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05 Feb 20:23

Starbound dev assembling new team for a second game

by Alexa Ray Corriea

Starbound developer Chucklefish Games is beginning pre-production on a second game, the studio announced in a post on the Starbound website.

The unnnamed game will be produced alongside Starbound with a second development team, which Chucklefish notes it is looking to build up. The studio is currently accepting applications for UK-based developers to join the team.

In the post, designer Finn "Tiy" Brice writes that the second game's development will not in any way affect work on Starbound. Brice also notes that he himself will be assisting with design on the new project and will be working with the newly-assembled team.

"At the moment we're still in the stage where we're kicking around ideas, one that keeps popping up is a top down, open world, multiplayer pirate game," he wrote.

According to Brice, Chucklefish will continue to assist smaller indie developers with publishing moving forward. As for Starbound, the game's final release will include more end game content, better mod support and server security as well as a Director Mode that will allow administrators to log onto servers with different tools and orchestrate the action for other players.

Sandbox adventure Starbound has been in open beta on Linux, Mac and Windows PC since December.

05 Feb 20:21

UPDATE 1-Texas to execute woman convicted of killing man for insurance money - Reuters

Vancouver Sun

UPDATE 1-Texas to execute woman convicted of killing man for insurance money
(Adds appeal for stay of execution in paragraphs 4 and 5). By Jon Herskovitz. AUSTIN, Texas Feb 5 (Reuters) - Texas is set to execute a woman convicted of leading a plot to kidnap, torture and then beat to death a mentally disabled man to collect insurance ...
Texas Set to Execute a Woman, Which Is a Rarity Even For TexasSlate Magazine (blog)
Woman set to be executed in TexasBucyrus Telegraph Forum
Woman set to be executed in Texas for 1998

all 206 news articles »
05 Feb 20:20

Grim, broken, and grand: the mad world of 'DayZ'

by Verge Staff

By T.C. Sottek and Sean Hollister

It’s day zero of the zombie apocalypse. You are hungry, frightened, and alone. You enter the town square of Elektrozavodsk, an abandoned city in a parallel Czech Republic, and see a man surrounded by several dead, naked bodies. He’s flanked by two kneeling men in handcuffs, while holding up a bible and shouting about Jesus and hellfire. Against your better judgement, you carefully approach him, thinking maybe you can free those survivors somehow. He suddenly falls to the ground, followed by the distant crack of a sniper’s rifle. As you turn around to leave, a stranger plants an axe in your chest. He steals your pants and runs circles around your corpse, laughing hysterically.

That’s just one of the spontaneous, unpredictable situations you might find in DayZ: an early release PC game that’s not even half finished. DayZ’s basic premise — to survive brutally difficult conditions — would be difficult enough in a perfect game. Unlike most games where your avatar is basically a self-sustaining demigod, DayZ forces you to eat, drink, and stay healthy. You can bleed to death, starve to death, become infected from rotten food, break bones, and fall victim to a number of other pitfalls — including devious murderers behind other keyboards. And when you die, that’s it: no magically reappearing with the gear that took hours to collect or running to retrieve it. You must begin again: nearly naked, thirsty, and alone.

But the game is currently even more difficult than it has to be. Things like falling 6 inches might kill you. Ladders are as dangerous as axes. A random glitch might completely wipe out your character. Zombies will walk through walls and maul you. Every time you load the game, you’re forced to read a disclaimer about its broken state and surrender all expectations by clicking a button that says, “I understand.” In a number of critical measurements, DayZ is a piece of shit. So why have more than a million people paid $29.99 for this?

Join us at 2PM ET for 90 minutes of live DayZ gameplay.


In 2009, Bohemia Interactive released a serious "tactical military simulation" game called Arma 2 for the PC. If you haven’t heard of Arma, you’re like most people; it’s a niche first-person shooter that is to Call of Duty as a stick shift is to an automatic. But three years after Arma’s release, something unexpected happened. Sales increased 500 percent. Without any advertising, DayZ — then a free modification for Arma — convinced hundreds of thousands of gamers to buy Arma 2 in the span of just a few months. In May, 2012, Bohemia Interactive CEO Marek Španêl admitted that DayZ had become the primary driver of Arma 2 sales and promised to help the mod in any way he could. One month later, he gave DayZ’s creator a full-time job. Dean Hall dreamt up DayZ on a brutal survival-training exercise for the New Zealand army where he nearly died. Now, he would fulfill his dream of becoming a game developer on the strength of his mod.

Avatar"I thought about a real person sitting somewhere across the internet. I just shot him in the back."

Hall’s story bears similarities to another tale from over a decade ago. In 1999, a pair of college students built a mod that would become one of the most popular video games of all time: Counter-Strike. Built on top of the critically acclaimed Half-Life, it too offered an experience unlike any game that had come before: an online first-person shooter where rapid teamwork was key and where victory rewarded you with more and better weaponry. After its creators got hired by Half-Life developer Valve to flesh out their mod into a full standalone game, Counter-Strike sprouted wings, selling over 25 million copies and arguably kicking off the shooter craze that spawned games like Call of Duty.

Like Counter-Strike in its heyday, there’s nothing quite like DayZ. The game has no rules, and the only real structure is the suggestion to stay alive. Aside from an inventory screen, there’s virtually no user interface, and context is given through messages that periodically appear on your screen. I feel thirsty. I feel blood dripping from my body. I have a funny taste in my mouth. Items for survival can be so difficult to come by that hoarding enough supplies to survive can become a psychological burden; after receiving a rifle and some supplies, one of my colleagues contemplated suicide for her character because she was anxious about losing her precious gear to a bandit.

While there are many attempts at "realism" in DayZ, the most realistic aspect is that players are thrown into a world and asked to create their own meaning. That’s why the game, like many other cult hits, is driven by unique player stories that you seldom see elsewhere. Many DayZ players rush to forums to share tales of conquest, defeat, and utter weirdness. Strange and terrifying experiences are recorded and shared all over YouTube. And up to tens of thousands of people tune in on a daily basis to watch streamers like Lirik play the game live.

The world is vast and sparsely populated, meaning player encounters are generally tense and exciting. While meeting other players can result in spontaneous cooperation, many encounters will get you shot, handcuffed, or even tortured. "I thought about a real person sitting somewhere across the internet," one Reddit user wrote about killing another player. "As soon as I realized what I had done, I felt horrible. This wave of grief ran over my body. We were not in a firefight and he wasn’t threatening me. I just shot him in the back." You won’t hear a Call of Duty or Battlefield player say that. And in an age of disappointing $60 titles from major publishers, game developers should take note of that sentiment.


There are already signs that DayZ could have a big impact on games like Counter-Strike did. DayZ’s unique and lawless you-only-live-once formula certainly wasn’t unique for long: shortly after the mod version took off, a competing game named The War Z (now known as Infestation: Survivor Stories) sprung up to challenge it. While Infestation flopped hard amidst terrible reviews, that hasn’t been true of Rust, another game that went on sale five days before the standalone version of DayZ hit the market. Basically a cross between DayZ and Minecraft — and not shy about admitting it — Rust has already sold over 500,000 copies as well, despite its similarly incomplete status. There’s clearly a hunger for the DayZ formula.

DayZ doesn’t just change our expectations about how a game should play, but also how complete a game should be before it goes on sale. For quite some time, even a buggy beta version of a game was something you offered free to customers in exchange for bug reports, but games like Minecraft turned that on its head. As long as a game had all its features in place — the accepted definition of beta — sales could begin. Now, DayZ and Rust suggest that there’s no need to wait until a game is even completely playable to start collecting cash. That could be a boon for ambitious games built by small teams who might otherwise not stomach the risk, regardless of whether those games feature zombies or questionable ethical decisions. Will the next generation of great games be works in progress?

Sniper_sightsPlease, sir, don't make me eat another rotten banana

Running along the railroad tracks back to Elektrozavodsk, you run into a player emerging from the woods. As soon as you notice they are armed, you instantaneously sort endless possibilities. If you’re not shot outright, it could be a trap. Do they have friends nearby? Do they want to handcuff me? Will they make me beg for my life? Will they make me eat rotten fruit? Every encounter in DayZ requires a leap of faith. It’s the same kind of faith required to spend nearly $30 on an often frustrating game that may never be fixed or finished.

But what makes a game complete? DayZ is challenging, invigorating, and infuriating. Above all, it will surprise you in ways you might not have thought were possible in video games — possibly all because the game is buggy and weird. How do you put a price on that?

05 Feb 20:13


omfg piers morgans twitter is hilarious he’s such a little shit

he’s all mad because janet mock called him out on his transphobia for seeking to sensationalise her story about being a trans woman and concentrating on the physical aspects and even had the tag…

Watched this happen live. 

Repulsive. Piers Morgan, you suck.

05 Feb 20:12

What's your take on all the criticism that Piers Morgan is getting? He's been called very "trans-phobic"

I thought his comments yesterday were awful. 

I don’t watch much television, I don’t know a thing about him, or who he is. But he deliberately misgendered that woman and insulted the people who were upset about it.

05 Feb 19:33

Superman Returns Director Blames Women for Movie's Failure

by Phoenix Tso on Jezebel, shared by Charlie Jane Anders to io9

'It was a movie made for a certain kind of audience. Perhaps more of a female audience. It wasn't what it needed to be, I guess. I think I could lop the first quarter off and start the movie a bit more aggressively and maybe find a way to start the movie with the jet disaster sequence or something. I could have grabbed the audience a little more quickly. I don't know what would have helped. Probably nothing.'

Superman Returns Director Blames Women for Movie's Failure

Director Bryan Singer wants you to know that it isn't his fault that Superman Returns flopped. Rather, it's kind of sort of the fault of the women for whom he made this movie, but who didn't flock to the theaters to see his badly reviewed, boringly cast version of the franchise.


05 Feb 18:59

Oregon chub is the first fish saved by Endangered Species Act

by Rich McCormick

The US Fish and Wildlife Service yesterday proposed that the Oregon chub, a small minnow native to Oregon's Willamette Valley, be removed from the endangered species list created by the 1973 US Endangered Species Act. If the chub is removed, it will be the first fish to be delisted because of its population recovery since the list was created.

The Oregon chub was placed on the endangered species in 1993 after the loss of floodplain habitats and predation by non-native fish. At the time, fewer than eight populations of Oregon chub existed, with fewer than 1,000 fish. A recovery plan to boost chub numbers was finalized in 1998, and thanks to the success of methods such as habitat restoration, education, and careful monitoring, the species was reclassified as "threatened" in 2010. Oregon chub numbers now exceed 150,000, in 80 different habitats around the Willamette area.

Oregon chub numbers now exceed 150,000, across 80 different sites

If the Oregon chub is removed from the US endangered species list, it will join 26 animals, including the Steller sea lion and Gray wolf, that have had their populations re-grow following their classification as endangered. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is currently considering whether to remove the North Pacific humpback whale from the list of more than 2,000 plants and animal species currently considered endangered in the US and abroad.

05 Feb 18:18

Florida crime lab analyst arrested, charged with stealing, selling drugs seized as ... - Seattle Post Intelligencer

Florida crime lab analyst arrested, charged with stealing, selling drugs seized as ...
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Page 1 of 1. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida crime lab analyst arrested, charged with stealing, selling drugs seized as evidence. Printable Version. Email This. Tweet. Need to Register? X. Remember Me. Forgot your password? Click to View RSS Feed ...

and more »
05 Feb 18:15

'American Idol' singer Clay Aiken to run for Congress in N.Carolina - Toronto Sun


'as a Democrat for a North Carolina seat now held by a Republican'

Washington Post

'American Idol' singer Clay Aiken to run for Congress in N.Carolina
Toronto Sun
CLAY AIKEN Singer Clay Aiken, an "American Idol" finalist performs onstage at the 31st annual American Music Awards in Los Angeles, California in this November 16, 2003 file photo. (REUTERS/Jim Ruymen/Files). Tweet. Change text size for the story; Print ...
10 Things to Know for ThursdayNews & Observer
Aiken's bid for North Carolina House seat draws mixed reviewsMcClatchy Washington Bureau
Clay Aiken running for Congress: What's 'American Idol' star's strategy? (+video)Christian Science Monitor
Neon Tommy -Mediaite -Huffington Post
all 471 news articles »
05 Feb 18:09

maptitude1: These maps show the street plan for New York City...


it's a grid


These maps show the street plan for New York City before and after Simon deWitt and John Rutherford designed the city’s grid in 1811.

05 Feb 18:07

William Shakespeare and ‘Star Wars’ Meet Again in Ian Doescher’s Second Book ‘The Empire Striketh Back’

by Justin Page

meanwhile, in Portland

The Empire Striketh Back

William Shakespeare’s The Empire Striketh Back is the upcoming second book in a trilogy by Portland-based creative director and author Ian Doescher that retells the story of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back in the recognizable style of William Shakespeare. The book, published by Quirk Books, will feature incredible artwork by illustrator Nicolas Delort. Hardcover and e-book editions of the book are available to pre-order online at Amazon (e-book) and Barnes & Noble. Previously, we wrote about his first book William Shakespeare’s Star Wars.

Ian’s third book in the trilogy, The Jedi Doth Run, will retell Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and be released on July 1st, 2014. It is also available to pre-order from Amazon (e-book).

Return to the star-crossed galaxy far, far away as the brooding young hero, a power-mad emperor, and their jesting droids match wits, struggle for power, and soliloquize in elegant and impeccable iambic pentameter.

Illustrated with beautiful black-and-white Elizabethan-style artwork, these two plays offer essential reading for all ages. Something Wookiee this way comes!

image via Quirk Books

via USA Today, CNET Crave

05 Feb 18:06

Intersections, A Wooden Cube Art Installation That Explores Boundaries Through Patterns of Light and Shadow

by Rollin Bishop

Intersections Art Project

Created by Indianapolis-based professor and artist Anila Quayyum Agha, Intersections consists of a heavily patterned hollow 6.5′ wooden cube hung from the ceiling that casts shadows of said pattern within a 35′ by 32′ space thanks to a light bulb inside.

The Intersections project takes the seminal experience of exclusion as a woman from a space of community and creativity such as a Mosque and translates the complex expressions of both wonder and exclusion that have been my experience while growing up in Pakistan. The wooden frieze emulates a pattern from the Alhambra, which was poised at the intersection of history, culture and art and was a place where Islamic and Western discourses, met and co-existed in harmony and served as a testament to the symbiosis of difference.

Intersections Art Project Bigger

images via Anila Quayyum Agha

via reddit, TwistedSifter

05 Feb 18:05

CBS will air 8 Thursday Night Football games in 2014

by Jon Benne

CBS has won the Thursday night bidding war and will air all eight games in 2014

CBS has won the rights to Thursday Night Football and will televise eight games on Thursday night in 2014, the NFL has confirmed in a statement.

The eight games will all be aired in the early part of the season and simulcast on NFL Network. Previously, NFLN had exclusive broadcasting rights to the TNF package. NFL Network will air the final six games on Thursday and two more on Saturday night, bringing the total package to 14 games. Jim Nantz and Phil Simms will be calling every game aired on CBS.

This move is a culmination of the NFL's desire to get Thursday night games on broadcast television. It also brings back Saturday Night football, which has been absent from the schedule for several years. With this announcement, CBS will now have to make a shakeup to its Thursday primetime schedule, which currently dominates the ratings with hit shows like The Big Bang Theory and Two and a Half Men.

SB Nation's Super Bowl coverage

Richard Sherman: "The NFC Championship was the Super Bowl"

Bois: Denver's Super Bowl whoopin' in historical context

Pete Carroll's cultural philosophy on display in Seattle's run

Ufford: "Deserve" had nothing to do with it | Godfrey: NFL always wins

NFL mock draft: Believe in Bortles | (Early) 2014 power rankings: Philly favored

Jon Bois' crazy Breaking Madden Super Bowl basically came true

05 Feb 17:57

Hannah Hart Hilariously Dispels Common Misconceptions About Alcohol Consumption

by Lori Dorn

Hannah Hart of My Drunk Kitchen recently hosted an episode of Mental Floss where she hilariously dispelled common misconceptions and rumors pertaining to the consumption of alcohol.

People claim that combining energy drinks with alcohol makes you drunker, turns out this combination just energizes you – big shock. This may make you feel less intoxicated than you actually are, which typically leads to more drinking…and poor decision making…and maybe you climbed that scaffolding that one time and now your friends call it toxic “jock syndrome”

05 Feb 17:55

storiesfromthecityandthesea: YES

05 Feb 17:50

Patrick Stewart Plays Sad Dying Moon Rover In Career High on The Daily Show


clickthrough; PStew at 4:50

A couple days ago we brought you the story of China's Jade Rabbit, the little moon rover that couldn't, so Chinese authorities delivered a heartbreaking farewell address for it. Patrick Stewart and The Daily Show have combined forces to give the that brave little toaster a proper send off. With cardboard costumes.
05 Feb 17:47

The Net Neutrality Wars Have Begun


all carriers suck forever

Verizon has begun slowing down AWS. Not sure what that means? Allow us to explain.
05 Feb 17:46

From Stealth, when the creator of the rogue AI is looking at the...

From Stealth, when the creator of the rogue AI is looking at the AI’s source code raw TeX/LaTeX is displayed. It appears to be for randomly-chosen (nonsensical) mathematical equations.

- @Alby

05 Feb 17:46

How To Sneeze In Ten Different Languages

by Scott Beale

How To Sneeze
How To Sneeze

Manchester-based artist James Champman illustrates how to sneeze in ten different languages.

Previously he explored what various animals sound like in different languages.

05 Feb 17:39

Steven Moffat Talks BBC Sherlock‘s “Female Perspective”


'Also: I want to make completely clear that the article you're about to read isn't exactly favorable of Moffat.'

We had our own little open discussion thread the day after the Sherlock season three finale aired in the US, but I would like to formally invite all our readers to hash out their thoughts on Sherlock's most recent season here, too. Something tells me the subject of these quotes from Steven Moffat—the importance of the show's "female perspective"—will inspire some strong opinions. SPOILERS are behind the jump and in the comments. Also: I want to make completely clear that the article you're about to read isn't exactly favorable of Moffat. If you're one of those people who doesn't like to read negative opinions of him and writes comments like "Why does everyone on this site hate Moffat?! If you don't like the show, don't watch it!" (yes, there are a few), I invite you not to read further.
05 Feb 17:32


by Kent Griswold

via GN

by Steve Auth

We build Sheep wagons, Gypsy Wagons, any type of Tiny House. What is really unique about our builds is they all have a Skeleton of a welded aluminum frame work with a sprayed polyurethane foam insulation with a metal roof of various colors for a four season usable tiny house.

We start with an aluminum trailer on our vehicle pulled models. Some on wagons,some pulled by horses, Woolywagons are perfect getaways on the back forties, down on the pond, a guest house, a cabin rental. Keep an eye out for our new Hobit Hut(tm) by Woolywagons(tm).

Woolywagons 1

We also deliver our custom Woolywagons, built here at our Lazyaa B&B Guest Ranch, home of the Woolywagons, located in central Indiana. We welcome guest and DIY folk with a free stay at the Lazyaa during or after any Woolywagon build. Also, the Lazyaa welcomes all traveling tiny house folks for a great getaway, lots of shade, fishing, golf, billiards, canoeing, and camping. If your flying in for planning your Woolywagon your stay is free! We will pick you up at the Indianapolis International Airport and you will have our undivided attention.

Our pricing verys as you can imagine it so depends on size, material, type of wood (softwood vs hardwood interior etc.) Much depends what a client has to budget in a custom tiny house.

Woolywagons 2

Here at Woolywagons we offer a no charge two day stay to go over what a potential client has in mind for their dream tiny house. Our designs can be pulled by compact cars, towed by trucks, horses, or set and delivered. Woolywagons are also available without a trailer & wheels.

We believe communication is important to reach everyone’s expectations. If you fly in we will personally pick you up at Indianapolis International Airport or you can rent a car for theforty minute drive north to our location. This allows you to get to know us, visit our shop, enjoy a stay in our tiny cabin or a Woolywagon with a campfire and enjoy the ranch.

Woolywagons 3

I want too stress that we absolutely do not put any sales pressure on our guests. We make a lot of friends and hey our motto is life don’t get any better than that. Winter stays are cozy here, so folks don’t let weather keep you away! You all have heard of Hoosier Hospitality, let us show you what it’s all about.

Tiny House travelers are also welcome here. As a matter of fact, we are putting together a Midwest tiny house gathering here at the Lazyaa where it is very shaded and woodsy. So folks, give us call about the dates this year and visit our Ranch and Woolywagons Shop.

If you decide to purchase a Woolywagon be sure and mention you discovered them at the Tiny House Blog.

Woolywagons 4

Woolywagons 5

05 Feb 17:18

[Pathfinder] Bastards of Golarion

by Alter_Boy

at least there's an owlbear on the cover

Paizo official explanation is that because they used bastards in a title before (to describe children born of noble blood out of wedlock), it's ok here (to describe people born of any arrangement between two different races as bastards)

Yes, this is a real title.

I can't say if I'm more offended that Half-Elf and Half-Orcs are being categorized as "Bastards", or more amused that Paizo is selling a product called "Bastards of Golarion" as a non-comedic product. Oh, what a day to be alive... :D
05 Feb 17:08

Jonas the Tiger, Future Star of ‘Life of Pi’, Makes Himself At Home At Zoo Employee’s Home in 2008

by Lori Dorn

Kevin Thatcher, an employee of Bowmanville Zoo in Ontario, Canada, shot this 2008 video of an active 7-month tiger named Jonas making himself at home in Kevin’s home.

After a day of work I or some other employee of the zoo would take him home for the night so he could continue to eat every 3-4 hours and have enriching activities [which] all babies need. After I fed him I then fed myself and had a beer in my house…He has tried to eat my pizza before and did not like it but like all stubborn babies he has to see for himself every time.

Jonas’ friendly nature due to early socialization with humans landed him a major part in the film, The Life of Pi. Sadly, Jonas passed away in 2011 at the age of four due to complications from a previously undiagnosed birth defect.

via Daily Picks and Flicks

05 Feb 17:07


05 Feb 17:06



05 Feb 17:01

Mike Johnson And Yasmin Liang On Gender-Flipping 'Star Trek' And The Tie-In Comic's New Five-Year Mission [Interview]

by Kevin Church


Star Trek 29 Cat Staggs Cover MainIDW/Cat Staggs

Much like their (rightly) acclaimed Judge Dredd comics, IDW’s handling of the Star Trek license has managed to exceed reader expectations with high production values and an uncanny ability to tell engaging comics stories within the limitations of a tie-in book. Over the last three years, IDW has shifted the comics focus to tell stories from within the world of J.J. Abrams and his Bad Robot team’s cinematic Star Trek reboot. With the new status quo firmly established, writer Mike Johnson and a team of artists are going to be taking the Enterprise and her crew into all-new directions, starting with a gender-flipped parallel universe. The two-part “Parallel Lives” debuted last week with Star Trek #29 and gives new readers a chance to take a tour with the finest crew in the fleet while seeing them in an all-new light.

We talked to Johnson and artist Yasmin Liang for more information about their two-part Trek adventure, and got an inside look at the ins-and-outs of how they approach working on a license with such heavy fan expectations.

Cat Staggs’ covers for the “Parallel Lives” Story

Mike Johnson, Writer

ComicsAlliance: You’ve been writing for IDW’s Star Trek series since before the first of the Abrams movies came out, scripting the Countdown miniseries and working with Roberto Orci. How does that relationship work and what’s changing with #29?

Mike Johnson: My relationship with Bob on the comics began when I was working in film development at Kurtzman/Orci’s production company. I had started writing for DC Comics on the side, with Bob and Alex’s blessing, so when the possibility of a prequel comic to the 2009 Star Trek film came around it was a nice confluence of the two worlds I was inhabiting. We followed that Countdown series with an adaptation of the movie and a separate mini-series focusing on the origin of Nero, the Romulan villain played by Eric Bana.

I left the company to write full time in early 2011, and as we were between Trek movies at that time it felt like the perfect opportunity to keep the new Trek-verse alive and kicking with a new comic series. IDW launched the ongoing Trek comic in September of 2011, with Bob as the creative godfather of the stories. Bob’s the biggest and most knowledgeable Trek fan amongst the movie team, and he’s a big supporter of Trek stories being told across different media. He gave me enormous freedom to create new “episodes”, and has always been there to offer suggestions and act as a sounding board. Because he was involved, we were able to seed tiny nods to what was coming up in Star Trek Into Darkness, and the plan is to do the same for the third movie currently in development.

Bob remains involved as the series godfather, and he embraced issue #29′s gender-switching concept as both a fun story and as a throwback to some of the more unusual adventures we saw in the original television series. The original series was fearless about trying new ideas (“Spock’s Brain”, anyone?) and we want to honor that tradition in the comics.

CA: That’s great to hear, as I’m a huge fan of how The Original Series was essentially a genre engine, with the Enterprise and its crew becoming the stage and cast for a mystery or comedy or thriller. Even “Spock’s Brain” and “The Omega Glory” have a certain panache that goes beyond their scripts. What’s interesting to me is the licensed book process — how does that work for you guys; do you pitch outlines Bob’s way before the editorial team at IDW sees them or is it all hashed out with Bad Robot before IDW sees things?

MJ: The other big development with issue #29 is that we are embarking on the “Five Year Mission” that Kirk talks about in Star Trek Into Darkness. Only in the comics will we see the adventures of the crew as they leave the Federation in the rear-view and head out into uncharted space. This is a departure from the original television series, where the Enterprise would often be visiting existing colonies and shuttling diplomats around when it wasn’t finding new worlds. We’re leaving all of that behind, so the comic really embraces the sense of a lone ship out there on the seas of space. No backup, no rescue if things go wrong. Hopefully everybody survives to make it to the next movie…

We’re lucky to have a great licensing team working on the books. We work closely with John Van Citters at CBS and Risa Gertner at Paramount, who are fantastic partners in making sure the stories stay quintessentially “Star Trek”. At the same time they encourage going boldly (sorry, had to say it) in new directions as well so that the franchise retains its trademark invention and excitement. Licensed books are always a tricky proposition given the number of cooks in the comics kitchen, but in our case we have a small team with a proven track record and a lot of trust between all partners.

When it comes to pitching stories, it varies from case to case. Sometimes I’ll bounce an idea off Bob first, or it will come out of a conversation with him, and sometimes I’ll run one past my brilliant editor at IDW, Sarah Gaydos, as well as Risa and John to get their initial reaction.

In the case of “Parallel Lives”, the gender-switching story that starts in issue #29, it arose from a discussion I had when Sarah when she first joined the series as editor and we were planning out the year ahead. I wanted to try something attention-grabbing and slightly weird, in the tradition of the more daring original episodes, and joked that a “Lil’ Star Trek” series following a miniature crew would certainly be that. Sarah suggested an alternative that still embraced the idea of seeing the crew in a different way: switching genders. It’s certainly attention-grabbing, but it is also very “Star Trek” in the way that it invites an examination of deeper themes in the story beyond just the unusual premise.

Artist Yasmin Liang’s sketches of the parallel universe crew.

CA: Early in the series, you presented new angles on classic stories — I especially liked your version of “The Return Of The Archons” — but with some of the decisions made with Star Trek Into Darkness, I’m actually craving the new much more than seeing what’s changed. With this representing the start of the five-year-mission, does this mean we’re going to see more new adventures?

MJ: Indeed we will! We’re leaving the re-interpretations of original episodes behind in favor of all-new adventures. This doesn’t mean we won’t see a familiar face in a new light now and then, but the focus will be on new stories. There’s a lot of fallout from Into Darkness to explore, and new additions to the crew we want to get to know. Coming up we will learn the origin of Science Officer 0718, the android-looking blueshirt we met on the bridge in Into Darkness (and who starred in a recent commercial for G.E. along with Sulu!)

CA: That commercial blew my mind! I’m eager to see what you do with 0718 because he surprised me, frankly. Androids and the like were always presented in The Original Series as problematic, especially in episodes like “What Are Little Girls Made Of?”. Speaking of Into Darkness, the last issue of the Khan miniseries is also coming out very soon. The casting of Cumberbatch in that role has been met with no small amount of controversy and that miniseries promises to resolve the matter. Was that series planned from the outset or did it come together after the fact?

MJ: Yes, the Khan series was planned before the movie came out. We knew we wanted to do the Countdown To Darkness mini-series first, but we didn’t want to spoil the reveal of Khan in the movie in Countdown. So the plan was always to go back and show Khan’s history after the movie’s release. I’ve heard chatter about not showing more of Khan’s history in the movie, but the fact is there is only so much you can pack into two hours onscreen, and Into Darkness actually takes place in a pretty compressed time frame. But Bob Orci has always embraced the comics as a means to add to what’s onscreen, going all the way back to the original Countdown to the 2009 movie that showed how Nero arrived in the new timeline.

CA: That’s really interesting, and it makes a certain amount of sense. Now, for the lightning round.

CA: Favorite Episode of TOS?

MJ: “Amok Time.” Our first look at Vulcan, and Nimoy brings new depth to the role of Spock.

CA: Favorite Character?

MJ: For TOS, it’s Bones. For all Trek, it’s Data.

CA: Favorite Moment?

MJ: I’ll go movies for this one. Wrath of Khan, Spock and Kirk, hands on glass.

Yasmin Liang, Artist

ComicsAlliance: Yasmin, you’ve just wrapped up Steed and Mrs. Peel and are now taking on Star Trek. What other 1960′s based licenses need to look out? Has anyone talked to you about Batman ’66 yet?

Yasmin Liang: Help me, Kevin. I’m stuck in the ’60s! I’d draw the crap out of a Batman ’66 title though. Wasn’t The Green Hornet from that era as well? Put it on the list. I seem to be pulling in all the work that requires likenesses!

CA: He was! And Bewitched, but nobody’s listened to my pleas on that front. How’d you get this assignment? As you said, you’re getting work that requires likenesses, and they’re certainly part of any licensed comic, but your overall work has such variety that I wonder if there’s anyone one thing that stood out to the editors as making you right for this?

YL: I wouldn’t say I’m very good at likenesses, I really never had any intention of being the artist you hire if you wanted that in a comic. It’s just dumb luck I’m even here. I’ve been very, very fortunate regarding how I’ve gotten the projects I’m currently working on. Sarah actually e-mailed me a year ago when she saw my Elizabethan Batwoman piece and was kind enough to follow my work thereafter. At the time, I hadn’t done any comic book work yet and certainly hadn’t exhibited any likeness work (though I did draw Troy and Abed from Community once, I suppose). The planets aligned when I finished Steed and Mrs. Peel though and she needed an artist who could draw Simon Pegg’s weirdly-shaped head! Sorry, not sorry, I hate Simon Pegg’s skull.

CA: Ha! Think about poor Darrick Robertson, drawing Pegg’s duplicate for years over on The Boys! For someone who thinks they’re not especially good at likenesses, you make it look effortless without being clumsy. Were you a fan of Trek before Sarah and IDW got in touch? Is there any secret fan art we should know about?

YL: Thanks! And yes, huge fan of Star Trek here. I’m a TNG fan, though I very much love the new movies and the original series. I have yet to finish watching all of DS9, however. And now that I’ve said that, I’m ashamed to say I haven’t done any Trek art I can think of! I think I doodled a Spock… once…? This is embarrassing. Well, that said, I think I’ve made up for it with these issues.

Some of Yasmin Liang's early sketches for the two-parter.Some of Yasmin Liang’s early sketches for the two-parter.

CA: Probably so! Now, when it came to the gender-flipped versions of the crew, you had to create your own versions of these characters. What process went behind Chris Pine even prettier?

YL: Hide his forehead.

I can’t take the credit for Kirk’s design actually. Kirk, Spock and Uhuro’s designs were all handled by the cover artist, Cat Staggs. Even then, Mike provided me with some guidelines for the rest of the crew! When I approach designs, especially redesigns and genderbends, I try to determine the main motivations and personality behind the character. For instance, Bones as a woman would be just as grouchy and still be taller than Kirk. I just like the idea of Bones being a large, mean-looking woman! And of course, Chekov would be cute as a button.

It’s not really a science though and I’ve done my fair share of genderbends for fun. People get MAD about genderbends. Have you seen how angry they get? I’m actually a bit afraid for when the books are released and people read them.

CA: I have! It’s funny that they’ll get worked up over a gender-bent Sulu or something but be down for mirror universe versions of characters that are actually out-and-out murderers and torturers.

CA: Let’s get into the nitty-gritty; how did you handle art chores on these two issues? Was it all digital? What goes into making a page?

YL: It’s funny, I often worry that I can’t compete with a lot of comic book artists because I tend to work all digitally or mostly digital anyway. The thing is, edits become ten times more quick to make when the ink is digital. Sarah looked at my being a digital comic book artist as a plus. I do envy the traditional comic book artist and their proud stack of Bristol that they finish with.

That said, I usually do a refined sketch for the page and then ink on top with a Cintiq. Of course, that doesn’t count the time spent looking up reference for how many stripes Uhuro is supposed to have on his uniform or what side Sulu’s mole is on. I spent maybe an hour going through the movies just trying to figure out what the bottom of someone’s chair looked like. And finally, working on these books has been very hectic because of holidays, flu season and just all kinds of rubbish that has popped up to slow me down. Add on to that, there’s maybe three or four different people the pages need to be approved by before they even get to approval. I really admire Sarah for somehow working that all into a schedule for the rest of us.

CA: Star Trek has so many moving parts that it’s challenging for everyone, it sounds like, but that’s part of the fun, I guess? What’s next for you after this two-parter? Anything you can talk about?

YL: I’m currently working on a series called Mrs. Pankhurst’s Amazons, written by Tony Wolf, for BOOM! Studios which is pretty exciting. It’s about the ninja suffragettes! Kind of.

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