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12 Jun 14:41

This part-hammock, part-bed geodesic dome will elevate your summer lounging

by Gabriel Fisher
Who doesn't want their very own treehouse?

If you’re looking to take your hammock game to the next level this summer—and have a few thousand dollars to spend on your high-tech lounging—the Kodama Zome might be for you.

Combining complex geometry and physics, the treehouse-like hanging outdoor bed dangles from a pendulum anchor that allows for movement in all directions.

The Zome’s creator, structural engineer Richie Duncan, said he envisioned it as a kind of fusion of classic lounging modes. “It’s the next evolution of daybed meets the hammock,” he said. He admitted, however, that this invention was “one of the toughest elevator pitches ever.”

The Kodama Zome’s name is the combination of the word zome—the linguistic merger of the acclaimed designer Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome and the zonohedron shape —and kodama, the word for the peaceful spirits of Japanese folklore that live among the trees of the forest. The original zome design that inspired Duncan was pioneered as a building concept by Steve Baer in the 1960s in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

While dome-like seating areas are not a new concept, Duncan said, the Kodama Zome’s innovation is the pendulum anchor, which allows it swing from above.

The Kodama Zome comes in custom shapes and sizes—Duncan described a Zome he made with built-in speakers and LCD screens—and the price starts at $4,800.

For his part, Duncan said that he loves to set up the Zome among the trees surrounding his home in southern Oregon, but it could also be hung from a frame on a beach, or even in shallow water.



(Kodama Zomes LLC)
12 Jun 14:41

DIY drones are coming: assemble in 30 minutes, use it for almost anything you can imagine

by Mike Murphy

If you have about $1,000 to spare and just want to take videos of things from the sky, then you should get a consumer drone. But if you want a drone that can hear, smell, or play laser tag, you’ll have to build one yourself. Thanks to a new drone kit from a startup called Skyworks, that’s not as hard as it sounds.

“Drones can be more than just flying cameras,” Skyworks says on its Kickstarter page for the project, called Eedu. Jinger Zeng, Skyworks’ chief operating offer, told Quartz that they want to encourage makers to build drones that explore all five senses.

Like many Ikea assembly projects before it, you only need an allen wrench and some patience to build an Eedu. Zeng says it takes about 30 minutes to put the drone together: “We want to take the complexity of robotics out of it, but still get the gratification of putting a drone together.”

The more established drone companies are also saying their newest products are “platforms.” Both DJI and 3D Robotics have developer platforms for their high-end drones, but the drone hardware is still limited to cameras with propellors. The Eedu base model doesn’t come with a camera, because Skyworks wants its users to experiment with other sensors.

Eedu puts the control of its drones, and what they can do, in the hands of the users. Once it’s built, the Eedu can fly right away, like any other commercial drone. But anyone can write code to make an Eedu do whatever they want. Rather like MakerBot’s repository of models for 3D printers, or GitHub’s library of code for developers, Skyworks wants the programs that users create for its drone to be an open repository. This means whether you’re an expert coder or not, and you see a neat program that someone has created for Eedu, you can download it and run it on your drone.

Skyworks created this drone laser tag game to show what sorts of things you can code for the Eedu. But Zeng envisions myriad uses for the drone: you can add a methane sensor to turn your drone into a coal mine canary; add a Geiger counter to detect radiation; add a heat sensor so firemen can detect where people are instead of entering an inferno themselves; or perhaps make an autonomous drone from scratch.

(Skyworks Aerial Systems)

Eedu is compatible with open-source sensors, like those from SeeedStudio and LittleBits, meaning if something can be sensed, you’ll be able to make a flying version of it. Zeng said that the designs of Eedu’s parts will also be open-sourced, meaning that “people can 3D-print their own frame or do their own 3D customized design if they want.”

Skyworks is launching the Eedu on Kickstarter, but wants to use the drones to help shape its enterprise products of the future.

(As for the viability of this project—an important question, considering many broken Kickstarter-gadget promises—the company identifies itself as a startup composed of “recent college graduates” who have “collaborated together on various projects.” Its first drone has been on sale since December 2014.)

If the campaign is successfully backed, the Eedu team expects it to go into production in September and ship in January 2016. Eedu costs $449 during the pre-order period, or for $399, you can donate a drone for a student.

12 Jun 14:41

How Much Money Are You Losing If You're Not Unionized

A Century Foundation study has found that unionized personal care workers can expect to make almost 10 percent more than their non-union counterparts, while construction workers in unions can earn nearly 42 percent more. For unionized workers in life, physical, and social sciences, hourly pay is almost double that of non-union workers in the same field.
12 Jun 14:39

You’re probably using your treadmill desk wrong

by Akshat Rathi
Walking it off.

For this generation of office workers, sitting is the new smoking. In a recent analysis of all the evidence available, British health officials warned of consequences to a sedentary work life that include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and muscle pain.

To fit in more activity every day, standing desks are becoming more common. And another solution gaining popularity is a treadmill desk. But a new study has found productivity downsides to walking or running at a computer.

Researchers at Brigham Young University divided a group of 75 people and measured their performance on a number of tests, while either sitting at a standard desk or walking at 2.5km per hour at a treadmill desk. The tests were designed to test manual and mental dexterity—such as typing words on a screen or learning and recalling a list of words.

The results, published in the journal PLOS One, showed that, on both sets of tests, those on treadmill desks performed worse than those who were sitting. While it’s perhaps not so surprising that typing while walking is hard, the researchers were surprised that the walking workers performed poorly on cognitive tests. The poor performance might be the result of participants devoting some thinking resources to keeping themselves balanced, and thus becoming less able to reason and remember, the researchers think.

There are limitations to their study. First, the sample size of the study is rather small to draw definitive conclusions. Second, while they were consistently worse, those on treadmill desks performed within the normal range.

So how could you use a treadmill desk better? Michael Larson, the lead researcher of the study, suggests that those planning to use treadmill desks should take it slow. It is likely, even though there are no studies to back this claim yet, that habituating slowly might help overcome some of the drawbacks.

If not, Larson said, the health benefits of such desks probably outweigh the decline in productivity.

12 Jun 10:45

Morrison Hotel is closing?!?

12 Jun 08:03

Scott Walker Has Been Telling This Teacher's Story For Years And She Wants Him To Stop


this fucking guy

"Megan Sampson was named the outstanding first-year teacher by the Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English in June of 2010. A week later, she received another certificate: a layoff notice from the Milwaukee Public Schools system," he wrote in The Des Moines Register. "In 2011, we changed that broken system in Wisconsin. Today, the requirements for seniority and tenure are gone. Schools can hire based on merit and pay based on performance. That means they can keep the best and the brightest in the classroom."

Sampson did not immediately return The Huffington Post's requests for comment.

However, on Wednesday, Sampson told The Associated Press that she does "not enjoy being associated with Walker's political campaign." She said the Wisconsin governor does "not have permission from me to use my story in this manner, and he still does not have my permission."

12 Jun 07:56

N. Carolina gay-marriage law may mean long courthouse waits



RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Under a law that took effect Thursday in North Carolina, employees who issue marriage licenses can refuse to complete paperwork for gay couples by invoking their religious beliefs — a move that could mean longer waits at courthouses for all those who want to wed, especially in rural counties with small staffs.

Gay rights groups and some Democrats said legal challenges were likely to come soon for the new law, the second of its kind nationwide. Utah passed one this year.

North Carolina's law took effect as the state House voted to override Republican Gov. Pat McCrory's earlier veto. The Senate already had voted for the override. McCrory said though he believes marriage is between a man and a woman, no state employee should be able to break his or her government oath. His position puts him at odds with social conservatives aligned with his party.

Under the law, some register of deeds workers who assemble licenses and magistrates who solemnize civil marriages can decide to stop performing all marriages — for both straight and gay couples — if they hold a "sincerely held religious objection." Employees with a religious objection must stop performing all marriage duties for at least six months.

The chief District Court judge or the county register of deeds — both elected officials — would fill in on marriages if needed, but if enough staff members opt out, the issuing of all licenses in a county could fall to a single person.

Such a workload could mean longer waits or even days without anyone to issue licenses if the register is out sick, on vacation, or out of the office for work.

"There's certainly no way that an elected register, if they were the only person in the office issuing licenses, could be there 40 hours a week, every week," said Wayne Rash, the register of deeds for Caldwell County.

Of the state's 100 counties, 45 have three or fewer full-time employees in the register of deeds' office aside from the elected official.

"In a rural county that has only two or three employees, it will be problematic," said Drew Reisinger, who is Buncombe County's register of deeds and who opposes the law. "It is a very real scenario."

12 Jun 07:55

Dogs snub people who are mean to their owners: study


canine cognition beat

Dogs do not like people who are mean to their owners, Japanese researchers said Friday, and will refuse food offered by people who have snubbed their master.

The findings reveal that canines have the capacity to co-operate socially -- a characteristic found in a relatively small number of species, including humans and some other primates.

Researchers led by Kazuo Fujita, a professor of comparative cognition at Kyoto University, tested three groups of 18 dogs using role plays in which their owners needed to open a box.

In all three groups, the owner was accompanied by two people whom the dog did not know.

In the first group, the owner sought assistance from one of the other people, who actively refused to help.

In the second group, the owner asked for, and received, help from one person. In both groups, the third person was neutral and not involved in either helping or refusing to help.

View gallery
Canines have the capacity to co-operate socially -- …
Canines have the capacity to co-operate socially -- a characteristic found in a relatively small num …

Neither person interacted with the dog's owner in the control -- third -- group.

After watching the box-opening scene, the dog was offered food by the two unfamiliar people in the room.

Dogs that saw their owner being rebuffed were far more likely to choose food from the neutral observer, and to ignore the offer from the person who had refused to help, Fujita said.

Dogs whose owners were helped and dogs whose owners did not interact with either person showed no marked preference for accepting snacks from the strangers.

"We discovered for the first time that dogs make social and emotional evaluations of people regardless of their direct interest," Fujita said.

If the dogs were acting solely out of self-interest, there would be no differences among the groups, and a roughly equal number of animals would have accepted food from each person.

"This ability is one of key factors in building a highly collaborative society, and this study shows that dogs share that ability with humans," he said.

The trait is present in children from the age of about three, the research papers said.

Interestingly, noted Fujita, not all primates demonstrate this behaviour.

"There is a similar study that showed tufted capuchins (a monkey native to South America) have this ability, but there is no evidence that chimpanzees demonstrate a preference unless there is a direct benefit to them," he told AFP.

The study will appear in the science journal "Animal Behaviour" to be published later this month by Amsterdam-based Elsevier, he said.

12 Jun 07:53

prothalamion, n.

OED Word of the Day: prothalamion, n. A song or poem written in celebration of a (forthcoming) wedding
12 Jun 07:52

Pi SNES Project @Raspberry_Pi #piday #raspberrypi

by Kelly

fuck your famicom


Nice build and tutorial from instructables user sacha88.

I purchased an old non functional SNES and decided to put a Raspberry Pi inside to transform it into a retro-gaming emulator. The project is simple: graft a new heart to an “out-of-order” SNES. In order to modernize the controllers to play with other consoles and minimize the SNES destruction, I 3D-printed a new front panel. This making didn’t require many electronic or computer skills. It ‘s more like a lego building.

Read more.

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Adafruit has the largest and best selection of Raspberry Pi accessories and all the code & tutorials to get you up and running in no time!

12 Jun 07:51

What Indian lesbians have to say about an advertisement depicting Indian lesbians

by Shelly Walia
Is this it?

In a country where homosexuality is illegal, an Indian brand has decided to feature a lesbian couple in its digital advertisement.

The short ad film by online fashion portal Myntra’s ethnic collection—Anouk—is about a live-in lesbian couple preparing, rather nervously, to tell one set of parents about their relationship. Since it appeared online on May 28, it’s been been viewed more than a million times on YouTube.

It is a bold marketing move, although not the first. There are two earlier examples of advertisements around homosexuality: By Fastrack and the Hindustan Times.

Quartz asked three lesbian women to talk about the advertisement, and how did they face the situation in their real life.

Rituparna Borah, a queer-feminist activist

Rituparna Borah.

Why are lesbians always shown… so mushy? It’s very irritating, because beyond being a couple also, there’s a life of a lesbian woman.

I am still struggling to articulate how I feel about the advertisement per se, but surely I could not relate to it. I laughed when I saw it the first time; my gut feeling was that it is very artificial, for instance, how one woman compliments the other about her short hair.

There was a part of me thinking, ‘It’s good… people are at least talking about lesbians.’ But then the activist in me is questioning, ‘Aur bhi kuch hota (Wish it had more)—maybe a single lesbian woman fighting discrimination in a work space, or the harassment she faces at the hands of her family.

I remember, a couple of years ago, Outlook magazine got in touch with some of us for a cover story. I said, ‘I can give an interview with you as a lesbian woman, but I wouldn’t give you an interview as a couple.’ They asked why. I said, ‘My experience of being a lesbian doesn’t mean I need to have a partner. My experience of being a lesbian is the fact that I am a lesbian. And I love women.’ They rejected it, and said they wanted me only with a partner.

And when the story came, and all the mushy pictures, it was just like a very heterosexual relationship. People said things like ‘look at the lesbian women, they are so committed to each other.’

But for us this is not the real meaning of queer. Queer means challenging many, many things.

I am fed up of the depiction of two women, who are so upper class, and beautiful together… with no issues in their relationship. Why won’t you consider a lesbian just as an individual?

As part of the series, Myntra did an advertisement about a single woman. So how about a single lesbian woman who’s still fighting?

Antra Khurana, researcher

Antra Khurana.(Facebook/Tarun Sharma)

My first impression was ‘yes, we have a lesbian ad.’ But the immediate second thought was that it’s really, really toned down. Those two chicks are acting like friends, like ‘I am using your eye pencil,’ or ‘don’t break my eye pencil,’ or ‘should I make coffee.’

That’s not how a couple is… just because it’s two girls, you’re probably playing it safe. If I didn’t know better, you could put a bottle of pickle, and it might be an ad where one woman is saying, ‘I believe in us… we can both open a pickle company together, so let’s ask our parents for a loan.’

When you do come out of the closet, and tell your parents—and even to parents as cool as mine, and a family very, very accepting—you’re sweating bullets. I remember telling my dad at the Kanpur railway station when my train was right there, so that I didn’t have to face any immediate consequences. All my stuff was on the train, and I told him, ‘I am gay,’ and before he could understand much of what I had said, my train was leaving the station. You’re definitely not talking about hair or drinking water coolly or holding each other’s face like they show in the ad.

Another thing that one cannot expect out of immature Indian ad agencies is looking beyond the perfect bodies, perfectly coordinated hair, perfect makeup… living in a perfect house. That’s not reality by far, with a lot of women with body complexes, and all sorts of other issues going on. While every woman is battling that, the only two lesbian women in an ad have perfect hair and makeup. Seriously?

It is a very entitled, upper-class setting, and this affects because it will somewhere show that LGBTs are upper-class brats, which I am sorry, isn’t the case.

Noor Enayat, public relations person & civil rights activist

Noor Enayat.(Paroma Mukherjee)

At some level, the video is a marketing gimmick employed to woo a certain kind of liberal youth. But I see no problem with that.

My life with my partner is similar to theirs (the couple in the ad), albeit the Anouk clothing and the coming out (I did that when I was 18).

From quiet moments of intimacy (physical and verbal), to moments of doubt followed by that of certainty, the ad has the requisite elements of a fairy tale that many of us—the minuscule minority—would like to claim. Many from the community are sure to be screaming out loud about how the commercial still uses heteronormative ideas of partnership as its premise to depict a same-sex relationship. But that is a larger and deeper debate, which is not entirely free from its own, flawed presumptions.

The conversation in the commercial begins in what appears to be the bedroom that they share. It has the weight of an everyday, intimate dialogue, be it knowing the mother’s favourite colour to concerns about not breaking the tip of the kajal. These are not out of the ordinary conversations, and that is the brilliance of this script.

I ask my partner each time we go out or when someone’s coming over if what I am wearing is alright. Even what pair of earrings to wear is a regular, and she always obliges me with an answer. Now why do I ask her? Why does any straight woman ask her partner? It’s not because one wants to necessarily fish for a compliment but because one intrinsically trusts their partner to tell them the truth.

So it brings home a simple but powerful idea that women irrespective of their sexuality will look beautiful when they break away from societal patriarchy, and are bold enough to live life on their terms.

We welcome your comments at

12 Jun 07:48

euo: devxtchka: I HATE THIS SO MUCH







12 Jun 05:26

Portland Kickstarter scammer will not have to pay federal fines after scamming people.

12 Jun 05:01

prettyboyshyflizzy: Oh shit they actually brought up a white...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


Oh shit they actually brought up a white persons criminal history

12 Jun 04:53

Solar Power Capacity Installs Surpass Wind and Coal For Second Year

by samzenpus
Lucas123 writes: Residential rooftop solar installations hit a historical high in the first quarter of 2015, garnering an 11% increase over the previous quarter and a 76% increase over the Q1, 2014. New installations of solar power capacity surpassed those of wind and coal for the second year in a row, accounting for 32% of all new electrical capacity, according to a new report by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association. Residential solar installation costs dropped to $3.46 per watt of installed capacity this quarter, which represents a 2.2% reduction over last quarter and a 10% reduction over the first quarter of 2014.

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

12 Jun 04:51

quatrepourtoiglencoco: The sad truth is that none of us could ever be Tatiana Maslany.The happy...


via Rosalind


The sad truth is that none of us could ever be Tatiana Maslany.

The happy truth is that Tatiana Maslany could be all of us.

12 Jun 04:47

davidesky2: Manhattan carved out of marble by Yutaka Sone, via...


pure sex


Manhattan carved out of marble by Yutaka Sone, via ArchDaily.

12 Jun 04:46

The new store on Hawthorne is no fun.


a bar attached to Devil's Dill sandwich shop, across from/near Oui Presse

12 Jun 04:41

Put Your d20 On Trial!


gamers are fucking bizarre

Ever wondered if your d20 was balanced correctly? Concerned that you have a die that always rolls low? A guy called Daniel Fisher has the solution for you - a trick that golfers apparently use to test their golf balls! All you need is your d20, and a glass of salt water (room temperature water with a load of salt in it - as much as needed to make the die float).

12 Jun 04:30

Google launches Sidewalks Labs to make life in the cities easier - The Indian Express


'Google has launched Sidewalk Labs, a new company that will try to make living in the city easier by focusing on urban technologies to address issues like cost of living, efficient transportation and energy usage'

ok sure

The Indian Express

Google launches Sidewalks Labs to make life in the cities easier
The Indian Express
Google has launched Sidewalk Labs, a new company that will try to make living in the city easier by focusing on urban technologies to address issues like cost of living, efficient transportation and energy usage. Google CEO Larry Page made the ...
Google launches Sidewalk Labs to fix citiesUSA TODAY
Google's New Sidewalk Labs Project Will Use Tech To Improve Life In Urban ...TechCrunch
Google unveils Sidewalk LabsIndependent Online
all 73 news articles »
12 Jun 04:30

marfmellow: andygin: thedarkerbrother89: dookiediamonds: flaw...


christ, New Orleans, fuck

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.









don’t know who this is but this really breaks my heart hate finding out a fellow black sis had to die like this



Rest in Power

Where is the story

Reblogging because this happened here (in New Orleans) on June 4th, but her death/murder is still under investigation and no details have been released yet (so I’m not sure where the raping/shooting info came from). Her name was Kaylan Ward.

Here are some links: (1) (2)

It’s also important to note that another black woman (not yet identified) was found dead this morning (June 10) on the interstate on the opposite side of the city in a similar condition (dismembered). Link to that story can be found here: (1)

New Orleans may very well have a serial killer (targeting black women) on our hands and I’m scared as fuck.


12 Jun 04:29

Uber supports the public’s right to protest. Except in China.

by Josh Horwitz
Let's put this car in reverse.

In 2012, after a Washington DC taxi commissioner personally hailed an Uber vehicle only to promptly arrest the driver, Uber told its supporters call their senators and storm social media. When it comes to China, the company’s rhetoric is decidedly more conservative.

Yesterday authorities in Guangzhou, a manufacturing center in southern China, launched a similar sting operation against a driver for Didi Kuaidi, an Uber competitor and the leading ride-hailing company in China. According to business magazine Caijing, a transport bureau official hailed a high-end vehicle through Didi Kuaidi, got in the car, and then promptly asked for the driver’s ID and announced he would impound the vehicle (link in Chinese).

What followed was what Chinese media is calling a “mass incident”—a special term used to describe disruptive protests that carries political baggage. Dozens of Didi Kuaidi drivers who apparently caught news of the attempted sting surrounded the vehicle, waving signs in support of Didi and demanding the official, who was inside the car, let the driver off the hook. The mass of supporters blocked traffic, and police arrived to break up the crowds, photos posted on Sina Weibo (log-in required) show:

Local raids and stings are nothing new for ride-hailing companies, including Didi and Uber. But in the wake of yesterday’s chaos, statements released by the firms reveal how the companies are trying to warm the monolith that is the Chinese government to their controversial business model.

Didi issued a public statement to Chinese media distancing itself from the incident, while also re-affirming its commitment to work with the government.

“According to our internal and external research, we’ve confirmed that the drivers at the demonstrations had nothing to do with Didi. But whatever the reason, and whatever the driver platform, we hope all parties can use rationality to come to an understanding,” the statement reads.”

According to Caijing, around the time of the incident, Uber sent out a stern statement to its drivers, warning them that it does not condone public demonstrations. A spokeswoman for Uber in Beijing wouldn’t confirm whether or not the statement had been sent. But her description of the company’s stance towards public protests hits all the marks for party-approved rhetoric.

“We firmly oppose any form of gathering or protest, and we encourage a more rational form of communication for solving problems,” she told Quartz.

Meanwhile, in New York state’s Hamptons beach area, where Uber also faces a potential ban, the company is encouraging its users to call town officials to voice their support.

What happens when you try to get an uber in the hamptons

— Erin Griffith (@eringriffith) June 8, 2015

Protests and social media campaigns give US regulators food for thought, but in China, they’re viewed as signs that order is collapsing. The challenge Uber and Didi face in China is to gather enough public support so their cause is visible, but not enough to become symbols of the government’s troubles controlling society.

12 Jun 04:15

Webcomic Nimona Is Getting An Animated Adaptation! Yes, Yes, Yes!

by Lauren Davis


Noelle Stevenson’s Nimona is one of our all-time favorite webcomics, a genre-bending tale of a not-so-evil supervillain whose life is radically altered when a pushy, shapeshifting lady forces him to take her on as his sidekick. And now there’s going to be an animated version, from the director of Disney’s adorable short Feast.


12 Jun 04:11

Write It Down


firehose is like the scottie pippin of being a dumb son of a bitch

Write It Down
June 11, 2015

He could have just bought a book and photocopied it and saved money somehow.

More comics that include the word "horse"!

12 Jun 04:04

J.R. Smith is riding a Phunkee Duck into the NBA Finals again

by Bill Hanstock

JR no

This is the only way to travel from now on.

Another game, another J.R. Smith entrance on a Phunkee Duck. Smith rode into the arena in style again head of Game 6 of the NBA Finals.


This is how @TheRealJRSmith arrives to Game 4. #NBAFinals

— Leigh Ellis (@LeighEllis) June 11, 2015

JR Smith just rode into the arena on a no-handed Segway. Nearly wiped out on carpet. #NBAFINALS

— Tom Withers (@twithersAP) June 11, 2015

Yes. Yes, this is the most J.R. Smith means of conveyance.

Update: The Cavs lost Game 4 by 21 points, but that didn't stop Smith from cruising out of the arena:

12 Jun 04:04

Typeface Mechanics: 002

by Tobias Frere-Jones

new Tobias Frere-Jones

In the previous post we examined the surprising puzzle of making sizes and alignments visually equal. The next challenge — which also seems like it shouldn’t be a challenge — is managing degrees of weight, both within a single letterform, and across a larger set.

Weights, mathematically equal and optically equal

Imagine that we want to draw something simple: a sans serif with a single weight for all its features. We pick a measurement, one number, and start building shapes. But after the first two pieces, vertical stem and horizontal bar, the plan falls apart. The horizontal looks heavier than the vertical, contradicting our plan. We wanted the simplicity of a single measure everywhere, but we appear to have two. But we just measured it, so we know that it’s equal. Or rather, “equal”.

We have a kind of favoritism lurking in our eyes, causing us to see horizontal shapes as heavier than they really are. The phenomenon has been described several ways, from the “unconscious inference” theory of visual perception, to the conventional wisdom about striped clothes making us look taller or thinner. In these examples and others, we are consistently deceived by changes in orientation. To block this misjudgment, we must peel some weight from the horizontals until they look equal to the verticals. In other words, we need multiple weights to present the idea of one.

Upright and sideways: Futura Medium by Paul Renner, Bauer 1927

But fudging the weights like this puts us in good company. Futura, the perennial example of strict geometry, makes the same concessions despite its air of purity. We would swear that this O is a perfect circle, two edges marked out by an impartial compass. But if we turn the shape sideways, we step around all the optical trickery and see the shape that’s really there: an ellipse inside a circle. The weight is always shifting back and forth, to mirror our persistently false conclusions.

(I needed some time to accept this after I first saw it. “Of course geometric designs are pure. They must be, right? Yes? Please?” It was like a designer’s version of being told that there’s no tooth fairy.)

Futura Medium by Paul Renner, Bauer 1927 and Roman No 1, Bruce Type Foundry ca 1815

This lopsided relationship of verticals and horizontals appears inside any style. Above, these two designs that look so different actually work on the same principle of weight contrast. One is just crafty and subtle, while the other is loud and melodramatic. Culturally, emotionally, practically: these designs from Modernist Europe and Victorian America are different in all kinds of ways. But optically speaking, they’re built on the same plan, with only a difference of intensity. Contrast never goes away completely.

“Initiales Labeur” by La Fonderie Typographique Française, specimen ca 1930

This design shows us another frequent conflict, this time between straight and curved shapes. If we come up close and measure the weights of straight and curved elements, we find that disparity is a part of this beautifully precise order.

Additional weight has been stashed in the curves, making their crests twelve percent heavier than anything in the verticals. The underlying problem and its solution correspond closely to what we saw before with alignments.

A curve reaches its maximum weight for only a moment at its center, while every other part is progressively lighter. The straight stem, on the other hand, retains its full weight from top to bottom. The only way to get these to look equal is to make the curved parts heavier, just like we had pushed their alignments to be higher and lower.

Executed properly, this weight difference will be hard to see, even when the numbers are called out. So overlaying the shapes can show us that the typefounders really did cheat the weight of these curves to make them look right.

Candida Mager by Jakob Erbar, Ludwig & Mayer 1936 & Memphis Halbfett by Rudolf Wolf, Stempel 1929

We saw before that overshoot is governed by the kind of curvature at hand: less for squarer shapes, more for rounder shapes. Here, we have a similar pair of condition and consequence, where this “overmass” is specified by the contrast. Shown above, Candida has a noticeable contrast, though not as high as the Neoclassical style we saw just before. Below it is Memphis, a slab serif with no apparent contrast.

As contrast decreases, the change from maximum to minimum weight becomes smaller. Less weight drops away over the length of a curve, and therefore less overmass is needed. (I should say that I just made up “overmass”, I’ve never heard of a standard term.)

“Overmass” in Candida & Memphis

Taking the same measurements, we find that the decreasing contrast called for less and less overmass. Candida fudges the weights by nine percent, while the super-low contrast of Memphis required only one percent. (So if anyone noted twelve percent from the earlier example, you can cross that out because there is no universal formula for this. Instead, it depends on what else is going on, locally within one letter, regionally across the alphabet and globally across the whole family.)

In the end, this is about adding black because there’s too much white. But elsewhere in the design — or even in the same letter — we can have the inverse problem, where we need to subtract black because there isn’t enough white.

White subtracted, without acknowledgement

To start again with another simplified example, we have a set of lines and the repeating gap between them. Let’s say we want to move them all closer together — to condense them, as it were.

If we change that interval of white space without changing anything else, this doesn’t add up any more. Or more accurately, it adds up to something we didn’t want, if we had hoped to keep a consistent darkness. The proportion of black and white has changed, and that is where we get our sense of light and dark, not from the measure of any single element. If less white means the impression of more black, could we scale everything equally, so that black-to-white ratio stayed intact?

Black and white, scaled together

Sadly, that doesn’t work. Scaling makes it all too light, because we can now see that the stroke weights don’t match. This is, by the way, why fake small caps look all spindly and weak. Scaling down the normal caps will create something whose weight is too obviously different, just like this abstract example.

Black and white, rebalanced optically

So when we just put the weights and spaces where they look right, we create a relationship that is neither arithmetic nor geometric but somewhere between. Our eyes are perpetually tough customers, and rarely accept the simpest solution.

Intersecting strokes, with and without taper (Interstate Bold, Font Bureau 1994)

This black/white ratio problem appears inside letters as well. When the edges of strokes are kept mechanically parallel, we see a pile-up of weight where they cross. The center of the x appears to bulge outward, and the v seems to be a bold weight above and an extra bold weight below. We can calm this down by tapering the strokes as they approach the intersection, partially stabilizing the ratio of black and white from one moment to the next.

Weight will crowd together according to the angle of intersection, with the problem getting more acute as the angle gets more acute. It’s why type designers will take a deep breath before starting a Compressed Extra Bold version of something, or why they might openly swear at the capital W. (That might just be me.)

Tapering mapped

To get a different (and colorful) view, I asked my colleague Nina Stössinger to write a Python tool that would track these shifting weights and change the fill color accordingly. It literally lights up the weight tapering, accelerating into the join from all sides. It also calls out the left side of the v as heavier than the right — a whole other story that I’ll have to leave alone, though not for long.


12 Jun 04:02

Reuters: BlackBerry may launch Android device with a hardware keyboard

by Ron Amadeo

A report from Reuters says that according to "four sources familiar with the matter," BlackBerry is gearing up to launch an Android phone. The device would of course have a hardware keyboard, but it is said to be a slide-out keyboard model.

The report says an Android phone would mark the company's pivot to "focus on software and device management." BlackBerry's BES12 enterprise mobility management software works across operating systems, and Reuters sources say an Android-powered Blackberry phone would allow the company to show off just how well it works with other operating systems.

Reuter's sources peg the Android hardware as the mystery phone Blackberry briefly showed off at Mobile World Congress. The device had a screen with curved edges, similar to a Galaxy S6 Edge, and a hardware keyboard that slid out from the bottom.

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12 Jun 04:02

New Oregon Law Allows for a Year of Birth Control at a Time - ABC News



Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

New Oregon Law Allows for a Year of Birth Control at a Time - ABC News:


SALEM, Ore. — Oregon has enacted a first-of-its-kind insurance law that will allow women to obtain a year’s worth of birth control at a time, expanding coverage that previously needed to be renewed every 30 or 90 days.

Gov. Kate Brown signed the legislation Thursday, saying it “has a simple premise that I whole-heartedly believe in: increase access and decrease barriers.”

12 Jun 03:58

gameraboy: Building Y-Wings


1980s dream job


Building Y-Wings

12 Jun 03:21

Service Dogs Feel Like a Part of the Staff, So Now They're Featured in the School Yearbook


via Rosalind

One of these service dogs works with a deaf teacher helping her teach American Sign Language and the other works with students in special education. These dogs have become so loved at this Minnesota high school that they are featured under the "staff" section of the yearbook.

Take a look at those smiling faces:

Submitted by: (via KARE 11)

Tagged: dogs , cute , Video