Shared posts

15 May 06:40

zubat: "I had a husky who was raised with cats, and thought she...


When I come to power all huskies will be forcibly raised by cats so they will all be as cute as this.


"I had a husky who was raised with cats, and thought she was a fucking cat. She even sat like a cat, with her arms and legs tucked under herself."


12 May 22:00

randomhouse: madebyabvh: Original illustration by Tom...



Original illustration by Tom Gauld

Celebrate genre fiction, always!

12 May 11:54

US Air Force's Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Passes 500 Days in Orbit


The X-37B is an interesting little craft and I do wonder what they (USAF or NASA) will do with it in the future. I know there's been some suggestions about using it as the shuttle replacement instead of the Orion capsule.

The U.S. Air Force's X-37B space plane launched on its third and latest mission on Dec. 11, 2012. As of today (April 24), the vehicle has been aloft for 500 days — far longer than its officially stated maximum orbital lifetime of 270 days.
12 May 11:50

schrodingersnerd: everythingisnightvale: discontentramblings: An asexual and pansexual become...


This is a show that has legs on it.




An asexual and pansexual become room-mates and have wacky adventures

The show is called ‘All or Nothing’

Plot twist: the asexual is really super outgoing and is a huge flirt while the pansexual is extremely socially awkward and has trouble ordering coffee let alone getting a date.


my hand slipped

This is a pretty damn good pitch.

08 May 20:19

tastefullyoffensive: [pandarmour] Holy jesus!


I'm really not sure how someone did this...

08 May 16:44

I really miss flip phones guys.


It also took me forever to figure out that this was the Kyocera 6035 phone.

I really miss flip phones guys.

08 May 13:42

Happy Birthday, Karl Marx!

by Lisa Wade, PhD

Hahaha. I kind of need this on a shirt.

tumblr_mne745a2Zu1rch2d7o1_1280By @ZachWeiner, borrowed from The Sociologist.

Have a scholar we should commemorate?  Send us a wacky pic and we will!

Lisa Wade is a professor of sociology at Occidental College and the co-author of Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

(View original at

08 May 01:41

badwolfbutch: Secret Door Bookcase by makendo idk why i need...


I think we've all already said that secret doors are the best. But here's a new example!


Secret Door Bookcase by makendo

idk why i need a secret office but i do

Where better to plan world domination?

07 May 21:18

wonderali: thefingerfuckingfemalefury: anightvaleintern: Rat...


This really looks like an interesting deconstruction of fantasy & D&D tropes. But with copious amounts of cool swearing (for the kids!).




Rat Queens Issues 1 & 2 - Highlights

Written by Kurtis J Wiebe

Purchase Rat Queens on Comixology

I was kind of just wondering why Tumblr isn’t talking about this fabulously crude comic about awesome ladies.




And much ridiculous-ness

I love their ‘FUCKING TENTACLES AGAIN, WHAT THE HELL’ reaction in that fifth panel so much :D


I really need to read Rat Queens.

07 May 21:09

unamusedsloth: Those must be the world’s smallest kids modeling...


It seems pretty inefficient to have a production and a model version of the toys...


Those must be the world’s smallest kids modeling the inflatables.

That’s really weird. Do they make like super big model versions? Why?

06 May 18:35

carry-on-my-wayward-butt: ch0rdate: chacha-again: sizvideos: ...


This intersection looks large and complex enough that it might even benefit from a magic roundabout. (See: )





Who needs traffic lights? Not the drivers in Ethiopia - Video

This made me so uncomfortable.

this honestly gives me anxiety just looking at it

im never driving again

That definitely needs to be at traffic circle. Definitely.

06 May 18:16

cracked: Frankly, LA had this shirt coming. The NFL draft is in...


Frankly, LA had this shirt coming. The NFL draft is in just a few short days, and somehow even in 2014 a permanently sunny city filled with sprawling space for a stadium can’t hold onto a goddamn team. But as much as St. Louis and Oakland are apparently more attractive places to play your NFL home games, let’s not forget little Green Bay, Wisconsin, where the temperatures can plummet into the negative 30s and fans will still show up at the games 80 percent naked. Maybe it’s the fact that the skyline consists almost exclusively of industrial plants or that the entire state rests its pride on cheese, but this city has some elusive, impossible charm that Los Angeles will never understand. Get this design by Aaron Russell and Ian Disend in a lovely green to let people know you stand for something, even if you’re only standing there because your legs are too cold to move you somewhere warm like Chicago. [GET IT HERE]

Surely it helps that the Packers are the only community-owned franchise in any of the major sporting leagues. But seriously L.A., please take the Raiders away from Oakland. PLEASE.

05 May 20:21

somekindofacosmonaut: moriahari: HOLY SHIT !!!!!!!!! I...


The More You Know!





I laughed far too hard about this.

03 May 16:20

skunkbear: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I was recently reminded how...


The Powers of Ten is still one of the best science/math movies I've seen. Even if it is riddled with some odd errors.



I was recently reminded how much I still enjoy this endlessly zooming video from 1968, “Powers of Ten”:

You’ve got to watch the video for the narration and the kickin’ soundtrack. For a modern, interactive take, check out “The Scale of the Universe" by Cary Huang. Get some perspective!

The best.

03 May 16:16

nprradiopictures: From our friends at The Salt. Thousands of...


Seriously his looks rather interesting.


From our friends at The Salt.

Thousands of people cross the U.S.-Mexico border everyday. An untold number buytostilocos — chips loaded with toppings many might consider loco, as in crazy.

The gastronomic marvel that is tostilocos involves a snack-sized bag of salsa verde-flavored Tostitos piled with hot sauce, pickled pork rinds, chopped cucumbers, jicama, deep-fried peanuts, tamarind candy, pickled fruit sauce called chamoy and a squeeze of lime. All those toppings go straight in the bag, and often spill out over the sides.

This combination of salt, sour, sweet and heat will set you back about $3. And it is not for the faint of heart.

Hot, Sour, Sweet And Mobile: Loco Border Street Food

GIF Credit: Kainaz Amaria/NPR

I want to try this.

03 May 05:07

So here’s a rocket ascending to past the height of the...


So the interesting thing, if you know your rocket history, is that McDonnell Douglas built a rocket in the early-to-mid 90s called the DC-X. It was built to basically do the same thing as SpaceX's Grasshopper testbed and this Falcon 9R first stage tester: go up, go sideways go back down. This thing can do 1,000m of altitude; the DC-X could do something like 3,000m. What makes this so much more impressive is that this is a very tall skinny tube and the DC-X was a squat pyramid. That makes this much more top heavy.

So here’s a rocket ascending to past the height of the Burj Khalifa, chilling for a bit and then landing.

02 May 05:23

Why Is Mars So Much Smaller Than Earth?


I always assumed the Asteroid belt made up much of the difference...

Models show that Mars should be about as big as Earth if gas and dust were distributed smoothly throughout the protoplanetary disk that surrounded the newborn sun 4.5 billion years ago. But Mars is just 10 percent as massive as our world.
30 Apr 17:15

I Wish I Could Read Wikipedia Like This


I do think this is a great concept and one that could be (relatively) easy to implement for wikipedia.

I Wish I Could Read Wikipedia Like This:
I love Wikipedia, but too often the articles are just not that easy to read. It’s not that my English isn’t good enough. My English good. There is Simple English Wikipedia, but it doesn’t cover as many topics and it’s not as thorough.

I read a lot of wikipedia. This would be a big help, I think.

28 Apr 15:34

Watch the premieres of 'Penny Dreadful' and 'Last Week Tonight With John Oliver' online for free


Thought you guys would want links to the new John Oliver show.

25 Apr 23:53

SpaceX is suing the US government for a free market in satellite launches


Seriously this is pretty interesting for a few reasons. Firstly you've got the whole no-compete government contract angle. Secondly you've got the fact that ULA is a "cooperation" between Boeing and Lockheed who USED to compete over launches. And in this case we've got something of a monopoly going on that has resulted in a 60% increase in costs. Then there's the fact that one of ULA's rocket systems uses a Russian engine derived from the RD-170s used in the Zenit and Energia launchers. It's an impressive engine (most Russian engines are, actually) but definitely Russian. That's pretty unusual as DOD contracts go.

SpaceX is suing the US government for a free market in satellite launches:
Entrepreneur of the future Elon Musk told reporters today about the most pressing aspirations for his company, SpaceX: Making even cheaper rockets, and forcing the Air Force to buy them. Musk was fresh from some measurable progress toward the first goal of cheaper rockets. Friday’s SpaceX test of a reusable rocket stage during a launch of supplies to the International…

I’ve often found ULA’s dominance of military launches to be a bit wacky. This definitely sounds like a story I’ll continue to watch.

25 Apr 16:08

theweekmagazine: Meet the waffle donut, aka wonut New Yorkers...


Seriously compared to the cronut this sounds like a tastier option.


Meet the waffle donut, aka wonut

New Yorkers aren’t the only ones eating dessert hybrids. Chicago’s Waffles Cafe is selling a combination of a donut and a waffle.

I do find this infinitely more interesting than the cronut.

24 Apr 17:14

News Post: Thornwatch Preview

by (Gabe)

I've been following the Penny Arcade guys' attempts at building their own tabletop RPG/Card game with interest. It sounds like they're getting pretty close to a proper release.

Gabe: There’s a really big article over on the Escapist this morning about Thornwatch. I sat down with Jonathan on Sunday after he got a chance to play the game and we talked for about an hour I think. The resulting article is a really good look at the current state of the game and some insights into the process of building it. (The Thronwatch play test area at PAX East) If you have questions or want to chat about the game you can always hit up our official Thornwatch twitter. That’s also a good one to follow if you want to stay up to date on playtesting plans and behind the scenes…
24 Apr 15:53

buzzfeedrewind: Check out this fascinating look at Jim Henson’s...


It really makes me sad that some of these aren't in as good quality as they should be. The Skeksis and the Dinobaby in particular since both Dark Crystal and Dinosaurs was a huge part of my childhood.


Check out this fascinating look at Jim Henson’s Creature Shop.

Oh man some of those look to be in pretty bad condition.

23 Apr 11:55

pleatedjeans: via Is this a real thing? Please tell me this is...


I really like this idea.



Is this a real thing? Please tell me this is a real thing that I can get locally and for a relatively cheap price.

21 Apr 17:37

I’m just going to put this out there: my friends may gave...


Guys its a pizza cake. How has this not (a) been made before and (b) become a staple of my diet. I'm sure it would be one hell of a technical challenge to actually figure out how to do and keep it the proper shape and all...

21 Apr 17:08

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Said What He Thinks About Race Now That He's Made It, And Almost Nobody Noticed

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Said What He Thinks About Race Now That He's Made It, And Almost Nobody Noticed:
Buried deep at the end of an obscure panel discussion.

Neil DeGrass Tyson is a goddamn national treasure.

21 Apr 17:03

newsweek: Most children, Asher Svidensky says, are a little...


Seriously guys falconry is cool.


Most children, Asher Svidensky says, are a little intimidated by golden eagles.

Kazakh boys in western Mongolia start learning how to use the huge birds to hunt for foxes and hares at the age of 13, when the eagles sit heavily on their undeveloped arms.

Svidensky, a photographer and travel writer, shot five boys learning the skill - and he also photographed Ashol-Pan.

"To see her with the eagle was amazing," he recalls. She was a lot more comfortable with it, a lot more powerful with it and a lot more at ease with it."

A 13-year-old eagle huntress in Mongolia

This is wicked cool.

19 Apr 16:07

theresmagicoutthere: The evolution of digital media


It's very frustrating how much of everything out there is just advertising. I recognize that these websites need to monetize SOMEHOW but I would bet there's a diminishing return to just blanketing a website with advertisements.


The evolution of digital media

19 Apr 16:06

Heartbleed Explanation


I don't know if this is actually how Heartbleed works but if it is then that's an excellent way to explain it.

Are you still there, server? It's me, Margaret.
18 Apr 19:18

SpaceX | Launch Central


Less than 8 minutes to go guys. It's looking like it might be a good launch!

SpaceX | Launch Central:
SpaceX Launch Central

Looks like the SpaceX lifestream is starting up.