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11 Dec 20:10

Can Silicon Valley Disrupt Journalism If Journalists Hate Being Disrupted?

Facebook’s Chris Hughes says he doesn’t want to "listicalize" the New Republic. Then why is Buzzfeed still winning the internet?
11 Dec 20:09

Here, let me show you some Cobol

by sharhalakis

by uaiHebert

11 Dec 20:09

My previous post got me asking - who was Louis Shotridge, the...

My previous post got me asking - who was Louis Shotridge, the Tlingit ethnographer who sat for and signed the photograph?

Well here is his wikipedia.  He was an anthropologist, art collector, photographer, and I think a few other things.  His collecting was not without controversy, like many early anthropologists.  His Tlingit name was Stoowukáa.  His wife Florence (Kaatkwaaxsnéi) was his travel companion and an accomplished artisan.

The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology host an online archive of his work!  And there is much to go through.  That’s tumblr rabbit-holing for you.

Click above or here for the digital archive. 

11 Dec 20:09

historicaltimes: Situwuka and Katkwachsnea, a Native American...


Situwuka and Katkwachsnea, a Native American couple of the Tlingit People 1912. Photo by the Shortridges

via reddit

This photo came up on my feed and it’s a beautiful couple, but obviously not Tlingit clothing!  The reddit link shows that the original poster noted this and dug deeper - 

I found the photo at the Library of Congress. The catalog there doesn’t say anything about the couple being Tlingit, just says “Native man, seated, and woman, standing, facing front”, so I did some more research. Louis Shottridge and his wife apparently took a trip to Philadelphia in 1912 to meet another noted anthropologist and at first I thought that perhaps the photo was of a couple they met along the way, or perhaps someone that they met while in Philadelphia, but that was inconclusive.

So then I figured that I ought to search on the names. If I could figure out which group the names were from, then I could figure out what was up with the apparent discrepancy in the dress and the tribe. I did a search for Situwuka and found this information from the University of Pennsylvania Museum.

There I learned that Louis’ Tlingit name was Situwuka. The woman is his wife Florence. Knowing what Louis’ Tlingit name was helped me narrow my search terms down to this site which has another photo of them in this outfit. Apparently the couple were part of a touring group with some sort of Indian opera company where Louis sang tenor. The stereotypical look of the Indian is the Plains Indian look, which is of course what they have.

Thus the mystery of the Tlingit couple with the Plains Indian outfits is solved.

11 Dec 20:06

U.S. Navy’s First Laser Weapon Cleared For Combat, Blows Up A Boat, A Small Plane

Earlier in the year, the U.S. Navy deployed its first combat-ready laser weapon system in the Persian Gulf — and now, after some field testing, we have a glorious video of the laser being used to blow up (unmanned) boats and drones. I’m happy to report that laser weapons are as awesome as you may have hoped.
11 Dec 20:04

'Serial' Fans Have Turned A Best Buy Into A Tourist Destination

A Maryland Best Buy has become a destination for people seeking a fairly obsolete piece of technology: a pay phone.
11 Dec 19:31

Hacking a Keurig to use cheap coffee pods only requires scissors and tape

by James Vincent

Keurig’s copyrighted coffee has been hacked again – this time with just a pair of scissors and a bit of tape. The coffee machine maker (purchased by Green Mountain in 2006) attracted the ire of both consumers and rivals earlier this year after it unveiled a coffee pod machine with digital rights management (DRM) that blocks cheaper, third-party pods.

Keurig sells its machines at cost to make money on the refills

This approach makes a certain amount of sense from a corporate perspective but is aggravating for consumers. Like the printer manufacturers that sell their machines at near cost in order to make a killing off the refills, Keurig is relying on customers not having the time or know-how to circumvent their system. Unfortunately for them, coffee-drinkers are nothing if not determined.

The first chink in the DRM armor was revealed back in August when a rival company introduced Keurig-compatible coffee pods, but this latest hack is far simpler and much more comprehensive. The video above demonstrates the method to the tune of Darth Vader’s theme from Star Wars, with our anonymous rebel simply cutting out the identifying tag from an official pod and taping it up inside the machine to fool the scanners. "It’s an older coffee pod," thinks the machine, "but it checks out."

11 Dec 19:30

Google+ introduces 'infinite' gender options

by James Vincent

Google+ is introducing "infinite" ways to define gender, letting users describe themselves using whichever terms they feel comfortable with rather than relying on the ternary ‘Male’, ‘Female’, or ‘Other’ system.

"Now the gender field on your profile will contain four entries, ‘Male,’ ‘Female,’ ‘Decline to state,’ and ‘Custom.’" writes Google software engineer Rachel Bennett. "When "Custom" is selected, a freeform text field and a pronoun field will appear. You can still limit who can see your gender, just like you can now."

The new gender options follow Facebook's lead earlier this year

The move follows Facebook’s launch of custom gender options earlier this year, with the rival social network introducing more than 70 different gender definitions (including less well-known terms such as ‘Gender Fluid’ and ‘Non-binary’) to better embrace its varied userbase.

A screenshot of the new gender options on Google+

A screenshot of the new gender options on Google+

A screenshot of the new gender options on Google+

To many users these sorts of changes will go completely unnoticed, but to those individuals that don't conform to the expected definitions, a slight tweak to a drop-down menu can make the difference between feeling rejected and welcomed. More than ever now, social networks play a powerful role in defining society's norms: giving people the option to define their gender for themselves is the least we can do.

11 Dec 19:29

Army Building an Airport Just For Drones

by timothy
schwit1 writes The Army's ever-growing use of unmanned aerial systems has gotten to the point where two of the most commonly used UAS are getting their own airport. The service's Corps of Engineers at Fort Worth, Texas, has awarded a $33 million contract to SGS to build a 150-acre unmanned aircraft launch and recovery complex at Fort Bliss for Grey Eagle and Shadow UAS. In related news, the FAA has just cleared 4 companies (Trimble Navigation Limited, VDOS Global, Clayco Inc. and Woolpert Inc.) to use drones commercially, for purposes such as site inspection and aerial surveys. (A lot of drones are already in use, of course, but the FAA doesn't like it.)

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

11 Dec 19:11

Editor’s Note - Massachusetts news -

by OnlyMrGodKnowsWhy

Earlier tonight, published a piece suggesting Harvard Business School Professor Ben Edelman sent an email with racist overtones to Sichuan Garden. We cannot verify that Edelman, in fact, sent the email. We have taken the story down.

Original Source

11 Dec 19:07

First Black Woman Nominated for Best Director Golden Globe: Ava DuVernay

by Jamilah King
First Black Woman Nominated for Best Director Golden Globe: Ava DuVernay

The accolades just keep coming in for Ava DuVernay and the cast of "Selma." The director was just nominated for a best director Golden Globe. "We're very, very thrilled that the film was recognized," she told ABC in an interview after learning of the nod. "What a morning!"

And, as Tambay Obensen pointed out at Shadow and Act, she's making history:

I should note that, with her nomination, Ava DuVernay makes history, becoming the first black woman director to be nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Director in the Motion Picture category. She's on her way to doing the same, when the Oscar nominees are announced next month. Previous nominees of African descent in this category include Steve McQueen for "12 Years a Slave," and Spike Lee for "Do the Right Thing." It's painfully incredible that between the years of 1990 to 2014 (24 looooongyears), there wasn't a single black director (male or female) nominated for Best Director in the Motion Picture category! 

"Selma" also earned a nomination in the best motion picture drama category. See a full list of all the nominations here.

11 Dec 15:56

Newswire: Your old iPod Classic is now worth a lot of money

by Katie Rife

The great clickwheel in the sky just keeps on a-turnin’ as, three months after Apple quietly killed off the iPod Classic, the discontinued media players are being sold for hugely inflated prices online. Besides being an elegant solution for ironic flip phone types who are too lazy to commit to cassette tapes, the iPod Classic is notable for its massive amount of storage space—up to 160GB on the seventh-generation model—which makes it desirable to music lovers with huge digital libraries. (The iPod with the biggest capacity currently in production is the iPod Touch, which has 64GB of flash storage.)

As part of the continued dilution of the word “vintage,” a quick search of eBay reveals that new, factory-sealed iPod Classics are being sold for up to $899.99 apiece on the auction site, some labeled “VINTAGE” or “RARE.” Prices on Amazon are relatively more reasonable, with a black ...

11 Dec 14:44

Pirate Bay cofounder Peter Sunde says he’s happy to see site gone

by Cyrus Farivar

One of the founders of The Pirate Bay (TPB) has bid good riddance to the site that he helped build a decade ago, which may have been definitively shuttered this week.

In a Tuesday blog post, Peter Sunde, who was released last month after having served five months in a Swedish prison for his role in aiding copyright infringement via The Pirate Bay, wrote:

TPB has become an institution that people just expected to be there. No one willing to take the technology further. The site was ugly, full of bugs, old code and old design. It never changed except for one thing – the ads. More and more ads was filling the site, and somehow when it felt unimaginable to make these ads more distasteful they somehow ended up even worse.

The original deal with TPB was to close it down on its tenth birthday. Instead, on that birthday, there was a party in its "honour" in Stockholm. It was sponsored by some sexist company that sent young girls, dressed in almost no clothes, to hand out freebies to potential customers. There was a ticket price to get in, automatically excluding people with no money. The party had a set lineup with artists, scenes and so on, instead of just asking the people coming to bring the content. Everything went against the ideals that I worked for during my time as part of TPB.

Sunde did not respond to Ars’ request for further comment.

Read 3 remaining paragraphs | Comments

11 Dec 14:25

Sikh Cartoonist Stars in Facebook Video, Racists Go Wild

by Jamilah King
Sikh Cartoonist Stars in Facebook Video, Racists Go Wild

Cartoonist Vishavjit Singh, known to many as Captain Sikh America, was recently featured in a Facebook Tips video.

But in just 28 seconds, his brown skin seems to have infuriated some users, who spewed plenty of hate in the comments.


I am being called a 'Terrorist', 'Raghead', 'Not normal', 'ISIS' in response to a 28 sec facebook tip ad!

-- Vishavjit Singh (@sikhtoons) December 7, 2014

Singh wrote a thoughtful response at Salon in which he "share[d] with [Facebook users] the brief arc of my life, which might help lay to rest our simplistic judgment of people at first sight." Read more

(h/t Angry Asian Man)

11 Dec 14:18


11 Dec 14:17

Palestinian Minister Dies After Confrontation With Israeli Forces

A Palestinian Cabinet minister has died after a confrontation with Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian government confirmed on Wednesday.
11 Dec 05:58

Lenovo Recalls More Than 500,000 Power Cords Due To Spark, Burn Risk



Lenovo is issuing a recall for more than 500,000 computer AC power cords in the U.S. after receiving reports of the cord overheating, sparking, melting, and burning.
11 Dec 05:51

Get Excited For This New Exhibit Of Iconic Scifi Props 

by Cheryl Eddy

attn Seattlers

Get Excited For This New Exhibit Of Iconic Scifi Props 

Seattle's EMP Museum dedicates most of its square footage to rock music (including an entire room of historically significant guitars), but the venue also hosts a steady stream of exhibits and events dedicated to other pop-culture avenues, especially science fiction.


11 Dec 05:50

Nick Denton Steps Down As Gawker President


'Denton has named a seven-person managing board to run the site, which consists of: Denton himself, who will remain as C.E.O.; president Heather Dietrick; chief strategy officer Erin Pettigrew; advertising head Andrew Gorenstein; chief operating officer Scott Kidder; and executive editor Tommy Craggs, previously the editor of Gawker Media's sports site Deadspin. Also among them is chief technology officer Tom Plunkett, who will continue to work on the product side but shed the title of C.T.O. He is proposed as a member of the three-person board of directors for the company, which Denton tells Capital will likely expand this year to five members; his replacement as C.T.O. will then take his spot on the managing board.'

As Capital previously reported, the executive editor position replaces editorial director Joel Johnson.

In his memo, Denton referred to his decision to hire Johnson as editorial director as “a mistake.” Johnson was a product visionary, but he was not an ideal editorial manager. When Denton removed Johnson as editorial director last month, he offered Johnson a V.P.-level position, but Johnson is likely to leave the company altogether. POLITICO reported yesterday that he was seen interviewing for a job at Vice Media.'

Gawker owner Nick Denton is stepping down as president of Gawker Media and scaling back his day-to-day involvement in running the company, he announced in a memo to staff today.
11 Dec 05:48

Uber’s Background Checks For Drivers Come Under Scrutiny

Uber champions its “industry-leading standards” for vetting its drivers. But in statehouses across the country, Uber has fought against legislation requiring background checks as strong as those demanded of traditional taxis.
11 Dec 05:47

Nike Sues Former Designers Over Adidas Defection

Nike is suing three of its former footwear designers for $10 million, alleging that they took trade secrets to arch-rival Adidas.
11 Dec 05:47

Congressman: Techniques Revealed In Senate Torture Report Aren't Torture


Peter King is not a human being beat

Rep. Peter King says the 525-page Senate report on the CIA’s interrogation and detention techniques does not detail torture, but instead just procedures which create what King described as “tremendous discomfort.”
11 Dec 05:37

New Booze: Barreled and Mezcal-Matching Bitters, Vanilla Bourbon, Coffee Liqueur

by Camper English

'PeychaudsBarrelAged5ozXThe Sazerac Company announces Peychaud’s Whiskey Barrel-Aged Cocktail Bitters. Aged in Sazerac Rye Whiskey barrels for 140 days, the bitters are a marriage of the classic Peychaud’s bitters with the spicy undertones of Sazerac Rye Whiskey.'

sazerac all the things

This week's New Booze is a random selection of flavored ingredients, from barrel-aged bitters to vanilla-flavored bourbon to coffee flavored sambuca. 


Peychaud’s Whiskey Barrel-Aged Bitters

PeychaudsBarrelAged5ozXThe Sazerac Company announces Peychaud’s Whiskey Barrel-Aged Cocktail Bitters. Aged in Sazerac Rye Whiskey barrels for 140 days, the bitters are a marriage of the classic Peychaud’s bitters with the spicy undertones of Sazerac Rye Whiskey.

The roots of Peychaud’s Bitters has a long history, starting in the early 1800s, when Antoine Amedie Peychaud, an apothecary, gained fame in New Orleans for the compounding of a liquid tonic called bitters. These bitters gave an added zest to the potions of cognac brandy he served to his friends and acquaintances in his pharmacy. By the 1870s, as American Rye Whiskey became more popular and more readily available in New Orleans, Peychaud added his bitters to Rye cocktails while working at the Sazerac Coffeehouse in the French Quarter.

The Sazerac Company will begin selling limited quantities of these bitters in select markets and via the online gift shop at, starting in November. The suggested retail pricing for a five ounce bottle is $16.99.


Molinari Caffè

Liquore caffe usaMolinari, noted for Molinari Sambuca Extra, the number one selling Sambuca in the world, and Van Gogh Imports, one of North America’s premier spirits importers, reintroduce Molinari Caffè to the United States. The coffee liqueur’s new formulation delivers lower alcohol content and a more robust coffee flavor.

Molinari Caffè combines Molinari Sambuca Extra with a blend of coffees and other ingredients. The product gets its dark color from a blend of 100% Italian-roasted Arabica beans from Guatemala and the Dominican Republic, as well as Robusta coffee beans from Java, Togo and Congo. The liqueur is blended with a secret mixture of herbs and spices giving the brand its flavor of anise. Molinari Caffè is produced without any artificial colors or flavors and as with all products in the Molinari portfolio, all ingredients are all-natural and never GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). 

Molinari Caffè is now available nationwide at a suggested retail price: $25.99/750ml

For more information, please visit


Abraham Bowman Limited Edition Vanilla Bean Infused Whiskey

AB Vanilla Flavored Whiskey Nov. 2014A. Smith Bowman Distillery announces the last release in its Abraham Bowman line for 2014, the Abraham Bowman Limited Edition Vanilla Bean Infused Whiskey. This new whiskey was aged a total of seven years and six months in the barrel.

Barrels of A. Smith Bowman bourbon were infused with chopped up Madagascar vanilla beans in October of 2012. After a little over two years, all of the barrels were married together for bottling.

The Abraham Bowman Limited Edition Vanilla Bean Infused Whiskey is part of a series of limited edition whiskies, named after Abraham Bowman, the commander of the 8th Virginia Regiment in the American Revolutionary War. Each edition of the Abraham line is a different expression and a new release is offered a few times a year. The Abraham Bowman Limited Edition Vanilla Bean Infused Whiskey went on sale at the end of November. However, quantity is very limited and it will mostly be available only in Virginia. It is 90 proof. Suggested retail pricing is $69.99.

For more information on A. Smith Bowman, please visit


Bittermilk No. 6 Oaxacan Old Fashioned

No 6Charleston, SC based Bittermilk, has unveiled its next product—the No. 6 Oaxacan Old Fashioned. No. 6 is a celebration of the flavors of Oaxaca, Mexico using dried Mexican chilies, cocoa nibs and spices, sweetened with raisins and aged with cocoa husks. The Oaxacan is best mixed with Mezcal, a distilled alcoholic spirit made from the maguey plant. Mezcal, the source of inspiration for the product, is produced in Oaxaca, Mexico, a Pacific-coast state in southern Mexico, as well as in other regions of Mexico.

The No. 6 is the third Old Fashioned-style product in the line. The bittering agents are cinchona bark and cocoa nibs, the latter of which is another important ingredient in Oaxacan cuisine. Mezcal, with its strong smoky flavor, is all that is needed to create a warmly spiced drink great for the crisp days of fall.

Bittermilk No. 6 Oaxacan Old Fashioned will be available via their website and in a variety of the retailers across the country already selling the product lines. To learn more about Bittermilk, visit or follow on Twitter @DrinkBittermilk.


Langley's No. 8 Gin Imported to the USA

LangMade with 100 percent English grain spirit, Langley’s No. 8 is distilled in a small, English-made, 53-year-old copper pot still named Constance, and nicknamed “Connie,” in honor of the Master Distiller’s late mother. The brand name was inspired by the eighth of 12 gin blends tasted by its crafters.

Langley’s No. 8 is made with a blend of eight botanicals, including juniper berries from Macedonia, coriander seeds from Bulgaria, sweet orange peel and sweet lemon peel from Spain, cassia bark from Indonesia, and ground nutmeg from Sri Lanka. The final two ingredients are a secret.

Langley's No. 8 Gin is imported from England by the Artisan Spirits division of Terlato Wines. It is bottles at 41.7% ABV and sold at a suggested retail price of $42.



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11 Dec 05:33

Amazon packages delivered by USPS to be left, regardless of your preference.

I'm a letter carrier for the USPS in the Portland, OR area. We just had a meeting this morning where we're basically being told to deliver all Amazon packages whether or not it's safe to do so.

Normally we use our discretion. Whether we don't think it's safe or the recipients would rather pick it up from the post office, we would simply leave a notice if no one was home. Now, at least for Amazon packages, we won't be doing that anymore. They will be delivered and left there, even if your front door is directly on a busy street.

Just wanted to get that out there as we go into this holiday season.

Edit: To clarify, we're obeying Amazon's orders. They want us to leave their packages.

Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

submitted by cukls
[link] [201 comments]
11 Dec 03:39

There’s More: Edelman Did This Before, And Worse - Restaurants -

by gguillotte

via saucie

"I will email and call HBS about you trying to abuse the negotiating tactics which you teach...or try to. You should be ashamed of yourself and the business practices you exhibit. In effect, trying to make a business lose money and trying to make someone bend to ridiculous claims you seem to feel strongly about. ... NONE of your requests will be met under any circumstance. As a matter of fact, you are NOT welcomed back...ever. We will in fact call the Boston Police department and have you escorted out for trespassing."

The restaurant manager declined to give his name or the name of the restaurant, but described both emails and phone calls with Ben Edelman over a dispute related to the use of a Groupon promotion. We were then sent copies of several emails exchanged in August 2010 between Ben Edelman and Osushi Restaurant management. confirmed the authenticity of these emails with Tim Panagopoulos, one of three partners who owned and operated Osushi, which has since closed. “It’s not cool for someone to use the Harvard name to intimidate any small business—even if the small business got one small thing wrong. There are very easy ways to handle things as a customer that don’t involve threats,” said Panagopoulos. Edelman did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
11 Dec 03:24

Rat Who


via Rosalind: "still better than moffat"

Knock knock
Who’s there?
Rat !
Rat who?
Your new doctor

11 Dec 03:23

My Career is not about Stopping Gamergate


via Rosalind

'The vast majority of our male-dominated games press wrote a single piece condemning Gamergate and has been radio silent ever since. The publishers are silent, the console makers are silent. And so, Anita, Zoe, Randi and myself are out here doing the majority of the work, while everyone whines about wanting it to be over.

Meanwhile, the rest of the industry is doing what they do best, which is nothing.

The frustrating part is this. I’m in a position where I’ve GOT to act if anything is going to be done. Look at the extortion attempt - it’s relatively easy for me to get the attention of law enforcement on that because I’m already working with them. And so, on a Friday as I’m trying to leave my office, I find myself working until 8.'

My Career is not about Stopping Gamergate:


I would like to tell you a story about what my life is like these days.

Friday morning I wake up. I glance at my Twitter feed, which is full of attacks against me, so I pass it off to one of my people to clean up. I spend the morning dealing with the endless headaches of…

11 Dec 03:17

Harvard Professor Apologizes to Chinese Restaurant for Rant - ABC News

by gguillotte

followup and apparent resolution

Associate professor Benjamin Edelman had threatened legal action and demanded the Sichuan Garden in Brookline compensate all other customers who might have been similarly overcharged after he said it charged him $1 more on each of the four items he ordered for takeout last week. But after facing wide criticism, Edelman posted a brief message on his personal website saying he has reached out to apologize to Ran Duan, who helps manage his parent's restaurant business: "Having reflected on my interaction with Ran, including what I said and how I said it, it's clear that I was very much out of line. I aspire to act with great respect and humility in dealing with others, no matter what the situation. Clearly I failed to do so. I am sorry, and I intend to do better in the future." Edelman later told the Boston Globe that Brookline officials declined to intervene. The restaurant, he said, subsequently offered to refund him half the cost of his total bill after he requested it. A group of Harvard Business School students even sought to "flip the script" and tamp down on what they saw as "negative stereotypes" being generated about Harvard and its elite business school. The students launched an online campaign asking donors to give $4 to the Greater Boston Food Bank--the amount Edelman was apparently overcharged. As of Wednesday evening, the campaign had raised over $3,300.
11 Dec 03:16

alex-v-hernandez: residentgoodgirl: About the French Minister...


via Rosalind



About the French Minister of Justice, Christiane Taubira:

  • February 2, 1952: birth in Cayenne, French Guiana
  • 1993-2012: she joins the National Assembly of France for French Guiana
  • 1994-1999: she joins the European Parliament
  • May 2001: she is the principal author of Loi n° 2001-434, a law that officially recogizes the atlantic slave trade and slavery as crimes against humanity [english], [french]
  • 2002: she becomes the first black candidate and first black woman to run in the French presidential elections
  • 2002-now: she publishes multiple books on the status of black people in French history and society
  • November 2012: she introduces Projet de Loi n° 344 to the parliament. this bill goes on to become Loi no 2013-404, which legalizes same-sex marriage in france in may 2013 [x]. [here’s one of her speeches with english subtitles x]
  • May 2013: she calls for the French government to redistribute land in the dom-tom (France’s Overseas Departments and Territories) to favour the descendants of slaves [x]
  • October 2013: she (justifiably) calls out the front national for being racist, antisemitic, anti-arab and homophobic. the party retaliates by threatening to sue her [x]
  • November 2013: she becomes the first black woman to be picked as Elle France’s Woman of the Year [x]
  • June 2014: she encourages the parliament to pass a reform that emphasizes the use of probationary periods and rehabilitation for young offenders (as opposed to harsh jail sentences with no rehabilition), in order to prevent repeat offenses and reduce overcrowding in french prisons [x]
  • July 2014: the court in cayenne gives anne-sophie leclère a 50 000 € fine, a 9 month jail sentence, and a 5 year ban from politics for comparing Taubira to a monkey [x] [video]
  • November 2014: she takes to twitter to speak up against the grand jury’s decision not to indict darren wilson [x]
11 Dec 03:15

Buffalo Bills Cheerleaders’ Routine: No Wages and No Respect -

by gguillotte

fuck Goodell

Faced with the lawsuit, the Bills disbanded the Jills for this season. A team spokesman emailed me that the Bills appreciated this “ancillary service” provided by “third-party vendors.” Its statement complained of “allegations” that “attempt to give the impression that our organization employs cheerleaders.” Impressions can be so unfair. The Bills, however, might not have helped their case much by keeping the Jills’ calendar-release video on the team website. The case is now before Justice Timothy Drury of State Supreme Court, and no trial date has been set. But the judge has ruled that the team set the terms and approved contracts for the Jills. “These facts are further indication of the control the Bills exercised over the Jills,” he wrote. The Jills’ subcontractor, Stejon Productions, readily acknowledges that it is a front operation. “The Bills control everything, from the moves to the uniforms to the dances,” said Dennis Vacco, the lawyer for Stejon. “The Bills have a long history here of wanting their cake and eating it too.” The National Football League, as is its practice, has little to say on the question of uncompensated work by these high-profile women. Goodell offered his patented I-know-nothing routine. “I have no knowledge,” he wrote in an affidavit, of the Jills’ “selection, training, compensation and/or pay practices.”