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17 Nov 15:14


by (Anj)

News of DC's Convergence has spread like wildfire throughout the internet and I will begrudgingly admit to being interested in some of what is happening.

Here are links from the usual sites to discuss.
For someone like me who simply hasn't fully embraced the New 52 universe, who miss the original Wally, and Donna Troy, and the Steph Brown Batgirl, and the Supergirl of Sterling Gates and James Peaty, this Convergence stunt is a little balm.

It's not that I like all the universes they are bringing back (Flashpoint? Really?). But seeing the Silver Age Charlton heroes, old school JSA, a true Marvel Family, and Freedom Fighters is great.

And now they have announced some of the titles happening over those 2 months. Here are the ones that grabbed me.

Writer: Frank Tieri
Artist: Vicente Cifuentes
When Supergirl, Zatanna, and Jade went to Jessie Quick's baby shower, they didn't expect to be taken to another planet for a year, or to be attacked by Flashpoint Aquaman.

This is a riff on James Robinson's Justice League. This was the 'legacy' League with Dick Graysonas Batman, Superman, Jade, Donna Troy, and Jessie Quick. (It also had Congorilla and Starman.) So I will happily revisit this group. I miss all those characters.

Too bad we couldn't get Stering Gates or Robinson (currently at Marvel) to handle these issues. I guess one of these blondes is Kara and the other is Jessie.

I think I liked that run more than many. Kara was the muscle and her relationship with Batman was great. And Donna was just fierce.

Writer: Dan Jurgens
Artist Lee Weeks and Dan Jurgens/Norm Rapmund
Superman and Lois deal with the impending birth of their child as he is called in to protect the city.

Don't like Superman being with Diana? Wish he was still married to Lois? Wish Dan Jurgens was still on the super-books? Like Lee Weeks' art on the recent Sand Superman crossover in Futures End?

Well this book is for you! And for me! Huzzah!

Writer: Alisa Kwitney
Artist: Rick Leonardi and Mark Pennington
After a year in the dome, Stephanie Brown is not sure she wants to be Batgirl again. But when Flashpoint Catman attacks, Red Robin and Black Bat call her back into service.

I miss the Steph Brown Batgirl book so much. So I am happy to see that she is coming back albeit briefly. And Black Bat and Red Robin are there as well! Too fantastic.

Nothing against Alisa Kwitney but how can you do a Steph Brown Batgirl book and not have Bryan Q. Miller write it??

So despite snubbing my nose at the idea when it first was announced, DC has sprinkled enough old glory out there to make me interested.


27 Feb 08:25

Clean These Two Parts of Your Dishwasher to Keep it Running Smoothly

by Thorin Klosowski

Clean These Two Parts of Your Dishwasher to Keep it Running Smoothly

Over time, dishwashers stop cleaning as well as they used to and need a bit of a cleaning. The Kitchn points to two parts of your dishwasher, the trap and the seals, that might be in need of a little care.



05 Feb 05:21

Should I use a permissive license? Copyleft? Or something in the middle? The open source license you choose for your project, or for the projects you choose to contribute to, can have significant effects on how what you contribute is used.

30 Nov 02:51

Interview: ‘Lutris’ gaming platform

by RootGamer

This week RootGamer interviewed Mathieu Comandon, an open-source fanatic, software engineer and core developer of ‘Lutris‘. Lutris is an open gaming platform for GNU/Linux. It aims at supporting as many games as possible thanks to emulators and providing a simple and reliable experience when installing games.

rootgamer_say What is the motivation for you to develop ‘Lutris‘?

Mathieu:  Linux games have always been a bit troublesome to install and configure. Much more than Windows for example. I saw the need for a tool that would ease things up. I started Lutris when I abandoned the idea of contributing to PlayOnLinux. It’s a great project but wasn’t comfortable with the code base mixing bash and Python and I wanted a tool that would allow many more games than PoL does: Native games, Windows games, Playstation, Super Nintendo, Gamecube, arcade, Atari 2600 … If it can run on Linux, it should be supported by Lutris.

rootgamer_say  Do you develop Lutris all alone?

Mathieu:  The team is really small sadly. I’m the only core developer and there’s one regular contributor who helps testing things, improving the UI, giving feedback and all sort of useful things. Also, I was very pleased with the Arch Linux community: when I asked them to delete an obsolete package from their AUR repos, I got 2 new packages (stable and git) almost instantly. Since then a couple Arch users are staying on the IRC channel (#lutris on Freenode). These contributions are already awesome, but I’d really appreciate some help on the development, it feels a bit lonely right now


rootgamer_say  What features are you currently working on?

Mathieu:   I’m currently working on better integration with Steam. Things like switching from Steam Linux to Steam Wine, syncing your Steam library into Lutris and installing game data from Steam for games (such as Unreal Tournament, the Quake series, …) that are native but aren’t available on Steam Linux and providing usable installers. These features are almost ready and should be released soon. After that, I’ll be working on setting up Personal Game Archives where you can keep all the files required to install a game on a storage device you have under control, which would allow you to reinstall games on all of your machines. It’s like what Steam does but it doesn’t rely on any 3rd party service, not even This feature should also handle game saves.

rootgamer_say  Where do you see room for improvement??

Mathieu:  In the future, I’d like to have better controller support (there’s already xboxdrv support but it’s very experimental and doesn’t have a GUI). More game runners (emulators and any program that run games) support. Integration with the TOSEC database (ideally, lutris could provide support for every single game in the TOSEC database and there’s thousands of them). I also plan putting some social features such as adding a friends list (with chat) and the ability to organize multiplayer gaming events


rootgamer_say  What is your ultimate goal with Lutris?

Mathieu:  The ultimate goal is to provide support for every game ever released, as long as it can run on Linux. This often requires to patch some emulators that haven’t been updated in years. Lutris isn’t just about the GTK client and the website, it’s also about the game runners and maintaining them in a healthy state.

rootgamer_say  How may the community contribute the Lutris project?

Mathieu:  Like I said before, the contributions are made from a quite small number of people. However, that’s understandable because Lutris hasn’t yet reached the maturity of a tool such as PlayOnLinux. With the rise of gaming on Linux coming from Steam, the new features and more stability, I hope to see more and more people contributing. Most parts of Lutris are not very complicated and it’s written in Python, I think it’s quite easy to contribute to this project. It’s also possible to contribute by writing installers for games. The syntax is quite straight forward and uses the YAML formatting. Everything needed in order to write installers should be available on the website (on the new installer form) but if it’s not clear please notify me or use existing installers as an example. I plan adding a web UI to help creating installers, making this even easier.

Download Lutris

The game management tool ‘Lutris‘  is exclusive to Linux

Tools:  Lutris

The project combines the website, a Linux client and game runners which are provided by your distribution or by Lutris itself.

The project combines the website, a Linux client and game runners






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06 Nov 04:09

Avant Window Navigator Gets New Maintainer, Ubuntu 13.10 PPA

by (Andrew)
Avant Window Navigator is a dock / task manager for Linux founded by Neil J. Patel, who was later hired by Canonical to work on Unity.

Avant Window Navigator

A quick update for AWN fans: after several years of inactivity, Avant Window Navigator is maintained again thanks to Povilas Kanapickas, who took over the project recently.

The code was moved to GitHub and there are some bugs and broken plugins which Povilas Kanapickas is trying to fix, but the core functionality is usable.

New AWN GitHub repositories:

Unfortunately, AWN continues to depend on valac-0.12 which is obsolete, meaning that AWN won't make it in the official Ubuntu / Debian repositories unless it's ported to a newer valac version. However, you can install it in Ubuntu 13.10 by using the AWN Testing PPA (for Ubuntu 13.04 or 12.10 you can use the main WebUpd8 PPA; AWN is available in the official Ubuntu 12.04 repositories).

Install Avant Window Navigator in Ubuntu 13.10

To add the AWN testing PPA and install Avant Window Navigator in Ubuntu 13.10, use the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:awn-testing/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator

Thanks to Povilas Kanapickas for the info!
02 Nov 01:49

Elegant terminal backgrounds Glossy Lines 1.1 released with new variations

by razvi

Glossy Lines is a pack of pleasant enjoyable backgrounds created in mind with enriching the terminal, backgrounds aimed at being used as a background for the terminal.

Essentially, Glossy Lines contains optimized transparent images, images that, when used as a background for the terminal, add an instantly-noticeable gain in terms of look and eyecandy, increasing the terminal's level of beauty.

Glossy Lines has been updated to version 1.1, introducing new variations of the base background, adding new colors to the already-lovely pack of images, such as Aqua, Black, Orange, Pink, Red and Yellow, providing now a more wide range of colors and, therefore, covering more preferences and tastes.

Enabling the fancy images as a background for the terminal is to be achived by:

  • download Glossy Lines and unpack the archive
  • launch the terminal and navigate to Terminal-->Edit-->Profile Preferences-->Background
  • check Background image and select a preferred PNG image from the newly-unpacked 155654-Glossy Lines terminal background folder
  • adjust Shade transparent or image background to None

After unpacking the archive, the user is to notice the Source files folder, where the editable XCF files are located, permitting on-demand additional tweaks and customization.

29 Aug 01:40

Popular Mobile IM / VoIP App `Viber` Available For Linux

by (Andrew)
Viber is an application that sits somewhere between Skype and WhatsApp, which can be used to make free calls, send text messages, photos and video messages without having to register (all phone contacts that have installed Viber are listed as Viber contacts).

Initially, Viber was a mobile-only application but a few months ago, a desktop client has been released for OS X and Windows. Earlier this month, Viber Media Inc. has released Viber for Linux as a public beta. For now, there are only 64bit binaries available for download.

Viber Linux

On a first look, the Viber Linux client behaves pretty much like the mobile app: all your mobile contacts are displayed in the contacts list and you can text or call them and so on.

But there are some differences. Firstly, you can transfer ongoing calls from/to your phone: for instance, if you get a call on the desktop app, you can transfer the call to Viber on your mobile phone with a click. And secondly, the desktop application supports video calls (desktop to desktop only), a feature that's not yet available for the mobile app.

Viber for Linux features:
  • HD quality voice calls;
  • video calls (desktop to desktop only);
  • text, photo and sticker messages;
  • group conversations;
  • full sync between the mobile and Linux clients;
  • transfer ongoing calls between devices;
  • no registration or password required.

Download Viber for Linux (64bit only for now!)

To run Viber on Linux, extract the downloaded zip archive in your home folder, then run the following command to start Viber:

For feedback, see the Viber Linux Beta testers G+ community.

via Reddit
11 Jun 15:08

This showed up on my news feed today.

29 May 03:17

Still using Crunchbang

by duskfire
I haven’t put up a post in awhile so here’s what’s new: I still am using my old Gateway machine with Crunchbang, although since Waldorf is the current stable version of Crunchbang, I’m using mostly Debian Testing (Jessie), which is eventually going to become the new Crunchbang 12 codenamed Janice. Crunchbang uses Muppet names for […]
25 Apr 02:30

Superman At 75: Dan Jurgens Reflects On The Man of Steel

As Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's immortal superhero hits 75 years, CBR speaks to the man who once killed him as Dan Jurgens reflects on what makes Superman endure and what makes a great Superman story.
21 Apr 02:32

Ubuntu Touch's Clock, Weather and Calendar see new design concepts with the Suru style

by razvi

Since its public availability, Ubuntu Touch's look and feel have been described by a vast majority of users as beautiful, polished, innovative and modern.

The at-that-moment's mockups are currently undergoing a serious development phase rooted into a complete creation process, starting with designs generated by experienced Ubuntu designers (constantly iterating new and new incarnations) and progressively entering into the real-code arena.

The Ubuntu designer Michal Izydorczyk continues the captivating series of inquiries into the designs for Ubuntu Touch's core applications, thus adding an interesting article about new designs of Clock, Weather and Calendar.

Under the Suru design style, the "early stage" concepts show a definitely fancy, classy, neat pack of applications, taking Ubuntu Touch to a more refined, vibrant and elegant look.

Good-looking buttons, gradients, light elements, carved-like round areas please the eye and add to the touch-based Ubuntu extra visual enrichment.

11 Apr 15:52

April 09, 2013

One last reminder, and I think it'll be too late! We've only got about 50 tickets left for sale for BAH! Looks like it's going to be a packed house, so if you want in, we sincerely encourage you to buy online. We may have some tickets at the door, but I can't promise anything!
01 Apr 07:59

March 31, 2013

And, since I botched that link yesterday... Did I mention Michael's books are free for the next few days?
20 Mar 07:36

Pond Party

by ray

Pond Party