Shared posts

03 Jan 00:59

When You Meet Your Online Gaming Doppelgangerrr

by Mike Fahey
Matthew Maulding

I have run into some Mattattacks before.

After eight years with the same Gamertag, Redditor fifaproblems—AKA OxyCleannn—finally met his match while playing Black Ops III.


31 Dec 20:02

Drug-Resistant Strain of ‘Super-Gonorrhea’ Could Become ‘Untreatable’, Official Warns

by Sean Mandell
Matthew Maulding

This frightens me more than the gas leak, unfortunately.


England’s chief medical officer is warning that a new drug resistant strain of ‘super-gonorrhea’ could become untreatable due to doctors not prescribing the proper antibiotics to fight the STI.

The Guardian reports:

Dame Sally Davies has written to all GPs and pharmacies to ensure they are prescribing the correct drugs after the rise of a highly drug-resistant strain of the infection.

The warning comes after a national public health alert was triggered in September by an outbreak of highly drug-resistant gonorrhoea in the north of England.

“Gonorrhoea is at risk of becoming an untreatable disease due to the continuing emergence of antimicrobial resistance,” Davies writes.

“Gonorrhoea has rapidly acquired resistance to new antibiotics, leaving few alternatives to the current recommendations. It is therefore extremely important that suboptimal treatment does not occur.” The letter is also signed by the chief pharmaceutical officer, Dr Keith Ridge.

RELATED: Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea Arrives in North America

All 16 cases in the September outbreak of ‘Super-Gonorrhea’ in Leeds involved heterosexual partners. Ars Technica reports that after that outbreak, “health experts were concerned that some patients may not be getting both drugs”[azithromycin and ceftriaxone]” to treat gonorrhea and only receiving the azithromycin.

That fear was backed up by new research, as The Guardian points out:

Research published this year suggested that some GPs are prescribing antibiotics that no longer work for people with gonorrhoea, raising the chances that drug-resistant forms will spread.

The study led by PHE, published in the journal BMJ Open, found that many GPs were still giving their patients ciprofloxacin, even though it has not been recommended for treatment since 2005.

In 2007 ciprofloxacin was on 42% of prescriptions for gonorrhoea, and even as recently as 2011 it was still prescribed in one in five cases.

The post Drug-Resistant Strain of ‘Super-Gonorrhea’ Could Become ‘Untreatable’, Official Warns appeared first on Towleroad.

28 Dec 19:01

Boy Opens Christmas PlayStation 4, Finds A Block Of Wood With A Dick On It

by Mike Fahey

It’s bad enough that a Massachusetts family’s Target-purchased Christmas console wound up being a piece of wood in a PlayStation 4 box, but did whoever swapped it out have to draw a dick and balls on it?


19 Nov 21:21

Tips For Playing Fallout 4 [Updated!]

by Patricia Hernandez
Matthew Maulding

For those of you who have not spent over 60 hours playing yet.

It’s a harsh wasteland out there, fellow vault dwellers. Horrors can be found in every corner of the Commonwealth. Making it through Fallout 4 in one piece can be tough—especially at first. Thankfully, we’re here to help.


11 Nov 05:00

Video Game Characters Read Mean Tweets

by Mark Serrels

Twitter is mean.


05 Nov 21:24

Men in Jetpacks Fly Beside Massive Airbus A380 in Spectacular Video: WATCH

by Andy Towle

jetpacks a380

Jetpack daredevils Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet recently partnered with Emirates Airlines for a stunt involving an Airbus A380, the world’s largest passenger plane, over Dubai’s Palm Jumeirah and skyline with Burj Khalifa in the background. It’s an airspace Rossy and Reffet visited earlier in 2015. Rossy has also jetpacked over the Grand Canyon.

Said Emirates COO Adel Al Redha of the stunt: “This display between man and machine celebrates the magic and beauty of flight, a feat which just over a hundred years ago would have seemed an impossible dream. It also showcases how far human vision and ambition has, and can continue to push aviation’s boundaries.”

Emirates related the technical aspects of the flight in a release:

During the formation flight, the Emirates A380 flew at a weight of just 350 tonnes (the maximum weight of an A380 is 575 tonnes). As the largest passenger aircraft in the world, wake turbulence was the most significant risk to Jetman during the flight.

To mitigate the risk, the duo’s formation positions were carefully selected to avoid the areas of wake turbulence and jet efflux from the Emirates A380. During the planning stages, Emirates ensured the Jetman duo had proper visual reference points of the A380 so that both Jetmen could safely join and hold their choreographed positions. The Jetman team’s reference points were confirmed with flight simulation along with using visual orientations using actual A380 aircraft at the Emirates Engineering Centre. These helped to confirm that the proposed formations would work seamlessly from the first flight.

A practice flight was done on 12 October 2015 to ensure that the formation positions worked, and the final formation flight and filming were conducted on 13 October 2015.

Watch the footage, which should thrill plane fanatics:

And here’s a behind-the-scenes video:

The post Men in Jetpacks Fly Beside Massive Airbus A380 in Spectacular Video: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

03 Nov 18:54

Jimmy Kimmel Plays His Annual Mean Halloween Prank on Kids: VIDEO

by Sean Mandell

jimmy kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel terrorized children everywhere again this Halloween.

For the fifth year in a row, the late night funnyman asked parents to play the meanest prank possible on their kids–telling them they ate all their Halloween candy–and record their reactions for the world to see. This year saw a record number of submissions and, as usual, the kids went apoplectic. Several even passed out. But at least two kids were wise to Kimmel’s ways. Not believing that their parents had actually eaten all their candy and suspecting it was all a ploy of Kimmel’s doing, the kids said, “Sorry, Jimmy Kimmel. We’re not falling for it.”

Watch the hilarious video below:

The post Jimmy Kimmel Plays His Annual Mean Halloween Prank on Kids: VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

25 Oct 01:57

Former Australian Pro Rugby Player Casey Conway Talks for First Time About Being Gay

by Andy Towle

Casey Conway

Casey Conway, a former National Rugby League (NRL) player for the Sydney Roosters, youth advocate, and fashion model, has come out as gay publicly in an interview with Australia’s Special Broadcasting Service (SBS). Conway tells the network that he was privately out to club officials during his time as a pro athlete, and came out to teammates after he left the Roosters.

But, he says, he was leading a “double life”, both hiding his sexual orientation from teammates and trying to navigate the club scene in Sydney, where he often found that his background as an indigenous Australian was an issue for some.

Says Conway: “I was out-and-about on the [gay] scene and meeting people. I was doing that undercover and it finally came to a point where I had to start accepting it. I wanted more than what I was having…There was a lot of casual racism. People would say things like, ‘You’re hot for an Aboriginal guy’ or ‘I’ve never been with a black guy’. I’d think, ‘You know that’s not a compliment?’.”

RELATED: USA Rugby and Int’l Gay Rugby Sign Agreement to Rid the Sport of Homophobia

Conway, who was for a while the face of Aussiebum and is now the face of Sluggers, a swimwear brand, works as a youth development coordinator for a small non-profit in Queensland and says he sees the trouble LGBT youth face and wants to use his public profile as a platform:

“There are young people out there hearing comments like that and they’re questioning themselves. I know what it was like to be in the country and think, ‘Oh sh-t, I think I’m gay’. At that time there wasn’t really a big push in the media for equality. I’ve worked with kids who are homeless because they’ve been kicked out of home when they came out [as gay]. They’re suffering not only because they don’t have a home, but because of their mental health and a raft of other issues.”



The post Former Australian Pro Rugby Player Casey Conway Talks for First Time About Being Gay appeared first on Towleroad.

15 Oct 20:43

Fail of the Day: Parents Fuming After Audio of Adult Film Plays Over Intercom at Target

Fail of the Day: Parents Fuming After Audio of Adult Film Plays Over Intercom at Target

Something kinky is happening at a Target store in California.

Video of an X-rated recording playing over the store's intercom was posted on social media yesterday, showing customers and employees freaking out while trying to figure out what was happening.

"Ohh, yeahhhh," the recording blasted throughout the store while customers rushed to cover children's ears.

Gina Young, the mother of two young twins, was shopping at Target when she captured the video.

"People offered to help me cover my twins' ears," she told FOX 9. "Others threw their stuff down and walked out. Employees were running around everywhere."

The recordings reportedly continued on-and-off for about 15 minutes. And Target has said they are investigating.

Submitted by: (via Fox 9)

10 Oct 00:16

America’s Next Top Model Stud And Fan Favorite Nyle DiMarco Comes Out as Sexually Fluid

by Anthony Costello

Nyle DiMarco

America’s Next Top Model contestant Nyle DiMarco turned heads when he first appeared on the 22nd cycle of the show but ultimately cemented his fan favorite status with the LGBT community when DiMarco revealed on Twitter today that he is sexually fluid.

(top photo via Instagram)

@kike_garces fluid

— Nyle DiMarco (@NyleDiMarco) September 25, 2015

DiMarco revealed his sexuality in response to a question a fan tweeted him asking if he was into men or women. DiMarco simply replied “fluid” while linking to an Everyday Feminism article on fluid sexuality. DiMarco also has a fraternal twin and both apparently won the genetic lottery in looks.

Instagram Photo

If you haven’t had the opportunity to get acquainted with the handsome, altruistic Dimarco yet, you can watch his audition tape for ANTM, below:

And check out more of his hot Instagram posts:

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo


Instagram Photo


Instagram Photo


Instagram Photo

FLASHBACK: ‘America’s Next Top Model’ Adds Male Models

(h/t out)

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09 Oct 17:12

Mane of the Day: Czech Lion's On Point Hairstyle is Making Everyone Jealous

Lion's mane is absolutely beautiful.

Who's giving this lion a daily blowout?

Leon, a Congolese lion at the Labem Zoo in the Czech Republic, is drawing a lot of stares and a little bit of jealousy due to his perfect mane.

The coiffed bit of beauty atop his majestic head has

I mean, look at this face and the glorious mane surrounding it:

Leon has been at the zoo since 2005. And, if you believe The Daily Mail, he needs no help to look so fine.

Also, Obvs.

Me irl

One more funny face.

Submitted by: (via Daily Mail)

06 Oct 18:28

Far Cry Primal is now official—it’s set in the prehistoric era and will feature woolly mammoths and

by Jason Schreier

Far Cry Primal is now official—it’s set in the prehistoric era and will feature woolly mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers, as we reported yesterday . It’ll be out on February 23, 2016 for Xbox One and PS4, with a PC version to follow.


06 Oct 17:42

Disneyland Asks Gay Man To ‘Cover Up’ at Gay Days Event

by Anthony Costello

Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 9.34.07 AM

A gay Disneyland fan who attended the park during it’s unofficial Gay Days event found himself accosted by a park employee, who ran up to him shortly after he entered the park and asked if he was wearing shorts under a long jersey reports

QX Magazine writer Anthony Gilét was planning to wear a red t-shirt, which gays and lesbians use to identify themselves during Gay Days, but opted for an oversized red and white jersey instead that covered his shorts giving the illusion he wasn’t wearing pants.

Within minutes of entering the park, a park employee approached Gilét and questioned him if he was wearing anything underneath his jersey:

“Within a few minutes of being inside the park, a member of staff chased us down, before asking ‘do you have anything on under that top?’ So I told her yes, and showed her the shorts I had on underneath. To which she replied, ‘OK… Because it gives the impression that you have nothing on underneath. Do you have a change of outfit? Because if not, security may remove you from the park.’ Really? Why?

Gilét had brought a spare pair of long shorts in a bag and changed to avoid being kicked out of the park. However, Gilét took to his website to explain and analyze the incident:

“After checking Disney’s dress code it doesn’t mention anything related to what I was wearing on normal days, although under the heading ‘Gay Days’ however, it says no “club wear.” Yes, I’ve seen plenty of girls wearing oversized jerseys as a dress in the club, but I’ve also seen them doing it on road, too. But as it only said this under the ‘Gay Days’ heading, I wonder was it simply an issue of a gender; a boy wearing this is not permitted, but a girl could because it’s more socially acceptable for them to wear a dress.”

Religious wingnuts like Janet Porter and One Million Mom’s have criticized the park’s Gay Days and its gay attendees in the past for ‘inappropriateness,’ with Porter particularly warning families of ‘public displays of perversion,’ and ‘men dressed in women’s clothing,’ while One Million Mom’s has decried the unofficial yearly event stating that ‘gay men, bisexuals and transvestites desensitize children.’

The post Disneyland Asks Gay Man To ‘Cover Up’ at Gay Days Event appeared first on Towleroad.

05 Oct 17:12

Dull Child of the Day: Toddler Gets a Personal-Injury-Lawyer-Themed Birthday Party of His Dreams

Toddler loves a personal injury lawyer so much he got a birthday party based on the guy.

One special boy got the most boring themed birthday party ever. It was all he wanted.

L'erin Dobra knew her son Grayson loves, loves, loves the Louisiana-based personal injury lawyer Morris Bart. You know the type. The lawyer that makes ubiquitous advertisements with some inane catch phrase in lieu of chasing ambulances.

Bart's is "One call, that's all."

So the thoughtful mother turned Grayson's second birthday into a Morris Bart-themed event.

The Wall Street Journal has more:

Maybe it has to do with the flashing lights and music featured in the spots, but Grayson can't stop watching his ads, said Ms. Dobra, a nurse from Prairieville, La.

"He's always been very drawn to Morris Bart commercials," she told Law Blog. "He used to watch ABC and color videos, and he used to love those. But now he wants to watch Morris Bart commercials." When they're not on TV, he watches them on YouTube.

...The star of the party didn't make an appearance. But after Ms. Dobra emailed his office about her idea, Mr. Bart sent her an autographed photo, Morris Bart key chains and a New Orleans Pelicans shirt displaying his logo on the back. The shirt was size extra-large. "He'll have that for a long time," Ms. Dobra said.

She thought of everything.

There was a Morris Bart cake:

There was a framed picture of the lawyer and even a cardboard cutout!

Of course the kid loved it. Kids love everything. Even personal injury lawyers.

What are we missing here, Grayson?

Submitted by: (via Wall Street Journal)

24 Sep 02:23

This Apologetic Dog and His Handsome Owner Make An Irresistible Couple: WATCH

by Sean Mandell


As far as viral videos go, certain formulas are undeniable. For instance, hot man + adorable dog = gold. Now, should that man happen to be Italian and should that adorable dog be begging for forgiveness for being naughty by trying to cuddle with said hot Italian, the end result = highlight of your day.

On his Facebook page, Anthony Federica Granai posted a too-cute video of his dog Ettore trying to make up with him for misbehaving. (He didn’t mean it, Anthony!…Whatever that “it” happens to be in this case). The video has garnered over 270,000 likes and 1.1 million shares.

In it, Anthony first tries explaining to his pup why he’s upset.


And Ettore totally gets it. He’s really sorry. So he decides to apologize with his cuteness.

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You can almost hear Anthony thinking, “Be strong. Don’t give in to the cuteness.”

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But dad can take the cuteness no longer and must relent. He says, “OK. We make peace” in Italian.

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You can’t stay mad at something that cute.

Watch below:

[h/t The Dodo]

The post This Apologetic Dog and His Handsome Owner Make An Irresistible Couple: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

19 Sep 01:37

Hitchhiker of the Day: Seal Rides a Whale, Probably to Protest Uber

Matthew Maulding

For the headline...

friendship,seal,whale,ocean,hitch hiker,riding

Robyn Malcolm scored a beautiful picture of animal friendship in Eden, New South Wales when she captured that glorious image of a seal riding a whale.

Look at it again.

He's just chilling. Hanging out and enjoying the scenery while his oceanic minion delivers him to his destination.

There's no telling what part this cetacean transportation has in the global turmoil over ride sharing.

But probably this pair is just really late to the weasel riding a woodpecker party and they think they can catch some of that sweet, sweet virality.

Here's that picture again, just for fun.

Submitted by: (via Robyn Malcolm)

14 Sep 18:41

Dance of the Day: 'Drunk History' Couple Does a Magical First Dance at Their Wedding

Matthew Maulding

This makes me happy. They are both too fucking cute, though.

Remember yesterday when that super cute couple got really drunk and told the story about how they met?

Well they're already back with another video, which showcases their wedding's first dance. Justin Willman and Jillian Sipkins have a bit of a flair for what people like to watch on the Internet and this video is no different.

It really helps that Willman is a professional magician, which makes stunt like this a lot more likely in a wedding setting.

It's cute and makes all of us wish we could finally get married so our family would leave us alone about it, already.

Submitted by: (via Justin Willman)

10 Sep 19:58

GTA Online is getting some new public activities—they’re called Freemode Events, and our friends at

by Jason Schreier

GTA Online is getting some new public activities—they’re called Freemode Events, and our friends at Kotaku UK say they’re rad. Go read Kotaku UK’s impressions for more info.


04 Sep 17:51

Genius Idea of the Day: Texas Student Rides Barbie Jeep Around Campus After DWI Arrest

Genius Idea of the Day: Texas Student Rides Barbie Jeep Around Campus After DWI Arrest

That's one way to deal with having your license suspended.

Texas State student Tara Monroe is turning heads and catching the attention of the Internet after deciding to use a very unusual mode of transportation on campus—a hot pink and purple Barbie Jeep.

Monroe's license was suspended after refusing a breathalyzer test while leaving a Waka Flocka concert, she told

The industrial engineering junior decided to purchase the Barbie Jeep on Craigslist for $60, and she named it after the little girl she bought the jeep from—Charlene.

Since Monroe started going around town with Charlene, the college student has become sort of a minor celebrity. Other students post pictures of her on Snapchat and Twitter quite regularly.


— Nikki Stevens (@OoHeyitsNikki) August 31, 2015

"This is the best way I could have gotten my 15 minutes of fame," she said. "Basically, it was the best decision I've made in college, yet…"

Submitted by: (via

Tagged: Barbie , college , texas , win
01 Sep 23:10

Street Fighter V's Bearded Ryu Is The Hottest Ryu

by Patricia Hernandez

Well hello there, rugged Ryu. Did you lose your razor blade? I don’t mind.


27 Aug 22:54

Someone Made A Documentary About GTA V's Wildlife, And It's Great

by Patricia Hernandez

The creatures of GTA V all lead secret lives that we often never get to see while playing. They hunt. They eat. They try to survive.


21 Aug 01:40

Candidate of the Day: Newcomer 'Deez Nuts' is Polling Higher than Most Other GOP Candidates in North Carolina

Deez Nuts is hot on the heels of Donald Trump's lead in North Carolina polls.

Well, it looks like Donald Trump has a new rival for the votes of North Carolinians.

Public Policy Polling has discovered some rising approval numbers for a new Independent candidate — Deez Nuts of Wallingford, Iowa.

Finally another declared independent candidate, Deez Nuts, polls at 9% in North Carolina to go along with his 8% in Minnesota and 7% in Iowa in our recent polling. Trump leads Clinton 40/38 when he's in the mix.

This caught the eye of the campaign media and the high numbers, which are above Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and Scott Walker for the state, have only grown the attention towards his campaign.

No, we were not hacked. 'Deez Nuts' is the legal name of the candidate and he is polling at 9 percent in NC:

— ABC11 EyewitnessNews (@ABC11_WTVD) August 19, 2015

So, yeah.

But it doesn't end there.

Deez Nuts, who is apparently a 15-year-old sophomore in high school named Brady Olson has actually set up a campaign website for himself, which includes a detailed platform.

Surprisingly, the platform's stances seem sincere and well-considered. Deez Nuts has a more conservative view of immigration reform although he believe in choice as far as abortion rights.

He also lays out a surprisingly detailed stance on territorial voting rights:

I support giving citizens in our American territories voting rights. I also support giving American Samoan citizens automatic US citizenship. I would give Puerto Rico 3 electoral votes since Puerto Rico is bigger than many states. Guam, the US Virgin Islands, and the Northern Marianas all get 2 since they are smaller, but still incorporated territories. Finally, American Samoa would only get 1 since it is still considered an "unincorporated" territory. This would bring the total of electoral votes from 538 to 548.

We all know who should be the newcomer's campaign manager.

Would you vote for him?

Submitted by: (via Public Policy Polling)

17 Aug 17:57

Social Media Mistake of the Day: The Latest Hunger Games Poster Sent the Wrong Message

The Hunger Games has a social media poster problem.

Well, that's probably not what The Hunger Games' official Twitter account meant.

To mark that there are only 100 days left until the most recent and final Hunger Games movie, Mockingjay Part 2, releases into theaters, the social media team for the Jennifer Lawrence-led franchise tweeted out this poster early on Aug. 14.

There is something pretty dirty, most likely accidentally, hidden within this poster.

Do you see it?

We're not going to tell you exactly what it is, but we can give you a hint.

It's somewhere in this vicinity:

And before you say that it's just our minds stuck in the gutter, the post has already been deleted off of the Twitter account's activity. Luckily, the Internet never forgets.

Tomorrow's another day and they'll probably learn from this graphic design mistake.

Submitted by: (via thehungergames)

17 Aug 17:14

The Before Picture (Finally)


Submitted by:

Tagged: derp
17 Aug 17:10

Ho Upgrades Her A's To B's In Just 4 Years


Submitted by: (via MahirSaggar)

Tagged: yearbook , puns , grades , bewbs
10 Aug 17:29

Dying Light Is Getting A Big Expansion Pack With Cars

by Yannick LeJacq

Just when you thought you were done killing zombies, they give you...DUNE BUGGIES!!


29 Jul 03:56

Meet Janae Marie Kroc, the World Record Power Lifter Who Came Out as Transgender

by Anthony Costello
Matthew Maulding

That's one big woman.

Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 1.34.55 PM

World champion power lifter and world record holder Matt Korczaleski astonished and shocked fans after announcing that he is transgender and now goes by the name Janae Marie Kroc reports

Known for creating the “Kroc row” back workout, Kroc identifies herself as “transgender/genderfluid alpha male/girly girl lesbian in a male body,” on her Instagram page. There she has posted photos of herself post transition, including facial reconstructive surgery she underwent in 2014. Kroc openly spoke about her transition with website Gymflow 100:

“Being a total alpha male and transgender definitely makes me unique even in the transgender community … Gender identity and personality tests that I have taken in an effort to figure myself out always indicate that I am both hyper-masculine and hyper-feminine. Exactly what I need to do to be at peace with myself is something I am still not 100 percent certain of. Transitioning is a very difficult process and even tougher at an older age (42) … And living as a transgender woman that is honest about her situation is very difficult and can be dangerous. I am a very realistic person and I don’t think the transitioning will magically solve all of my issues without creating new challenges. Whatever path I choose there will be sacrifices to be made.”

Although Kroc has discontinued posting from her male Twitter account @MattKroc, Kroc posted her first tweet in a year today on her male Twitter account addressing the rumors and gossip surround her transition.

There has obviously been a great deal of gossip, rumors and questions about me the past few days. To…

— Matthew Kroczaleski (@MattKroc) July 28, 2015

Congratulations, Janae!

(Photo via Instagram)

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08 Jul 05:27

How Game Of Thrones' Badass Zombie Battle Was Made

by Luke Plunkett

I don’t want to spoil things for you, but the epic battle at Hardhome, easily the highlight of Game of Thrones’ fifth season, wasn’t filmed using real zombies. Here’s how the scenes were actually shot.


19 Jun 16:17

10 Magical Moments From Channing Tatum’s AMA On Reddit

by Sean Mandell

Channing Tatum

Magic Mike XXL star Channing Tatum recently had an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit, getting up close and personal with his fans. The questions ranged from innocuous (Q: What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? A: Cookie dough) to raunchy (there was a lot of talk about ‘Danny DeVito sex’). Below check out some of our favorite questions and answers that prove just how magical this AMA truly was.

1. “Do you ever get lost looking into Matt Bomer’s eyes?”

Matt Bomer

absof*ckinglutely. no matter if you’re a man, woman, cat, hamster, you will get lost in matt bomer’s eyes. I don’t know what they are made of outside of dreams and rainbows and amazingness but it truly doesn’t matter. And when he sings. It’s like god gave with both hands and then grew a third hand and graced him with more. he’s crazy talented.

2. “Does your penis have a nickname?”

Channing Dance


Of course it’s named Gilbert.

3. “Do you do full frontal in magic mike xxl? asking for a friend”


haha “for a friend” I do not do full frontal but i can promise you when you’re standing in front of a bunch of people in a very small thong it doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination. Your “friend” should be happy.

4. “How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?”

Sandra Bullock

Oh man. Crossbow, straight up, and I’d want an army of ninja chimpanzees that crush people all around me.

Or I would just go to Sandra Bullock’s house as I’m sure she has all that stuff because she’s dope and kick-ass.

Classic answer.

5. “Kill one, Marry one, and F*ck one…Ray Romano, Danny Devito, and Gilbert Gottfried?”

Danny DeVito

I’d f*ck Danny Devito, as I was saying earlier it could be fun. I’d marry Ray Romano, because I think he has a pretty solid perspective on marriage. I don’t know who would be the male or female, you figure it out. And I like Gilbert Gottfried but I wouldn’t mind killing him.

6. “Hi changing [sic], my question is do you have a favourite Disney character?”


I like the broom from Fantasia.

He is so specific.

7. “Jupiter Ascending? What was that?”

Jupiter Ascending

Great question. I have the same one to myself.

He’s so honest.

8. “Would you rather fight a Danny Devito sized John Stamos or a John Stamos sized Danny Devito? You’re both naked.”

John Stamos

Can i just fight a Danny devito sized Danny Devito because I think I could take him and I would be on top or I could just use him as a spinner as I’m assuming we’re going to have sex after we fight if we’re naked.

Wait. What?

9. “If I got to meet you can I grab your ass and touch your abs?”


You’d have to ask my wife. I’m fine with you grabbing my ass. But you’d have to ask her and it depends on her mood. And you can touch my ab, I only have one right now. If you’re into that kind of thing. I’m all for it. Click here to touch my ab.

Dear Jenna, please please please let us touch your husband.

10. “Tanning Chainum [sic], how can I convince my gf to have a threesome?”


Offer her something that she wants if she doesn’t want that. And two it can’t be a double standard. if you want a threesome with a girl then you have to offer her a threesome with a guy. It’s all equal opportunity. So be careful what you ask for.

We had a lot of fun Channing. Let’s do this again sometime. 


The post 10 Magical Moments From Channing Tatum’s AMA On Reddit appeared first on Towleroad.

19 Jun 01:37

Jurassic World: The Spoiler FAQ

by Rob Bricken on io9, shared by Mike Fahey to Kotaku
Matthew Maulding

Pretty spot on.

Jurassic World is delighting audiences, smashing box office records, and making people excited about dinosaurs again. But did you notice the movie is also sort of terrible? If the new installment of Jurassic Park left you with questions, our patented Spoiler FAQ has the answers you didn’t even know you needed!