Shared posts

10 Nov 22:15

Miguel Marquez

10 Nov 22:15


10 Nov 22:15

Linked: Assange, the Brand

by Armin

Assange, the Brand
WikiLeaks has set up Wiki License, the official license holder of the WikiLeaks logo and the Julian Assange name and likeness. Tees, USB sticks, and more! Many thanks to our ADVx3 Partners
10 Nov 22:15

Supreme Court Won't Hear #FreeSherlock Case

Supreme Court Won't Hear #FreeSherlock Case:


"the final discussion of those questions which lie between us" [FINA]


Put a fork in it; it’s done.

The U.S. Supreme Court today has ended the longstanding copyright dispute between Leslie S. Klinger and the Conan Doyle Estate, Ltd. by refusing to hear arguments, according to Reuters.

You’ll recall that the CDE wanted to extract a licensing fee of $5,000 from Mr. Klinger for use of the characters in the upcoming book In the Company of Sherlock Holmes. Klinger objected, arguing that he was not using any copyrighted material and that the characters themselves could not be copyrighted. The business entity that is the CDE argued that the characters were not complete until Conan Doyle completed the Canon (which would have made things like the 1916 William Gillette film a bit difficult to make).

The argument was heard by the U.S. District Court and the decision was reached for the plaintiff; the Conan Doyle Estate appealed and the case went to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, which also agreed with the plantiff.

Well, that wasn’t going to stand with the business entity that is the spawn of Sir Arthur’s two greedy son’s Denis and Adrenaline Adrian; the CDE immediately filed an emergency petition with the U.S. Supreme Court on July 11 following that ruling. The petition was denied on July 18.

And then, to show how vehemently they did agree with the plaintiff, the 7th Circuit Ordered the Conan Doyle Estate To Pay Legal Fees, Give Up “Extortion”.

Not knowing when they’ve been defeated (lawyers are trained to argue and more importantly, are trained to win), the legal team gave what we could only determine was extremely poor advice by taking their now 0-3 record to the Supreme Court (SCOTUS). Time and again, the CDE was shown the folly of its arguments, and like a willfully blind toddler caught up in a tantrum, it chose to push ahead and waste the resources of all parties involved.

And now, we can rest easy as the SCOTUS decision clearly puts the first 50 stories in the public domain.

We’ve covered the #FreeSherlock movement extensively here (click the link for all articles). From our interview with Les Klinger, BSI (“The Abbey Grange”) to the most scathing and delicious court order to pay up, we’ve been interested bystanders and reporters.

We’re proud of our fellow Irregular Les Klinger and extremely grateful for all that he has done for the Sherlockian community. For Sherlock Holmes belongs to us all.
This was originally posted on I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere.


10 Nov 22:15

Proposed arboretum interchange on R.H. Thomson Freeway, 1960 by...

10 Nov 22:15

Proposed underwater tube crossing of Union Bay, 1960s by Seattle...

10 Nov 22:15

ultratangerine: Women Warriors series by maxre A women only...

by joanna-molloy


Women Warriors series by maxre

A women only archery competition in North Japan.

10 Nov 22:15

Arterial thoroughfare plan, 1957 by Seattle Municipal Archives...

10 Nov 22:15

Proposed Pike Place Market redevelopment, 1968 by Seattle...

10 Nov 22:15

Proposed thoroughfare plan for central business district, 1959...

10 Nov 22:15

Lake Union Waterfront District, 1911 by Seattle Municipal...

10 Nov 22:15

Seattle subway map, 1928 by afiler on Flickr.

10 Nov 22:15

1957 proposal for Seattle downtown subway by afiler on Flickr.

10 Nov 22:15

1957 map of 1926 Seattle transit proposal by afiler on Flickr.

09 Nov 05:15

VeS72zS.gif (GIF Image, 400 × 225 pixels)

by djempirical
09 Nov 05:11

Harvard Food Better

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

Harvard has declared that food is a verb.

Welcome to the hub of the Harvard i-Lab Deans' Food System Challenge and the Food Better Campaign.

Original Source

04 Nov 08:24

Russia dismantles Steve Jobs memorial as 'gay propaganda' after Apple's Tim Cook comes out

by gguillotte
"After Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly called for sodomy, the monument was taken down to abide to the Russian federal law protecting children from information promoting denial of traditional family values." Promoting "traditional values", President Vladimir Putin last year signed a law prohibiting the spread of "gay propaganda" among minors.
04 Nov 03:06

darkstormytrite: hayleytonks: solthree: positive lady...




positive lady characters meme | Martha Jones + powerful/feminist moment

I was 900% prepared for her to flip the bird for science in this scene like oh here’s the bones of the finger that I use to say ‘fuck you’

hey remember when we used to have companions who were actualized individuals and not just puzzles to be solved

bolding mine

03 Nov 18:09

Corsets Are Making a Comeback: What You Need to Know

by gguillotte

what in the fuck

Self-described “corset fetishist” Kelly Lee Dekay, 27, has been doing corset training for seven years, and claims she has a 16-inch waist because of it. “I loved how Batman’s outfit let him channel a different side of himself,” she told the Sun. “That’s what the corset does.” 
03 Nov 02:15

2 adult human skulls found in trash in Connecticut - Houston Chronicle

by gguillotte

wasn't me

A Connecticut man says two human skulls found at a garbage processing center had been purchased "as a joke" by his now-deceased son. Eighty-nine-year-old Fairfield resident Robert DeVitto told The Associated Press on Friday that he wasn't aware the skulls were real. It wasn't clear if his son knew they were real. The skulls were found at a Stamford waste transfer station near some books and videos on witchcraft and Satan. The state medical examiner determined they were from an older man and woman.
03 Nov 02:13

'Age of Ultron' Mystery Woman: ID'ing the Avengers New Lady Friend

by gguillotte

please be Kate please be Kate please be Kate please be Kate

Buzzfeed, which first tracked down Kim’s ID, floated the theory that she could be playing Suzi Endo, a Stark Industries scientist specializing in cybernetics.
02 Nov 20:39

ghostofscrooge: file under: white feminism proves useless...


via Toaster Strudel


file under: white feminism proves useless again (x)

02 Nov 20:06

Gabriel from the movie “Constantine”

by octobass

via Toaster Strudel
Swintonian beat

Gabriel from the movie “Constantine”

02 Nov 20:05

rmsk8r05: Since I can’t log into Tumblr at work, I just use my...


via ThePrettiestOne


Since I can’t log into Tumblr at work, I just use my phone to share this comment at Kotaku regarding Anita Sarkeesian’s appearance on the Colbert Report.

02 Nov 20:03

Man who vanished from Denver NFL game said he 'had his fill of football' - Yahoo News

by gguillotte

I feel this

Kitterman was fatigued but coherent when evaluated by paramedics, police said, adding that he told officers he had had "his fill of football ... and wanted to walk somewhere warmer." Kitterman had mentioned sleeping in areas with trees and bushes during his journey to Pueblo and even mentioned disposing of his Broncos hat as he did not want to be recognized, the statement said.
02 Nov 20:02

Femme Doms of Videogames: Bayonetta Doesn’t Care If She’s Not Your Kink :: Games :: Features :: Paste

by gguillotte

nice piece, but I'm still not convinced enough to spend money and play it

If I wanted to argue that Bayonetta was made to be a sex object for a man, I’d point to Kamiya’s quotes. If I wanted to argue Bayonetta is a power fantasy for a woman, I’d point to Shimazaki’s writing. But, of course, Bayonetta is both—and then some. ---- If I find something to love about a game, some aspect that makes me feel empowered, it’s nearly always due to my own personal interpretation or re-reading, not due to an intended message on the part of the creators—which is a big part of why I just can’t be bothered about “authorial intent,” most of the time. More often than not, a power fantasy featuring a female character is played up as comedic, rather than something that someone might actually find sexy. It’s a difficult line to walk, especially given that it isn’t a fetish that’s considered normal—at least, not when the dominator is feminine and the submissive is masculine. We have normalized the reverse, of course, but it’s surprisingly hard to find examples of femme doms in games that aren’t laughed at or leered at by the camera, or taken down a notch in some way by the narrative or their own creators. Bayonetta isn’t exactly an exception to this problem. Bayonetta 2 is a comedy game; the camera loves Bayonetta’s butt; Bayonetta herself often appears to be “performing” for someone, by posing in a sexual sense, but it’s never entirely clear towards whom: the player, advancing enemies, or herself? The reason this distinction doesn’t matter to me, though, is because the story doesn’t attempt to humiliate Bayonetta. She never gets tied up or restrained; she never gets “put in her place”; she never gets smacked around by a Big Bad Man in an inexplicable cut-scene. Her dominance goes unquestioned throughout the game, which in and of itself is so unexpected and refreshing that I can forgive the fact that the camera assumes I’m very interested in her butt crack. Even the fact that the camera is trying to sexualize Bayonetta feels like a subversion of sorts, given that she as a character is one who refuses to be owned or manipulated; she is the essence of unavailable. You can look, but you can’t touch—not without your mistress’s permission! Ultimately, I just don’t care what straight men think of Bayonetta. If she’s not your kink, that’s fine. Not everybody likes to be stepped on. But to dismiss her entire game as a product of “male gaze” seems like an unkind oversimplification as to who might be doing the “gazing”—let alone the identifying—and perhaps evidence that gaming desperately needs a new phrase to describe the complex interlocking of factors that occur when players identify with a character. We don’t just get invited to watch Bayonetta, we also inhabit her. When I play, Bayonetta is me, and the camera’s glances are just the “sub gaze”—the male submissive’s gaze. Bayonetta holds all the cards.
02 Nov 20:01

BBC News - Government to 'retire' some of its WW1 debt

by gguillotte

must be nice

The UK Government has said that it will 'retire' £218m of the UK's £2bn First World War debt by refinancing bonds originally issued by Winston Churchill.
02 Nov 20:00

Painted faces at parks need painstaking removal -

by gguillotte

fuck this dude

This undated file photo taken from an Instagram posting shows an overlook of Crater Lake in Oregon with a rock painting. As investigators find more of the eerie faces scrawled on rocks in some of the West’s most picturesque landscapes, park managers are trying to figure out how they’ll get rid of the graffiti-like paintings. Casey Nocket, the 21-year-old suspect identified by the park service this week, allegedly used acrylic paint and markers to leave eerie faces in at least eight parks across California, Colorado, Utah and Oregon, including the one in this photo.
02 Nov 20:00

Ghost town goes for almost $2 million | Spaces - Yahoo Homes

by gguillotte


On Thursday, an unnamed buyer placed a high bid of $1.9 million on for Johnsonville. It's believed to exceed the undisclosed reserve price, but of course the sale could still fall through. It's too early to know what the buyer's plans for Johnsonville are.
02 Nov 20:00

This Meteorologist Took His Halloween Costume To The Next Level With Green Screen Trickery

by gguillotte

role model

Redfield had the brilliant idea of using the station's green screen to his benefit, wearing a green outfit with a plastic skeleton affixed to it. The effect made Redfield's body all but disappear, making it look as though he were a skeleton, complete with his own disembodied head floating around above it.