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13 Mar 18:14

chrisdwoo: chrisdwoo: chrisdwoo: chrisdwoo: I’m finally in a...


I'm just saying I like the Flintstones comic.





I’m finally in a place with good Internet access so I’m catching up on comics. And let me just say I am super excited for this issue of The Flintstones that appears to focus on Bowling Ball Armadillo (and hopefully his friend Vacuum Cleaner Elephant).

I missed you too Vacuum Cleaner Elephant!

I have never hated anyone more than Wilma in this moment.



15 Feb 19:51

ironychan: Thousands of years ago, somebody looked at a flock of sheep and went, “well, they aren’t...


Oh. Old Reader changed it's logo.


Thousands of years ago, somebody looked at a flock of sheep and went, “well, they aren’t cold.”

12 Jan 21:32

On a scale of 1 to David Cameron and the Pig, how weird is this going to get?


Weird. Just weird.

09 Jan 22:15

sizvideos:Eating Peking duck like a pro (video)


I'm not sure this is eating peking duck like a pro, but it's certainly something amazing.

09 Jan 04:15

panimauser: Let’s take a moment to appreciate this glorious...




Let’s take a moment to appreciate this glorious hutt.

I want to draw him working out. I mean, look at his abs and arms!

Grakkus is definitely my favorite Hutt.

03 Jan 20:08

I did it! With Seven days to spare! Among my favorite authors...


I read a lot of books this year. What did everyone else read this year?

I did it! With Seven days to spare! Among my favorite authors this year were:

  • James S.A. Corey with six novels and four novellas.
  • Mary Robinette Kowal with three novels and one collection of short stories.
  • Ken Liu with two novels and one collection of short stories.

I don’t think I could do forty five books again.

20 Dec 01:35





19 Dec 17:06

I am here for bowling ball armadillo’s and vacuum cleaner...


I'm really not sure how the Flintstones comic is still being made but it is and it's amazing.

I am here for bowling ball armadillo’s and vacuum cleaner elephant’s friendship.

05 Dec 17:45

Led by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the Democrats Are Screwing Up the Resistance to Donald Trump


Maybe I'm in the minority here (I always feel like that online anyway), but I really do think Sanders has a lot of negatives that his supporters will often overlook. This is one of them.

Led by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the Democrats Are Screwing Up the Resistance to Donald Trump:

To me, the crux of the argument is here:

To gesture at individual voters and say they aren’t racists—the usual rejoinder to this argument—is to miss the point. White voters backed trump as a block. They ignored his bigotry and elevated his call for a new nationalism, centered on white Americans. Whatever their actual intentions—whether they were partisan Republicans, hardcore Trumpists, or simply disgusted with Hillary Clinton—they voted for white nationalism, full stop.

The more Democrats obscure that, the more they run the real risk of being co-opted, of bolstering the political prospects of ethno-nationalism in the name of a broad “populism” that isn’t actually at play. An infrastructure bill doesn’t outweigh the impact of Trump’s attacks on communities of color, even if it’s influenced by the left. Communities of color need physical and economic security. Strong wages and freedom from discrimination. Without the latter, a rising tide will not lift all boats.

This falls in line with a lot of my thinking. Just today Sanders claimed that sexists, racists, and homophobes were a “small minority” of Trump supporters. And that’s troubling to me, especially in light of recent events following the election.

04 Dec 14:43

So weird.


This is so weird it's cool. Also: how was everyone's thanksgivings?

So weird.

18 Nov 18:55

"People are talking about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. It’s hard to be a..."

People are talking about a miracle. I’m hearing about a nightmare. It’s hard to be a parent tonight for a lot of us. You tell your kids, ‘Don’t be a bully.’ You tell your kids, 'Don’t be a bigot.’ You tell your kids, 'Do your homework. And be prepared.’ And then you have this outcome and you have people are putting children to bed tonight and they’re afraid of breakfast. They’re afraid of 'How do I explain this to my children?’ I have muslim friends who are texting me tonight saying, 'Should I leave the country?’ I have families of immigrants that are terrified tonight.

This was many things. This was a rebellion against the elites. True. It was a complete reinvention of politics and polls. But it was also something else. We’ve talked about race—we’ve talked about everything but race tonight. We’ve talked about income. We’ve talked about class. We’ve talked about region. We haven’t talked about race.

This was a white-lash. This was a white-lash against a changing country. It was a white-lash against a black president in part. And that’s the part where the pain comes.

- Van Jones.
17 Nov 18:26

Nintendo is making a Legend of Zelda escape room


Have you guys ever heard of escape rooms? Or is that a mostly west coast/asia phenomenon? I know they're popular here and in Japan and Korea.

Anyway, a Zelda-themed one sounds really cool. Too bad it's entirely sold out right now.

Nintendo is making a Legend of Zelda escape room:

@perpetuallybemused the only way this could be more up your alley is if it had been Ace Attorney themed.

11 Nov 18:24

How I Voted:


Context: Kamala Harris is one of two democrats running for Senate and is the one who didn't "dab" at the debate.

Steve Glazer is a local guy who worked with Gov. Brown on budget issues (which I'm okay with) but is aggressively annoying on everything else. Constantly complained about the Bay Area Rapid Transit system despite that not being a thing he can actually control (it's a special district and if he wanted to do something about costs there he should've ran for the open BART admin job). But it was either him or a republican, so there you go.

California has way too many propositions but suffice it to say I voted for repealing the death penalty, against expediting the death penalty (should it exist), and a couple other justice reforms. Also for a couple of regressive Pigovian taxes and marijuana legalization.

Candidates (except municipality elections):

President/Vice President: Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine

U.S. Senator: Kamala D. Harris

U.S. Representative District 11: Mark Desaulnier

State Senator District 7: Steve Glazer (so grudgingly)

State Assembly District 14: Mae Cendaña Torlakson (also grudgingly, but less so than with Steve Glazer)

Propositions/Other Direct Democracy:

Yes on 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, X, RR.

03 Nov 17:21

hannahblumenreich: high school sucks but sometimes you get to...


Seriously the best Spider-Man comics being made...and it's made by a fan who basically does it for free!


high school sucks but sometimes you get to be spider-man, and that’s okay. 

I don’t get it. Why isn’t Hannah Blumenreich writing Spidey for Marvel? In her comics (often only four pages in length) she crafts a better, more heartfelt story than anything Marvel’s put out in the Spidey books lately. And that’s not even getting into the art which is just perfect.

30 Oct 23:44

Sergei Korolev: Architect of Soviet Space Program


I mean this little blurb here seems like a gross understatement. That rocket that put Sputnik into orbit? It's the same one that put Gagarin into orbit. It was the basis for pretty much every single rocket the Soviets have used on their manned program. It has had a failure rate of 3% over nearly 4,000 launches and the bits Korolev designed haven't had a failure in, I dunno, a couple hundred launches? It's a ridiculous achievement.

Sergei Korolev is credited as being the founder of the Soviet Union's space program. He designed the rocket that put Sputnik in orbit.
15 Oct 15:32

wilwheaton: cowinparachute: Who else immediately looked up the...


Right? This looks like an inefficient distribution of pizza box support tables (is there a proper name for those?).



Who else immediately looked up the URL?

Here in LA, this company delivers their pizzas in smart cars, with enormous boxes like this one in a case on the top of the car.

I’ve had their pizza. It’s slightly better than the usual mass-chain delivery places, and nothing special … but the branding for this company is brilliant. I always smile when I see one of those little cars with a giant pizza on top of it.

Though the distribution and placement of the little plastic pizza tables is pretty suspect….

05 Oct 16:50

Will It Work


This is what I never really got about GNU/Open Source types. Why make it HARDER for someone to use your product? I mean you already took the radical step of making it free; why not also make it easy to install/use?

'Copy and paste from a random thread on a website' is the hardest to predict, and depends on the specific website, programming language, tone of the description, and current phase of the moon.
05 Oct 01:00

Guys, I think you should be reading the Flintstones comic. It’s...


Seriously guys it's the strangest comic I've read in a while. It's amazing. It's goes to an incredibly horrifying, dark place. AS shown here it has a caveman Carl Sagan launching a chimp with a wooden rocket. There's an issue about consumerism, the inherent animal abuse of the Flintstones universe, the treatment of Vets,'s wild. I think you can get it on the kindle store or comixology or your local comic shop. Only three issues so far!

Guys, I think you should be reading the Flintstones comic. It’s glorious and weird and amazing.

28 Sep 21:55

I have crafted an iPhone 7+ mockup. I actually quite like the...


Finally, after all these years, upgrading my phone! :D

I have crafted an iPhone 7+ mockup. I actually quite like the size and it doesn’t appear to be as unwieldy as I thought it might be…

28 Sep 20:36

Given that I have a Blu-Ray player installed in my macbook, I...


It's actually really annoying/surprising how little support OS X has for Blu-Ray Playback.

Given that I have a Blu-Ray player installed in my macbook, I somewhat forgot that I would need software to actually play Blu-Ray disks. So I picked up MacGo’s Blu-ray Player, which so far as I can tell is pretty much the only one out there. It can be a little glitchy (it seems to have problems with menus, for instance) but it definitely works.

And, of course, my inaugural disc would have to be Legend of Korra. :D

28 Sep 20:21

michaeltalbot: In addition to making woefully terrible...


This seems like (a) the strangest product in existence and (b) the strangest ad in existence. The product COULD be interesting if it was more connected to home automation, but right now it's basically Siri-in-a-speaker. And I have a feeling it'll lock you in to Amazon's streaming services and not access much else.


In addition to making woefully terrible smartphone, it seems Amazon has branched out into making woefully terrible adverts.

I don’t even know what this is; I stopped the advert when the smug factor reached Conservative Front Bench levels. It’s not an eReader, so it’s likely an overpriced bit of tat.

What. The. Fuck. Is. This?

22 Sep 04:41

spencestar: pixalry: Star Wars Reimagined: Studio Ghibli -...


It's just so pretty!



Star Wars Reimagined: Studio Ghibli - Created by Lap Pun Cheung


22 Sep 04:40

So for the last few days I’ve been watching fifty or so videos...


Guys this shit is amazing. I've pretty much watched all of the videos on this guy's channel. I'm thoroughly interested.

So for the last few days I’ve been watching fifty or so videos of a guy in Japan making woodblock prints.  I think someone described him as Bob Ross meets Jim Henson. I really dig the vids though.

You’ve probably seen some of his work (designed by Jed Henry, but he did all the actually woodcutting):

13 Sep 07:11

My free Constitution showed up!


Getting free stuff is always fun.

Also, this wasn't sent from the ACLU's offices, but from some nondescript fulfillment holding company that practically screams fly-by-night, strip mall, boiler room operation. Just thought that was funny.

My free Constitution showed up!

03 Sep 16:12

I just love the fact that there is a “Vinyl Episode” of one of...


This seems real nifty.

I just love the fact that there is a “Vinyl Episode” of one of my favorite podcasts, “Hello Internet.”

28 Aug 03:14

Well then. But also:DailyDot: ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ draws the ire...


I'm getting really excited about this. The fact that they hired the Eve Ensler (who wrote the Vagina Monologues) to consult on the human trafficking angle is also pretty awesome.

Well then. But also:

DailyDot: ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ draws the ire of men’s rights activists

Well, I guess I’m just going to have to see this on Friday…

26 Aug 16:52

asylum-art:   Honey on Tap from Flow Hive On Facebook /...


Seriously looks cool. Not sure if it actually works but if it does I could see myself getting one in the future.


  Honey on Tap from Flow Hive

 On Facebook / Instagram / Twitter 

Ever since people first learned the consequences of Colony Collapse Disorder, a number of researchers have been attempting to find new ways to extract honey from bee hives without disturbing the bees. If you stop to think about it, the process of honey extraction can be very traumatic for the bee colonies, but what else can be done to collect the honey? The process of harvesting honey has not evolved much over the years… until now.

One group of honey enthusiasts has made incredible headway by introducing a new honey extracting invention called Flow Hive. The soon-to-be-released product is described as “… artificial honeycomb for use in a beehive, which enables honey to be removed from the honeycomb without removing the honeycomb from the hive.” The process has been patented by Flow™, and while there are a lot of unanswered questions at this time, the contraption has captured the imagination of the beekeeper industry and honey bee enthusiasts.

Through a Kickstarter campaign (soon to be launched), the inventors hope to inspire a new generation of beekeepers who will find that harvesting honey is easier, more gratifying, good for the planet, and not as harmful to the bees.While this is not a regional company, the effects from such an invention could help to impact every corner of the planet.You can conduct a search on Kickstarter once the campaign goes live on February 23.


That’s super cool. And I hope it works as intended!

26 Aug 16:45

ildarbacilla: Fantastic! Chrome trooper! #TheForceAwakens...


For Adam: 30 years in the future, Iscariot Voodoo returned to the Empire...


Fantastic! Chrome trooper!
#TheForceAwakens #StarWars #ChromeTrooper #StormTrooper

I want to know more about this one right here.

26 Aug 16:43

unchronology: The UK 2015 General Election, Hearthstone...


I don't know if you guys play Hearthstone or were following the recent UK general election, but this is my jam right here.


The UK 2015 General Election, Hearthstone style.

Note: The class colours on the cards are (mostly) for aesthetic, rather than anything else. No way is Ed Miliband a warrior, or Leanne Wood much of a rogue, for that matter.

EDIT: um. Clearly I made Leanne Wood too powerful at that cost. Ah well.

This is kind of hilarious. 

26 Aug 16:35

Is that Joe Morton? I think that’s Joe Morton.


Apparently this is from Larry Wilmore's show, which is a great piece of television. And this is great speech.

Is that Joe Morton? I think that’s Joe Morton.