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24 Jun 07:46

Photographer Spends 6 Months Traveling Alone to Photograph Siberia’s Indigenous People

by Jessica Stewart

What a fantastic project! I love seeing the differences in faces and clothing.

Ulchi people siberia

Ulchi Woman. Ulchsky District, Khabarovsk Krai, Far East, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

For the past 9 years, photographer Alexander Khimushin has been traveling the world, visiting 84 different countries. Three years ago, inspired by the idea of documenting remote cultures that are slowly disappearing due to globalization, he began his The World in Faces project. Seeking out small, ethnic minority groups around the world, Khimushin shoots incredible portraits that both honor and immortalize their culture.

Over the past 6 months, Khimushin immersed himself in the Siberian landscape, traveling 15,000 miles alone behind the wheel of an SUV to track down, and photograph, the indigenous people of this frozen land. Moving from the shores of Lake Baikal to the coast of the Japan Sea, he visited a variety of ethnic minority tribes, many of whose population is down to several dozen people.

Russia recognizes 40 different indigenous peoples living in Siberia, which range from the Evenki, whose population is spread out in different locations thousands of miles apart, to the almost extinct Tazy, whom Khimushin believes to have photographed for the first time ever. Khimushin notes that most official population estimates are off, tending to skew higher than reality. Facing harsh temperatures and dwindling populations, the Australian photographer captures the pride these people take in their unique cultures.

The World in Faces, Siberia is a continuation of photographer Alexander Khimushin's mission to document remote cultures around the world.

sakha people siberia traditional wedding dress

Sakha Girl. Sakha Republic, Siberia. Wearing traditional wedding mask. Sakha people are very proud of their unique culture. They live in the coldest area of the world. The absolute world record of -96 Fahrenheit was recorded in Oymyakon. Every winter, for at least 2 months the temperature is consistently below -40 Fahrenheit. The first snow comes in early October, while the last snowfall this year was in June. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Nivkhi people siberia

Nivkhi Man. Nilokaevsky District, Khabarovsk Krai, Okhotsk Sea shore, Siberia. The Nivkhi language is not related to any language in the world. It is still unknown how Nivkhi people arrived in the Far East, as linguistically they are not related to any other Tungus-Manchurian people inhabiting Siberia along the Amur River. Part of the Nivkhi live in Sakhalin, others where Amur enters the Okhotsk Sea. There are a small amount of Nivkhi people left. Official statistics do not reflect the real situation. Many ‘official' indigenous people have just some ancestry, sometimes quite remote, from the first nation people, it is just better for them to register as a minority, because of Government support benefits. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Evenki people siberia

Evenki Elder. South Yakutia/Amur Oblast border, Siberia. Hunter, local elder, ex-reindeer herder, retired 2 years ago, all his life spent as a nomad living in a tent looking after his numerous reindeer. He says it is very hard to settle and live in the house in the village, because it is too hectic a life and there is ‘pollution' in the village. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Evenki people siberia

Evenki Little Girl. Sakha Republic. Siberia. This is a Yakutian Evenki little girl from Olenek region—one of the coldest and most remote areas of Yakutia. Evenki people living there among Sakha people, some speak only basic Russian. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Toflar people siberia

Tofalar Man. Sayan Mountains, Irkutsk Oblast. Siberia. Very rare people, living isolated in the Syan Mountains. One can only get to them by helicopter, there is no road, only wintertime. They live in 3 villages with no road connecting them. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

siberia even people

Even Young Man. Eveno-Bytantaysky District, Yakutia. Siberia. Even is not the same as Evenki! They live in one of the most remote and cold regions of Yakutia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

orogen tribe mongolia

Oroqen Man. Èlúnchūn Zìzhìqí, Inner Mongolia, North-West China. Orochen are Chinese Evenki, related to Russian Evenki, and can understand 70-80% of the language. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

buryat people traditional clothing

Buryat Girl. Buryatia Republic, Siberia. Buryat people have quite different traditional clothing depending of their clan (rod in Russian). Buryat people are ethnic Mongols with very similar language and traditions. They are pround of their culture and, among very few other regions of Russia, practice Buddhism. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

indigenous people in siberia

Dolgan Girl. Sakha Republic. Siberia. Rare people. Dolgans are the Northernmost Turkic speaking ethnic minority group in the world. A small number live in the very remote area of Northeast Yakutia, and other in the north of Krasnoyaksky Krai, on Taimyrpeninsulaa. There is no one single common theory of how the Dolgan minority group was formed. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Tuvan Mongolian Man Alexander Khimushin

Tuvan Mongolian Man. Altai region. North-West Mongolia. While there are a lot of Tuvans living in the Tyva Republic of Russia, across the border from Mongolia, there is a small number of so-called Mongolian Tuvans, living in Mongolia. This man is one of them. His family lives in a yurt and raise and milk yaks of the remote grassy highlands next to a glacier in Mongolian, part of the Altai Mountains. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

These are 40 different indigenous peoples living in Siberia, all with populations under 50,000 and many with just a few dozen remaining.

Uilta people siberia russia

Uilta Little Girl. North of Sakhalin Island. Siberia. Oroki (old name). They live in two locations of Sakhalin Island, a large island close to Japan. One village of Uilta people is in the northernmost part of the island. I visited both locations. Some elderly Uilta people were born at the time when Sakhalin was part of Japan, and have Japanese names and surnames. Uilta people have almost disappeared. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Sakha Girl siberia russia

Sakha Girl. Sakha Republic, Siberia. Sakha people are unique, they speak a language that belongs to Turkic group, yet they are Shamanists, not Muslims. Their culture is related to horses, while Evenki people to reindeer. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

udege people siberia

Udege Man. Primorsky Krai, Far East, Siberia. Very rare people, living in dense taiga, along the Bikin river—Russian Amazon. Ussuri tigers live in the bush and are often visitors to their village, sometimes killing dogs in their backyards. Until now, most of the Udege peope collect and sell ginseng root for a living, as well as honey. Udege primarily live in two villages that are hundred of miles from each other. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Evenki Mom with Baby. Neryungrinsky District, Sakha Republic, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Semeyskie russia

Semeyskie Woman. Pervomaika, Zaigrayevsky District, Republic of Buryatia, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

people of siberia

Tazy Woman. Mikhailovka, Olga Bay, Primorsky Krai, Far East, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

The World In Faces by Alexander Khimushin

Evenki Girl. Republic of Buryatia, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

The World In Faces by Alexander Khimushin

Nanai Girl. Nanaysky District, Khabarovsk Krai. Far East, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

The World In Faces by Alexander Khimushin

Ulchi Young Man. Bulava, Khabarovsk Krai. Far East, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

The World In Faces by Alexander Khimushin

Ainu Young Man. Hokkaido Island, Japan. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

The World In Faces by Alexander Khimushin

Buryat Shaman. Bagdarin, Bauntovsky District, Buryatia Republic, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

The World In Faces by Alexander Khimushin

Chukcha Girl. Sakha Republic, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

The World In Faces by Alexander Khimushin

Ulchi Girl. Bogorodskoe, Khabarovsk Krai. Far East, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

indigenous people siberia

Evenki Reindeer Herder Boy. Timpton river bank, Yakutia/Amur Oblast border, Siberia. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

The Australian photographer traveled to Siberia alone, traveling 15,000 miles by car to visit these indigenous people.

nanai people siberia Alexander Khimushin

Photographer Alexander Khimushin in Far East Siberia with the Nanai People. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

evenki people siberia

Khimushin traveling to visit the Evenki people in his SUV. © Alexander Khimushin / The World In Faces

Alexander Khimushin – The World in Faces: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Alexander Khimushin.

Related Articles:

Traveler’s Photos Capture the Beautiful Diversity of Remote Cultures Around the World

Interview: Powerful Portraits of Indigenous Tribes From Around the World

Fascinating Portraits of People Living in the Extreme Cold of the Arctic Circle

Fascinating Photos Document Gender Equality in Indigenous Cultures around the World


The post Photographer Spends 6 Months Traveling Alone to Photograph Siberia’s Indigenous People appeared first on My Modern Met.

24 Jun 07:16

IKEA Is Simplifying Meal Prep With Their Brilliant Recipe Posters

by Zeon Santos

I thought this was silly but it's actually a nice idea!

IKEA furniture has become an essential part of many homes, and since pretty much everything they sell is extremely affordable people are filling their homes with IKEA's household goods too. 

Customers like the price but they also like the simplicity of IKEA, which is something the Swedish company has strived to bring into our lives by making it simple to furnish our homes with easy to build furniture.

So since they're known for their simplified assembly instructions IKEA Canada and marketing company Leo Burnett created Cook This Page- a set of illustrated recipe posters people can actually use to cook a meal.

All you have to do is fill in each blank on the page with the proper ingredients, roll the recipe page up with the ingredients inside and pop it into the oven. Now you're making dinner the IKEA way!

-Via Bored Panda

24 Jun 03:21

Mental Illness in the Horror Genre


I love this twist on the narrative.









Something that pissed me off the other day.

Talking to a guy who knows my parents but doesn’t know me very well, and he tells me that his friend (indeed, a very nice and talented actor) recently put out a horror movie. And I’m interested until I hear the words “So it’s about this guy with OCD…” and at that point my mom and I give each other a sidelong glance.

I say, “I don’t know, because I have OCD and it’s a pretty serious thing for me.”

To which he follows up, “Oh, you don’t have it like this guy! You’re totally functional!”

Okay, dude. Yes, I am standing before you in a fancy club, dressed nice, and looking relatively balanced. But you do not know me. You do not know OCD.

You do not know that I have been non-functional, and that in order to maintain my current balance of sanity, I take daily medication and see a weekly therapist, and I still have downward spirals and panic attacks.

OCD can add to a story, for sure. The Aviator is a great example–albeit, it was on the voyeuristic side, kind of “check out what a weirdo this guy really is”, but his condition was portrayed in a realistic and *sympathetic* manner, because it focused so hard on his anxiety and entrapment.

I don’t need a horror movie about my disorder for a couple reasons.
1. I already live the horror movie that is OCD.
2. Just like people with psychosis, schizophrenia/schizotypal disorders, dissociative identity disorders, and any other number of mental disorder that makes us act in unusual and yes, sometimes frightening ways, I don’t need it to be the hinge for your horror flick, a handy device that makes more people like you scared and misunderstanding of people like me.
3. And for people with the above disorders who may not be diagnosed, they don’t need to be told that they are dangerous monsters and cause them to avoid treatment out of fear. (This goes double for people who experience paranoia or delusions as part of their symptoms.)

This post ended up way longer than I meant, but really, truly, hear me out creators:


*Loudly looks @ the movie “Split” *

For real can we stop this shit along with having horror movies take place in mental hospitals

But imagine that the protagonist is the one with the OCD.

She is targeted by a serial killer who enjoys toying with people, gaslighting by proxy, and ‘maybe I’m going crazy’ works perfectly on all his victims until this one.

Because she knows the difference. She checks that her door is locked a dozen times before leaving the house, so she knows she didn’t leave it open. She unplugs every appliance in the house before she leaves, so she knows she didn’t leave the television on. Her clothes have to be organized in a very specific way so she knows that someone’s been touching them.

Of course, the horror movie aspect comes in when, because she has OCD, nobody believes any of this. Not the police, not her friends and family, nobody. “Everybody just forgets sometimes” or “It’s just your mind playing tricks on you” mouthed by people who don’t understand that she doesn’t EVER forget, that her mind plays tricks on her all the time and this is not like that, this is someone else *doing* it. she has more than enough experience to tell the difference.

When she reports whispers coming from inside the walls, she gets asked if it could just be ‘in her head’. No. It can’t. She knows what the inside of her head sounds like and it’s nothing like this. But nobody believes that.

She can’t leave the house because every time she does, someone comes in and touches and moves her things but nobody believes her. Her family come over to try to ‘calm her down’ which is absolutely zero help. It doesn’t matter how many traps she sets to prove that someone is in the house, nobody believes she didn’t trip them herself. In desperation, she turns to the people in her therapy group. Someone is in my house, moving things, whispering things, and nobody believes me, I need help or I’m pretty sure he’ll kill me.

And they show up, en masse, with improvised weapons and toolboxes, and they search every inch of her house (without making a mess in any way because they totally understand that that would upset her) and when she says the voice comes out of her bedroom wall they start measuring every room and wall and *that* wall might be thick enough for someone to hide inside so they tap on every inch with a rock taped to the end of a broomstick so they’re not in arm’s reach and that bit sounds hollow and that and that and that but *that* bit doesn’t and the serial killer bursts out to find a) way more people than he expected and b) OCD protagonist wielding a butcher knife.

When he’s doubled up on the floor screaming and clutching his bleeding abdomen they call an ambulance because they are not murderers unlike this guy and he gets pulled out and taken to hospital and her friends from therapy offer her a scrupulously clean spare bedroom and help cleaning up the blood and fixing the place up again and anything else she needs.

Six months later she’s back at work, and hears a receptionist talking about how her ex is being kind of creepy and she’s sure he’s sneaking into the house when she’s not home but her friends think she’s totally overreacting and maybe she’s just crazy -

OCD protagonist tells her that no, she is not crazy, and anyone who discounts her fears like that is not a friend. If she doesn’t feel safe, she needs to take steps to protect herself. Would she like to know how to rig some little traps to let her know for sure if someone’s been in the house? OCD protagonist knows some good ones.

Traps? Would they, like, hurt him?

They could. Would she like them to?

Yes please.


:D this is EXTREMELY relevant to my interests and now I’m mad this movie doesn’t exist because so few promising horror movies are coming out this year

This seems like a good place to mention that I especially love narratives where the MC’s mental illness or neurodivergence helps them out (aside from the ‘white autistic man is good at math’ trope because that’s been done to death) in situations that neurotypical people would have a hard time with - this reminds me of what I tried to do with Sally in The Ninth Daughter, where there’s a monster that specializes in manipulating reality without people noticing - but Sally’s schizophrenic and used to checking and re-checking the world around her for reality, so it doesn’t work on her.

I would be SO HERE FOR THIS.

23 Jun 19:31

ladygolem: the-ugly-asshole: brambledboneyards: trashquisition: stormingtheivory: nonbinary-yeon...


Hee. And also, yes those buildings are... interesting.










the truth is out there, and its in the heart of downtown toronto

what the actual fuck

this is toronto’s cultural pride and joy and it is slowly being consumed by an alien spacecraft

A significant portion of the city looks like this actually. Toronto’s aesthetic seems to be “real old buildings being devoured by real new buildings.” And like sometimes you have houses that look like a 12 year old’s first minecraft build sorta jammed between Victorian era stone houses it’s real fuckin weird

I feel like ocad and the ago should be added to this because holy shit toronto’s buildings are weird as fuck


I don’t feel like i have the right to post this

they turned the ROM  into god trash

20 Jun 17:39

martymuses: straightboyfriend2: sassyhail: chocolatequeennk: ...


How many different colors can you see in the panel below?

This is a nice concise description of color nuances and preferences based on cones.

And yes, I don't like yellow, especially yellow-green. Ew.







25% of the people have a 4th cone and see colors as they are

Given the sudden interest for the color of dresses and vision, here some of the fascinating findings we did recently.

The color nuances we see depend on the number and distribution of cones (=color receptors) in our eye. You can check this rainbow: how many color nuances do you count?

You see less than 20 color nuances: you are a dichromats, like dogs, which means you have 2 types of cones only. You are likely to wear black, beige, and blue. 25% of the population is dichromat.

You see between 20 and 32 color nuances: you are a trichromat, you have 3 types of cones (in the purple/blue, green and red area). You enjoy different colors as you can appreciate them. 50% of the population is trichromat.

You see between 33 and 39 colors: you are a tetrachromat, like bees, and have 4 types of cones (in the purple/blue, green, red plus yellow area). You are irritated by yellow, so this color will be nowhere to be found in your wardrobe. 25% of the population is tetrachromat.

You see more than 39 color nuances: come on, you are making up things! there are only 39 different colors in the test and probably only 35 are properly translated by your computer screen anyway :)

It is highly probable that people who have an additional 4th cone do not get tricked by blue/black or white/gold dresses, no matter the background light ;)


I see 21 colors. I had no idea there are so many more.

I see 35-39 colours, and I hate the colour yellow. That was actually what made me curious enough to stop scrolling and count. Who knew there was a scientific reason behind my colour preferences?

So the idea here is that what I see as annoyingly, garishly bright, most people don’t see as clearly, and that’s why it’s “cheerful?” (I’ve never understood that description of yellow.)

I barely saw 18 or 19. Dang :/

Im fucking colorblind

I saw 35, making me a tetrachromate, but yellow is my favorite color! I have a lot of yellow in my wardrobe and my home. What now science tumblr? 

20 Jun 01:42

marmottart:Illustration for a school library




Illustration for a school library

15 Jun 17:15

chyna-ros3:tybitty93: eiwilia: boyznmotionvevo: ryanvoid: hor...


I loved these screensavers. I know several friends who would smoke pot and watch them for hours. I would also watch them for minutes on end, no drugs required. Pipes was my default but my favorite to watch was the aquarium one. I got an upgraded version where you could pick the number of fish and starfish stuck to the "Glass".








Ye olde Windows screen savers.

There are probably kids on this website who are so fucking young they’ve never seen these in the wild

tiny doomcookie 90′s me refused to change it from the creepy house. i liked space and mazes well enough, but creepy house

Those pipes were my childhood

I just went back 15 years ago

Our elementary schools had these screensavers. Could never pay attention to the teacher because I was hypnotized by the screensaver.

I remember

15 Jun 01:29

hotlatinospacerebel: I work at a kindergarten and this is a collection of cute Wonder Woman related...


Shared this before when WW director Patty Jenkins tweeted it (written by someone else) and I will share it again because it's awesome.



I work at a kindergarten and this is a collection of cute Wonder Woman related things that happened within a week of the movie being released. 

  • On Monday, a boy who was obsessed with Iron Man, told me he had asked his parents for a new Wonder Woman lunchbox. 
  • A little girl said “When I grow up I want to speak hundreds of languages like Diana”
  • This girl had her parents revamp her Beauty and the Beast birthday party in THREE DAYS because she simply had to have a Wonder Woman party. 
  • Seven girls playing together during recess on Tuesday, saying that since they all wanted to be Wonder Woman they had agreed to be Amazons and not fight but work together to defeat evil. 
  • There is this one girl that refuses to listen to you unless you address her as Wonder Woman. 
  • Another girl very seriously asked the teacher if she could ditch her uniform for the Wonder Woman armor bc she “wanted to be ready if she needed to save the world”. The teacher laughed and said it was okay, and the next day the girl came dressed as Wonder Woman and not a single kid batted an eye.
  • They are making a wrap-up dance show, and they asked the teacher if they could come as superheroes, they are going to sing a song about bunnies. 
  • This kid got angry and threw a plastic car over his head and a girl gasped “LIKE IN THE MOVIE”
  • A boy threw his candy wrapping in the floor and a 5-year-old girl screamed “DON’T POLLUTE YOU IDIOT, THAT IS WHY THERE ARE NO MEN IN TEMYSCIRA”
  • On Wednesday, a girl came with a printed list of every single female superhero and her powers, to avoid any trouble when deciding roles at recess. 
  • I was talking to one of the girls that hadn’t seen the movie, and the next day she came and very seriously told me “you were right, Wonder Woman was way better than Frozen.”

Consider this your friendly reminder that if this movie completely changed the way these girls and boys thought about themselves and the world in a week, imagine what the next generation will achieve if we give them more movies like Wonder Woman.  

14 Jun 23:54

linssweater: This thread omg


This is beautiful. Also I'd be lmao.


This thread omg

14 Jun 23:52

xtoxictears: diningwithdana: Goth Makeup For Dark Skin A...


I never thought about this except when I would see my friends with darker skin use white makeup for Vampire/Masquerade and it would look so ashen and blotchy. I shall keep these notes in my back pocket for helping out with goth makeup in the future (that last one is GORGEOUS).



Goth Makeup For Dark Skin

A complete guide to creepy makeup for us melanin rich bats. Find video tutorials, tips, a list of resources and more. Interviews with @dig-lazarus-dig and @thecolorfulwitch who share their journey into the dark side. Comment on the blog with questions, tips and your own story! I answer everyone and all.

Read here.


13 Jun 21:08

dracofidus: personallyyoursrobyn: elodieunderglass: deputychairman: hamsilton: blxxdfae: i...


These are fantastic "keep calm and carry on" photos.







i dont think american filmmakers realise how huge london is, because sure you have the london eye and houses of parliament but when you say ‘london has fallen’ what??? so the nandos in catford is in flames? the tesco in peckham has descended into chaos? wtf??


And even if Peckham Tesco goes down you’ve still got the Lewisham one open 24 hours, yeah you’re in trouble on a Sunday evening but even in a survival situation you can probably hold out till Monday because all the local takeaways would still deliver, no one can stop those guys and no one should try

yeah and making it a little serious for a second, the city has such a historical/cultural expectation of being (or at least appearing) resilient in response to destruction that these portrayals are not realistic at all.

If you talk to people who were in London on 7/7 I feel that they use very different language about their experience, vs. people who were in New York City for 9/11. The brush with destruction is not portrayed as a life-changing experience, if that makes sense. The expectation is that the city has to keep moving. That obnoxious “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster (now a meme) was actually designed and printed in readiness to be posted everywhere if London actually fell to Nazi occupation. the expectation was that “descent into chaos” would let everyone down.

Like, in the London Blitz people made “not giving a shit as the city is gutted around you” into an art form. 

this lady would make a great reaction image for drinking truth tea in the wake of drama:


like look at these guys here


“oh ffs that was my BUS”

I mean this guy is just delivering the milk like



or this extremely safe community policing


“remember girls you need TWO policemen to go past the unexploded bomb”

or this 


“hey Bridezilla your window fell off”
“fuck off Helen this is my SPECIAL DAY”



“guys you’re supposed to be - guys pay attention”

“Hey what should we do we are literally being bombed right now”
“idk go hide in the tube??”
“but it’s the kids’ bedtime”
“yeah, but like… bombs

“wait I’ve got a plan, we go to the tube and then…”


“ok so … so we’ve literally just tied the children to the train tracks”
“shh…. they’re sleeping…. they’re safe now”

or this cheeky lil shit


apparently he’s reading a history of London


Anyway it’s not like Londoners are super brave or anything, it’s just that on the one hand there might be giant alien sea dragon robot tsunamis smashing the recognizable landmarks, but on the other hand they gotta make rent 

Pretty much every city in the UK is the same, Manchester proved that this week.
Wigan also proved this, there was an evacuation of a street because of a suspicious package and suspected terrorist, what did the evacuees do? Went to the pub and had a pint.

My Great Grandad was a green grocer and he would go out of the city at night to stay with family in the country so as not to die in an air raid, and one morning he went back to the city to find his home completely destroyed, the whole street was gone, but there was a pint of milk sitting on a pile of rubble where his front step used to be. So he got his milk and dug out his van from under the remains of the shed, and amazingly it still ran, so he got in it, and went to the shop so he could load up and do his morning deliveries. There were elderly people who couldn’t make the journey to the shop for their veg and he’d be damned if they’d go hungry just because his house was bombed. “Keep Calm and Carry On” doesn’t even cover it.

11 Jun 09:17

archiemcphee: Pleated-Jeans assembled a collection of 28 photos...


These are excellent zoo signs.


Pleated-Jeans assembled a collection of 28 photos of wonderfully funny, strange or otherwise unexpected signs found posted at zoos. These are our favorites. Click here to view them all

And please, help the fish finally quit smoking:

[via Pleated-Jeans]

09 Jun 20:01

steampunktendencies: Amazing dress by french creator Sylvie...


I don't care for the pastie peekaboo but the rest of the dress is so gorgeous. I want it.


Amazing dress by french creator Sylvie Facon 

Additonnal credit :  L'Oiseau de la pluie - Costumes et créations

Steampunk Tendencies [ Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Google+ | Pinterest ]

07 Jun 02:41

younger-than-the-soul: exigetspersonal: capnpea: The interesting thing about Glados/HAL 9000...


Another angle on my mecha/android interests.




The interesting thing about Glados/HAL 9000 parallels is that

Hal was conceived at a time when artificial intelligence was more of a fictional construct than a practical possibility. Hal is introduced as humanlike because the audience is familiar with and comfortable with humans, but they aren’t familiar with or comfortable with living computers. It’s when he starts acting robotic and calculated that the audience realizes “oh no, he’s a computer” and he becomes threatening.

By the time Glados was conceived, we had become used to computer automated systems. Synthetic voices offering us information is something we encounter in daily life. Glados is introduced as a computerized preprogrammed voice because that’s what the audience is familiar and comfortable with. It’s when she starts acting human and emotional that the audience realizes “oh no, she’s alive” and she becomes threatening.

Oh hey it’s this post again

I fucking love this observation.

06 Jun 05:37

You Can’t Find My House


This just keeps getting better!








I just got off the phone with mom, and we came to the realization that my family has lived in a series of unplottable houses for a couple generations now.

-The First Unplottable House is on my dad’s side of the family, in Delphi, Iowa.  The directions to it are the stuff of Buried Treasure:  Turn off the county road with a fraction in it’s name, to the Named Dirt Road, then turn at The Discount Eggs Sign on to the Unnamed dirt road that takes a meandering path THROUGH a corn field, DO NOT take any forks on that road or the farmer will shoot your ass, then take the paved road that dead-ends on ALL the way to the end- No, farther, the road keeps going it’s not a cliff-The only indication that You Have Arrived At The Correct Driveway is that a fat gray pony will charge the car, screaming, then escort you the rest of the way there.

It’s on the side of an enormous river, they’ve owned the property since 1911, and that’s the ONLY route there.

-The Second Unplottable house is in Bedford, Ohio and belonged to my mother’s parents.  It’s at the corner of two side-streets, right across from the tiny Italian grocery store.  Due to strange development decisions, the house is about 30 feet above street level and rendered invisible by a chestnut tree so majestic Hyao Myazaki would probably put it in a movie.  The driveway, however, is VERY visible from any of the surrounding houses, the grocer, or the street.  

At least in theory and old photos, becuase if you actually GO there,  your eyes slide right past it to the neighbor’s lillac bush, or to the retro neons of the grocery store or up the Chestnut tree.  it is literally HARD to look at that driveway, all the world around it wants to pull you away.

-The Third Unplottable house is in Salinas, CA, home of my paternal grandparents.  It is the single most BORING house possible- like, if you were to ask a third-grader to draw a prototypical house, they would draw my grandparent’s house.  Utterly Unremarkable. 

Except for the part where my Grandfather, spurred by his success with the “non-fruiting” peach tree, decided to plant a California Redwood Tree, and it grew to approximately 150 feet over the course of a few short decades.  It is the tallest damn thing for miles around, and SOMEHOW deliveries keep being missed, mail is delivered to the neighbors, and any non-blood family that tried to visit would end up on the other side of town.

-The Fourth Unplottable House was the one I grew up in CA.  The Directions to it are as follows:  It’s the Bright Orange house Right Across From The School.  You know, the one with six flamingos and the Volunteer Avacado Tree.

SOMEHOW, we got everyone’s mail but OURS (we still wonder about the letter from Fort Knox for Mr. Thomas Saxophone), the other kids got lost trying to visit and ended up in Mr.Phan’s yard on the other end of the block.  Officer Brown, Mom and Dad’s friend, who had GPS back in the early 90′s becuase silicon valley, regularly got lost looking for our place.  The Flamingos did nothing.

-My parent’s current house is the second house on the right  after two right turns off the state highway that runs through town.  Sounds easy, right?  

Except that due to a couple small trees and a bend in the road, the house is invisible from the road.  I have to stand out in the road if i want my pizza delivered.  The Mailman is the only person who could reliably find the box, but he drives a subaru that’s older than my sister from the passenger side by leaning over, and delivers mail based on the aztec lunar calendar, so he’s probably not actually human.  I tried to host a party, tied rainbow balloons to the mailbox, and all nine friends had to be waved in from the street.

-My current apartment building Does Not Exist, according to my Bank, medicaid, Google, and City Hall which was a bit exciting when I first moved in and had to call everyone that yes, I was sitting in a building that really exists.   

Unless it’s my classmates, becuase they can apparently come to parties I don’t host. This Friday I had a friend telling me she had a great time at my place last Teusday… when I was home alone.  She assures me that I held a houseparty with “Those polish things you make” (I make great mini klatchky, but haven’t served them to her) and that “You were definitely there, we talked about Carvaggio and you drive me home”

The only thing that offers any explanation is that you were drunk at the anecdote about your recent house party 🎉 nothing else is explainable

I’m deathly allergic to alcohol, and was definitely at home alone, emailing a former professor about werewolves.  Got the chatlog and everything.

Guliya’s roommate recalls me dropping her off at the dorms, which is really peculiar.  Another classmate, Jeff, was at the party with Guliya, and they thought it was my place too.  Jeff is a jackass and I’d never invite him to my place.

God, I hope I don’t have another doppelganger.

… /another/ doppelganger???

The year is 2014, October.  I have the beginnings of what will prove to be a rotten cold, and I decide to take the precaution of getting an enormous bowl of Pho from my local Vietnamese place in hopes of staving off another respiratory infection.

No sooner do I set foot in the door, and Mrs. Nguyen snaps up and shrieks YOU!!  and I am much distressed and confused, because I adore Mrs. Nguyen.  She kept My Intended alive last passover when the cafeteria covered literally everything in flour.

She insists that some time in august I had dined with a large group of friends and then skipped out on a $200 dollar tab.  This is even more distressing and also impossible, as I had been in Oregon at the time, and only have like 3 IRL friends.  She is livid, and absolutely insistent that it was me, and that I pay the tab or she’ll call the police.  Being very distressed and not eager to have a panic attack in front of police, I pay up $216.87 and am banned forever.  I go home in tears, without my Pho and am very sick for a fortnight.

Two months later, it’s Polish Butter Christmas, and I locate the source of my woes.

Polish Butter Christmas is the invention of my Intended’s friend/domesticated internet troll, where everyone deemed a friend or at least interesting party diversion is invited to their house and we all consume massive amounts of Traditional Polish Cooking, which is about 60% butter by weight.  everyone eats way too much, most people also get shitfaced and i usually end up on the floor playing with 4-6 corgis, depending on who’s invited that year.  in 2014, it was all six of them, rustling under the table like a pack of obese furry sausages.  

Among the guests invited are myself, my Intended, The Troll’s girlfriend, and her friend.  The latter is 5′2″, whiter than mayonnaise, with bright purple hair and green glasses.  I also am 5′2″, glow under black lights, had bright purple hair and still have green glasses.  We learn furthermore, that we have the same first name and live on the same side of town.  This is laughed off as Most Amusing, at first.

The celebration goes on, and I become steadily less amused as I learn that Not-Me is a BITCH.  Racist jokes, yelling at the dogs to make them cower becuase “They look so funny!”, and generally abrasive and cruel.  Everyone is uncomfortable and Troll confides quietly to me in the kitchen that she is not invited next year, but needs an excuse to throw her out, or his dad will have a fit.  Troll’s family is as much a gang of cryptids as mine, and cannot go around Un-Inviting people without Due Cause.  So we agree to suffer quietly and laugh about it next year.

Eventually, the conversation turns to “Youthful Shenanigans”, and while most people have the sense to tell stories where they did something dumb but not actually illegal, Not-Me recounts with utter glee “That time me and my hoes dine-and-dashed that one chink place hahaha”

I suddenly put two and two together and realize that This Bitch Has Personally Wronged Me.

“You CUNT.” I tell her, furious at the realization ad the fact that she’s been steadily ruining Polish Butter Christmas for the last three hours. “Mrs. Nguyen thinks I did that! I HAD TO PAY THE TAB!”

“Oh, uh my bad, haha…” She laughed awkwardly.

“HA. YES. FUNNY. WE ARE GOING TO THE PLACE, YOU ARE APOLOGIZING TO MRS. NGUYEN AND PAYING ME BACK YOU INSUFFERABLE BITCH.”  I yelled, grabbing her arm and dragging her towards the door, Corgis yapping excitedly at our ankles.

“Whaa?  No!  fuck you!”  She said, winching her arm out of my grip and doing an amazing four-inch-heel-sprint for the bathroom, locking herself in.  

She has made a rather serious error in the Troll is both 1. a 6′6″ Sasquatch of a man, and 2. TOTALLY WILLING to take a crowbar to the bathroom window he’d been planning on renovating anyway, esp if it mean he gets to haul a bitch out and toss her into the back of the minivan with the three least-obese corgis, so that we may drive her, sobbing about injustice the whole way.

Nothing in my life will ever be so satisfying as dragging Not-Me into Pho 67, and seeing the look of horror and recognition cross Mrs. Nguyen’s face as she realized what had happened, then having Not-Me withdraw the money from the ATM at the front.

We then returned to Polish Butter Christmas and had a splendid time feeding buttered pork to the corgis.

But you see why I am loathe to deal with another one.

Every sentence that gets added just reinforces that this is a Neil Gaiman story in the Sandman universe near the Ocean at the end of the Lane.

And no one’s gonna question the werewolf email to Prof?

Congratulations on being the first person to ask about the werewolves!  Prof Hoffman teaches a course called Freaks And Monsters, which was THE BEST literature course I’ve ever taken and she was the first person to get my idiot brain to understand symbolism.

I’m writing a book about Crypids In America and was emailing her to see if she had any recommended reading for me, and to introduce her to my Botany professor becuase I think they’d be friends.  She was a little late replying to me becuase she’s in Rome documenting gargoyles, but she and Botany prof are planning an expedition to Moscow to retrieve a book for rare mushroom plates before the crazy cat lady who’s keeping it accidentally destroys them.

01 Jun 02:30




01 Jun 02:27

flippyspoon: uh that’s genius


oh that IS good.


uh that’s genius

31 May 21:08



It's not the only reason but it's definitely one of them.

31 May 21:06

tom-sits-like-a-whore: jaythenerdkid: blackmagicalgirlmisandry:...








carried the shit outta u son

What is this from please? I googled it but found nothing.

it’s from a korean movie called love fiction and the actress is Gong Hyo Jin

reblog for WoC excellence

she just vaporized him

30 May 20:18

seti-fan: thunderboltsortofapenny: everybodyhatesjroth: princesdianas: princesdianas: so idk if...


Go Alamo Drafthouse! :)






so idk if u guys heard about this but the alamo drafthouse cinema is hosting one private screening of wonder woman for women only and men have been like,,,,,,,just losing their shit over this (ofc) and throwing the ‘sexism against men’ card so yesterday the cinema twitter account tweeted this lmao amazing



No you guys it’s even better some crustacean said ‘lol good business move you’re gonna lose a lot of money" and the theater responded ‘the first screening sold out in a few hours, we opened another showtime and THE THEATER CHAIN IS TAKING THE WOMEN ONLY SCREENING TO ALL OF IT’S CHAINS"

If anyone isn’t familiar with Alamo Drafthouse, this is the chain that, when a teen(?) sent them a furious voicemail about being kicked out for breaking their “no texting during movies” rule badly enough she disturbed people around her who called the servers to have her removed, the Drafthouse used her voicemail as their reminder before all their movies to turn off your cell phone or you will be kicked out. (This rule has always been clearly posted and stated, btw, so she wasn’t ignorant of it.)

These guys don’t play. They are committed to giving their audiences a quality movie experience and they’re the theater equivalent of “Oh yeah? Just watch me.”

30 May 20:13

curlicuecal: highlyquestionablerpgideas: probablyeldrichrpgideas: probablygoodrpgideas: ironical...


Well there goes all my money...









Get a metric ton of different dice

Get dice from different worlds. Get one from Yuggoth. Get one from Kadath. Get one from a place you can’t even pronounce.

Get cursed dice. Intentionally.

These are designed by independent artists and you can purchase them on Shapeways btw!  Get them 3D printed in whatever material you’d like.

Leaf Dice

Thorn Dice

Gear Dice

Also, there are so, so many cool dice on there

Step Dice


D4 Shell Dice


Nucleii Dice


Jack Dice






Alphabet based on english frequency

Modern Art D4


30 May 05:21

virginianewman:Edward Arsouni ‘Couture’ FW/17




Edward Arsouni ‘Couture’ FW/17

29 May 09:49

Marie Baron at Arundel Jousting, photo by Stephen Moss


So much awesome.

Marie Baron at Arundel Jousting, photo by Stephen Moss

29 May 07:40

The Ministry of Textiles Fashion Show | 2017


I can only imagine how incredible the Ministry of Textiles storeroom must be.

The Ministry of Textiles Fashion Show | 2017

29 May 07:39

circusfreckle:Moana (2016)


Ahahahahaha! Terrible pun but... I still love it.


Moana (2016)

29 May 07:37

salouisefar: pig-demon: samjohnssonvt: blackness-by-your-side: ...


So boss.





Something I wish more people would understand…

What’s her name?

Her name is Jane Elliott. She was a former schoolteacher, now she’s anti-racism activist, feminist and LGBT activist. She’s tiny, mean, and boss as fuck.

She’s known for her “blue eyes-brown eyes experiment” where she divides a group of volunteers from the blues and the browns. The minute the people walk in, the blue-eyes know they’re not welcomed. She makes them wait in a separate room, gives them shitty chairs, bad food, and shows them less respect. And (obviously) it causes all sorts of discomfort and rage, but that’s precisely her point. It doesn’t help that most blue-eyed volunteers happen to be white as well. Sometimes they get the message, sometimes they don’t and leave, sometimes crying or screaming. And Jane Elliott says that’s exactly what minorities want to do everyday of their lives, but they simply cannot do.

Did I mention she’s boss as fuck?

Note that the blue eyes-brown eyes experiment started with her students. I think she taught third grade, so 8 and 9 year-olds. There’s whole documentaries on the experiment and what the kids learned and how it effected them later in life. Her expirement is one of the few things I actually remember from my high school psychology class. 

This is from the Wikipedia article on Elliott: 

“First exercise involving eye color and brown collars[edit]

Steven Armstrong was the first child to arrive in Elliott’s classroom, (referring to Martin Luther King, Jr.) he asked “Why’d they shoot that King?” After the rest of the class arrived, Elliott asked them how they think it feels to be a black boy or girl. She suggested to the class that it would be hard for them to understand discrimination without experiencing it themselves and then asked the children if they would like to find out. The children agreed with a chorus of “yeah"s. She decided to base the exercise on eye color rather than skin color in order to show the children what racial segregation would be like.[2]

On the first day of the exercise, she designated the blue-eyed children as the superior group. Elliott provided brown fabric collars and asked the blue-eyed students to wrap them around the necks of their brown-eyed peers as a method to easily identify the minority group. She gave the blue-eyed children extra privileges, such as second helpings at lunch, access to the new jungle gym, and five extra minutes at recess. The blue-eyed children sat in the front of the classroom, and the brown-eyed children were sent to sit in the back rows. The blue-eyed children were encouraged to play only with other blue-eyed children and to ignore those with brown eyes. Elliott would not allow brown-eyed and blue-eyed children to drink from the same water fountain and often chastised the brown-eyed students when they did not follow the exercise’s rules or made mistakes. She often exemplified the differences between the two groups by singling out students and would use negative aspects of brown-eyed children to emphasize a point.

At first, there was resistance among the students in the minority group to the idea that blue-eyed children were better than brown-eyed children. To counter this, Elliott lied to the children by stating that melanin was linked to their higher intelligence and learning ability. Shortly thereafter, this initial resistance fell away. Those who were deemed “superior” became arrogant, bossy, and otherwise unpleasant to their “inferior” classmates. Their grades on simple tests were better, and they completed mathematical and reading tasks that had seemed outside their ability before. The “inferior” classmates also transformed – into timid and subservient children who scored more poorly on tests, and even during recess isolated themselves, including those who had previously been dominant in the class. These children’s academic performance suffered, even with tasks that had been simple before.[6]

The next Monday,[2] Elliott reversed the exercise, making the brown-eyed children superior. While the brown-eyed children did taunt the blue-eyed children in ways similar to what had occurred the previous day, Elliott reports it was much less intense. At 2:30 on that Wednesday, Elliott told the blue-eyed children to take off their collars. To reflect on the experience, she asked the children to write down what they had learned.[2]”

Sorry I made this post so long. But I love her. And this is important. 

29 May 07:35

treasures-and-beauty: mayahan: Artist, Jeff de Boer, Creates...



Artist, Jeff de Boer, Creates Cat And Mice Armor Based On Different Historical Eras

Too awesome to queue. Must post immediately.

25 May 01:07

sisterofsilence: pureirishnonsense: the-emperor-protects: inqui...


I love these stamps.







Imperial Administration accessories

by gringoscustoms

I need these because reasons.




Oh, I should get some of these. They have an Etsy shop if I am not mistaken.

23 May 20:19



Go Powerpuff Girls! :)

23 May 07:06

just-grasping-at-straws: love-as-thou-wilt:outrageauxbonnesmoeur...




Vintage women being badass. You’re welcome.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking ladies were demure and silent in the past. 

I would like more female characters being this open