Shared posts

29 Oct 10:03

Private clubs so cool they’re almost worth joining (10 Photos)

by Shelbie
27 Oct 14:41

Shirtless Eagles Fan Gives Deeply Uncomfortable Pregame Speech

by Tom Ley

Need we say more?

This Eagles fan, who is somehow a real person and not a character from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, gave a pregame speech for the ages before the team’s Week 6 game against the Giants. Things are about to get weird!


26 Oct 14:30

An Honest Trailer for Back to the Future

by Miss Cellania

Check out the 2:45 and tell me that isnt fucking weird and/or creepy.

Screen Junkies dissects the three movies of the Back to the Future trilogy, and comes to the conclusion that they are all the same except for the window dressing. Great Scott!

(YouTube link)

Of course, it’s never a good idea to deconstruct a time-travel movie (or series of movies) too thoughtfully. You could end up with a headache. Or Primer. -via Gamma Squad

26 Oct 13:18

Auto Mechanics Recreate Famous Renaissance Paintings

by John Farrier

Freddy Fabris, a photographer, has long wanted to pay homage to the Renaissance masters. But until recently, he was unable to find the right way to do it. When he visited an old auto repair shop in the Midwest, inspiration suddenly hit him: he would cast mechanics in their workspace as the figures in great works of Renaissance art, such as Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam.

Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper

Rembrandt's The Anatomy Lesson

Photos of the paintings by Eugene a, Sailko, and the University of Edinburgh, respectively.

-via Jeremy Barker

26 Oct 12:49

Finally a Song About the Real Object of Halloween For Young Adults


Oh, I got a wicked dark side!


Submitted by: (via thatgoongang)

26 Oct 08:49

Famous people whose quotes live up to the legend (25 Photos)

by Bob
23 Oct 19:56

A Distinctly Japanese Version Of Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal

by Zeon Santos

Certain Michael Jackson songs make you wanna move whenever they come on, and MJ fans can't help but break out their best moonwalk or Smooth Criminal strut when they hear their favorite song.

Smooth Criminal is one of those songs that gets stuck in your head for weeks after hearing it once, but at least this version is a new breed of MJ earworm that'll change things up a bit in your brain.

(YouTube Link)

This incredibly beautiful version of Smooth Criminal is performed by Yoshimi Tsujimoto on the shakuhachi (Japanese flute) with accompaniment by a backup duo of koto players.

And while Yoshimi doesn't know who Annie is, or whether she's okay, she does know that Michael Jackson's timeless tunes sound great no matter the instrument or musical style.

-Via Boing Boing

23 Oct 13:51

The Warriors: Last Subway Ride Home

by Miss Cellania

We told you about the Warriors Festival a couple of weeks ago, with the original movie cast reuniting for an appearance. How did that go? The actors from the 1979 film The Warriors arrived by the Q train, of course, recreating the journey in the movie in which they left the city gang wars to return to their home turf on Coney Island. Rolling Stone followed along with cameras. It was a little different this time around.  

(YouTube link)

For one thing, the subway cars are no longer covered in graffiti. There was no turnstile-jumping, of course. And along the way, they met fans of the movie and even modern day gang members! See more videos of the event at Rolling Stone. -via mental_floss

23 Oct 13:44

Who Or What The GOP Candidates Totally Look Like

by Zeon Santos

There are lots of serious, hard hitting and informative posts about the GOP Candidates and their 2016 election run available online, but this is not one of those posts.

This post isn't concerned with debates, social issues or each candidate's dirty laundry, because this post is all about who or what those GOP candidates totally look like.

And the best part of this post is the fact that you can create your own Totally Looks Like meme here when you're done perusing the comparisons other people have already created!

It's the fun way to cast your vote and show that you don't take politics too seriously.

Just so they don't come off as biased Cheezburger has also included images of what the Democratic candidates totally look like as well, because every political resemblance post should be fair and balanced.

See more from The GOP Candidates Totally Look Like These Other Things at Cheezburger

22 Oct 06:51

Black is Beautiful (43 Photos)

by John

Need I say more!

19 Oct 15:14

Don't Make This Simple Costume Mistake This Halloween

This is ridiculous! 

Submitted by: (via Third Leg Studios)

15 Oct 09:44

Earn a 10% Stake in This Restaurant by Eating a 30-Pound Burrito and Drinking a Ghost Pepper Margarita

by John Farrier

Im tempted..

(Photo: Todd Maisel/New York Daily News)

See you later, suckers! I'm starting my new career as a restaurateur. All I have to do is eat a larger-than-average lunch and drink a margarita.

The Don Chingon, a new restaurant in Brooklyn, is offering up a 10% stake in the business. To win that prize, first eat a 30-pound burrito. That's more than twice the current record holding burrito of 14.25 pounds. Then drink a margarita made with a ghost pepper. Then--now this is the hardest part--not die. The Daily Meal reports:

To enter the challenge, you first have to put down a $150 entrance fee. Then, you will have one hour to finish eating a 30-pound burrito made with steak, chicken, pork, rice, beans, and salsa, and drinking a margarita made with the terrifyingly spicy Ghost Pepper.

Challenge participants will be disqualified if they leave to take a bathroom break or discharge any bodily fluids. That means you can’t cry or have a runny nose from drinking the Ghost Pepper margarita.

You can make out your will, if you like. Just note that "ownership is non-transferable upon death." So it actually is important to remain alive to complete the contest.

-via Dave Barry

14 Oct 11:36

Goodnight Full Moon-y

Goodnight Full Moon-y

Submitted by: (via dirtsaliva)

14 Oct 09:03

How to Tie a Full Windsor Knot: An Illustrated Guide

How to Tie a Full Windsor Knot: An Illustrated Guide

14 Oct 07:55

That Moment You Realize Why the Ski Run You're Following Ended


That was scary as fuck

Submitted by: (via John)

Tagged: following , sports , FAIL , winter , skiing , Video
09 Oct 13:57

These Heroes are Ready to Ask Two Girls to Homecoming in This Awesomely Cheesy, Cringeworthy Video


Too Awesome not to watch.

Maybe you guys should just take each other?

Submitted by: (via George Mugnani)

Tagged: hero , school , Video , homecoming
09 Oct 13:48

These kids give a grand total of zero f**ks (30 Photos)

by Garrett

Number 12 is a gem.

09 Oct 13:32

If books had better titles (22 Photos)

by Mac
07 Oct 14:26

The Steamy History of the Jacuzzi

by Miss Cellania

Giovanni and Teresa Jacuzzi married in 1886 and had 13 children, seven sons and six daughters. The family emigrated to America to escape World War I, and the sons worked together to invent, build, and market machines. Rachele, the oldest Jacuzzi brother, came up with an improvement in the airplane propellor. Then an entire airplane. Then a water-pumping method that led to irrigation machines which were very popular in California. The youngest brother, Candido, perfected his English so he could sell the Jacuzzi gadgets. Then in the 1940s, Candido’s young son Ken contracted strep throat.

While this seems eminently treatable now, Ken’s illness occurred in the era before antibiotics. Strep leads to rheumatic fever, which leads to Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA), a syndrome that causes persistent joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. In Ken's case, the infection went systemic, meaning his entire body was affected. The family took him to a rheumatologist, who recommended physical therapy in addition to a constant and steady assortment of drugs. He also recommended a more advanced treatment.

“Hydrotherapy,” says Ken, “to warm up my body and joints, to get them more flexible.” Inez noticed Ken reacted well to the water-based treatments, but couldn't always make the drive. So, to cut down on he logistical hassle, she enlisted Candido to take a look at the hydrotherapy unit. “He came to the conclusion that it's just pumps. So, he developed a design.”

That’s how the Jacuzzi was born, but it is far from the whole story. The Jacuzzis were industrial suppliers, and had never marketed products to consumers. That took some innovation, which is what the family always did best. Read how the Jacuzzi went from a custom health aid to an international craze at Atlas Obscura.

(Image courtesy of Ken Jacuzzi)

07 Oct 07:56

Always Carefully Check Your Photos Before Posting Them Online

by Zeon Santos

Photobombing is all about perfect timing on the part of the photobomber and the camera perfectly capturing the moment an unwanted visitor entered the shot, so beware those photobombs which are silent but deadly.

(Image Link)

These surprise photobombings can cause the sharer quite a bit of embarrassment if they're not careful, so don't get caught by these background buffoons or you'll be hearing about it via social media.

(Image Link)

You should carefully scrutinize every photo you take before posting it online, to make sure you don't have anything too personal or racy in the shot and keep people from calling you a boob.

(Image Link)

People Who Should Have Checked The Background Of Photos Before Putting Them Online  (contains NSFW imagery)

05 Oct 15:19

From Asia, with love (50 Photos)

by Dougy
05 Oct 15:15

Sumo Wrestling Slapstick Comedy Routine

by John Farrier

Rocket News 24 tells us that this is called shokkiri--a comedic sumo performance. This is not a serious match, but a carefully coordinated and rehearsed routine between men who are masters of both sumo and physical comedy. I've selected a few choice scenes and turned them into animated .gifs.

Patty cake, patty cake, baker's man . . . .

Next, on Dancing with the Sumo Stars . . . .

You'll get the Road Runner someday.

Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!

All we're missing is Larry and Shemp.

I told you to sit down.

The referee, like Rodney Dangerfield, can't get any respect.

(Video Link)

05 Oct 10:41

Prison Inmate Debate Team Defeats Harvard

by John Farrier

(Photo: Peter Foley/Wall Street Journal)

Harvard's crack debate team was taken by surprise. Its members didn't expect that their opponents, inmates from the Eastern New York Correctional Facility, to offer much of a challenge. But the judges ruled that the prisoners, who are participating in a rigorous educational program offered by Bard College, had won. The topic was this resolution: "Public schools in the United States should have the ability to deny enrollment to undocumented students." The Wall Street Journal reports on the battle:

The audience burst into applause. That included about 75 of the prisoners’ fellow students at the Bard Prison Initiative, which offers a rigorous college experience to men at Eastern New York Correctional Facility, in the Catskills. […]

The Harvard team members said they were impressed by the prisoners’ preparation and unexpected line of argument. “They caught us off guard,” said Anais Carell, a 20-year-old junior from Chicago.

The prison team had its first debate in spring 2014, beating the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. Then, it won against a nationally ranked team from the University of Vermont, and in April lost a rematch against West Point.

-via reddit

01 Oct 12:09

This Nike Commercial Parody Will Inspire You to Do Things You Never Thought You Could

Why just do it honestly when you could commit countless crimes?

Submitted by: (via Hammerkatz Nyu)

Tagged: drugs , just do it , crime , nike , Video
29 Sep 13:32

The All-Purpose Outfit: The Dame Gi

by John Farrier

It's not a Slanket. It's not the Face Mask Hotness Hoodie. It's the Dame Gi--the last garment you will ever need.

The problem with most lazywear designs is that they don't go far enough. If you're at work and your boss is yapping at you about something, then you need something to cover your eyes and block him from view. The Dame Gi has you covered--literally.

(Photo: Bilibag)

There's a handy hatch in the back for when Nature calls. I recommend saving energy by just leaving it unzipped.

You can read more about this work of genius at Rocket News 24. Right now, it's only available in Japan. But, hopefully, we'll get it in the US soon.

22 Sep 13:55

Hollywood celebs and their uncanny Russian doppelgängers (25 Photos)

by Ben
22 Sep 08:49

Everything We Know About David Cameron (Allegedly) Putting His Dick In A Pig, By a Britisher

by Libby Watson on Gawker, shared by Barry Petchesky to Deadspin

Late last night, the Daily Mail published an astounding excerpt of an unauthorized biography of UK Prime Minister David Cameron, alleging that he placed a “private part” of his body into the mouth of a dead pig’s head while at Oxford University.


16 Sep 15:55

How To Stop PDA on a Crowded Subway

Submitted by: (via Josh Nasar)

Tagged: Awkward , PDA , mass transit , Video , win , dating
15 Sep 06:27

It’s not trashy, it’s candid fashion (20 Photos)

by John
15 Sep 06:27

30 Celebrities Who Look Similar to Each Other

by Lisa Marcus

Jared Leto (l) and Jake Gyllenhaal (r) | Image: Imgur

It has been said that everyone has their doppelgangers. In the case of famous actors, often there are other actors who have similar looks. In some instances it might allow an unknown actor to get ahead if they have the same look of another, high-profile one; being unknown, studios can get away with paying them less than any blockbuster star. 

This article has a grouping of 30 side-by-side photo examples of actors who are similar in appearance. See the entire collection here. 

Helen Hunt (l) and LeeLee Sobieski (r) | Image:  PopSugar

Stephen Colbert (l) and Bob Saget (r) | Image: Imgur