Shared posts

18 Feb 02:19

Oddly Shaped Lava Formations Look Like a Mass of Twisted Bodies

by Jessica Stewart

Hella creepy!

strange lava formations in West Kamokuna skylight

Intertwined like a mass of twisted bodies sliding into a pit, these bizarre lava formations are a creepy natural oddity. Located in Hawaii over the West Kamokuna lava skylight, this eerie photo juxtaposes the proud researcher standing over what looks like the gates of hell.

The photo was shot in 1996 by Laszlo Kestay, who is currently director of the USGS Astrogeology Science Center. So what is this image really showing? Sure, our imagination can run wild with demons being cast into oblivion or corpses sliding into a lava pit, but surely there is a scientific explanation. And indeed, there is!

What we’re seeing are masses of different lava flows that have dripped into a lava skylight. They’ve formed a crust around the skylight, probably due to a loss of heat around the area. Just what is a lava skylight? Molten lava can actually travel across channels called lava tubes. Buried underground, these tubes only become visible when part of the roof collapses, creating a lava skylight.

And in this case, the skylight, combined with subsequent flows, has caused an incredible natural formation that appears like bodies oozing into the inferno.

West Kamokuna lava skylight


Just how was this eerie lava formation created? It’s all owed to the West Kamakura lava skylight. Watch this video, which explains how they’re created.

Image via Laszlo Kestay, USGS.

The post Oddly Shaped Lava Formations Look Like a Mass of Twisted Bodies appeared first on My Modern Met.

18 Feb 02:01

Rare Yosemite ‘Firefall’ Phenomenon Ignites a Waterfall in Bright Orange

by Sara Barnes

Still so beautiful... fire and water...

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @axleethington

Late February in Yosemite National Park is a magical time of year. If the conditions are just right, its famous Horsetail Fall is ignited in a bright orange and red glow. Known as the Yosemite Firefall, the phenomenon makes the waterfall look as though it’s spewing lava down the side of rock formation El Capitan. What makes it even more special is that this mesmerizing effect lasts for only 10 glorious minutes.

According to a Yosemite Firefall website, several things have to happen—independently of each other— in order to see the light. First, Horsetail Fall must be flowing with water. “If there’s not enough snowpack in February,” the site explains, “there will not be enough snowmelt to feed the waterfall.” In addition, temperatures must be warm enough to melt the snow in the first place. Second, the western sky must be clear during sunset; otherwise, the sun rays will be blocked. “Winter weather can be highly variable in Yosemite, however, and days that start off cloudy can clear up by sunset.”

With these specific factors as requirements, it’s amazing that the Firefall happens at all. But, when it does, it’s akin to a supernatural experience. It’s no wonder that both professional and amateur photographers flock to Horsetail Fall to capture the amazing sight.

When the conditions are just right, the Yosmite Firefall ignites the Horsetail Falls in a spectacle of brilliant, fiery light.

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @rayophotography13

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @broloelcordero

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @ecastellon408

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @i_markian

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @sangeetadeyphotography

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @acaurora

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @robkugler

Yosemite Firefall Ignites Horsetail Fall with a Brilliant Illusion

Photo credit: @vagabondvivant

Here’s the Firefall in action.

A post shared by Paul (@paulrujiphoto) on

Yosemite National Park: Website | Instagram
h/t: [Mashable]

The post Rare Yosemite ‘Firefall’ Phenomenon Ignites a Waterfall in Bright Orange appeared first on My Modern Met.

16 Feb 21:32

preludeinz: santapau: ‘Milagros’ @theoldaeroplane


OMG I want to run a game in Milagros now.

15 Feb 08:39

chrismcfeely: In these trying times, as we debate whether or not certain individuals need a punch, I...


I love Doreen!!


In these trying times, as we debate whether or not certain individuals need a punch, I think we should look less to Captain America, and more to Squirrel Girl. For Squirrel Girl actively advocates for, and regularly succeeds at, non-violent resolution…


…but also teaches us that, failing that, you kick the guy’s butt to the friggin’ moon.


Squirrel Girl sez: There is no situation that a judicious application of wholly deserved violence will not solve if the aggressor is not willing to compromise.


Eat nuts and kick butts, folks.

14 Feb 22:19

wow cool facts about anime


Ahahahahahaha! *snerk*








have you ever wondered why anime people have such big eyes like this:

that’s because of scrooge mcduck

Osamu Tekuza. creator of Astro Boy and often called “The Godfather of Anime,” was a big fan of the Scrooge McDuck comics from back in the fifties and when he created Astro Boy, he based his art style on the Scrooge McDuck comics

so basically this character

who serves as the visual basis for the modern-day anime art style was inspired by this

which means that every time you get horny for this

or for these guys

you’re actually getting your jollies from the great grandkids of this motherfucker

No joke. 

please don’t fuck the duck

Now I read all this with my both eyes and now it is your turn

it gets better

a lil while ago, tezuka’s daughter unlocked his work desk

what was inside?

a whack load of furry and transformation porn including one of a woman turning into a boob snake, locked away for SPECIAL OCCASION

when you are fapping to anime tiddies, you are fapping to the legacy of a furry artist

All anime tiddies descend from a literal furry’s admiration of a Charles Dickens duck-AU fanfiction character.

this website is informative, i learn something new every day here. thank you tumblr community and staff.

14 Feb 16:09

psychoticrambling: angelicpaintbrush: coelasquid: thiocyanat: ...









How to tape up your hands before a fight

Useful reference?

Let’s go beat someone up! But no seriously, does this prevent pain or something ? What do these bandages actually serve ? 

It keeps your bones aligned to prevent injury, compresses soft tissue to make the fist more rigid, and pads the knuckles. Skull bones are sturdier than hand bones, and even if you know what you’re doing there’s a high risk of damaging your metacarpals if you punch someone barehanded. It’s why they recommend if you find yourself in a fight unprepared to bunt their nose with the butt of your palm, because if the other person tucks their head and you end up hitting their forehead instead it’ll do a lot less damage to your palm than your knuckles.

Tumblr teach’n you how to fucks someone’s shit up.

now go punch some nazis!

09 Feb 07:09

ghettablasta: Damn, this is so good


Great project and they look amazing! Who did their wardrobe? Did they each do their own? It's perfect!


Damn, this is so good

09 Feb 07:03

How do you know that your armour actually work? When it’s...


Pretty much.

How do you know that your armour actually work? When it’s buckled and bent but you’re still alive

04 Feb 20:25

wigmund: d0cpr0fess0r: We need to stop doing this Coming in...


This is beautiful.



We need to stop doing this

Coming in 2017: Tank Monkeys vs Nuclear Spiders

04 Feb 07:48

tyrannosaurus-trainwreck: kyraneko: fahye: banthacakes: bookelfe: orlofsky: andriseup: liz-squ...

by simply-sithel

I love this!
"never doubt my commitment to space bureaucracy."










As an occasional visitor to Star Wars fandom, here are some things I would like to see come out of Rogue One:

- the fic about the reactions of the Empire’s IT and records management departments when they learn that some trigger-happy general just literally blew up an entire unique archival repository of key bureaucratic data
- the comic about the first time some maintenance technician tries to repair something on the Death Star and the guy’s like, ‘where’s the documentation?’ and their boss is like ‘um, well, funny story about that….’
- the in-depth analysis about various mistakes the Empire makes in the original trilogy and how they operate in context of an organization that has just, I repeat, LITERALLY BLOWN UP ALL OF THEIR OWN BACKUP DATA. Of course it’s easy for any random hero to impersonate a Stormtrooper! THEY DESTROYED ALL THEIR OWN PERSONNEL FILES.

Rogue One, or, Why All The Empire’s Librarians and Archivists Joined the Rebellion

@earendils @butneverstoptrying

Rogue 2 plot summary: a bunch of Imperial waste management techs go AWOL and steal the Death Star plans back from the Rebels because how else are we supposed to get the dianoga out of the pipes when we have literally no idea where half of these ducts go or what they’re for

they complete their mission but in the end decide not to delete the plans from the main Alliance computers after they’ve made their copy because ehhhhh what if we never had to fix anything on that piece of shit again, what if that, it’s insured right?

This also explains why none of the bridges or giant pits in the floor have railings: literally no one knows if they’re supposed to be there or not, and once someone tried to drill into the floor to install some and destroyed the main air circulation wiring for half the station, now everyone just has to be real careful all the time

It also means that when they built the second Death Star in ROTJ they had to start entirely from scratch, yikes

in the end they decide not to delete plans from main Alliance computers because their heist crew contains one records manager who’s like ‘look, we’re SUPPOSED to have redundant data backups, this way we’re not even paying for the storage!’

Paging @fahye because PUBLIC SERVANTS

this post has made the rounds amazingly on my dash and now it’s LITERALLY CALLING MY NAME.

pour one out for that tfa fic I was writing about della calrissian, disgruntled member of the new republic capital electoral commission, just trying to do her job and not get involved with the rebellion AGAIN.

never doubt my commitment to space bureaucracy.


(Seriously, who’s up for a zine/anthology/cooperative AO3 series (group? tag? IDK) around the theme of various public servants sabotaged the Empire, joined the Rebellion, or avenged the besmirchment of their domains. #public servants of the empire, or the like.)

I love the way the glaring fucking design flaw that’s been pointed out since New Hope came out (your flying doom-planet that you’re going to use to subjugate the galaxy will explode entirely into so much space-dust after a love-tap from a single-pilot fighter if it’s in the right place? were you people high when you designed this?) just got shutupshutupohmygodshutuped away with Secret Rebels Sabotaging Things.

And it explains so much else, about everything, doesn’t it?

No guardrails over fucking bottomless pits? Some rebel sympathizer on the allocation committee line-itemed half the safety shit right out of the budget.

Helmets with no peripheral vision because fuck you, that’s why? The woman who designed them got conscripted into the job, and the only thing that makes her smile is watching those douchebag noncoms crash into each other in Y-intersection corridors.

Nobody notices there being extra stormtroopers running around? With the way Lieutenant Bob keeps dicking with the schedule, nobody can say for sure there shouldn’t be purple flying monkeys manning the security checkpoints.  He’s run three Emperor Inspection Drills in as many weeks, and just three days ago he put the entire unit on duty at once and left the overnight shift “TBA.” He’s doing more to tank morale than Vader’s temper.  Coincidentally, Lieutenant Bob’s homeworld got hit with a punitive tax hike six months ago, and people are literally starving in the streets.

The guy who checks itineraries and rosters for incoming shuttle flights believed the hype about joining up and seeing the Galaxy.  Turns out fuck literally every actual thing about this job, from officer infighting to civilian casualties to Vader’s last-minute order to have every surface in his on-board suite kitted out with fucking lava lamps, of all things.  Like, they’re in space.  He gets that, right?  They can’t just stop by SpaceMart and pick up stuff like that.  His boss is a dick and he was up all night making lava lamps out of cooking oil and food coloring, and you know what?  The last thing he wants to do right now is check the manifest on the next delivery of cooking oil.  He’s had enough with cooking oil.  He took five showers when he got back to his quarters, and he still smells like fucking canola.  The Wookie and the guy who hasn’t shaved in a month and the guy still picking half a tumbleweed out of his hair can blow up the entire fucking station for all he cares–he will help them plant the explosives, if it comes down to it–so long as they don’t make him talk about the cooking oil he’s signing off on as being delivered.

03 Feb 06:36

Knight by Kim Eun Chul.


Lovely details and also finally! Actual helmet hair! Meaning hair braided to actually go under a helmet. None of this "flowing locks" nonsense.

Knight by Kim Eun Chul.

02 Feb 05:40

archatlas: The Art of Hiroshi Yoshida Hiroshi Yoshida was a...


incredible how he captures the water reflections with the woodblock print technique. Is each of those ripples hand carved?


The Art of Hiroshi Yoshida

Hiroshi Yoshida was a 20th-century Japanese painter and woodblock printmaker. He is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the shin-hanga style, and is noted especially for his excellent landscape prints. Yoshida travelled widely, and was particularly known for his images of non-Japanese subjects done in traditional Japanese woodblock style.

30 Jan 07:36

Classical Paintings Seamlessly Interact With Modern-Day Italy

by Kelly Richman-Abdou

Really well done!

Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting

Ukrainian artist Alexey Kondakov continues to superimpose characters from classical paintings onto photographic scenes of modern life. In the past, Kondakov’s captivating collages have been set in Kiev. However, for his latest series, the Napoli Project, Kondakov has employed Italy, the home of the High Renaissance, as his canvas.

Like Kondakov’s past work, the Napoli Project seamlessly combines painted figures with contemporary surroundings to create eye-catching juxtapositions. With an eye for composition and a masterly knowledge of photo manipulation, Kondakov is able to produce well-balanced and well-blended images that warrant a second glance. Though the antiquated figures are rendered in oil paint, they do not obviously stand out against the real-life backdrops. Likewise, the present-day urban settings offer an unexpectedly fitting foundation for each painted person. Beautiful Bouguereau and Waterhouse muses and a formal Hans Holbein portrait are just a few of the classical characters that Kondakov re-contextualizes in his stunning series.

Kondakov has recently wrapped up an exhibition of this series in Naples. But, you can keep track of his future shows and see more of his superimposed creations on Instagram.

Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting Alexey Kondakov Napoli Project contemporary photography classical painting

Alexey Kondakov: FacebookInstagram
h/t: [This Isn’t Happiness]

All images via Alexey Kondakov.

The post Classical Paintings Seamlessly Interact With Modern-Day Italy appeared first on My Modern Met.

30 Jan 07:05

eccentric-nae: cythereancutie: The people in Avatar the Last Airbender were modeled after...





The people in Avatar the Last Airbender were modeled after wonderful, beautiful cultures. 

The Fire Nation, modeled after Japan.

The Earth Kingdom, modeled after China

The Air Nomads, modeled after Tibetian monks.

The Water Tribe, modeled after North American Natives.

And the Foggy Swamp Tribe, modeled after Floridians

I hate yall

27 Jan 06:46

piddlebucket: iguanamouth: kept getting requests for gryphons...


hummingbird ocelot!



kept getting requests for gryphons so heres a bunch of them At Once


omg Pallas potoo
26 Jan 15:40

dreadpiratekhan: dreadpiratekhan: Uncommon dragon hoards by...


I... have so many of these hoards.



Uncommon dragon hoards by iguanamouth


My quest to catch ‘em all continues! *scours internet further*

26 Jan 08:20

sunnysundown: geekygothgirl: jmiah0192: Japanese child actress...


OMG he just needs an umbrella.




Japanese child actress Mana Ashida (little Mako) was embarrassed that she couldn’t pronounce Guillermo Del Toro’s name so he gave her special permission to call him “Totoro-san” instead.

My Neighbor Guillermo Del Toro.

If I don’t reblog this, assume I’m dead.

Guillermo del Totoro

26 Jan 08:16

avengers-avenging-shit: frafeeccino: toni-of-the-trees: mirayuu...


Forks. Hee.














Mads Mikkelsen eating in various roles requested by @vulcanplomeeksoup



Is… Is that how you’re meant to hold a fork?

I’ve noticed that too I mean at first I thought Mads is holding the fork like that in the show because he’s *~Hannibal the fancy Cannibal~*, but then it looks like that’s just how Mads eats with a fork lol

It’s how Europeans hold a fork – “hidden handle” style.

Okay…I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own and can’t…what’s weird about how he’s holding the fork?

I have no idea, this is literally how you hold a fork O_o

Do… do Americans hold forks with the handle sticking up and just stab their food with it
‘Cause that is the only other way I can think of holding a fork

They hold it more like you would a pencil.

We like to pretend our hands are tiny forklifts and shovel the food into our faces

Ok but this whole discussion made me notice something.

This is how Will eats in the first episode:

And this is how he eats in 2nd season, when he was trying to “seduce” Hannibal:

Completely copying him, including his “fork-holding” habits xD

*brain explodes*

Europeans keep the fork in their left hand throughout the whole meal, and use their right hand for cutting things with a knife. The fork is backwards, pointing downwards the whole time, because it’s easier to cut things. They also sometimes squish food onto the back of the fork, using the knife, but it does depend on what you’re eating. Sometimes you gotta turn it over and scoop things up on there, but for the most part it’s held for stabbing.

I think most North Americans hold the fork in the left hands to. And When I cut, I hold the fork down, to get a firmer hold of the thing I’m cutting. But once I’m done I flip my fork so I can scoop things onto it (ex: scoop up some potatoes and stab the piece of meat I just cut). Idk if other Canadians/Americans do that, but that’s what my family and I do

Fun fact: only Americans routinely switch their forks from right to left hand and/or back, depending on what they’re eating. It’s such a common American thing that more than one American spy trying to infiltrate the Nazis was shot in the mess hall the instant they switched their fork hand.

24 Jan 07:13



Amazing photo!

22 Jan 13:05



So sad when this happens.

20 Jan 18:45

Kalinnen Shield Maiden by Daniel Comerci


Sharing because I think Rebecca should note those pants. Imagine if they were orange and a bit fuzzier... (also it's a great pic)

Kalinnen Shield Maiden by Daniel Comerci

20 Jan 18:44

pyrrhiccomedy: czechs-and-holdings: Can we PLEASE remove the stigma for blue collar work in...


J. H. C. THIS. I personally am much happier doing applied tasks than esoteric research. Not to mention the crippling school debt the advanced education system creates.



Can we PLEASE remove the stigma for blue collar work in America?

“You don’t wanna be a garbage collector when you grow up, do you?”

$34,000 a year, no college needed?

God forbid you take an honest job $7,000 above Michigan’s average cost of living line.

“You don’t wanna be a ditch digger.”

Bitch, I was making $15 an hour, post tax, doing exactly that, the fuck is wrong with it? (Other than it was physically exhausting.)

We need to help America, as a whole, understand that college is not, and should not be he only option, and that there is NO SHAME in trade school or even getting a career right out of high school.

I, personally, know plumbers making $80,000+ a year. Better than most 4 year degree workers.

We need plumbers, janitors, truck-drivers, garbage collectors, machinists, to keep this nation running smoothly. And they deserve respect for what they do.

Miss me with your classist bullshit.

You know, here’s a funny thing. I always did great in school. Breezed through math, chemistry, physics. Everyone assumed I was going to be something important. Prestigious. A doctor. An engineer. A scientist. Something my parents could brag about, you know?

When I was a kid, I used to say things like: I want to be a woodworker! I want to be a hairstylist! I want to be an electrician!

And everybody said to me: don’t be ridiculous. Silly little girl! You’re so smart! You don’t want to be any of those things! You want a heavy acronym degree and a home in Martha’s Vineyard. You want a big desk, a country club membership, 2.5 cars and a purebred dog.

So I went to a really, really fancy college. And I studied fancy things. And I hated it.

Like, don’t get me wrong. I thought math and chemistry and things like that were interesting. But the idea of being in school for 7 years and then launching into a Respectable Career filled me with dread. Couldn’t I study science and math as a–a hobby? And maybe, you know, become a carpenter instead?

Everybody was fucking flummoxed. I was, no shit, referred to a psychiatrist. Because if someone is capable of becoming a doctor, they must be literally insane to want to do blue collar work instead. 

I like doing things with my hands. I like spending several hours bent over a task, and having visible results at the end of it. I like solving concrete problems that have straightforward solutions, like: this person’s fingernails need to be repaired, or this shelf needs to go up, or I need to make a dress for a party. Sometimes, while I do those things, I think about math and science. And that’s nice. But that’s just something to keep my mind turning over while I happily cover myself in paint, wood glue, thread trimmings, whatever.

The structure and routine of white collar work sounds stifling and depressing to me. I don’t need much money to be happy, certainly not Doctor Money. Blue collar work sounds perfect to me. It always has. It sounds satisfying and fulfilling and it would meet all my financial needs. So why do I feel this weird cringe when I talk about making the change? Why do people act pityingly about it, like, oh, she just couldn’t Cut It at a “real job?”

Sure, a lot of people take blue collar jobs just to pay the bills. A lot of people take white collar jobs just to pay the bills. But is it so completely goddamned inconceivable that somebody might actually prefer blue collar work? That for some people–people with “options,” people who could be doctors, if they were so inclined–hairstyling or bricklaying or car repair is the dream job?

“You don’t want to be a ______” well maybe I fucking do.

20 Jan 18:41

fuckyeahchinesefashion: sunjun


Ooo I love the star back cut dress at the end. And the playful composition of these photos. And the pretty colors.

19 Jan 21:21

getintherobot: cumaeansibyl: amoresophisticatedkrackel: As much as I love mutual pining and using...


This would be adorbs.




As much as I love mutual pining and using it for every ship ever, I really don’t picture it applying to young, pre-relationship Baze and Chirrut

Because I imagine it as Baze being completely lovesick, head over heels pining, “I would die if he found out how much I love him but also he keeps accidentally flirting with me and doesn’t he know it’s killing me?”

meanwhile Chirrut never feels like this because he’s under the impression they’re already dating

Chirrut can tell Baze loves him and he can also tell something is eating Baze alive but because he thinks they’re already dating (what do you mean, we didn’t actually have that conversation?) he doesn’t realize it’s unrequited love

so he keeps asking what’s wrong and Baze keeps saying “nothing,” and of course that’s a lie but there’s obvious pain and shame behind it, so Chirrut doesn’t want to push

finally Chirrut gets Baze alone and says “listen, I know something is bothering you and I think you need to talk about it. don’t worry that I’m going to judge you; you’re my boyfriend and I love you and I’m not going anywhere.”

it probably takes a good two-three minutes before Baze can say anything but “what” and he’s been cranky ever since

18 Jan 22:45

winjennster: antipromia: death-limes: coelasquid: This whole “trust Tumblr blindly” thing is...


Augh seriously, this is basic chemistry folks! And vinegar and Windex and most glass cleaners or Ajax (all of these commonly contain ammonia) are so commonly used to clean things together too.





This whole “trust Tumblr blindly” thing is eventually going to kill someone, as I became pointedly aware of on one occasion I was making fun of how poorly a particular bleach-based drain declogger was working on my sink and got a chorus of really dangerously misinformed people telling me to pour vinegar in after it because all cute little cool kid diy home care blogs they’re following talk about vinegar like it it’s the big secret the cleaning companies don’t want you to know.

And I cringed knowing that someday, some Well Actually expert who read a blog article once is going to give that advice to someone who unfortunately didn’t take high school chemistry and isn’t aware that MIXING VINEGAR AND BLEACH MAKES CHLORINE GAS.

holy fucking jesus tits reblog to save a life

reblogging because I didn’t know bleach and vinegar makes chlorine. While we’re at it: ammonia and bleach makes mustard gas, DO NOT COMBINE THEM.

Also avoid Ajax and bleach.

18 Jan 09:56



102 uses for bypass pruners.

17 Jan 22:42



Even better that the tattoos appear to be pikachu and other Nintendo gaming references.

16 Jan 11:15

0trevskies: I rolled really poorly when trying to take cover, so my 6'3" 300lb barbarian just...


I feel like this might happen to George.


I rolled really poorly when trying to take cover, so my 6'3" 300lb barbarian just put his hands over his face.

The enemy also rolled bad, so they looked at him and commented “What an ugly statue.”

16 Jan 11:08

beltsquid: jenniferrpovey: rejectedprincesses: Kate Leigh and...


Love rejectedprincesses but the art is particularly amazing for this one.




Kate Leigh and Tilly Devine: Queens of the Sydney Underworld (1881-1964 and 1900-1970)

Book here. Patreon here. Website entry here. Art notes after the cut.

Keep reading

…this needs a movie.

Why settle for a 2 hour movie when you can watch an entire TV season?

16 Jan 07:32

Normal person: I like that character.

by simply-sithel

OMG so true.

Normal person: I like that character.
*moves on with life*

Me: I like that character.
*looks up fan art of character*
*blogs about character*
*cries eternally over character*
*buys merch of character*
*listens to songs thinking of character*
*goes to the gym to make character proud*