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24 Jan 12:07

Trump’s White House Press Secretary Has Been Low-Key Going After Dippin’ Dots for Five Years

donald trump,ice cream

via CNN

This weekend was a weird one.

After having a pretty poor turn out for his inauguration, Trump sent his new White House press secretary to give a weird statement, claiming it "was the largest audience to witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe.” PolitiFact rated that statement as “Pants on Fire,” while Kellyanne Conway simply called it an “alternative fact,” a new phrase, which means “lie.”

Anyway, when he wasn’t chastising the press for covering the inauguration for what it was, Sean Spicer was spending the last five years in an all out social media war with Dippin’ Dots, the so-called “ice cream of the future.”

From 2010 to 2015, Spicer took to Twitter to take on Big Future Ice Cream to call them what they are: Not the ice cream of the future.

So without further adieu, here are four bizarre tweets from our current White House press secretary:

via @RachelEdelman78

Dippin' Dots has yet to comment, but the Internet has no idea why any of this is happening. Check it out:

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23 Jan 07:40

The Obamas Get a Fantastic Farewell Photoshop Battle

biden,obama,photoshop,photoshop battle

Today the Obamas departed from the Whitehouse as Trump assumed the position on America and was sworn in as President of the United States.

This photo was released showing the now former President and former First-Lady gazing out over the Whitehouse lawn before departing permanently.

In true fashion, the internet realized it was now time for one last photoshop battle.

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20 Jan 07:54

Trump's 2020-Election Slogan Borrows From aThe Purge

trump steal purge slogan keep america great

And we spiral toward The Purge faster than expected.

“Make America Great Again,” the slogan Donald Trump took from a Ronald Reagan pin, set the tone for election 2016, a world with no answers and plenty of confusion.

via Wikipedia

Adding to the list of borrowed slogans in that reality-TV gameshow host took from a scary source: The Purge

In an interview with The Washington Post, Trump announced that his next election slogan would be “Keep America Great,” which, wouldn’t you know it, is the same tagline as The Purge: Election Year.

What does this mean? That 2020 is going to look a lot like The Purge? If Trump’s getting his slogans from the film series about a world where all crime is legal for one night, who knows what else he’s picking up on.

Submitted by: (via The Verge)

19 Jan 07:36

America's Funniest Home Videos Celebrates 600 Episodes With 600 Crotch Shots in 600 Seconds

My stomach legit aches right now. At some point during this video my man jewels cowered in fear and sought shelter from this violent compilation of pure and unadulterated pain. On the flip side, totally feeling #blessed to not be in any of these. Here's to our fallen comrades and may they all be well on their way to getting if not entirely healed up.

Submitted by: (via America's Funniest Home Videos)

Tagged: FAIL , painful , crotch shot , Video
19 Jan 06:56

This Double-Whammy Gif of Two Kids Getting Wrecked Is What Dreams Are Made Of

kids get in the face by giant ball

Sometimes a gif comes along and changes the way you see the world. It’s the kind of gif that makes you realize that good things still happen, and that no matter how dark the night becomes, the dawn will shine all the brighter.

This is that gif.

This is a gif of two kids getting totally wrecked by one, giant red-rubber ball, and it’s glorious.

Feel free to use this next time you see someone get destroyed online — maybe if you witness a two-tiered roasting supreme.

Submitted by: (via SlimJones123)

Tagged: kids , facebook
17 Jan 16:04

Easter eggs hidden within Google’s search bar (17 Photos)

by Travis
17 Jan 14:08

Bizarre self-defense tactics of the animal kingdom (19 Photos)

by Hendy
17 Jan 08:08

7 Weird But Real Jobs

by Miss Cellania

Most of us end up doing something for a living that we didn't plan for as kids. But there are jobs out there that are rare, odd, and probably difficult to get into unless you just happen to fall into them. Can you imagine majoring in French literature and then getting a job as a professional bridesmaid?

Most people believe that in order to be a bridesmaid, you must be close friends with a bride. This is not the case. There is a company called Bridesmaids For Hire, where the bride-to-be can hire a woman to be her bridesmaid. Some women don’t have many women friends, which can make the wedding party uneven. Some women don’t have responsible friends. The bride needs a bridesmaid who is willing to do the work on the big day. She needs someone there to handle problems when they arise and to make her day easier. If a bride doesn’t have any friends who can handle the job, she can hire a bridesmaid. Bridesmaids For Hire offers a variety of packages, and the cost ranges from $300 to $2,000, depending on the package that you choose.

Yes, it's a real job, but it might not be a full-time position. Read about more Amazing Jobs You Had No Idea Were Real at Uncoached.

(Image credit: Sherry Main)

16 Jan 12:59

What’s Ailing Anakin (and Other Fictional Characters)?

by Miss Cellania

The following article is from the new book Uncle John’s Uncanny Bathroom Reader.

If you’ve ever tried to psychoanalyze Darth Vader or wondered why James Bond drinks his martinis “shaken, not stirred,” you’re not alone. Some medical journals have a tradition of diagnosing the “ailments” of fictional, biblical, and even cartoon characters.

Patient: Humpty Dumpty

Medical Complaint: Multiple eggshell fractures sustained following “a great fall” from a wall. Afterward, “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.”

Physicians’ Notes: “We question whether ‘all the king’s horses and all the king’s men’ were capable of launching an appropriate medical intervention after Mr. Dumpty’s unfortunate accident. The presence of ‘all the king’s men’ also suggests a shocking lack of crowd control. Could the crowded scene explain the inability of the responders to ‘put Humpty together again?’ ” (Canadian Medical Association Journal, December 2003)

Patient: James Bond, British secret agent 007

Medical Issue: Alcohol consumption. Two researchers read 14 of Ian Fleming’s original James Bond novels and made a note of every drink he consumed. “Days when Bond was unable to drink (usually because of incarceration or injury) were also logged.”

Physicians’ Notes: Bond averaged the equivalent of four vodka martinis a day, and on some days drank as many as 16, yet was able to remain active at levels “inconsistent with the physical, mental and indeed sexual functioning expected from someone drinking this much alcohol.” Also noted: 007’s consumption dips in the middle years of his career, then rises in the later novels, a pattern often seen in patients suffering from alcoholic liver disease. “We advise a reduction in alcohol consumption to safe levels, and suspect that the famous catchphrase ‘shaken, not stirred’ could be because of alcohol induced tremor affecting his hands.” (British Medical Journal, December 2013)

Patient: Anakin Skywalker, who grows up to become Darth Vader

Medical Issues: As a young man, Anakin has problems with anger management and impulse control. He engages in risky behavior and whipsaws between idolizing and demonizing his mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He also has abandonment issues and “stress-related breaks with reality” when the women in his life leave him or die. His change  of name from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader suggests that he also suffers from identity issues.

Physician’s Notes: Dr. Eric Bui, a French psychiatrist, watched Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith during his medical residency and made a tally of the character’s psychiatric problems. By the time he was done, he’d counted six of the nine criteria that are listed as symptoms of borderline personality disorder. Only five are needed to confirm a diagnosis. “I believe that psychotherapy would have helped Anakin and might have prevented him from turning to the dark side of the Force,” Dr. Bui says. (Psychiatry Research, June 2010)

Patient: Dumbo the Elephant

Medical Issues: Dumbo’s ears are abnormally large—larger than those of adult elephants. In fact, they’re so large they allow him to fly.

Physicians’ Notes: Authors P. K. Phillips and J. E. Heath constructed a full-size model of Dumbo’s ears in order to better understand what purpose they might serve (besides flying). Their conclusions: “In conditions of high wind velocity and large gradients, Dumbo could potentially dissipate more heat than he produces. This suggests that he may need the large ears to help lose the excess heat produced while flying.” (Journal of Thermal Biology, 2001)

Patient: Samson, the biblical strongman whose story is told in the book of Judges in the Old Testament

Medical Issues: Samson lies to his parents, steals from his neighbors, gets in fights, kills a lion with his bare hands, and sets 300 foxes on fire and uses them to burn the fields of the Philistines. He later beats 1,000 Philistines to death with the jawbone of an ass. His mistress, Delilah, a Philistine, tries to kill him three times, yet he recklessly reveals to her the secret to his superhuman strength (his uncut hair), which she then cuts off so that he can be handed over to the Philistines.

Physicians’ Notes: A team of four California physicians read the biblical account of Samson’s life and concluded that he exhibits six of the seven criteria (“fire setting, cruelty to small animals, bullying, initiating physical fights, using a weapon, and stealing from a victim”) for a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, “a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.” Only three of the seven criteria are needed for a positive diagnosis.

According to Dr. Eric Altschuler, one of the authors of the study, “An appreciation that Samson had ASPD makes many pieces of the story, previously enigmatic or in need of long explanations, fall into place.” (Archives of General Psychiatry, 2001)


The article above is reprinted with permission from Uncle John's newest volume, Uncle John’s Uncanny Bathroom Reader. The 29th volume of the series is chock-full of fascinating stories, facts, and lists, and comes in both the Kindle version and paperback.

Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute had published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts. If you like Neatorama, you'll love the Bathroom Reader Institute's books - go ahead and check 'em out!

16 Jan 11:46

Tell Your Special Guy How Much You Love Him With a Broquet

by Jill Harness

Flowers are pretty and all, but they don't really do much. If you want to impress someone who doesn't care about aesthetics all that much, skip the traditional bouquet and instead visit Say It With Beef where you can buy a Broquet made of delicious meat products life beef sticks and jerky. The flowers come in two varieties -daisies and roses and they even come in a special romantic pint glass or beer mug.

It's the perfect Manentine's Day gift.

Via Incredible Things

16 Jan 06:26

This Is What It Looks Like When Someone Wins $3.5 Million on a Single Roulette Spin

16 Jan 06:03

This Divorce Lawyer's Business Card is Perfect and Perforated

hilarious divorce lawyer business card

Either this dude knows his audience or just wants to be reduce his carbon footprint. Whatever it is, a perforated perforated business card with your info on both sides is absolutely genius. 

We salute you, sir! 

Submitted by: (via Otis-B-Driftwood)

Tagged: marriage , divorce , funny
13 Jan 13:19

Monkeys Grieve When Their Robot Friend Dies

by Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Barry Petchesky to Deadspin

BBC One’s Spy in the Wild series embeds animatronic spy animals out in nature with their real life animal counterparts to see what life is really like in the wild. The robot creatures can look a little bit creepy with their eyeball cameras, but the animals often embrace them as one of their own. Sometimes the…


12 Jan 06:40

Guy Makes Sweaters Based On Locations To Wear While Visiting Those Locations

by Zeon Santos

It's a good idea to dress for every occasion, so you're comfortable whether you're going out to dinner with the fam or traveling to far off destinations to do some epic level sightseeing.

But there's one garment that works for virtually every occasion, and comfort is its middle name- the sweater.

You can wear a sweater to dinner, a show and while visiting Stonehenge and you'll be comfy the entire time, which is why sweaters are Sam Barsky's outerwear of choice.

Sam dresses for every occasion by making a sweater with graphics based on the location he's about to visit then heads out, all warm and comfy and ready to pose for some photos.

He shares his creations via his Artistic Knitting of Sam Barsky Facebook page, where you can see a sampling of the over 100 different pictorial sweaters Sam has created, including this refreshingly exotic sweater.

See This Guy Makes Sweaters Based On Locations, Then Visits Those Places here

12 Jan 06:22

Every Episode Of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Ranked

by Patrick Redford on The Concourse, shared by Patrick Redford to Deadspin

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia has been on the air since 2005, and somehow, a show about five terrible idiots who hatch insane schemes and treat each other with unabashed disdain is probably going to end up as the longest running live-action comedy series in TV history. The show is just getting into its 12th season…


10 Jan 12:47

Likely Stoned Genius Writes Crazy Theory on What Happens When We Die And Wakes Up with Flock of Disciples


For real though. That shit was insane, man. And in a strange and inexplicable kind of way, kiind of made sense. Or not?

Submitted by: (via Samuel Murray)

Tagged: awesome , stoners , theory
10 Jan 06:08

Guy has a sweater for literally every occasion (30 Photos)

by Jeff
09 Jan 22:16

Video of the Day: Dude Keeps Passing Out On A Rollercoaster But Every Time He Passes Out the Windows Startup Music Plays

There are a lot of videos of people passing out on rollercoasters. There are a lot of videos of people making weird noises on rollercoasters. But there’s only one video where the Windows startup music plays every time this guy passes out on a rollercoaster. 

Let’s just say this video delivers. It’s 60, uninterrupted seconds of a man in a pink shirt passing out on a rollercoaster. What’s more, every time he passes out, get this, the Windows startup music plays.

Passes Out
Bing bing ding dong
Passes Out
Bing bing ding dong
Passes Out
Bing bing ding dong

To paraphrase Men’s Warehouse founder George Zimmer, you’re gonna love watching this video. I guarantee it.

Submitted by: (via ThierryTuyishimeTV)

Tagged: rollercoaster , funny
09 Jan 06:08

Uncle of the Year Shows Up to Niece’s Birth in a Suit Because First Impressions Still Mean Something Dammit


First impressions used to mean something in this world. Now, people walk out of their house in t-shirts, go to work without tie, and when was the last time you saw a nice pair of loafers? In the words of Staind, “It’s been a while.”

But that’s not the case for this new uncle, who arrived to the birth of his niece in a full suit because “first impressions matter.”

At least he put in the effort, and hey, it’s a pretty nice suit with a tie clip and everything. It’s not like my suit with the tie I accidentally dipped in the toilet and the shoes that I accidentally dipped in the toilet. Let’s just say that my sister’s wedding wasn’t a great time for me and my suit.

Anyway, people seem to love this dude, and why shouldn’t they? First impressions matter and this guys knows how to make one.

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Tagged: twitter , suits , legend , birth
04 Jan 13:31

Girls with mugshots so good they could pass as headshots (22 Photos)

by Bob
31 Dec 10:43

These Guys Discovered They Can Go Anywhere While Wearing Hi-Viz Vests

by Zeon Santos

Most people don't own a high visibility vest unless their job or hobby demands it, and if they don't own one they'll never know how many places that brightly colored safety garment can take them.

Because, as David Allegretti and his pal Sean discovered, the hi-viz vest is the key to entering restricted areas, and people won't think twice about letting you in while you're wearing that vest.

David and Sean's hi-viz vests got them into the movies for free, allowed them to amble around the zoo and even got them a front row spot at a Coldplay concert, because they looked like they were on the job.

Here's what David had to say about the hi-viz vest experience:

“There’s just something about uniforms that garner an almost naive trust. People trust uniforms. Most of us obey the word of those clad in uniforms”

“All in all, the experience had just proved…that you’ll never know if you don’t try”

“I guess if I could give you one piece of advice, it would be this: Go get yourself a hi-vis vest. And that’s all you need to know about life”

-Via design you trust

31 Dec 09:18

Some Sick Devil out There Is Producing Cheese Shot Glasses for the Next Wine Party, and I Don't Know What to Feel Right Now

Submitted by: (via POPSUGAR Food)

Tagged: cheese , FAIL , wine , Video
30 Dec 12:36

How to Saber Champagne

by Miss Cellania


Because nothing says “party” like a big knife, pressurized booze, and French military tradition.

Opening Champagne with a sword may seem like an obnoxious display of hedonism best reserved for czars, princes, and regatta winners. Except: It’s a ton of fun. And if you’re drinking Champagne to celebrate, why not amp that celebration up a few gigawatts?*

One of the best parts of sabering is explaining its history to whomever you’re with. The oft-repeated origin myth for the art of sabrage invokes Napoleonic-era French soldiers given Champagne before they set off to battle, the presumption being that victory was imminent. Comically, French soldiers found a bottle of Champagne too cumbersome to uncork— especially while on horseback— so they had a better idea: Use a sword! And sabering was (supposedly) born.

The reason sliding a blade up the neck of a Champagne bottle results in a clean opening is a matter of pressure. Champagne bottles hold around 90 PSI, almost three times what car tires have in them. The standard bottle of Champagne has a 3/4-inch opening, which adds up to 35 pounds of pressure on the cork. Add two stress concentrations —the lip at the top of the bottle, and the tiny, thin seam running up the bottle’s side— and you’ve got something that’s ready to explode. When you drive a sword up the bottle’s seam into its lip, the blunt force cracks the bottle open where the seam and lip meet. If done correctly, it cleanly lops the top right off, launching it up to 30 feet and sending that sweet bubbly pouring right out. Cheers!

(YouTube link)


I. Ice your bottle. Put it in the freezer or drop its neck into a bucket of ice and water for 30 minutes. This will reduce the pressure (so your cork won’t fly off) and compress your glass, making it more prone to a clean break. Rest the bottle upright for a few minutes before proceeding.

2. Choose your weapon. No saber? Of course not. You can buy one, but a heavy kitchen knife will do just fine. Whatever it is, it should have a handle that allows you a firm grip. Don’t worry about the blade, or its sharpness-you’ll be using the blunt side.

3. Ensure your safety. Wear protective eyewear. In the event the bottle shatters in your hand, a kitchen towel or a sturdy cloth wrapped around the base of the bottle (where you’ll hold it) always helps. And for the love of Napoleon, make sure everyone’s standing behind you.

4. Find the seam. There’s a barely visible line running up the bottle to the lip. That’s the path your saber will take.

5. Prep the bottle. Unwrap the foil at the top, and take the wire cage off the cork. Be delicate. That thing wants to explode. Hold the blade in your dominant hand and the bottle in the other, at an angle of about 30 degrees.

6. Off with its head! In one smooth, firm, quick motion, run the blunt side of your blade up the seam, smacking it into the lip. The vibration and impact will knock the top clear off the bottle. Make sure people have their flutes ready, because bubbly is about to come foaming out. Before you serve, inspect the neck for loose shards of glass. Now bask in the glory of your victorious sabering-the next toast is to you.

* We know you won’t really try this at home; we’re obviously just explaining how a professional would do it.

(Image credit: Flickr user Jim Budd)


The article above by Foster Kamer appeared in the December 2015 issue of mental_floss magazine. It is reprinted here with permission.

Feed your brain by visiting mental_floss' extremely entertaining website and blog today for more!

30 Dec 06:35

Kumail Nanjiani Bravely Documents an Airplane Passenger With Pasty Thighs and No Sense of Decency


Silicon Valley actor Kumail Nanjiani shared this horrifying story. The moral of the story here, please keep your pants on during flight.

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Tagged: twitter , wtf , list , pants , airplanes
30 Dec 06:31

10 Reasons Friday Night Lights was the Best Sports Drama Ever

by Miss Cellania

Clear Eyes Full Hearts Cant Lose

The award-winning TV series Friday Night Lights ran for five seasons from 2006 to 2011. It was a drama about a high school football team, but it was also experimental TV in many ways. The series was based on a movie, which was based on a book, which you might not know, was based on a true story.

For starters, the 2004 FNL movie was loosely based on real live people from a non-fiction book by H.G. “Buzz” Bissinger entitled Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream, which was published in 1990. The book explored a high school football team and their 1988 season. They were called the Permian Panthers and their school was located in Odessa, Texas. The film was released by Universal Pictures and starred Billy Bob Thornton and Connie Britton. It was directed by Peter Berg, who actually happened to be H.G. Bissinger’s second cousin.

Read the many ways that Friday Night Lights was unique among TV series at TVOM.

30 Dec 06:28

Girl Tells Her Boyfriend He Should Write An Essay On Why She Should Blow Him, and the Results Are Brilliant Comedic Gold


A+ for effort dude.

Submitted by:

30 Dec 06:24

Someone created a GoFundMe to ‘Help protect Betty White from 2016’ (4 Photos)

by Travis
30 Dec 06:20

User Tells the Story About the Time He Played a 'Sweet' Game of Russian Roulette


Submitted by:

Tagged: FAIL , spicy , lol , chocolate
29 Dec 06:41

Zombie casting for TWD is just as ridiculous as you think (Video)

by Dustin
28 Dec 06:35

Guy Who Has Been Asleep for 343 Days Gets Recap of 2016

What fresh hell is this?!

Submitted by: (via Tom and Hubert)

Tagged: 2016 , FAIL , funny , Video