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09 Jun 07:59

Hotel Worker Horror Stories That Will Turn Your Stomach

by Zeon Santos

(Image Link)

Working in the hospitality industry can be grueling, demeaning, and downright disgusting, but at least those who are exposed to humanity's gross side have some amazing stories to tell!

When I was a housekeeping supervisor, I got a call that sent me to the fourth floor, where I found a trail of poop leading from the elevators to the end of the hall. While a team of people were cleaning up the trail, an elderly woman walked out of the room where the poo trail ended, like everything was totally normal. The next day, the housekeeper called me crying because that lady’s bathtub was also filled to the brim with poop.


And no hospitality industry professionals have as many gross stories to tell as hotel workers, aka those who know all the gross things people do when you tell them to make themselves at home.

I was a housekeeper, and one day I went into a room after a guest checked out. It smelled a *little* funky, but I couldn’t find the source of the stench. I went to strip the bed, pulled the sheets back, and the bed was filled with coleslaw. COLESLAW! I had no idea why, and I do NOT want to know why!


(Image Link)

Hotel housekeepers have to clean up after their fellow human beings on a daily basis, which can cause them to start thinking of hotel guests as savage animals:

One time, while an older man was checking out, he handed my manager an extra $50 for the “inconvenience” — but didn’t go into detail. When housekeeping went to his room, there was blood everywhere: on the floors, the bathroom mirror, even the shower! We never figured out where it all came from. It legitimately looked like he murdered someone in there. We had to call the police and have a special hazmat cleaner come in.


The gross stories shared by members of the BuzzFeed Community who have worked in the hospitality industry will totally change the way you think of the phrase "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".

I was working room service and got a call 15 minutes before closing. My co-worker disappeared an hour before, so I had to take the food. I went to deliver it, and a man answered in a towel — which was kind of shocking, but nothing new. I set the tray down, and the bathroom door opened. Guess who it was? My co-worker, BUTT-ASS NAKED. I set the tray down and slowly backed out. No words.


Read 15 Horror Stories About Working IN Hotels That'll Make You Gag here (contains NSFW material)

09 Jun 07:55

How this dad hasn’t murdered his son is beyond me (Video)

by Ben
02 May 11:02

The Whimsical Woodsman Calendar

by Miss Cellania

(Image credit: Chronicker Photography)

The rise of the 'Dudeoir' trend did not escape photographer Chad Castigliano of Chronicker Photography. He enlisted his friend Tim Wilson to do something positive with it. They put Wilson in his underwear with lumberjack equipment in the woods, and made a calendar called The Whimsical Woodsman.

(Image credit: Chronicker Photography)

Proceeds from the calendar go to Books to the Rescue! Yavapai County, which provides books toys, and other supplies to children in crisis situations. You can get a calendar at Chronicker Photography, and see all the pictures at Facebook. -via Buzzfeed

02 May 09:05

Donkey Kong in Real Life Might Be the Best Thing You Watch Today

Sound mixing on point as well!

Submitted by: (via MyNameIsBanks)

02 May 07:08

This Pizza Box Is Made Out of Pizza

by Jill Harness

The owner of Vinnie's Pizzeria, Sean Berthiaume, must have been channeling Xzbit earlier this week when he thought to himself, "Yo Dawg, I heard you liked pizza, so I put your pizza in a box made from pizza." But lo and behold here is the world's first ever entirely edible pizza box that really works as more of a pizza sandwich than a functional box.

This isn't Sean's first brush with pizza glory. In fact, just last year he introduced the pizza-topped with slices of smaller pizzas. One thing's for sure, when we finally enter a true world of pizzaception, it will be served up at Vinnie's.

02 May 06:51

A Brooklyn Bike Race Started With A Biblical Pileup That Injured 7

by Sam Eifling
A Brooklyn Bike Race Started With A Biblical Pileup That Injured 7

A pace motorcycle stalled moments into 30k Red Hook Crit bike race, forcing dozens of cyclists into a gnarly pileup just as they were reaching sprint speed on their fixed-gear bikes. A few managed to dodge the motorcycle until they didn’t, and mayhem ensued.


02 May 06:44

WWE Pay-Per-View Temporarily Halted After Enzo Amore Suffers Severe Injury [UPDATES]

by Timothy Burke on Screengrabber, shared by Timothy Burke to Deadspin

Guess wrestling isnt that fake after all.

WWE’s Payback pay-per-view was suspended while medical personnel attended to a motionless Enzo Amore—born Eric Arndt—after the wrestler suffered a serious injury during a tag team match.


02 May 06:43

Player Finds Mike Tyson's Punch-Out Easter Egg 30 Years After Release

by Zeon Santos

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out was all about timing and rhythm, and every fighter had a secret pattern which Little Mac could use to take down fighters five time his size, even the legendary Mike Tyson.

Getting the rhythms down meant memorizing every fighter's moves, but nearly thirty years after its release a Redditor named midwesternhousewives discovered a better way to beat each fighter- by looking to the bearded guy in the audience.

In the front row of the crowd about six heads from the left is a little bearded guy who ducks down when Little Mac should punch Piston Honda and finish him off.

(YouTube Link)

This Easter Egg also works against Bald Bull, and back in 2009 late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata admitted there was also a camera flash cue in the crowd to tell players when to throw the knockout punch.

-Via Nerd Approved

28 Apr 15:10

Drug Users In Pakistan Are Smoking Scorpions To Get High

by Zeon Santos

(Image Link)

It has been proven time and again that strict drug laws lead to people doing whatever kind of strange drug they can get their hands on, typically something concocted in a home lab by an unscrupulous individual.

In fact, outlawing drugs often leads to higher rates of consumption, or in the case of the Middle East finding strange new substances to get high on, like the dried out carcass of a poisonous scorpion.

Drug users in Pakistan and Afghanistan are recreationally smoking scorpions, which causes a hallucinatory high that's stronger than most psychedelic drugs, and the addiction is harder to kick than opium and heroin combined.

Medical experts say the worst part about smoking scorpions is the effect the venom has on the brain, where it can cause permanent delusion, and the nervous system, which is often permanently damaged by the "drug".

-Via Dangerous Minds

28 Apr 06:54

The Greatest Beer Run Ever

by Miss Cellania

John "Chickie" Donohue was a guy who “did things nobody else would think about doing.” In 1968, he traveled around the world and snuck into the thick of the Vietnam War to deliver beer to three friends from New York who were serving in the military. He hitchhiked to the front line without food, tent, or camouflage and surprised his friends with a 6-pack.

(YouTube link)

Past Blue Ribbon heard the story, and assembled the principle characters to tell us the tale 47 years later. You can read more about it at BroBible. -via reddit

28 Apr 06:40

Illustrated Chart Shows 40 Different Types Of Pizza

by Zeon Santos

No matter how you like you're pizza pie you've got to agree on one thing- it's all about the toppings.

With the addition of toppings the pizza becomes our own personal slice of heaven, custom created to suit our tastes no matter how mundane or strange.

We're familiar with the pizza standards such as the Hawaiian, White, and Meat Lovers, and even specialty pies such as Barbecue Chicken and Bacon Ranch have become more mainstream.

But I don't think most pizza lovers will ever come to terms with the idea of covering a pizza in tuna and corn or *gasp* SALAD?!

The ever hungry foodies at Food Republic created an illustrated chart that poses the question “Have You Tried These 40 Types Of Pizza?” and the short answer is no, you probably haven't.

But now you'll be inspired to go out and try them all, and if you actually have tried them all you deserve the title “Pizza Master”, or “Pizza Wizard” if you prefer.

See full sized chart here

-Via Nerdist

27 Apr 13:16

“You're Fired!" 18 Famous People Fired From Their Jobs

by Miss Cellania

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.

1. Elvis Presley- movie theater usher

Elvis worked as a movie usher as a teenager. A girl who also worked at the theater liked Elvis and gave him free candy. This was fine until her boyfriend found out about the freebie sweets and he and Elvis tangled.

Because of the fight, Elvis was fired.

2. Walt Disney- Kansas City Star

Disney's editor fired Walt because he said he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas.”

3. Babe Ruth- New York Yankees baseball team

Babe had played for the Yankees for 15 years, but after a mediocre season in 1934 where he hit .288 with just 22 home runs, the Yankees fired the Bambino.

Knowing it would be bad PR to publicly fire the beloved Babe, the Yankees instead fired him covertly, by sending Ruth a contract for $35,000 for the upcoming 1935 season. (His salary had been $80,000 a few years before.)

4. Jerry Seinfeld- actor on a TV sitcom

Ironically, Jerry Seinfeld, who created and starred in possibly the most popular sitcom of all-time (Seinfeld) was actually once fired from a sitcom.

Jerry had been a regular on the 1980's sitcom Benson. All seemed well and good, until Jerry reported for a cast read-through one day and discovered his character had been erased with no explanation given.

5. Kate Walsh- Burger King

“I had a runny nose and the assistant manager didn't like me.”

6. Chico Marx- piano player at a brothel

Chico was employed as a piano player at a house of ill repute. He got fired for "getting a little too familiar with some of the girls.”

7. Thomas Edison- Western Union worker

Edison was fired from Western Union because he spilled some acid that ate through the entire floor.
8. J.K. Rowling- secretary at Amnesty International

J.K. was fired for "daydreaming" too much about a teen wizard named Harry Potter and his potential adventures.

9. Robert Redford- supermarket and oil man

 “I was a failure at everything I tried. I was a box boy at a supermarket and got fired. Then my dad got me a job at Standard Oil- fired again.”

10. Madonna- Dunkin Donuts

Madonna was fired from Dunkin Donuts for squirting the customers with jelly from the jelly donuts.

11. Lucille Ball- soda jerk

Lucy was fired from her stint as a soda jerk because she kept forgetting to put the bananas in the banana splits.

12. Hugh Jackman- 7-11 worker

Got fired because the boss said he talked too much to the customers.

13. Harpo Marx- dog walker

Harpo was a dog walker at a prestigious hotel for their posh clientele. But one day Harpo was walking the dog of a famous actress and the dog got into a fight with another dog and was killed.

Harpo promptly got the axe.

14. Oprah Winfrey- TV news reporter

Oprah was canned from her job as news reporter for station WJZ-TV in Baltimore because she was "unfit for television news.”

15. Snoop Dog- supermarket worker

“I was better at stealing the groceries than I was at bagging them.”

16. Truman Capote- copy boy at The New Yorker magazine

Truman had worked as copy boy at the prestigious magazine, when one day he developed a cold. He was invited to a reading by famed poet Robert Frost, but because of his sickness, he left in the middle of the reading.

This offended Frost, who complained and got Truman fired.

17. Howard Stern- radio announcer

Another ironic one.

Howard was once an announcer on two stations simultaneously- WWDC and WNBC. He was fired from both gigs because of his excessive raunchiness and because he delved too much into religion and sexuality.

18. Bill Hader- movie theater worker

“One night a group of sorority girls came in and were blocking the doors. I asked them to move. They were being really rude to me. So, as I tore the tickets, I said, ‘By the way, the boat sinks at the end, Leo dies. It's great, you think he's sleeping, but he's frozen. Oh, and the old lady throws the jewelry in the ocean. Enjoy the movie.’

“My always-stoned boss came over and said, ‘Did you just tell them the end of Titanic? I have to fire you.’ ”

25 Apr 11:29

If You Think Every Dating App Profile Looks the Same? You're Right

Swiping through Tinder/Bumble/Hinge like...

Submitted by: (via TheLateGrahamChapman)

22 Apr 09:08

Drive-In Tracks Turn Cars into Snowmobiles

by John Farrier

It's called Track N Go. AD Biovin, a company that manufactures snowmobiles and related equipment, developed the system. It converts 4-wheeled drive vehicles, such as conventional trucks and SUVs, into tracked vehicles that go over and through snow as easily as snomobiles.

The company says that the installation takes only 15 minutes. Just drive into one set of tracks, then the other. Secure them to the truck with chains, attach the track tensioner to the wheels, and flip in the snow deflectors. The motion of the wheels drives the tracks.

-via Gizmodo

20 Apr 14:31

Elementary School Teacher Wins Twerking Contest, Loses Job

by Zeon Santos

Apparently some people still love to twerk, and those butt shakin' fools are willing to risk wetting themselves in public, spinal injury or worse to shake what their maker gave them to a funky bass beat.

But elementary school teacher “Miss Clarissa” clearly didn't have a clue that her love of the twerk would cost her a job she loved even more.

“Miss Clarissa” was fired when this video of her competing in and winning a twerking contest in Cabo San Lucas during Spring Break was shared online. 

(YouTube Link)

She was forced out of her job by school administrators who found her off campus behavior unacceptable:

"They didn't give me any other option at my school than to resign," she told the publication. "I felt I was being attacked and put under pressure. I didn't know what else to do apart from leave as quickly as I could."

This is just further proof we live in an oversensitive world that places too much importance on social media posts, and if teachers aren't allowed to blow off steam in their private time it's the students who will suffer.

-Via Esquire

20 Apr 14:29

It Would Make More Sense if These Fighting Bulldozers Were Actually Transformers

Either way, be on the look out for an allspark.

Submitted by: (via Shanghai Expat)

20 Apr 12:12

George Lopez Is Savage

george lopez responds to donald trump facebook

Submitted by: (via georgelopez)

Tagged: donald trump , nuts , twitter
20 Apr 12:10

Don't Blink or You Might Miss the Fastest Formula 1 Pit Stop Crew at Work

Submitted by: (via DHL)

Tagged: racing , sports , work , world record , Video , win
20 Apr 11:23

John Travolta’s mansion is all kinds of ridiculous (20 Photos)

by Ben
19 Apr 14:19

This Monkey Totally Snuck up on a Guy and Kicked Him to the Curb

Submitted by: (via ThePoisonChocolate)

Tagged: monkey , funny , Video
19 Apr 14:19

Something happening somewhere


Look at the second to last picture. Fucking scary.

Aly Song / Reuters

Ng Han Guan / AP

Photographer Stringer Reuters

Athit Perawongmetha / Reuters (image manipulated)

Russian Ministry of Defence / Reuters

Lintao Zhang / Getty

Kyodo / Reuters

Markus Schreiber / AP

Something happening somewhere

19 Apr 14:14

Grelka Fest is the best reason to visit Russia (20 Photos)

by Phil Nye

Let's Go!!!!

19 Apr 09:05

Ball Boy Eats Wall

by Samer Kalaf
Ball Boy Eats Wall

A ball boy at the Barcelona Open experienced the hazards of his occupation while running back to his spot. The poor kid tripped into the court wall during today’s match between Teymuraz Gabashvili and Nicolas Almagro.


19 Apr 08:55

Little Girls Are Funny

by Miss Cellania

James Breakwell (Exploding Unicorn) has been called the funniest Dad on Twitter. But it’s actually his four daughters who are the funny ones. Years ago, I tried my best to remember the funny things my kids said long enough to tell my Mom, but today with Twitter and smartphones, they can be instantly recorded. Some of these are priceless.

You can follow Breakwell’s Twitter feed or check out a selection of the best Tweets at Buzzfeed.

18 Apr 10:19

The Origins of 12 Neigh Sayings

by Miss Cellania

(Image credit: Flickr user Martin Budden)

Horses own the winner’s circle in English idioms. But where did these popular phrases originate?

1. Hold your horses!

800 BCE

A line in Book 23 of Homer’s Iliad is commonly translated as “Antilochus—you drive like a maniac! Hold your horses!” (Although the original 1598 translation has it as “Contain thy horses!”)

2. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth*

380 BCE

(Image credit: Flickr user Lorenia)

This idiom is so old that when St. Jerome translated the New Testament, he included it in the introduction: “Equi donati dentes non inspicuintur.”

3. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink


One of the oldest aphorisms in English, this adage was first recorded in the Old English Homilies: “Hwa is thet mei thet hors wettrien the him self nule drinken.” A modern version appeared in the 1602 play Narcissus: “They can but bringe horse to the water brinke / But horse may choose whether that horse will drinke.”

4. Horseplay


In the 16th century, “horse” was a common adjective describing anything strong, big, or coarse. Along with horseplay, that’s how horseradish got its name.

5. A horse of a different color


In Act II, Scene 3 of Twelfth Night, Maria says, “My purpose is, indeed, a horse of that colour.” It’s believed the phrase evolved from there or that the idiom already existed and Shakespeare was twisting it.

6. Beat a dead horse


In the 17th century, sailors were paid in advance and promptly blew their checks on booze. The ensuing period of work was called “dead horse” time. Since they didn’t have the promise of a paycheck for motivation, most sea dogs were woefully unproductive.

7. Eat Like a Horse

18th Century

A full-grown gelding can eat up to 2 percent of its body weight per day—that’s about 20 pounds of food!

8. Get off your high horse


Being told you were on a high horse used to be a compliment: Only soldiers and royalty rode tall war chargers. Then, as people lost respect for the high and mighty during the revolutions of the late 1700s, the high horse was seen as uppity.

9. Dark horse


Not a reference to the Katy Perry song, the word dark was Victorian era lingo describing anything unknown. “Dark horse” was popular racing slang for an unfamiliar trotter that won a race.

10. One Horse Town


(Image credit: Flickr user Pete.r)

Settled in 1849, the village of One Horse Town in Shasta County, California, was a regular stop for gold miners. Legend has it that Jack Spencer’s ole gray mare was the only horse around.

11. Charley horse


Back in the 19th century, lame race-horses were called “Charley.” Around the same time, old horses were used to drag the infield dirt at baseball stadiums. Whenever a ballplayer cramped up, they were compared to the grounds crew of limping equines—Charley horses.

12. Chomp/champ at the bit


Part of the bridle, a bit rests inside the horse’s mouth and is controlled by the reins. Impatient horses tend to anxiously chew on their bits before races.

(Image credit: Christopher Michel)

*Why shouldn’t I look a gift horse in the mouth? Looking a gift horse in the mouth is considered a faux pas because the best way to determine a horse’s age is to examine its teeth. Because a horse’s value depends on its age -young horses are more valuable than old mares- peeking at the choppers of one is akin to checking the price tag!

What should I look for if I’m going to do it anyway? Horses have baby teeth that erupt between the ages of eight days and eight months. By three, they sport their four center permanent teeth. You can identify permanent teeth because they are longer and darker in color than the baby teeth and do not have a well-defined “neck” connecting them to the gum. By the time a horse is five, permanent teeth will have filled in around the center teeth. Now the horse has a “full mouth.”


The above article is reprinted with permission from the Scatterbrain section of May 2014 issue of mental_floss magazine.

Don't forget to feed your brain by subscribing to the magazine and visiting mental_floss' extremely entertaining website and blog today for more!

18 Apr 09:02

The World's Most Impressive Bathrooms

by Jill Harness

In the words of a Charmin ad campaign, "we all go, why not enjoy the go?" And this incredible Lonely Planet list shows some of the best places in the world where you could really enjoy the go. From this eco-friendly toilet in British Columbia that will surely get you back in touch with nature to the Swiss outhouse offering unparallelled views of the Engadine Valley and the alps behind it, these are anything but your typical toilets. 

Sure, some of the destinations ask you to sacrifice a little privacy in exchange for the scenery, but when you get a once-in-a-lifetime bathroom experience like that, is it really asking too much?


18 Apr 07:46

Stranger leaves a giant tip and changes a single mom’s life (3 Photos)

by Phil Nye

Still decent people in this world.

13 Apr 06:15

A “Spoiler Alert” website exists for those who wish to skip all the drama (9 Photos)

by Bob

This is actually pretty funny.

12 Apr 07:30

Headphones So Good You'll Bearly Believe What's Chasing You

Or maybe you won't notice it or believe it. 

Submitted by: (via Kelly Murphy)

11 Apr 10:38

Ladies rugby isn’t for girls (Video)

by James

Clearly a hospital pass by the fly/scrum half, but really impressed that Ireland player didnt drop the ball even after being hit like that.