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05 Aug 15:13


05 Aug 15:11

theartofgooglebooks: Employee captured tearing page. From the...


new favorite tumblr


Employee captured tearing page.

From the front matter of The Apples of New York, v. 1, by Spencer Ambrose Beach, Nathaniel Ogden Booth, and Orrin Morehouse Taylor (1905). Original from the University of Michigan. Digitized March 2, 2010.

05 Aug 15:10

Twitter / Jordasch: This has been today's installment of "The Worst People on Yelp."

by djempirical
05 Aug 15:08

I really hope I don’t do this to you

05 Aug 15:08

The Basement Jaxx video for “Never Say Never” shows...

by caladri


The Basement Jaxx video for “Never Say Never” shows a scientist hacking away on code to build a perfect twerking robotic ass.  He has been told his partner won’t have sex with him until the project is finished.  Naturally, he opens up the code in JaxxTerminal, and it’s a bash example script culled from the bash infopages.

05 Aug 15:08

Warning for DeathbyDoughnut: Warning

by TechnocratJT

lol gamer culture

Post: Creepiness in the hobby
User: DeathbyDoughnut
Infraction: Warning
Points: 0

Administrative Note:

Concern trolling and derail - what about men?

Message to User:

So your declarations of "let's talks about the real issues in society that all sexism is equal" combined with "saying there is an issue with how men treat women in our hobby - that is the real sexism" are double play of concern trolling and derailing here.

You appear to have left the thread so this is just a warning. Go familiarize yourself with the rules on sexism and derailing, and keep to your statement and do not return to this thread.

Original Post:


Originally Posted by mccleverly View Post
Men tend to not be able to see overt sexism because other men don't say that stuff in front of guys.

When I am with my partner at our booth, people are less creepy and weird. When he goes off to do something else and I'm alone, that's when the weirdness starts piling up. That isn't to say that it never happens when he's around, it's just a lot less frequent when he is.


Originally Posted by mccleverly View Post
My feeling, most of the time, is that it's meant to be complimentary. From the ones who talk to me. For full disclosure, I've never experienced sexism at the gaming table - I experience it when I'm working at cons. Being female at a booth tends to give folks the mistaken impression that I'm there for decoration, and the comments I get are along those lines. Sometimes guys are just trying to be friendly, but they use really poor word choices that are laced with objectification. I tend to try to believe the best in people, so I try to look beyond what they say to their intent.

Sometimes though I do just get guys glaring at me from across the expo hall. Like I have done something to personally offend them by having boobs. Those are the guys who scare me.

I am thoroughly offended that the assumption here is that men are the only cause of creepyness, and sexism in our hobby.

Personally I have experienced radical sexism, NPC sexual abuse, and regular misandry insults all stemming from a particular female player who is the wife of a long time friend. While I am definitely not saying that the creepy male stereotype in gaming doesn't exist because those people do exist, I've met them, nor am I saying that women in general are sexist; however I am using my personal experiences in this hobby to say that men are not the only perpetrators of the negative social behaviors that are being discussed in this thread.

I am insulted that the two quotes posts are blatantly sexist themselves. I find it extremely offensive that the above posts are allowed to make broad generalizations about men. Equality and tolerance, to me, says that no one is allowed to make broad generalizations about a group of people based on parameters beyond the person's expressed opinions and actions. If affirmative action deems a particular group as protected, then it should go without saying that it is inappropriate to pigeonhole the group into a specific behavior, and beyond bias should not be present when it comes to negative social behaviors. Wrong is wrong regardless of race, beliefs, religion, sex, gender, sexuality, age, political affiliation, and so on.

I have nothing against any gamer until they express negative social behaviors that I, or others in my group find offensive. I regularly run games for my wife, and our group of friends where the gender ratio is right at 50/50. In my 15+ years gaming experience I've asked two people to leave games:

One game was a D&D 4e game I set up with a couple coworkers of mine. The group needed a healer after everyone had made their characters so I rolled up a female cleric meant to be just a healbot in combat. The group consisted of me (male), a two coworkers (both male), as soon as the game started one of the guys lured my healbot character into a forest and attempted to rape her. I stopped the game before it got that far as soon as he expressed his intentions, and kicked kicked that player right the fuck out of my house, the game ended there as well, but I really didn't care. It was disgusting and violating regardless of our genders.

The other is my friend's wife who often disparages the males in our group, including myself and her husband, who is insulted any time anyone plays a female character who isn't female, but often plays male or transgendered characters herself (she is cis female), and regularly makes snide, sexist remarks towards the men of our group anytime they make a mistake. She is often asked to leave the group, or not show up, by not only myself, but other players due to her abhorrent behavior. A few months will go by, my friend (husband of the banned player) will ask for her to join again. We vote as a group, usually agree, and then the cycle starts all over again. We've gone through this easily a dozen or more times in our gaming career.

I find it ironic that the above post speak of men not being able to "see overt sexism" when I find the posts overtly sexist. Sexism is a two way street, I am not blind to sexism, nor am I, like any other human being, unaffected by sexism just by virtue of being male.
05 Aug 15:06

Music Review: After a four-year absence, Spoon rewards further patience

by Erik Adams

The biggest surprise of They Want My Soul, the first new Spoon record in four years, is how long it takes to get going. Since Girls Can Tell heralded the band’s post-Elektra renaissance with “Everything Hits At Once” in 2001, Spoon has been one of the great track-one, side-one bands of its age. Even Transference, the 2010 LP that suggested the band’s remarkable consistency could one day lapse into complacency, begins with the swaggering one-two punch of “Before Destruction” and “Is Love Forever?” But it isn’t until They Want My Soul’s fourth track, “Do You,” that the record truly starts to kick in. Spoon has always been a group that prizes space; its latest record rewards patience.

They Want My Soul is Spoon psychedelia, a side coaxed out of the typically minimalist act by studio maximalist Dave Fridmann. (Sessions for the record began with recording stalwart ...

05 Aug 15:04

Hyrule Warriors lets you play as Ganondorf, fight with a Chain Chomp

by Michael McWhertor

'Club Nintendo members who register a copy of Hyrule Warriors by Oct. 23 will be able to unlock his Demon King costume set. Other costumes based on Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess will be available for Link and Zelda, but as retailer exclusive pre-order incentives.'


Nintendo and Koei Tecmo's Zelda spin-off action game, Hyrule Warriors, will let Wii U owners play as the bad guys. In a new Nintendo Direct presentation, Nintendo confirmed that Ganondorf will be a playable character, as will Ghirahim from Skyward Sword and Zant from Twilight Princess.

Link will also be able to use one of Mario's longtime enemies, the Chain Chomp, as a weapon. Link previously used a friendly Chain Chomp in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening as an item.

Ganondorf will have multiple costume options in Hyrule Warriors. Club Nintendo members who register a copy of Hyrule Warriors by Oct. 23 will be able to unlock his Demon King costume set. Other costumes based on Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess will be available for Link and Zelda, but as retailer exclusive pre-order incentives.

Zant, Ghirahim and Ganondorf join Link, Zelda, Darunia, Impa, Fi, Lana, Midna, Shiek, Agitha and Princess Ruto as the confirmed playable characters in Hyrule Warriors.

Hyrule Warriors - Adventure Mode

Hyrule Warriors - Adventure Mode

Nintendo also detailed Hyrule Warriors' adventure mode, which uses the 8-bit visuals of the original The Legend of Zelda for its map. In adventure mode, players will be able to explore the map of Hyrule — using the items from the first Zelda game, like a candle and power bracelet — and complete challenges with unique victory conditions. As players explore the Hyrule map block by block, they'll be able to unlock new playable characters and weapons available only in adventure mode.

Borrowing from another Zelda game, players will also be able to hunt down hidden Skulltulas — the spider-like enemies that were hidden throughout Ocarina of Time — to keep things interesting.

For more, watch the replay of the Hyrule Warriors Nintendo Direct below. The game comes to Wii U on Sept. 19 in Europe and Sept. 26 in North America.

05 Aug 15:01

Why Coke’s experiment with vitaminwater turned sour

by Svati Kirsten Narula

Coke never learns from New Coke

Vitaminwater on shelves

“Okay! You win!” That’s Coca-Cola’s message this week to drinkers of its vitaminwater, some of whom have refused to buy the pseudo-healthy, slightly-sweetened drink since its recipe was altered in May. Full-calorie vitaminwater had until then been sweetened with a blend of cane sugar and crystalline fructose; the new formula combined cane sugar with stevia, a plant extract that’s sweeter than regular sugar but free of calories and carbohydrates. The stevia version of vitaminwater was so unpopular that the company is now taking it back: “The fans have spoken. We’re changing back to the taste you know and love,” says a corporate announcement. The fructose version should return to some shelves this fall and will be available across the US by winter, according to the announcement.

Reactions posted on the brand’s Facebook page show that consumers are happy. “Thank you for realizing your mistake,” Facebook user Adrienne Klabnik Adams wrote. “Did you honestly taste the stevia laced product before selling it? It is yucky.”

Curiously, the stevia-sweetened vitaminwater flavors still had 120 calories, just like the original formula, and between 29 and 31 grams of sugar per bottle. The possibility that those sugars might have been healthier, somehow, than the fructose-based ones was not good enough for consumers—in the end, taste was key.

The return to crystalline fructose in vitaminwater bucks a trend in the beverage industry, where producers are responding to consumer resistance to both old-style sugar and artificial ingredients. Hence the search for an all-natural sugar substitute, and the high hopes pinned on stevia. Ironically, many vitaminwater drinkers took the change in the taste to mean stevia was artificial.

(Vitaminwater Zero, the diet version of regular vitaminwater, has always been and will still be sweetened with stevia: consumers apparently expect diet drinks to taste different.)

But the vitaminwater experience could bode ill for the eventual US debut of stevia-sweetened Coke Life, which is already on sale in Argentina and Chile and hits shelves in Great Britain this fall. It’s something between regular cola and a diet cola, but instead of offering the best of both products, it may offer the worst: enough sugar to hit waistlines, too little to satisfy taste buds.

05 Aug 15:01


05 Aug 14:59

Life In Russia's Hot New Startup Scene

The town of Akademgorodok, nestled among birch and conifers 3,400 kilometers east of Moscow, is becoming a hub for 21st century Russian innovation and entrepreneurship.
05 Aug 14:59

A Child Screams For Ice Cream

From the delight of a fresh scoop to the horror of the last lick, an autistic two-year-old’s first taste of gelato opens a window into his mysterious mind.
05 Aug 14:58

3-year-old Colorado girl shot by 5-year-old boy - Fox News


the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun

Financial Express

3-year-old Colorado girl shot by 5-year-old boy
Fox News
PUEBLO, Colo. – Police say that a 5-year-old playing with a gun shot and injured a 3-year-old girl in Colorado. The girl was in critical condition but stable condition Monday after the shooting. The Pueblo Chieftain reports that Pueblo police believe two other ...
man arrested after 5-year-old shoots 3-year-oldOrlando Sentinel
Gun Violence: 3-Year-Old Girl Shot by 5-Year-Old in ColoradoHeadlines & Global News
Little girl remains in critical condition after being shotkvor

all 83 news articles »
05 Aug 14:56

Walter White and Hank Schrader’s Intense Garage Scene From ‘Breaking Bad’ Now With More Garage Door Action

by Justin Page

Montclair, New Jersey editor Frank Fenimore used his skills to add a lot more garage door action to the intense garage scene from Breaking Bad between Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Hank Schrader (Dean Norris).

via reddit

05 Aug 14:50

Farmer Attracts A Herd of Cattle By Playing a Trombone Cover of ‘Royals’ by Lorde

by Brian Heater

In this video, Kansas farmer Derek Klingenberg sets up a folding chair and begins playing a solo trombone cover of the song “Royals” by Lorde, until a herd of cattle appears over the horizon and inches in closer to see what at the commotion is about.

via MetaFilter

05 Aug 14:47

Even More TV Sitcoms Stripped of All Their Jokes and Left With Only the Plot

by Justin Page

The Office – Frame Toby [5x09]

YouTube user Tunglebrek has created a new collection of videos that take episodes from famous television sitcoms (The Office, Community, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Curb Your Enthusiasm) , strip them of all their jokes, and leave only the plot. After removing the jokes, the length of each episode is drastically reduced to only a few minutes. We previously wrote about Tunglebrek’s ongoing series joke deprived TV sitcoms.

Community – Communication Studies [1x16]

Everybody Loves Raymond – The Will [4x05]

Curb Your Enthusiasm – Trick or Treat [2x03]

05 Aug 14:46

Legendary Entertainment Acquires Felicia Day’s Geek & Sundry Video Network

by Rollin Bishop

Legendary Entertainment has acquired Felicia Day‘s Geek & Sundry (see previous post) video network. Geek & Sundry joins Nerdist (see previous post) as part of the new Legendary Digital Network. Geek & Sundry launched in 2012 as a geek culture video channel on YouTube. Day shared the news as part of a video celebrating Geek & Sundry reaching 1 million subscribers. Nerdist has more on the acquisition.

In addition to all of this good news, Felicia Day will be developing new projects with Legendary Television for both TV and digital platforms outside of her role as Head Sundrist. Day will work on those projects as creator and star, which hopefully means we’ll finally get that The Guild/Warcraft crossover we’ve been waiting for all these years.

05 Aug 14:45

russellwalksart: Here are some of the images I created for...

Not as messy as waterboarding, but just as effective (or ineffective, depending on who you're talking to) I imagine.

I had a nightmare after I submitted this that I spelled "too" wrong.

I wish I would've made Darth's red lenses visible in the cockpit.

There was a little celebration in the studio after I worked out the designs for this one and its Imperial counterpart. Kudos to my pal Joe Booth for coming up with the "Us/Him" dichotomy.

This one and its counterpart are among my favorites.

I wasn't sure LFL would approve this. I'm happy that they did.

Makes me feel secure.

The first one I did. Lemme tell ya - There's not a lotta Bespin reference out there.

This one makes me laugh. I can see Uncle Owen looking at it and grimly nodding his head.

I liked spelling 'Armoured" with a "U". It was also fun to put them in the desert as opposed to on Hoth - I was thinking of Rommel and his tanks in North Africa.


Here are some of the images I created for Topp’s new series of trading cards, Star Wars: Chrome Perspectives.
It was a blast to make them, and I’m gratified that the folks who’ve seen them seem to dig them.

05 Aug 14:44



via Toaster Strudel

05 Aug 14:44

Noted: New Logo for Eurovision Song Contest by Storytegic

by Armin

'I had no idea this, Eurovision Song Contest, was a thing. I got over 12 tips about it, which is more than usual for any given redesign.'

looks Disney as fuck

Tune Fine-tuning

New Logo for Eurovision Song Contest by Storytegic

"The Eurovision Song Contest […] is an annual song competition held among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956. Each member country submits a song to be performed on live television and radio and then casts votes for the other countries' songs to determine the most popular song in the competition. The contest has been broadcast every year since its inauguration in 1956 and is one of the longest-running television programmes in the world. It is also one of the most watched non-sporting events in the world, with audience figures having been quoted in recent years as anything between 100 million and 600 million internationally." (Wikipedia)

Design by: Storytegic (Amsterdam)

Opinion/Notes: I had no idea this, Eurovision Song Contest, was a thing. I got over 12 tips about it, which is more than usual for any given redesign. With the basis being that the logo had to remain true to its original look and feel, the redesign is undeniably successful. It's a cleaner, smoother logo with a much better smaller reproduction. It's still not something to sing your heart out about but props for better execution.

Related Links: Eurovision press release
Eurovision blog post

Select Quote: When we started this process, we conducted extensive research into the current logo, to highlight its strengths and weaknesses. It was clear to us at a very early stage that this was going to be an evolution, not a revolution, representing the evolution the contest has seen over the past decade. The heart, the combination between the friendly handwritten 'Eurovision' word mark and a more contemporary sub-title — they had to stay. They reflect the 'modern classic' the Eurovision Song Contest essentially is. Also, the logo had some challenges; it's grungy edges, odd details and loss of detail when shown in small dimensions, particularly the city and year designation.

Every character of the handwritten word mark was carefully crafted from scratch. The more smooth lines make this logo much more pleasant to look at on HD television, but also in print. For the underscores we chose the Gotham font, which has a strong, timeless look and provides a subtle reference to the EBU's corporate identity. The heart, as symbol of bringing people together, was given particular attention. By popping out the right side of the heart, it leaves a stronger impression, also as iconic stand-alone element.

New Logo for Eurovision Song Contest by Storytegic
Comparison of old and new logos. Animated.
New Logo for Eurovision Song Contest by Storytegic
Logo detail.
New Logo for Eurovision Song Contest by Storytegic
Understanding Eurovision. (Image source: Design Tagebuch).
New Logo for Eurovision Song Contest by Storytegic
Some color options.
New Logo for Eurovision Song Contest by Storytegic
Different flags in the heart. (Image source: Design Tagebuch).
Many thanks to our ADVx3 Partners
05 Aug 14:40

durbikins: Never forget that Ami tricked her classmate who...


You'll never know what you can do / Until you get it up as high as you can go


Never forget that Ami tricked her classmate who couldn’t read English into thinking the lyrics to “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins were important space engineering documents.

05 Aug 14:39

Great Job, Internet!: Apple’s 1986 clothing line was a glorious trainwreck

by William Hughes

Apple has always been a company that understands the need to be cool. And because nothing said “cool” in 1986 like windsurfing, oversized sweatshirts, and big, goofy fonts, the computer manufacturer released a clothing catalog that year, offering just such flourishes of sartorial genius to their affluent customers.

Dug up by The Trad, The Apple Collection is an amazing look at what Apple—a company often hailed for its tasteful, minimalist design—thought was awesome back in the ’80s. Namely, gaudy belts, logo-covered baseball caps, and the word “Apple” written in as many different variants of ugly lettering as the company could find. Sadly, no black turtlenecks or jeans are on display; Steve Jobs had been ousted from the company the year previous by former PepsiCo CEO John Sculley, and wouldn’t return for another 11 years.

[via Dangerous Minds]

05 Aug 14:39

New study finds that potato chip bags are listening to your every word - The Week

by hodad

Researchers at MIT, Adobe, and Microsoft joined forces to develop an algorithm that is able to recreate an audio signal by studying the tiny vibrations of objects.

The team recorded videos of aluminum foil, the surface of a glass of water, the leaves of a plant, and a potato chip bag, and then extracted audio signals. In the case of the potato chip bag, researchers filmed people talking 15 feet away behind soundproof glass, yet were still able to recover "intelligible speech from the vibrations of the bag," MIT reports.

One of the study's authors, graduate student Abe Davis, says that when sound hits objects it makes them vibrate, but those vibrations are so tiny that the naked eye can rarely see them. "People didn't realize that this information was there," he said.

Watch the video below to gain further insight into these "visual microphones" and to see and hear the actual experiments. --Catherine Garcia

Original Source

05 Aug 14:38

List of stories set in a future now past - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by djempirical

Escape from L.A. (2013)
The Postman (2012)
Mega Man 2 (200X)
Freejack (2009)*
The Transformers: The (Animated) Movie (2005)
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross/Robotech: The Macross Saga, Macross: Do You Remember Love?, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Flash Back 2012 (2013)

* starring Emilio Estevez, Mick Jagger, Rene Russo, Anthony Hopkins, and Jonathan Banks

This is an incomplete list of stories set in the future now considered the past.

Original Source

05 Aug 14:30

ScratchJr: Coding for Kindergarten #makereducation

by Kelly

larb 3 cide

Scratchjr screenshot

ScratchJR – a new coding app for kids, is now available for the iPad!

Coding is the new literacy! With ScratchJr, young children (ages 5-7) can program their own interactive stories and games. In the process, they learn to solve problems, design projects, and express themselves creatively on the computer.

MIT News Office writes:

Can children learn to code at the same age they’re learning to tie their shoes?

That’s the idea behind ScratchJr, a free iPad app released this week by researchers at the MIT Media Lab, Tufts University, and Playful Invention Company (PICO).

With ScratchJr (, children ages five to seven can program their own interactive stories and games. In the process, they learn how to create and express themselves with the computer, not just interact with it.

“As young children code with ScratchJr, they develop design and problem-solving skills that are foundational for later academic success,” said Marina Umaschi Bers, professor in the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development at Tufts, and director of the Tufts’ Development Technologies research group, which co-developed ScratchJr. “And by using math and language in a meaningful context, they develop early-childhood numeracy and literacy.”

Read more.

Featured Adafruit Products!


Scratch – Skill badge, iron-on patch: You are learning Scratch! Adafruit offers a fun and exciting “badges” of achievement for electronics, science and engineering. We believe everyone should be able to be rewarded for learning a useful skill, a badge is just one of the many ways to show and share.

This is the “I made something using Scratch!” badge for use with educators, classrooms, workshops, Maker Faires, TechShops, Hackerspaces, Makerspaces and around the world to reward beginners on their skill building journey! Read more!

Adafruit_Learning_SystemEach Tuesday is EducationTuesday here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts about educators and all things STEM. Adafruit supports our educators and loves to spread the good word about educational STEM innovations!

05 Aug 14:29

hegemonicon, n.


'A ruling or governing power; spec. human reason. Also: the supreme power in the universe.'

05 Aug 14:26


05 Aug 14:16



it's really effective! it even hides the Commented view in the sidebar

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05 Aug 12:20

Janet Van Dyne MCU Costume Reveal


photo is of a refrigerator and you still got to call the sick burn ward

05 Aug 06:20

Newswire: Max Landis is turning Douglas Adams’ Dirk Gently books into a TV series

by William Hughes


Chronicle scribe Max Landis is teaming up with IDW Publishing to create a TV series based on Douglas Adams’ Dirk Gently series of humorous sci-fi novels—all as part of comics publisher IDW’s plans, announced last year to follow Marvel’s lead into TV production. As revealed by The Hollywood Reporter, Landis is attached to the project as an executive producer and is also set to write the pilot. He expressed enthusiasm for the character, originated by Adams in 1987’s Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, saying, “This is a dream project of mine.”

Gently (real name Svlad Cjelli, aka Dirk Cjelli) is a sort of affable con man who styles himself as a holistic detectivei.e., one who solves cases not by investigating a mystery, but the society that surrounds the mystery. He usually accomplishes this by frittering the day away doing nothing much at all ...