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13 Jun 22:23

blackgirlcrisis:nativeskins: mahnattan: Kurt Cobain didnt die to become a cute tank top at Urban...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




Kurt Cobain didn’t die to become a cute tank top at Urban Outfitters

Neither did my ancestors 

^^^^^^^^^^^^ AAAAAND scene.

13 Jun 22:22

rafty, adj.

OED Word of the Day: rafty, adj. Musty, sour-smelling; (of food) stale, rancid
13 Jun 22:19

That “flawed” statistic that 20% of women in college are sexually assaulted? It’s true

by Sonali Kohli

Following a year of skepticism, it is once again accurate to say that one in five women in college in the US experience sexual assault.

In May of 2014, the Washington Post ran a story (updated in December) calling into question a statistic that US president Barack Obama, and a number of other politicians and advocates, had been citing for a while—that one in five women on college campuses are sexually assaulted. The Post asserted that the 2006 survey which had furnished that number, funded by the US Department of Justice, might not be nationally representative for several reasons: it only surveyed students at two large public US colleges; the response rate of 42% is relatively low; 19% is the share of women who experienced both attempted and completed sexual assault, not just the latter.

Men’s rights activists and others began using these purported statistical inaccuracies as evidence that the issue of campus rape is overblown in the US. This was around the same time that the US Department of Education announced investigations into what is now more than 100 universities for potentially mishandling sexual assault cases on their campuses. Quite quickly, citing the flaws with the 1 in 5 statistic became a key point used to demonstrate the difficulties in pinpointing sexual assault statistics—one New York Times editorial referred to it as a “flawed 2007 study.”

To be sure, a survey of students at two colleges should not be considered nationally representative. But it’s also not proof that campus rape isn’t a problem; rather, it was a call for more extensive studies. On June 12, the Washington Post published a new poll conducted with the Kaiser Family Foundation. This poll provides the strongest evidence so far that 20% of college women in the US are sexually assaulted; with a five percentage point margin of error, that’s still a higher percentage than the 13.7% who said they’d experienced a completed assault in the 2007 study. In total, 5% of men said they experienced sexual assault.

The researchers conducted phone interviews with 1,053 Americans between the ages of 17 and 26, all of whom had been undergraduate students in a four-year college at some point since 2011 and lived on or near their campus. The sample size of 539 men and 514 women was smaller than the 2006 survey of 5,446 women and 1,375 men, but represented a much wider pool of more than 500 schools instead of just two, according to the Post.

This poll used similar descriptions of sexual assault to the 2007 study, defining sexual assault as “forced sexual touching, oral sex, sexual intercourse, anal sex and sexual penetration with a finger or object.” This definition also includes unwanted kissing and “rubbing up against you in a sexual way, even if it is over your clothes,” according to the survey. Assaults include those by physical force, as well as if the survivor was incapacitated by alcohol or drugs and unable to provide consent, but is sure the assault happened. The definitions are consistent with the federal legal definition for sexual assault, though terminologies vary among states.

A number of universities told the Post they are increasing prevention and support efforts on their campuses by focusing on consent, encouraging students to report assault they see or experience, and hiring staff to help survivors. As more survivors come forward and statistics like this one become more difficult to refute, it may become easier to hold universities accountable for protecting their students.

We welcome your comments at

13 Jun 22:17

Michigan Is in the Midst of a Massive Experiment in Unraveling U.S. Democracy - In These Times

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

Michigan Is in the Midst of a “Massive Experiment in Unraveling U.S. Democracy” - In These Times:


As Lockridge and Parker explain, they have demanded that Marathon buy their homes. They have also implored the state to cap emission levels and have filed lawsuits against particularly toxic factories. In response, all they’ve seen are more factories given more breaks, while the residents of 48217 get none. Last spring, for example, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality permitted the AK Steel plant, located close to the neighborhood, to increase its toxic emissions as much as 725 times. The approval, according to the Detroit Free Press, came after “Gov. Rick Snyder’s business-promoting agency worked for months behind the scenes” lobbying the Department of Environmental Quality.

“Look at this cute little tree out of nowhere over here!” Lockridge exclaims, slowing the car in front of a scrawny plant whose branches, in the midst of this industrial wasteland, bend under the weight of white blossoms.

“That tree ain’t gonna grow up,” Parker responds. “It’s dead already.”

“It’s trying,” Lockridge insists. “Aww, it’s kind of sad. It’s a Charlie Brown tree.”

The absurdity of life in such an environment is highlighted when we reach a half-mile stretch of sidewalk sandwiched between a massive steel mill and a coal-fired power plant that has been designated a “Wellness Walk.”

“Energize your Life!” implores the sign affixed to a chain-link fence surrounding the power plant. It’s an unlikely site for an exercise walk, given that the state’s health officials consider this strip and the nearby park “the epicenter of the state’s asthma burden.”

13 Jun 22:16

chromolume:wandasykesvevo:chromolume:I dont agree with tumblrs whole you cant enjoy this thing...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.




I don’t agree with tumblr’s whole “you can’t enjoy this thing because it’s problematic” vibe, but watching Friends is weird now knowing that the actor who played Chandler led an invasion of Japan in 1863, which led to the forceful Westernisation of the isolated country.


I’m sorry, yes, the actor who played Chandler in Friends invaded Japan in 1853, not 1863.

13 Jun 22:16

No more Discworld

by Propagandor
I didn't see this posted yet.


Rhianna Pratchett tells fans: ‘I don’t intend on writing more Discworld novels, or giving anyone else permission to do so. They are sacred to dad’

So basically no more Discworld. Which is a bit sad but I think it's the right decision. Rhianna is a writer herself but I'm sure her dad would be happier that she'd try and find her own voice rather than ape his. Plus for every good continuation there are many more like the seaworms of Dune...
13 Jun 22:14


13 Jun 22:13


13 Jun 22:11

lustik: Yumi Shimada

13 Jun 22:10

Police use ultrasonic device to make sure drivers stay 3 feet from cyclists

by Cyrus Farivar

For the last month now, Chattanooga Police Officer Rob Simmons has been biking around town with a new, unique ultrasonic sensor to make sure that drivers are obeying the state’s three-foot buffer law.

The law, which took effect in 2007, requires that when motorists pass a bike, they’re supposed to allow that much distance. But enforcing this law using only human eyes is pretty much pointless—it would be like trying to enforce speed laws without a radar gun. Tennessee is one of 24 states nationwide to enact such a law, but no other states have enforced the law using a device like this.

Simmons rides with the brand-new Bicyclist and Safe Monitoring Applied Radar Technology (BSMART), a handlebar-mounted device that uses an ultrasonic sensor to calculate the distance between the bike and a passing car. Then it displays how far away the nearest edge of the car was to the bike in inches.

Read 14 remaining paragraphs | Comments

13 Jun 22:09


by Jacob Price

You've seen Air Bud, right?

Purin the Super Beagle is clearly one of Air Bud's descendants, and is poised to follow in her father's footsteps. The US Women's National Team has a great keeper in Hope Solo, but if they're looking for a backup ...

She's not bad on the attack, either.

13 Jun 22:09


Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

13 Jun 22:07

sandandglass: The Graham Norton Show s17e09

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


The Graham Norton Show s17e09

13 Jun 22:01

xstayspooky: joshpeck: this isnt the dog park This is the...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



this isn’t the dog park

This is the most important thing I’ve seen in a while

13 Jun 21:48


13 Jun 21:47

uhmeliamay: me whenever my friends are upset:


me whenever my friends are upset:

13 Jun 21:47

Blazing Hot Exoplanet is Smothered in Sunscreen

by Maddie Stone on Gizmodo, shared by Andrew Liptak to io9

Life on WASP-33b would basically be hell—the titanic exoplanet’s atmosphere ranges in temperature from a searing 6,000 to a comparatively balmy 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit. But hey, at least you wouldn’t have to bring sunblock.


13 Jun 21:46

Canada, Tomorrow's Superpower

Canada has three huge, fundamental strengths that will almost certainly be telling in the long run. These are natural resources, good government and an almost unbelievably tolerant and open culture.
13 Jun 21:44

Newswire: Amy Poehler joining Will Ferrell’s underground gambling movie

by William Hughes

Amy Poehler has signed on for the cast of The House, Will Ferrell’s upcoming movie about a couple who run an underground gambling ring after blowing through their daughter’s college fund. Poehler will play Ferrell’s wife, hopefully rescuing the movie from the “crazy husband, bland, nagging wife” paradigm that it could so easily fall into, because nobody can bring the comic crazy like Amy Poehler. With any luck, audiences will get to see her sink her teeth into the role of a suburban casino enforcer, threatening to break people’s end table legs or wining and dining big fish soccer moms.

Poehler’s latest film is Pixar’s Inside Out (which comes out on June 19), where she’ll instead be channeling the “Nice” side of the Leslie Knope “Crazy-Nice” continuum, playing a young girl’s sense of Joy. Meanwhile, Ferrell has about a billion movies currently ...

13 Jun 21:24


13 Jun 18:21

Facebook will favor posts in News Feed based on time friends spend looking at them

by Dante D'Orazio

via Jfiorato: "They haven't been doing this already?"


Facebook is about to get a much better idea of what you do and don't like in your News Feed — even if you don't click the like button. The company is about to start measuring how long you look posts, photos, and comments in your feed. The thinking is, if you linger on a status update and read a couple of comments, you probably are interested in that content. And if you're interested in that update, your friends would probably like to see it as well.

For times when you forget to "like"

With the new algorithm in place — it's rolling out over the next few weeks — stories will be promoted in your News Feed not only if they are highly liked, commented on, or shared, but also if your friends happen to be spending time actually reading and looking at those posts. But, thankfully, Facebook isn't just using a universal scale to determine what counts as reading an update and what counts as scrolling right past it. Instead, the software will see how long you look at certain stories compared to others. If you linger on one post for five times longer than another, it's likely that you found it engaging.

The company says it decided to incorporate time data after performing research to improve News Feed. In a blog post written by software engineers Ansha Yu and Sami Tas, researchers say they learned that "just because someone didn’t like, comment or share a story in their News Feed doesn’t mean it wasn’t meaningful to them." They added, "There are times when, for example, people want to see information about a serious current event, but don’t necessarily want to like or comment on it." For those of us who don't routinely use the like button, that probably doesn't seem like a terribly profound discovery. Nevertheless, it's good that Facebook's finally taking note.

Verge Video: Facebook brings Instant Articles to your newsfeed

13 Jun 18:20

Music is free now – and the industry only has itself to blame

by russiansledges

via Russian Sledges: "sometimes a phrase just makes your whole day"

Murphy concedes that while Thomas Edison was a genius, he had a tin ear and seemed disappointed that his “talking machine” was being used for entertainment rather than as a stenographer’s aid; he thought of music lovers as “opera perverts”.
13 Jun 18:19

‘Jurassic World’s Est. $190M+ To $200M June Bow To Propel Uni Past $1B Mark At Domestic B.O.


"domestic B.O.", but also, what the fuck this movie

Jurassic World is taking a bite of box office history. It’s already Universal’s biggest opening night and biggest opening ever. It’s already the biggest June opener. And now it could become the No. 2 opening of all time, behind only The Avengers. As the dust clears this morning, it appears that Friday’s gross was roughly $83M which means that Indominus Rex’s revised estimates are anywhere between $190M and $200M. If attendance is flat today and if we remove the $18.5M in Thursday previews, the math still shows around a $190M 3-day weekend. This movie garnered an A CinemaScore and is playing incredibly strong. The studio can thank this entertaining romp for giving it the lead in marketshare for the year so far, too.
13 Jun 18:18

Zoe Saldana Gets Frustrated With 'Sexist' Question


fuck this guy

Zoe Saldana has been in the news lately because it surfaced that her husband Marco would be adding her last name to his. She wrote a passionate Facebook post about it, saying in part: “Fathers, sons, brothers, men everywhere: Your legacy will not perish if you take your partner’s surname, or she keeps hers.”

When Jimmy Kimmel asked Zoe on his program Thursday what some are calling a sexist question, “Did you make him do that?”, Zoe responded with frustration, “No! Oh my god. Why does it mean that a woman has to hold a gun, like, ‘You’re gonna be Saldana!’”

13 Jun 18:18

Gunshots fired near Dallas police headquarters


the only way to stop a bad guy with guns and bombs

A man suspected of spraying the Dallas Police Headquarters with gunfire early on Saturday is dead, police confirmed, although authorities said they have not yet identified him.

Dallas Police Spokesman Maj. Max Geron posted on the department's Twitter account that the suspect is confirmed dead.

Remarkably, No one was killed or injured in the attack, which left the building and nearby vehicles strewn with bullet holes.

13 Jun 16:18

How Narragansett Became Cool Again


By acting like a craft brewery

'"It had a 65 percent market share, and it was a part of the very fabric of New England." The brand brewed fewer than 600 barrels in 2004 and the next year, Hellendrung, a former president of Nantucket Nectars, bought it from Pabst Brewing Co. for an undisclosed amount.

Now the native Rhode Islander can be proud of his regional beer again. Narragansett produced 78,034 barrels in 2014, according to the company, and pulled in $12 million in revenue, up from just $100,000 in 2005. In 2013, it cracked the Brewers Association's top 50 breweries in the U.S., based on beer sales by volume, for the first time ever. It jumped another 12 spots last year, to No. 37.

About a third of Narragansett’s sales now come from outside New England (the company is based in Providence), and it is becoming a popular alternative to Pabst Blue Ribbon among price-sensitive beer drinkers at hip Brooklyn bars. It was the cheapest of the top four fastest-growing beers in Brooklyn in the past year, according to GuestMetrics, which tracks 415 or so beer brands at 18 locations in the borough. It was trumped only by Allagash, Bell's, and Blue Point, three craft beers that can sell for almost twice as much as Narragansett. "When we opened about two years ago, it was making a huge stomp on Brooklyn," says Adam Bohanan, a bartender at Brooklyn's Brew Inn, which sells Narragansett for $3. "Everybody was ordering it, everybody wanted it. So we decided we would have it as well. We don't want to be behind the times."

A mild American-style lager, Narragansett is not so different from PBR or Budweiser: It has 5 percent alcohol content, like Bud, and in New York City generally goes for $4 to $6 for a 16-ounce can. PBR is around $3 to $4 for a standard 12-ounce can. "When we first opened, nobody knew what [Narragansett] was, and the number of mispronunciations of the name was as many as got it right," says John McWilliams, the bar manager at Burnside, a Williamsburg bar that sells the 16-ounce Tall Boys for $4. "Now people come in and ask for 'Gansett." McWilliams sells "a ton" of it, he says.

Apart from being cheap, Narragansett has hit its stride by making a play for young drinkers who like smaller craft breweries. "In the early days we chased some of that college business. It’s just not the right way to build a brand," says Hellendrung. "In a lot of ways they're white elephants. Yeah, they drink a lot of beer; they don’t care what's on the can." Light offerings from Big Beer—the Coors, Bud and Miller Lites of the world—has seen an 8 percent decline in sales since 2008, according to research by Impact Databank. "It’s urban, cities, craft-beer drinkers," says Hellendrung of his customer. "And not so much blue collar, brain-washed Bud drinkers."'

When Mark Hellendrung bought the Narragansett beer company in 2005, close to nobody drank the 125-year-old New England lager.
13 Jun 16:10

coolio-bungholio: the-band-slut: a minimum of 40-60 girls were...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.



a minimum of 40-60 girls were dress coded at my school this morning, but not even ONE male was. a percentage of those girls weren’t able to have a change of clothes delivered to them by a parent and were forced to miss a number of final exams. no one at our school has ever been particularly fond of the dress code, however this is taking it too far. if you’ve successfully fought/know someone who successfully fought against dress code please help us by informing us on how to go about ridding our school of this sexist code. honestly, calling a student a skank???? NOT OKAY. we live in Southern California, and right now our weather averages about 100°F (roughly 38°C) and girls are expected to wear long pants. girls were FORCED to miss FINAL EXAMS just because what they were wearing was deemed “distracting”. a large portion of these girls proved they were not breaking dress code (no shorter than four inches above the knee) by measuring with a ruler, but were not released. please help spread this and let us know if there’s any way to fight this without causing us more trouble!

Yet we wear revealing clothes in college and all the boys pass their classes successfully. These schools need to be stopped

13 Jun 12:22

genderoftheday: Todays Gender of the Day is: A refrigerator...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.


Today’s Gender of the Day is: A refrigerator filled with copies of Jurassic Park for the SNES


13 Jun 05:00

Re: Rules Questions: Taking 10: Immediate dangers and distractions

by Pathfinder Design Team (Official Rules Response)

standing ovation

No FAQ Required:

The point of the Take 10 option is to allow the GM to control the pacing and tension of the game, avoiding having the game bog down with unnecessary and pointless checks, but still calling for checks when the chance of failure leads to tension or drama, as well as when a series of checks would have a nonsensical result if all outcomes were exactly the Take 10 result. To that end, it would be counterproductive to attempt to make a strict ruling on what counts as “immediate danger and distracted” because that’s going to vary based on the pacing and dramatic needs of the moment. The very soul of the Take 10 rule is in the GM’s discretion of when it applies, and tying the GM’s hands, forcing them to allow Take 10 in some cases and disallow it in others would run counter to the point of the rule’s inclusion in the game. The rule is currently flexible enough to allow this, and it should maintain that flexibility.

13 Jun 04:50





A project to compile Yahoo! Pipes into Python…

Yahoo! Pipes are translated into Python generators (pipelines) which should give a close match to the original data flow. Each call to the final generator will ripple through the pipeline issuing .next() calls until the source is exhausted.

You can run pipes generated with pipe2py on Google App Engine.

 See also