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28 Dec 12:10

Watch This Vegetarian Eat Meat for the First Time in 22 Years and Completely Lose It

Submitted by: (via The A.V. Club)

Tagged: FAIL , vegetarian , Video , meat
27 Dec 14:01

10 Popular Songs That Aren’t About What You Think They Are

by Lindsey Robertson
maxresdefaultHere are just a few songs that you’ve probably been misinterpreting ever since you first heard them. You may sing along proudly to these tunes when they come on the radio, but their actual meanings might be a bit of a surprise to you.
27 Dec 07:00

Christmas Service Mistakenly Prints Words to Tupac's 'Hail Mary' Instead of Carol


Uh, completely okay with this. Hail Mary was Tupac's final single released after his death at the age of 25 years old. See the printing mishap for yourself below:

Submitted by: (via

Tagged: carols , christmas , rap , tupac
27 Dec 06:56

Guy Group Texts All His Ex-Girlfriends on Christmas, and Things Go Strangely Alright

27 Dec 06:52

Who Dies Most Often in Movies?

by Miss Cellania

Oh yeah, you think you know that answer to that one …but believe it or not, it's not Sean Bean. He's just the best-known for dying in his biggest roles so far. Three well-known actors have died in more movies. See if you can guess who they are, and then find out who they are at Slashfilm. On the other hand, if you calculate the the number of movies an actor has died in as a ratio of the number of movies he's appeared in, Sean Bean comes out on top. -via Digg

26 Dec 13:34

Liquor Laws Around the World

by Miss Cellania

The following article is from the new book Uncle John’s Uncanny Bathroom Reader.

Alcohol works the same way in every country (it gets you drunk), but it’s sold a different way in almost every place on earth.

SWEDEN. Beer is available at bars, grocery stores, and restaurants throughout Sweden, but the alcohol content is fairly low: 3.5 percent alcohol by volume or less. Grocery stores can’t sell beer at all after 7:00 p.m. If Swedes want stronger beer, they have to go a Systembolaget, a chain of government-run liquor stores.

ENGLAND. There are thousands of pubs in England; millions of Brits casually drink in their local pubs every day. Nevertheless, to be caught drunk inside a pub is illegal in the UK.

NIGERIA. Nigeria has one of the biggest beer markets in the world, and consumes more beer than any African nation except South Africa. Guinness produces a third of its beer there. But because the country wants to protect its domestic beer industry, it’s illegal to import beer into Nigeria or to brew your own at home.

BOLIVIA. What’ll you have? If you’re in Bolivia, and you’re a woman, and you’re married, you can order a single glass of wine at a bar or restaurant. That’s it.

AUSTRALIA. In Sydney, the country’s largest city, there are some very specific liquor laws on the books to curb late-night revelry in the streets. After midnight, bars may not serve shots of spirits, alcohol in glasses, or four or more drinks at one time. After 3:00 a.m., they’re not permitted to serve more than two drinks to a single person. That means that if you’re grabbing a round of drinks for your friends, they have to come to the bar with you for an official head count.

SWITZERLAND. Absinthe, which contains thujone, an ingredient that is said to cause hallucinations, is illegal in many countries. It became legal in Switzerland in 2005, but may not be artifically colored. (Absinthe can be legally sold in the United States if it contains no thujone and is made without its other main ingredient, wormwood.)

CANADA. The “mixology” fad, in which creative bartenders infuse spirits with inventive flavors and then use them in drinks, has not hit Canada. That’s because Canadian bartenders in many provinces are not allowed to pre-flavor liquor with other ingredients. (Although they can do it on the spot if a customer specifically asks them to do it.)

THAILAND. Alcohol is legal in Thailand, except during certain parts of the day. Bars, restaurants, and liquor stores must stop selling booze from midnight until 11:00 a.m., and from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

INDIA. Each of the country’s 29 individual states determine their own drinking laws. While four states have banned the consumption of alcohol entirely, the rest have set legal drinking ages that range from 18 to 25. In the state of Maharashtra, it’s more complicated. There is no age restriction on wine, but you have to be 21 to drink beer, and 25 for hard alcohol. No matter what they’re drinking, though, citizens of Maharashtra must have a license to drink. To get one, they must fill out an application at a local Government Civil Hospital.

SCOTLAND. It may not be enforced, but in Scotland “propelling a cow” while drunk is against the law.

FRANCE. Less than a decade ago, drunk driving was a public health epidemic in wine-loving France, with about 4,000 people a year dying after crashing their cars while drunk. In 2012, the French government passed a law requiring all drivers to carry a single-use portable Breathalyzer in their cars. Drivers don’t have to use them, but the government figured that if people saw a Breathalyzer in their car while tipsy, they might think twice about driving.

EL SALVADOR. Drunk driving carries steep prison time and/or fines throughout the United States, but in El Salvador even a first DUI can put you in front of a firing squad. The laws are a little looser in Bulgaria—a second drunk driving offense carries the death penalty there.

GERMANY. Don’t drink and ride? Yes—getting caught on a bike while intoxicated can lead to a loss of a driver’s license, and to get it back, you have to be cleared by a government-sanctioned psychologist.

TURKEY. A lot of people around the world drink on Election Day— either to celebrate or lament. In Turkey, the sale of alcohol is banned on Election Day. Reasoning: sober people are more likely to vote, and to have clear heads when they do.

26 Dec 05:58

Waiiit For It

Submitted by: (via boat boualy)

Tagged: trolling , tea , funny , Video
23 Dec 06:38

DECEMBER 22, 2016


















23 Dec 06:19

The Day After

by luke


Never really thought about it, but I guess the day after Halloween for strippers is like Black Friday to every other shopper.


The post The Day After appeared first on People Of Walmart.

23 Dec 06:13

Your App Isn't Helping The People Of Saudi Arabia

by Felix Biederman on The Concourse, shared by Alex Pareene to Deadspin

On March 15, 2002, 15 Saudi girls burned to death inside their school in Mecca. They were not trapped by fallen debris, or unaccounted for by firefighters. The mutaween, Saudi Arabia’s religious police, would not allow the girls to leave their burning school because they were not covering their hair or wearing their abayas.


23 Dec 06:10

Guy Shows up at Ex-Girlfriend's Wedding, Puts Pictures of Her Giving BJs on Every Table, and Chaotic Brawl Ensues

FAIL,brawl,ex girlfriend,wedding,Video,dating

Submitted by:

22 Dec 06:11

21 Street Gangs Featured In The Warriors

by Zeon Santos

The Warriors is one of those classic movies that's hard to pin down- it's a dystopian action thriller that also perfectly captures elements of life in the NYC in the 70s and 80s.

But it's also a drama with a heroic underdog story, and certain scenes are downright terrifying, thereby giving it a horror edge.

But in the end The Warriors is a movie about street gangs, and 21 distinctly different gangs appear on screen in the movie, from the top dog Gramercy Riffs to the lowly Warriors, who are just trying to live long enough to make a name for themselves.

(The Gramercy Riffs) In the hierarchy of street gangs, The Gramercy Riffs are at the very top. And it’s their leader—Cyrus—who organizes the midnight summit in Van Cortlandt Park that sets off the plot. 

(The Warriors) The titular gang from Coney Island set the pace and plot of the film, as they attempt to make their way from the Bronx to Brooklyn after being framed for the murder of Cyrus, The Gramercy Riffs’ leader. Unfortunately for The Warriors, they’re being pursued by the rest of the gangs on this list.

Most of the gangs in the movie, like the Riffs, Rogues and Turnbull AC's, are based on real life gangs, while other, more far out gangs like the Baseball Furies or The Hi-Hats, are there to give the movie a sci-fi edge.

(The Rogues) “The Rogues” is an appropriate name for this Hell’s Kitchen crew, as they operate by their own set of rules. It’s their leader, Luther, who is the real shooter, and also the first to point the finger at The Warriors. Luther also has a knack for offering up some of the film’s most memorable catchphrases. Though actor David Patrick Kelly has long been credited with improvising the now-famous “Waaaaarriors, come out to plaaaay” line, he insists it was Hill. “I’ll take credit for the bottles and how I said it,” Kelly told Entertainment Weekly in 2012. “But I remember him kicking in the lines.”

(Turnbull A.C.'s) The Turnbull AC’s are easy to recognize for two reasons: They’re all bald, and they ride around the city in an old bus. It’s that same bus that the gang uses to try and run down The Warriors shortly after the summit breaks up (the Turnbull AC’s are the first group The Warriors must face off against).

(Baseball Furies) The Baseball Furies take their identity seriously, with each member decked out in a Yankees-style baseball uniform. Which may not seem all that frightening ... until they whip out their baseball bats.

(The Hi-Hats) The SoHo-based Hi-Hats might be the best proof Hill has got that he intended for The Warriors to be a fantasy film. Because clowns are scary, and mimes are not.

See 21 Street Gangs Featured In The Warriors at mental_floss

22 Dec 06:11

15 surprising celebrities who were almost in “Star Wars” (15 Photos)

by Shelbie
19 Dec 14:53

World-Class Walks

by Miss Cellania

(Image credit: Colegota)

The following article is from the new book Uncle John’s Uncanny Bathroom Reader.

When you’ve had enough of the news, the noise, the office, the traffic—and the Kardashians—there’s nothing like a good long walk to clear the hubbub out of your head. And if your local footpath isn’t quite enough, here are a few world-class hiking trails you may want to put on your walk-it list. (Which is kind of like a “bucket list”—only more walky.)


Location: Peru

Distance: 26 miles (recommended time: 4 days)

Best Time to Go: May to September

Details: This fairly grueling hike through the Sacred Valley of the Incas in southern Peru takes you across high rocky mountain plateaus, into densely vegetated cloud forests, and past ancient ruins, all surrounded by the stunning Andes mountains, and finally ends at the most famous Incan site, Machu Picchu. It’s not for everyone: the path has a lot of ups and downs, climbing from elevations of about 6,000 feet to 13,000 feet, so aside from the work, there’s the danger of altitude sickness. The Inca Trail is one of the most popular treks in the world, meaning you need a reservation and a permit (required) at least six months in advance.

Note: Since 2001, trekkers are no longer allowed to hike the trail alone. Most people go with guided tour groups (porters, cooks, food, tents, and sleeping bags provided). But you can certainly go smaller—just you (or you and a small group) with one guide—for a more personal trail experience.



Location: Italy

Distance: 7.5 miles (3 to 4 hours…or 3 to 4 days)

Best Time to Go: In the spring

Details: This is the most popular walking path in the Cinque Terre (Five Lands), a historic and picturesque section of the Italian Riviera in northwestern Italy, comprised of five villages on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. (The entire area is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.) The Sentiero Azzurro, meaning “Blue Path,” connects those five medieval Italian villages, famous for their pastel covered buildings, while passing sandy beaches, coursing along steep rock cliff faces overlooking the sea, and climbing stone steps up into the forested hillsides. The entire trail can be done in just a few hours, but most hikers take their time, taking in the sights, stopping for a swim, drinking some of the local wine, and staying overnight in guesthouses or hotels along the way. (Tip: Seasoned hikers suggest starting in the southernmost village of Riomaggiore and finishing in the northernmost, Monterosso al Mare. The hike starts off a bit easier this way, and gets you ready for the more difficult northern part.) This trail is extremely popular—so much so that there is now a small fee and a daily limit on the number of people who can walk it. Hotels must be booked far in advance, too.



Location: India

Distance: 55 miles (about 11 days)

Best Time to Go: Mid-April to May; October to mid-November

Details: This Himalayan mountain trek, called by many avid hikers the best in the Indian Himalayas, starts in the northeastern town of Yuksom at an elevation of 5,670 feet, and ends at the 16,000-foot-high Goechela Pass, a few miles from the eastern border of Nepal. Like on the Inca Trail, most people do guided treks, with porters, gear, and food included (carried by yaks!), but you can do it without guides, provided you’re fit and have experience with high-altitude hiking. Sights include the spectacular Himalayan mountain range—including Kanchenjunga, the third-highest mountain in the world (at over 28,000 feet); sprawling alpine meadows of wildflowers; forests of giant ferns, bamboo, and rhododendron; turquoise-blue alpine lakes; gushing rivers, possibly with some frozen waterfalls; many glaciers; and a lot more. (The trek is not recommended during the summer rainy season. You can do it in November and December, but be prepared for very cold, very dry weather.)



Location: Siberia, Russia

Distance: Varied

Best Time to Go: June to October

Details: The Great Baikal Trail is a Russian nonprofit organization founded in 2003 to promote environmentalism and ecotourism in the region by getting volunteers to help build hiking trails all the way around southern Siberia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest and oldest lake on earth. Over the years, more than 5,000 volunteers from all around the world have built or improved more than 400 miles of trails in the region. One of the most popular: the 34-mile-long path between the lakeside villages of Listvyanka and Bolshoye Goloustnoye (recommended time: 3–4 days). It takes you along the lakeshore, up to the top of rocky cliffs overlooking the lake, across lush green meadows, and through dense forests, passing little villages and staying in cabins, guesthouses, or tents along the way. (Bonus: You might even see some nerpa, or Baikal seals—the only freshwater seals on earth—swimming in the lake or sunning themselves on the beach.)


Location: Japan

Distance: Varied

Best Time to Go: Spring and fall, but winter is okay, too. (Summer isn’t—it’s the rainy season.)

Details: The Kumano Kodo (Kumano is a type of Shinto shrine; kodo means “road” or “passageway”) is a network of seven trails that wind through the densely forested, often misty and mysterious Kii mountain range, in the south of Japan’s main island, Honshu. The trails have been used by Japanese people for more than 1,000 years, and are used for making pilgrimages to three sacred Shinto shrines, collectively known as Kumano Sanzan. Called “one of the best (and possibly most overlooked) treks on the planet” by CNN’s On the Road series, individual trails can be hiked on short day trips, or the entire set of seven main trails can be trekked over the course of four to five days. (You can camp or stay in bungalows along the way.) Highlights include lush cedar forests; the many oji (mini shrines) along the path; the three main shrines, each elaborately constructed in ancient Japanese style; the many farms and gardens along the route; numerous creeks and rivers; and Nachi no Taki, a 436-foot-tall waterfall (Japan’s highest).


Location: Mexico

Distance: 32 miles (3 to 4 days)

Best Time to Go: October to March

Details: This hike takes you between the towns of Urique and Batopilas in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains, in Mexico’s northern state of Chihuahua, and runs through six interconnected canyons, collectively known as Copper Canyon. The hike starts at the floor of Urique Canyon, the deepest of the canyons, in the historic mining town of Urique, at about 1,800 feet. It climbs more than 4,000 feet of rocky desert pathways, past cacti and agave, to the canyon’s rim, amid patches of mesquite, sycamore, and wild fig trees. It then descends into neighboring Batopilas Canyon, ending at the mining town of Batopilas. The breathtaking Grand Canyon–like vistas, the bizarre rock formations, the burbling creeks (fed by the winter rainy season), and night skies filled with more stars than you’ve probably seen in your entire life make this one of Mexico’s most memorable hikes. (Bonus: you can also take side trips to the villages of Tarahumara Indians, who have lived in the canyons for centuries. You might also spot some rattlesnakes, mountain lions, wild boar, and wild burros on your journey.)


Location: Tibet

Distance: 32 miles (3 to 4 days)

Best Time to Go: May to October

Details: Mount Kailash is a 21,778-foot Himalayan mountain peak in southwestern Tibet, and is considered one of the most sacred places in the world by Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, and Bons. (Bon is a native Tibetan religion.) The Mount Kailash Kora (kora means “circumambulation”) is a 32-mile-long pilgrimage trail around the base of this stark, rocky, dome-shaped and snowcapped peak that has been followed by practitioners of these religions for millennia. The trail has also become increasingly popular with tourists over the last few decades. The path itself passes over barren terrain, intermixed with an occasional lush meadow, but the views of the surrounding Himalayan peaks, and the diverse groups of pilgrims and tourists traveling together along this path, make the Mount Kailash Kora a combination of geographical, cultural, and religious wonder, and one of the highest-rated hikes on earth. And while it’s difficult—the average altitude is about 16,000 feet and the path follows a lot of uneven ground—there are regular guesthouses along the way, as well as tents where you can get hot meals and drinks. So take your time!


Location: Israel

Distance: 620 miles (45 to 60 days)

Best Time to Go: Spring and fall

Details: The Israel National Trail (INT) was the brainchild of Israeli journalist and environmentalist Avraham Tamir, who was inspired to see such a trail in his country after hiking America’s Appalachian Trail in 1980. The INT zigzags its way across the entire nation of Israel, from the kibbutz community of Dan near the Lebanese border, to the southernmost point in Israel, the Red Sea resort city of Eilat. The trail covers a range of terrains, from greener regions in the north, to beaches on the Mediterranean coast, across parts of the Judean mountain range on the outskirts of Jerusalem, to deserts in the south, crossing many ancient archaeological sites along the way. This is a very difficult hike, especially in the desert sections, where you will have to hire people to bring your supplies. It’s recommended that all hikers either get a guide or do serious research before attempting it. One of the great things about the trail: the INT “Trail Angels,” people who open their homes at various spots along the way for showers, a place to cook a hot meal, a yard to set up camp, and some friendly conversation. Several kibbutzes along the way offer inexpensive food and lodging, as well, as do some Bedouin communities in the southern desert regions. Of course, like most of the trails listed here, if you don’t have time to do the whole thing, you can always do small sections at your leisure.

Couch Potato Hiking Bonus: Over the course of three months in the summer of 2015, about 250 volunteers, organized by the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel and Google, took turns hiking the trail with 360-degree cameras strapped to their backs—so you can now enjoy the entire INT on Google Street View from your home computer.


The Kungsleden (King’s Trail) is a popular 270-mile-long trail in the arctic north of Sweden that offers comfortable cabins at regular intervals along its length. The trail is especially popular around the summer solstice, when daylight lasts for nearly 24 hours. (In the winter, the Kungsleden is open as a cross-country ski trail.)

The Thorsborne Trail is a 20-mile trail on Hinchinbrook Island, five miles off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Only 40 hikers are allowed on the path each day, and there’s a small entrance fee, but it’s worth it: you can camp on tropical beaches (where you might see dugongs, sea turtles, or crocodiles); on rocky outcrops overlooking the Great Barrier Reef; or beside waterfalls in lush and misty rain forests.

Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is the tallest mountain in Africa (19,340 feet), and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world. (It’s not part of a larger mountain range—it just suddenly rises out of the African plain.) It’s one of the rare tall mountains that doesn’t need any special gear to climb, and there are a number of fairly easy trails to its summit, although it will take six to eight days. The trek will take you from hot African savanna at the mountain’s base up through the clouds to glaciers near the mountain’s snow-covered peak.

The Narrows is just 16 miles long, but it’s one of the most beautiful hikes on the planet. It takes you down the Virgin River at the base of Zion Canyon in Zion National Park, Utah. Much of the hike is actually spent walking in the shallow water of the river—refreshing in the heat of the Utah summer—in a sandstone canyon that is sometimes just 20 feet wide, with beautifully sculpted, terra-cotta-hued sandstone walls stretching straight up as high as 2,000 feet above you. You can do the walk in one day, but it’s best to take your time and camp in one of the 12 designated campgrounds provided. (Happy trails!)


The article above is reprinted with permission from Uncle John's newest volume, Uncle John’s Uncanny Bathroom Reader. The 29th volume of the series is chock-full of fascinating stories, facts, and lists, and comes in both the Kindle version and paperback.

Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute had published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts. If you like Neatorama, you'll love the Bathroom Reader Institute's books - go ahead and check 'em out!

19 Dec 07:16

Women Are Exposing Their Breasts For the Sake of Taking a Wild New Ugly Christmas Sweater Trend to a Whole Different Level

NSFW,ugly christmas sweater,christmas,FAIL,trend,dating

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Submitted by:

19 Dec 05:59

Montreal's Unfortunate Christmas Tree

by Miss Cellania

The tree company Sapin MTL presented Montreal city officials with a great idea: put up a municipal tree that was bigger than the one at Rockefeller Center. They selected a lovely tree that was 24 meters high, which was taller than any tree Rockfeller Center ever had. But then the 2016 New York tree was revealed to be 28.6 meters tall. Unwilling to give up the idea of a taller tree, the tree company scrambled to find one taller. They didn't have many to select from, and the one they erected turned out to be quite disappointing.  

Facing a Nov. 30 deadline for unveiling the tree, the Sapin crew had to hurry. The tree was harvested, placed on a special flatbed truck and brought to Montreal under police escort within 72 hours. But a tight schedule and a tight budget meant that some corners were cut — and so was the tree.

Somehow, the tree that reached the closed-off section of St. Catherine Street where the market is held measured just 26.8 metres tall, 1.8 metres short of the one in Rockefeller Center. Pelletier’s brother Philippe, another principal in the company, said a bit sheepishly Friday that they had simply settled for the tallest tree they could find in time.

And there was no time or money to give it the extensive arboreal spa treatment that the New York tree gets; all the workers could do was reattach, sometimes rather obviously, a few of the larger branches that had broken off in shipping.

As for the decorations, Jean-David Pelletier said his company’s responsibility ended once the tree was in its bare steel stand on St. Catherine Street.

The tree ended up with ornaments that sport the Canadian Tire logo. The trunk is crooked, Some branches are missing, and the top is flat. But the tree has its own Twitter account, called Ugly Tree Montreal

Most of the Tweets are in English. -via Fark

14 Dec 06:33

Hero of the Day: Woman Turns Water Into Wine... Thanks To A Fridge Hack

woman on twitter turns refrigerator water dispenser into wine dispenser

While most people in their 20s want credit for acting even remotely like adults, one woman has gone above and beyond what’s asked of someone being a grown up.

After ordering a new refrigerator, Clare decided to risk life and water filter by turning her fridge into a wine dispenser. All it took was a bottle of wine and the cold water filter in her fridge. Simply tilt the bottle into the water dispenser and out comes wine. Life hacks made easy.

It takes a proud adult to risk ruining a brand-new fridge with a move like this, so we commend you, Clare. However, perhaps sensing the immense power at their finger tips, Clare and her boyfriend switched the filter back to water. They told Buzzfeed that their fridge and filter is fine, but what about the copycats? What of the poor filters that will be inevitably be ruined due to the sugary content of wine. Those tubes are going to be sticky for generations.

via Broadway World

Submitted by: (via @iliketweet)

Tagged: cool , drunk , life hacks , wine
14 Dec 06:32

Witness the Disturbing Reality of What Happens When Your Friend Moves in With His Girlfriend

Submitted by: (via Third Leg Studios)

Tagged: parody , Video , dating
13 Dec 07:16

Evil Supervillain Lair or Fire Station?

by Miss Cellania

This imposing ultramodern design does resemble the headquarters of an evil empire, but it's a fire station in Italy. Where I live, building anything against a rock face is just asking to be crushed by falling rock, and a glass building even more so, but this is a natural cliff instead of a carved mountain. The building is in Margreid, in the Alto Adige/Suedtirol region of northern Italy. The design is from the firm  Bergmeister Wolf.

The architects were approached in 2010 to build a fire station in a cliff of sheer rock. The reason such a challenging spot was chosen was to conserve the small amount of arable land in the area. “The building could have been placed on a normal lot,” explained the architects, “but the community decided to build the fire station into the rock, saving valuable land for use as agriculture.”

There are caverns behind the rock face, which were enlarged and reinforced with concrete for use by the fire department. You can explore the site via Google Street View. -via reddit

13 Dec 07:16

After This Mom Finds His Son With a Girl, She Puts Them on Blast With the Biggest Cockblock Move of 2016


Sounds like the intro to the Wu- Tang's Enter the Wu-Tang Album

13 Dec 07:06

Heart Warming of the Day: Best Buy Employees Bought a Gift for Their Best Customer

After a year of people generally treating each other like garbage, it’s nice to have your small heart grow two sizes in an instant. That seemed to be the intention of these Best Buy employees.


After weeks of seeing the same kid at the same Best Buy Wii station, the employees of the Valley Stream, NY decided to surprise him with a console of his own. They pooled their money together and bought him a Wii-U. 

As they published on YouTube:

"This video was taken in the Valley Stream Best Buy, this kid came in every single day to play the display WiiU, the employees in this store saw an opportunity to make a child smile and did just that. They chipped in and purchased a WiiU for him with their own money. This is amazing, why shop at Amazon when you have genuine people in this world that you can continue to help keep a job."

It’s true. Very rarely does a mailman deliver me a free thing from Amazon. But this video certainly delivered something: Good feelings.

Submitted by: (via Rahiem Storr)

08 Dec 09:17

Donald Trump Names WWE's Linda McMahon To Head Small Business Administration

by Barry Petchesky

Because life is one cruel joke after another, Linda McMahon, former president and CEO of the WWE, has been named to head up President-elect Donald Trump’s Small Business Administration.


05 Dec 22:40

Two friends spend years screaming “f**k you” to each other from around the world (Video)

by Dougy
02 Dec 06:18

The Truth About Some Of Those Amazing Photos You See Online

by Zeon Santos

People love to cry "fake" when they see amazing photos online, and while plenty of fakes have been posted there are also lots of real shots created by creative photographers that blow people's minds.

Flickr user "Patrick" shot pictures of glass covered in water droplets above a bowl of M&M's with a macro lens to create the trippy psychedelic pic above.

Photographer Michael Paul Smith doesn't own the actual vintage cars featured in his "photos of the past"- he uses the power of perspective to make scale models look like full sized cars cruising down the streets of Boston.

These staged landscape shots created by Matthew Albanese look so realistic people actually believe they're amazing pics shot outdoors at just the perfect time, but they're actually all shot inside Matthew's studio.

Matthew creates miniature landscapes that fit on a table top, then he uses forced perspective to make them look like massive outdoor scenes- he created this cool tornado shot with cotton, wool, ground parsley and moss.

But the most deliciously fake looking photo is this flying burger shot created by Sam Kaplan for Boston Magazine- created using rods and glass plates to make each piece of the burger look like it's floating in mid-air.

See 12 Behind The Scenes Photos That Show The Truth About Some Of The Most Amazing Shots here

28 Nov 06:26

Travel home with some “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” trivia (16 Photos)

by Martin
28 Nov 06:17

The Amazon Reviews for Donald Trump's Christmas Ornament Are Ridiculous Enough to Make the Internet Great Again

23 Nov 06:08

Unforgettable quotes from legendary Marine Gen.’Mad Dog’ Mattis (19 Photos)

by Sebastian
22 Nov 12:01

This Kid Should Be Thankful This is the 'Horse' He Had to Lead Outside the Stable

Kid versus horse.

Submitted by: boyracernj (via Tamara Jaskiewicz)

Tagged: FAIL , kids , funny , Video , horse
22 Nov 06:14

Ozzy Man's Hilarious Commentary of the Irish Bouncer Kicking the Sh*t out of These Bros Is Almost Better Than the Fight Itself

Today the internet was graced with the arrival of a new completely absurd 'bouncer fight video.' You know, the one where the bouncer completely destroys a couple jabronies who got it in them to take on a guy who by default likely prides himself on kicking the sh*t out of drunken aggressors...and also works at an irish pub.

I mean look at that stance--the bouncer's that is. Dude was born to brawl!

Submitted by: (via Ozzy Man Reviews)

Tagged: comments , FAIL , fight , Video
21 Nov 10:53

Irish People Taste Test Thanksgiving Food

by Miss Cellania

Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks -for food! And there's no better way to show that gratitude than to pig out, and to share those wonderful American dishes with the rest of the world. Let's see what Irish people would think of American Thanksgiving dishes: turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, pecan pie, and some side dishes that aren't all that universal.

(YouTube link)

When you see what Irish people think of our traditional dishes, you have to feel sorry for them. What have they been eating all their lives?