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04 Jun 18:33

I'm finally getting a chance to watch the Apple keynote from yesterday.


So I was wondering what everyone thought about the Apple keynote yesterday? I know that Adam hasn't been bullish on Apple of late, so I'd like to see his more skeptical view on the subject.

I’m definitely liking a lot of stuff here. Some of those continuity features are pretty great, especially the hand off stuff. I will say it’s still a bit clunky that OSX has to go through the iPhone to actually do the SMS and phone functionality. The new spotlight is going to be the go to thing for my parents, I think.

The iOS 8 stuff I’m less enthusiastic about as they seem to be pretty natural developments of previous features along with a few more items (Safari, Mail) that look to be unifying the iOS and OSX experience.  I don’t think that means we’ll get a full unity of iOS or OSX any time soon — I think we’ll have a desktop and mobile separation for some time to come.

There’s some real awkwardness to that Dr. Dre call though…

04 Jun 17:27

newsweek: Master’s degrees are as common now as bachelor’s...


Isn't it kind of scary? I mean doesn't that open the possibility that we are leaving significant people behind in the job force?

03 Jun 20:25

Sunday Fun: Are Newly Minted PhDs Being Launched Into Space?

by Lisa Wade, PhD

Man I would get a PhD if that meant that I'd get to go to space.


1 (2) - CopySee more at Spurious Correlations. Thanks to John McCormack for the tip!

Lisa Wade is a professor of sociology at Occidental College and the co-author of Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

(View original at

31 May 22:26

michaeltalbot: Jaden Smith. As Batman. At the wedding of two...




Jaden Smith. As Batman. At the wedding of two douchebags.

It’s not Photoshopped.

Suddenly Ben “Fucking multiple Oscars" Affleck doesn’t look like such a bad choice.

I am so confused by this.

30 May 13:54

Geek Merit Badges


I don't know if you guys ever saw these when they first came out, but they are all amazing.


Some people have been asking about the Geek Merit Badges I used to sell. They are available once again through my Etsy shop.

30 May 04:59

A comparison of the new Dragon spacecraft and the old Dragon...


2016. That's when this will be ready. 2017 is when NASA expects to be using it for manned flights. It looks nothing like what I expected except that it has a vaguely conical shape.

A comparison of the new Dragon spacecraft and the old Dragon spacecraft. Brings a whole new meaning to “New Hotness.”

29 May 01:58

Hulu Eyes New Season Of ‘Community’ | Deadline


It would be kind of crazy if Community ACTUALLY got six seasons and a movie. I don't know what I'd do with myself. I mean besides watching that season and movie of course.

Hulu Eyes New Season Of ‘Community’ | Deadline:
Sources stress that conversations are preliminary and it is unclear whether they would lead to a deal, but I hear there is will on both sides. 

We would live in a beautiful world worth saving if this were to happen.

29 May 01:07

Sea Launch Lofts First Satellite in More Than a Year


Sea Launch is another area where American corporations are actively doing business with the Russian rocket industry. In this case it's Boeing (who are also part of the controversial United Launch Alliance partnership) partnering with RSC Energia, who basically build all the cool, functional bits of the Russian Space Program (The R-7, the Soyuz capsule).

They're best known failure was in 2007 when this happened:

A Russian-Ukrainian Sea Launch-3SL rocket on May 26 successfully placed the Eutelsat 3B commercial telecommunications satellite into geostationary transfer orbit.
28 May 14:19

prguitarman: gallowhill: Tim Taylor, Domestic Erosion,...


I don't know why but this is somehow very calming.



Tim TaylorDomestic Erosion, 2003

That iron is all like “Fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCKK”

That is just cool.

28 May 14:18



Seriously, how is that NOT frightening.



Jesus the Happy Meals actually look like the scary ass mascot?

28 May 14:15



Seriously. How come so many people take screenshots of their phones when they're in the red?

26 May 19:31

space-pics: Welp, that just happened. That is just some...


So this was crazy.

Also this Trent guy might not realize what Musk was saying when he was talking about the Shuttle's reliability. The risk potential for that program was crazy high.


Welp, that just happened.

That is just some straight up crazy right there.

26 May 14:29



So I wonder if this means that in our lifetimes the Great Red Spot will disappear.

23 May 17:18



I definitely want a flip iPhone.

This is even better than my previous smartphone casemod: an old Western Electric Model 2500 desk phone handset complete with a frayed, torn-off cord dangling from it.
23 May 03:49

SpaceX Expected to Unveil Manned Dragon Spaceship on May 29


Cool beans.

Next Thursday (May 29), the company will unveil the crewed version of its Dragon spacecraft, which SpaceX hopes will be ferrying people to and from the International Space Station a few short years from now.
22 May 21:40

newsweek: The Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones reported...


I remember a long time ago there was a quote in the TV show "The West Wing" about where an investor would choose to invest money given only these choices: China or India. The individual in question said they would choose India because it was a representative democracy among other things that put it at an advantage to China. Now this episode is more than ten years old. It's fairly clear in those last ten years that investors chose China. One of the reasons why is because while China is rife with corruption, so is India. And this kind of thing here shows it as something of a Wild West there.


The Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones reported from India for last night’s show and found that despite a thriving and open newspaper culture, journalistic ethics look entirely different in the world’s largest democracy. “I can just go out and buy a story written about myself?” Jones asked Indian journalist Puja Gupta, around the 3:30 mark. “Yeah,” she replied.

In India, newspapers take the concept of “sponsored content” to the extreme: For a price, anyone can run a fake article or entirely manufactured opinion poll in one of the country’s 93,000 registered newspapers—without any indication that the content was purchased, Jones reported. So that’s what he did.

For $2,500, Jones bought a spot on page two of the Indian newspaper Millennium Post that carried the headline, “Poll Shows US Number A-1 Star Jason Jones Does Best Indian Election Coverage.” It is accompanied by two clearly Photoshopped photos—one with Jones’s head pasted onto a glistening, shirtless, muscled body.

The very-real article ran in the print edition, and it can be seen on the Millennium Post’s website. Anyone who hasn’t seen the Daily Show segment would have no indication that it isn’t a factual article.

'The Daily Show' Runs Entirely Made-Up Opinion Poll in Indian Newspaper

22 May 12:47

Russian Rocket Engine Ban on US Military Launches Could Affect NASA Spaceflight


It's really time to expedite man-rating the Dragon capsule...

The call by one Russian official to ban Russian rocket engine use on U.S. military launches and to pull out of the International Space Station project by 2020, could have far-reaching repercussions for U.S. spaceflight if realized.
22 May 12:35

gothiccharmschool: Oh, these are lovely.


These are just ridiculously.


Oh, these are lovely.

21 May 01:54

popculturebrain: amctv: Time to hit ESC. The first episode of...


So this is a pretty interesting show. It takes place in 1983 so it takes place in a similar time period as Pirates of Silicon Valley (probably the best retelling of Bill Gates's and Steve Jobs's personal and professional histories).



Time to hit ESC.

The first episode of ‘Halt and Catch Fire’ is available to watch now at AMC’s Tumblr. The first time a show has premiered on Tumblr.

I’ve been looking forward to this after not hearing anything about it at all. Should be interesting…

20 May 21:49

newsweek: Problem of the day. [It’s a game.]   A game I...


Seriously this is the time suck to end all time sucks.


Problem of the day.

[It’s a game.]  

A game I probably shouldn’t be playing for four hours straight….

20 May 21:47

"Pi is a number not a process. Secondly, yeah so it’s got...


Happy Pi Day!

"Pi is a number not a process. Secondly, yeah so it’s got infinite digits. So what! One third has infinite digits. There is exactly as many digits in one third as in Pi! As in Ninety nine point nine nine nine nine repeating! Oh and that’s also as many digits as in numbers like, say, FIVE!"

Some fun stuff here. And it’s not really related to Tau!

20 May 20:12

mattfractionblog: RIFLEMAN Murder supercut.  YOU ARE...


Seriously a super crossover of old timey western TV show characters would be great.

Other weird Star Trek connection to the Rifleman: Michael Ansara starred in a spinoff called Law of the Plainsman in '59-60 that had two backdoor pilot episodes on the Rifleman. He would later play Commander Kang on Star Trek TOS and, yes, Star Trek DS9!


RIFLEMAN Murder supercut. 


ps he kills alfalfa switzer at 2:46

Fun fact: Deep Space Nine was pitched as The Rifleman in SPAAAAAAACE!!!! But even then I don’t think Ben Sisko killed this many people. And he used biological weapons on defenseless planets!

Also: I’m surprised nobody has thought to take all the old timey western properties and AVENGERS the crap out of them. The Rifleman, Maverick, Alias Smith and Jones, Marshall Matt Dillon (Gunsmoke), and I dunno a (way not terrible) Lone Ranger. It’d be FLIPPING GREAT!

20 May 16:23

guardian: Matter will be created from light within a year,...


I have no idea if this a thing that exists in real life. But if it is, it's kind of wonderful.


Matter will be created from light within a year, claim scientists

Researchers have worked out how to make matter from pure light and are drawing up plans to demonstrate the feat within the next 12 months.

The theory underpinning the idea was first described 80 years ago by two physicists who later worked on the first atomic bomb. At the time they considered the conversion of light into matter impossible in a laboratory.

But physicists at Imperial College London claim to have cracked the problem using high-powered lasers and other equipment now available to scientists. Full story »

Photograph: Lawrence Manning/Corbis

If this is true we’re entering a truly strange era of human technology.

20 May 16:20

If you don’t think the SR-71 is a sexy plane, I just...


Just to be clear the U-2 is ugly as sin.

If you don’t think the SR-71 is a sexy plane, I just don’t know what to do with you.

20 May 13:47

Curious George in Space: Plucky Primate's Cosmic Adventures (Gallery)


Wait...Curious George is a TV show now?

Well-liked children's book character Curious George visits the red planet in an upcoming episode of his TV show.
20 May 00:35

3 Private Moon Lander Concepts Make NASA's Short List


So this article is sort of irrelevant to the point I want to make (since I actually don't think any of these commercial landers will ever make it to production) but I think the static lander idea is kind of dumb. That is to say landers that land on legs. It's my belief that landers — especially the Apollo-era ones in the past but definitely the future ones — should land on wheels.

My idea would be that you would have a standard chassis that you would build all the various landers around. You could land, drive around, and launch back for LOR. Then when the second lander comes by you build a train out of whatever is left behind. That way you could send a variety of different science experiments to the moon and test them in a variety of environments.

NASA has shortlisted three potential commercial partners for non-funded agreements as part of the agency's quest to land robotic spacecraft on the moon.
19 May 19:56

michaeltalbot: chrisdwoo: Pour one out for Community. The best...


Goodbye Community. You were the best!



Pour one out for Community. The best comedy everyone on the internet watched but no one else did.

Prediction: It’ll end up either on Netflix, or Amazon Prime Video Whatever it’s called this week.

I doubt it’ll end up on Netflix; Sony Television doesn’t appear to have much in the way of a relationship with that company. Maybe Amazon Prime? (I’ve seen some of their library, specifically The Shield on it before) I think it’s a long shot. I’m guessing it’s the end of the road for the show.

19 May 19:44

Ikaros: First Successful Solar Sail


Cool news. Solar sails have worked in lab settings before but never in the field. Due to the minimal acceleration it's still not practical for a manned ship (like the one the ancient Bajorans used in DS9).

Ikaros is a Japanese spacecraft that was the first to successfully use a solar sail at some distance from Earth.
16 May 20:39

ABC orders 'Fresh Off the Boat' to series


I'm very interested to see where this goes.

ABC orders 'Fresh Off the Boat' to series:

As my cousin said on his Facebook, there’s going to be Asians on TV!!!

I can’t remember the last show that was strictly speaking about Asians. I’m hoping for good things.

16 May 03:58

Russian Rocket Carrying Advanced Satellite Crashes After Launch: Reports


It's sort of weird, but the Proton has always had a problematic history. When it first started it had a terrible record. By the mid-80s it was a pretty reliable workhouse for the Soviets. And now the lower stage isn't so bad, but it's bolt-on upper stage is terrible (The Briz-M has something like a 30% total fail rate. Including partial failures gets that up to 40-50%).

A Russian Proton rocket carrying an advanced satellite reportedly crashed after launching toward space on Thursday (May 15). The Proton rocket may have crashed in the Pacific Ocean, according to Russian media reports.