Shared posts

10 Jun 05:46


10 Jun 05:45


10 Jun 05:41

Chinese military tied to prolific hacking group targeting US aerospace industry

by Dan Goodin

Investigators said they have identified a secretive hacking group that has spent years systematically targeting US partners in the space and satellite industry, most likely on behalf of the Chinese military.

The group typically gains a foothold in sensitive networks by attaching booby-trapped documents to e-mails, according to a 62-page report published Monday by Crowdstrike, a firm that conducts forensic investigations on behalf of customers who have suffered security breaches. When employees click on the documents, the attackers are able to gain control over their PCs. The attackers then use the PCs to take control of servers housing blueprints, customer lists, or other sensitive data. The group, dubbed as Putter Panda, is connected to Unit 61486 of the People Liberation Army's (PLA's) Third General Staff Department, according to the report.

"Putter Panda is a determined adversary group, conducting intelligence-gathering operations targeting the Government, Defense, Research, and Technology sectors in the United States, with specific targeting of the US Defense and European satellite and aerospace industries," Crowdstrike researchers wrote. "The PLA ’s GSD Third Department is generally acknowledged to be China’s premier Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) collection and analysis agency, and the 12th Bureau Unit 61486, headquartered in Shanghai, supports China’s space surveillance network."

Read 2 remaining paragraphs | Comments

10 Jun 05:39

Soccer Beagle is so ready for the World Cup

by Seth Rosenthal

She's got goalie skills and scoring skills. She is the greatest.

10 Jun 05:34

St. John the Apostle being boiled in oil, Nuremberg Chronicle,...

St. John the Apostle being boiled in oil, Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493

10 Jun 03:20

Transgender woman held captive two years, claims she was kept as sex slave

by Staff and Wire Reports


human_traffickingNATCHITOCHES, Louisiana — Authorities say that a transgender woman was held as a slave in rural, northwestern Louisiana for two years in what local authorities describe as the most “severe and disturbing” case of human trafficking ever investigated in the area.
10 Jun 02:33

Newswire: Dave Franco to apparently star in James Franco’s movie about The Room

by Sam Barsanti


Truly one of the great tragedies of modern Hollywood is that there is but one James Franco. Movies would be so much better if it were somehow possible—either with magic or computers—to put James Franco in every role. Thank Ma and Pa Franco, then, for gifting us with a smaller, slightly different-looking version of James: his brother, Dave.

We previously reported that the older Franco had picked up the rights to film an adaptation of The Disaster Artist, Greg Sestero’s book about the making of The Room, with him playing Tommy Wiseau, that movie’s inexplicable star/director/mad man. Now, thanks to 3 News (via /Film), we know that the younger Franco will be starring as Sestero himself. Sestero, of course, played Mark in The Room, a movie that we keep referring to as “the worst ever” even though someone has to have made something worse ...

10 Jun 02:12

Rich Geldreich Leaves Valves; Points To More "End Of OpenGL" Articles


oh no OpenGL :( :(

enjoy proprietary APIs forever, devs. RIP

First of all, Rich Geldreich has left Valve. Geldreich was involved with Valve's OpenGL and Linux efforts and has spoken at Steam Dev Days, GDC, SIGGRAPH, and other conferences along with contributed to some open-source projects...
10 Jun 02:09

See the Mirror's Edge sequel in action

by Earnest Cavalli


Though EA failed to offer a release date, gameplay details, or really any solid information on the in-production, as-yet-unnamed Mirror's Edge sequel, the publisher did send over the above video. Keep in mind though, this is all conceptual footage,...
10 Jun 02:04

The New Fable Features Co-Op and Lets You Play as the Villain

by gguillotte


You're not going it alone in the next release in the Xbox first-party RPG franchise. You'll have friends questing along with you. Unless you're the bad guy, in which case you'll have enemies.
10 Jun 02:02

The Disgusting Jail On 'Orange Is The New Black'

The New York Civil Liberties Union, seizing on the show’s use of the Riverhead facility, launched a campaign called Humanity Is the New Black (or, sorry, #HumanityIstheNewBlack) to protest conditions at Riverhead and at Yaphank, another Suffolk County jail.
10 Jun 01:56

Twitter / MissObdurate: A real sentence I just read ...

by djempirical
10 Jun 00:32

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee

by Christopher Jobson

via Bunker.jordan

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland Infrared: Stark Photographs of Icelandic Landscapes by Andy Lee landscapes infrared Iceland

Iceland, with its extreme landscapes, jagged lava fields and Northern Lights, is arguably one of the most photogenic countries in the world. So it’s no surprise that over half a million tourists flock there every year to shoot the landscape. But UK-based photographer Andy Lee, on his first visit to the country, came back with a series of photos titled “Blue Iceland” that captured the waterfalls, peaks and roads in, literally, a whole new light. Using infrared photography to pick up invisible light rather than visible light, Lee transformed Iceland into a series of stark, moody and somewhat dreamlike silhouettes. At times the austere rock formations and glowing waterfalls almost appear to be painted. You can see much more of Lee’s work over on his portfolio site. In the words of Lee himself, “Infrared and Iceland, a match made in heaven.” (via PetaPixel)

10 Jun 00:30

Brandon Moss hit a grand slam and hole-in-one in one swing

by Seth Rosenthal


I don't know why there's a baseball-sized hole behind the right field wall at Camden Yards, but I do know Brandon Moss nailed it with a grand slam on Sunday. The ball soars over the wall, bounces a few time, then just peaces out:


Please don't fix the hole. Instead, place a set of football uprights in front of it and a basketball hoop above it and petition the MLB to make it a pinball-style HOME RUN MULTIPLIER. I will not accept opposing arguments.

(H/T Cut4)

09 Jun 23:57

About Us - Repair PDX

by gguillotte
They are festive events where you can often get a bite to eat and a drink, while meeting others from our community who are also interested in repair. Experts are on hand to fix items as well as teach participants how to fix their own items.
09 Jun 23:57

Newswire: Ice Cube cast his son as Ice Cube in the NWA biopic

by Sean O'Neal

After a long search for who could believably play a young O’Shea Jackson, a.k.a. Ice Cube, in F. Gary Gray’s upcoming NWA biopic, Straight Outta Compton, Gray and Ice Cube himself have settled on a young O’Shea Jackson—namely, O’Shea Jackson Jr., the rapper’s son. Cube has long been pushing for his son to be the young him, pretty much from the moment he named him “O’Shea Jackson Jr.” But more recently, he told The Guardian in February that he was openly angling for his son to get the part, while still admonishing, “Just wanna make sure that he’s the best man for the job.” And yet, after auditions with multiple actors and unnamed “authentic rappers,” it was determined that Jackson is Ice Cube’s son.

Casting talk now turns to who will play the younger versions of Dr. Dre, Eazy-E ...

09 Jun 23:57

How Robert Heinlein Went from Socialist to Right-Wing Libertarian

by Annalee Newitz

How Robert Heinlein Went from Socialist to Right-Wing Libertarian

The second massive volume in William Patterson's fannish biography of classic science fiction author Robert Heinlein has just come out, and it explores — in part — the writer's strange political transformation. It all started, and ended, with free love.


09 Jun 23:56

Las Vegas Shooting: Killers Leave Swastika, Espoused Militia Views

“I can tell you there’s no doubt that the suspects have some apparent ideology along the lines of militia and white supremacist,” Assistant Sheriff Kevin McMahill said. The couple had swastikas, but those symbols were in keeping with their view that law enforcement was “an oppressor,” he added.
09 Jun 23:56

Official Map: MARC Commuter Rail Map Ugh. A terrible JPG of a...

Official Map: MARC Commuter Rail Map

Ugh. A terrible JPG of a decidedly ugly map. There’s so much to dislike about this: the blocky label type; the tiny, indecipherable symbols used for the Metro and light rail in Baltimore and the insultingly poor renditions of the logos of connecting services (WMATA, Amtrak and VRE); the ridiculously ornate and garishly coloured compass rose; the soft “glow” effect applied to the MARC routes… the list goes on. Not to mention the mistakes, like the incorrect colour for the Brunswick Line on the legend and the missing “railway line” ticks on he Camden line.

Our rating: Slipshod work with an ugly result. One star.

1 Star

Source: Maryland Transit Administration website

09 Jun 23:53

This was the last flight of the first female US Air Force fighter pilot

This was the last flight of the first female US Air Force fighter pilot:
A beautiful, crystal clear photo of an F-15E Strike Eagle piloted by Colonel Jeannie Leavitt—the first US Air Force female combat fighter pilot and the first commander of a combat fighter wing. This was her last refueling and her final flight—on May 29, 2014—after 2,600 hours flying this beautiful jet.
A beautiful, crystal clear photo of an F-15E Strike Eagle piloted by Colonel Jeannie Leavitt—the first US Air Force female combat fighter pilot and the first commander of a combat fighter wing. This was her last refueling and her final flight—on May 29, 2014—after 2,600 hours flying this beautiful jet. Col. Leavitt commands the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, in Goldsboro, North Carolina. According to the USAF, it’s one of the largest fighter wings in the United States Air Force—she’s responsible for 5,700 men and women, $5.1 billion in airplanes and equipment, and a yearly $240 million maintenance budget.

More in link. HT to @brianmbendis for the pointer.

(fixed the link)

09 Jun 23:48

Gawker Vegas Shooters' Facebook Warnings: "I Will Willingly Die For Liberty" | Jalopnik This Man Bui

by Jessica Smith

''Jerad Miller, a self-identified Patriot who liked dozens of militant movements on Facebook and railed against Islam, Obamacare, immigrants, the New World Order, and gun control, appears to have alluded to the attacks in several posts on his Facebook page.

Miller's "likes" included Operation American Spring—the failed attempt last month to flood American streets with anti-government protesters, à la Occupy—as well as the III Percenters, a separatist group that participated in the Cliven Bundy standoff; "I Will Not Vote for Obama"; "I Did Not Vote For Obama"; "Obama Is the Worst President Ever"; Alex Jones; "Support the Second Amendment"; "I Love My Gun Rights"; Conservative America; Conservative Daily; Mr. Conservative; "Don't Tread on Me"; Ron Paul; the NRA; Americans for Prosperity; and FreedomWorks.

Amanda Miller—who identified herself as "Head of Needlework Dept. at Hobby Lobby" and displayed some needlepoint designs on her timeline—likes some of those same causes, as well as others such as "Gun Control Kills" and David Lory Van Der Beek, a local anti-government candidate who was recently endorsed by Bundy's preferred Independent American Party.'
'Jerad, baby, I love you with all my heart and I'll stand behind you no matter what. It's true that its not fair that i can't have a gun because you live with me. I know its not right that my rights get taken away from me because I live in the same home as you but I would love to see them try and enforce that. My love for you is deep and forever and fuck what they have to say cause they have no right to do what they say is not right. I love you and as I said before I stand beside you forever.'
'Alex Jones' Infowars says the Vegas shootings were a false flag. Meanwhile, Wonkette's Rebecca Schoenkopf flags an Infowars post about "Nazi" police officers that was apparently written by Las Vegas shooter Jerad Miller in 2012.'

09 Jun 23:36

KC Green & Anthony Clark To Launch New Webcomic 'Back', All Other Webcomics To Flee In Terror

by Chris Sims


Back by KC Green and Anthony Clark
If you were going to pick two titans of webcomics to team up and create something amazing, you could do a heck of a lot worse than to try pairing Gunshow‘s KC Green with Nedroid‘s Anthony Clark. Scientists have long theorized that if those two ever teamed up, they’d probably end up making something truly incredible.

Well, scientists, theorize no more. Today, Green announced that he and Clark are in fact teaming up to launch a webcomic called Back that begins on June 18, with Green writing, Clark drawing, and character designs by both creators.

As revealed on Tumblr, Back will be “a western fantasy story about the end of the world,” and will update with two new pages every Wednesday.

Clark, of course, is no stranger to collaborations on webcomics as the colorist of The Adventures of Dr. McNinja (and on Shiftylook’s late, lamented Galaga), but to my knowledge, this is the first time he’s taken on art duties of someone else’s comic on a regular basis. That’s a pretty big deal, especially considering the massive fanbase he’s built through Nedroid, the story of a bird named Reginald and a Beartato named Beartato, as well as the art he posts to Twitter and Tumblr, most of which revolves around Cool Dogs.

For his part, Green, whose Gunshow produced the amazing Anime Club storylines that have recently been collected, has also been expanding his portfolio recently as the writer of Boom! Studios’ Regular Show. Seeing him collaborate with Clark on an extended project has made Back easily one of my most anticipated comics of the year — which is no mean feat since I just heard that it existed this morning.

Anthony Clark and KC Green by KC Green

Back debuts with “a bunch of pages” on June 18 at

09 Jun 23:09

Can We Try Again? (Female Power Fantasies)

by Old Geezer


Okay, the "Female Power Fantasies" thread did go wahoonie shaped, but for a long time it was actually pretty interesting.:(

Could we try again, minus the "gender essentialist bullshit about physical strength?"
09 Jun 23:05


by joanna-molloy

09 Jun 23:02

Loyal Service Dog Gets His Own Photo In His Human’s 7th Grade Yearbook

by Lori Dorn

Yearbook Photo

Taxi, a loyal service dog in San Antonio, Texas, took his place in the 7th grade school yearbook right next to Rachel Benke, the young girl with epilepsy who had been in Taxi’s charge for the past four years.

He goes everywhere with the soon-to-be eight-grader, including accepting awards at school, celebrating birthdays, and even on the school track where he one day sprung into action. “Her aide was holding Taxi on the side and he just started pulling away from the aide as hard as he could trying to get to Rachel,” [Theresa] Benke said. She said once they got her inside, Rachel had a grand mal seizure, and Taxi wouldn’t leave the girl’s side. “I don’t know how Taxi new this, but he wouldn’t let anyone near her until the paramedics arrived,”- KHOU 11.

image by Theresa Benke

via KHOU 11, Doggington Post, ABC 15, KRON 4, Huffington Post

09 Jun 23:02

thedirtythirties: Groucho Marx in ‘Duck Soup’, 1933


Groucho Marx in ‘Duck Soup’, 1933

09 Jun 23:01

Time Warner may be looking to buy half of Vice after ditching its old publishing business

by John McDuling
Tap to expand image

Talk about symbolism. On the same day that Time Warner effectively severed its ties with the magazine on which its vast media empire was founded, a credible report states that the media giant is about to invest in Vice Media.

According to Sky News, Time Warner and the Brooklyn-based media brand are in “advanced talks” about an investment that would value the business at more than $2 billion. A subsequent report by Variety said Time Warner could buy “roughly half” the company for $1.1 billion.

Time Warner is the media conglomerate behind HBO, CNN and the Warner Bros. film studios. Vice, which specializes is a stylized version of global gonzo journalism, has been expanding aggressively into news. It has a show on HBO (which might explain the connection to Time Warner), and a news-based YouTube channel with more than 440,000 subscribers. “With the scale that YouTube offers, we’re not going to be the next CNN. We’re going to be 10 times the next CNN,” founder Shane Smith recently said.

Vice began as a magazine based in Montreal in 1994.  At the end of last year, its website was reportedly attracting around 7.5 million unique visitors.  According to this media kit, its digital network, which is used by 500 other publishers, attracts 220 million unique visitors a month. Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox Group purchased a 5% stake in the business last year at a valuation of $1.4 billion.


09 Jun 23:00

PayPal's president is leaving so he can lead Facebook's messaging push

by Chris Welch

Facebook red flag #9,284,337: poaching PayPal executives

Facebook has recruited David Marcus, who until today was PayPal's sitting president, to lead its messaging efforts. The surprising jump comes after several discussions between Marcus and Facebook co-founder / CEO Mark Zuckerberg. "Mark shared a compelling vision about mobile messaging," Marcus revealed on his own Facebook page. He had plenty of kind words to say about PayPal, which he joined after the payments giant scooped up his company Zong. "At first, I didn’t know whether another big company gig was a good thing for me, but Mark’s enthusiasm, and the unparalleled reach and consumer engagement of the Facebook platform ultimately won me over."

Marcus has served as president at PayPal since April 2012; he took over for Scott Thompson, who departed the company for Yahoo but quickly left that job after padding his résumé with false information. Thankfully Marcus hasn't had to deal with that sort of scandal, and he's now leading one of Facebook's most important projects. His extensive background in payment technology is an obvious sign that Zuckerberg is looking to monetize Messenger. Enabling users to exchange cash payments (like Square or PayPal) could be one way to accomplish that, but it's too early to know where Marcus and Zuckerberg plan to take things. For now, it's all about scaling up Facebook's messaging products to reach new audiences. "I’m looking forward to getting my hands dirty again attempting to build something new and meaningful at scale," Marcus said. He's unlikely to get his hands on WhatsApp — at least directly — since the app will remain independent once Facebook successfully closes its pricey acquisition.

09 Jun 22:51

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods

by Johnny Strategy

via Bunker.jordan

meanwhile, in Portland

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

photo courtesy

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

still from the video by Even Quach

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

photos by John Brecher

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

photo by John Brecher

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

photo by John Brecher

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

photo courtesy

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

still from the video by Even Quach

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

still from the video by Even Quach

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

still from the video by Even Quach

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

photo by John Brecher

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

still from the video by Even Quach

A Retired Boeing 727 Converted Into a Home in the Woods home forests airplanes

photo by John Brecher

When most people board a plane they’re usually leaving home. But not if you’re Bruce Campbell, an innovative engineer who rejected the standards of traditional housing and decided to engage his flight of fancy. He purchased a retired Boeing 727, complete with wings and landing gear, for about $220,000 and situated it in a suburban wooded area outside Portland, Oregon. After many years of work the plane is now a makeshift home with electricity, a shower and kitchen. It’s like a young boy’s dream come true!

Want your own airplane home? “You need to acquire two things: An airliner, and suitable land to host it.” Well, it may not be quite that simple but Campbell has a how-to guide on his webpage to shed light on the process. According to the Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association (AFRA) there will be 500 – 600 aircrafts retired annually over the next two decades. That’s 10,000 – 12,000 potentially new aircraft homes coming on the market. Better start making plans now! (via Bored Panda and Huffington Post)

09 Jun 22:39
