Shared posts

14 Dec 15:34

Vamos Formar Uma Dupla

Isso faz parte do ensino fundamental em Goiás

11 Dec 09:56

4 simple tricks to make way better scrambled eggs

by Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Ria Misra to Gizmodo

4 simple tricks to make way better scrambled eggs

What did you have for breakfast? Eggs? Scrambled? Were they good? Of course! Everyone loves scrambled eggs and any variation of it is edible. But there are very easy ways to make scrambled eggs more luxurious and pillowy and delicious. America’s Test Kitchen says to add extra yolks, add dairy, whisk with a fork so you don’t over whisk, and to first cook the eggs on medium-high heat and then on low.


11 Dec 09:31

O Que é o Amor?

É dificil entender o amor... Mas as vezes o amor apenas acontece
D <3 A

02 Dec 15:47

potato kugel

by deb

potato kugel

Among the great Ashkenazi soul food traditions — bagels, lox, chicken noodle soup, challah, brisket and its cousins, pastrami and corned beef — few are more deeply rooted in the communal psyche than kugels, or starch-based puddings that hail from southern Germany. The word kugel, meaning sphere, globe or ball, originally referred to dumplings dropped over a soup pot, the version baked casserole pans became my people’s favorite, always made in vast quantities, served on Shabbat or holidays in squares and usually shoved in the hands of unsuspecting relatives and guests in disposable foil tins on their way home. The smart ones know resistance is futile.

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© smitten kitchen 2006-2012. | permalink to potato kugel | 136 comments to date | see more: Breakfast, Gluten-Free, Hanukah, Jewish, Onions, Passover, Photo, Potatoes, Put An Egg On It, Side Dish, Vegetarian

01 Dec 19:08

Mira mortal: f0rest vence em CS:GO com os tiros mais belos que você já viu

by Maximilian Rox

Já dizia o ditado das ruas: “one shot, one kill”. Jogadores de Counter-Strike: Global Offensive conhecem bem essa expressão, ainda mais quando um clique no mouse pode significar a sua morte neste game tão reverenciado dentro dos eSports. E, falando nas competições, o jogador sueco Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg, representante da Ninjas in Pyjamas, realizou durante a DreamHack Winter 2015 uma das jogadas mais mortais e bonitas que os fãs do jogo já viram nos últimos meses.

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27 Nov 10:14

Precisamos conversar

by Léo Boese



The post Precisamos conversar appeared first on

26 Nov 10:02

Universos em miniatura – A arte em vidro de Satoshi Tomizu

by EvelRyu


Satoshi Tomizu é um artista com uma habilidade única de criar mini universos em pequenas esferas de vidro, usando opalas, pra representar os planetas e flocos de ouro e viro para as estrelas, Tomizo cria joias únicas, incríveis e poéticas. Confira a galeria: [gallery type="rectangular" link="file" ids="83355,83354,83353,83352,83350,83349,83348,83347,83346,83345,83344,83313,83312,83311,83301,83303,83308,83309,83310,83351"]

O post Universos em miniatura – A arte em vidro de Satoshi Tomizu apareceu primeiro em Sedentário & Hiperativo.

25 Nov 15:49

Senhor De Idade Fazendo Todos Os Taunts De Smash Bros

Esse senhor merece meu repeito, passei mal aqui!

23 Nov 10:01


19 Nov 09:51


13 Nov 09:53

Sujariam a espada?

by Léo Boese


Grandes filósofos do Facebook

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12 Nov 09:57

Paulistanos que têm medo da polícia x paulistanos que não têm medo da polícia

by Helder Ibanez


chris-pratt-gif-2 (1)Segundo as estatísticas, esse cara está certo

09 Nov 15:29


04 Nov 09:50

minizilla: What can i do for you Snake ?

Solid Snake

Mei Ling



Naomi Hunter

Colonel Campbell


What can i do for you Snake ?
30 Oct 09:53


22 Oct 15:31

owengrady: “The dark side. The jedi. They’re real.”


“The dark side. The jedi. They’re real.

21 Oct 16:10

Vídeo mostra um generoso material do cancelado Star Wars Battlefront 3

by Bruno Micali

Antes do badalado Star Wars Battlefront da DICE, que está em contagem regressiva para ser lançado em novembro, a franquia teve seus tempos áureos. O vindouro título, para quem não sabe, é um reboot da série. Mas nem todos sabiam (ou sequer imaginavam) que poderia haver um eventual Star Wars Battlefront 3. Pois bem: o game esteve em desenvolvimento, mas nunca viu a luz do dia. Confira um generoso material no vídeo acima.

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20 Oct 15:30

Os cara mita nos comentários…

by Léo Boese


Os cara é demais IHAEUAE

The post Os cara mita nos comentários… appeared first on

20 Oct 15:30

Tentar argumentar contra a mamai

by ninja amarelo


Nada bate de frente com o argumento da mamai… N A D A!

The post Tentar argumentar contra a mamai appeared first on Le Ninja.

19 Oct 10:06


16 Oct 16:42


07 Oct 10:53

knightofleo: Lap Pun Cheung | Metal Gear Solidpart 1, part...

Metal Gear Solid (Main Theme) | Introduction

Discovery | Underwater Infiltration

Dock Containers | Cavern

Heliport | Intruder 1

Encounter | Revolver Ocelot

Intruder 2 | Tankfighter

Warhead Storage | Electric Floor

Intruder 3 | Corridor of Death

Ninja | Hal

Mantis' Hymn | Wolves


Lap Pun Cheung | Metal Gear Solid
part 1, part 2

(enlarge for titles)

07 Oct 10:53

knightofleo: Lap Pun Cheung | Metal Gear Solidpart 1, part...

In A Barrel | Torture

Hind D | Elevator Ghosts

Duel | Enclosure

Blast Furnace | Carrion Birds

Vulcan Raven | Colosseo

Rex's Lair | Gray Fox

Solid and Liquid | Escape

The Best Is Yet To Come | VR Training

Metal Gear Solid Main Theme (1997 E3 Remix) | Metal Gear Solid Control Mix (Mixed By Quandra)


Lap Pun Cheung | Metal Gear Solid
part 1, part 2

(enlarge for titles)

07 Oct 10:48

Destiny fans put together guide to Legendary Strike item drops

by Matt Buchholtz, Contributing Editor


If you’ve been wondering how to get your hands on the glorious new Legendary-tier loot from Destiny, we’ve got the list for you.

Reddit user Yetikin posted a detailed description of the locations of all Strike-specific items on the Destiny Subreddit today, and now we know which locations we’ll be haunting for the rest of eternity as we finish our collections.

One final item, the Hunter class’s Helm of Krolok, still hasn’t been found in the wild, although many assume it drops from The Summoning Pits Strike.

While it appears you can acquire any weapon or armor piece by running through the Strike on any difficulty, lower difficulties apparently offer lower drop rates, and Shaders and Emblems can only be acquired through the Vanguard Playlist.

06 Oct 10:56


05 Oct 16:54

Enquanto Isso Na Academia

Só tá faltando virar lobão mesmo, porque esses caras de academia andam do tamanho do boneco do Altered Beast...

02 Oct 18:12

Brilliant Ways To Subtly Mess With People

30 Sep 16:49

Uma coisa a se pensar

by ninja vermelho


Pra ser no nível otaku de gostar do Brasil, precisa achar que o dolar a 4.20 ta ótimo

The post Uma coisa a se pensar appeared first on Le Ninja.

29 Sep 11:03

Like a Trunks

Like a Trunks

29 Sep 11:00
