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30 Oct 19:24

Decoding crystallography from high-resolution electron imaging and diffraction datasets with deep learning

by Aguiar, J. A., Gong, M. L., Unocic, R. R., Tasdizen, T., Miller, B. D.

While machine learning has been making enormous strides in many technical areas, it is still massively underused in transmission electron microscopy. To address this, a convolutional neural network model was developed for reliable classification of crystal structures from small numbers of electron images and diffraction patterns with no preferred orientation. Diffraction data containing 571,340 individual crystals divided among seven families, 32 genera, and 230 space groups were used to train the network. Despite the highly imbalanced dataset, the network narrows down the space groups to the top two with over 70% confidence in the worst case and up to 95% in the common cases. As examples, we benchmarked against alloys to two-dimensional materials to cross-validate our deep-learning model against high-resolution transmission electron images and diffraction patterns. We present this result both as a research tool and deep-learning application for diffraction analysis.

23 Oct 16:47

[ASAP] Encoding Carbon Nanotubes with Tubular Nucleic Acids for Information Storage

by Yueyue Zhang†‡§, Fan Li†§, Min Li†, Xiuhai Mao†, Xinxin Jing†, Xiaoguo Liu†, Qian Li†, Jiang Li‡, Lihua Wang‡, Chunhai Fan†, and Xiaolei Zuo*†

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b09116
21 Oct 20:16

Macrocycle‐Directed Construction of Tetrahedral Anion–π Receptors for Nesting Anions with Complementary Geometry

by Jian Luo, Jun Zhu, De‐Hui Tuo, Qinqin Yuan, Lei Wang, Xue‐Bin Wang, Yu‐Fei Ao, Qi‐Qiang Wang, De‐Xian Wang
Chemistry – A European Journal Macrocycle‐Directed Construction of Tetrahedral Anion–π Receptors for Nesting Anions with Complementary Geometry

The successful construction of sophisticated tetrahedral anion–π receptors has been achieved by a macrocycle‐directed approach. With the enclosed three‐dimensional cavity surrounded by four‐electron‐deficient triazine faces, the tetrahedral receptors are able to selectively accommodate a series of tetrahedral and relevant anions through unprecedented complementary and cooperative anion–π interactions.


Manipulation of the emerging anion–π interactions in a highly cooperative manner through sophisticated host design represents a very challenging task. In this work, unprecedented tetrahedral anion–π receptors have been successfully constructed for complementary accommodation of tetrahedral and relevant anions. The synthesis was achieved by a macrocycle‐directed approach by using large macrocycle precursors bearing four reactive sites, which enabled a kinetic‐favored pathway and afforded the otherwise inaccessible tetrahedral cages in considerable yields. Crystal structure suggested that the tetrahedral cages have an enclosed three‐dimensional cavity surrounded by four electron‐deficient triazine faces in a tetrahedral array. The complementary accommodation of a series of tetrahedral and relevant anions including BF4 , ClO4 , H2PO4 , HSO4 , SO4 2− and PF6 was revealed by ESI‐MS and DFT calculations. Crystal structures of ClO4 and PF6 complexes showed that the anion was nicely encapsulated within the tetrahedral cavity with up to quadruple cooperative anion–π interactions by an excellent shape and size match. The strong anion–π binding was further confirmed by negative ion photoelectron spectroscopy measurements.

13 Oct 18:32

[ASAP] Parallel Synthesis and Screening of Supramolecular Chemosensors That Achieve Fluorescent Turn-on Detection of Drugs in Saliva

by Meagan A. Beatty, Allison J. Selinger, YuQi Li, and Fraser Hof*

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b07073
07 Oct 04:38

Hypervalent Iodine Reversible Covalent Bond in Rotaxane Synthesis

by Marketa Kandrnalova, Zoran Kokan, Vaclav Havel, Marek Necas, Vladimir Sindelar

Reversible covalent bonds play a significant role in achieving the high‐yielding synthesis of mechanically interlocked molecules. Still, only a handful of such bonds have been successfully employed in synthetic procedures. Herein, we introduce a novel approach for the fast and simple preparation of mechanically interlocked molecules, combining the dynamic bond character of bis(acyloxy)iodate(I) anions with macrocyclic bambusuril anion receptors. The proof of principle was demonstrated on rotaxane synthesis, with near‐quantitative yields observed in both the classical and “in situ” approach. The rotaxane formation was confirmed in the solid state and solution by the X‐ray and NMR studies, respectively. Our novel approach could be utilized in the fields of dynamic combinatorial chemistry, supramolecular polymers, or molecular machines, as well inspire further research on molecules that exhibit dynamic behavior, but due to their high reactivity, have not been considered as constituents of more elaborate supramolecular structures.

04 Oct 20:45

[ASAP] Three-Dimensional Nucleic-Acid-Based Constitutional Dynamic Networks: Enhancing Diversity through Complexity of the Systems

by Liang Yue§, Shan Wang§, and Itamar Willner*

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b08709
28 Sep 18:17

A Long‐Lived Azafullerenyl Radical Stabilized by Supramolecular Shielding with a [10]Cycloparaphenylene

by Anastasios Stergiou, Jeremy Rio, Jan H Griwatz, Denis Arcon, Hermann A Wegner, Christopher P Ewels, Nikos Tagmatarchis
Angewandte Chemie International Edition A Long‐Lived Azafullerenyl Radical Stabilized by Supramolecular Shielding with a [10]Cycloparaphenylene

A radical shielding approach based on supramolecular complexation exploits the protection offered by a [10]cycloparaphenylene ([10]CPP) nanobelt encircling C59N. to stabilize this radical. The EPR signal of C59N.⊂[10]CPP showing characteristic 14N hyperfine splitting was observed even several weeks after its generation.


A major handicap towards the exploitation of radicals is their inherent instability. In the paramagnetic azafullerenyl radical C59N., the unpaired electron is strongly localized next to the nitrogen atom, which induces dimerization to diamagnetic bis(azafullerene), (C59N)2. Conventional stabilization by introducing steric hindrance around the radical is inapplicable here because of the concave fullerene geometry. Instead, we developed an innovative radical shielding approach based on supramolecular complexation, exploiting the protection offered by a [10]cycloparaphenylene ([10]CPP) nanobelt encircling the C59N. radical. Photoinduced radical generation is increased by a factor of 300. The EPR signal showing characteristic 14N hyperfine splitting of C59N.⊂ [10]CPP was traced even after several weeks, which corresponds to a lifetime increase of >108. The proposed approach can be generalized by tuning the diameter of the employed nanobelts, opening new avenues for the design and exploitation of radical fullerenes.

26 Sep 21:31

Novelist Cormac McCarthy’s tips on how to write a great science paper

by Van Savage

Nature, Published online: 26 September 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02918-5

The Pulitzer prizewinner shares his advice for pleasing readers, editors and yourself.
19 Sep 07:30

Bifunctional Phosphine Ligand Enabled Gold‐Catalyzed Alkynamide Cycloisomerization: Access to Electron‐Rich 2‐Aminofurans and Their Diels–Alder Adducts

by xingguang li, xu ma, zhixun wang, pei-nian liu, Liming Zhang
Angewandte Chemie International Edition Bifunctional Phosphine Ligand Enabled Gold‐Catalyzed Alkynamide Cycloisomerization: Access to Electron‐Rich 2‐Aminofurans and Their Diels–Alder Adducts

What a ligand! With bifunctional ligands specifically designed for gold catalysis, acetylenic amides are efficiently transformed into 2‐aminofurans in a single step. The highly electron‐rich nature of these furans makes them difficult to access by other means, but also endows them with exceptional synthetic value. D‐A=Diels–Alder, EWG=electron‐withdrawing group.


By using biphenyl‐2‐ylphosphines functionalized with a remote tertiary amino group as a ligand, readily available acetylenic amides are directly converted into 2‐aminofurans devoid of any electron‐withdrawing and hence deactivating/stabilizing substituents. These highly electron‐rich furans have rarely been prepared, let alone applied in synthesis, because of their high reactivities and low stabilities associated with the electron‐rich nature of the furan ring. In this work, these reactive furans smoothly undergo either in situ intermolecular Diels–Alder reactions to deliver highly functionalized/substituted aniline products or intramolecular ones to furnish carbazole‐4‐carboxylates in mostly good to excellent yields. This work offers general and expedient access to this class of little studies electron‐rich furans and should lead to exciting opportunities for their applications.

18 Sep 12:53

[ASAP] Computational Discovery of the Origins of Life

by Jan Meisner†‡, Xiaolei Zhu†‡, and Todd J. Marti´nez†‡

TOC Graphic

ACS Central Science
DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.9b00832
13 Sep 23:22

[ASAP] Topologically Unique Molecular Nanocarbons

by Yasutomo Segawa*†‡, David R. Levine†‡§, and Kenichiro Itami*†‡§

TOC Graphic

Accounts of Chemical Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.9b00402
13 Sep 15:32

Self-sorting in dynamic disulfide assembly: new biphenyl-bridged “nanohoops” and unsymmetrical cyclophanes

Chem. Commun., 2019, 55,11840-11843
DOI: 10.1039/C9CC06503B, Communication
Ngoc-Minh Phan, Emma P. K. L. Choy, Lev N. Zakharov, Darren W. Johnson
From at least 21 possible macrocycles, self-sorting and DCC strategies provide a high-yield route to two new unsymmetrical, trimeric nanohoops.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
09 Sep 15:47

Hindered dialkyl ether synthesis with electrogenerated carbocations

by Jinbao Xiang

Nature, Published online: 09 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1539-y

A route to the synthesis of hindered ethers is developed, in which electrochemical oxidation is used to liberate high-energy carbocations that are then captured by an alcohol.
09 Sep 15:46

Intrinsically stable organic solar cells under high-intensity illumination

by Quinn Burlingame

Nature, Published online: 09 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1544-1

Organic photovoltaic cells containing an intrinsically stable organic absorber layer that are likely to be stable for many decades under illumination are demonstrated.
04 Sep 13:45

Chiroptical inversion of a planar chiral redox-switchable rotaxane

Chem. Sci., 2019, 10,10003-10009
DOI: 10.1039/C9SC03694F, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Marius Gaedke, Felix Witte, Jana Anhäuser, Henrik Hupatz, Hendrik V. Schröder, Arto Valkonen, Kari Rissanen, Arne Lützen, Beate Paulus, Christoph A. Schalley
Reversible redox-switching of a planar chiral [2]rotaxane with a tetrathiafulvalene-bearing crown ether macrocycle generates a complete sign reversal of the main band in the ECD spectrum, as shown by experiment and rationalised by DFT calculations.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
27 Aug 18:21

[ASAP] The Consequences of Twisting Nanocarbons: Lessons from Tethered Twisted Acenes

by Anjan Bedi and Ori Gidron*

TOC Graphic

Accounts of Chemical Research
DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.9b00271
23 Aug 17:08

[ASAP] Cobaloxime Catalysis: Selective Synthesis of Alkenylphosphine Oxides under Visible Light

by Wen-Qiang Liu†‡, Tao Lei†‡, Shuai Zhou†‡, Xiu-Long Yang†‡, Jian Li†‡, Bin Chen†‡, Jayaraman Sivaguru§, Chen-Ho Tung†‡, and Li-Zhu Wu*†‡

TOC Graphic

Journal of the American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b06920
23 Aug 09:05

Biomimetic Synchronized Motion of Two Interacting Macrocycles in [3]Rotaxane‐Based Molecular Shuttles

by Li-Shuo Zheng, Jie-Shun Cui, Wei Jiang
Angewandte Chemie International Edition Biomimetic Synchronized Motion of Two Interacting Macrocycles in [3]Rotaxane‐Based Molecular Shuttles

Molecular machines: Four [3]rotaxane‐based molecular shuttles with two interacting macrocycles have been synthesized. The interactions among the three components (two macrocycles and one axle) were shown to not only affect the relative positions of the macrocycles along the axles with different spacer lengths, but also cause a synchronized motion of the two macrocycles when adding stimuli.


Noncovalent interactions between all the neighboring components in biomolecular machines are responsible for their synchronized motion and thus complex functions. This strategy has rarely been used in multicomponent molecular machines. Here, we report four [3]rotaxane‐based molecular shuttles. Noncovalent interactions among the three components (two interacting macrocycles and one axle) not only cause a “systems‐level” effect on the relative positions of the two macrocycles along the axle, but also result in a synchronized motion of the two macrocycles when adding partial amount of stimuli. Moreover, the intermediate state with one shuttled macrocycle even exist predominantly in the solution during the titration of stimuli, which is theoretically unexpected for the [3]rotaxane with two non‐interacting rings. This biomimetic strategy may provide a method for constructing highly complex molecular machines.

08 Aug 20:16

A robotic platform for flow synthesis of organic compounds informed by AI planning

by Coley, C. W., Thomas, D. A., Lummiss, J. A. M., Jaworski, J. N., Breen, C. P., Schultz, V., Hart, T., Fishman, J. S., Rogers, L., Gao, H., Hicklin, R. W., Plehiers, P. P., Byington, J., Piotti, J. S., Green, W. H., Hart, A. J., Jamison, T. F., Jensen, K. F.

The synthesis of complex organic molecules requires several stages, from ideation to execution, that require time and effort investment from expert chemists. Here, we report a step toward a paradigm of chemical synthesis that relieves chemists from routine tasks, combining artificial intelligence–driven synthesis planning and a robotically controlled experimental platform. Synthetic routes are proposed through generalization of millions of published chemical reactions and validated in silico to maximize their likelihood of success. Additional implementation details are determined by expert chemists and recorded in reusable recipe files, which are executed by a modular continuous-flow platform that is automatically reconfigured by a robotic arm to set up the required unit operations and carry out the reaction. This strategy for computer-augmented chemical synthesis is demonstrated for 15 drug or drug-like substances.

08 Aug 09:36

Three-dimensional aromaticity in an antiaromatic cyclophane

by Ryo Nozawa

Nature Communications, Published online: 08 August 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11467-4

Little is known about interactions between two antiaromatic molecules. Here, the authors synthesised a cyclophane, in which two antiaromatic porphyrin moieties adopt a stacked face-to-face geometry with a distance shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii of the atoms involved.
08 Aug 06:34

[ASAP] Brightening of Long, Polymer-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes by sp3 Functionalization in Organic Solvents

by Felix J. Berger†‡, Jan Lu¨ttgens†‡, Tim Nowack†, Tobias Kutsch†§, Sebastian Lindenthal†, Lucas Kistner†, Christine C. Mu¨ller†, Lukas M. Bongartz†, Victoria A. Lumsargis†?, Yuriy Zakharko†?, and Jana Zaumseil*†‡

TOC Graphic

ACS Nano
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b03792
06 Aug 12:15

A Self‐Assembled Cage with Endohedral Acid Groups both Catalyzes Substitution Reactions and Controls Their Molecularity

by Paul M. Bogie, Lauren R. Holloway, Courtney Ngai, Tabitha F. Miller, Divine K. Grewal, Richard J. Hooley

If it was Nitschke it would be JACS :)

Chemistry – A European Journal A Self‐Assembled Cage with Endohedral Acid Groups both Catalyzes Substitution Reactions and Controls Their Molecularity

The host with the most: An acid‐functionalized self‐assembled host catalyzes the thioetherification of alcohols by high affinity molecular recognition and activation of the reactants.


A self‐assembled Fe4L6 cage complex internally decorated with acid functions is capable of accelerating the thioetherification of activated alcohols, ethers and amines by up to 1000‐fold. No product inhibition is seen, and effective supramolecular catalysis can occur with as little as 5 % cage. The substrates are bound in the host with up to micromolar affinities, whereas the products show binding that is an order of magnitude weaker. Most importantly, the cage host alters the molecularity of the reaction: whereas the reaction catalyzed by simple acids is a unimolecular, SN1‐type substitution process, the rate of the host‐mediated process is dependent on the concentration of nucleophile. The molecularity of the cage‐catalyzed reaction is substrate‐dependent, and can be up to bimolecular. In addition, the catalysis can be prevented by a large excess of nucleophile, where substrate inhibition dominates, and the use of tritylated anilines as substrates causes a negative feedback loop, whereby the liberated product destroys the catalyst and stops the reaction.

02 Aug 17:43

Gel to gel transitions by dynamic self-assembly

Chem. Commun., 2019, 55,10154-10157
DOI: 10.1039/C9CC05154F, Communication
Open Access Open Access
Creative Commons Licence&nbsp This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Santanu Panja, Dave J. Adams
We show how dynamic systems can be used to prepare gels that evolve to give materials with properties that cannot be accessed directly.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
29 Jul 21:17

Engineering multilayer chemical networks

Chem. Sci., 2019, 10,8338-8347
DOI: 10.1039/C9SC02166C, Edge Article
Open Access Open Access
Maitena Martinez-Amezaga, A. Gastón Orrillo, Ricardo L. E. Furlan
History and layer design as new features in dynamic multilayer networks.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
29 Jul 17:27

Heated gas bubbles enrich, crystallize, dry, phosphorylate and encapsulate prebiotic molecules

by Matthias Morasch

Nature Chemistry, Published online: 29 July 2019; doi:10.1038/s41557-019-0299-5

High concentrations of prebiotic molecules and dry–wet cycles are difficult to achieve in a submerged system. Now, it has been shown that temperature gradients across gas bubbles in submerged rock pores can provide these conditions. Molecules are continuously accumulated at the warm side of bubbles at the gas–water interface, which enables or enhances many prebiotically relevant processes.
24 Jul 18:20

Chirality transfer based on dynamic covalent chemistry: from small chiral molecules to supramolecules

Chem. Commun., 2019, 55,9861-9864
DOI: 10.1039/C9CC05598C, Communication
Panpan Sun, Shujing Ren, Aoli Wu, Na Sun, Lijuan Shi, Liqiang Zheng
Chirality transfer from small molecule to supramolecule was successfully achieved via regulation of dynamic covalent chemistry.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
22 Jul 16:59

Rhythm before life

by Nathaniel Wagner

Nature Chemistry, Published online: 22 July 2019; doi:10.1038/s41557-019-0301-2

The chemical functionality necessary for the origin of life may have emerged from simple reactions assembled into complex networks. Now, it has been shown that prebiotically relevant heterogeneous reaction networks can generate robust oscillations within complex mixtures comprised of precursors that do not oscillate on their own.
19 Jul 19:19

Programmable dynamic steady states in ATP-driven nonequilibrium DNA systems

by Heinen, L., Walther, A.

Inspired by the dynamics of the dissipative self-assembly of microtubules, chemically fueled synthetic systems with transient lifetimes are emerging for nonequilibrium materials design. However, realizing programmable or even adaptive structural dynamics has proven challenging because it requires synchronization of energy uptake and dissipation events within true steady states, which remains difficult to orthogonally control in supramolecular systems. Here, we demonstrate full synchronization of both events by ATP-fueled activation and dynamization of covalent DNA bonds via an enzymatic reaction network of concurrent ligation and cleavage. Critically, the average bond ratio and the frequency of bond exchange are imprinted into the energy dissipation kinetics of the network and tunable through its constituents. We introduce temporally and structurally programmable dynamics by polymerization of transient, dynamic covalent DNA polymers with adaptive steady-state properties in dependence of ATP fuel and enzyme concentrations. This approach enables generic access to nonequilibrium soft matter systems with adaptive and programmable dynamics.

18 Jul 20:15

Holistic prediction of enantioselectivity in asymmetric catalysis

by Jolene P. Reid

Nature, Published online: 17 July 2019; doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1384-z

A workflow for deriving statistical models of one set of reactions that can be used to predict related reactions is presented, facilitating catalyst and enantioselective reaction development.
18 Jul 19:54

Topological molecular nanocarbons: All-benzene catenane and trefoil knot

by Segawa, Y., Kuwayama, M., Hijikata, Y., Fushimi, M., Nishihara, T., Pirillo, J., Shirasaki, J., Kubota, N., Itami, K.

The generation of topologically complex nanocarbons can spur developments in science and technology. However, conventional synthetic routes to interlocked molecules require heteroatoms. We report the synthesis of catenanes and a molecular trefoil knot consisting solely of para-connected benzene rings. Characteristic fluorescence of a heterocatenane associated with fast energy transfer between two rings was observed, and the topological chirality of the all-benzene knot was confirmed by enantiomer separation and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The seemingly rigid all-benzene knot has rapid vortex-like motion in solution even at –95°C, resulting in averaged nuclear magnetic resonance signals for all hydrogen atoms. This interesting dynamic behavior of the knot was theoretically predicted and could stimulate deeper understanding and applications of these previously untapped classes of topological molecular nanocarbons.