ferga, flamengaria, forrobodó, frege, frevo, fritada, fubá, fula-fula, furdúncio, furdunço, fuzuê, galho, gambérria, gangolina, garabulha, garbulha, gódia, grude, imbróglio, indisciplina, inferneira, inferno, insubordinação, joldra, lambança, langará, lubambo, maçarocada, maranha, maria-da-fonte, massagada, mastigada, matinada, melê, melê-de-cuia, mexerufada, mexida, miscelânea, mistela, mistifório, mistura, misturada, mixórdia, motinada, movimentação, movimento, paçoca, pampeiro, pandemônio, pega-pega, pega-pra-capar, perequê, perereco, perplexidade, perturbação, pipoco, poeirada, porqueira, presepada, quebra-quebra, quebra-rabicho, quelelê, quilelê, reboldosa, reboldrosa, rebordosa, rebulício, rebuliço, recacau, rififi, roldão, rolo, ruge-ruge, rusga, salada, salgalhada, salsada, salseiro, sangangu, saragata, sarapatel, sarilho, sarrabulhada, sarrabulho, sarrafascada, sarrafusca, seribolo, sinagoga, sororó, surumbamba, sururu, tempo-quente, tiborna, tibornice, touraria, trabuzana, trança, trapalhada, trapalhice, tribuzana, tropel, tropelia, trovoada, tumulto, turbamulta, turbulência, turumbamba, turundundum, ula, valverde, vavavá, xirimbamba, zaragalhada, zaragata, zona, zorra, zungu”

- Sinônimos de “confusão” no Houaiss (via rafaelcapanema)
19 Oct 22:04

Family Portrait

by Michael Popek
Over the years, I've discovered that the best bets for finding forgotten bookmarks are old Bibles and dictionaries. I purchased this leatherbound beauty yesterday; a man from Connecticut was passing through and had a small pile of books rescued from a damp church basement. There were bits and pieces in each of the books he brought in, but this 1889 Swedish-language Bible had some real beauties:

-Click to enlarge photos-
15 Oct 22:08


12 Oct 16:47

the beloved lion of grippsholm, sweden the result of a...

the beloved lion of grippsholm, sweden

the result of a taxidermist who had never seen a lion