Shared posts

27 Jun 04:51


27 Jun 04:50


27 Jun 04:50

me: so do u like dogs

me: so do u like dogs
her: nah they're kinda gross
me: my mama said I gotta come home right now immediately
27 Jun 04:49


27 Jun 04:48

US World Cup game pushes ESPN past Super Bowl streaming record

by Rich McCormick

ESPN's streaming service, WatchESPN, hit a record concurrent viewership of 1.7 million people yesterday during the second half of the USA's World Cup game against Germany. The previous record was set by Super Bowl XLVIII, which hit a peak concurrent viewership of 1.1 million on Fox's streaming service, Fox Sports Go, earlier this year.

The number of people using WatchESPN, either through app or browser, was so great that some users were unable to log on to the service until minutes into the game. In comparison to the Super Bowl numbers, WatchESPN's concurrent viewership suggests a huge upswing in US interest in its men's national soccer team — but there are some caveats.

The previous USA match was one of ESPN's most-watched programs of all time

The 1.7 million figure quoted includes all users of WatchESPN at the time. Viewers could have been watching the Portugal versus Ghana game that was being played at the same time as the USA versus Germany match, or watching another sport entirely through the service. Pete Vlastelica, head of Fox Sports' digital division, also pointed out that the Super Bowl — the first "big" event to be streamed on Fox Sports Go — was not available to watch on mobile devices, cutting down on the number of potential viewers.

The record number shows an increasing American acceptance of both soccer and streaming services, but when it comes to streaming viewers, traditional sports are lagging far behind e-sports. Riot Games' League of Legends LCS finals last year were seen by 32 million people, 8.5 million of whom were watching at the same time. So too does ESPN's streaming total pale in comparison to the number of viewers the channel pulls in through its traditional TV broadcast. The match between Portugal and the USA that aired last Sunday was watched by 18.2 million people, making it the channel's most-watched program ever outside of NFL and college football broadcasts. The TV broadcast of Super Bowl XLVIII was watched by an average of 111.5 million people.

27 Jun 04:36

theonion: Nation Wondering Why Struggling Mental Health System...

27 Jun 02:13

"I love Orange is the New Black, but I just wish they could find a way to get Piper away from all..."

“I love Orange is the New Black, but I just wish they could find a way to get Piper away from all those other characters so we can focus on her for an entire episode.”

- no one ever, except apparently Netflix.
27 Jun 02:10

Prince Edward (1965) - Prince George (2014)

Prince Edward (1965) - Prince George (2014)

27 Jun 01:24


27 Jun 01:24

"I am not your Manic Pixie Bookworm. My pastime is not your sexual preference. If Im sexy when I..."

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

“I am not your Manic Pixie Bookworm. My pastime is not your sexual preference. If I’m sexy when I read, it’s no more sexy than when I eat or breathe or fart or do any of those other things that mark me out as human. Now can we please shut up about how hot it is for a girl to like books, because I’m trying to finish this chapter.”


I Am Not Your Manic Pixie Bookworm

my other favorite bit:

I’m a 31 year old woman with an English Lit degree, of course I read. I don’t need a prize to congratulate me for doing something I learned when I was four.

(via jennirl)
27 Jun 01:13

Let's Get Nuts: A Contemporary Review Of Prince's 'Batman' Soundtrack Album

by Andy Khouri

In the summer of 1989, primed by “Kiss” and “Alphabet St.” and “Sign ‘O’ the Times” to expect brilliance from the first taste of new Prince music, I raced out to buy “Batdance,” the first single to be released from his soundtrack to Tim Burton’s Batman. It seemed like a great idea at the time.

I remember my feeling of dazed disappointment the first time I heard “Batdance” lurch to an end. “Batdance” isn’t even a song, as such, but a cluster of unrelated chunks of underdone rhythm tracks, ineptly pasted together with chopped-up samples of film dialogue, a couple of lines flown in from other songs, Prince singing the hook from Neal Hefti’s ’60s Batman theme, and (in its album mix) a very aggressive guitar solo that has almost nothing to do with what’s going on around it. Prince and Batman together? How could that not be awesome? What just went wrong here?

Batman was the most anticipated movie of 1989, and Prince had spent the decade making a string of albums that were drop-dead classic at best (Purple Rain, Sign ‘O’ The Times) and fascinating overreaches at worst (Lovesexy, Around the World in a Day). He also really wanted to establish himself as a film composer — he’d been working on the Purple Rain sequel Graffiti Bridge for years. So when Burton asked Prince for two songs to go where he’d used “1999″ and “Baby I’m a Star” in the rough cut of Batman, Prince offered to record the entire soundtrack, and whipped up a bunch of material almost entirely by himself in his studio Paisley Park.

Both “Batdance” and the album went straight to the top of the charts — and then vanished from public consciousness once everyone realized what an underfed, heartless, awkward shrug of a record Prince had made. You never hear its singles on the radio any more; they were omitted from Prince’s greatest hits sets because of licensing issues, but weren’t missed. Absent the names of a huge star and a huge movie emblazoned across the front of Batman-the-album, it’s hard to imagine many people having endured it multiple times.

The problem may have been that Prince only really thrives in his own little pocket universe — coming up with musical accompaniment for somebody else’s vision is not his strong point. Burton ended up barely using Prince’s songs in the movie (parts of “Partyman” and “Trust” are audible, and that’s about it), and Batman-the-album is so far removed from the tone of Batman-the-movie that io9′s Charlie Jane Anders came up with a hilarious plot summary of the totally different film that its soundtrack suggests.

Some of the songs that ended up on Batman weren’t written for the movie at all, and the intrusive snippets of film dialogue haphazardly dropped all over the album can’t hide how out-of-place a lot of its material is. “Electric Chair,” “Scandalous” and “Vicki Waiting” all predated Prince’s involvement with the movie; the last of those had been written as “Anna Waiting,” an 18th-birthday present for his girlfriend-of-sorts Anna Fantastic (who was also supposedly the subject of “Lemon Crush”). The album’s only real keeper is “Partyman,” whose bizarre video is worth watching or a sense of Prince’s take on what he apparently thought a Batman movie could be.

Prince Batman Soundtrack Singles

Still, there’s a handful of decent Prince material that was recorded for Batman, or released on its singles. “Dance with the Devil,” a long, unnerving song about the Joker, was cut from the album at the last minute (and has only ever appeared on bootlegs). “200 Balloons,” the source of the fast beat in “Batdance,” surfaced as a B-side; so did the deliciously funny 1986 outtake “Feel U Up” and a terrific, pervy slow jam called “I Love U In Me.”

The most ambitious piece of music that came out of Prince’s involvement with Burton’s movie is “The Scandalous Sex Suite,” the 12-inch version of “Scandalous.” It’s a late-1989 re-recording that runs almost 20 minutes, and begins with an extended, flirtatious conversation between Prince and Kim Basinger, who’d played Vicki Vale in Batman. (The rumor that circulated at the time about the sex noises in the “suite’s” final few minutes was that they involved Prince, Basinger, and a jar of honey that somehow ended up having to be cleaned off the mixing board at Paisley Park.) “The Scandalous Sex Suite” makes no pretense of belonging to Burton’s Batman; it’s Prince being his grand, freaky, sui generis self. That’s the only approach that’s ever worked for him.

Prince portrait Batman soundtrackPrince’s portrait from the ‘Batman’ album
27 Jun 00:49

pleatedjeans: damn Majora’s Witnesses [x]


via Lori


damn Majora’s Witnesses [x]

27 Jun 00:40

wickedclothes: Pizza Friendship Necklace Give your closest...


via Rosalind


Pizza Friendship Necklace

Give your closest friend, or friends, a pizza your heart. Six of these pendants form a full, silver-plated pizza. Hung on a 22” chain. Sold on Etsy.

misskellynee davescheidt alex-v-hernandez

27 Jun 00:32

jtotheizzoe: astrotastic: Jesus Christ you guys. If you wish...



Jesus Christ you guys.

If you wish to make waffles from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

27 Jun 00:32


27 Jun 00:31


27 Jun 00:30

beingfitandmotivated: Perfect timing


Perfect timing

27 Jun 00:29


27 Jun 00:20

I can fly fast than u


via Rosalind

no illegal

26 Jun 23:45

Impa takes center stage in latest Hyrule Warriors gameplay trailer

by Danny Cowan


Princess Zelda's loyal bodyguard Impa enters the fray in Tecmo Koei's latest Japanese-language Hyrule Warriors trailer, showcasing an array of devastating ice-element attacks. Impa seems like an ideal pairing for an agile co-op partner (like...
26 Jun 23:44

decertatio: kammartinez: mercuryjones: If only...


'Is that Naveen Andrews.
In a Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice'




If only heterosexuality could be as pretty in real life as it is in movies.

*slams on the brakes*

Is that Naveen Andrews.

In a Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice.

*dies in delight and squees*




way ahead of you :U

26 Jun 23:33


GifCam has a nice idea where the app works like a camera that stays on top of all windows so you can move it and resize it to record your desired area.

26 Jun 23:22

Supreme Court Strikes Down Law Mandating Buffer Zones Around Abortion Clinics



In a unanimous opinion, the Supreme Court struck down a Massachusetts law Thursday that set a 35-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics, saying it violates the First Amendment. Massachusetts had argued that the buffer zone, which anti-abortion protesters said violated their speech rights, keeps patients and clinic staff safer.
26 Jun 23:18

Andrew Wiggins will wear the most beautiful NBA Draft suit imaginable

by Tom Ziller

Just look at this.

Getting ready for #NBADraft2014 with @22wiggins

— Women's Wear Daily (@womensweardaily) June 26, 2014

I am comfortable that no other prospect will touch Andrew Wiggins' NBA Draft suit. Mother of God Almighty that thing is something.

KEY UPDATE NO. 1: There is a Vine. The shoes!

KEY UPDATE NO. 2: An interview with Wiggins' tailor, via the great Megan Wilson.

26 Jun 23:09

On The Level: Assassin’s Creed IV turns a dull framing device into a deep meta-joke

by Sam Barsanti

just kind of hoping some internal revolt by the writing staff frames Animus as a deeply misogynistic organization, the subject is worthless because dudes don't carry the right assassin genetic information but Abstergo doesn't bring in female subjects because "they're too difficult to read"

Something is amiss in the original Assassin’s Creed trailer from 2006. First revealed at that year’s E3 trade show, the game presents itself as a stealth action title that revolves around stabbing people in the neck with a hidden wrist blade. But that’s not really what’s going on. Throughout the video, the screen occasionally flickers as if it’s suffering from an electronic glitch. This comes off a bizarre design decision that is totally incongruous with the first game’s 1191 setting, but that’s the point. The Assassins Creed games are actually one long con—fictional simulations within actual simulations—so they’re never really about what they appear to be about. The first game doesn’t take place in 1191, that’s just a virtual reality that your character is supposedly experiencing in the present day.

Every subsequent entry in the series has ...

26 Jun 23:07

Control Dwarf Fortress With Isometric Graphics And Mouse

by Graham Smith


By Graham Smith on June 26th, 2014 at 2:00 pm.

Dwarf Fortress is not as hard to play as you think it is, but there’s no denying that its ASCII graphics lack modern clarity. Chances are that if you’ve played the game any time in the last two years, you did so not using a vanilla install, but by partnering the complicated fantasy simulation with third-party tools like DwarfTherapist or Stonesense.

As of earlier this week, Stonesense just became a lot more powerful. It previously let you visualise your world with isometric sprite graphics in a separate piece of software, but now that angled art can be integrated directly in the game itself. Best of all, it can be used not just as a visualiser but as an interface to control part of the game.

This is possible in part thanks to the Dwarf Fortress Starter Pack, the latest in a long history of community-made bundles which packages Dwarf Fortress together with tools that make it more comfortable to play.

As of the latest release earlier this week, a brief .ini hack (explained at the link above) will let you turn on both mouse control and the replacement isometric graphics. Normally Dwarf Fortress needs to be controlled entirely via the keyboard (unless you’re giving Dwarven orders via something like Therapist), and the graphics were nothing but top-down ASCII. Eventually you can get used to both – I no longer see the matrix anymore, all I see is dwarf, sad dwarf, crazy dwarf – but anything that lowers the barrier to entry for newcomers, and makes life more convenient for the experience at the same time, is good news.

The first Dwarf Fortress update in two years is due in the next couple of weeks, so now is the perfect time to refresh your memory of what makes the game so compelling to play, and so worth learning.


« Dini And The Wonderkids: A History Of Football Games |

Bay 12 Games, Dwarf Fortress, Stonsense, Tarn Adams.

26 Jun 23:01

Are Newsletters the New Blogs?

by Paul Constant

GReader's ghost beat

'Rebecca Greenfield, writing for Fast Company, traces the return of the internet newsletter to the death of Google Reader. A representative from [newsletter hosting service] TinyLetter told her that there was an uptick in users just as Google pulled the plug last year. Some of us switched to other RSS readers, nevertheless a number of bloggers saw their community and traffic take a hit, and posted less as a result. (By the way, Aaron Straup Cope has a tool to read TinyLetters with RSS). Sara Watson told me TinyLetter is one of the sponsors for “99% invisible,” a podcast with an audience of a number of bloggers and former bloggers. There’s another reason why people are turning to newsletters to publish content now: it is a not-quite public and not-quite private way to share information.'

Everyone knows that blogs are dead. (Uh, except for this blog, obviously.) And I've been noticing a lot of newsletters popping up lately. I've subscribed to a couple newsletters in the last few months—I enjoy Warren Ellis's newsletter, Orbital Operations, which includes a little bit of self-promotion but also contains a lot of interesting thinking about the writing of comic books. And Lena Dunham on Twitter introduced me to The Skimm, which is a very short daily briefing-style e-mail that covers a handful of major news stories a day, explaining the context and origins of the day's news in easy-to-understand language.

Over at Medium, which is also becoming more and more of a destination for interesting writing lately, Joanne McNeil explains why newsletters have become a thing lately:

Rebecca Greenfield, writing for Fast Company, traces the return of the internet newsletter to the death of Google Reader. A representative from [newsletter hosting service] TinyLetter told her that there was an uptick in users just as Google pulled the plug last year. Some of us switched to other RSS readers, nevertheless a number of bloggers saw their community and traffic take a hit, and posted less as a result. (By the way, Aaron Straup Cope has a tool to read TinyLetters with RSS). Sara Watson told me TinyLetter is one of the sponsors for “99% invisible,” a podcast with an audience of a number of bloggers and former bloggers. There’s another reason why people are turning to newsletters to publish content now: it is a not-quite public and not-quite private way to share information.

McNeil's piece also includes links to a bunch of interesting-sounding newsletters, many of which I've signed up for. Newsletters are something I look forward to, a more intimate way to learn about the news, one perspective at a time. This isn't an either-or proposition—no matter what the headlines say, blogs aren't going to go extinct, because some stories are best suited for a blog format—but I'm glad to see this very different style of writing make a comeback.

[ Subscribe to the comments on this story ]

26 Jun 23:00

People trapped after building collapse near Katy -



New York Daily News

People trapped after building collapse near Katy
People carry a woman to a car after the second story of a garage collapsed in the middle of a party, Thursday, June 26, 2014, in Katy. Some 30 people were injured at the home on Park Mill Drive. Attendants at the party refused comment. Shoes are left at a ...
36 taken to hospitals after Texas floor collapsesTurn to 10
Thirty-six hospitalized after apartment collapse near HoustonLos Angeles Times
Katy-area garage apartment collapses; 36 injuredYour Houston News
all 123 news articles »
26 Jun 22:59

Skill name

by Zadrith

"Getting arrested"

I want to combine the skills "Pick locks" and "Disarm traps" into a single skill. What would be a good name for such a skill?
26 Jun 22:52

I Went On A Date With A Men's Rights Activist, And He Assaulted Me When I Wouldn't Have Sex With Him


tw: everything

I met him while I was at work. He was forward and just charming enough for his approach not to register as negative on my radar.