Shared posts

10 Feb 10:02

Want to Get Your Discomfort Level Up? Listen to This Woman Say Vag Over and Over Again

Submitted by: (via Jon D)

Tagged: Courtroom , cringe , Awkward , vagina , Video
22 Oct 12:59

Only 90s Kids* Will Remember What 1994 Was Like

*Also 90s adults

Submitted by: (via thepeterson)

Tagged: pop culture , 90s , Video
04 Sep 06:20

Guess Who’s Playing LBJ

by Miss Cellania

Guessed it right, but still very impressed

Surely you recognize Lyndon Johnson, the U.S. president from 1963 until 1969. But it’s not him in the picture, it’s a publicity still from an upcoming HBO movie called All the Way. Who is the actor under all that makeup? You might already know, but if you don’t, take a good look, make your best guess, and then jump over to Uproxx for the answer. That's a darn good makeup job.

03 Sep 15:02

Taco Bell Fried Chicken Taco Shells: Now a Thing

by Lisa Marcus

Image: Redditor Cheez4444 

Dear reader, I know you were sitting around anxiously awaiting information regarding the latest entry on the fast food wars menu. Well, wait no longer. Taco Bell would like to introduce their strong-stomached customers to fried chicken taco shells, which they refer to as Naked Crispy Chicken Tacos.

According to FoodBeast, the only known locations serving this rare, crispy unicorn are Lost Hills and Bakersville, California. I can imagine an entire country of fast foodies on edge as they wait for extensive U.S. distribution. Via Uproxx
  Image: Jonny Arguello, Foodbeast

03 Sep 14:58

GOPTeens Better Be Ready For 16 & Pregnant, Because That Reply Nailed It

GOPTeens Better Be Ready For 16 & Pregnant, Because That Reply Nailed It

Submitted by: (via ouijac*nt)

Tagged: jesus , guns , twitter , GOP , burn
28 Aug 21:48

Adult Film Stars Read Mean Internet Comments About Themselves


This is freaking hilarious!

26 Aug 14:23

We've Reached Peak Bro Video: Watch This Girl Getting Shot in the Butt With Pizza

Submitted by: (via My Rules Media)

Tagged: pizza , butts , Video
21 Aug 05:39

Boxers Designed To Help Pubescent Boys Avoid Embarrassing Erection Moments

by Zeon Santos

Couldve used this... fuck it, I can still use it.

Young men have to deal with an embarrassing issue during puberty- accidental erections.

 photo G40Nr1l_zps4ufa8ph4.gif

This may seem funny to those who have forgotten how horrifying it is to have an erection when the bell rings and class is over, but at the time that walk of shame felt like the end of the world.

So how are young men supposed to retain their dignity when that pesky erection keeps popping up at the most inopportune times?

Well, thanks to Chris Wood and his Bloxers pubescent boys no longer need to carry around an extra large notebook to cover up their shame, because Bloxers have erection concealing technology.

Here's how they work:

Bloxers are made to look like a pair of regular boxer shorts using all cotton fabric.  The difference between ordinary boxers and Bloxers is a hypoallergenic stretch material they call "the deflector shield" sewn along the inseam and also around the legs which keeps Mr. Happy comfortably concealed.

Each pair costs a whopping $30, 25% of which is donated to the Movember Foundation, but isn't that a small price to pay to retain your dignity during those formulative years?

-Via Inventor Spot

17 Aug 07:19

And Clear My Cookies Too

12 Aug 19:37

The Top Posts of Neatorama's First Ten Years

by Miss Cellania

The year 2005 was when the number of blogs on the internet exploded, with around 50 million people deciding that they could do that. Ten years later, most of those blogs have been taken down or abandoned, while millions more took their place. The ones that survived required real dedication to make it this far. On August 9th of that year, Alex Santoso launched his blog Neatorama, with a pledge to himself to post at least five items a day. Ten years later, a half-dozen writers post a couple dozen items a day plus exclusive features. We have a shop to support the blog, where artists from all over the internet display their creative t-shirt designs. We have an active presence on social media, plus partners, friends, and contributors. This all came about not only because of Alex’s hard work, also but because he always believed in sharing, promoting, and encouraging bloggers, artists, writers, and content creators. That generosity made Neatorama stand out from the crowd.  

For the occasion of Neatorama’s tenth anniversary, I decided to go back and find the biggest posts ever. These are the ones people loved, shared, and remembered, and many of them are still popular years later. They are extreme standouts; a post had to have at least a quarter-million views just to be considered for this list. That said, I can’t vouch for its complete accuracy. The metrics we use to tally views weren’t instituted until 2012, so posts that went viral before that are seriously undercounted. I gave extra weight to some of those older posts, but other articles that deserve to be on this list may have been so undercounted that we overlooked them. You know, it really says something about an article from, say, 2007, when half a million people read it after it was five years old!  

I sifted through more than 80,000 posts to compile this list, so I hope you take some time to check out the links you are interested in, especially if you haven’t been hanging around Neatorama for the entire past ten years. If you have, or even if you’ve joined us recently, you’re invited to share your favorite posts, memories, questions, kudos, complaints, and suggestions with us. 

20. Top 15 Amazingly Fat Cats

The fat cats list was Alex's first big viral feature, in May of 2006. It should probably rank higher, since we don't know how many views it garnered before 2012. Posting about cats was a genius move at the time. The term LOLcat wasn't even coined until the next month, but we were LOL-ing already. The post was later added as an external reading link at Wikipedia.

19. 13 Photographs That Changed the World 

Unless you were a youngster, you were already familiar with the photographs. They are the ones we want to see again. And the stories of how each affected the world were fascinating. 

18. 10 Kick Ass Facts About Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was the little guy who could plaster the wall with Chuck Norris's body parts, and look good doing it. He was even more interesting off screen, as we learned in Alex's trivia post from 2007.

17. 33 Pictures Taken at Just the Right Moment

This post from only a year ago is still steadily racking up views. It came in second in the end-of-the-year list in 2014.

16. 10 Most Fascinating Savants in the World

Savants are already fascinating. How can someone be so talented in one specific area while being impaired in others? Each individual is different, from Kim Peek, the inspiration for the movie Rain Man, to Leslie Lemke, who can play classical piano pieces perfectly after hearing them just once.

15. Fractal Utensils

Fascinating idea, but these don't exist in reality, at least not at the time it was posted. It's a Photoshop, but someone should really make these fractal utensils!

14. Top 10 Mad Science-Worthy Chemistry Experiments

This is a list of science experiment videos that you might want to try yourself. Alex described it thusly:

Chemistry is a fascinating science, but it's often taught poorly in today's boring schools. Here's how chemistry should be taught: by mad scientists!

13. Top 10 Coolest BBQ Grills (And Then Some!) 

One of Alex's earliest feature articles, this one led us to kid him about his barbecue fetish for years.

12. Human Portraits Hidden in the Topography of Maps

The beautiful art of Ed Fairburn, drawn on topographical maps.

11. 10 Cool Secrets About Disneyland

Just about everyone has either been to Disneyland (or Walt Disney World) or plans to go sometime in the future. Meanwhile, there's a lot going on behind the scenes, and we all want to know what those things are.

10. Marriage vs. Ph.D.

This is the biggest webcomic post we’ve ever had. Marriage and a doctorate come out pretty even in time, effort, and money invested, and those who have one tend to wish they had the other, too. You ought to check out Jorge Cham’s PHD Comics on a regular basis.  

9. The 5 Smallest Countries in the World

Here we learn that a country can be as small as a golf course, that you don't really need a capital city, and a whole nation can survive on one natural resource, one industry, or just by being pretty and drawing tourist dollars. I'd like to visit them all!

8. 15 Easy Last Minute Costume Ideas For Halloween

The key words here are "easy" and "last minute." We love Halloween, but we also love to procrastinate. You can't go to a Halloween party or trick-or-treating without some kind of costume, so this post obviously filled a need for many people.

7. 30 Strangest Animal Mating Habits

The title of the post may lead you to think that it's about sex with a thin veneer of science to make it acceptable. However, these critters are truly strange, with their gross, painful, and even deadly ways of propagating the species. You'd never want to emulate them, or even think about them too much. Still, everyone found it an interesting list. Becoming a citation on Wikipedia didn't hurt.

6. 10 Insulting Words You Should Know

Boy, people do love a good insult! And we like to learn new words, either to use or to defend ourselves from.

5. 10 Strange Facts About Einstein 

Sometimes I picture a desperate high school student Googling a subject they waited until the last minute to write about. I'm sure we get traffic from just such moments, especially in our trivia lists about historical figures. Those papers probably took a weird turn from the theory of relativity into Einstein's treatment of his wives.

4. 10 Things That Are (Almost) Impossible To Do With Your Body

Can you raise one eyebrow without the other? Maybe. Can you lick your elbow? No, you can't. That's just the beginning of the things that are (almost) all impossible to do. After reading this list, over 300 people came into the comments to argue about whether these things are possible. 

3. Three Exotic Necktie Knots to Try: The Eldredge Knot, The Trinity Knot, and The Cape Knot

Why was this such a big hit? Do men still wear ties so much they need exotic knots? Or do the men who wear ties have to come back and re-read the instructions every time they do? Or is it a fact that many, many people sent this to a friend who needed help? Or does everyone just want to try tying knots for fun?

2. Forensic Scientists Create The Face Of Crystal Skull Vodka

Forensic artist Nigel Cockerton has recreated many faces from actual human skulls, but on a whim he tried it with the skull-shaped glass bottle of Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Skull Vodka. The result was a guy who had obviously consumed too much of the stuff! It was a fun post about a strange idea that everyone liked and wanted to share. The post was even included as an external link at Wikipedia.

1. 10 Most Magnificent Trees in the World

(Image credit: Flickr user jpeepz)

The post on the most magnificent trees in the world was an immediate viral hit, but we don't have metrics for its first five years. However, in the past three years alone, it's racked enough views to make it clear that it has been seen by more people than any other Neatorama post.

You might also want to check out some of the posts that just missed the cutoff of the top 20.

The Forbidden Island
A Fast Food Purse
Life with a Toddler
Landlocked Navies of the World
A Doctor Who-Themed Restaurant
9 Most Outrageous Things Ever Faked in China
Turducken? No, Thanks. I'll Have the Cthurkey.
15 Cool and Creepy Halloween Party Foods
10 Richest People of All Time and How They Made Their Fortunes
Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved
The Dark Side of Peter Pan
10 Most Amazing Temples in the World

We hope to bring you many more terrific posts in the next ten years. Thanks to all of you for being a part of what makes Neatorama so great!

10 Aug 09:28

The Before Picture (Finally)


Submitted by:

Tagged: derp
27 Jul 14:47

Sousaphone Player Crashes KKK Rally

by Zeon Santos

There’s nothing like a group of violent racists marching down the middle of the street to ruin a town’s day, but when the mean marching is accompanied by the soothing sounds of the tuba sousaphone their cause becomes a big joke!

(YouTube Link)

A group of KKK members hit the streets in South Carolina to spread some hatred, but they didn’t know a crafty  sousaphone player was waiting to ambush them with a suitably campy soundtrack. Excelsior! (May contain NSFW language)


24 Jul 06:31

Freestyle twerking is a thing, and color me interested (Video)

by Ben
23 Jul 13:07

The Hitler Trollface And Other Photos Banned By The Nazis

by Zeon Santos

The Nazis were incredibly thorough when it came to whitewashing their public image, and any images that cast them in a humorous, ridiculous or strangely sexy(?) light were simply not allowed.

Meanwhile, Hitler and the Nazis tried to live normal lives, carrying on like normal folks and occasionally cheesing it up for the camera.

These fun photos were the bane of the Nazi’s propaganda department, and they were strictly verboten by Der Fuhrer himself even though he seemed to be enjoying himself while he posed for the pics.

Vintage Everyday has put together a collection of The Secret Photographs Adolf Hitler Wanted to Ban from the World Forever, which includes this sinister moment:

-Via Dangerous Minds

17 Jul 21:21

Why Not Shoot a Gratuitous Slow Motion Video of Shooting Candy at a Butt?

01 Jul 09:27

Very weird sexually related laws around the world (10 Photos)

by Sebastian
30 Jun 14:07

Robert Downey Jr. may be running the best Facebook page on the internet (32 Photos)

by Mac
30 Jun 10:33

Awesome portraits made entirely from stock photos (22 Photos)

by Sebastian
30 Jun 08:19

Calcio Storico might be the most brutal sport on planet Earth (31 Photos & Video)

by Ben

Probably the most badass thing ive ever seen.

21 Jun 07:18

30 Years After the Goonies: Where Are They Now?

by Jill Harness

It's hard to believe (especially if you grew up in the 80s), but the Goonies is turning 30 this year. In celebration of this monumental occassion, Flavorwire has rounded up a great "where are they now" list featuring the current status of all the main actors in the films.

A fan favorite, Sloth, isn't around any more. In fact, the ex-football player died at only 38 from an accidental overdose. Don't worry though, most of the stories aren't so sad, but actually pretty cool.

21 Jun 07:12

139 Movie Sequels Currently in the Works

by Lisa Marcus

Blade Runner | Image: Warner Bros.

Often it appears as if mainstream Hollywood filmmakers are out of fresh ideas. Between all of the reboots, comics brought to life, sequels and other new presentations of largely unoriginal content, one has cause to wonder. While the subject has been prior cause for debate, there are always new takes on the not-so-new premise pool in film. Care to opine? Before you do, take a look at this list of 139 movie sequels currently in the works and see if it feeds your thought process. 

Beetlejuice | Image: Geffen Films

19 Jun 11:20

Car Turns into the Hulk When Splashed with Water

by John Farrier

Rene Turrek, a German graffiti artist, painted a BMW with large images of the Hulk. Then he covered those images with a special type of paint that becomes temporarily transparent when in contact with hot water. It's like those Hot Wheels toy cars that change color when immersed in water.

(Video Link)

Don't make him wet. You wouldn't like him when he's wet.

-via Superhero Feed

18 Jun 15:25

You Know What's Punk Rock? Catching a Cup of Beer, Drinking it and Throwing it Back

At Pinkpop Festival 2015 in Holland, John Coffey lead singer David Achter de Molen catches a beer, thrown from the crowd, while crowdwalking, and drinks it!

Submitted by: (via 3voor12)

Tagged: beer , Music , concert , Video , win
18 Jun 15:24

Find yourself texting a hottie? Make sure she’s not crazy (12 Photos)

by Sebastian
01 Jun 19:20

Lose Yourself in This Awesome Eminem Sign Language Video!


reminds me of matthew's dance moves.

Submitted by: (via Shelby Mitchusson)

Tagged: sign language , lyrics , rap , eminem , Video , asl , win
31 May 17:39

This Trampoline "Routine" is Physical Comedy Gold

Submitted by: (via Britain's Got Talent)

Tagged: trampoline , whee , Video , g rated , win
31 May 17:35

A Detroit Area Pig Gets Arrested, Proceeds to Take a Colossal Dump in a Cop Car


The pig had apparently been attacking a woman in her garden when she called the authorities to take care of it. They managed to subdue the animal (who had been distracted by a "decorative ball") and get it in their cop car. Then... well... this happened. 

Submitted by: (via Daily Dot)

Tagged: cops , gross , pig , detroit , oh god why , animals
31 May 00:04

The ‘Single Ladies’ music video oddly syncs up to the ‘Ducktales’ theme song (Video)

by Mac
31 May 00:03

10 Of The More Quotable Kramer Moments On Seinfeld

by Zeon Santos

Cosmo Kramer may not be the best employee, or the best neighbor, but he’s aces when it comes to doling out bad advice, dressing like a hipster dufus and spouting super quotable sayings.

You probably shouldn’t live by Kramer’s words or follow his example in terms of lifestyle, but ever Seinfeld fan knows it’s easy for quotes coined by Kramer to come up in conversation.

(YouTube Link)

From the ever popular"These pretzels are making me thirsty!" to the lesser known "If I had a kid I'd name him Isosceles. Isosceles Kramer", they're (not quite) all here for your viewing pleasure!

See 10 Quotable Kramer Moments at Uproxx

28 May 15:05

Porn industry facts never cease to amaze me (15 Photos)

by Sebastian