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10 Feb 09:54

When This Mom Ruins Her Son's Netflix and Chill, He Loses His Chill

This kid's chill does not include censoring himself, so be careful where you listen to it. 

Submitted by: (via Jeremiah Olson)

18 Dec 09:26

Microsoft's Free Visual Studio Program Gives You Free Software and Online Training

by Melanie Pinola

With Visual Studio you can develop apps for Windows as well as Android, iOS, and the web. Microsoft has released a Visual Studio Dev Essentials program to give you the tools you need to start coding—including Parallels for Mac and Pluralsight training.


17 Dec 07:59

Dear Brother

by Miss Cellania

Daniel Titz and Dorian Lebherz, students at the Film Academy of Baden-Württemberg, made this spec ad for Johnny Walker Scotch. Be ready to feel some feelings.

(YouTube link)

Watch it, and then go read the story behind the ad. The students haven’t formally shown it to Johnny Walker yet, but it’s already a hit at YouTube. -via Digg  

14 Dec 10:57

Awesome German words we need in English (12 Photos)

by James
11 Dec 04:52

Some Of The Most Savage Things Grandmas Have Said To Their Grandkids

by Zeon Santos

(Image Link)

Some people become more timid and introverted as they get older, their fear of the world growing by the year, while others grow bolder and more brazen, feeling like they can do or say anything due to their advanced age.

They are the old folks without filters, the grandmas who gave up editing their thoughts before spitting them out long ago, and sometimes the things they say really stick with you.

BuzzFeed asked their Community to share the most things their grandmothers have ever said to them, and they received some rather hair-raising responses:

My brother came out as gay to my grandma and she said, “I knew girls weren’t going to like you from the beginning.”


I was painting my nails one time, and my grandma leaned over and said, “That’s a nice shade of whore red.” Then walked away.


My (very Catholic) grandma told me she hopes she dies before I get married so that she doesn’t have to attend my secular wedding.


Read 21 Savage Things Grandmas Have Actually Said here

10 Dec 08:56

Time Magazine Put Donald Trump on Their Short List for Person of the Year, and the Internet Got an Amazing Unplanned GIF

gif Donald Trump named to short list for Time's Person of the Year 2015 and a has to dodge a bald eagle

Time Magazine named Donald Trump to the short list of their Person of the Year 2015 this week. The photoshoot for the issue was done months ago, but with the article being published and having basically everything on Donald Trump's nomination campaign trending online, the internet only just got the gift of the above GIF.
Beyond the obvious hilarity of watching Trump dodge a bald eagle at his desk, there is the beautiful irony that a hopeful Presidential Nominee was almost attacked by a bald eagle named Uncle Sam.
Others also replied to @Time by using some of Trump's recent rhetoric with the GIF:

Watch the full behind-the-scenes of Time's photoshoot with Trump below.

As always, Trump had his own last words:

Submitted by: (via Time Magazine)

03 Dec 10:45

FSU's Flag Football Sorority Phenom Now Has A Highlight Reel

by Samer Kalaf

FSU's Flag Football Sorority Phenom Now Has A Highlight Reel

The world of Florida State flag football was turned upside-down by Delta Gamma’s Michelle Roque last year , and the sorority sister came back for more this season. Roque’s 2015 montage has dazzling jukes, impressive scrambling abilities, and a few other miscellaneous highlights. Does it also feature a generic beat for the soundtrack? Oh, you know it does.


01 Dec 15:45

A Whole Lot Going On Here

by Miss Cellania

Shane Victorino of the Boston Red Sox fell into the stands. The crowd helped him up. But there’s a lot more going on in this clip if you watch it a few times. Look at it again, and keep your eyes on the guy with the blue shirt with red sleeves. He moves in to help Victorino, but is no help at all. Victorino is up, so the guy knocks a woman’s phone onto the field, breaking it. Victorino hands the phone back, so the guy knocks a woman’s beer into her face. Really, if you’re going to be a walking train wreck, learn about personal space.

This happened during a game between the Red Sox and the Detroit Tigers in 2013. You can see the original video here. You kinda get the idea that if you watched the sequence a few more times, some other weird things will  start happening. -via reddit

01 Dec 15:44

Clueless mom finds son’s sex toy, mistakingly turns to Twitter for answers (15 Photos)

by Ben
30 Nov 18:21

Former Teammates Perform Haka At Rugby Legend Jonah Lomu's Funeral

by Tom Ley

New Zealand rugby star Jonah Lomu died at the age of 40 earlier this month. At his funeral today, many of his former All Blacks teammates performed a traditional haka as pallbearers carried Lomu’s casket.


30 Nov 04:41

This mattress advert is uncomfortably funny..or is it funnily uncomfortable? (Video)

by Matt
24 Nov 14:11

Watch This Old Guy Absolutely Dominate This Dance Evolution Routine


The moves I plan on showing off at Dool's wedding.

24 Nov 09:58

A Pregnancy Announcement Just Took a Turn For The Worse

A Pregnancy Announcement Just Took a Turn For The Worse

Submitted by: (via Ebaum's World)

20 Nov 14:17

Finally Marlon Wayans Made a Fifty Shades Parody

20 Nov 06:00

GIFs With A Twist You Won't See Coming

by Zeon Santos

 photo 2eac9c7ba23f40047b13ea23fbfb0725_zpsejqthmik.gif

(Image Link)

GIFs are like sweet little nuggets of digital eye candy that sit there cycling through a series of frames, treating our eyeballs to a tiny visual tale we should, in theory, enjoy watching.

 photo 5e7d317b59821510038e15236a215bc3_zpsxk65qhzz.gif

(Image Link)

Truth is, many GIFs are sorely lacking in payoff, and viewers are left feeling like they wasted a few precious seconds of their lives watching that goofy GIF play out.

But those who enjoy their GIFs with a surprise twist will surely find something enjoyable to stare at in this collection of 10 GIFs Twists You Won't See Coming, where you won't have to wait long to be pleasantly surprised.

 photo 56bc60deaf5a5e8d9467f5b72ea46200_zps6sp2aq29.gif

(Image Link)

See 10 GIFs Twists You Won't See Coming here

16 Nov 13:25

When Your Granny Accidentally Trolls You

16 Nov 07:35

The Terrifying Tales Behind Celebrity Scars

by Zeon Santos

A celebrity can become famous for many reasons, including their acting ability, their attractiveness, and their on-screen presence, just to name a few. But some actors can actually add their flaws to this list of reasons why they're famous, becoming known for their super obvious scars.

Michael K. Williams, Tina Fey and Tommy Flanagan all have distinctive facial scars, which serve as a constant reminder of the time they survived a violent assault with a deadly edged weapon.

Tina Fey was just five years old when her face was slashed by a stranger behind her house.

Michael K. Williams was sliced by a razor during a fight at a house party, resulting in that signature scar that will forever typecast him as a tough guy.

And then there's Tommy Flanagan, who was jumped by thugs while working as a DJ in Scotland and given a Glasgow Smile, his face cut from his lips to his ears, leaving him with facial scars that tell a terrifying tale.

Read the 7 Brutal Real Life Horror Stories About How Celebrities Got Their Scars here

13 Nov 11:18

Willy Wonka Reunion: A Recent Interview With Original Cast Members

by Lisa Marcus

YouTube Link

Fans of the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory film starring Gene Wilder are sure to appreciate this interview of former cast members by the Today Show for NBC News.

See what the actors who played Veruca Salt, Augustus Gloop, Charlie Bucket, Violet Beauregarde and more look like now, and hear anecdotes from the filming, which took place a staggering 44 years ago! Via Laughing Squid

12 Nov 06:21

Unbelievable Urban Legends That Happen To Be True

by Zeon Santos

Most urban legends begin with a true story, and as the story is then modified, reinterpreted and exaggerated the fantastic fictionalized "truth" starts to overshadow the dark truth at the heart of the tale.

The tale of a killer hiding out in the attic of a house for weeks before murdering the inhabitants sounds like a work of horror fiction, but this incident actually occurred on the Hinterkaifeck farm in Germany back in 1922.

While the tale of a murderer hiding out for weeks may sound far fetched the mere idea of someone dying as a result of receiving an atomic wedgie seems like pure schoolyard fantasy.

But once again the tale is true, only the poor boy was a 58-year-old man who received an atomic wedgie from his drunk stepson, and he was choked to death by the underwear's elastic waistband.

Read 9 Unbelievable Urban Legends (That Happen To Be True) at Cracked (Contains NSFW language)

10 Nov 19:54

Rumblr is Tinder for Fist Fights

by John Farrier

Im all over this app. I cant wait to get back to the states to try it out.

In the mood for a fight, but don’t want anything serious? If you like casual encounters with no strings attached, then have I got an app for you! This is Rumblr, a new app in development. Think of it as Tinder, except for a different kind of strictly physical relationship: a brawl. The New York Daily News reports:

"Rumblr is an app for recreational fighters to find, meet and fight other brawl enthusiasts nearby," according the app's website. It encourages users to insult their matched opponents with this pro-tip: "tell your match what you don't like about their picture."

The fight's location and time is also publicly broadcasted so other users can come and watch the melee, according to the website.

The app comes with a chat feature to talk trash and an interactive map, for users to find fights happening near them. It also has a filter system, with "RumblrHER" to find women fighting, and "RumblrGROUP" for crew brawls.

If Tyler Durden of Fight Club built an app, it would function like Rumblr. Just be aware that if this is your first night at fight club, you have to swipe right.

(Image: 20th Century Fox)

-via Dangerous Minds

10 Nov 10:21

16 Straightforward Facts About Sideways

by Lisa Marcus

Sandra Oh, Thomas Haden Church, Virginia Madsen and Paul Giamatti in Sideways | Image: Fox Searchlight

If you've ever seen Alexander Payne's 2004 movie Sideways, you're familiar with at least two of the director's sardonic (as well as his sardonic treatment of) film characters. In this case, Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church as Miles and Jack are having a last hurrah before Jack's wedding, and it involves quite a bit of drunken debauchery. How drunken? Well, there seems to be a difference of opinion on that between Church and Giamatti. Let mental_floss, in their list of facts about Sideways, explain:



Church estimated that grape juice or non-alcoholic wine was what they consumed 95 percent of the time. Conversely, Giamatti claimed the actors drank real wine, and that he was actually very drunk after shooting a dinner scene.

One might expect the screenplay to show the hard partying characters regretting their decisions in the form of hangovers the next day, but in real life, the actors paid dearly for a mere meal.


Giamatti and Church got sick after eating at Miles' mother’s house; at one point during filming, Church had a temperature of 104 degrees.

Read more facts about the movie Sideways here. 

04 Nov 09:23

The Real Reason They Gave Drugs to Spiders

by Miss Cellania

You’ve no doubt seen pictures of webs built by spiders that were given various drugs. We reported on it years ago, and even posted a wonderful video of the spiders in action. But who came up with the idea of giving drugs to spiders in the first place?

In 1948, a zookeeper wanted to observe spiders building webs, so he asked a druggist to give them something to make them build webs during the daylight hours. The idea didn’t work, but it opened the door to a different project. Pharmacologist Dr. Peter N. Witt was intrigued by the idea that spiders would built a different kind of web due to the drugs they ingested. Could this gimmick be made into a drug test? Or even a diagnostic tool?

It appears Witt imagined a world where all police departments and hospitals have a sort of spider lab. When a patient or inmate behaved strangely, that person's blood would be fed to a spider, which would then be left overnight to build a web. In the morning, a careful look at the spider's handiwork would provide answers. "Aha! My webs indicate this inmate over here is a laudanum addict, and this poor patient is suffering from schizoaffective disorder," a chin-scratching lab technician might have said.

"It obviously didn't work that well," Rayor told me. "That wasn't necessarily the end-all-and-be-all in terms of analyzing what kinds of drugs people had taken." Eventually technologies like mass spectrometry made Witt's spidergraph (my word, not his) unnecessary.

What did they learn? That spiders don't like drinking the urine of schizophrenics. Entomologists were not involved in the project, and they have a different view of the experiment. For one thing, spiders don’t react to drugs the same way humans do, and the way they spin their webs depends of a lot of different things, which you can read about at Vice. -via Metafilter

(Image credit: NASA)

04 Nov 08:45

The Skins' Latest Court Filing Is Comically Vulgar

by Barry Petchesky

please share with matthews.

The Skins are desperately trying to preserve their trademark, which was canceled by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office last year and upheld by a federal judge this summer. It’s before a court of appeals now, and on Friday the team filed its opening brief. It appears it was written by Andrew Dice Clay.


03 Nov 13:21

There are two kinds of people in the world (33 HQ Photos)

by Garrett
03 Nov 11:35

The RWC is over but here’s the best bits of rugby of 2015 (Video)

by James
03 Nov 08:34

Sir David Attenborough Narrates Adele's “Hello”

by Miss Cellania

The first time I played the video  to Adele’s new song “Hello,” I was frustrated by the intro, because I wanted to hear how the song sounded. That frustration is completely assuaged by Sir David Attenborough's golden voice and soothing pacing as he narrates the intro of the song, in the manner of his famous wildlife videos.

(YouTube link)

I don’t think Adele will be cross with him at all. You can hear the whole song here if you like. -via Tastefully Offensive

02 Nov 14:51

Instructions Unclear, Nearly Killed My Cat

funny memes amazon pussy snorkel review

Submitted by: (via amazon)

02 Nov 08:49

Restaurant Turns into McDowell's from Coming to America

by John Farrier

(Photo: DNAinfo/Mina Bloom)

In the 1988 movie Coming to America, Eddie Murphy plays an African prince who comes to New York City in search of the sort of woman he wishes to marry: an independent-minded American woman. Casting aside his royal wealth and position, Prince Akeem gets a lowly job at McDowell's -- a fast food restaurant is that is clearly a knockoff of the McDonald's brand.

(Image: Paramount Pictures)

For Halloween this year, Weiner's Circle, a hot dog joint in Chicago, dressed up like a McDowell's. The management replaced the signs, distributed McDowell's uniforms to its staff, and even gave Louie Anderson an award. DNAinfo reports:

On Friday morning, the restaurant's general manager Scott Brooker orchestrated the transformation of the restaurant at 2622 N. Clark St. by replacing the signs, outfitting his staff in red-and-yellow checkered McDowell's uniforms and even putting up fictional menus and an "Employee of the Month" flier depicting Louie Anderson, who played Maurice in the film.

(Photo: DNAinfo/Mina Bloom)

-via Screen Junkies

28 Oct 06:04

Back In Stock: TiVo's Roamio OTA DVR With Lifetime Service For $300

by Shep McAllister, Commerce Team on Deals, shared by Shep McAllister, Commerce Team to Deadspin

In case you missed it earlier in the month, the best DVR for cord cutters is back in stock, complete with discounted lifetime service.


28 Oct 06:01

Digger for Hire: Halloween Special

by Miss Cellania

Kurt Richter took this picture of the construction site near his home. The heavy equipment crew has a sense of humor! Let's get a closer look.

Their simple Halloween decoration is tasteful, subdued, and really appropriate for the scene. Incidentally, I would advise springing for the deluxe service. -Thanks, Kurt!