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18 Aug 04:54

mstheda: did-you-kno: He had schizophrenia. He didnt...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



He had schizophrenia. He didn’t recognize her. She did everything she could to connect with him, but he refused treatment, medication, food, or new clothing.

Eventually, he said to her: “Diana, I am so sorry for not being in your life. I am so happy that you have a family of your own now. Do better for them…

… Don’t worry about me or what everyone says about me. If you want to make me proud and happy, be there for your family the way your mom and I never were. Stop trying to save everyone…just worry about yourself and your family. And don’t forget why I named you Diana, you are the light within the darkness.” So she refused to give up.

After suffering a heart attack, he agreed to get help and slowly took control of his own life.

One day he suddenly called her to invite her out for coffee. Later that afternoon, she wrote on her blog: “I feel like I just met my father for the first time today.”

“I struggled to reconcile my feelings toward my father’s absence in my life, while continuing to care deeply for him and other homeless individuals.”

“Over time, I learned to navigate through my feelings of desperation and became more vocal in my community about my father’s condition and what it’s like to watch a loved one battle mental illness.”

He is now doing very well, and they are rebuilding their relationship from the ground up. “So long as we are alive in this world, every day is an opportunity to take hold of that ‘second chance.’ There is no failure unless you give up, and he never gave up. And I haven’t given up on him.”


That’s a beautiful story

This is a very good example of why housing and healthcare cannot be separated. They are the same issue. To give good medical care is to require giving safe housing. People need stability as a first step to getting better.

18 Aug 04:51


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

18 Aug 04:50

Windows 10 Won’t Run Games Using SafeDisc Or Securom DRM

by Graham Smith

Windows 10 won’t run games that employ SafeDisc or Securom DRM, rendering hundreds of old disc-based games potentially unplayable without complex workarounds. Games which used these forms of DRM range from Crimson Skies to Grand Theft Auto 3, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 to the original The Sims. Yet despite this change coming in Windows 10, blame can’t likely be placed at Microsoft’s feet. For one, SafeDisc is notoriously insecure and Microsoft’s decision to block it from their new operating system will likely protect more users than it hurts.

More details below.

This issue was touched upon by Microsoft’s Boris Schneider-Johne at this year’s Gamescom. The video is in German, but in the segment at the timestamp linked above he says:

“Everything that ran in Windows 7 should also run in Windows 10. There are just two silly exceptions: antivirus software and stuff that’s deeply embedded into the system needs updating – but the developers are on it already – and then there are old games on CD-Rom that have DRM. This DRM stuff is also deeply embedded in your system, and that’s where Windows 10 says “sorry, we cannot allow that, because that would be a possible loophole for computer viruses.” That’s why there are a couple of games from 2003-2008 with Securom, etc. that simply don’t run without a no-CD patch or some such. We can just not support that if it’s a possible danger for our users. There are a couple of patches from developers already, and there is stuff like GOG where you’ll find versions of those games that work.”

There are also specific reports of users encountering this problem. For example, according to user Gamboleer on the Microsoft support forum, the SafeDisc issue relates to the file SECDRV.SYS. This file is present on older versions of Windows but isn’t in Windows 10 and attempts to run the file, or the games that depend on it, fail. reached out to Rovi Corporation, the creators of SafeDisc, for a statement regarding the incompatibility. There’s no direct quote from Rovi and again the resulting story is in German, but translated into English the “update” section at the top reads:

“Safedisc DRM hasn’t been supported for a few years now, and the driver has consequently not been updated for some time. Microsoft should have migrated the existing software since Windows 8. We don’t know if that’s still possible with Windows 10 or if they simply didn’t care about it.”

It seems more likely, based on Schneider-Johne’s comments above, that it was a deliberate choice to exclude SafeDisc. The software was one of a number of on-disc digital rights management solutions employed by PC game publisher and developers in the early ’00s in an effort to stop piracy and it was a pain even then. Eventually a security hole was discovered in November 2007 which allowed for “elevation of privilege” and for attackers to execute unrestricted kernel-level code, effectively taking complete control of a PC. This security flaw was patched by Microsoft, but the problems it caused became part of the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s arguments against DRM.

Despite this arguably being good for security, it’s still bad for people who want to easily play old favourites. In many cases, official patches may have already removed the need for disc checks, but otherwise you might need to resort to dual-booting into an older version of Windows, riskily (and ironically) looking for a no-CD crack to remove the check, re-purchasing the game from a digital distributor that employs modern or no DRM such as, or test-signing for the SafeDisc driver yourself. This last option is the fiddliest, but legal and free: you can download software which will apparently do it or learn how to do it yourself. If you choose this route it’ll leave a watermark, though you can also read how to remove that here.

I wouldn’t blame Windows 10 for this, but it’s another example of the harm done by restrictive or draconian DRM.

Thanks to reader Marcus Hoffmann for the tip and Thomas Faust and Martin Vigneron for the German to English translations.

18 Aug 04:50

Minecraft’s Brutalist Build Yields Beauty

by Philippa Warr

Created by Wuxa, image via BlockWorks

The Minecraft Brutalist Build yielded some rather attractive results as part of RIBA’s Day of Play earlier this month. The Brutalist Build was a partnership between RIBA (the Royal Institute of British Architects) and BlockWorks, a team or artists, architects and designers who specialise in Minecraft projects.

For this event a multiplayer server was set up for a week and players could log in to build their own Brutalist-inspired creation in plots of Minecraft land.

I was wondering how much of that would be a case of using the monumental blockiness I remembered from my vanilla Minecraft [official site] days and perhaps applying a monochrome effect. That’s not supposed to sound derogatory, it’s because Minecraft’s toolset actually lends itself to Brutalist-ish structures so I wasn’t sure how participants would have taken the idea – whether they would have hearkened back to that older architecture or if this would be something different entirely.

There’s a massiveness to a lot of the early blocky buildings I used to find and create. They weren’t there to be delicate and swooping, nor could they achieve that effect (hence the time I cried about a Tate project in Minecraft). There’s a sturdiness, and an abundance of concrete-like exposed materials which fits the bill when it comes to Brutalism. Bompas & Parr (an adventurous food collective) made a concrete birthday cake for the Barbican Centre once and the exposed glass-wax-in-concrete reminds me of the ore in Minecraft.

What I’m getting at with this is “and we did a version of it in Minecraft” is generally like fingernails down a blackboard to me, but there are some beautiful and effective creations in this project so hooray!

My favourites are below but you can check out the gallery BlockWorks posted on Imgur for more – some original creations and some replicas of real Brutalist architecture:

Created by Meester_Curly, image via BlockWorks

Created by RobChambers, image via BlockWorks

Created by Lindblumen, image via BlockWorks

Created by RobChambers and petitetealover, image via BlockWorks

18 Aug 04:49

RIP boiled water

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




you will be mist

I hate you.

I ugly laughed but I hate you too.


18 Aug 04:49

Massive Chalice as pre-apocalyptic existential game industry dread

by (Robert Yang)

(SPOILER WARNING: this post has some not-really-that-important spoilers for Massive Chalice.)

Massive Chalice is a pretty OK game -- it's an XCOM with a much better base-building / squad-management component, where you can also convert squad members into resources -- collective XP buffs, faster upgrade times, bigger numbers. The same song and dance as any strategy game, but it also tries much more new stuff than the average strategy game. You breed your squad members like Pokemon, and when they age out of battles, you recycle them for new breeding stock or upgrades. It's an ideal commercial indie project, 50% old "solved" systems and 50% new systems.

So it's jarring to me that it averaged 6/10s 7/10s from games press (and probably not super-great sales) considering how much it tries to do and with relative success at it, this is at least an 8-out-of-10er, but I can also understand why gamers would look at this and think "it looks cheap." Here are all the checkboxes that Massive Chalice refuses to tick:

LOTS OF "INTERESTING CHOICES" AND MEANINGLESS DEPTH. It has only 3 core character classes (there are actually 3 more extra classes, but they boil down to 2 more archers and another grenadier class) and each core class has 2 special weapons with special abilities. The tactical battles basically exist only to justify your bloodline management choices, not the other way around. Battles are very minimalist, with very simple concepts of cover, and no overwatch function. I'm not sure if it "works", but at least they had the courage to wonder, "do we all have to do it like XCOM?"

GIANT FANTASY LORE CODEX. This game, refreshingly, doesn't give a shit about its fantasy lore, which makes it impossible to wiki and impossible to cosplay. How can you perform obsession about a game that isn't obsessed with itself?

RESOLUTION-DEPENDENT GRAPHICS. Massive Chalice has a fairly novel vector-y art style, with lots of flat swaths of color and very little surface detail. This requires you to actually make an aesthetic judgment about the visual style, rather than quantifying it as a metric of fidelity. How else will gamers know whether this has "better graphics" than XCOM?

All three of these design choices basically run counter to Massive Chalice's competition -- XCOM, Shadowrun, Shadowrun Electric Boogaloo, etc.. These choices were also the right choices, choices that are well-executed and thoughtful and "advance the medium" or whatever.

But as interesting and clean as it is, I don't think anyone really "loves" Massive Chalice. I suspect Massive Chalice doesn't really want you to love it. It's about inhuman time scales, how the labor of countless generations can still feel ultimately futile and pointless.

It's clearly a metaphor for game development. The metaphor didn't really strike me until the ending credits...

Imagine you've just beaten Massive Chalice on Normal difficulty. The past dozen or more hours or so have seen countless people live and die, generations and dynasties start and thrive and perish. You have probably seen at least 200+ different character names in your playthrough... and then the last 95% of the game credits look like this:

It's thousands upon thousands of names, specifically all the Kickstarter backers. What's particularly stunning about this sequence is that it uses the same timeline interface as the main game, so we can selectively pause and scrub back and forth, etc.

The ending cutscene "twist" is fairly predictable and foregone -- the monsters can never be truly defeated, and the price of beating them and securing a few centuries of peace is utter destruction and sacrifice, yadda yadda yadda...

But if this idea of countless names and generations of collective human labor is supposed to mime the crowd funding campaign and agonizing development of the game, then this ending takes on a much darker tone. That means the monsters in Massive Chalice aren't a metaphor for aging and time, but rather they're a metaphor for precarious survival when working in video game market capitalism.

Double Fine is one of the very rare indie studios that consistently makes pretty good conceptually-rich games that also sell enough for it to survive. It maintains (expensive) offices in San Francisco, pays a lot of staff, and does community outreach. It seems like they have "the life" that so many indie game developers dream about, a respectable commercial and critical sustainability.

But what if they didn't have that "holy grail" of security? What if Massive Chalice totally flops, or giving away Broken Age part 2 doesn't lead to a bump in sales? What happens when Spacebase DF-9 does poorly, a pre-production project gets canceled, and there are heavy layoffs? What do those thousands of Kickstarter backers add up to, exactly?

If you watch the Double Fine documentary, you get to see a lot of that game developer anxiety play out over a long period of time. In the last episode of the series, with principal work on Broken Age completed, some very tired people wonder what their "legacy" will be, and contractors wonder when their next gig will be and how lucky they were to even score this one. In commercial game development, the end of a project is traditionally the time when your adrenaline drops, and then launch sales numbers and reviews come in and decide whether you'll get to eat or not. There's never any real relief.

In this sense, Massive Chalice is one of the darkest games I've ever played. It's a game about how we're all doomed to drown.
18 Aug 04:46

17blk: modern art this literally made me tear up with...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


modern art

this literally made me tear up with vengeful sisterly joy.

18 Aug 00:05

Build Your Own Aliens M41-A Pulse Rifle - DIY Prop Shop

by AWE me

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We build so many amazing weapons and props, we wanted to offer a show where you at home could build them yourself! Follow along with our host Dustin McLean (“Homemade Movies”) as he shows you how to build awesome props from all of your favorite movies & games, for under $50!
This week, make like Ripley and build your own Pulse Rifle from Aliens. Flame Thrower optional.

Tell us what you’d like to build next!

Host & Producer - Dustin McLean
Follow Dustin at or check out his personal channel at

Get AWE me Gear! ►►

If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you do so at your own risk and you assume the responsibility for the results. You hereby release Defy Media, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and any person included in this programming expressly or implicitly from any and all actions, claims, or demands that you, your heirs, distributees, guardians, next of kin, spouse or legal representatives now have, or may have in the future, for injury, death, property damage, or any other liability that may result related to the information provided in this video.
18 Aug 00:05

Stitchwork, Michelle Hamer

Stitchwork, Michelle Hamer

17 Aug 23:51

Popular Science November 1996 with @miketyson

by adafruit

Previously we posted that Neil deGrasse Tyson may have been the first African-American on the cover of PopSci’s in its 140+ year history, however, there’s a small collage with Mike Tyson from 1996, along with maybe Bruce Seldon. Popular Science November 1996 @ Google Books. We’re not sure which fight this is from, it could be the Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson in September of 1996.

Img 3390-1
So for now, Neil deGrasse Tyson is the first african-american scientist on the cover of Popular Science :) And the second Tyson! If you have access to more covers and can find anything, let us know.

17 Aug 23:50

Google's Android naming policy: 'sometimes we like to troll'

by Vlad Savov

Google's revelation of Marshmallow as the name of Android 6.0 today has been accompanied by a behind-the-scenes video that gives a glimpse into the creative process behind Google's naming scheme. It turns out to be just as lighthearted and jovial as the confectionery-themed software titles suggest. There's a little bit of disagreement about whether the theme is actually deserts or tasty treats — does anyone really eat doughnuts for desert? — but everyone agrees that the point is to have fun.

And that's exactly what Google's been doing the past two years by pre-announcing the software with a single-letter codename, teasing out the full title until closer to release. It happened with Android L, which turned into Lollipop, and it happened with Android M — only the announcement of the latter also included a few misleading easter eggs that hinted at things like milkshake. As Google's Dan Sandler explains in the video, "sometimes we like to troll the audience a little bit." Watch the full thing to find out how the Android lawn sculptures are made as well.

17 Aug 22:22

Article: St. Louis Rams Threaten To Leave Town Unless Taxpayers Personally Build Stadium With Bare Hands

ST. LOUIS—Emphasizing that a new venue to replace the 19-year-old Edward Jones Dome is an absolute necessity, St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke revealed Monday that the team will be forced to relocate as soon as 2016 unless taxpayers build a new stadium with their bare hands. “We want to keep Rams football in St. Louis, but realistically, we can’t continue operating here unless the city’s taxpayers agree to lay a 1.3-million-square-foot concrete foundation and then construct the new stadium by hand,” said Kroenke, adding that his proposal for a state-of-the-art riverfront stadium would require at least 22 months of manual labor from each of the 320,000 residents living in St. Louis. “The facts are simple: The people of St. Louis must be prepared to personally erect the arena’s 14,000-ton steel structure, raise and paint the 30-story-tall stadium walls, screw in each of ...

17 Aug 22:20

Pretty Much Anyone On Earth With A Radio Can Call The International Space Station

If you have a ham radio, used by radio amateurs to chat on public frequencies, it actually isn’t terribly difficult. Last week, Adrian Lane of Gloucestershire, England, proved the point when he contacted the station and chatted with a US astronaut for about 45 seconds.
17 Aug 21:56

Teeny Tiny 3-Day Old Miniature Horse Chases His Human Around a Dirt Track

by Lori Dorn

A teeny tiny 3-day old miniature horse named Sammy adorably stuck close to his human Sebastian as the two of them ran circles around the dirt arena while the colt’s mom Grace looked on. Later on, Sammy had a bit of trouble getting past the gate, but went into full gallop once he got through.

via The Dodo

17 Aug 21:56

San Francisco Giants Parody the Opening Credits of ‘Full House’ in a Baseball-Themed Video

by Glen Tickle


The San Francisco Giants recently parodied the opening credits of the classic San Francisco-based sitcom Full House with a baseball-themed video to promote their upcoming “Full Clubhouse” event. The video also features comedian Dave Coulier who played Joey Gladstone on the series.

For comparison, here is the original opening to Full House.

via Esquire, Neatorama

17 Aug 21:56

Pesky Parrot Repeatedly Steals the Pencil From His Loudly Protesting Human

by Lori Dorn

A very pesky African grey parrot named Stanley repeatedly stole the pencil out of the hands of his loudly protesting human. Neither Jet the cat nor Roscoe the dog seemed willing to jump in to help, so silly Stanley got his way.

via reddit

17 Aug 21:56

FreezerBoy, A Set of Large Magnets That Make a Refrigerator Look Like a Giant Nintendo Game Boy

by Glen Tickle


gameboy magnets 1

FreezerBoy is a set of large magnets that make a refrigerator or other appliance look like a giant Nintendo Game Boy. The set of six magnets come in the shape of the Game Boy’s iconic screen and buttons.

gameboy magnets 4

gameboy magnets 3

photos via Amazon

via Incredible Things

17 Aug 21:56

Newswire: Rocket Raccoon’s secret origins are revealed in new animated shorts

by Mike Vanderbilt


As far as origin stories go, Rocket Raccoon is probably one audiences would actually be interested in watching. The cultish comic book character was a breakout star of last year’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, and the tale of how Rocket Raccoon became Rocket Raccoon hasn’t been told umpteen times. (Seriously, audiences do not need to see another Spider-Man origin story.) And now that the risk of selling moviegoers on the idea of heroic vermin has paid off, Marvel has revealed the secret origins of America’s favorite rodent via two short clips on YouTube.

/Film reported on the short, which features slick digital animation and explains how a feisty baby raccoon became a shit-talking low-rent criminal with suspect hygiene. It’s also revealed how Rocket befriends Groot in a story that’s shades of Han and Chewie, America’s other favorite space criminals. The clips are no doubt ...

17 Aug 21:53

Marvel's Newest Superhero is a Black, Genius Preteen: Moon Girl

New sueprhero alert! Moon Girl is described as “Inspector Gadget—only this time, she also knows what she’s doing.”

17 Aug 21:52

Perception is Reality: Poll Finds Racial Gap in New Orleans Residents’ View of Post-Katrina Renewal

Survey reveals that white residents feel they are recovering from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, while black residents feel left behind.

17 Aug 21:52

Tracy Morgan Makes Triumphant Return to Host SNL This Fall

This will be Morgan's first major public performance since a debilitating 2014 crash, which left him with severe brain trauma and killed his mentor. 

17 Aug 21:52

The first woman to make it into the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) is going to keep playing after all



The first woman to make it into the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) is going to keep playing after all, she said on Twitter (via Reddit). Maria “Remilia” Creveling originally said that she was planning to step down from her position on team Renegades after winning the LCS qualifying game last week.
17 Aug 21:52

"A solitary, silent majority of teenage girls plays video games: often alone, rarely online. When..."

A solitary, silent majority of teenage girls plays video games: often alone, rarely online. When teenage girls do venture online to play games—and a fair chunk of them do, quite regularly—they usually don’t speak.

That’s how you go from a world where 59 percent of all girls between 13 and 17 play video games to a world where teenage girls are assumed not to exist in public video game spaces. That’s all according to a report titled “Teens, Technology, and Friendships,” released earlier this month by the Pew Research Center. The chapter on video games celebrated the role that games play in many male friendships. I was struck, however, by the data about teenage girls.

Here are the numbers. Almost 60 percent of the girls in the study (more than 1,000 teenagers of both sexes, surveyed last fall and this winter) say they play games on a computer, console, or cellphone.

Of those girls, 47 percent say they never play online. Another 27 percent say they never even play with someone else in the same room. (You can’t add those two numbers together. Some girls are in both groups.)

- via Kotaku, “Teenage Girls Are Playing Video Games. You Just Might Not Hear Them.”
17 Aug 21:52

The PS Vita of Steam Machines arrives in 2016 for $299



The Steam Machine invasion is happening this fall. But while these computers are said to be more powerful than traditional consoles, such as the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, none of them are exactly portable. Smach Zero's device, however, is. Formerly known as Steamboy, the handheld system runs Valve's SteamOS and features a 5-inch, 720p screen, 32GB of onboard storage (plus an SD card slot), 4GB RAM, HDMI-out and configurable gamepads. In terms of connectivity, you'll find Bluetooth, WiFi and, on the Pro model, 4G for true on-the-go gaming. Smach Zero is also promising access to over 1,000 Steam games at launch, but we'll have to wait and see if that turns out to be true. According to the manufacturer, it will be available during Q4 of 2016 starting at $299. If you'd like to pre-order it, you can do so on November 10th -- the same day as other Steam Machines are launching.

Back in June, Smach Zero said the handheld would be powered by AMD's G-Series system-on-chip (Steppe Eagle) with Jaguar-based CPU and GCN-based Radeon graphics, which should be good enough to play through SteamOS titles like BioShock Infinite, Civilization V, Half-Life 2 and many more.
17 Aug 21:51

625 NW 11th Ave., Portland, OR



2,691 square feet
Three bedrooms (third bedroom has no egress window)
Two and a half baths
Bamboo floors on main level
Inset fireplace
Gourmet kitchen with stainless appliances, gas range, quartz countertops, wine cellar, and pantry
Family room with wood stove on mezzanine level
Luxurious master suite with soaking tub, glass enclosed shower, quartz countertops, and dual sinks
Rooftop deck with hot tub and planter boxes
Two-car garage

$2.1 million
17 Aug 21:51

Bible Verses Where The Word “Righteous” Has Been Replaced By “Bitchin'”

by Mallory Ortberg

via Rosalind

Previously: The Unchill Bible.

Genesis 7:1

Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are bitchin' before Me in this generation.

Genesis 18:23-24

And Abraham came near and said, “Would You also destroy the bitchin' with the wicked? Suppose there were fifty bitchin' within the city; would You also destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty bitchin' that were in it?"

Read more Bible Verses Where The Word “Righteous” Has Been Replaced By “Bitchin'” at The Toast.

17 Aug 21:48

Peak App Care

by Michael Tsai

via Jim Fiorato
it just work

Kirby Turner:

Today I’m happy to announce Peak App Care. Peak App Care is a monthly subscription service for maintaining your iOS apps. What do I mean by that? Simply put, I monitor your app for crashes and fix them as quickly as possible. Not only that, I also perform small jobs such as bug fixes and enhancements to your app at your request, and I even manage the App Store for you, from updating screenshots to submitting new builds on your behalf.

What I have found is that many apps available today in the App Store are published by companies with zero iOS developers on staff. Those companies, instead, rely on freelancers and software shops to build their apps for them. The problem, however, is that often times there’s no plans to keep the app up to date after the initial release.

What happens when the app starts crashing or customers start reporting bugs? What happens when Apple releases a new version of iOS or a new device?

This is a serious problem. It will be interesting to see whether his fixed price for “Unlimited Fixes and Small Jobs” works.

17 Aug 21:23

Apple Ramps Up Diversity Efforts, Most Employees Still White Guys | News & Opinion |


11,000 women hired, moved the percentage 1 point

so either Apple employs 1 million people or retention is a problem

"In the past year we hired over 11,000 women globally, which is 65 percent more than in the previous year," CEO Tim Cook wrote on Apple's website. "In the United States, we hired more than 2,200 Black employees—a 50 percent increase over last year—and 2,700 Hispanic employees, a 66 percent increase."
Overall, that's "the largest group of employees we've ever hired from underrepresented groups in a single year," Cook said, while nearly 50 percent of Apple's new hires in the first six months of 2015 were women, Black, Hispanic, or Native American.
"Some people will read this page and see our progress. Others will recognize how much farther we have to go. We see both," Cook said.
The company's hires nudged its overall demographic percentages slightly, but not much. Apple is still 54 percent white, down from 55 percent a year ago. The number of Asian employees increased from 15 percent to 18 percent. Hispanic workers are still at 11 percent, while the percentage of black employees increased from 7 to 8 percent.
On gender, about 69 percent of Apple employees are men, while 31 percent are women. Last year, that was at 70 percent men and 30 percent women.
17 Aug 16:58

Facebook Dumped Intern After He Pointed Out Messenger's Creepy Location Tracking



Advice if you want to work for Facebook: Don’t rock the boat. A student lost his internship with Facebook after provoking the company into updating its location sharing settings for Messenger.

Harvard student Aran Khanna had an internship lined up at Facebook, but Khanna wasn’t going to sit around with his thumb up his butt until that happened. Instead, he got ready for his time at Facebook by creating a Chrome extension to showcase how the company gathers location data using Messenger’s Android app.

The default setting meant anyone using Messenger for Android was sharing their detailed location data with anyone who they were in a message thread with, even if they weren’t Facebook friends.

Khanna called the extension “Marauder’s Map” and it did exactly what he hoped: It drew attention to Facebook’s extensive location tracking. A lot of attention. People were freaked out by how closely Messenger could track your movements if you left its default location sharing settings on. Khanna wrote a Medium post describing his reasons for creating the app:

I decided to write this extension, because we are constantly being told how we are losing privacy with the increasing digitization of our lives, however the consequences never seem tangible
Within a day, Facebook asked Khanna not to talk to the press. He complied. Within two days, Facebook asked Khanna to deactivate the extension. He complied. Within three days, Khanna had lost his coveted internship. Nine days later, Facebook released an update for Messenger’s location sharing, so even though Khanna got screwed, his jettisoned summer gig resulted in an actual privacy improvement from Facebook. talked to Khanna, who said he was initially told that he lost the internship for scraping Facebook’s site data. But when he pointed out that he’d only used publicly available data, the company came up with another excuse, blaming the Medium post he wrote to explain why he deactivated his extension:

Khanna then received an email from Facebook’s head of global human resources and recruiting, who told him that his Medium post didn’t meet the high ethical standards expected of interns. Khanna was told that the issue wasn’t the Messenger app itself, but instead the way his blog described how Facebook collected and shared user data.
I asked Facebook about the Khanna situation. The company doesn’t see its original Messenger settings as a security flaw at all.

“This is revisionist history that conveniently omits a few important points. First, we began developing improvements to location sharing months ago, based on input from people who use Messenger,” a Facebook spokesperson said.

“Second, this mapping tool scraped Facebook data in a way that violated our terms, and those terms exist to protect people’s privacy and safety. Despite being asked repeatedly to remove the code, the creator of this tool left it up. This is wrong and it’s inconsistent with how we think about serving our community.”

So in Facebook World, there was no problem to begin with, and Khanna is the villain for creating a tool that pointed out how much data the company collects on you... Even though it updated its policy anyways. Riiiight.

It’s just more evidence that Mark Zuckerberg’s lip service to hackers and people who “move fast and break things” is just that—lip service.
17 Aug 16:58

Seattle Neighbors Are Seriously Pissed About Those Crows That Bring Gifts to an 8-year-old Girl



Remember that 8-year-old girl who receives small objects from crows in return for feeding them? Well, her parents are now facing a $200,000 lawsuit accusing them of running a large-scale feeding operation out of their backyard.

Earlier this year, the BBC’s Katy Sewall told the story of Gabi Mann, an 8-year-old Seattle girl who, since the age of four, has had a remarkable relationship with the neighborhood crows. In exchange for food, the birds have gifted Gabi with such things as earrings, bolts, paperclips, and polished rocks. The story attracted international attention, while also provoking interest into corvid intelligence.

But as Reuters (via RawStory) is now reporting, a lawsuit filed by the neighbors is accusing Gabi’s parents of running a kind of feed-op behind their Portage Bay neighborhood home—a posh area containing million-dollar homes—that’s attracting an inordinate number of crows, seagulls, pigeons, and even rats.