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17 Jun 01:40

A Sentimental Education: Inside The School That Tilda Built

When Tilda Swinton’s twins reached 14, she wanted them to continue their schooling without the stress of tests. So two years ago she helped found a new school.
17 Jun 01:40

Scientists helped smokers quit by giving them doses of a drug found in magic mushrooms

by Akshat Rathi
Just a few pills of that are needed.

People who try to quit smoking go to great lengths. But the key to quitting might be found in a drug that’s illegal in much of the world. At least Matthew Johnson of Johns Hopkins University thinks so, after testing a therapy with double the success rate of other methods.

The drug in question is psilocybin, the active chemical in magic mushrooms. Research involving psilocybin and LSD in the 1950s and 1960s to treat addiction showed promise, until the drugs escaped the lab and became popular with the psychedelic set. After their use was criminalized, research ground to a halt.

However, in recent years, scientists have been trying to reopen research into these drugs. In 2008, Johnson co-authored human safety guidelines to promote the study of hallucinogens. Since then, as many as 460 sessions involving the use of psilocybin have been conducted at Johns Hopkins alone.

The most notable recent success came in a smoking-cessation program, a 15-week plan that features four sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and three sessions of psilocybin doses.

In CBT, psychologists ask smokers to reflect on their addiction. A key part of this is to memorize a personal mantra that captures why they want to quit.

Magic pill?(AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

For their dose of the drug, participants are taken to an incense-filled room where they are each given a wooden goblet containing a psilocybin pill. Once the pill is taken, researchers cover patients’ eyes and put on headphones. They are then asked to repeat their personal mantra.

The aim is to give the participants a mystical experience in a strictly controlled setting. “We usually discourage them from getting too chatty because it can be really easy to get absorbed in the interesting sensory things that are going on,” Albert Garcia-Romeu, Johnson’s colleague, told the BBC. “We try to encourage them to go inward and that’s really where a lot of the important work happens.”

It may sound a bit wooly, but in one small study in 2014 it was shown to work. In a six-month follow-up after treatment, 12 out 15 participants had not smoked for at least a week. By that measure, the result was twice as successful as other cessation therapies, which have a success rate of less than than 35%.

Johnson and his team can’t explain fully why their therapy works, but they believe that the key is probably purely psychological. The drug is not known to affect nicotine receptors, but they can’t rule out that it may have some indirect effect.

Psilocybin has also been used to treat anxiety in cancer patients, but more widespread use will need to overcome taboos before it gets anywhere near the mainstream. A large-scale study should be conducted to confirm the intriguing findings on its effect on smokers.

Thomas Insel, director of the US government’s National Institute of Mental Health, told the BBC that the lack of a “clear regulatory framework” for the use of hallucinogens in psycotherapy will keep them from becoming widely available as medicines any time soon. “But that’s not a reason to avoid developing the therapies.”

17 Jun 01:38

Smart Meters Snitch On Water Wasters In A Drought

Just as blackouts in the early 2000s led to the adoption of smart electric meters in California, droughts will likely encourage water utilities to adopt the technology.
16 Jun 12:36

pulchritude, n.

OED Word of the Day: pulchritude, n. Beauty.
16 Jun 10:08

joshreads: i will be thinking about the talk page for the...


i will be thinking about the talk page for the wikipedia pringles article for days

16 Jun 10:07

Shenmue 3


I wonder if it'll make it

pledged of $2,000,000 goal
16 Jun 09:55

Houston Cut Its Homeless Population Nearly In Half


by housing people

'With 58 percent of the total homeless population installed in some type of housing, all signs point to that being true.

The coalition of homeless services providers said their success stems from the The Way Home, a local collaborative model adopted in 2012 with the goal of eradicating homelessness by installing permanent housing units and creating a coordinated intake, needs assessment and triage system that gets people the help they need more efficiently. '

Houston coalition uses collaborative model to cut homelessnes by 46 percent over four years.

16 Jun 09:45

Tom Brady fist-pumped to 'Trap Queen' wearing 4 Super Bowl rings

by Seth Rosenthal

football is the least interesting part of the offseason

The Patriots got their Super Bowl rings this weekend. They are massive, they say "DO YOUR JOB," and they spent Sunday night in the club with the whole team. There is so much here, much of it thanks to Only in Boston.

First, here's a close-up of Jonas Gray's ring just glimmering to "Trap Queen":

On to better things #SB49Ring #Patriots #eazy

A video posted by Jonas Gray (@jgray84) on

Speaking of glimmering to "Trap Queen," here is Rob Gronkowski dancing very Gronkily to "Trap Queen" while the rest of the team watches:

OH. MY. GOD. Wiz Khalifa & Tom Brady watch Gronk break it down on the dance floor.

— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS) June 15, 2015

(Wiz Khalifa was there as well after his concert Sunday night in Mansfield.)

"Trap Queen" honestly may have played 40 times:

Brady, Wiz, Gronk, Chandler, Garoppolo, & Chung dance to Trap Queen.

— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS) June 15, 2015

But did Tom Brady fist-pump to "Trap Queen" wearing all 4 of his rings? Yes, he did:

Tom Brady fist pumping w/4 rings is incredible on so many levels.

— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS) June 15, 2015

Did he have a Migos dance-off with Julian Edelman? Yup.

Tom Brady v Julian Edelman dance off. I can't...

— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS) June 15, 2015

Do you wish to see Robert Kraft dancing to Drake, or Robert Kraft dancing to Jeezy? Here you are:

Robert Kraft & Patriots players rock w/@WizKhalifa to Drake. #6God

— Only In Boston (@OnlyInBOS) June 15, 2015


16 Jun 09:39

Have Fun With This DIY Pachinko Bar Bot

by Rebecca Houlihan

bar bot beat


Combining ones love of Pachinko and drinking with Pa-Drink-O: the Pachinko Bar Bot. via instructables

Sharing a drink with friends is great. Sharing time with robots is great too. Playing classic arcade games? Fantastic. I deeply enjoy the electromechanical goodness of classic pinball machines, so in combining my interests, I set out to build my own bar ‘bot that had an arcade game interface. After many hours of research and a handful of sketches, I came up with the rough concept for Pa-Drink-O: The Pachinko Bar Bot.

This Instructable will demonstrate construction and proper operation of a drink dispensing “robot” in the style of a Japanese pachinko machine. The unit consists of several systems: bottle storage, alcohol dispensing mechanism, user input controls, ball release mechanism, drink platform, playfield sensors, and scoreboard. After dispensing balls into the hopper on top of the machine, the player is given a set time limit in which to score as many points as possible by aiming and firing the ball release mechanism toward targets on the playfield. Once the game timer has run down, the player will be able to select a drink depending on how many points they have earned.

Full tutorial

16 Jun 09:27

Doctor Who Creator Considered a Female Lead as the Doctor Back in the ’80s - So get your s*** together already, 2015.

by Dan Van Winkle

old news, but forever


Whether or not the Doctor should get a gender-swapped regeneration can be a divisive issue—quite literally dividing fans between people who are jerks and people who aren’t, generally—but the ultimate authority on the issue already weighed in before a lot of us were born, and he’s 100% cool with it. Can we have Tilda Swinton!Doctor now?

The idea of a female regeneration for the show’s eponymous Time Lord has been a frequent topic of discussion lately.

No, really.

Like, a lot.

All the time, practically. In fact, the discussion practically consumes more of time and space than the Time War itself, and late Doctor Who creator Sydney Newman would probably be confused as to why a good part of the fandom seems so upset at the idea.

If we jump in our Internet TARDIS and head back to the ’80s, during Colin Baker’s time as the Doctor, Newman didn’t like how the show was going and went so far as to call it “largely socially valueless, escapist schlock,” in a letter to then-BBC One Controller Michael Grade, according to CultBox. His solution to regenerate the Doctor into a woman didn’t just beat all the current discussion surrounding the show to the punch, but he also wanted to portray a non-idealized version of a woman long before pop culture really got into that conversation, writing,

At a later stage, Dr. Who would be metamorphosed into a woman

[T]his requires some considerable thought—mainly because I want to avoid a flashy Hollywood ‘Wonder Woman’ because this kind of hero(ine) has no flaws—and a character with no flaws is a bore.

Sadly, Newman’s ideas never came to pass, but fans who would look to the series’ history to back up their anti-lady-Doctor crusade should remember that the person who created the show already destroyed your entire argument long before you ever started it.

(via Den of Geek)

—Please make note of The Mary Sue’s general comment policy.—

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16 Jun 09:23

A Realistic-Looking Latex Mallard Duck Mask by Archie McPhee

by Justin Page



Online novelty retailer Archie McPhee has released a realistic-looking latex mallard duck mask that will help anyone out with their duck face selfie game. The mask is available to purchase online.

Finally, you can take real duck face selfies! When you wear this mask and people shout “duck” at you, they’ll just be describing you, not warning you about impending danger. This mask is beautifully detailed and we added a reflective layer that gives the green feathers a pearlescent sheen. In fact, it’s so realistic you may find yourself tramping through puddles and getting hungry for damp bread. If you get the urge to fly south for the winter, we recommend you buy you and your flock first class tickets to Miami. Fits most adult heads.



images via Archie McPhee

submitted via Laughing Squid Tips

16 Jun 09:17

Matilda, A Beautiful Beloved Tabby Kitten With Great Big Alien Eyes

by Lori Dorn

oh baby :{


Alien Cat Matilda is a beautiful and beloved classic tabby, whose eyes are a oversized due to a progressive genetic disorder. Over the past few months Mathilda unexpectedly developed retinal detachment in both of her eyes. The little feline receives frequent care with a veterinary ophthalmologist who regularly checks her “alien eyes” to make sure she’s not in any pain. Her last checkup was on June 12, and as Matilda reported on her Facebook page, all is well.

Friends: I had some great news today! I went to the veterinary ophthalmologist and she took many readings and tests and determined that I am not in any pain. The pressures in my eyes are normal, and aside from being big and googly they are actually quite healthy-looking! I do not currently have glaucoma. There is a teensy ulcer on one eye, but I have new eyedrops for that, and it can heal. All in all I am one lucky little kitten!

Matilda’s humans, the Lady and the Bearded Man (collectively known as “the Servants”), have promised to care for her for as long as she needs it and have even raised money to pay for surgery should Matilda ever need it.

After much discussion and consideration, The Lady and The Bearded Man decided with the veterinary ophthalmologist’s support that we would let Matilda’s eyes do what they naturally would, and would not intervene with a traumatic surgery that did not appear to be helpful. …As long as Matilda remained happy and healthy, that was the only thing that mattered. …Matilda’s servants take her to see a vet regularly and to see the ophthalmologist when necessary. She is always up to date on her checkups and shots, and they watch her very closely to notice any changes in behaviour that might suggest that she’s uncomfortable. No matter what happens, her servants think she’s perfect and beautiful and will love and care for her the absolute best way that they can for however long this little alien is here.



On Pillow

images via Alien Cat Matilda

via People Pets, Neatorama

16 Jun 09:14

bikinipowerbottom: im not ashamed to admit that id let 26 year...




im not ashamed to admit that id let 26 year old Joe Biden hit it

16 Jun 09:14

stele3: sinbadism: fyeahlilbit3point0: wearewakanda: Meet...

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.





Meet the Marvel fan energizing Black Panther fans with his fake magazine covers

I first stumbled on Darian Robbins’ Black Panther magazine covers and other bits of worldbuilding on Twitter, where they had gone viral. I had assumed it was a publicity stunt on the part of Marvel, but when I found out they were fan art, I wanted to track down the man responsible.+

Like : Tweet : Pin : Blog


Doing the lord’s work.

okay, i need to fucking stop everyone right now and tell them about this dude.

Darian Robbins is a satellite engineer for motherfucking NASA. He does this stuff in his spare time. And he’s black.

This dude IS Wakanda. He is everything Wakanda represents. Seriously, power to him.

I thought it was a publicity stunt, too! More power to this dude.

16 Jun 09:13

Hands-on: Feeling like a guitar god with Rock Band 4’s new guitar solos

by Kyle Orland

'While you can do whatever you want in these sections, Harmonix has included optional guides to the note track that suggest how to play. The game may ask you to hold a sustained note for a bar or two, for instance, or strum along at eighth or sixteenth note speed, or use the set of five high frets down near the bottom of the controller rather than the standard low frets you always use. You can ignore these suggestions and play whatever solo you want, but your score will suffer for it.

For those who love this type of freestyling, there's an entire solo mode where you can just jam along for the entire song. If you don't like it, you can still turn it off and go back to the standard "authored" solos like in older Rock Band games.'

When Harmonix got its start nearly two decades ago, it didn't focus on making games where you slavishly tapped pre-set buttons on a plastic controller to the beat of a song. No, early Harmonix was focused on tools that let you actually make beautiful music, without all the difficult technical challenges that are usually needed to become a virtuoso with a real instrument (see this video for more on that early Harmonix vision).

That history shines through in what is probably Rock Band 4's most interesting new feature, one that does away with the now-familiar track of "note gems"—it allows you to really rock out your own way. More than anything else in the game, guitar solos have the potential to make Rock Band 4 relevant again to players who feel like they overloaded on the whole rhythm game concept years ago.

When guitar solos showed up in old Rock Band games, they just threw a lot of guitar notes at you at once. Rock Band 4's guitar solos actually put the player in control of the music. Strumming on the controller while holding any single fret or combination of frets during these solo sections will play a distinct note or a short, sampled guitar lick, sort of like a MIDI controller on the PC. Harmonix has worked to make sure those notes and samples are in tune and appropriate to the chords in the current section of the song, changing every bar or so to keep up with the backing track.

Read 12 remaining paragraphs | Comments

16 Jun 09:08

Either way Hong Kong votes this week, democracy loses

by Lily Kuo
Workers remove a symbol of Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement from a street.

HONG KONG—For the past year and a half, the city of Hong Kong has been fighting over how to introduce popular elections, with pro-democracy demonstrators occupying downtown areas and clashing with pro-Beijing groups. On Friday, when lawmakers are expected to vote down a Beijing-sanctioned plan that allows only pre-screened candidates to run for Hong Kong’s top office, that fight will grind to a halt.

“Life goes on,” says Charles Mok, a democratic lawmaker serving in the city’s Legislative Council. “If this proposal does not get us closer to true universal suffrage, as we believe, then we have no choice but to vote it down.”

In the days leading up to the vote, tensions are high. Police have arrested 10 people and may detain more over an alleged plan to detonate explosives around the city when the legislative council convenes tomorrow. Some activists believe the arrests are part of a conspiracy to smear the pro-democracy movement.

Pro-democracy protesters shout at pro-China supporters at a rally in Hong Kong on June 14th.
Pro-democracy protesters shout at pro-China supporters at a rally in Hong Kong on June 14th.(Reuters/Tyrone Siu)

Nightly rallies outside government offices have continued since the weekend. The police are expected to dispatch 5,000 officers to surround the legislative chambers on the day of the vote. A commission against corruption is investigating one lawmaker’s claim that he was offered money to vote for the election plan.

For the vote to pass, two-thirds of the city’s 70 legislative council members need to approve it, but 27 lawmakers from pro-democracy parties have already promised to reject it. The difference between failure and passing is just three votes.

If the plan is voted down, in many ways Hong Kong goes back to where it was over a year ago, when the electoral reform process first began. The next election in 2017 will follow the same process that pro-democracy demonstrators had hoped to change: an election committee made up of business leaders and legislators will choose the chief executive, as has been the case since the city was handed back to Chinese control in 1997.

Chinese officials have already said that the process for electoral reform cannot be restarted and that the current framework involving a nominating committee could not be changed. Some have proposed looking ahead to 2022, many including Willy Lam, a professor of Chinese politics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, believe Beijing will just offer more or less same formula then.

A protester wears a T-shirt with slogan during a rally as thousands of people march in a down town street to support for a veto of the government’s electoral reform package in Hong Kong, Sunday, June 14, 2015. the rally is ahead of a crucial vote by lawmakers on controversial Beijing-backed election reforms that drew huge crowds of protesters into the streets last year.
A demonstrator at a rally on June 14th protests the government’s plan for introducing universal suffrage in Hong Kong.(AP Photo/AP Photo/Vincent Yu)

Hong Kong’s current chief executive, CY Leung, has said that the city can’t debate electoral reform forever and if the plan is voted down, the government will focus on the economy instead of politics. The pro-democracy camp also appears ready to turn its attention to new issues.

“We will focus on all the problems Hong Kong faces, politics being one of them,” says Emily Lau, a Democratic Party council member. The issue of universal suffrage is important she says, “but there are many other things too.”

Joshua Wong, one of the main student leaders of the pro-democracy movement, is looking further ahead as well. He is still focused on pushing for universal suffrage but the real question, he says, is what happens in 2047 when the fifty years of “a high degree of autonomy” that Beijing promised Hong Kong expires.

“We still need to fight for democracy and true universal suffrage. We need to think about what is the final aim for the democracy movement,” Wong says. “If we fight for democracy it’s not only to fight for universal suffrage, we also need to use the vote…to fight for the future of Hong kong after 2047.”

Some protesters are losing heart. Seanix Yu, 22, who participated in last year’s demonstrations, says lately the movement has focused too much on who to blame for the failure to implement real electoral reform. “I am disappointed in ourselves and society,” Yu says. “I hope that people are able to move the government to change a bit after its failure.”

16 Jun 09:08

InDesign CC 2015 Now Available: Shading, Graphic Cells, and More!

by InDesignSecrets

'Now you can apply solid colors and gradients that automatically fit the size of a paragraph via new options in the Control panel and the Paragraph Style dialog box. ... Unfortunately, shading is currently fill-only. That is, you can't put a stroked box around a paragraph yet.'

'Adobe is including a “technology preview” of a feature called Publish Online. You can think of this as "publish from InDesign to the Web," as the result is your document in a Web browser. All your fonts work fine (and there are no licensing issues to worry about with Publish Online). Plus, animations are supported, as well as buttons and multi-state objects. ... Your document can only be shared on Adobe's servers, not your own.'


'InDesign CC 2015 features a new type of table cells: graphic cells. When a table is first created, it's business as usual: all the cells are text cells. But placing an image in a cell via drag and drop or with a loaded place cursor will convert the cell to a graphic cell.
Initially, InDesign scales your image so that it fills the cell (like the Fill Frame Proportionally feature). Technically, it appears that InDesign is still actually creating a graphic frame and anchoring it inside the cell. But the graphic frame in the cell updates automatically as you change the size of the cell (by adjusting the position of the rows and columns).'

everything else is stupid (CC libraries can have styles, Adobe bought Fotolia entirely to wedge it awkwardly into a buried menu item, and "it's faster trust us")

Today Adobe is releasing InDesign CC 2015, with several very cool new features -- including one amazing feature/service listed as a "technology preview." Keith Gilbert is going to go in-depth into all the features, how they work, and why you want to use them in the July issue of InDesign Magazine, but for now, we just want […]
16 Jun 09:04

Read This Before Installing InDesign CC 2015!

by Steve Werner

'By default, if you install CC 2015 apps, your previous versions will be removed. This is a huge change from the way it used to work.

Adobe believes (although many of us disagree) that most Creative Cloud users only want the current version of their Creative Cloud apps. So beginning with this release, it has changed the default so previous versions will be uninstalled by default, and settings will be migrated to the new version. If you're happy with that, then in the Update dialog box, just click Update.


Many of us are unhappy with the way Adobe has foisted this decision (to uninstall previous versions) on us with very little notice. It should be far more obvious that a major change will happen if you click Update. It seems obvious that many people will have installation problems, and Adobe will be responsible for that. Please pass this information on to your friends and colleagues!'


'to update to InDesign CC 2015 on a Macintosh computer, you must be running Mac OS X 10.9 or 10.10. If you're still using 10.8 or earlier, you probably won't even see updates for the 2015 versions of CC apps'

Adobe released the new versions of InDesign CC and 14 other Creative Cloud applications at 9 pm Pacific Time on June 15. The new update is called InDesign CC 2015. You can read about the features in InDesign CC 2015 in InDesign CC 2015. However, Adobe also made some changes in the installation process and […]
16 Jun 09:02

“#ICYMI last night, @Philae2014 warming up & revised...

“#ICYMI last night, @Philae2014 warming up & revised trajectories for me!

16 Jun 09:01

Leaked: Pope Francis on climate change and the need for an “honest debate” with scientists

by Quartz Staff
"Humanity is being called upon to become aware of the need to change its way of living."

Pope Francis makes a fiery call to action on climate change in a leaked draft of his encyclical letter published on June 15 by Italian magazine l’Espresso.

In the first chapter, the head of the Catholic church blames humans for global warming, and concludes that the church must “listen to and promote honest debate between scientists.” Environmental justice is a recurring theme—the world’s poor suffer the worst from environmental degradation, he writes, while the powerful try to “hide” signs of climate change.

In its entirety, the 200-page letter includes an introduction, six chapters, and two prayers, including a “Prayer for our earth.” The final version is planned for release later this week.

Selected quotes from from the first chapter:

23. The climate is a common good: of everyone, for everyone. It is, globally, a complex system correlated to many conditions essential to human life. Scientific consensus indicates that we are near a worrisome warming of the climate system.

Humanity is being called upon to become aware of the need to change its way of living, producing and consuming, in order to fight this global warming or—at least—the human causes that create or aggravate it.

It is true that there are other factors… but numerous scientific studies indicate that the greater part of the global warming in recent decades is due to the great concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and others) given off, above all, by human activity.

25. Many of the world’s poor live in the places hit hardest by phenomena connected to global warming, and their means of sustenance largely depend on natural reserves and so-called “ecosystem services,” such as agriculture, fishing and forest resources.

The flood of migrants fleeing poverty exacerbated by environmental degradation is tragic; they are not recognized as refugees in international treaties and carry the burden of their discarded lives without any protective law.

Sadly, there is widespread indifference to these tragedies, which continue to occur in several parts of the world. The lack of reaction in the face of the misfortune of our brothers and sisters is the sign of a loss of that sense of responsibility for those of our kind, which underpins any civilized society.

26. Many of those who hold more resources and economic or political power appear to be focused mainly on masking the problems or hiding their symptoms, and attempt to reduce only a few of the negative impacts of climate change.

But many signs indicate that these effects may be worse and worse if we continue with current models of production and consumption. It has therefore become urgent and pressing to develop policies to drastically reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and other heavily polluting gases, for example, by replacing fossil fuels and developing renewable energy sources.

61. On many concrete issues, the Church has no reason to suggest a final word, and realizes that it must listen to and promote a honest debate among scientists, respecting a diversity of opinion. However, it is enough to look at reality with sincerity to see that there has been a great deterioration of mankind’s communal home.

The full text of Pope Francis’s letter is here (link in Italian).

16 Jun 09:01

"i think its important to realize you can miss something but not want it back."

Courtney shared this story from Super Opinionated.

“i think it’s important to realize you can miss something,
but not want it back.”

- (via flailingbutt)


16 Jun 07:19

Meet The Woman Getting a PhD in Gamergate and the Death Eaters Trying To Stop Her

by Sheena Goodyear

TW: harassment

GamergatePotterNatalie Walschots is a witch.

And like Hermione Granger before her, this Canadian pop-culture writer and videogames scholar is a studious witch, working on her PhD while boldly standing against hordes of Death Eaters, or as you probably know them, Gamergaters.

Walschots studies gaming from a feminist perspective at Montreal’s Concordia University. By natural extension, her research tends to focus on the depressingly unstoppable force that is Gamergate.

“I honestly don’t know how it’s possible to do any other work,” she says.

​​“Games scholarship right now has the spectre of Gamergate hanging over it at all times; they don’t like games journalists or academics, and so if you’re going to write about, analyze and work at all theoretically about games, you’re doing so in … this cultural context.”

But the problem with studying Gamergate is you can’t actually talk about Gamergate. As many women in the gaming world can attest, it can be nigh-impossible to write the word “Gamergate” on the Internet without inviting a vicious flood of organized hate into your life.

The backlash is so powerful and predictable that organizers of the Canadian Games Studies Association this month asked attendees not to use the word in their any of their tweets about the event.

“This made me so incredibly sad and angry that this was something that needed to be said, and instilled as an actual policy. That there was no way we could just be left alone to DO OUR WORK and discuss a cultural phenomenon without potentially unleashing a torrent of abuse,” Walschots says.

“Saying #gamergate online has basically become analogous to standing in front of an Internet Mirror and saying ‘Candyman’ at midnight.”

It reminded her of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter, where wizards refer to the Dark Lord Voldemort as “He Who Must Not Be Named,” for fear of attracting his attention and fueling his power. Thus, the hashtag #Deatheaters was born.

Death Eaters are also bigots in the HP universe, working to keep muggles and mudbloods out of the wizarding world. It seemed terribly appropriate all around.”

GamergatePotter2For a little while, it was the perfect workaround. Attendees were able to tweet their observations about Gamergate without bringing the Death Eaters’ wrath down upon them.

“Then, in the closing moments of the very last session, someone put out a tweet that used The Word. It was up for less than ten minutes and was a momentary, honest mistake,” Walschots says. When she woke up the next morning, she had “hundreds of mentions and there were thousands and thousands of tweets in the tag.”

It didn’t take them long to learn about Walschot’s PhD, and the ‘gaters did what ‘gaters do best — they gathered in dark corners of Reddit and began to organize.

GamergatePotter3“There have been calls to attend future conference panels that I am presenting on, to contact the dean of graduate studies at Concordia in an attempt to get me expelled, to buy up all the domain names associated with my name and handle to ruin my SEO for future employers,” she says.

On Twitter, she’s been on the receiving end of “everything from invitations to debate to crude insults, questions about the validity of my work and critiques of my appearance, hate speech to hentai.” One guy even accused of her witchcraft.

GamergatePotter4But if Gamergate is Voldemort and its supporters are Death Eaters — many have proudly taken up the mantle in GG forums — then Walschots is, indeed, a witch. And witches, as they say, get shit done.

“I flatly refuse to let this scare me away and engaging actually helps me handle it,” Walschots, who often engages her haters with grace and good humour, says. She takes her cue from feminist writer Lindy West, perhaps the Internet’s most famous trollwrangler.

“Engaging seems to help them see me as a human being instead of a symbol or cartoon of a human, and it’s harder to lash out at an actual person,” she says. “Plus, I’m generally pretty hard to rattle, and have a genuinely incredible support system around me.”

Sheena Goodyear is a Toronto-based reporter and witch who works for Sun Media. You can find her on Twitter as @SheenaGoodyear or Tumblr as TheSkortingLife. Her familiar is a formerly diabetic housecat with one working ear, but her patronus is a mighty lion. 

—Please make note of The Mary Sue’s general comment policy.—

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16 Jun 07:18

thisisnoise4ever: satur-0 jjjjjj


get the fuck out my yard


satur-0 jjjjjj

16 Jun 07:01

Remote Massachusetts Towns Welcome Broadband's Arrival

by samzenpus

all carriers suck forever

'Leverett [one of the towns involved] has contracted a private company to provide Internet service, which will cost subscribers $65 a month. That's about same as Comcast and Verizon FIOS customers pay in Greater Boston, but the speeds in Leverett are about 10 times faster.'

New submitter arnoldjm writes: This story from the Boston Globe tells of the effort to bring publicly funded fiber-optic data transmission capabilities to Western Massachusetts. The Globe Reports: "The network, financed with state and federal stimulus money, will extend broadband to 45 isolated towns where 40 percent of homes have no Internet access... Leverett [one of the towns involved] has contracted a private company to provide Internet service, which will cost subscribers $65 a month. That's about same as Comcast and Verizon FIOS customers pay in Greater Boston, but the speeds in Leverett are about 10 times faster."

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Read more of this story at Slashdot.

16 Jun 06:52

The ‘Bromley Batman’ would prefer you call him ‘The Shadow’

by Kevin Melrose


The South London crimefighter reveals that while his exploits only came to light last week, he's been patrolling the streets for three years.
16 Jun 06:51

LastPass Reporting a Security Breach, Including Authentication Hashes and Salts

by samzenpus


hawkeyeMI writes: LastPass, the popular password manager, has been hacked. The company says that the “vast majority” of users are safe, and has posted a notice which begins: "We want to notify our community that on Friday, our team discovered and blocked suspicious activity on our network. In our investigation, we have found no evidence that encrypted user vault data was taken, nor that LastPass user accounts were accessed. The investigation has shown, however, that LastPass account email addresses, password reminders, server per user salts, and authentication hashes were compromised."

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16 Jun 06:45

The Vancouver Forest That Has Been Every Location On 'X-Files'


'Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve (LSCR, previously known as the Seymour Demonstration Forest) in Northern Vancouver '

The truth is out there… probably somewhere in Vancouver.
16 Jun 06:43



no god only shiba

16 Jun 06:42



first-ballot eternal autoreshare hall-of-famer