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14 Oct 19:00



One of the things I like most about DS9 is that I can make a LOT of SF Giants-related pics. And what I love about facing the Cardinals is that it just fits too.


13 Oct 18:49

mbermatic: cineraria: John Lewis ‘The Bear & The Hare’ -...



John Lewis ‘The Bear & The Hare’ - The Making Of

I’m really trying to understand how this looks like 2D animation I

What the ever living fuck?

10 Oct 21:34

Look at the ridiculous gas prices! Across the street at Chevron...


So we went by this gas station on the way back (because it's also 40 cents cheaper than the pumps where we live) and pretty much all the gas stations except the Chevron across the street were at the 3.29/3.37 prices. So how was Chevron still in business?

Look at the ridiculous gas prices! Across the street at Chevron it is 50-60¢ more expensive.

01 Oct 06:30

npr: ICYMI:  The humorists at Wait, Wait … Don’t Tell...


The Pizza Cake might exist! (The WWDTM people didn't have all the necessary equipment which is why there's looks more like a Pizza Lazagna)


ICYMI:  The humorists at Wait, Wait … Don’t Tell Me! attempted to make a pepperoni pizza cake (h/t Buzzfeed). The key word here is “attempted.”

Sandwich Monday: The Pizza Cake

Photos: Buzzfeed and NPR (guess which is which)

- Kate

29 Sep 13:50

I am thoroughly interested in the idea of entomophagy.


Eating insects sounds really interesting.

I am thoroughly interested in the idea of entomophagy.

26 Sep 17:40

space-pics: Buzz Aldrin in astronaut training with his...


I want that shirt so bad.


Buzz Aldrin in astronaut training with his self-designed Mars t-shirt, 1963, (used by permission).

26 Sep 16:57

trolliweirdlyawesome: Long live the worm revolution! Art...


So this seems to have been a strange choice by a marketing department...


Long live the worm revolution!

Art by spyrogif

Goose-stepping candy worms…and your marketing department thought it would be a good idea?

24 Sep 14:16

2.10 The Lord’s Prayer


Have you guys watched Vikings? I feel like you guys should watch Vikings. It's got two seasons done and the first season is available on Amazon Prime Instant Watch.

2.10 The Lord’s Prayer

24 Sep 13:52

warped-space-scifi-club: See more Sci Fi at...


I would watch this show. Would you watch this show? I think you would watch this show.


See more Sci Fi at

I would watch the shit out of a mock-reality show where Garak and Dukat (and Damar and others) would have to share a house Big Brothers style and not kill each other by the end of the series. Evictions would be hosted by Kira Nerys.

23 Sep 21:13

Hey it’s a Firefly fan film. And it has more asians in it...


So this firefly fan film is pretty good for, you know, a fan film.

Hey it’s a Firefly fan film. And it has more asians in it than the original property!

23 Sep 18:43

sassy-gay-justice: mysoulhasgrowndeep-liketherivers: the-goddam...


People are goddamn horrible.







Seriously …


what the fuck

I hate white people.



And before I see anyone come at us with “well how do you know white people did this??” I’m gonna need you to take a seat, because PLENTY of y’all were eager to believe without a doubt that Brown attacked the cop and deserved to get shot through hear-say alone. 

23 Sep 13:43

The two on the left are non-GMO methods. Natural ≠ better.


Just going to put this out there...

The two on the left are non-GMO methods. Natural ≠ better.

21 Sep 15:21

Katie Nolan laid down the law folks.


Some great commentary I have to say.

Also: the NFL must be in severe crisis mode right now. Between this, the on-going Redskins controversy, and the head injury stuff they've got way more controversies going than they need. Perhaps they should clean house.

Katie Nolan laid down the law folks.

13 Sep 07:18

sfgiants: Bumgarner, #SFGiants offense click on all cylinders...


If the Dodgers keep playing like this I don't think they'll be in first place (in the NL West) for much longer. The Giants are only a game back now...


Bumgarner, #SFGiants offense click on all cylinders to move one game back of LA for NL West lead. 

09 Sep 19:25

startrekships: concept art for the new Deep Space Nine by Andy...


I think this would have been a very odd DS9.


concept art for the new Deep Space Nine by Andy Propert


09 Sep 17:10

Why People Eat Mooncakes.




I’m really hungry at this moment so I’m gonna type out the origins of eating mooncakes during Mid-Autumn festival. 

So basically, during the Yuan dynasty, [which Kublai Khan founded,] the Chinese people were really pissed off. See, if you remember right, Kublai Khan was a Mongol, and the Chinese people basically didn’t want some foreign ruler ruling over them and what not. So, to start a rebellion and overthrow him, someone (of the Han Chinese) started a rebellion by inserting a piece of paper in those mooncakes, saying, “Hey guys! We’re like, sick of the Mongols and we’re going to overthrow them, so if you’re interested, this is the plan.” Many Chinese people bought the mooncakes and saw the message, and secretly rallied amongst themselves so they could like, take back the crown and stuff.

The Mongols were like, totally unaware of this plan ‘cause they didn’t eat Han Chinese food, so the plan was completely undiscovered.

On the night of the Mid-Autumn festival, [they agreed to meet on that day, seeing as it was like, totally suitable] they did it! They whooped Mongol ass and established a new dynasty, called the Ming Dynasty. YAY! After that, people started eating mooncakes more regularly to commemorate this uprising, but nowadays we just do it because it’s dee-lish.

But wait! There’s another legend that totally explains this. This happened wayyy earlier though, in the Tang Dynasty, and Emperor Taizong was rulin’ China. So he ordered his most awesome General, Li Jing to fight the Turks in the North to make sure that they don’t get their dirty paws on China. The General went, and he was supposed to come back bearing news of “Hey-I-kicked-their-asses” on the 15th day of the 8th month, and the Emperor was so pleased when he did. As a victory present, the King of Tibet was all, “Imma let you finish, but lemme give you some mooncakes to celebrate.” The Emperor was like, wayy over the moon [haha, see what I did?] and he gave the mooncakes to errbody to eat and there was like, this huge-ass celebration.


This is how a mooncake looks like. It’s usually stuffed with lotus paste, which is the main filling of the cake, and the yellow bit is the yolk. Those with yolk are more expensive, and you can put as many as 4 yolks in them if you want to stuff yourself silly. Some people like ‘em with yolk, and some don’t.

Oh yeah. You usually eat this and admire the moon - there’s always a full moon on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, so people go out to do that and drink, a trend which was made popular by poets like Li Bai [I mean, people say he died while thinking he could scoop out the moon from the river, so it figures.] The little kids carry lanterns, and they par-tay and have a good time. 

Woo! Chinese or not, have a good Mid-Autumn Festival, errbody!

It’s mooncake time of the year, so here’s a nice post explaining it! Also, the family and I picked up like three mooncakes at a Chinese bakery in Dublin, CA which is a bit random but very tasty. So we got a red bean one and  lotus seed one and a pineapple one which I’ve never had before but seems like an interesting idea. We also got a bunch of other stuff like egg custard tarts and cha siu sou. 

08 Sep 19:24

amx004qubeley: ninastestanin: christmas-type-furret: This is...


I have to say this is one of those great stories of D&D-ing that makes me love the game. Because the image is small here's what it says (with some minor editing to style, spelling, and grammar):

"We had a campaign in D&D where we assembled a steampunk-ish time machine. After many sessions traveling through time, uncovering mysteries, and learning harsh lessons about changing history, we had to stop a time-traveling cult from destroying the gods, and therefore the world. We failed.

"Our machine crashed, we were stranded earlier than we had ever been able to travel. We found the Gods, but only a few of them were present — it was as if some had never existed. Then we realized: we had to become those Gods. Our party was entirely divine (Cleric, Paladin, Avenger, Invoker) and each of us was a worshipper of a god [that] had been unmade and we were [the] only people in existence of [the] forgotten deities to assume their roles.

"But two of the players were worshippers of Io (in his twin forms of Tiamat and Bahamut, who of course would form later after Io's "death") and only one could become Io. The other would have to become the un-created Asmodeus.

"So the most just, honorable and dedicated Lawful Good Paladin I've ever sen role-played became the god of tyranny and evil. If he hadn't the gods would never have defeated the primordials, and the world would never have been completed.

"In our setting, Asmodeus is every bit the epitome of evil you would expect him to be. Nobody but the gods who abide his presence know him as otherwise. He adheres to his role because he knows he has to — and that in doing so, the world can exist. HE can never tell anyone his duty, and no one who knows can ever discuss it.

"In the farthest recesses of the Nine Hells, in a chamber sealed tighter than any other in existence is a pocket watch of finest gnome craft with a photo of his family in it: his wife, son, and little baby girl.

"They were killed by an orc army marching under the orders and banners of Asmodeus. Their deaths are what drove him to become an adventurer."

Which is a nifty little tale, though a bit too perfect to have actually happen I suspect.




This is literally the most bomb-ass D&D story I’ve ever read in my life oh my god.

Holy shit ._.


05 Sep 16:51

nymori: I’m especially pleased with this border, though the...


I wanted to make a joke here about putting this against the wall when the revolution comes, but I couldn't quite thread the needle...


I’m especially pleased with this border, though the whole piece makes me happy. I’m debating putting it in the kitchen.

02 Sep 19:14

Acquisitions Incorporated PAX Prime 2014 D&D game. Sure...


Beeteedubs: The Penny Arcade PAX D&D game video has come out...and they too did an adventure involving a dirigible and flying creatures. Though they were cool and had awesome set pieces.

Acquisitions Incorporated PAX Prime 2014 D&D game. Sure it’s two hours f watching semi-famous people play D&D. That doesn’t mean it isn’t fun.

01 Sep 08:22

I was playing some D3 (because, I don’t know, why not?)...


Freaking Cuddle Bears!

I was playing some D3 (because, I don’t know, why not?) and there are enemies called Cuddle Bears.  And I killed many, many, many of them.

29 Aug 16:42

So Leap Motion just put their hand tracker onto an Oculus Rift...


So in the last month I have become very bullish on the Oculus Rift. It's not simply a gimmick it's something I might actually be willing to pay money for.

So Leap Motion just put their hand tracker onto an Oculus Rift and the results are pretty spectacular. Especially since one of the things I see a lot when new people put on the Oculus Rift for the first time is they try to reach out and touch the virtual environment.  There’s been a few other products that have tried to do the same thing, but this is perhaps a simpler solution.

25 Aug 20:12

We just had a fairly substantial, rolling earthquake here in Northern California about ten-twenty minutes ago (~6.0 richter scale).


I'll try to keep you guys updated with what I hear. This is relatively far from where I live that nothing in the house seems to be affected but close enough that there could be other stuff going around. For comparison's sake, the DC/VA earthquake a few years ago was a 5.8; on the logarithmic magnitude scale 6.1 is about "twice" as a big. The 1989 Loma Prieta — which famously interrupted the "Battle of the Bay" World Series between the Oakland Athletics and the San Francisco Giants — was about 6-7 times bigger than this one at 6.9, etc.

Epicenter seems to be North Bay in the American Canyon/Vallejo area. More information as it comes in.

22 Aug 02:09

I’m at Levi’s Stadium for the 49ers training camp open to the...


So I have to say this was a pretty awful experience for a number of reasons.

(1) the team changed the time when they were opening the gates to the stadium without informing us with enough notice, so about a thousand people stood outside the gates for half an hour for no real reason.

(2) Once we got in, the "practice" which was supposed to last from 4pm to as 7:30pm lasted only an hour of which I'd say the breakdown of the action was 20min of stretching, 10 minutes of set up, and 30 minutes of disorganized scrimmaging. And then they just unceremoniously left.

(3) Levi's Stadium is perhaps the most bland professional sports stadium in the U.S. I mean it might as well have been the stadium where Stanford played. Compare that to, say, AT&T Park which has character and the giant baseball glove and coke bottle and the old timey brick, I mean it's no contest that Levi's Stadium is a bore.

(4) Everything was perhaps $2-3 more than it should have been. A single beer cost $11. And not a good beer, but like Budweiser. That's practically criminal.

I’m at Levi’s Stadium for the 49ers training camp open to the public. Likely to be the first and last time I come to the stadium - I’m a bigger baseball fan.

20 Aug 16:05



Aye, things are bad.

58% of the state has gone into plaid.
19 Aug 17:10

gamercrunch: Bob-omb Battlefield in LEGO Source: reddit


Okay look at this! LOOK AT HOW COOL THIS IS!! Mario 64 was sooooooo awesome.


Bob-omb Battlefield in LEGO

Source: reddit

18 Aug 16:22

"To get a gun in Japan, first, you have to attend an all-day class and pass a written test, which are..."


This seems incredibly reasonable.

“To get a gun in Japan, first, you have to attend an all-day class and pass a written test, which are held only once per month. You also must take and pass a shooting range class. Then, head over to a hospital for a mental test and drug test (Japan is unusual in that potential gun owners must affirmatively prove their mental fitness), which you’ll file with the police. Finally, pass a rigorous background check for any criminal record or association with criminal or extremist groups, and you will be the proud new owner of your shotgun or air rifle. Just don’t forget to provide police with documentation on the specific location of the gun in your home, as well as the ammo, both of which must be locked and stored separately. And remember to have the police inspect the gun once per year and to re-take the class and exam every three years.”


A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths (via buttension)

see, that’s gun control
you don’t take away a person’s right to bear arms
you take away a person’s ability to abuse their arms
i mean it’s high maintenance but i really think it’d be worth it if it saves lives  

(via vintagedressesandavocados)

Its not higher maintenence than dead kids.

(via sassmasterscout)

17 Aug 15:14

Mo'ne Pitches Unbelievable Shutout in Little League World Series


So this girl is pretty great. 71 mph at 13. Not to mention she's heading the first team from Philly to head to the Little League World Series. Considering how poorly their MLB team is — they're fifteen games behind first in their division and they played the Giants at the game I was at yesterday and were REALLY bad — the Taney Dragons might as well be the premiere baseball team in that town.

Mo'ne Pitches Unbelievable Shutout in Little League World Series:
If you haven’t heard of Mo’ne Davis, you will soon.

70mph fastball in little league. That’s ridiculously fast.

13 Aug 16:45

Universal Converter Box


What a dream.

Comes with a 50-lb sack of gender changers, and also an add-on device with a voltage selector and a zillion circular center pin DC adapter tips so you can power any of those devices from the 90s.
12 Aug 17:41

fuckyeahspaceship: Serenity (Firefly Class vessel) aft cutaway...


One of the things I always loved about Serenity was that it was a ship that you actually understood how everything fit together. Contrast that to, say, the Enterprise. Or most Star Trek ships to be honest.


Serenity (Firefly Class vessel) aft cutaway view.

Cargo/transport ship.

from Joss Whedon´s Firefly

12 Aug 17:39

makingstarwars: The Ghost is so badass in the series. You’re...


This weirdly looks a lot like the doodle I did the other day. Though, the color scheme I ended up choosing was 1,000% more vibrant.