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07 Feb 19:21

Backpack Decisions

"This one is perfect in every way, except that for some reason it's woven from a tungsten mesh, so it weighs 85 pounds and I'll need to carry it around on a hand cart." "That seems like a bad--" "BUT IT HAS THE PERFECT POCKET ARRANGEMENT!"
18 Jan 23:24

Clanking From the Corner: Baylor 74, Texas 64

by Bitterwhiteguy

Well, it was fun for most of a half

Full disclosure: I started writing this halfway through the second half. I generally wait until the game is over to write these as I want to give the game my full attention; but honestly, I probably should’ve started writing it at halftime because the writing was on the wall. This game felt a lot like one of those mid-2000s Tulsa/Oklahoma football games where Tulsa would score early on the Sooners and be driving for a second score only for Oklahoma to force a turnover, remember they’re Oklahoma and they’re playing Tulsa, and wreck the Golden Hurricanes from there. In Baylor’s case, they dealt with Texas forcing the issue for the first 15 minutes of the game. Shaka had a solid game plan, with the guards setting up the bigs in the low block over and over against Baylor’s 1-3-1 zone. It worked; the guards had arguably their best game in terms of post entry passes, allowing Shaquille Cleare and Jarrett Allen to feast on the close shots. The irony of the situation is that Scott Drew had to abandon his much-beloved zone in favor of a man defense, which pretty effectively stymied the Longhorns going forward. Only Scott Drew would reluctantly go to a man defense. Scott Drew is the worst. Anyway, Baylor settled down, let Texas shoot itself out of the game, and put their boot on Texas’ neck for a dozen minutes in the late-first/early-second half to seal the deal.

The Good

Shaquille Cleare

Despite Cleare fouling out fairly early in the second half — thanks for once again changing the rules at halftime, @Big12Refs — he had arguably his best game of his Texas career. 14 points on 10 shots, another perfect 2-2 from the line; Cleare may be limited in his abilities but the abilities he has are significant. When the guards can reliably get him the ball close to the basket, good things tend to happen. Him also being country strong helped him push the wiry Baylor bigs out of the paint on multiple occasions, forcing tough shots and more misses than they’re used to. Of course, he also two-hand shoved a Baylor big in the chest at one point, so let’s just say some of those five fouls weren’t exactly shocking. Still, we’ll take a 14/6 from Cleare any day of the week.

Andrew Jones

Man, Jones is something else. There were at least three times tonight when his jaw-dropping athleticism was on full display, and I will now shamelessly quote my own tweets as examples.

(He made that at the rim, BTW.)

Exhibit #2:

Look, I know RansomStoddard thinks every guard on Texas eats paint for breakfast — which is asinine, but he pays the membership fee so he gets to vomit his lizard brain word salad here just like everybody else; no matter how devoid of critical thinking or multi-syllable words his posts are, no matter if it sounds like he’s counting numbers by slamming his bare foot against a highway underpass as he imagines a world where Kerwin Roach Jr. is unable to play organized basketball but also a world where he’s aware of what organized basketball actually looks like — but that’s a stunning amount of athleticism in a single event. First, he stunts inside enough that the ball-handler gives up the ball, then recovers enough to tip the pass that the ball-handler who he just stunted on throws, then beats a future NBA player down the floor to slam the ball home. That’s not normal in D-I basketball, that’s impressive. Sure, Jones had a couple of not great moments, but any time you get a guard to contribute 15 points, go 6-7 from the line, dish out four assists with zero turnovers, you take it. Unless you’re Ransomstoddard, in which case you smear feces against the wall and tell everyone it’s surrealism art. RS is the Salvador Dali of ill-conceived basketball opinions.

Jarrett Allen

It’s funny how a consistently good post entry pass allows a post player to do good things in the post, huh. In the first half, Jarrett Allen benefited greatly from the guards getting him the ball deep in the post against the zone — side note, it’s amazing how easy those passes looked tonight; it’s almost like the guards are improving over the course of the season — and Allen took full advantage of the quality touches. Allen put up a 17/10 against another NBA draft pick (Motley), showcasing why scouts are attending Texas games even as the team struggles to put up Ws. His level of speed and...hang on, the foster dog just fired off a fart....mother of god, how does a 20 lb dog create a smell that vile. Wooo, OK, shake it off like a Ransomstoddard comment... Allen’s level of speed and touch is a sight to behold when he harnesses it properly, and the fact that he had zero turnovers speaks to his continuing ability to harness more of his ability. I don’t know if Allen comes back next season (probably not) but if he does there’s a good chance he puts up LaMarcus Aldridge numbers, if not better.

Free Throw Shooting

The main reason Texas didn’t lose by twenty: they went 18-22 from the free throw line, good for 81.8%. I wish Pomeroy kept a running tally of where teams were ranked in various stats over the season because I’d love to see where Texas was in free throws a dozen games ago; I’m almost positive they were ranked in the 300s somewhere. Right now they’re 219th, which is a bit below the D-I average but light years ahead of where they were. If free throw shooting was a Barking Carnival commenter, Texas went from RansomStoddard in December to an average commenter now. That’s a huge improvement.

Team Competitivenesss

Texas had no realistic hopes of winning this game and when Baylor started to pull away in the second half, the team could’ve folded like a RansomStoddard argument under the slightest test of logical consistency. At one point Baylor was up by twenty late in the second half, Cleare and Banks had fouled out, and Allen was one foul away from disqualification himself. What happened? Texas fought back, won the last 8 minutes, and closed the game to a 10-point margin as time expired. They went full-court press, battled to close the gap, and generally fought their asses off despite being out-gunned. A team that has quit on the season doesn’t do that. These guys are still listening to Shaka, they’re still busting their asses, and they’re doing their best to improve both themselves and the collective arc of this program. These kids have every reason to quit, and they haven’t.

The Mixed Bag

Jacob Young

On the plus side, Young played 27 minutes without a turnover. There are games this season where it felt like he’d average 27 turnovers a minute, so it’s nice to see him play under more control. He missed all four threes he attempted, but most of them were reasonable attempts. It seems as though Jacob Young may be this season’s freshman Tevin Mack as a guy who can’t quite slow down enough for his shot to reliably fall, but if it means next season Young is a sophomore Mack (without, uhh, you know...the other Mack issues) then these lumps will be taken a bit easier.

The Bad

James Banks

Yea, that’s what an athletic freshman big looks like when he’s defending a future NBA pick in Motley. Banks was pressed into more minutes than normal, and the results were not good. He fouled too easily, attempted shots that he really shouldn’t (at least at this point), and is enough of an offensive liability that he allows teams to shade towards the other big on the court. Banks made it easier for Baylor to guard Cleare/Allen, which is unfortunate as most of Texas’ gameplan was centered around getting Cleare/Allen touches. Such are the hard knocks a freshman big goes through in extended duty; the long-term outlook for Banks is still solid.

Defensive Rebounds

Johnathan Motley had as many offensive rebounds as Texas. I’m no RansomStoddard, but last I checked you generally want to get more offensive rebounds as a team than an individual opponent does. Motley logged a 30/20 night, only the third in the modern Baylor era. If Texas had gone zone all night, giving up more offensive rebounds than normal would’ve been somewhat expected, but they played man more often than not and just flat got beat on the defensive glass. Texas hasn’t been great on the defensive glass this season, but tonight was especially bad.

Three-Point Shooting

As you might have surmised from the title, Texas was under 30% from distance. In fact, they were 2-19 from behind the arc. You’re not going to beat many teams missing that many threes, much less a top-ten opponent at home. Texas hitting just 30% from three would’ve resulted in a net gain of 9-12 points, meaning Texas had a shot to pull this upset if they could hit the threes. Then again, this has been a recurring theme for most of the season, sooo.......

I think I said on one of our Pretend We’re Football podcasts going into this stretch against West Virginia, Baylor, and Kansas that if Texas managed to lose the three games by less than a combined 50 points it would probably count as a moral victory. <Farnsworth>GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE</Farnsworth>, this means Texas only has to lose to Kansas by less than 38 and they’ve attained yet another moral victory! Right now Pomeroy has Texas predicted to lose by 17 to the Jayhawks, but he also predicted Texas to lose to West Virginia by 13 and Baylor by 15, so maybe Texas keeps it to a single-digit loss in The Phog. That’s not the worst thing in the world, since @KUBoobs (NSFW, obviously) tends to post good stuff whenever those corn-humping bandwagoners put another W on the scoreboard. Yes, they’re generally busty women because they spent the fall packing on weight to survive a winter in Sam Brownback’s Hunger Games-inspired educational system, but, you know, any port in a storm. Silver linings are important, people. The game is on CBS on Saturday, tip is 1pm CT. Pray for some Raftery magic, folks.

BWG’s writing tunes provided by DC Breaks.

05 Feb 21:34

Angular 1.5.0 - ennoblement-facilitation has been released!

by Pete Bacon Darwin
We have just released the next major version of Angular 1, which has been in development since May last year.
The primary theme for this release was to improve the upgrade path to Angular 2.
In this release we have added features that will enable developers to write Angular 1 applications that are closer to the way that applications are structured in Angular 2.

New Features

The big feature changes to Angular 1 in this release are mostly focused around supporting Angular applications that are built from Components. But there are a number of other features that will improve your development experience.

Component-based applications

Defining component directives

While creating components in Angular has been the primary way of structuring applications for a long time, we now made it possible for you to easily define a component directive with the module.component() helper method. For example a simple component only needs to provide a template, some bindings and a controller. For the remaining directive options we set sensible defaults.

myModule.component('myComponent', {
template: '<h1>Hello {{ $ctrl.getFullName() }}</h1>',
bindings: { firstName: '<', lastName: '<' },
controller: function() {
this.getFullName = function() {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
<my-component first-name="'Alan'" last-name="'Rickman'"></my-component>
Read the new component guide to find out more about this.

Lifecycle hooks

If your directive/component controller has a method called $onInit() the compiler will now call it after the component has been initialized and all its bindings have been set up. This provides a clear place to put the initialization code for your components and is similar to the ngOnInit() lifecycle hook of Angular 2.

Binding to required directives

As well as the string and array forms, you can now specify an object for the require property of directives and components. If used with bindToController, the compiler will also automatically bind these required directive controllers to your controller.
These bindings (including those of sibling directives) are guaranteed to be in place by the time the $onInit() hook is called.

Multi-slot transclusion

You can now specify that different parts of the transcluded content is rendered at different slots in the template. See the 1.5.0-beta.2 release announcement for a detailed explanation of this feature.

Default transclusion content

ngTransclude no longer overwrites its contents if there is no content to fill it. This means that you can provide default content to be shown if the user of your directive has not provided any content to be transcluded.

One-way bindings

You can now define a directive/component binding using the '<' character to indicate that the binding is one-way. In this case the compiler will only set up a watch on the outer expression and not on the internal property. This means that changes to the value of a binding inside the component will not be propagated to the outside. See the $compile API docs for more information.

Improved support for ES6 classes

We now support instantiation of native ES6 classes in the $injector and as a controller. Due to variable browser support this is a volatile feature, so be careful to test on your target browsers before going to production.

ngAnimateSwap Directive

We have introduced the new ngAnimateSwap directive, which allows you to animate a collection of DOM changes together as a single container swap. See the 1.5.0-beta.2 release announcement for a detailed explanation of this feature.


We now have proper support for cancellable actions on resources, which means a $cancelRequest() method will be available on the return value of the request method.


Any promises resolved as part of a route's resolve property are now added to the scope as a $resolve property, which saves you having to inject them into the route controller.

Other Improvements

There are loads of other improvements, which you can find in the Angular changelog. Here are a few highlights:
  • You can now access the locals object that was passed to a call to $parse from inside the parsed expression, via a $locals variable.
  • You can provide $http configuration options of the $templateRequest service.
  • You can create your own custom XHR objects for the $http via the $xhrFactory service.
  • ngModel now provides ng-empty and ng-not-empty CSS classes.
  • The ngAria module is now more precise with handling of ARIA attributes and tabindex for custom controls.
  • Some new helpers are available on ngMock to ease testing:

Security Improvements

There have been a number of people who have contributed to the project over the last few releases by analyzing and identifying security issues in the Angular code base, which we have then fixed. We really appreciate the work that these people do. In particular we would like to thank Mario Heiderich, Gareth Heyes and Jann Horn and the security team at Google.

Migrating from 1.4 to 1.5

Angular 1.5 is the fastest, most feature complete and reliable version of Angular to date. We highly recommend upgrading your applications to use it.
While we tried to keep the number of breaking changes in the core to a minimum a few were unavoidable and will generally only affect very rare corner cases.
You can read about how to migrate and what breaking changes might affect your application in the migration guide.
If you find any issues with Angular while you are migrating, please report them at Github.


Once again, Angular could not be what it is without the constant support of the literally millions of developers across the world who are using and contributing to the project, either through submitting issues and pull requests, running conferences and workshops, writing tutorials and sharing their real world experiences.

From everyone at the Angular team, we hope you enjoy developing with this latest version as much as we have enjoyed building it.
22 Jun 04:10

“EPIC” fail—how OPM hackers tapped the mother lode of espionage data

by Sean Gallagher

Government officials have been vague in their testimony about the data breaches—there was apparently more than one—at the Office of Personnel Management. But on Thursday, officials from OPM, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of the Interior revealed new information that indicates at least two separate systems were compromised by attackers within OPM's and Interior's networks.

OPM has not yet revealed the full extent of the data exposed by the attack, but initial actions by the agency in response to the breaches indicate information of as many as 3.2 million federal employees (both current federal employees and retirees) was exposed. However, new estimates in light of this week's revelations have soared, estimating as many as 14 million people in and outside government will be affected by the breach—including uniformed military and intelligence personnel. It is, essentially, the biggest potential "doxing" in history. And if true, personal details from nearly everyone who works for the government in some capacity may now be in the hands of a foreign government. This fallout is the culmination of years of issues such as reliance on outdated software and contracting large swaths of security work elsewhere (including China).

The OPM breaches themselves are cause for major concerns, but there are signs that these are not isolated incidents. "We see supporting evidence that these attacks are related to the group that launched the attack on Anthem [the large health insurer breached earlier this year]," said Tom Parker, chief technology officer of the information security company FusionX. "And there was a breach at United Airlines that's potentially correlated as well." When pulled together into an analytical database, the information could essentially become a LinkedIn for spies, providing a foreign intelligence organization with a way to find individuals with the right job titles, the right connections, and traits that might make them more susceptible to recruitment or compromise.

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