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30 Jul 19:32

Beautifully creepy Facehugger mask

by Geekologie
face-hugger-mask.jpg Reddit user skystonemeteorites posted this Facehugger face mask because it was only a matter of time and I'm surprised it took this long. It looks as incredible as it does non-breathable. I mean, is that leather? Viruses aren't getting through there, but neither is oxygen or anything else. Except maybe Facehugger testicles. I definitely see some Facehugger testicles and they're disturbingly close to the mouth.
08 Dec 02:28

An All-At-Once Toothbrush That Can (Allegedly) Properly Brush Your Teeth In 3 Seconds

3-second-toothbrush.jpg This is a video advertisement for the successfully Kickstarted unico smartbrush, a €99 (~$115) electric toothbrush that brushes all your teeth simultaneously and can supposedly get the job done in just three seconds. You just squirt toothpaste into the power unit, give it a double tap, and in three seconds you're done. How about that! Did you know the average American spends 38.5 days brushing their teeth over the course of their lifetime? "What a waste of time! Thanks, unico." Personally, I brush for at least two minutes but the time doesn't bother me because I can multitask and get other things done at the same time like sit on the toilet and regret getting out of bed this morning, or remember all the things I was supposed to get done at work yesterday but didn't because I was too busy playing browser games. It's kind of one of my morning rituals, like slowly refilling my roommate's contact solution with vinegar. Keep going for the video, as well as an even shorter how-to-use demonstration.
Thanks to carey, who agrees if you don't have any teeth to brush, you don't have to spend any time brushing them. It will take a while to puree all your food though.
28 Aug 02:08

Civilization Proves History Documentaries Used to Be Way Better

by Michael Hession

Television documentaries have become overproduced messes that focus too much on glitz and personality, and not enough on facts. Send me back to the time when series like BBC's Civilization graced the TV screen. It's all about the history, and its minimal style is utterly captivating.


16 Jul 18:57

Peter Griffin Cosplayer's Stand Up Comedy Routine

peter-griffin-cosplay-comedy.jpg This is a video of a Peter Griffin cosplayer performing some stand up comedy at the Allentown (that's in Pennsylvania) Comic Con. He does a great job. I laughed, I cried, I masturbated. I'm kidding, I never cried. Keep going for the video. Thanks to Josh J, who would make a beautiful Lois, I just know it. And to brownkidd, who agrees this guy needs to take his show on the road and make some serious coconuts.
05 Jun 20:12

Nowhere To Run: Bipedal Robot Faster Than Any Human

fast-running-robot.jpg This is a video of the bipedal Raptor robot, a two legged predator capable of speeds up to 46km/h (~28.6MPH). For reference, Hussain Bolt tops out at 27.44MPH (~44km/h). That means this little f***er could easily catch up to my out of shape ass and attempt murder. Only ATTEMPT though, because I ain't going out like that. No, I visited the fortune teller and she said I'm going out in an extreme sport accident. The crazy thing is she said I'm not actually going to be the one PARTICIPATING in the extreme sport, leading me to believe I'm going to be struck by a man in a wingsuit while watering the plants on my balcony. Keep going for a video of the OH YEAH? Let's see how fast you can run without the tether. Thanks to Joseph Jingleheimer, Nicholas, tuqueque and The Carlos, who agree if you have to be attached to a stick in order to stand, you're not outrunning anything.
19 May 07:00

Google hires fashion expert to run Glass

by Tom Warren

Google's $1,500, Android-powered Glass headset might have an image problem thanks to privacy fears and many talk show jokes, but the search giant is slowly trying to change peoples' minds. Google is hiring fashion executive Ivy Ross this week to help market Glass to the masses. Ross is a design and marketing lead with vast experience at Calvin Klein, Swatch, Gap, Coach, and more. Ross is now tasked with altering the general perception of Glass, and convincing the masses that Google Glass really is a fashionable and wearable item that’s not just for developers and technology fans.

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30 Nov 18:42

3D iPad Scanner by Occipital Digitizes the World for 3D Printing and Augmented Reality

by Jason Dorrier

SH 190_#2 BIG

Three days into its Kickstarter, app developer Occipital had raised just under $600,000, or roughly six times its $100,000 goal—which, incidentally, was met in the first three hours. What’s got early adopters and developers so excited? A 3D scanner called Structure that attaches to and runs on an iPad.

In the past, Occipital focused on developing apps. But from RedLaser, a barcode scanner and comparison shopping tool, to 360 Panorama, an app that stitched together panoramas taken by smartphone cameras—computer vision was the common theme.

SH 190_#1Structure is a relatively small aluminum device that clips on to an iPad. The device carries two infrared LEDs and a camera onboard, and further makes use of the iPad’s native camera, gyro, and accelerometer. It synthesizes all this data to model and measure its surroundings in 3D with a range of 40 cm to 3.5 meters.

Structure can model one item—like other scanners on the market—or it can model an entire room of items. There’s no size limit, as there is with desktop scanners, and Structure is as mobile as a tablet.

What might you do with such powers? Well, obviously, you can scan objects and send them to a 3D printer. But you can also scan a room and all its furniture, automatically making note of its dimensions.

From there you can play with the room’s contents, virtually rearranging them, instead of breaking your back on bad configurations. Or you can figure out whether a new item, say, a couch, chair, or piece of art will fit where you think it will.

SH 190_#4Occipital says they created Structure as much to 3D print or model as they did to allow developers to write for augmented reality. Occipital developed a simple example—a cat that plays fetch—to demonstrate how programs can be taught to obey real world rules, disappearing under tables or jumping up on a couch.

Occipital says they could have funded their initial run internally, but they’re using Kickstarter to gauge interest and to get the system into developer hands (for $349). While the prototype is only iOS compatible, Occipital made it adaptable to other operating systems and even devices with different dimensions.

Structure joins a growing family of 3D scanning devices available for the casual enthusiast or maker, sitting between MakerBot’s $1,400 3D scanner and Autodesk’s free 123D Catch. The former is a desktop device, while the latter uses naught but a smartphone camera.

Structure will be a quarter the cost of the Makerbot scanner and more maneuverable. It’s obviously more expensive than 123D Catch, but because of additional sensors, can make higher quality scans. And of course, it’s far more convenient than taking upwards of 40 pictures per scan in 123D Catch. Beyond scanning single items, Structure sweeps entire rooms, something neither Makerbot nor 123D Catch can do.

SH 190_#3There are other handheld scanners on the market—though only recently are prices dropping below $1,000—and in September, another mobile 3D scanner, Fuel3D, successfully funded its Kickstarter.

But unlike other handheld scanners, Structure’s iPad compatibility may extend applications beyond 3D printing. They’ve even got photos of the device hooked onto an Oculus Rift to image the user’s hands.

Even so, the market is filling out nicely. It was only a year ago that Matterport CEO Matt Bell, also a maker of handheld 3D scanners, predicted 3D modeling devices in tablets. The next step? Further miniaturize and embed the tech in smartphones and tablets—we’ll get back to you on that one next year.

Check these videos out to see Structure’s augmented reality potential:

Image Credit: Occipital

25 Oct 18:46

Trio of Minion Costumes (Despicable Me)

by Partybot
Last month the wife and her friends requested some adult minion costumes and here is what resulted. The gloves and "G" logo still need to be added, but I couldn't wait to post. I hope you enjoy. This design gets as close to the movie proportions as possible. The arms are fake and slits will be cut ...
By: Partybot

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25 Oct 18:44

Building a CNC router

by Benne
This instructable will show you how I built my CNC router. I hope you can draw some inspiration from my build and that this instructable will be helpful for your future projects. This instructable shows all the steps I went through in designing and building this CNC router. The main thing I like ab...
By: Benne

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11 Sep 02:05

Robbery Gone Right: Would-Be Liquor Store Robber Tries To Hold Up 4-Tour Iraq Vet, Winds Up With Gun In Mouth

robbery-gone-right.jpg This is a short security cam video of some dipshit robber in Marionville, Montana trying to hold up a liquor store. The only problem is 4-tour Iraq vet Jon Lewis Alexander is working the counter and isn't having it. He pushes the robber's gun down, and, in the blink of an eye, has his own weapon in the dude's mouth. Surprise!
Meanwhile, the store clerk explains that he never fired a shot because the thief's weapon was never pointed directly at him. "If I had seen the actual barrel of the gun, I would have pulled the trigger," he said. "My life wasn't threatened." He adds that he didn't immediately tell his wife, Pam, about the incident because he didn't want to upset her. However, she eventually saw a copy of the surveillance footage. "It took her a while to calm down," he said. "But I got all kinds of lovin' when she came home."
Heck yeah, Pam came home with all kinds of lovin'! Now that's a happy ending. There's no way you can watch that footage and not realize you're married to a badass. If I find out he also makes breakfast in bed I say we just go ahead and give him the hunky husband of the year award. You hear that, shirtless fireman? You can slide right back up that pole! Awww, is that a dalmatian? Hit the jump for the video. Thanks to Ryan, who would have done the exact same thing except with a bow and arrow because he's afraid of guns.
04 Sep 14:21

Han Solo Frozen In Carbonite Refrigerator Doors

han-solo-carbonite-fridge.jpg This is a set of Han Solo frozen in carbonite refrigerator/freezer doors. They're not real though, they've just been Photoshopped, making them barely worth posting but I'm doing it anyways because 1. the internet is drying up in anticipation of the holiday weekend and 2. somebody should make one for real. Hell, I'll make you one for real if the price is right. You think I don't know how to make a refrigerator door? Please, I took shop class. And home-ec. I set off all the fire alarms baking a cake because I forgot I'd put my bookbag in the oven. "Why was your bookbag in the oven?" To keep the dissected frog I'd stolen from biology class from smelling up the room! Obviously that backfired. Thanks to Christy, who has every intention of stealing kisses from Han whenever she makes a trip to the kitchen for a midnight snack. TOO BAD I KISSED HIM FIRST.
21 Aug 07:40

The Kids and Adults Inside of Us Can't Wait For This Imagineering Doc

by Andrew Liszewski

Even if you think Disneyland and Walt Disney World are too artificial, too sappy, too cutesy, you still have to admit they completely redefined the idea of a theme park. Visiting them makes you feel like you're entered another world, and all of the 'magic' responsible for that feeling comes from the hardworking designers, engineers, and artists that Disney refers to as Imagineers. Finally all of those talented folks are being given the recognition they deserve in an upcoming documentary.